HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-8-23, Page 1FIFTY-FIRST, YEAR ' No. 2556 MOAN em, rr KA▪ INIINg ,1111110111111 .: rwi▪ lirlans MOWN rratlimido irrimaril rdarsoram r kerma rargormir TIIUR.S.D..Y 4.0:4E TNG AUGUST 23rd. X923 +.•z ti;E!•!I)i1r'tt it � 4 .,. .. �d�4J1=.{.,ijdl�ll/rr��11111.11111e111lllli L DSI. IIAIIIIISON roil su»i7ENLY" 1111111111111111111111IIIIII111111IIIIIIIIiiIIIiIiIIiIiil� 1111111111iIIG1111111111111111111111111111111.L.., .elan. , There Massed away in Detroit on Great Clearing Sale of inghams We wish to clear out our entire stock of Ginghams inside the next two weeks. In order to do so we offer greatly reduced prices on all ging- hams. • These are divided into three lots: • Lot No, 1—Good quality Canadian Gingham's, 27 inches wide, in a large range of colors and patterns to clear. at 22e a yard. Lot No. 2 -Good quality Canadian Ginghams, 32 inches wide, regularly 35c and 40c in checks and plain colors to •clear at 29c'a yard. Lot No, 3 -Andersons celebrated Scotch Ginglia:ms 32 and 36 inches wide all the new colorings in checks and plain colors regularly 45c and 50e a yard, all at one clearing price 39c a yard. Get your supply early . . ` ad, " . , Pure.. Linen Towelling at 25c. ar, ad 500 yds of real good quality pure linen towelling; suitable :for roller and dish towels. Get a good Supply at this price only 25c a yard. C�earin ' , ®f Ladies' Blouses A11 Ladies' Voile Blouses .rust go so we -offer our entire stock of these, lines at real bargain pricesmany half and. less than half regular prices'at 98c, 81.95 and $2.95. • Clearing of Ladies' Silk and Silk Wool Sweaters e teas We place on sale at greatly reduced prices all Silk and Silk and wool sweaters in Tuxedo and Pull -Over styles. We have a nice range of colors and styles at greatly reduced prices. L'tag- adies' and Misses' Fall and Winter r C ® S Don't .forget the Fall and. Winter Coats are here. New Styles, New ew Cloth8 New .Colors. Pric es niuclr lower than last seasons. Call early -and 'look them over. We alsoshave i a e a lice range of Coats for Girls. et Ready tor . e®cel X$ra.'•Valnes in Aa Boys' School';Suits=Odd Bloomers-1Ihaki' Bloomers --Running Shoes fine; Black or Brown. Leather Shoes—Caps -Sweaters "etc. oMin - Girls Slippers forSc oo1 ; , _ . �;, .t3I1, �e'xF Ec�.�arabl`e maIres ,RLe o re•._,offerirrg 1�2�;,.,:.. vhiu s n°bo'th;'Oxfords•:and•?•Strap Slippers. iii Patent, Brown or Black, all Stamped`Makes;'.6 $3.7.5 and $4.5.0.'' THIS: "STORE; WILL CLOSE AT "12° O'CLOCK "NOON, EACH WEDNES DAY' DURING AUGUST: PHONE 3,2 PO. 32 _ Throughout his life he had been a ed to take: tip farms and clear them Wednesday, ' Di iniav 1 N iiiIa••' so , a practicing physician of that city and .a fornzex Lxeter young man at the age of 58 years. That one so hardy and robust to all outw ardan- = pettrauce should be taken so �- Sl ride - 1Y seems almost incredible. .c. Dr Har- rison had been enjoying the best of health up to the last: and had been making preparations to go on a shooting expedition, lit was sudden- = ly seized with a heart attack and died with scarcely.:♦ a moment's warning. The Dr. was Fi son of the = late Richard Ilarrison, who came to his death, about 26 years age, in a very similar' mannerto that of his son, he having gone to the James St. woad maws Methodist church to •enjoy °tire morn- ing services, ae was his wonted cus- tom ,and while there was stricken MOWN with. hearttrouble t utile and died instant- ly, Dr. Harrison spent the most of his boyhood days '' in Y Exeter and got his early education in the Exeter public school. 'Later ,he took up' the study of medicines- and some few years after passed hiS medical exams most creditably. 'For trdiany years he has been a resident of Detroit where he practiced his professionto an em- minent degree. He was a man of striking physique and was much re- spected ,as a •tikfesSional man and citizen. T He i s su Robt. T as never married. two sisters: Mrs. USborne, and ,1Vlai of Toronto, "and two brothers, John, of Toronto, and Samuel of the 'U.S. The remains •tiw'ere. brought here for burial, the funeral taking place from the residence of Mr. C. T. Brooks to WIN FIRST A'1' 13LXTill TOURNEY A rink of bowlers from town won the first prize at the BiY #i bowling g tournament on -Wednesday d Y of last week, The prizes were silver cake dishes. The rink wasp composed of E. j. Wethey,.Geo. Snell, Dr.'Roul- ston and C. B. Snell, slcip. They y were4 t ie only rink with. four -wins. Two other rinks from Exeter gave a good account of themselves but fail- ed to get in the money. REV. II. J. FAIR PASSES t7'1' I{O111 i IN ;TORONTO Rev. H. 3. Fair, a superanuated many minister of the Methodist Conference and a former pastor on the Elimville Mrs. J. Broderick, of Exeter, has ,iicuit who _ returned. to her Ir cduring his ministry, oc home after spending souxe time copied many pulpits in the London with her daughter, Mr:. g , 5 Wrn. Rennie, Town : Line:— Conference, died at his home in Tor- Zurich onto, on' Thur•sd#y. He was born in Herald, r LOCALS Master Ted. .. ,Tat n� 411 is Y 1r oiida • in g in Detroit.. Mrs. -To I ward Thorne and 'children have returned to Windsorafter spending a couple .of weeks with Mr. and, n MS r.• 1+� d Ha• r Hess: Mr, and Mrs: Lewis and children, of Detroit, and Mrs. Gidiey of Ford City, visited Mr. Gidley and Mr and Mrs, Jesse Elston; last week. A beautiful bouquet of gladiolus, grown by Mr. J. 2. Harvey was on exhibition in :Soutlicott Bros, window' on Saturday last and was admired by Onondaga township 63 -years ago, , . Mr. and Mrs. Ready and Miss Mar - He is survived by two brothers, John ie Kestle, of London, came lilt on of Brantford and Peter, of Parr av- Saturday , Y to visit with Rev, and Mrs. enue; London and three children. J. D. 1 estle. Mi•. Ready returned on •SatuThe r funerali was held inLondor on' 1'Jonday. G d< y iVIr. arvey Acheson and wile and MISS ILYNDi*IAN DIES SLI3DENT�7' M • Taylor and Miss Baxteyr,ith the of .St, Thomas, spent the week -enc- v The news of the quite sudden foriner'S parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. death of 112iss Ddith Mary I3yndman, Acheson. ivliich occurred on 1\Ionday ever ing, 12ev, R. Salton of London- cone n The fanners were just beginnnig to harvest „th.eir bean crops when the• were,•• 3 held . b the 11 a1 up Y � , n, The prospects are e n for tax° ' 1 fairly good ygo with fair prices. Mr, Jas. Stewart is returnii_u Windsor to resume his former posi- tion, n, 14Irs. Stewart is remaining for s. time and lxas rented Miss Corte'd house on William St. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Coultis, Mr, Chester Coultis f and Mrs. Wm. Coultis, of Toronto motored rn c tip and attended the 'funeral of tile lata Henri Coultis on Monday Dr. Henry Pfaff and wife of a .. Bad Axe, Mich. and Mr. and ;Mrs v : Fred Pfaff;; of Sandusky, Ohio, visited with. Mr. and Mrs. S. Hardt/ and Mr. and Ni'i•s. Wm Pfaff on a. motor trill, Miss Alice Handford and Miss May, Jones have returned' home after a de- lightful rghtful trig;: up the, lakes on the S.S. `<Noronic." They visited at the, Twin Cities and went as far as Duluth.: They also spent a few days iii De- troit on their return. Mrs. John Snell returned home on Friday 'of la.st week.. ; Mrs. Snell ac- companied Mr. and .Mrs. Smith. of Windsor, on a motor trip to Grin mall, Iowa, to visit with Mr. and IVIrs. G. R. 1\2cDonald. 1\Iiss Mas'•garet tc came as a shock to her many friends ducted the services in Jaynes St., Smith returned with her and is at in this community, While Miss Hyxrd- Methodist church on Sabbath last in i present visiting at Bayfield: man had not enjoyed the best of the absence of the pastor, Rev. W. Three rinksof bowlers r health, none had anticipated any im- E. Donnelly. rs nem Liman Mediate danger. She had 't- joined in the "weekly tourney on the g 1a been . Mrs. Clark Fisher and family, Mips. local greens last Friday evening'. round as usual and on Sunday- enjoy- i\1,.s 'Wm Baker, Mrs. Geo. ed an auto ride with her brother, Dr: Hirtzel,. They mixed with the Exeter itorrlers H. K. H , ndman. On Monday she arose and suffered li collapse in which state she remained throughout the day. She ` was conscious, how - Mrs. Ali=x11 Baker and daughter have The winners were: Fred Brod,, Vv. been camping at "Detroit Cottage",' J. Sta.thaxn, "Dr. Rouleton and. Robt. Grand • Bend. -Mawhinney with 3 wins plus 7: 1. - the Exeter; cemetery, Copious showers have visited this Messrs. Dore, Stewart, Spackman ever; and remained so until the last. section during the past week and will and Welk were second with 3 wins Heart failure ova ' the f .1 mean much to the root and corn Plias 8. crops. The pastures were badly in . r a ` 2r . and Mrs. � , H. Johnston vis- • ited for a week with. relatives in. The Horticultural Society flower Lucknow and 'vicinity: While there how will be held on Friday and Sat- they were visited- by their son Albert ir•day in the Public Library to which"of Toronto, and daughter, Dr. Mary he public are invited. The dry Johnston, of Hamilton, who had just weather was 1 set back to the flowers 'returned from a visit, at Temogamy. but stil it is hoped that the members Dr. Mary Johnston brought tlxkxn. V take an active interest in .- s home in auto and is returning to - cirri flower show in Exeter. Hamilton today (Wednesday.) s e ca fire o ler = TIIE LATE I 7N.EY (20 L'.L1S de tit. Miss Hyndman was born in - It is with regret that we ha, t Exeter, being a daughter of the late —, record. the death of a Most esteemed citizen, in the person: of Mr. Henry Coultis. Born in, the county of Pic- kering in ; the year 1857, he moved early in life with his parents to the seventh concession of Usborae, where he helped his; father to hew home out df the forest, and itis life was practically spent in that district. In the year 1S87, lie was united in marriage with Carrie Harvey. The Dr John Hyndmaii. She. was a mem- ber of the Trivitt Memorial church s and by her bright and cheerful cis t position she won Warm spot in the t hharts of` all wh.o knew :her. She is survived by two brothers, George and Dr.: H. K. Hyndman. of town. The need of rain funeral will be held Wednesday of ternoon from the Trivia Memoria 1 church. Service at two o'clock, in- terment in the Exeter cemetery. D'�i P °A` �°AiL, ./T0 . E, E /7E1B union was blessed with two' children: LINKING THE PAST Nelson and'Alxneda. After 25 years of happy wedde 1 life, his wife was called to her reward above.. At the. marriage of;•his Goin Nelson` WITH'IRE PRESENT An event of passing interest, and yet of more than, ordinary •signifi- he and his daughter moved to 1JXet(e1 cence'tooli_ place in Exeter on Satur to reside. In 1919 he was married 'clay last. It was the auction sale of •r wing vrife �vho the household has been his faithful attendant . Pickard n rr . ;ter y - and the late Jas: Pickard. �"'r�• .�4� � �-�.. -� ,�� �a -�: � «�firc ,.,1,�,-�..� y - �': �y,,•ii Vi.µ• sr €•':.:y. -r.: -•• .sat... �+.. ''"'S throughout his fatal illness which 'VI • Pickard "`""''"- '" '""'"' " '''" to to his present sol effects of Mrs. Ann i1 �•e� OW r x r. was the first man to '• �; ° gy ° = (extended over a period of ten weeks; open up, a merchantile store in Exe- Frid.av .fternoon an and digin • all illi though `�3 g s rracked ter. He cane to this community in with pain never a in fienur escaped the early .fifties when. this section his lips, as he bore his suffering with was practically a forest. A little — Christian fortitude,. Devonshire settlement had coninienc- ��iillllll III 11111 �� 1IIIiIINIIIiIIIII11111f11111111111 11111111IIlllllllit111111111i111111#IIIl���IIIIIIIIi � _ 11�119111111�i�llllll111111111111111111i111111111� h.raFt+.. sss . ,w5 ‘.14131W 14; zc e'itis.: 1$2.15 • ear -Ever i Sale of Preserving Kettles 10 cit. • in kettle L preserving g�.l t e reg. $2.65 sale price 31.98 12 qt. preserving kettle reg. $2,95 sale price $2.15 oupo: "WEAR -EVER" COUPON In order that• the factory may have an ae curate record of these "Wear -ever" uten- sils' sold at the special ,price we are requir- ed to; return to the -factory. this coupon with ,purchaser's name and address ,plainly written thereon. Name .. Address City Date Northern .Alumin 1111 Co. Limited Toronto Low Priced TH SING SUPPLIES RUI3BER 13ELTING R,172,F3ER PACKING ING LACE LEATHER BELT DRESSING, BABBIT OILS AND GREASES GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES GAUGE GLASSES a er � r ua e • rearrtaiii s Mr. Jos. Davis, of Merlin is holi daying: in town. Mrs. Isaac efa T rve of Y, Welcome, is visiting with relatives in town. Mrs. T. Orville Southcott is holi- daying. at Brantford- and Preston. Miss Etta M. Bowey spent a few clays this week in Windsor and. De- troit. Messrs. R. Skinner and P. Coates have left for England' with export cattle. L 'Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ford and son Morris, motored to Owen Sound for a ,few days BORN i3,EDARD—At Sauble Line, Hay Tp on August 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Tuffield. Bedard, a son. DEICHERT-In I -Tay Tp., on August 1.2thr, to Mr. and Mrs. Victor Dei - chert, a daughter. DIED HARRISON—=In Detroit, on August 15th, Dr. Ninnian Fletcher. Har- rison, aged 58 years. MORLOCK-In Crediton; on August ♦17th, Matthew •: Morlock, aged 95. years 5 months and 24 days. i COULTIS-I1--Exeter, ;on August 17th, Richard Henry Coultis,, aged 66 years; 2 months and 12 days. IIYNDMAN—In Exeter, on "Monday, August: 20th, . Edith Mary Hynd- man, 'daughter of the late Dr John 7Tyndnan. GORVETT—In 'Victoria Hospital, London, on. August 19th, the,' little daughter of Chester Goivett, of Granton, aged• two and a half months,n I teritient in Zion cem- etery CARD OF THANES 'Mrs. Catr I-Ienr �. ' Y itis and the family of the late Henry Coultis desire to express their sincere thanks' and ap- preeiation to the imany friends and: ne r i r os for their ` g kindness and i� 1 b sympathy ini athv dui. Y 11r � the 1 ie la,t ' Hardware �` g tarslli i less and death' , and .also for the ma%iy cl'"?tdr'4,,,,MgentStX=MMERININNIMMINEIMMININ beautiful floral tributes, r;; healthy robust character, but a face and they were without a trading cell - c1 r required: i r: c car opened up a small ial trouble developed whr r - t re. Sr Pr ' 1 'd a surgical operation, and conpiica ;store on alarm about a mile east of later moving tion set in. After all medical ,aid the present townsite and nursing could do he passed a- out onto what was then k way to his eternal home. the London Road. He bou The subject of this sketch, early the farriers anything they h in life accepted Jesus as his Saviour and in return ' supplied t and Friend and to those who stood anything theyeerie Y g needed. The by him in his closing hours on this grew and with it a settlement started' earth, he gave full assurance that all and flourished and in time hti Pick- wa well ell with him and that his Sav- ai•d lead a •ver io Y promising four and loved ones gone before `were The old - brick building in which the waiting to receive him 'ow the happy bowling alley and Jackson factory ECM ci xeLeI' IJr11 L1t r. � at r ay Afternoon �: Evening s ee£l y 1 ;'Ec zCxRi7 ABOUT $50 OFFERED IN PRIZES, MAZE. SOME OF; THIS MON• ENTRIES FOR RESIDENTIAL' GROUNDS MUST BE MADE WITH., SECRET4.RY NOT L4TER THAN THURSDAY, AUGUST'23rd. nown aS ght from NO ENTRY FEES FOR MEMBERS OF SOCIETY AND OTHERS ad to sell .MAY COMPETE ON PAYING MEMBERSHIP FEE OF 81.00. hem with NO ADMISSION FEE WILL BE CHARGED BUT ' A DIRECTOR WILL B r E PRESENT T O RECEIVE V C N 13.1 business Fa O T .BUTTONS IN AID OF THE 1ArORK OF THE SOCIETY. SEE PRIZE LIST FOR FULL P. T1CULARS AND RUES: misin g business. shore of his eternal home. With a are situated was once the trading Blind clear to the last, he•asked that centre of the district and a hive of fi certain 'hymns be sung at the house' industry. But all this has passed with service, and with one exception ask the years. In 1904 Mr. Pickard died 1 ed his formerfriends at Elimvilleto and recently his widow moved to irraorpmarrnef ,.,/s J. G. STANBURY Sect'y- Treas. be ,the hearers to his last resting- Toronto to make her home With her M���aill'MsM�,,;��� ,���,�,_ �-�;�,�� LIrc-4Mw�-ate ;��- _a,-;: place. son, 712x. E. Harwood. The furni- The floral tribute showed t d s owed the es- are an house old effects were of- ' teem in which Ire was held and on fered for sale and Several were at Monday 'he was laid to' rest at Elim - vine cemetery and with a bright sun shining . overhead and ,amidst : the floral tributes, his friends had to good prices. Mr. A. Easton was the leave his body there.. auctioneer.' Besides his sorrowing wife he is survived by one son NelSon, and one daughter, Mrs. Luther .Rowcliffe; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bence and den - one brother Eli, also the following ghter, Miss Florence, of Buffalo, vis - sisters: Mrs. Jas. Kyle, 112rs. Wni.. ited. in Exeter for a few days while -Lankin., Mrs. ' Sidney Clark, Mrs. Wm, on a motor trip. Clark and Mrs. JohnHincl, and while - Mr. L. Day Sr., and daughter Miss the above may sorrow for a kind and 11/Iai•y Day returned home last Satur-+ loving husband, father and' brother, day after spending several, weeks 'at,i they have the assurance that all is Sault Ste. Marie. • well with him who has, 'gone' before, Al' happy are they that die with the assurance of the, better life beyond. ' tracted by some old pieces of walnut. A seven piece; walnut parlor suite and a wainut bedroom suite brought ?OP BROUGHT $rl PER BOTTLE Know bow it feels to pay $4 for a bottle of -pop? No?, Well ask several Stratford men who visited Mitchell lastiweek:. They l;nbw r y for ,they did it.' And thereby hangs a tale. It ap- pears that some slick gent conceived the bright idea of assuaging the thirst that many' were:' suffering from Procuring some labels, reading "Malt, Whiskey,'' he started in business with some bottles of pop. Passing the word he had Soine 20 customers'• lined up and then began selling, ad- monishing each purchaser to get a- way as fast as.he could with the bot - Miss Mildred Norry and friend' Mr, Norman Ward, of. , Philad:el hia Penn. Philadelphia, are visiting the fornmer's parents, changing water each day: Simmer Service GrocGrocery Main Phone 102 TWO STORES North phone 47 Pickling Season I5 NOW ON, CAN WE HELI' YOU? PICKLED PLUMS -4 lbs ; 1) ar- 90n's plums, 2 lbs lun1llt .sugar, ik gill t'Tilson'e : Pure :Spirit Vinegar, anix Sugar and vinegar and pint in a. fairly hot oven until it forms a, syrrip. Rub the plums and prick thein art over with a darning - needle, then drop thein into the boiling syrup. Boil ten 'minutes, ladle out and ,Arl-t r3 ; all ar•e Moiled, pour flue syrup, river' them. SWEET CUCUMBER .PICKLE• --- Soak 4 quarts sliced cucumbers, or gherkins, in 'strong brine for 3'" days, then soak in clear water for 3 days, Mr. and Mrs. J. Norry. : I slowly in weak vinegar, with: a small Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hess, of Eig-' piece of alum, for 3 hours and dram; gar; Sask., formerly of Zurich, were boil together with the following" and i.n town oii Moncla:y the guests o£ 12x', pourover for 3 days, heating each G. S. iloward. Ilii•. Ress intends day :1 oz. all -spice' buds, 1 oz. cinna- mon up a .lct� ellry store- and.: re- day: buds, 1 oz, celery seed, 3 pints pair shop in Ien all. • of Wilson's Best White Spirit `\ine. 4great many from Exeter took ing a, 4 /Its brown sugar. the lectures in Hensall delivered HASH ----3 ry 1 ed -oii PEPPER. H_A,,I3 $ peppers, � �reeii �I Monday Tuesday and Wednesday2 1 red pepper, heads cabbage, 1 tc,a- spoon salt, 1 teaspoon of celery seed-, 1 teaspoon mustard seed; cut the cab- bage, fine, sprinkle with salt and let stand for 2 hours, drain and add pep- pers and spices. Turn int° jar' 9,• us- ing enough Vilsol'1 Pure Slrit-Vin- egar to cover well. evenings by J J. Malony, ex -cleric of, the 'Roman Catholic church. Messrs 7. G. Stanbury, R. N; Creech, Chas: Pilon; :Kenneth Stan- buryand 'Toni P • i cle motored to the;Y Bigwin Plet,el, Muskoka, where the latter two joined the Boy Scout camp there and will; act as caddies on the `rOMA.TO 0ATSUP—'.yake 1 btr, +,f for < uitoes; cat them ixltosmall ptc.ctia boil until soft, thcxx rub then tixron ;h: a wire sieve, ad.d pts. cif "Vilnorlt Best White Spir'1i; 1 flint o9',: salt, zit ib of whole cloves, IA. lb •01; ail ice; 1 tobles p pootiful of black, " liepslrer, 1 :good sized pod: of reel "ae t-{ per, (whole.) Mix together and boli. until reduced to one-half tie Haat- itY W . When coldstrain 's •t i t , i,Irrough A col- ander and bottle, sealing the cors. Ips It will keep 2 or 3 year's as fresh ne' wli:en •first made. r fT ilei, In ave few minutes s 1: had, ; , f Y t to hegolf • course. While bile tlx Note ----We h there Lhe i • x '�Tat� � a c. i 2 _ Y 1 U�i] zn' � S I c a 3 fst q tie fruits, C t lilt 1 v� eta, ". g br4s W lrrC:'.3 Y sold the 20 bottles and then quietly were eye Witnesses of the big fire etc, A phone call Will bring them tore-- ¢'r•,,t•, folded- his tent and stole away. Why that destrdsed the Wawa, Hatel San.- is a n. -is a fish? Stratford Beacon-Hera1ci.' day morning, r. l tr' r^,• s s.. .... , 1 zI?1 �' K "'.` 7d'r '" w C , r•,r..gq.,.��y..,. �N'^'- _. , .!.,f {�v; ' ei:a +.1'mmrt"t ittjj,r'ar4