The Exeter Times, 1923-8-30, Page 1411111111111111111 ts. FIFTY1FIRST, YEAR Na. 255G T. I WGIJST 39th. 1923 ,l, ll.l�uoinAi ilIilllllllllilllllllllllilll m Aliillllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllloo tlllllllll ll s • �., � � d 11�111�111�t111(illlQtrtl(tllllll.,w„ SIMON Iagoomo airman 4901.111110. • Great Clearing Sale o Ginghams We wish to clear out our entire stock of Ginghams, inside the next two weeks. In order to do so we offer greatly reduced pai ces on all ging hams. These are divided into three lots. ' Lot No. 1—Good quality Canadian Ginghams, ..27 inches wide, in a large range of colors and patterns to clear at 22c a yard. Lot No, 2—Good quality Canadian Ginghams, 32: inches wide, regularly 35c and 40c in checks and plaid colors to clear at 29c. a yard. Lot No, 3—Anderson's celebrated Scotch-Ging"u•"erns 32 and 36 inches wide all the new colorings in checks 'and plain colors regularly 45c and 50c a yard, all at one clearing price 39c a yard.' Get your supply early Pure Linen Towellirig 25c. aad r. 500 yds of real good quality pure linen toweIling,: suitable for roller and dish towels. Get a good supply at this price only 25c a yard. Clearing of Ladies' Voile Blouses All Ladies' Voile Blouses must go so we offer our entire stock of these lines at real bargain prices, many half and less than half regular prices at 98c, $1,95 and $2"95. Clearing � of Ladies' Silk and Silklk Wool Sweaters We place on sale at greatly reduced prices all Silk and, Silk and wool sweaters in Tuxedo and Pull -Over styles" We have a nice range of colors and styles at greatly reduced prices. Ladies' and VI,lsses' Fall and Winter Coats Don't forget the Fall and Winte r Coats are here. New Styles, New Cloths, New Colors, Prices much•lower than last seasons. ' Call early and look them over: We also have a nice range of Coats for Girls. Get Ready for School Extra Values in Boys': School Suits—Odd Bloomers—Khaki Bloomers—Running Shoes- Fine Black or Brown Leather Shoes—Caps Sweaters .etc. Growing Girls Slippers for School Buy Slippers that will wear, reliable makes. We' are . offering ,big values izr: .,,, both Oa��r S and, Strap Slippers in Patent,Brownor Flack, all Statxiped'212aies` $ n75 and- $4'.50. THIS ;STORE WILL • CLOSE' AT 12; O'CLOCK NOON, EACH WEDNES- DAY DURING AUGUST.:: ,.= PHONE 32 ones PHONE -32 917 +PJW,T PLOWER SHOW VAS GRAND SUCCESS Amazenre t eats w •' u trt � to On the e d faces s t n an tts� r � ltozs asthey beheld the beautiful array of flowers which, = weregathered in the basement of the Public zc, Lrb azY o t Friday and d Satur- day last fer the first flower show of the Exeter horticultural Society. Considering the dry summer the:ex- hibit suzi)aased the expectations of themost optimistic. Many were sur- prised that such magnificent flowers Were being grown in 'Exeter. The most outstanding exhibits were the Zinnias (Exeter's civic•flower > and the gladioli. One long table, 'the length of•tt e`b building was filled with Zinnias of all colors and varieties, some, of the . newer varieties, the crested and ,quilled, being very at- tractive, The Judge, Mr. W. liar - try, 'of, Seaforth, stated that it was the :best dismay'lie had ever seen. The ,gladoli exhibit was a beauty and was of outstanding merit. Some very excellent specimens were among the lot. Most of ,the flowers were named varieties and for new begin- ners,••who have just started to take an interest flit growing "Glads," the exhibition was a real education. ilr. Hartry had on exhibition a very fine collection of "Glads" seine of which had been entered in the Guelph show. In the other classes there was a good showing and a keen interest was manifested. A large number of people' visited the show' and quite a few were present from the neighboring villages. It was felt that 'one result of the show would be to stimulate interest in flowers for an- other season. ONIONY W ain Yawn Mime YRI▪ asmi IMMO AMINO One of the outstanding feature, ®- in connection ',with the flower show „y 1 was the special prize by Mr. John W. w Taylor: for the most attractive resi- ,� dential 'property" Six. entries were made and the competition was keen. The prize wae awarded to Dr. G. F. Roulston. Dr, Roulston has become an enthusiast •b.oz•ticulturist and his back yard and garden is a veritable beauty spot, it being well laid out and las,a profusion 'of bloom from = . early, spring until late inthe fall- '-' The fallatviii,g is the .Dist of prize evinavers ;- Rest 'arrar>igedand kept Residenti.ar• Grauncds-special by hfr. John W. Tay= lor--Dr. G. F. Roulston. Best spike of Gladiolus named -spec - :Tat by J S H:t1 vey-Willis Powell: Annuals-•. ft1't Ada, Andres i'Ji-, W. I-1. Dearing, Mrs. Thos. Dinney. Asters, display -D, Rowcliffe, Dr. G. F. Roulston. Asters, white -Dr. ,G. F. Roulston. ramp ��Il11lQIQIIIQaIIIQIIIIIIlIlli!lllllllQlllllllllllllllllllllalllNl�lIIQQQI�QIBQIiQiQ14i1Q1�#I��IIAQQQQIrIfINIIQI�N�tllllllQlllllllllllllllillillilll `�' BY USING Lowe Bros. High Grade Stand- ard Paints and Varnishes e d. Ra Mixed Pei �t ns 1.40�t < 5 � (y , 2.65 half gallon and $5.00 a gallon Why P.y More ik1 A/ 0 rtdtpI214lA1. /. al • e�• c)tcll Irita, MOTOR OIL POLARINE'31YIOTOR OILS T'nQ95c. per gallon440 MOBILOILS GARGOYLE A and Arctic $1.25 per gal. ASK' FOR OUR BBL, PRICES THRESHING • SUPPLIES at right prices Goodyear Rubber Belting. 1r/2f lir 3„ 4" 5„ & 6r) Prices quoted on endless Belts Goodyearite Packing Reel Steam Packing White Steam Packing Globe Valves, .Angle 'Valves, Check Valves Belt Dressing 50e per -Stick Lace .Leather in ,Sides Lae Leather Cut. $1„75per lb $2. i' per BORN BROWN—At Dr. llyndinan's Hospit- al,. Exeter,' on Tuesday, August 21st,` to Mr, and Mrs, Clinton Brown, (nee Queenie Hodgins,) a son, (Wallace LeRoy.), PENHALE—In Exeter, on Thursday August 23td, to Mr. and Mrs. Lu- ther Penhale, a daughter. HEYWOOD—In Exeter, on Friday, August 24th, to Mr. and 1VIrs. Gor- don Heywood, a son. GREIB—In Hay Tp., on Saturday, ' August 25th, to Mr, and Mrs. John Greib, a son. ENGAGEMENT Mr, . and Mrs" Samuel Parsons an- nounce the engagement of their sec- ond daughter, Corsina Olive, to Mr. William E. Gardiner, son of Mr" and Mrs" M. E. Gardiner, of town. The marriage to take place in September. The following announcements ap- peared in the Toronto Globe on Sat- urday;, Mr. and•Mrs. J. Ed. Wacker, Tor- onto, announce the. engagement of their daughter,' Oneida Cora, to Mr. R B, Walker, son:of ,Mr, and 'Mrs, Wm.. Walker, Eketer, the marriage to take place the first week in Septem- be'r, Mr•. and Mrs,' Adam Case Exeter Ont., announce the engagement of their second daughter, Ada Belle, to Mr Elgin' W. ltowcliffe, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Rowcliffe, Hensall, Ont„ the, marriage to take place early in September. GO WITH THE CROWDS To Goderich Pall Fair next week Wed., Thurs. and Friday, Sept, 5th, 6th and 7th. Increased prize list $900 in purses for races Thursday and Friday, 2:20, Farmers' Trot 2:30 and 2:12 classes: Goderich' mar tifactu •ors are plating on a fine exhibit of nurse` in Goderich goods ,n z main building, which it will he worth going . a long way, to see Large midway, including side shows and riding devices, on the grounds. stars, A t , six distinct. calors -Dr. G. F. Roulston, Frank Shelere. Coxcomb -Thos. Harvey, G. S How- ard, Dahlias, 4 named varieties --:Miss Ada Andrew, Airs." l-Iaxiddris. Dianthus, Display -Jas, Harvey, ret Rowe. Gladioli, collection -Jos. Harvey, D. Rawcliffe, W. Powell: Gladioli white or yellowy -Jos. Har- vey, W. F. Abbott. Gladioli, pink or red -jos. Harvey, Thos.:Harvey, 5, M. Southcott,. Gladioli,, any named variety -Jos. Harvey, W. Powell, Marigolds, display; African -Dr. G. F. Roulston, 5, G. Stanbury, W. H. Dearing: Marigolds, display, French -Miss Ada Andrew W. H. Dearing, W. F. Ab- bott, , Pansies, display -Jos, Harvey, Mrs. David Mack. Petunias, display -Da. G. F. Roulst:on,. MVfiss Nellie Medd. - Fhlox, Display-D.r. Roalston, Thi. H Dearing. Roses; Display -Jos. Harvey, Mrs. David Mack, Wm. Ward, Scrap .Dragon, display -Jos- . Harvey, W. H. iDearin,g, Sweet Peas, display -J- Pedlar, W, I-1. Dearing.. - Sweet Peas, .bouquet-M•rs. lite- Phees on. Verbena, display-W.'H. Dearing. Zinnias, display -Jos. Harvey,Mrs. David Mack, G. S,. Howard. Zinnias, Giant -I. R., Carling, Miss Ada Andrew. Zinnias, Dahlia: Flower -I. R. Car- ling, Mrs: Thos, Din,uey, Zinnia; Quilled or Crested G. S. Howard, J G. Stanbury. Basket of Cut Flowers -W. H. Dear- ,Mrs. W. G. Medd.' Table Bouquet -Thos b Harvey, Mrs, David Mack. Novelty -I. R. Carling, C. F.Hooper` Begoraa,Tuberous-W H. Dearing; Begonia, any other kind -Miss Ada Andrew, G S. Howard. ;Ferzr-Dr. Roulston, Mrs. Skinner, Foliage Plant -Mrs, Skinner ,MVtiss Ada Andrew, Hanging Basket -Frank Sheere. The riz$ money is Prow ready and P Y may be had by calling at the office of Gladinan. & Stanbury, An auto accident occurred on Main St, in front of the Bank of Commerce Monday. evening. Verne Pincoinbe was driving south, and Fred Kading was going north, when the attention of the former was attracted by some people on the sidewalk, and the front wheel of his car struck the running board of I(ading's car, Pincombe's car was turned at right angles. The right hind wheel was smashed and the car was otherwise daniaged, Nei- ther- party was travelling fast and both escaped iluhurt, ' EXETER COUNCIL Aiondty Zt,ire itg, August 27, 1923 A regular 'session: of the municipal council with allmembers present.t.The mliautes of the nieleti+n,g held ,A.ugurst 13t1, together with those, of a special meeting held August 18th, were read andpp a r9eii v. The following accounts were duly y passed, -Th e Ross -Taylor Co., 'umher supplies 46,09; W. J. H•eaman, ^upplies 6.15; Cochrane Mach • Works, re Pairs 4.75; F. W. Barden, repairs "to cemetery house 6,0a; John Icy dd, la- bore cemetery, 6.00; Elliott & Johns clothing constable, 45.00;' Wm. Green.• lee; labor and material 'Town, Hall, 23.1e; " T, Rowe; coal, Literary 7.9e John] ,Parsons, label' .10,50; Win, Srarth, labor 8.00; John Morley, labor; 3.75; Jonathan Lydd, team' labor, 57.70,. Passed on motion, at Hooper and' r rands, -Carried, Adjournment by Francs, •Senior, Clerk. EXETER PUBLIC SCHOOL Report of promotions from room II, to room III, Teddy W'ethey, Helen Salter, Viola Hodgson, Almer Hunkin Harold Ap- pleton, Marion Davis, Florence, Cor- nish, Jean Penhale, Mildred. Colling- wood, Allan Fraser, Alden Appleton, Billy Burke, Ruby Stone, Connie Jennings, Dorothy Davis, Utah Clark, Chester Cornish,. These pupils were promoted to the Senior Second some time ago and their marks were published at that time. This report was withheld until it was ascertained know many Pupils of Form II, Senior Second, could be accommodated in Forni III, Nellie Medd, Teacher. RUN DOWN BY AUTO AFTER CARS COLLIDE An auto accident eceurred about a mile east of Grand Bend on the Cred- iton road, late Monday evening, It eeenis that two cars Were following one another and had turned out while meeting another car driven by Mr. Glen Stella who is employed by MIr. P: O'Hara, near Mt. Carmel. Mr. Stelk did not notice the second car in which were Mr: Andrew Turnbull and family and he pulled back onto the'road and the cars collided, Mrs. Turnbull was cut about the head but was not seriously injt ted, While en- deavoring to clear the road of the wrecked cars another car driven by •a, kitchen _ .. Kitchener young lady came up and ran over Mr. Stelk, badly fracturing one of his legs. 5. M. SANDERS TAKES OVER EX- ETER AND I-IENSALL BRANCH- ES OF JACKSON FACTORY Mr. S. M. Sanders has purchased the Exeter and Hensall branches of the Jackson Mfg. Co. Several weeks ago the Jackson' Mfg. Co. made an assignment and since that time the factories have been closed down. Exeter factory is located in Mr. S. Sanders' building; and at a meet- ing of the creditors on Saturday, Mr. Sanders' tender for the Exeter and Hensall branches was accepted, We understand that no tender was re- ceived for either the Main branch at. Clinton or the Goderich branch. The Exeter and Hensall branches will be re -opened• as soon as re -adjustments can be made and the markets re-es- tablished which will take a few days. There will be little or no change in the management. Mr, - Davis will have charge at Exeter and Mr. Good- win at Hensall and Mr: Jackson, of Clinton, will look after the buying and selling end" • The, re -opening of these factories will mean much to both Exeter and Hensall as they 'give very excellent employment to quite a number of young women. 1; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Woods, of Santa Barbara, Calif., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs, F, Woods and other rela tives in town, LOCALS Next t Sunday y will b e2 S Gr al " GomtoC ur hS Sunday" in James Street, Every effort is being made to provide a convenient way for all the "shut- ins" to attend.. Everybody is invited end everybody ie invited to specially ity Invite yqur friends, Miss „Blanch Senior is appearing at ,the Allen Theatre, London this week in a repertoire of classic and popular. songs. 'liss Senior upon completing her engagement in ton - don will make an extensive tour of the larger theatres in Canada and the. [Jnited States. -Taylor,Mr. =Prank of Stephen, is moving to town and will occupy the bungalow on Ann street built and oc- cupied by c-cupied'by Mrs. A, Cottle. Mrs. Cot- tle will move into the residence at present occupied by 1V/r. E. T. Wethey and Mr. 'Wether will move into Mr. Fred Ellerington's house on William St. Four rinks ,df bowlers from Exe- ter and two rinks front Zurich visit- ed Hensall. Monclay evening and en- joyed an evening with the Reneall• players, The players mixed up and had a real jolly evening. Mr. Thos. Pryde, of town, was on the winning rink, while Messrs. Cliff. Link, G; Snell and Trueman Elliott were on the rink that Won second, - li 111.+IIIIiIIIIII III(I 1 �'P i. _ c 111 rll`) it►Illii ti(,4(0li 1 !j f N"plilll II��� 8{I' 1l I 0.4 :11111.1)1.11.(111111111111. I►I aresienumanroaramagasaranommaxasonassopaumuatoseeo io BULBS We fired in Iooking over, our glad us lstock that we will have haa a n 11 surplus for the coming season. From our splendid selection wm offer the following iarieties e which. many ;were winners at file x ce nt Plower Sho w• R The t stuck at present is in a very healthy condition and will give good strong vigorous bulbs. SalizrorrBeauty.---:dee salmon ,' p , rich salmonellow throat . �' , vigorous. Rower Kez,nemerland—verY large •e pink, LelVareslial Foch---ver early,i e y best pure light pink, enormous bloom,' Panama-.-- Beautiful, Ameeicza ' Beauty shade, pink.` ellow H:al l ei'--A good leala; YellowYprolific, i'Irs, Dr. Norton—finest cream and pink, prize' winner at provincial show—nothing better. iful Lemonyellow Drop—throat.light shades, 1)saut-• Mrs. F. Pendleton—flushed sail. mon pink, velvety crinrsonblotc1i in throat—a favorite. Pink Beauty—deep pink, blotched. throat, one of the earliest. Named 'varieties as above from 76, to 35 cents per bulb. In addition to these we have es splendid mixture made up from, over thirty-five named varieties which •wtll are offering at 5c' per bulb. J. S. Harvey. r'',1711.1111 I r i Ili I 1 111(11. 1.11 1(l1 ' I � � t !j IIIfIG��IL i, l•�.w' M I��Ill.r Exeter Jins in The Nationai eonstralion With Paramount Week the greatest motion picture seasonthe world has ever seen gets under wa,Y. Paramount week offers the opportunity for a grand review of 1923's achievements and a foretaste of the great Paramount Pictures corning, Celebrate Paramount Week at your own theatre as millions have celebrated it during previous p revious annual Paramount Weeks. "It's Paramount Week at your theatre noui! " FAMOUS P[AYER$•1AsmcoRPORAn0N ��tE e"k Yq .a Qf it's a Paramount Picture St', the be show in town - elf 11 II1 DOME TRIaATRE hen Knighthood2.s in Flower Friday and Saturday BPF w 3 -3R?-7t,1-1:R t i'& Adriss on : and 25c. Iililli11i181IIIIINN1IHlIIH + INN I�NNIgINIINiIMIfi iMMEgllEME 111111. 1111. The results of the Upper School examinations appear in, another col- umn. The tealhers and students of the Exeter High School are to be con- gratulated on the excellent standing. Out of twelve subjects there were no failures in eight. The Upper School was established in Exeter on- ly two years ago and the wisdom of the step is very apparent. Out of 75 papers written on 88 per cent were successful, This is a very creditable standing. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Cozvplin and son Charles, have returned home af- ter an extensive motor 'trip to Wil- liamsport, Penn., and also a visit to Georgian Bay, Mr: Complin tookLLa-r long a 'camping outfit and stopped at a number of the tourist camps a- long the route. Soine of the camps have excellent accommodation. The weather at tunes wasasoniewha.t dis- agreeable, but the trip on the whole was very enjoyable They travelled over 1300 1' 1 z ir es and had very little e car trouble. Their three daughters Marjorie, Betty and Gertrude visited with relative.s at Stistlirey, re: iti+:net home Monday. VEY' Service Grocery 'Main Phone 102 TWO STORES North Phone Pickling Season IS NOW ON, CAN WE HELP YOU? PICKLED ONIONS— TO make brine, allow 2 large culls of salt to 3 qts of boiling water. Peel small white onions, cover with brine, and let stand. 2 days, again drain and Icover with brine for 2 clays, again drain and pint in more brine that lzas been heated to the boiling point, boil 3 minutes, skim into jars, scat- tering in small pieces of red pepper, bay leaves, mace, white pepper corns and cloves. Scald enough vinegar to fill jars, adding sugar in propor- tion>of cup to 2 qts. White Spirit Vinegar. Pill jars to overflowing and sea] while hot. MUSTARD—Slice an onion in a bowl and .cover. it with Best White Spirit Vinegar, let stand for 48 hours then pour off the vinegar into anoth- er bowl, add a little red pepper; salt, sugar and enough dry mustard to thicken to a Cream. • Note—We carry a full line, ofenicea. ,frei.te, vegetables vin: • etc. A phone caII will bring them toyour door; •,'" �� eb: ark, Moro roceipts sir fir ;li• rr request. 7 1 rr�LINED PICKLES --(Said to be, the best receipt on earth,) -75 med- ium cucumbers, slice in rings an inch thick, 2 qts, small onions, 1 qt. green tomatoes, 2 heads of cauliflower cut into small: pieces. Soak the whole iiia 2 cups of salt and sufficient boiling water to cover pickle. Let stand 24 hours, then wash in cold water. After draining very thoroughly cover with Best White Spirit Vinegar and let come to a boiling heat; thew.. add 6 green peppers chopped fine, 3. ib brown sugar, r I15 white mustard seed, 1 tablespoon emtia.;;z•'an, 1 table spoon best quality Keene mustard,: mixed with vinegar, SALAD DRESSING -:2 eggs Well beaten, 1/z cup sugar, 1 teaspoon ftr lo t i teaspoon salt, pinch cayeno pepper, butter x size of 1 egg, cup Pure Malt„ Vinegar, 1 cup Water. Boil until thick. over steam, or 'Ease- tos mat.