HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-8-23, Page 7•
Scouting arid the K!wanls Club.
"If a man can write a better book,
preach a better sermoa?, or make a bet-
ter mouse trap than his neighbor,
though lie build his house in the woods,
the world will make -a beaten path to
his door."
Literary non have been having . a
great equabble over the author of this
mouse :trap quotation. Some credit it
to Elbert Hubbard. But Ile has been
eliminated as he did not begin to write
until after the quotation had become
Thus Emerson's. ,works were looked
to. But no comfort has boon found
who wrote it? It fits
That is the only rea-
our thoughts�'to-day.
are peculiar ducks.
are egotisticel,is put -
as to be complimen-
Birt who cares
the*Boy Scouts.
son it appears in
Business men
To say that they
ting it so mildly
tart'. They"have such confidence in I ncurishrient to starved organs and tis or weight but he is ti recorder holder passed the second milestone Mr.
�'OI�NN 4' NER�,S
Due, Solely to Wealf, Watery
Blood—A Tonic is Needed.
Anaemia ]itertilly impoverished
,blood--comOs ou so stealthily that it
is often, well advanced before its pres-
ence is recognized, Feelings of fatigue
and discomfort are the earliest mani-
festations of the trouble and these are
I seldom taken seriously. Gradually
small tasks become an effort and ex -
ertiori causes the heart to palpitate
i violently. The complexion becomes
sallow or pale and there is loss of
weight. The nerves grow weak and
the victim displays irritability under
slight provocation and Is extremely
sensitive to noise. The appetite is
fickle and indigestion often follows.
A condition of anaemia calls for a
I tonic, one that will, enrich the blood
and strengthen the nerves, and for
this purpose there is.:nothing can equal
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These pills
' give the blood all those missing ele-
meats necessary to give strength to
the nerves, color to the cheeks, and
Master Georges Delrue, and the Canadian Pacific S.S. Minnedosa, on
This little fellow isnot much^on size voyage unaccompanied. He has just
their own powers that on'e cannot in sues. Miss Margaret J, Fraser, R.R.2,I nevertl»les-s. He was one of the host He Delrue is his name. e has
terest them in a proposition which ,
Thessalon, Ont„ has proved the value distinguished" passengers aboard the 'spent most of his young life with his
does not entail miraculous acconplish- of this treatment. She says: "I was Canadian Pacific liner Mlnnedosa on grand -parents 'ln Tourcoin, a small
meat. They really believe that they very pale and weak. My blood was
her last westward voyage, and he
can work miracles. poor and I was very nervous, I lost
adie by bearing their miracles with i 11 I a in a very miserable
So what gang of fellows goes par -`
my appetite, my feet and ankles were i
then, :the - Kiwanis Club blinks itscondition.' A friend advised me to try
eyes, stares, wonders, and then, 'as if ;Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and 1 got two
Seized by one common impulse, falls ' boxes, and found before ' they were
finished that they were helping me. I
continued the pills until' I had taken a
half dozen boxes, with the result that
I am now enjoying the best of health,
all symptoms having disappeared. 1
feel: confident that what Dr. Williams'
In behind to do what It can, as .tickled
as a boy carrying water for the elo-
aliant at a circus.
It's hard to fool men. But you can't
fool boys at all. And when hien real,
ize the work of the Boy Scouts, they
are not being fooled, Neither are the Pink Pills did for me they will do for
boys who compose the Boy Scouts, others, it given a fair trial,"
They get training mentally, physical- You can get these pills frons any
ly; and if there are any other ways medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents
they get that too real downright a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
valuable stuff, that makes' men out Lf Co., Brockville, Ont.
them. And. they like it, just as boys
who entered the army liked the in-
tensive trainin=g that was handed out
to them by their superior officers.
The Scouts have made good in spite twice before you make an enemy, and
of the ridicule which was heaped upon thrice before 3'ou make a friend." True
them only a few years ago when their —even if we think that "twice and
elders first heard of them. The police "thrice" should be transposed, As a
and the rest of us -laughed at the idea matter of Pact, however, they are in
f having :`Scouts hell handle big their right places.
o g I Most of us, before experience
crowds. But now! why, they are the
first"ones we turn to when something teaches us wisdom, take to ourselves
big and difficult is to be done friends far too easily. We continue
That is the reason why the Kiwanisthe friendship because we don't quite
Club is for the Boy Scouts. Their know how to end it; Taut in our hearts
lives are open books byvirtue of the we wish certain Of our "friends" a
p thousand miles away permanently!
There's the painfully "candid
friend," for a start, °He—or she—tells
us of our faults, our defects, our short-
comings, and rules in hard all the
they can outdo us in the rest of the things we know but would like to for-
fundamentals. '' They build their •get!
houses in the woods—and our happiest
"Friends" to Avoid.
An old Persian proverb runs, "Think
honesty which they are taught. They
preach better sermons than the rest of
us usually hear—right in the lives
which they lead. They make better
mouse traps than the rest of us, and
"I'm sure no one would tell you but
hours are spent in our pilgrimages. to- -them-
3.111-old,al.?an but.do you l azo _3!ou
them : They ,hee e+.deneeleitteli." They aro getting fat ?",
lo -7e 'craned much. They have done Or when a new hat appears—"My
that which was, assigned thein. Worthy dear, I know you don't mind' what I
of our confidence! Not worthy of our say, but it doesn't" suit you a bit! It
1 right foragirl of sixteen
confidence? Who then. is worthy of would be all i g ,
our confidence?"—Froin an address by but--"
the president of the Kiwanis Club of H
Toledo, O. never have one of these candid friends.
I've earchecl my memory, and cannot
remember when candid praise was
given: It is always criticise: Candid
friends are life -spoilers. Keep them
out of your life
Then there's the :easily offended
friend!' Never have a friend of that Ttype. Or if you have any, • seize the 'V�
first opportunity of letting them go out
of your. life. They will age you, worry
you, and make a slave of you- if they
ad I my -time ever` again I would
The late' President Warren G. Hard-
ing of the United' States of .America.
was Honorary Vice -President of the
Boy Scouts of America, and :took • a
very keen interest In the development
of Scouting throughout the Republic.`
This he showed in a very practical
way shortly before his last illness by
offering "to present a special banner to
every Local Connell and Troop in the
country ` which either increased its
membership 25% during 1923, or main-
tained a previously ,reached 100%
Static" Electricity.
Every radio fan is familiar with
the •pranks of "static," that bother-
some condition of the atmosphere that
makes one want to throw away his
expensive set ever so often. But it
takes the insurance companies to know
the real menace of "static" and to
devise means for preventing expensive available. "Uses" is the right word!
fires and explosions due to its pres- You are in reserve—to be used as re -
epee. The recent explosion of an auto- quired. ..That type should be barred,
mobile tank while being filled and too.
resulting in the death of a woman sit- Choose your friends carefully.
ting in the car, was traced to static' "
lectricit enerated' 'the fiovv of A box or chest of: any soft wood
Y g Y
holds the record of being the youngest
passenger to make the trans-Atlantic
town on the border line of Belgium and
France, 1-te toolc the journey that he
night join his _parents and take up
which he ;journeyed from Antwerp.
permanent restdence at St_ John's,
P,Q. While he was travelling "unac-
aompanied," Georges was not for one
moment uncared, for, and although he
objected to the Minxeda>;a to the full-
ull-est possible extent for the first 24
hours, after this period be found that
the ship was merely a huge playground
with everyone his friend.
No. 4o
A Card Mystery
This is a trick with "'the joker
which will be sound in every com-
p ete pack of playing cards.
The joker is shown and Is placed
on, the top of the pack. The magic.
ian asks_ whether his spectators
would like to have it placed near
the top of the pack, near the bottom
or in the middle. Whatever the
choice, he takes the joker and places
it where he is told.
He places the cards ,belaincle his
back for an instant and then brings
them out. Fie "snaps his fingers,
says a magic word and the joker
appears on the top of the pack.
This Is how it is done.
"When he shows the joker he holds
it so that the presence of another
caiele 'behind the joker, is not ob
served. This is done by holding the
cards so that they curve slightly,
the convex side toward the audi-
ence. He places the two -cards Jar),
parently only one) on the topof
the pack. The card he, tal=es
top and places anywherte dosrrr`, k r'
the pack the audience believes te`be
the joker. - Really, it is the other
card. The joker stays on the top of
the pack for the finish of the trick.
(Clip tarts out and paste it, with
other of the series, in a scrapbook.)
remain. You will always be apologiz-
ing, explaining, smoothing them down,
begging their pardons. Your soul will
hardly be your own, for you will never
be free to do what you like. They
might be "offended"!
They are -tyrants, and their tyranny
grows worse -the . more you pander to
their "tuuchiness. Get rid of them!
Buy -as I did—a new hat, and tell
them nothing about it. They are sure
to be "offended." and then let them re-
main so.
Finally, there's the "friend" who
.uses you when her real friend isn't
gasoline through the filling pipe. An: may be made to answer all .the bur
other case on reco%d shows the de- poses of a cedar chest for protecting
struction of a fur piece burned while .Furs, ,woolens, etc., from moths by oil -
it w ss being cleaned with gasoline, the ing the inside thoroughly with oil of
friction of rubbing .out a stain creat—
ing a small spark and the gasoline1 renewed,
doing the rest: •. 1
Chains toucl-ling the ground ands .In the geography class the children
leading from the nozzles of filling had been studying the ,zones.
pipes saved one Ml company thousands now; said the teaches, in what zone
of dollars after .several of its "tank is the highest gt a=le of intellect and
wagons had blown up wheal friction' of, intelligence developed: in the
the pipenozzlesproduced sparks that Parcel -post zone," shouted Tommy,
with great assurance.
4 -
' Classified Advertisements
ignited the spilled gasoline.
liven the simple covering of an elec-
tric light bulb with cloth to dim it has
-.been ;hound dangerous. In one case
the confined heat melted the bulb,
,starting a fire.e
In another,
here the
n d and fell on a sofa,eventually'
spreading to the window curtains and
house itself. In still another case, a
tapestry containing metallic threads
name in contact with an ungrouncled
electric wird and when the metallic
thrsada Melted they set the tapestry
lteelf ablaze.
L)b not forget to keep a dish of
i water where your cat cant reach
sou IAN on
.[.T."Ci+n-�»Ait1S3I2 .5 T w oitiAN
f.n di„trlbuto samples and tales orders rnr
. , rias,, No slat.
blah cissa hbuschiid sn.tt lf,, ig, toncy.
,Flunoot-liroUUaltlon,;. l,ut:ay. i toducis Co„ Uupt.
1Ttnnilton, tint,
1Lvlan 13'oxics NOTns bitch M' 0L)J (
(Booklet). Nino years' • experience ranching
loxes.. '2) cones, Dr. Br.sdaitTruro, Noon Bootie.
fnsNTS 01'1'01t'rtsiT , UIM.i, .1TAIlt Nir,T2.
sell. easily, Send ton cents for foil iampieft
P tad. proyosition; liberal commission, Dorothy .flair
het co„ Lintas Stilidioa, ifontroal.
L- HAYS: AN L:Nt deer roe A rvasJr.No
1�� R
TON traria Prosathat will lotto 5 papas ot
t rotumna, lona, wflsOn katillalrtou co. Xt4., :4d
No season of the year is so danger-
ous to the life of little ones as is the
summer. The excessive heat throws
the little stomach` out of order so
quickly that unless prompt aid is at
hand the baby may be : beyond all
human help before the mother realizes
he is ill. Summer is the season when
diarrhoea, cholera infantum,; dysentery
and colic are most prevalent. Any of
these troubles may prove: deadly if
not promptly treated. During the sum-
mer mother's best friend is Baby's
Own Tablets. They regulate the
bowels, sweeten the stomach, and keep
baby healthy. The Tablets are sold
by medicine dealers f or by mail a': 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont.
Huge Barometer In Munich.
A new baromete;, larger than the
ordinary city hall clock, has been in-
stalled -in the tower of the German
Museum at Munich. Where the 12 is
on a clock face the barometer has a
large figure 71. When the atmospheric
pressure is: normals the hand of the
barometer is at 71, Fair weather is
indicated by moving the hand to the
right of 71 and bad weather by moving
it to the left.
School Gardens.
In the rural districts of Sweden a
garden is attecbed' to every school.
Here the children receive practical
instrlictioil in the cultivation of plants,
herbs, flowers and fruits.
about•140 1
has to travel'
reaches the British consumer in -per-
fect:.condition., -
"The , well-being of mankind
thr. oughent the world" is the avowed
aim of the Rockefeller Foundation, In
the ten years since it was established
it has devoted itself almost wholly to
public health and medical education.
So far, it has spent $76,7517,000.
T iN
Provincial Beard of Health, Ontario
Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer questions an Public Health xai
terra through this colum=n. Address him at Spad1na House, Spa—fess•
Crescent, Toronto.
A great menace to the public health
presents itself in the slip -shod way
some vendors have in serving ice
cream and soft drinks. A rinse
through cold water is sometimes prac-
tically all, that the utensils get. Vari-
ous investigations have shown that
the ordinary methods of washing soda
water glasses and ice cream dishes
neither cleanses nor sterilizes them..
Contagious disease germs could thus
be transmitted from mouth to mouth.
The following disinfectant is recom-
mended by certain boards of health,
for the cleansing of soda water
glasses and other drinking and eating!
Solution No. 1. Chlorinated lime, 12
ozs. ` avoirdupois, sodium carbonate,
31/9,' ozs. and , 66 grains avoirdupois.
Water to make 50 fluid ounces. Grind
the chlorinated lime in a mortar with
20 fluid ounces of water until a thick
paste is made. Transfer the paste to
a gallon bottle, „washing "it from the
mortar with 14 fluid ounces of water.
The chlorinated lime must be of full
strength. Dissolve the 'sodium car-
bonate in 17 ounces of hot water. Add
the soda solution to the lime solution
in the bottle. Shake thoroughly. If
the mixture becomes gelatinous, set
the bottle in warm water until the.
gelatin has dissolved. Strain through
wet muslin until liquid becomes clear.
Wash with successive, portions of
warm water until the amount of the
solution totals 50 fluid ounces.
Solution No. 2. Hydrochloric acid,
3 fluid ounces, apothecaries' measure.
Water 29 fluid ounces. Mix and stir
well. To one •.gallon of water,, add
11-3 fluid' ounces of solution No. 1.
When ready to use, add one fluid
ounce of No. 2, to the above mixture.
This makes a solution which is prac-
tically neutral and which contains
2.81 per cent.' free chlorine.
The best method of disinfecting a
soda water glass with the above de-
scribed solution is to first rinse it
with warm water; next, with the 'solu-
tion and, finally, wash off the solution
with clear, clean, cold water.
To wash eating utensils first clean
off- the grease and dirt; with soap and
hot water. :Rinse: Put in disinfec-
tant. Rinse with clean, clear, -cold
"I . wouldn't think of marrying till
I'm thirty.”
"Oh my! And you've been twenty-
nine how long, dearest?"
Women Organists.
So manywomen play the organ in
church these days that it is surprising
that none has as yet achieved any
very great distinction, considering
the lightness of touch of the modern
organ. Probably the first women to
attain distinction- in this field were
Ann and Elizabeth Mounsey, two Eng-
lish ladies who lived in the first half
of the nineteenth century. The elder
of these, Ann Shepherd, held import-
ant posts in London, and we learn with
interest that in 1343 she gave the, first
of six series of Classical Concerts at
Crosby Hall, London, for one of which
Meridelssohn composed "Hear My
Prayer," for voices and organ. first.
performed January 8, 1545.
The younger -sister, Elizabeth, eves
for many years organist of St. Peter's,
Cornhill: Besides the organ and piano
we discover with ,some amazement,
she was also a virtuoso on the guitar,
and appeared in public as a performer
on the instrument.. This is as bad as
3Jussek, the virtuoso pianist, who also
played the musical glasses.
Send a Derainion ,.Express Money
Order. Five Dollars costs three cents.
Boon to Housewlvee,
A new household convenience Is a
portable metal cabinet into which dust
can be emptied" from mops without
any ot it flying back into a room,
Asparagus a .us is believed to be the old.
g el e
est knownheat used for food.
Ask for Minard's and tdke ho other.
His Flute Was Better Than a Gun.
When John Jacob- Astor,
the founder
of the Astor fortune used to go into
the forests to trade with the Indians
for furs he did trot carry a gun. He
took a flute with him and played on
it,.which pleased the Indians, and won
him their confidence and friendship:
When you are trying to make friends
never carry a gun with you, Always
take a flute, -the- flute of, courtesy,
kindness; and good will.
Tattooing in red and blue complete-
ly covered the bald head of a man
who appeared in a London police court
Goitre is very prevalent throughout
the Himalayas caused from drinking
snow water,
Common Complaint,
"He's sick of life? Must be his
"No; just disorder of his flivver."
A lie is the greatest homage paid
to truth.
White specks on young evergreens?
Dose frequently with strong soapsuds.
ttfnorica'e Ploasor Doy' lsomodioa
end How . to 3.+'eea
Mailed Free to any Ad-
dress : bI' the Author.
Sr.Clay G} OPoS Co. ia0...
129 West 94tn Street
New York. tT.S.A
Attractive Proposition
For man with all round weekly
newspaper experience and
or $500. Apply Box 24, Wilson
Publishing Co.. Ltd., 73 Adelaide)
Street West. '
EA 'S ` Minard's counteracts
.a tai 1 t h e inflammation,
eases and heals the skin.
UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, ' you
are not gettingAspirin at all
h i ;
Accept only an "unbroken package" 6f "Bayer Tablets of
Aspirin," which contains directions and c
ose worked out
plYslcans during 22 yearsand 1r vcd safe l
Colds Headache
Toothache Neuralgia
r a
l g is
Earache Lumbago
Pain, Pain
Tandy "Bayernboxes of 12 tablets—Also bottles of 24 and 1d0.P n,egists.
Astilrin 1s th. trade marl< freti1Stere,i to Canada) of Bayer.MonulactOre 0.1 Mono-
noationotriestor of Saitoylicaeld. While tt trs Ne11 anown that AefOi'tn TntinSa 3•tn r
rnan,P.acture, t� assist tato publlt:'against imltatione, tha, Tablets of :Layer Contiian""
will be sttsmpad wide their cetera) trade Mark, tho " Bayer 0s'c, ,"
Poland's Loss In Young Men,
Poland's greatest loss of recent yeare
has been, not in devastated regions)
but in young men. Therefore physical
education was stressed ata recent
meeting of schoolmasters, and the
government was .urged to allot more ,
money for the building of playgrounds
and otherwise to assist in the building
up of Polish youths,
Keep Minard's Liniment in the' house.
Chili's first electric railway will be
a line 26 miles long from Santiago
to Talagante.
New Eyes
But yon can :Promote, 3
' Clean, HealthyConditIOr
OUR, 1 R E : UUelliurine Eye•'Re_°ned
Night and 'Morning.",
goo yens Eyes Clean, Clear and Healthy*
Write for Free Eye Care Book.
�.lindas Esc Bawdy to,,8 gist Ohio Stint. Chicane
Use Cutie r;y Talcum
Daily For The Skip
After a bath with Cuticura Soar.
and warm water Cuticura Talcum is
soothing, cooling and refreshing.
If the skin is red, rough or irritated
anoint with Cuticura Ointment to
soothe and heal. 'They are ideal for
all toilet uses.
Soap25c. Ointment 25end50c. Talcum 25c. Sold
throughouttheDominion. CanadianDepot:
Lyman, Limited, 344 St. Peel St., W., Montreal.
dao Cuticsra Soap shaves without mug.
AE'U k€LiP�G
Lydia :.Pankham's Vegeta ale Com
pea:td Brought • Relief When
Other Medicines Failed
Port Mann, B. C.--"1 took Lydia III
F was tired and runt'
down. 1 had head-
aches and no a s 1troublap"
ndwa e
for two years with
sleeplessness. 1 tried
many medicines, but
nothing did me an
real good. While I
was living in. Wash-
ington T Was recom-
to take Lydia E.
• T.
am s Vegota-
bio Compound. 1 ala stronger and feel
fine since then and am able to do m
housework. I am willing for you
19e these faete as ;P .'
t c s at.stlmonlai. --1tiTx
T. 0. (,xtt>aAv !s, Port Mann, P. C.
Fees N6W Lie and Strength `
Keene,N. fi.---"I was weals and runt;
down and had bac=kache and all sorts o
tr 0 ub1 s which ornoa he
�e . xfou
great relief when taking Lydia E, Pi 1
barns Compound Vegetable 1 and Ietable
used :Lydiadlh
. ilathax's
ti ,Iamil
Vas abled m -'
to o worka.d
new life and strength frothe Vega
blo Compound, 1 am clailig:all I ^ai~.
advertise it."— Mrs. A. t': T Aeildee
a2 Carpenter Street, Keene, N.H.
Sick and ailing women overytvlat
in the Dominion sheik try ,1J dial
Pinkhamm'a tre etabie 'ons cu=te,
1, T)
ISSUE NC., 88-14,