HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-8-23, Page 8't'HE EXI TER. TIMES_ '111CRSDaY, AITGUST 23111,' 192 UDONE i5 Fat Service Ste] PHONE 16 NkT.NR l i or Service Where Seavice is a Pleasure and Your Patronage is Appreciated Ladies' Summer Vests 24c. Cool Cotton Vests with dainty Shoulder Straps --Special 24e Our Special Summer Corsets 98c. Try a pair of these light Corsets, for real comfort. -a bargain C9 Pretty Mouse Dresses on Sale at $i .49 5 Dozen Ladies' House Dresses --Every one new this year and all sires in the lot. • These are pleasing new styles and there are both dark and light colors. You will buy more than one at the reduced price $1,49,, Men's Money Savers Men's Work Shirts -A11 sizes -Several good cloths -special 0 98e Good weight Cotton. Sox -25c a pair or 4 pair for 950. Medium weight Worsted Sox -35c a pair or 3 pair for 980 Heaviest 'weight and largest fitting overalls & work pants still $ 2.25 Specials in Our China Department Odd white cups -a few dozen for 10c each Strong clear water glasses -All you need @ 3 for 25c Your choice of 5 dozen genuine China Cups and. Saucers -values. up to $1.00. tor 50c. AttractiveOdd pieces of China and Cut Grass for presents and souvenirs-a:display unequalled out side of the larger centres -pric- ed from 25c to $6.50. 980 Let Us SAVE YOU MONEY ON GROCERIES 7 bars Comfort, Gold or P & G- Naptha Soap for 4Sc ROYAL'YEA.ST 05c I, LUX 110 Snowflake Ammonia ....for 25c I 6 Large Rolls Toilet Paper for 25 Shredded Wheat 120 l .3 Kellogg's Corn Flakes for 29c 3% pounds choice Seedless Raisins for 50c 3-50e Cans Libby's Choice Red .Alaska Salmon for $1.00 Large Cans Guaranteed Red Salmonfor 25e Pink Salmon, Cascade Brand -1J Ib 10c, Large Can 15c` Strong light Broom 50c; ;Medium', weight broom 75c HIG 4+ ST PRICE PAID FOR LIVE POULTRY OF ALL KINDS art g.� "415•0ail•i4 t'..: 1,V7rM Fur[iture Dealer dll fl1llrffl Irc6Jor WHEN YOU BUY FURNITURE HERE, OUR AIM IS TO GIVE IOU SERVICE AND SATISFACTION, AND A. PRICE TEAT SUITS YOU. WE: STAND PREPARED TO CATER TO EVERY HOME'S FURNITURE WANT, HOWEVER LARGE, HOWEVER SMALL. LATEST DESIGN, LARGEST STOCK, BETTER SERVICE, FAIR PRICES. THE HOME FURNISHER.' Conductor of Funeral Service Motor Hearse and Horse Equipment LONG DISTANCE CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO DAY, AND NIGHT SERVICE 01 -ERA ` HOUSE BLOCK PHONE, 743; Night call 74W .;.,,., rrexsrarsa�-.,asa.0 '�rfd4'e?fiU:f GY:. ' '::gibP.:44,4,•11154.;45,, i ELLIOTT & JOHNS. TAILORS RECEIPT FOR COMFORT Take a look at our "samples, Then Order the piece you like, Then leave your measure with ELLIOTT AND JOHNS Then you will see that this Receipt is true. We also sell ready-made Suits and Over Coats. HOUSE FOR SALE -Brick resi- dence on William St. belonging to the estate of the Iate David Johns. Apply to Miss L. Johns or Glaciman &.Stanbury. New Potatoes For Sale -Apply to W. F. Abbott. ANDY EASTON Licensed. Auctioneer` for the Coun- f HuronCorrespondence %h� o, . arrange - clients for sales can be made by cal l- fng up the Central hotel, Exeter. Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed: Brien COLLEGES, LIMITED 361 Richmond St. London Give inclividlta1 instruction in. Tel- egraphy, Bookkeeping, ' Shorthand, (Pitman and Gregg,) Cost Account- ing, Public Accounting and General Ofiiee Work. Register now for Pall Classes,. starting Septenzbei 4th. W. 3, O'BRIEN, Cosnrnercial ,Specialist, Principal. vine have a car load of feeding Mo_ lasses forsal e Maple s le Leaf. Brand, at 25c a gallon- • Centralia Farmer's Go -Operative Co., Ltd. Albert. Scott is at present laid up with sciatica. Market report ---The toliowiug ie the report of the Dieter Market corrected eNerr Wednesday. Wheat 90e Oats 45c. Barley 60e Manitoba Flour $3.85 Pastry Flour $3.40. Model Flour, $3.70 Feed Flour $2,10 Bran $1.60 Shorts $1.70 Young Chicks 1% to 311) 17c Young Chicks over 2 lbs 22c Young Cliicks over 3 lbs 25c Young "Ducks over, 41/2 Pas 14c. Yung Ducks under 4z;2,; lbs 10c Hens over 5 llrs 17c Hens under 4 bas 13c Old Hens l0c Old Ducks 10c Dairy Butter 2Sc Creamery Butter 37c Eggs Extras 28c Eggs No. 1 23c Eggs No. 2, 1Sc Lard 17 to 20e Hogs $10,00 Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Batten visit- ed in Hensel! on Sunday. Mr. Harold Boyle, of Toronto, is spending a few days in town. Miss Ella Kuntz has accepted a position with the new baker in town. Miss Mildred Murphy and Miss Wanda Von Wascinski spent Tuesday in Ilderton. Mr. Silas Reed who has been holi- daying in Montreal returned home on Monday. Cecil French who has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. I. Sims has return- ed to London. Mr. Fred Delbridge, of Usborne, is able to he around again after his recent attack to i o f sciatica. Mr. and Mrs. Neil and son Alton, of London, visited in Exeter on their way to Grand Bend for the weeg-encu. Mrs. Chas. Ellis,' of Regina, and Mr. Douglas Cochrane, of Kitchener, are visiting their brother, Mr. J. G. Cochrane. Mrs. A. S. Davis and Son Walter, who have been visiting with the for- mer's daughter, Mrs, Gordon Wells in Windsor, have returned home. The young son of Mrs. Boyle, of Hensall, who is keeping house f p g s .for Mr. Wil. Clements, is suffering from Blood poison in the hand started from a blister. A large number of fans from tlii S community took in the baseball game between Goderich and Ltican in Olin - flys.®ssos.4*r*o40ae00i440.o L 1CAL , • •s a43.4,06,11+4 dtlol&&a. '• Miss Meta Salter is holidaying .with relatives in London. Mrs. (Rev.) Trtunper and children spent last week in London. Miss Helen Davis, of ,Toronto, is the guest of Mr. and A'Irs. F. A. May.. Mr, Earl Russell returned. Satur- day after holidaying in London and Hamilton. • Dr. F. P. Swartz and wife, of Tor- onto, have returned after visiting relatives here. Mrs. A. Jones and daughter Gladys of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Clark last week. Dr. and Mrs.- Hewitt and children, of Toronto, motored up and visited with the latter's:father, Mr. A. Dow. Mrs. H. T. Rowe and daughter, Mildred returned , Saturday after vis- iting for. two Weeks with: relativs in Toronto. Mr. R. E. Southcott and friend Mr. Wood, of Thorold, spent the week -end visiting in Exeter and Grand .Bend. Mr. Garfield Sheere and son Jack, of Brantford, visited the former's mother, Mrs. M. Sheere for a few days; this week. Mr. and Mrs. Win. DlcGregor mo- tored over from Port Huron and are visited at the home of the latter's brother, Mr. John Prout, of Exeter. Miss Flossie Crocker, a former resident of Exeter, and Miss Cross, of Buffalo, called on old friends in Ex- eter on Saturday. They left here by auto for Sarnia. with the Churches CAVEN i'It iPs13Y,Tutai isi PHCIR.Cal Rev. James Foote, 13. A., Minister 10 a.m.-Sunday School and Bible ClaSifee `SERVICES AS USUAL Boy Scouts meet Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Avery and daughter Ruth of Ingersoll and Mrs. Wickett and daughter Greta, of Bowman.ville, motored from Ingersol and spent Sunday with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gill. Mrs. H. D.. Davis entertained a number of ladies to a bridge .party on Tuesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Percy P. Davis, of Los Angeles. 11Irs. R. G. Seldon, Mrs. T. S. Woods,, Mrs. W. W. Taman and Mrs. F. A. May, of Exeter, were among the guests. -Mitchell Advocate. 1\Ir. Eedy, of St. Marys, accompan- ied by Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Eedy and family, ofWalkerton,vei e pleasant, callers at The Times Office while mo- toring through town on Saturday last. Mrs. Eedy was - a former res- ident of Exeter. being a daughter of the late Rev. Jasper Wilson, at one time pastor of !'Iain St. Methodist church. Rev. W. E. Donnelly, pastor of James St methodist odis iz t.church, who has been on his holidays was unable to take his work on Sunday last owing to "the sudden death of Mrs. Donnel- ly's mother, Mrs. I. Vanveltzer which occurred at Union, near St. Thomas on Saturday .morning, following an illness of about two years. The de- ceased was 56 years of age. She is survived 'by her husband, two sone, Frederick and John' at home and three daughters, Mrs. Donnelly, Miss Bertha, a nurse in training in De- troit and Miss Vera at home. The. funeral was held on Monday. Among those who took in the Har- vesters' excursion ' to the West on Wednesday of last week. were: N. • Amy, A. Brown, Mrs. John Welsh, W. E. Aldworth, A. King, F. Hether- ,ington, Wm. Webster, H. G.Schroed- er, Cecil 'Walker, Simon Pollen,. Oran' Moir, John, Ford, E. Alexan- der, Jas. Price, Mrs. Jas. Ford; Cecil Ford, Lorne Brini.acon'ibe, Emerson Wein, Nelson Wein, Emerson Roes- zier, Wm. Taylor, R. Ratcliffe, John Racier, Richard Baker, M. Greb, Al- bert Eveland; Wm. Webber, Moses t lis.' Mr. and Mr3. 11; N. Rowe and dau- ghter, Reta and. Mr. Arto Delve left on Wednesday morning last for a Ino tor' trip through the northern cotjn ties. They took the lake road from Bayfield :as far as Southhampton.. From there they went to Wiarton. coming back along the bay to Owen Sound. They called at ilneaford Col- lingwood, Eugenia ]Falls, Durham, Hanover, Listowel and other places. They report wonderful scenery and good,roads. One place of particular interest was Eugenia Falls, where power is obtained" for lighting most of the nort het n tory ns.h T ey arrived JAMES :STREET METHODIST CHURCH Rev. W. 17, Doxuelly, T3. •A., Pastor' 10,15 -Morning Class 3 p.m. -Sunday 'School and Bible Classes SERVICES AS USUAL G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.L DENTAL SURGEON, �1i1111i1111l1111l11.1111111111iII I I ; , .�. _ , N _ I iIi 111I�I�lII11�16111ililllllilillKlllllll II!llllllllllllilllllll IiI IIII 111l1l111!!! IIIllfll! • � II iI IH SOtTTHl,IV;L .4 BROS. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Uni- versity of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mili- tary District Number One, London; Ont., Main Office, Main St. Exeter, Ont. Phone 34, Exeter; Hours 9.00 a.m. to 5.30, p.in. Office thorn's at ZURICH< ONT., Tues. and Fri., 10.00 o'clock a.m. to 5.00 o'clock p.m. Phone 79. ARMS FOR SALE . 200 acres, being lots 5 and 6, con. 2, Usborne, all in first-classcondi- tion, well unclerdrained with tile. 7 acres bush on each place. Lot 5, all in pasture. Good brick house and two bank barns on lot 6: Abundance of water. A young orchard just starting to bear. 3% ; miles from. Ex- eter, 3 miles from Centralia, quarter mile from school. .Apply to Rich'd Coates, Centralia P.O:; PHONE 184. PHONE 1114. MONO HIGH SCHOOL REGISTRATION. ine Clothing or Showing the `very' newest; syties for Young'Men ,as well as more con servative styles for the older men. Itill w pad You to see our new cloth- 'fig.- The prices range from $22.50 to $35.00. Ladies' House Dresses and Aprons $1.25 ' About fifty Aprons and Dresses in this assortment, regular values $1.50, $1:75, $2,00 and $2.75, We must make quick clearance of this lot, Take your choice for $1.25.' White Oxfords$2.48 Balance of this season's canvas Oxfords. Regular $3.50, splendid styles,ud good fitting lasts, clear- ing at per pair $2.48. Canvas Slippers 98c. Just the ,thing for around the house, conies with rubber soles and - heels, regular $1.50. All sizes in this lot per pair 98c. Mew. Dresses and Coats Oui' first shipment of Ladies' New Dresses and Coats have arrived. It is always a pleasure to show our goods. Early buyers will find an ex- cellent range of the newest Styles for the coming season. Congoleum Rugs. and Linoleu ms If in need of any floor covering ask to see Dur new patterns. MOM Students wishing teito end FIi li, Schoaal dzext •nattz et'L a «elr IIIIIIIIIIIillllll111111i111IIlllll[III!!II!lII1111lIIIIIiIiIilllll111lIli 6 ter .register with Mics, 1\IacFaul, stating III 1111111111.I11111f111!(1111111!i�IilHlllllllillllll611111111IIlIIIIIIII' previous istandisu g ,air 'once, as the. list � .. . is rapidly filling up. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC • The Public Utilities Commission desire to express their thanks to the water consumers for complying with the request to conserve the water supply. The service is now on again. LOST -A tent in a canvas bag, be- tween Exeter and Clinton. Reward. A. Chuck, 697 Colborne St. London. -The regular meeting of the far - leer's club, will be held in Senio_'s Hall, Wednesday evening, ,August 19th. Master Clifton Brock, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brock, -of Eliznville, had the misfortune to fall -backwards out of a car when it was going. Th little fellow received a lot of bad bruises and an. ugly gash in his fore- head. Dr. Hyndnzan' dressed the wound. 1111111 IIII 111111111111111111111111111111111111! 1111 We Carry a Big Stock of Good Furniture a at Prices that can't be Beat Satisfaction Guar9iateed. Re N; ROWE E. CONDUCTOR OF FUNERAL SER -VICES Phone Bis. 20W fIouse 20J. 11 i 1111111111111111111111111I111111l111111111111111. > :b inio St te Limited "t r• CAIA e 2 $. SEL-LT1t 4 ,PUCE CANE . V.:17.171.:..' SUGAR I/ Choice Red �f SALMON. fEagle Brand nd hl� // 1/2 TIN 15c 15 TALL .... 25c SARDINES Brunswick $1O.2OP/bag;:/ 4 TINS 25c NORWEJGAN PACK IN PURE OLIVE OIL 2 TINS 25c FLORIDA SHRIMPS 25c Tin CHICKEN EN HA.DDIES 25c a Tin \j 'CLARK'S POT 1;{ TED MEATS je. 3 for 25c YIAw ..1"dfz�:{..s+"i� t`; .y,�rS•,py;.;. 'Ww.✓x�kr"a1..rAn z.4'D.: DEEP ELASTIC roJ MILEAGE 5 THE TRUE TEST Check Up on Your Socks . Slow long do your sockswear? Do they carry you ninny miles at low cost, or are the heels habitually worn thin and the big toes ever ready for repairs? In short do you. exercise your dsual buying sagaelty, or do' you just ask cr There ere good, sound, logical -re'osons why some socks wear longer than others. In Circle -Bar, "the hosiery of more mileage," the tapering toe gives just that extra big - toe room which means so much in extra wear. The deeper heel, of Circle -Sar, fits snugly; smoothly, With- SNUG out stretching. No danger here of rubbing bN�T;[ED screteneu threads thin. Double soles add too, to length of• service. The trim instep the narrow, perfect -fitting ankle, the deo) elastic cuff supply: the 'looks" • And comfort that everyman is seeking Say "Circle -Rat" next time you buy, and, check up cm your niil,eage." 47!, e/ TAPEItING' PI,Y TOES , W. DOUBLE SOLE ' REGISTERED HOSIERY PINTS UART • T • 'Lilt el QUARTS 1 2 GAL 1. *I-35 *185 oorlfilT22'. Machine Sliced :BACON 35c. a pound \\ • %\ kets. - Priced; right, Apply to Thos, \9� • H ,,Cameron, Allot., Box .154, rete£, a • ► ell`rid T ,, al ie ea �e.lb Pi-I®NE a `. x'e n4Ac3$1•• •;-•,WT 4 :gn'do"•'," • Q .� '6..i. "<.c ^..+' 4:L71}J.!'f::•?.. r .-i!.'7 Choice % FARMS FOR SALE -A `few choice PICNIC II AMS ..;. • I farms in the Townships, o4 Usborne, /i Tuckersmith and - Hibbert. Good 22c. a pound ""Uuiidin s 1 g and well located as to mar yESHERRIFFS JELLY POWDER 3 for 29c ' ;/ PURE GOLD PUDDING' ' 2 PKG 25c HARRY HORNS Olt' ILR OVAII CUSTARD 2 TINS for "\ C CORN ST.,' ; . Al.,.f�I3 ........10c PRO ton V on i I "on a, cl afternoon, y non. T re g sine heme Friday afternoon having tray - was the finalplay-off for grolo)Iel three1unczel and seventy- 14 honors and was won by Luca0 10-0. eight miles., +vi Main• GROUND RICE , ..,.12c PKG %\ CAMEL DATES .. 3 for 25c' =� E -IR + S I;DDDD WHEAT 2 pkg}5 2�c RUFFED WHEAT ....2 pkg, 29c %\ ROLLED OATS ,...6 1U for 25e` BLUE ROSE RICE ..,. 3 ib`25c° S,IEDLESS RAISINS ,,,,15c Ib %\ LOCATION e Exeter,- t 0 Dr. John Ward CHIROPRACTOR & OPTOMETRIST Has removed to Main St. Exeter, South of Y.M.C.A. PHONE 70 Cartage & Livery We make trips 1 is to London each week,, Leave your orders at our'of- fice or at the Coital Hotel.' CARS FOR HIRE AT ALL TIMES. , Baigshaw & Easton I. , CARLING B,', Barrister, Solicitor, &c., Loans, Investments, Insurance, Office, Carling Block, Main St. Exeter A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon Office• -McDonnell's isles:tistabllas or John St. Phone calls receive prompt attention. Phone 26w HIGH-CLASS txvt STAiENTB Accounts Collected Insurance ERNEST E S .':` Office, Main Streset, ,1; retcr. •