HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-8-16, Page 5F THE EXETER. TIMES �Illlllillll II III I IIIIlI�III III I VIII" ill I l i q I I 111111111111111111 IIIIIIIII I I I I 1111! .II II _ I1_ I11 1IIIUIillllll Ilii VIII II .�_ ,. _ NNgllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll�IIIII AMMO Hensal iiumiumiimtiuimmmiimiiii4iiiiiiuiumumiiiiueoiaiiiiiiiiiiiuuuiiiiimginumiiiimniuuuummiioshpir HENSALL DON'T waste time wishing you had a good business MISS a splendid position, which is waiting to become YOUR OPPORTUNITY to a high place in the _COMMERCIAL world. duration„ a''?tdne TLTESI)AY,,„SEPT, 4th, 1923, YOUR LUCKY DAY by beginning a COMMERCIAL, STENOGRAPHIC or 'SECRETARIAL COURSE in The MOST SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS SCHOOL in .the' PROVINCE THE SCHOOL OF COMM:ERCE_, ,CLINTON,. 0.i T:~ ' chic "information write or phone B.• F. Ward, B.A., M. Acc'ts., Principal. M. A. Stone, Com. Specialist, Vice—Principal. Phone 198 DR. A. MOIR, L. M. C. C. Physician and Surgeon Phone 70 HENSALL DR. J. W. PECK Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, McGi11 University, Montreal; Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario; Licentiate of Medical Council of Canada; Post Graduate Member of Resident Medical staff of General Hospital, Montreal, 1914-15; .3ffice, 3 doors east of Post Office. Phone 56, Hensall, Ontario. DR G. W. DUFFIN Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, Western University, London; Mem- ber of College of Physicians and Sur- geons,, of Ontario; Post Graduate ,member of Resident Staffs, of Re- ceiving and e-ceivingand Grace Hospitals, Detroit, for eighteen months; also Post Grad- iaate member of Resident .Staff in midwifery, at Herihan Kiefer Hospi W "tali, Detroit, Lor tre,e, £lis.' Office -over Joint's Block t t Phone 114 Hensall, On. DR. G. L. SMITH DENTIST Two doors east of the Molsons Bank, Hensall Ont. Away Wednesday afternoons. .,.e•••=1 PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN & HOLMES Barristers, &c. Office on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton St., Goderich. Private funds to loan at lowest'rates. W. Proudfoot, K.C. J. L. Killoran, D. E. Holmes Mr. Holmes will be in Hensall 'every Friday from 9 until 6. AUCTIONEER OSCAR KLOPP Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Au- ction School, u-ctionySchool, Special course taken in Registered Live Stock (all Breeds,) Merchandise, Real Estate, Farm Sales, etc. Rates in keeping with prevailing prices. Satisfaction as- sured, write Oscar Klapp, Zurich, or vvire 18-93, Zurich, 13:1VERY SORT OF JOii PRINTING WE PRINT—Posters, Dodgers, En- velopes, Letterheads, Visiting Cards, Shipping. Tags, and anything at all, at 'The Observer Printing Office, Hensall. Orders taken for Daily and Weekly. Papers. Toronto and London papers X4,75. In club with the Exeter Times $6.25. Leave your order at the Ob- server Office; Lumber as ..Advanced But we are still selling White Pine ,dressed on both sides at $45.00 per thousand. lxfi dressed and matched white pine $50.00 per M. 1 13.C.C. No 1- XXXShingles r; s '13. C. No, 1 XXXXX Shingles' B3rd's Aslphalt Twin Shingles `13ii d' s Ash Iial C Roll Roofing 18 in wide, the heat/ieSt made. hone ;No. 12 r L OR.A.NTO " a SCHOOL FAIR DATES FOIL 1923. Fordwich, ,Sept. 6; Wroxeter, Sept. 7; 'Athol, Sept. +'10; Belgrave, Sept. 11; Blueyale, Sept, 12; St. Helens, Sept. 13; Ashfield, Sept. 14; Carlow, Sept. 17; Clinton, Sept. 18; Zurich, Sept. 19; Dashwood, Sept. 20; Win- chelsea, Sept. 21; Porter's Hill, Sept. 22; Wingham, 24-25; Walton, 26; Dublin, Sept. 27; Blyth, Sept. 28; Varna, Qct. 1; Crediton, Oct. 2; Grand Bend, Oct. 3. ZURICH Miss Helen Foster is visiting at Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Meyers are visiting in Detroit. Miss Clara Weber is visiting for a Pew weeks in Detroit. - Miss Agnes Kaereher left for Pig- eon„ -Mich., where she will stay for some time. Miss Gertrude Weber und.erw>! nt an operation for the removal et her tonsils•,one day last week and is pro- gressing favorably. Miss :.9Ilges Hartman, -,of -:Goshen, l ine, left Mast Wednesday; for Kit- chener, where she will accompany. friends on a motor trip toy Buffalo and, other Eastern paints... Mr." C. H. 'Joy, manager 'of the Nelsons Bank, 'and Mrs. Joy left for member' is expected to be present and Toronto and other Eastern points an invitation is extended to all in where they will spend their two sympathy with the missionary move week's vacation. Ment. Conveyances will leave Mr. Geo. Brown's corner at 2.15 pan.. ELIMVILLE "Cone along.,, Mrs. Henry 'Butraian, of Quinn, South Dakota is visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles Jinks. Mrs. Butman is a daughter of Mr. Richard Blatch- ford, of 'town, and" this is her, first visit to Hensall for seven years. Sunday visitors, with Mr. and Mrs. W. C: Pearce were: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Geddes and son Wm. of Lon- don; Mr. and Mrs, A. Wilson, of St. Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. John Or- chard and son Sidney, of Shedden. The death occurred ,in Hensall on Sunday, August 12th, of Mrs, Wnr. Hudson, at the home of -her son Mr. Thomas Hudson. The deceased who was 85 years of age had been con- fined to her bed for several months prior to her death. She was brought from Seaforth some time ago and made her home with her soli Colin, for while, later going to Mr..Tlros. Hudson's where she passed away. The funeral was held from the home of her son Thomas on Tuesday, Ari gust ,14th, interment being made in Maitland cemetery, :Seaforth. The services in the Methodist church on' Sunday last were taken by Miss Edith' Sperling, returned mis- sionary from China::" In the morn- ing she was assisted in conducting the service' by Mr: J. W. ^Ortwein. Miss Sperling gave a very interesting and educative address in tine morning and in the evening she appeared in a chinese costume which had been given her, by the church in which she labored• while in China: Her address which described the evan gelistic campaign she 'had taken part in, in China, 'was delivered to a very large audience of'interested and at- tentative listeners: She was assist ed•,in the devotional'excerises in the evening by Mr. Andrew Boa, The choir in the morning was composed of children and by the ladies in the evening. Mrs:; ' Gee: Hudson attended the Old Boys' ,'celebration in London on Saturday last.: Mr.' Alva Ingram, of Amherstburg, is visiting his parents Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Ingram.' Miss Margaret Wilson ,of London, is visiting her parents; Mr. and Mrs; .1. McD °Wilson. Miss Marion Cudmore, of" Holms ville visited Mr. T. Shaddock and fancily this week. Mrs. Sidney Geiger, of Smith Falls, is at present visiting Mr. and Mrs. Owen Geiger. Miss Beryl Ashton paid a flying visitin town on Saturday last onher way; to St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Blatchford have returned after spending Old Boys week in •London. Mr. Sam Rannie who has been vis- iting his parents recently, returned to Detroit on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. E. Rannie motored to London on Sunday last and spent the day with friends there. Quite a number iron' I-Iensall and vicinity attended the Gala Day held at Grand Bend on Wednesday. Miss Margaret Murray, of New York and Miss G. Murray, of London, are visiting friends in town this week. Mrs. Boyle and Nellie and Master Milton have returned after a very. pleasant visit with friends and rela- tives at Farquhar. Mr. and Mrs.. Arthur Coxworth and Miss Hazel motored to London on Saturday and took in the Old Boys' celebration. Mr. J. L. Kerr was in town on Sat- urday last giving out the diplomas to the successful students of the Hensall Continuation Classes. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Parinier and Roy left this week for: Brantford. Their- household effects were moved On Monday by Epps & Son, of Varna. The ' annual picnic of the W.M.S. of the Methodist church will be held at the home of Mr. Wm -Pearce on Thursday at 3 o'clock. Every W.M.S. Miss Lorena Johns, of London is spending her holidays at her home here. Mrs- 'Chas. Johns is confined, to her bed with sciatica. Her sister, Mrs. Whaley, of St. Marys, has been inattendance on her. Mrs. A, Cudmore and sons, of Hurondale were visitors in this neighborhood last Sunday. Hervest is completed now but the farmers are unable to do any plow- ing until a good rain conies. CHISELHURST Miss Pearl Harris visited • at the home -,of Mrs. Orville Cann last week, Miss Annie Wren, of Toronto, is home for the holidays visiting her Barents Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Wren. She is camping at Grand Bend this week, Miss Sperling, missionary from China delivered an inspiring address at the afternoon service on the work the Methodist church is doing in China through its missionaries. ' Mr. Dan Brintnell is busy thresh- ing around here. Mi•. Brintnell pur- I chased a new Goodison separator this summer. There are quite a number leaving here on the harvester's Excursion Wednesday for the west to help har- vest th crops in the Western prov- inces. The farmers will nearly all finish harvest this week around here: The grain crops are only a"fair yield this year: Miss Mabel Purdy from Sarnia, is holidaying with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Purdy. OEFFIAL s o c WINTER TERM FROM JANk.fARY 2nd.. L- CENTRALBUSINESS CO • LEGE, STt ATFORD, ONT. The leading practical trainin school in Western .. Ontario'. T he sctool where e, a thorough course you get t o ng course under competent instructors an Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy Depart- mento. We assist graduates top ositions. Write for free catalogue, D. A. McLachlan, Prine,ill r 1. Continuation School Report for- year 1922.23. This report is arrang- ed alphabet?ically, and gives the final standing for the year. It reflects: credit on th,; work done bythe i pupils and teacher. Form 1, Certificates in; full on subjects tried—E. Ander= soti, G. Blackwell, N. Boyle, 11. Brod- erick, J. Carmichael A, P a oi' et t, K, E1lio.tt, G. Fa,rqultar, L. Fisher, E. Tieffernian, G. iIudson, A. Scruton M. Simpson, ;Sl : V p , F. Smith, , Smith, A, Soldan, R. Stone','>7. Whiteside 0, \Vorknan. Those with" Su plienieril:a; subjects ---T,. TSogarth (Art,) C. Illyre (Itistot•y,) G. Loire. (Geog ; "T-Iistory,)' G. 'Way (Geog:, hist.). Form 11---. Certificates in full on subjects tried; 5 , W", 1361I, � r B 13lach:well N. I ollick 13, Horton, G., Jarloia, T, -. Jarrett, ,(1- Lu iter, L. I TeConneil y J.' McKenzie, 1'" l'Ic.i",een, - IJ. Pybus FI, Siilii:li, J, Steae 3^,, J. Tapp, M. Taerneer, L, Workman, Those with supplemental ary subjects—W. McLean (Grain,) A Smith (Gram,) R. McLean (Arith.) Mr, -Kerr was in Hensall last Satur- day with the certificates. Those e w11 0 unable re e u le to secure them on that date may obtain thein later from Mr. A. L. Case,: Secretary of the Board, The Geiger family held a picnic on Tuesday at Gr ldBend when an enjoyable outing was spent at the lake.;y,.Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. 0. Geiger, Mr. and Mrs. S, Gei- ger, ger, 'Miss Versa Geiger, Mr. and Mrs. E. Geiger, of -London, and two child- ren, and Mr. R. Geiger, of Kitchener" and other members of the family. DRSNWOOD Dr. H. H. CONED L. D- S D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON, Hartleib's Block - Dashwood, Ont. Miss Tillie lVIillei.; of Toronto, ac- companied ' by Mildred and Calvin Shore, of Woodbridge, are visiting with the former's mother. Miss Della Neeb, of Pontiac, is visiting witli her mother. Miss Katliern Finkbeiner is visit- ing relatives in Sarnia. Miss S. Tiernan, of Detroit, is vis- iting for a few weeks with relatives. Rev. Mr. Thun, of Napoleon, Ohio, is visiting friends in this vicinity. Mi'. and Mrs. D. McCormick of Bridgeburg, are visiting Mrs. F: Ba- ker. Mrs. Ed. Seibert and children, of Detroit, are visitors with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ehlers. Misses Addie and 14iina Ehlers were week -end visitors in town. Miss Hazel Vernon, of Windsor, is visiting this week wine Mr. and Mrs. 0. Restameyer. Mr. B. O'Rourke spent the week end in London. Mr. Elgin Schatz, of Collingwood, is visiting in: town. Rev. and Mrs. Eifert, of Tavistock., are renewing old acquaintances here this weelc. Mr. Louis Held, of Kitchener, is holidaying here. GREENWAY Miss Olive Brown motored to Michigan 'vvith friends recently.; Mr. Wnl. Binger and daughter, Lola, of Detroit, are holidaying with BIr. and-Mges Thos.. Bullccl.. ...,• Mr. Jas. "McPherson was in 'Loi don'last week We are sorry to re- port that Mrs.' McPherson who is a patient in Victoria Hospital is not improving as fast as her friends de- sire. The fanners are about finished with their harvest but rain is need- ed for the gardens and pastures. Miss Lula Mollard, of Grand Bend, - is visiting Miss Nellie Brophy. Mr. and Mrs: W. Webb, of Grand Bend, were visitors in our burg last Thursday. 'Mr. and Mrs. Barley, of Windsor, visited at Mr. Lawrence Pollock.'s last week. They motored, to Kerr - Wood on Sunday. Miss Pearl Hayter, of Detroit, is holidaying at her home here. Mrs. D. Brophy,: of Ailsa Craig is visiting her son, Mr. J. Brophy. Mr. W. A. Stewardson has return- ed to his home in. Mossbank, Sask. CROMARTY Rev. R. McKay oecupied the pul- pit in the Presbyterian church here last Sabbath owing to the absence of Rev. Mr. Ritchie, who is spending his holidays at Bruce Beach. A goodly number from Cromarty attended the celebration in Mitchell during the past week -and many old time friends visited in the village and surrounding neighborhood dur- ing the Old Boys Re -union. Mr. John Scott is at present erect- ing a new kitchen which will make quite an addition to his already com- modious ' dwelling. Mr. Herman Speare, of Toronto, visited with his parents part of last week. • Mr. Will Howe, of Stratford, spent the week -end at his hone near Crom- arty. Mr. Frank Hamilton; of Galt, for- merly of Cromarty, is spending a few days with friends and acquaintances. -A ` number` of Young ,girls who spent the week • caiiiping at Grand Bend report leaving spent a very en- joyable and Pleasant tinie. CENTRALIA Mr- Walter Baynham and daugh- ter of Brandon, Maii;,` and Mr, Max- well Bay ilitam and family, of Ronal,- Y yr 1 raw, Ont., are visiting their parents and friends around Ce. i a l Centralia, Mr Fred :fair i• ' 1 il,and wife ,of Vindsor, pend, the week -end with Mr.Fairhall's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Routledge, I<critic e Dutton dg , of Dut ,all visited lir Centralia on 'Monday',: Friends in thelig'1l .. vi e were glad to. shake handS handswith their once more.. Mr. Wm. TVloLean who iias been L spending his holidays at Grand Bend is back at his duties again. We aro glad to see him lrooie and looking fine and fit. ' Rev. Mr. IZitel3'' Gild 'wife are away on ca their vacation. u v tion. Mr, , Wit13 Win. , retroi •. a de Lie��d iC. fine iL THURSDAY, AUGU )acrd of ; 3,'6 steers averaging around ing his friends at illaripos01 nd' ,1- 1400 pounds toByron Hicks for round the shores of Lake Scugog• lois shipment on,Tuesdey. many friends were delighted to see Mr•s, Skinner and Bars. R. Quante hien again: of Exeter, are spending several days With Mrs..S. II cks and 1VIr" s. Cecil 1 Skinner. Their old friends were de- lighted to see them again. Mr. Geo. Thomson is away ;ttend- ing the funeral of his`inother in east- ern Ontario. Mr. Lloyd Hodgson is holidaying with his parents. Mr, Thos. Oliver who was quite poorly for some time has been m Isit- Mr, and 111rs, W E. Pfaff and family attended the fiinei'al of the, late Mrs. Herbert Minn, which took place in Zurich on Monday last. Tlie. funeral was largely attended re1a, tives corning from as far as Pt. Hur- on and Bad Axe, Ivlich. The de ease c d was a cousin of Mr. W. E., Pfaff ft and, also of Mr. John Pfaff who also at- tended the. funeral. it'ai yWomen Cis'' Glycerine Mixture Women appreciate tlie,qulck action of i sltrtple glycerine, -bnckth'orn kiaa"k, arc.,as mixed in Actlel-ilca. Most medicines act only on lower bowel but, Adlerilca acts on BOTH upper and'!owe ' r bowel, and removes all gasses and poisons: Excellent fol` obstinate_i dot stzpation and to guard against .vppeiidieltis. ITelps any rase gas on stomach in TEN minutes. �V. S. Cole,• Druggist, Exeter. "Fare Goh,ig "-$15 to WINNIPEG. 3 cent per dile: Winnipeg to destination. "Fare Returning"—$2Q from WINNIPEG. cent per mile starting paint to Winnipeg. GING DATES AUGUST 13 and AUGUST 22. AUGUSTand 15 AUGUST T 24. TERRITORY From Stations in Ontario, Smith's Falls to and including Toronto on Lake Ontario Shore Line and Havelock-Peterboro Line. From all Stah - "j Kingston to Renfrew Junction, inclusive. From all Stations on Toronto -Sudbury direct dine. From•all'Stations Dranoel to Port M-7'Jicoil and Burketon, to Bobcaygeon, inclusive. From all Stations South and West of Toronto to and including Hamilton and Windsor, Ont. From all Stations on Owen Sound, Walkerton Orangeville, Teeswater, Elora, Listowel, Goderich, St. Mary's, Port Burwell, and St. Thomas Branches. From all Stations Toronto and North to Holton, inclusive. SRECIAL TRAINS FROM TORONTO LUNCH COUNTER CARS,—Food and Refreshments at reasonable_ prtew, Tun particulars from Canadian. Pacific Ticket Agents. W. PTJLTON, District Passenger TravelCANAD1..CI Fi The Great Wester. Stampede Bucking .,steers andunbroken horses featured ISe Stampede. Top .right, Mayor Webster interrogates a brava. LATTERING horses of the cow -boys, nodding head-dresses of the Indians with their stolid squaws and families, cow outfits, real old-time chuck wagons and •other figures of the last great west, led the modern motor about the streets of : Calgary, dur-, ing the great stampede. Cow -boys and cow -girls, decked in all the.bright colors which their'predeces- sors wore in the early eighties—these were the promi- nent notes in the great symphony of color. Calgary took on the appearance: of frontier days with hitching posts along the main streets and the old cow -town . ponies stood in front of the sky- scrapers of the modern city: In the r b eat parade in which Several thousand participated, Mayor George Webster struck the key- note in his wonderful leather chappa, blue silk shirt, pink handkerchief and huge Stetson hat. The stim- ulating"contrast of the new and the old was evident in the roar of the bigairplanes overh a P � d while the pioneers' and old-timers section of the' parade, von- erable Red -river carts, original Hudson's Bayv chi- cles, squeaked their way over the pavement that .•. p t t covers the virgin sod they travelled many years ago. They, were driven by the men of 1860, 1870 and 1880 and drawn, in many instances, by venerable nags that looked as if they, too, had survived the days of: . hr city the rutted prairie trails to wally through a cit that wasg y but a dream when their work began, There was the real old -tine prairie schboner, cdn- plete with trailer. The stove ini , e the ancient wagon WAS going full blast and all the housekeeping re- quirements were there. On the trailer were load of ducks and geese, some share fire -Weed and tied be- hind i walked a white goat arid a cow, The 5arcee, Y3lackfeet and Stoney Indians, resplendent in all their feathers and vac a � r paint, beaded garments and ermine tails, were everywhere in 'evidence, :.Clerks 311 in gaudy -colored shirts, telephone operators as cow- girls, cow -boy sports,bucking horses, g Y cow -boy 'yells, bucku g ho seg, made a week, famous in the annals of, sport in the world. Buck about 1905 Alberta cow -boys visiting CaI- gary, gave up the practice of hitching their ponies on Eighth avenue but during stampede'week, the chuck wagons were parked in front of modern retail build- ings, horses were tied, iii front of.; dignified banks— the cow -boy literally "pitched camp on the main drag." To add td the great wild west, picture was to see "Tony," a black pony ridden by a typical west- erner, make his way through a cafe or to see Mrs. Duck Thief making her way up Eighth avenue, just previous to the first prize for travois turn- out. The, winning r tepee poles crossed over her horse, dragging behindgb g and 'the family followed, quite comfortable except for the car track crossings. The buffalo barbecue was a new interest to the present generation, even if old -tuners were quite at home in enjoying their buffalo sandrviclies, Five buffalo ,e •o_ were obtained from the VJaiiiwrlght herd and the c • _ thousandsand- wiches. sexed over twelve .ialid� wiches. Of all the strikingpictures of the wild old, w west,. that have ever been presented to theworld the great Calgary stampede will live forever in the minds of those whose imagination !;rasps in Si.li- a. flcaiice of thepassing of the last great west.' And ,4, it is fliers passing: 'in pacttlres than,:; are a dazs.ltng suc- cession c c.s on of brilliant calors The new Banff Windermere motor, biryhwaYY form« ing as it does a link inG 000 ilii chaan o good g a ,,,la f g roads v was b �t1 1" who t 'C z hundreds a visrtd vl role a do f s o from the western States and from 13ritxsii Coitimbsa0' aid who afterwards tourers 11>.e Canadial't Pacific lL. ,:�, oc.l.e�. From every view�point the great, S� . anapcdn' was an nnnrecedented seeress. 343