The Exeter Times, 1923-8-30, Page 3BLOOD 13 OKIE OUT IN and BOIL I F ' Summer Corriplalet is opei of the •most dangerous diseases of ohilch•ea dur- the hot Summer mouths, and not ouly o childrern but the old audethe young, the etroug and tho weak are all affected like, The attack may be slight or it maybe serious, but you can't tell. when it seizes yon Whether it will end fatally or not. Allow the profuse diarrhoea, the vomit- ing and purging to continue for a day or two and you will quickly become tweak and prostrated. Just as soon as there is a Sign, of the bowels becoming unduly leoecued up you should get a bottle of Di. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry and chock these unnatural movements and thus quiokly offeet the yomiting, purging end diarrhoea. • Mrs. S. Lafontaine, Great Desert, Ont., writese--"My baby, when a year old, was suffering, with Reininer coin - planet, Two dootors attended him, but nothing would stop the vomiting and diarrhoea. A friebd told me to try Dr, 'Fowler's Eetrect of Wild Strawberry and after the second doe the baby was better, and 1 can say it saved my baby's - life. I would not lee without a bottle in the house for untold gold. • It is the ' best remedy have ever heard of for • sumer coneplaffit." - Price 50o. a bottle; put up only by The T. Milburn Co., Linaited, Toronto, Ont. Fall Planting. There is such a rush of work in the spring that it is desirable to do any planting in the fall that can be done, with a reasonable chance of success, in order to relieve the pressure in the spring. Further, there are some plants which are more likely to succeed if planted in the fall. The spring is, how-e'Ver, the best time to plant trees which are above the snowline all winter and exposed to drying winds. They do not usually become sufficiently established before winter sets in" for them to take up moisture, the result being that a dry- ing out of the trunk begins, and by spring the trunk has become so dry that growth is prevented except from the lower part which is not a satis- factory condition sometimes; also, trees planted in the fall are heaved up to some extent and are then not in" the ground:deep enough; „and they do not do well afterwards, even suppos- ing they lives In the mildest parts of Canada, such as in the coast climate of British Columbia, trees can be planted successfully in the fall, and in some seasons they, can be planted quite satisfactorily in other parts of Canada in the fall, but, taldng one year with another, it is safer to plant in spring. In the case of bush fruits, such as currants and gooseberries, which be- gin growth early in the spring, it is much better to plant them in the fall. IS they can be obtained during the lat- ter part of September that would be the hest time to plant. Raspberries may be planted with about equal success in fall or spring, but the advantage of fall planting is that, should any of the plants die, they can be replaced in good time in the spring, so saving a season; where- as if the main planting is delayed until spring it will be too late to re- plant that spring when it becomes known which are dead. If strawberries are planted in the fall it should be early in September, SO that they will become well rooted before winter. It would be advisable, however, to use pot plants and plant in August; then one might get some fruit the following spring. But early in the spring is the ideal time to plant strawberries, as the few fruits which are obtainable from fall set plants make planting them hardly worth while. Spring is the proper time to plant ornamental trees and shrubs; al- though, as it will not matter much if the branches of shrubs are killed back at first, should the fall be found more convenient they can be planted quite satisfactorily then. There would be the same objection to plaiting mental trees in the fall as with fruit HAD A WEAK HEART FOR TfltIEE IfEhRS 0 VERY NERVOUS Miss ,feeeie Peterson, Zealeedia, Seek.,writee;-"I wish to let you know • . ow muei nod Milburn's ilenrt and e Nerve Pine flave done for me, ' For nearly three years I was very bad- ly run down, had a weak heart, and was so nervous Seat sometimes .1 would al - meet faint away, I heard of many Seople who had re- . cernicemied your fleart and Nerve Mlle, I so 1 deeided to give them a trial After , I had used two boxes I found (hey had done me, good, and niter having taken ; five boxes 1 wafi `•OrDpletely relieved. ; cen not reeommend your Pills etough, arid' 1 wOuld advise anymie having a, NIttati.7 heitr t Or troubled with it (it'V011Sn CiS3 to Witt them" • • IVIllbern'e H :S• N., Pills are 50e. a box. at all deellere, or mailed direct on receipt, of price by The T. Milburn CA.1 timitod, Toeonto Ont. THE BACON 110Q IN PRESENT -f h Assume, DAY DAIRY PARIVIING. The prevail ng low pikes of dairy produets make it imperative that the dairy farmer dispose of his produce in such o. manner that the maximum re, turn will be ,forthcoming. Although the cest of milk production has ma- terially decreased within the last tvvo years, the market for whole milk, which has also decreased, is still in- capable of absorbing this milk at a figure thet will net the producer a reasonable profit, more particularly when the millc, in order to reach its market, nest be shipped considerable distances. The dairy farmer who is so located where he can cater to a city's whole milk trade is in a better position to solve the difficulty than one at a con- siderable distance from such a market. Under thelatter circumstances, cream can be more profitably disposed of than whole milk. On the other hand, separated or skim -milk has a very high feeding value for live stock, par- ticularly for the feeding of hogs, and ' can be used very profitably for this purpose. It is frequently stated that .approxi- mately 5 pounds of meal are required to produce a pound of pork with hogs finishing about 220 pounds in weight. For hogs finishing at -180 pounds, the meal required should not exceed 4% pounds, while hogs around 150 pounds should not need more than 4 pounds of meal 'per pound of gain, these figures being averages, when no milk products are fed. It has been found that the feed cost for a ten -weeks -old pig during the last year averaged about $3.08. As- suming that this pig weighs 40 pounds, and in order to reach market wdight it must gain 140 pounds, and also assuming that this hog will con- sume an average of 4.5 pounds of meal per ppund of gain, this meal costing $30 per ton, the hog will then cost $12.53 when 180 pounds in weight. It has been repeatedly demonstrated that the addition of skim -milli: to a meal ration reduces the meal consump- tion per pound of gain. An experi- ment recently completed at the Cen- tral Experimental Farm demonstrated that in a ration in which skim -milk and meal were fed„ the feed required to produce a pound of gain averaged 2 pounds of meal and 4.8' pounds of skim -milk, with hogs averaging 125 pun s , ing that without ht1k these"' hogs would have consumed 4 pounds of meal for eetcli pound of gain, it may be concluded '.hAZ the 4:.8 pounds of skim -milk eftfected a saving of w pounds of meal. With skin -I -milk worth 20 cents per hundred and enbal worth $30 per ton, a pound of gam would show a feed cost of $.'90 cents as com- pared with 6 Cents far a etraight meal ration, the milk thus 'effecting a- SAY- ing of $2,04 per hundred of pork. Another teat conducted for a Period of 90 days with 17 Yorkshire hogs, which averaged 170 pounds live weight at the end of the test, showed an average Meal consumption of 2.5 pounds and a milk consmnption of 4,87 pounds per pound of, gain. Comparing these feeds on the same cost basis;eit is found that these gains would cost 4.72 cents per pound of -gain as com- pared with 6,75 cents for a straight meal ration. The hogs on this test were about three months of age when placed on the test, while in the former test the 'hogs were fully a month younger. A further test with Berkshire hogs (5) fed from weaning to the tirne they attained 175 pounds in weight -a per- iod of 153 days -showed an average feed constenption of 1.6 pounds of meal and 5.4 pounds of milk per pound of gain, this ration costing 3.5 cents per pound of gain, which is exception- ally low. It may be deduced from these tests that milk products lower meal con- sumption- that when fed to bacon type hogs, milk products ensure a select finished product, other things being equal, and that, particularly for young pigs, milk products are in- valuable. While these tests are valuable'es an indication of what can be done with skim -milk and milk products in the production of bacon, the sure criterion of profit lies in the ability of the sow to farrow and raise a large number of pigs to six or eight weeks of age. The utilization of dairy products for such a purpose would seem to offer a practical solution for the marketing of these products as well as deflecting the whole Milk into another channel, and thereby permitting of further de- velopment cif the dairyindustry with- aut fear of the Markets bedoming con- gested and resulting in a still further drop in prices. trees. Conifer S should not be plantedl in the fall. Roses may be planted quite succees- fully in the fall, but, considering the fact that so many rosebushes are kill- ed outright each winter, especially in Eastern Canada, it seems scarcely worth while to buy plants and then to take this risk of losing them. It is important, however, to have rose plants on hand to set out at the first 'opportnnity in spring, in order that they might be well established before hot weather. The fall is the best time to plant most herbaceous perennials, and the earlier these can be set out after the soil is likely to remain moist, the stronger plants they will make and the greater display of bloom there should be from them the following season. The paeony should be planted in September if possible. Getting Rid of the Loafing Hen. I3Y C. S. PLATT. In every flock, regardless of the age of the birds, there are some each year that quit laying during the summer, and will not begin until late the next winter. These hens can never make up the loss completely, and the good man- ager weeds them met as soon as they become unprofitable. Several years ago I attended a poul- try demonstration on culling. That evening I piked over my eighty-six hens and took out twenty-six that I thought were through laying for the season. This was in the latter part of August. Inasmuch as I was a little skeptical, I placed these twenty-six birds in another coop and kept them for a month longer. I got more eggs by citing -During August I had received sixty-one dozen • AND NOT HAVE profit to the simple fact that I had not been feeding loafers. In order to get the best results from culling, start about July 1. At that time all hens that are molting, and all that show yellow legs (the latter ap- plies more to the Leghorns than it does to American breeds. -Editor) should be carefully picked out and ex- amined to see whether or not they are laying. How to pick out loafers -To deter- mine this, note the distance between the pelvic bones and the condition of the vent. The pelvic bones lie on each side of the vent, and a hen in high production •naturally spreads these apart. The best means of measuring the distance is by using the fingers. If two or more fingers can be placed side by side between these bones thel i bird is probably still, laying. if in doubt, examine the vent, The, vent of a laying bird is large, white and, moist, while that of a non -layer is yel- low, small, dry and wrinkled. In all culling work the age of the, bird should not be considered. Any bird that is layingein November can be profitably kept over the winter, re- gardless of her age. One should have very little trouble in judging his flock on the above- mentioned points. All non -layers should be sold immediately, and if this culling is done once a month, from, July 1 to October 1, the poor birds will be practically weeded out. The re- maining birds will be profitable birds for anather year. susVso.f 8N-1a0z.aWreltiho..aritt thou s J. e.su/sawinhod-see- moreover that he enjoyed the privi- - Mies Ireee A. Matthews, Stayner, 'Ont., eviitee:-"S thought I would write and tell yoe of the experience and beatifit I have derived from Burdock Blood Bitters. • . •• Some few months ago I was troubled, with-bad:blood which larolce out on my face, in the nature of pimples, bells and di'idign'IovatrinleWandevhilitgtootd5oa, bad "allY •,was.,aahamed, to go anywhere, an,d the itelnag, 'and burning caused such a • terrible eenzatiOn I could get no relief day or night, • 011S -d'43? a friend advised me to uee Berclaak' Blood' Bitters treed one ebottlrxd f alt quite a rehei, and by the ,eime-I•lia&taken 3 bottles I was com- pletelyeelieved. , I. cermet', praise B.13.13, enough and hopeeanyone afflicted. like I was will get- theesame benefit I received." ,Burdeek .131eod Bit,ters is mannfee- terech oely- by The T. Milburn Co, • Limeted: ,ror,outo, Ont. , " HOGS • I have never seen a more practical, effective, and at the same time econ- omical farrowing outfit, especially for the hog raiser who has ,not more than a dozen or fifteen sows than that used by a young Hampshire breed& in Indiane, A dozen individual houses; a strip of concrete 12 feet wide and 70 -odd ;feet 'long, and panels is all there', is to .it, • The total cost was less than $300. For sthe spring farrowing season ;the hauses are arranged end to end along the noeth side of the strip of conceete. There is no projection to the roof at the ends of the housee. They cen be butted riglit up againet each. other. Straw and manure are piled up along the north: side, making a snug, warm place for the sowe and pigs on cold March days. • The houses are rectangular, with gable roof, the long slope to the back of the houise and a shorter, sleeper erre to the front. Both front and rear sections of the roof can be lifted, It is convenient to work around: the SoWs at farrowing time, and the .sun shines into the lionses on the nice days. After the louses eire placed along the concrete; the panels are set up, dividing 'the strip of concrete into twelve open lots that are 6x12 feet The panels are held in place by slip- ping them between the houses, and tacking each panel to the house to prii- vent the sows from working it out. The other ends are fastened with the farmer's friend -baling wire. "I used different outfits for farrow- ing quarters, bit this is the best one of all," Said Mr, Gardner, "I had 12 sows that farrowed 110 pigs last spring, and 1 still have 95 pigs, al- though the pigs came in early March, when the weather was cold and rainy. "It is easy to keep this outfit clean and sanitary. The only part of it „can t move to the fields for the fall farrowing season is the concrete. I move the houses out to fresh pastures in the spring, as soon as the pigs get a good start.' • Politics and public good ought to be synonymous, but too often they are opposites. e Sunday School Lesson SEPTEMBER 2 Pa.id the Apostle. Acts 7: 54 to 8: 3; 9: 1-31; 11: 25-30; .13 to 28- Phil. 3:4-14. Golden Text -I press on to- ward the mark for the pr ize of the high calling of God • in Christ Jesus. -Phil. 3: 14. LEsSeN rorcivoae-This, week we of Christ. The knowledge of which study the life of Paul. Paul is, after -Paul speaks is .the knowledge of the Christgthe most conspiciums figure in , heart rather than that of the mind. the ,New Testament. ,It wee the great; Count . . but dung. Paul does not achievement of Paul to lead Christian -I seek to strike a balance between his ity eto •a• world-wide adventure. Paul losses for Christ and his gains in was ledby his experiences to so under- • Christ. His Josses are not worth count - stand Christ as to see that he was the ing. They are like things cast on the rubbish pile. Vs.. 9-11. Be found in him, . . right- • eousness which, is of God. At death, Paul wishes to ;posseSs, not the right- eousness which comes through seek- . ine to keep the law in one's own 2: 3 6-10strength, but the righteousness which comes through the power of God in his V. 8. / am verity a man . . a Jew. heart, for which power faith opens the Paul -speaks these words in Jerusalem, door of the heart. Know him . . corn- corne for the fifth and eformab/e unto his death, . . attain last time, after the third Missionary !unto the resurrection. Paul desires to journey. Friends in Ephesus, Tyre; share in the sufferings of Christ, so and Caesaree had tried to dissuade that his death would conform in spirit to Christ's death and that so in turn he might share in the power of Christ's resurrection. Vs. 12-14. Not as though I had al - temple by taking Gentiles into it, stir- ready attained. Paul has net yet red the people to violence against him, reached all his desires. I follow after . . from whom Paul was rescued by the that I may apprehend; but he Roman soldiers. Paul speaks hie seeks to attain what has not yet been words of defence from the stairs of attained. He seeks to lay hold on it the castle. His first words declare as a prize, just as Christ had laid hold that he is a Jew, for he had been mis- on him for this end. One thing . . taken by some for a foreign desper- forgetting . . reaching forth . . press ado, Acts 21: 38. Born in Tarsus. toward the mark. A high call has Tarsus was the capital city of Cilicia come to Paul from God, through in Asia Minor, a great commercial Christ. To answer his call is the su- and university centre. It was part of Preme desire of Paul. So, like a runner in the race, he never looks Paul's training, as apostle of the Gen - back nor thinks back, but thinks only . • tiles, that he had lived in a great Gen- . e y. Brouqht up . . at the feet of Gamaliel. At the fitting age, he had come to Jerusalem to be educated by the great Gamaliel. We get a glimpse of Garnaliel in Acts 5: 34. Taught according to the perfect man- ner; and therefore was not likely to be guilty of doing dishonor to the Temple. le6., 7. It carne to pass, that, as I made my journey: Paul, having de- clared himself a Jew, now proceeds to tell how he became a Christian on the way to Damascus as a persecutor. There shone . . a great light. Even at noon, when the sun was at its height, this greater light came. Heard a voice. The original words make it clear that Paul heard words, while his companions heard only a sound without hearing the words. Saul, Saul. They were words, not of anger, but of loving reproach. , light�f the world, and to so under- stand the world as :to see that its deepest teed was for that light. His Whole' life was 'dedicated to bringiag Christ:, and the world together. ' . • L 110,w PATJL FOUNDc1-IRIsT, ACTs him from this • journey, while Agabus, the prophet, had said his going would mean imprisonment to him, Acts 21: 11. But Paul would not be persuaded. A false charge of having polluted the of the goal to be reached and the prize to be won. These words show the dauntless spirit and quenchless hope of Paul. He is Paul the aged and Paul the prisoner. But his spirit is as eager as ever in the service of his Master. APPLICATION. Paul, the Tarsian. The pre -Chris- tian days of Paul are full of interest for us. No man leaves all his past behind him. The interests of the earlier period have a modifying effect on all subsequent experience. Paul, the Christian apostle, seems, and is, a very different person from Paul, the Pharisee; and yet it is possible to un- duly minimize'the things that are com- mon to both ptriods. We can be sure that it was not only as a Christian missionary, under obligation to de- fend himself, that lie was glad and proud to remember and tell of his status as a citizen of Tarsus, and SIGHTS AT EXHIBITION SOQ ,ItIft6 properly rnoutated with .TOetson • Sights, In Soortil Building, or send for Catalogue. • Wateon Gun skim co.,. 381 Viotbria St, Toro , • Messiahship and resurrection 13aul had denied. Whom thou per,secutest. The Age again, neentaear emancipa_ leges and immunities of a Roman citi- persecution of the disciples of Jesus tion of thought there waS when lie was a- persecu roe 0 esus miss • 'neard the Gospel mid learned the truth, Ot s N ce 'To Eat .W1 t hall'l "clo? These are -the word ta, s s of Christ, here can be no doubt that 7 ' of surrender. His proud -will has been weee he earlier learned at the feet a Anything You Like eggs from- the eighty-six hens, or about eig•lit eggs per bird. During September I -received forty-two dozen from my sixty good, birds, et. again about eight eggs per hen. From my twenty-six culled I received four dozen eggs, -oe'-less that: two eggs per bird, in September, and I noticed that these were laid by only a few individuals. I was so impressed by the practical possibilities of the proposition that I resolved then and there to practice 61101'014h culling the next year, which I did. , i'mfits per bird increased -My flock the next year eonsisted ol' over 800 birds, lied my summer egg pieduction wee increased a.pproXimately 15 per ' lent. per individual. My profits, per: hird, from June to November', emourite esi to srety cents more per bird than ' they had even been before, and as the priers were about the same dering, that season as they had been nrovious-1 Iv gave all credit for the incree,se in) ,0 t th 7 In the 'case of heartburn there is a mewing and burning pain in the stom- ach atterided by a disturbed, appetite, aaused by the ger:tend acidit,yaris when reo much food is taken it is liable to ferment and become extremely sour, vomiting occurs, and what is thrown up Is sometimes sour and bitter. • Mr. Joseph II. MacDonald, Christ- • mas Island, N.S., writes:--" Two years ago I suffered all the time from heart- burn. I took one vial of Milburn's Laxa- Liver Pills and heve never beep troubled since. It is very nice to be able to eat any- I thing you like and not have heartburn i ; any more I • ,Milburn's Laxa-Liver are 25a a' vial at all dealers, or mailed direet on receipt of price byT1ie 'TS Milburn Go., 1 Limited, Torento, Ont. broken by love. His hard heart has ee reat R bbi G 1' 1 ' been melted. Go into Damascus . • his doctrine. It shall be told the. The persecutor , Paulthe Chiiwa stian. Paul s al enters Dareastus led by the hand. great ch,ri.atiart Everything else II. Ito w PatiP sERvED cgRisT, ePdS/Ihseis ntolinhanteiv:e Theiact.lovCehoristfChwraisst everything ie coiinum,til:ses jostIn:a. r7k-14h. d i•eceiv seems subordinate' to this great deter - 1 d 1 urged and impelled him to. all . a Vs. 7, 8.,T1 s passage ie.taken from that heroic missionary life of piiva- a letter written by Pauli a prisoner in tion Sind peril. 11 orne, o eCh rist ' i in n Paul -has no honor and no friend but acknoevledeseent of their kindness in Christ. Christ was to him both Sav- sending a gift to him. Among other Jour. and Lord. "I live; yet not I; but things he werns them against teachers Cluest liveth in me: and the life which who .would make Judaisin greeter I eoef live in the flesh I live by the than Christiaaity. What, things were faith of the Son of God, who loved me, gain . • counte,d loss. As a Jew, Paul and gave himself for me." Gal. 2: 20. had all these things which the false "For to me to live is Christ." Phil 1. teaehers eounted important -he Was 21. In his lettere he likes to' introduce a Hebrew of the Hebrews, a Pharieee, himself as the servant,the slave of he was zealous unto Persecution, he Jesus Cliriet. In all this he is an in_ was blameless in his observance of seizing example to modern Christians. the law; but when he earne to Christ,' Personal loyalty to Christ -this was all these things, on which he prided the outstanding fact in Paul's life, hiniself, were as nothing. All things (See 2 Cor. 5; 140.5.) It may be that . . loss; not only the things of his sometimes this important aspect of pest, li-Ce, but anything in his present Christian life has degenerated, and life in which he might glory, wore also become too sentimental, but in the counted lees. For the excellency of manly, wholesome, reverent, passion - the Snore/edge of Christ; for the see ate devetioe of Paul is to be faired the premo worth of all these things that secret of hisenarvelous power and the h h d leturned in Chin t d e a s an learnedchutes reat need to 1 Beauty is only skin deep - Keep the skin clean, fresh and beautiful with Lifebuoy. The smooth creamy lather of Lifebuoy wakens up the skin. Lifebuoy, makes soft white hands -to Fresh, wholesome bodies. Lifebuoy's health odour is delightful. THE LAWN --- A FOUNDATION FOR THE LANDSCAPE SCHEME By F. H. Presa.nt, Department of Horticulture, Ontario Agricultural College No other part of a landscape and strengthen the growth of the de - scheme is so much a feature as the sirable grasses while tending to keep lawn. It is the foundation, as it were, down weeds. upon which the scheme is built and its Once the lawn is established, it must importance is first, last and always. still be cared for and to properly However well executed the rest of the maintain it -the 'following things rnust plan may be, unless the lawn is well all be considered: made, well cared for and well arrang- 1. Weeding -A weedy lawn le un - ed the whole scheme loses some of its 'desirable; dainielions and plantains effectiveness, often too much. Good lawns do not just happen; they are made and developed and yet with very little trouble often they can be brought about. Where horseqeower are usually the most troublesorse weeds. Beth may he spudded out, or for dandelions an effective treatment has proven to be a 25 per cent. sole: - dada *terisron sulphate applied in three and farm implements are available applications during August or Septeme lawn -making can be easily handled by ber. The grass does not appear to be just applying the same principles as injtired and the dandelions are very would be used in making a small lawn noticeably -reduced. by hand work. Drainage is necessary but in many cases is cared for by the natural slope of the ground or the type of soil, for usually the house site has been chosen on well -drained land. Preparation of the land by plowing, harrowing, grad- ing and rolling, etc., follows. And to fill in any weak spots and to here a point should be strongly em- steengthen the whole lawn surface. phasized: It is that care must be 3. tTse of Manure and Fertilizer - taken to remove all stones, sticks and After a dry summer it is often par. rubbish before preparation is coin- ticularly desirable to use an applica- pleted. In regard to grading, where tion of manure in the fall. The best the lawn is large and not desired per- form to apply this dressing is as corn- fectlY level, the natural contours of post or very well -rotted, short manure. the land may be followed more or less. Weed seeds are to a great extent Long, swelling, easy lines of grade are eliminated, the appearance is not so desired where space admits, although unsightly and it is not hard to clean in general a level effect is maintained. up in the spring after such a dressing. When the grading has been accom- • In the spring, frequently, about 100 plished and the seed bed put in the lbs. of nitrate of soda per acre is used very finest possible condition -by culti- just when growth is first starting. vation and, if the land should be poor, This may be followed in two weeks 10 to 15 tons per acre of well -rotted by another application and a month manure plowed under or a good le- later by a third. But if for the sec- gurninous cover crop plowed in will end application, or it rnight be corn - help bring this about, it is ready for bined with the first, some such fertil- izer as tankage or fish meal were used it would come into availability over a always a variety of opinion expressed. 1 long period and as the grass plants Almost any time would be all right, needed it. provided the proper conditions of 4. Rolling -At least each spring moisture and temperature could be ob- rolling should be practiced, when the tabled. The spring offers the best igreorunadlsois, suni s time for this temperature -moisture u 11 relation and is usually tho best time rgoriubusg duringareboh bothering summerngtliegwith grass roots toeo sow lawn grass seed. Success ili; often attained through summer or fall heavy roller on moist ground tend to seeding or sowing just before the first control this pest to quite an extent.. 5. Watering-Facilitiea for water- ing are often not available but during very dry seasons if the lawn could have just a very few good soakings It would be able to come through the make your own mixture. Remember season in good shape and to do this even under difficulties would often that those grasses with underground stems are best as they Spread quickly, 4,P;aY f°1- one who appreciates a beau - are tenacious and succeed on a great -I'll lawn' variety of soils, Of these, Red Top (Agrostis alba) and Kentucky Blue (Pon pratensis) are about the best for , general purposes. The following mix- ture, including English Rye Grass which lends quality, and White Clover -the latter may or may not be used according to your own desire ---3 re- commended. • Amount per acre: Kee- tuck3r 13111e Grass, 80 Base Red Top Grass, 20 lbs.; English Rye Grass, 10 lbs.; White Clover, 2 lbs. After sow- ing, tho grass seed should be lightly covered. In the case of smell lawns a fine-toothed relce is very effective for this. Rolling after seeding is a de- batable point, let your awn farming practices guide you le this matter. • 'When the grass has reached 4 to 5 inches in height it should be cut with a scythe, If a lawn mower is used It must be voi-y tharp. Weekly cut- tings in moist darep weather Should follow, as frequent cuttings thickeid 2. Renewal of Bare Spots and Re- seeding -If bare spots should occur on the lawn fill them in with good fertile soil and re -seed. Likewise it is often necessary and desirable to apply new seed at intervals over the whole lawn, giving a crop of new and fresh plants seeding. Now, as to time of seeding, there is snow in the fall. Careful work is needed in sowing the seed so as to get an even and sufficient distribution of the seed. For a good lawn grass seed you can A l'RE.ATt5Z THE HORSE Got thia book! Yon eitorittl AtThr.71 bo wltitout 11.. i °debt 7ou nothing 1 it you otvit horeog, lt Can eavo )7010 • ,(4191° b0 • 11:161.- tronttgo 00 tto horFe",-10 Years fori the making, As your drilgirtob'o. The horse land all ahont his (booties --how to ioeognifie them -obit( to se ebeet raveneerete Ompt.6rs AP'Irrilidtv;° oni:IT°1(nr1 r!°.fitnaltill'r 41•1"na":30111,"y' en): :r":le :41 nei tin the Horse" or Write lig etbioot-. 13 ' Dr: a. J. KENDALL. CO Enotibera rail, Vt. U.S.A.