HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-8-16, Page 4Tr. WIUIt ;I Y, AtJ(,i . 16th, 1'92:3 HAY COUNCIL The reguIaxmeeting of the C4u11r ail of the Township of Hay was Beier Olt 1\londay, August 6th,. All the membet's were present. 'Phe min- utes of thereviot ,meeting p I is were ado l tte d as 'read. The following rates were struck and will be levied upon the rateable property of the ,Towusl11p of Hay for ilieyear 1923, andthat a;''by=law- be prepared' to confirm the same. County rates 3 1-10 mills; County Rd, ;rate • 1 5-10 mills; Township iiship rate 1 5-10 lxxills; statute labor rate 1 5-10 hills; statute labor rate 2 mills; Zurich Pollee village 7 mills; tills; Dashwood Pol. village, 3 mills and general school rate 3 9-10. Special school rates: U.S S. No. 1, s, mull.. No. 2, 2 miils;•�N`o..43, 2 9-10 mills • No. 4, "3 1-10 stills;. No. 6, 2 r 6-10 mills; No. 7, 4 3-10 mills; No. 8,'2: 8-10 mills; U.S.S. No. 9, 2 8-10 mills; No. 10, 2 7-10 nulls; 15.8.5. No. 13, 2 8-10 mills; No, 14, 2 mills; 't.LS.S. No. 15, 2 mills; U.S.S. No. 16, 5 5-10 mills; Sep. S.S. No.1, S mills. The followingy��•accounts were pas- sed: L. 11. Dickson, re revising vot- ers' lists; $125; Prov. Treas. tax tickets, $3.35; Salo Baker, under-. brushing road 15, $8.00; Chas. Web- ber, ditto$4.25; d" Ontario fIospital. for C. Rupp, $39; Bonthron & Drys- dale, acct 69e; Nelson. Stanlake, re- pairs to culverts $40.30; Stade 'Weido. cement $127.45; N. Sararas. payment on 'work Schwalm Drain, $138.65; Sol Bechier,• posts and la- bor at Blake. $1.00; C. Aldworth,` un- derbruslting $17.95; Cecil Rowe 'sand laid hauling road 14, $8; Ezera Willert; Ilan:ling gravel road 14, $8.50 ;;Alex Foster, cement work on 'culverts $276.90; ,Northern Electric Co. supplies 4.66; Bell Tel Co: tolls 148.73; Express Co. cableman's tools $7.12; C. N. R. freight and cartage, $37.52; M. G. Deitz, labor and car hire, 60.30; Stromberg-Carlson Tel. Co. supplies 29.49. The council adjourned to meet again on Monday, Sept. 3rd, at 1.30 o'clock p.na. A. F. Hess, Clerk. Dr. A. Hotham, of Strassburg, Sask., and Miss Edith Stoneman; of 'Montreal were last week the guests of• Mrs. 'Consitt. v11 s Annie weekes, of Guelph, is visiting with her brother and sister in town. Do You Remember —Hew, when x you were young, and,your good folks sent t you :down town after something, they were ve ry likely to tie a string around your ;lhinib to make certain you would n of forget? Those were the happy days, we ren't they? But there's noreason why the days of NOW should not be jurt.. as happy, and it ' , asjustas certain that some of us are liable to forget the little things of to -day. Because of that, we are seud]ng you this. little, reaainderea- Tlie' stress of financial conditi ons makes this necessary and we trust that we may be able to count on, you to help us keep the rate of subscription clown to $1.50 a year. Sincerely yours, THE EXETER TIMES. HERE AND THERE ; Smoking compartments are to bd provided in the new wooden winged' monoplanes for use on the Laadou Amsterdam -Berlin air route.' 801,980,268 feet of lumber were produced from mills in the Ottawa Valley last season as against 238,- 116,764 feet in the 1921-1922 season. Last season's grain shipments through the port of Montreal ex- ceeded 153,000,000 bushels. Rev- enues reached $3,460'810 providing a. surplus of $266,362. ''' Forest rangers of the Quebec and New Brunswick forestry depart- ments will co-operate to the eartent of covering fires,` en either aide of the provincial border. Twothousand maples Aad ono thousand green ash trees, natives of Saskatchewan, were shipped to the Canadian War Memorial Park at Poperinghe, Belgium, recently. Vancouver is to have direct con- sular trade relations with Spain. A vice -consulate has been estab- lished there which embraces the prairie provinces and is the only Ona west of Montreal.`' STI. She, r a-• Nations Estimated. attendance, 1922, 45th Consecutive year, 1,500,000 Programme without precedent in its variety and extent . Scores of new '`features and all of "tile old that have re- tained public favor GEORGEOUS CLEOP T A SPECTACLE Crowning. triumph In the production of euper-pageants 1500 Performers .10 IN. G. EENT. ManalcIng Director ROBERT T MILLER, Prezicia.nt ire and There A i o dl3 eco v excellent ochre e {raw sienna' recently made near lawn no Do Aan. fry. The color is uniform through cit, with very; little : gritty rnMter In the main body. Thie material can be burnt to proltlael a ti!!strtty: of colors from reddish brown to black. Prospect.: Ing is still 11th on. Ca_.`dien )!aoific S.S. " Meta _ gams, westbound from Glasgow via Belfast, 'recently docked g at" Montreal 'and Quebec with the rec ord"number of 882 cabin and 1,078 third class passengers.•., This con- stituted a record only for ships of the size 'and type of the "Meta- gama," the. Canadian Pacific Em- press liners often having a' far larger list. Canadian ' Pacific Railway offi- cials estimated that 61,000 men would be required to harvest the western crops this year. They ex- pected to supply only 9,000' from the prairie provinces and British Co- lumbia and made arrangements to. carry over 50,000 from Ontario, Quebec and the east. United States factories turn out chewing gum to the value of $41,- 000,000 annually. The extent to which this productis used in this country can be appreciated when it is known that at the Canadian Pa- cific Windsor station, Montreal, a Than is continually employed in re- moving gum' stains from the mar- ble floor. Despite the fact that the new Basilica at Ste. Anne de Beaupre is still in e course of construction, many thousands more "have visited the shrine this year than in former years, and at frequent intervals the Canadian Pacific Railway' has been called upon to add special equipment to its regular trains to accommodate the pilgrims. The Redemptorist Fathers are investigating a large niunber' of cures claimed to be mi- raculous. E. L. Richardson, manager of the Calgary Stampede of 1923, held un- der the patronage of the Prince of Wales and Governor.=General-Byng, announces that, owing to the enor- mous success of the great rodeo ,July 9-14 it will be' staged annually instead of at intervals of several years, as heretofore: The recent Stampede was attended by 137,800 people. Only once in the history of Can- ada•was` the gold production ,record, set in 1922 exceeded, and that was in 1900, when : the: Yukon placers reached'the , peak 'of'.; their yield. 'During .1922,- 1;263,364 ounces of gold were mined in the Dominion. The value is .set at :$26;116,050, an increase -of 36% :over the previous year's figures. In , 1900, 1,350;657 ounces of gold vrere mined and the value was $27,908,153, Canada's trace is .climbing ahead. Total trade in the three me9pths ced- ing June was $462,544,488, an in- crease of $110,841,60 over tor;. responding three months of last year. For June alone total trade was $179,720,516, an incrtase of $44,944,732 over last year. Domes- tic exports in the three months in- creased approicimately $50,000.000 and imports approximately $61,000, - 000. • He—This storm may put the light Out. Are you afraid? She`Not if you takethat cigarette out of your mouth. ^9E3i: a.^. ss s;.. Ann ices on the New 1924 eLAUG L 1d-BUICK. MASTER FOURS ecial' 'Touring' :i . ' ' <�•. . $1355.059 .coupe - - 1975.0.0.. 24-34 Special Roadster - 1:325:00 24-37 Sedan 2085.00 MASTER SIXES 4-41 1)otib1e Service Sedan - 24-44 Special Roadster - 24-45 Special Inuring 24 -it Sedan 24-48 Coupe y 24-49 Special Touring - 24-50 Sedan 24-51 Brougham Sedan 23-54 Special - 24-55. Special *1815.00`. f 1845.00 2895.00' 2775.00 2155.0{ 3195.00 3145,00 2295.00" 2375.00 471 Prices f,o.1, Oshawa—GoVernrrreut Taxes E'xfra W. s . BEE1c. :. EXETE Pr:, ONT a; ThhE EXETER TIMES Middle School Examinations The following is report of the successful stud . ,. ante of Exeter High School in the Middle School Examinations -C indicates e credit or as S i the subject; ect•- 1,2,3,indicate honor Standing -1, over 76%; over bb�3,,o°ver 60%, Moansh tatthestudentease p din all the subjects tried. ;Ho ..o NAM`a ' �^ q a c0. ,... ami' m M U a ai .'' Berry, Edward .. 0 Chapman, Graces 2 .2 3 3 • Christie, Alymer C C 1 Cosworth, Hazel 3 2 0 C Davis, Caroline* 2 2. 'Delbridge; Horace* .,..,.„ 0 Dignan, Howard's C 3 1 Elder, Jean ' C C - 0 0 3 Elworthy, Mary* Farquhar, "-Maurice , C 3 3 Greif, Harry* Heist, Lloyd* - C 1 C Hodgson., Cecil 2 2 C 1 Honey, Ella C 2` C Hornet', Mary C C Howard, Evelyn*' 3 Lamport, Ruth 2 C C Lawson, William 1 1 Medd, Eleanor C C C 3 3 Meyers, Margaret C C 3 C Morloek, Carl* 1 1 1 1 Moriock, Lulus: 1 1 1 1 Rivers, Lillian* 2 2 1 C. 1 1 1 1 Rowe, Mildredi- 2 2 1 1 3 Sanders,Grant C C 2 2 C 3 C Snell, Ulla' C. 2 3 2 Warreser ,, Gerald. -C C Whiteside, Violet °° 1 3 2 Wood, Harold a: 3 0 C 1 Woods, Marion ......,,C 1... 0 3- C 1 C a co oi .2,a d q a d41 'v C C C C 2 2 • 3 C 2. 3. C C -2 C 2 •°' C 2 C C C 1 .2 1 2 C, 2 3 ,1, 1 C 1 .1 1 1 C 3 C 2 2 I. 1 1 2 NAME Aldworth, Edward Balkwill, Dorothy* Biandau, Elsie* Christie, Celia Cornish, Creecll,:RMinauby. Cunningham, Borden Elder, Helen Feist, Nola Ford, Maurice Forrest, Gretta°' Francis, Gertrude Lula, Fulton Gilfillan, Marys' Harvey, Florence Heywood, Thomas Heywood, Wesley IIind, George" Hoffman, Alice .. Hogarth, Edith Hogarth, Howald Muriel* (Zurich) ....... Hl Gerta Johns, Walter H.* ` Rleinsteiver *Percy . Knight, Laura ..... Love,, Keith*" Mawhinney, Vera'.... Mills, Truman Murray, 'Hannah Murray, Isabella :. Russell, Bertha Seldon, harry* .....:......... Sims, Melvin •..... . Stanbury, Kenneth° Statham, L,vle. a • Thomson, 3?earl `........ Tiernan, Mervyn Tuckey, Bensop Wethey, Margaret ,., ; z.� 1) N 0 a. pa F 0 a 5. a 0 a) 0 C 2 2 1 1 2 3 2 1 1' 3' 2 3 2 CCC 3 C 3 C C C C C C C 2 2 3 C 3 C 0 1 3.. 1. C. C .,,....^..^. C C C C 1 C 1 2 C' 2 C 2 C 3 2 2 3 C 2 2 1 3 C 1 3 2 C • 0 1 1 2. 1 1 1 0 •C 0 3 2 1 '1 C 2 0 C C 3; C. C 1 C 1 1 2, 3 1 C 1 3 0 2 C 3 C C 0 0. ..C` 2 .0::, 2 1 C C 3 3 3 C, 2 0 1 C 3 1 CCC C,,,... 0 AC C, 2 C C= 3 C. C C 3 .C' 2 CC 3 3 C. 1 3 3 1 3 1 0 C C "3 3 C 3 C C C. C 3 2'JC C 3 3 1 C 3 C 2, 2 C C C 4' Meanathat the Student passed iii allethe subjects tried. 2 2 • 2 C C C C 1 C 1 c 3 2 1 2 C . 3 3. C C C C C hotOut of 445 subjects attempted, 70 were passed with first-class o . rs, 62 withsecond-class honors, 62 with third-class honors, and 154 credits, or a total pass of 338, which is, 76 per cent. Couipositi.on, seems to have been very severely marked this year. 63 per cent...CZ a111 puip(Ils ivho passed; obtaiined .boaors. Pupils who have .Failed in oii,e or -mare ;subjects and who ,have/ been in the. 7,r dell. School two years may complete the (examination accorcnag to ' the following time 'iabie— SU"3JECT Fraaciy Authors F.re.nch Comp°ktiori Geometry Emg]ish Composition. Algetere Ettglisli Literature Physics for Age. let year Ancient history • Chemistry or Agr. 2ad yeas ?31_tish .History, Ltr, n; Au than Latin -Composition, 'I)AT•E Septem. r et.h. . 5eptcnnaei- 0th Sep`iinnaer tl `septenlbie:r 7th Septern er 1.0th Septeineer aerie September 13th Sep tenese•r• lees 5eptumber 14th' September , 14th September 17th Septean,ber 17th L. HOUR 9.00 to 11.30 aim 3o to 4.00 rant - 9.00 to 11.30 a.m. 1.30 to. 4.00 p.m. 9.00 to 11.30 a;m.> 1,30 to 4,00 p.m. 9.00 to 11.30 a.m. 1.30 to 4.00 p.m.: 9.00 to 11.30 a.m. 1.30 to 4.00 p.m. 9.00 to 11.30 a.ni. 1,30 to 4.00 p.m. HENSALL. Mrs." !/b1 `Shite is at present on the sick list, Miss Greta ',ennuis. is enjoying her holidays, . in London. Mr. .A. W. eahiteside visited lit IJamilton this week. Mr. E. Rennie spent a few days: this week at Grand Bend. • Miss' leicG1•egor visited friends in Goderich over the wee': -end. Mrs •Liddell and daughter, Miss Shirley, are visiting lir. W. C. Pearce and family. Nichol, of London, visited their aunt Miss McGregor •, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Percy maria and fam- ily, of Windsor,' are visiting. friends and relatives in and around .t-Iensall Mrs. W, I . Bell and little son of 'Windsor,'a recently were' the, guests Of her ,parents Mr..and Mrs. J: Zuee; 11e. :Mr. and .1lr7, T. C. JOynt are this; week moving into the' fine residence; formerly occupied by TMIrs•. '1'. Nee- lands. While doctoring a. young colt . on Sunday last Dr. Campbell, 'V. -S., had the •niisfo `tuiJ.e to have the animal kick hilt , trrealtiit'g\ltis ann. • 1' t. trrid A7r s.: Tteel X;,tin12; anal Mittii., are,the • ,o..',ts cl'' i,1: ar'Sitl trs. tY. I Pfaff. �Gt?g"t lvrf', and .X1',4. 11olali. Pfarf. number of rinks of bowlers from Zurich enjoyed a friendly game on the I-Iensall green with our local bowlers on Monday evening last Among those who loft on the li r- vester's excursion 'ori Wednesday, were: Mr. A. Coxwcrt1 . _Jr. J. Ehler Mr. II. 3-Ioggarth,."lel •. .E. S]:addocic;: Mr.. S. Dougall, Mr. P. Boa, Mr. G. U. Petty; • Mr. Gle.on, 21i'. McLean, � 11Ir. G. Je cicson and lllr..1:. lloggartli. The-childl>en's, choirat the morn- ing 'service ivas greatly appreciated. Solos and choruses 'wore well render- ed and credit is clue to their capable itlslxuctor, ,Miss Greta Laramie. The, W.M.S. choir in 'th"e' evening under. the lea,dership_01 Mrs. Joynt-r.eridered excellent music. Large apprecia- elves audiences attended both ser-, vices. The W.1V1:S• of the (Methodist. church had .charge of the services Iasi Sunday. The pulpit was taken bJ 'Miss Edith Sparlirig, a missionary from China. In the morning she oI'ri or" the great province of Schen.'t- euro a,nd of the work that has been clone there in the schools, the hos- pitals os-pitals and by evangelism, by tee mis- sionaries sent out under the Wo- man's Missionary Societies, In tlt'e evening she told of the .evangelistic campaign in Chungking, of the eai'u- est seekers, the bright testimonies and the changed lives of ! io;.e w lio heard ihe, 'Gospel of :Jesus Christ and of Hundreds o:f uretic ,uda who have not hod that: of rortun:ity for the rein- ele.reason that V t '.,i ' ( in the, home- land b<;'s failed to 1 . 1're.' C4d'Y Cali )A✓ s.r:Yiii < c`, ei d Me.'' Auction Sale OF r VALUABLE CHATTEL PROPERTY i VILLAGEEXETER n th e OF The undersigned has received in- structions to sell by Public Auction on the premises, corner of James and Elizabeth Sts. on SATURDAY, AUGUST 18th,'` at 2 o'clock p.m. the following fu"r niture and household effects: Walnut parlor suit, walnut parlor table;' hall rack, easeh :2 .eight daY clocks, glass cupboard, bird case, 6 dinin room chairs, carpet, walnut sofa, 2 walnut bedroom suites, toilet sets, mattress- es, 3 springs, 2 commodes, 2 feather ticks, lounge,' 4 walnut chairs, 2 larg+ mirrors, bedroom rug, pillowe, blank- ets, sheets comforters, curtain's, 6 kitchen chairs, arm chair, small ta- ble, flower stand, corner cupboard, 3 wash tubs, pictures, sewing mach- ine, quilting frame, kitchen; stove, large .kitchen table, kitchen cupboard coal heater, small oak table, reading lamp, what -not, quantity wood split,. kitchenware garden tools and other: num)eirous articles. TERMS (ASO Mr' s. A nn Pickard, a hro1T let resp p Gla dam8c Stanbury, solicitors of y z ois for e n - n Vendor; Andy Easton, Auctioneer, GRAND TRUNK SYSTEM THE DOUBLE TRAGI:- RO1TE l3etoveen MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled digin car 1; service, Sleeping cars on sight trains ands parlor cars onri c p p n pal day trains. Full Information frown any Grand, Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Hor- ning; District Passenger Ageaat, Toronto. N. J. DORE, Agent. Exeter, • Phone 46w•. The Western Fair LONDON, ONTARIO e Sp tem bar 8th. 1923 The Popular Live Stock Exhibition of Western ' Ontario. 40,000 in Prizes and Attractions THE NEW $1.60,000.00 MANUFACTURERS BUILDING Holding over Three. Hundred Exhibits Come and See Tliem VVonderfult � c ._._--r-•, [Platforn.�Atiractions. See Frograrrs, MUSIC—FIRE: WORKS—FUN^ . Something Doing all the time. JOHNNY J. JONES SHOWS ON THE MJDW4.5' Admission, ,25c all week• Children, 15c. All Children Free on Monday, September 10th. This will be: the Big Year for the Exhibition Everybody Come. All information from the Secretary J. H. SAUNDERS, President A. M. HUNT.', Secretary. ESPONSI ILITY S YOUR kOr'nt.iaiiSt3:.112y develop /17113` 2ii,71rt--l' C3rior,;e breeds. but; ,the standard of -a country's cattle dna pends o!) the t:l1 Orad Gi ti1L farmer in this direction. 1•ion. ' "EC Gr 1)0 -;GO � S.11AIZE V. * --e. ,3.7't' i-11/1 to assist any responsibl3 ff.'.T.^ ;ier wi7 io Ire (ill'sns :i 1,...I`..', E�3 • THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Capital Paid Exeter Branch Crediton Branch - Dashwood Branch up $ 15,000,000' Reserve Fund $15,000,000 • M. R. Complin, Manager • G. G. Maynard, Manager G. G. Maynard, Manager Incorporated in 1855 Capital and Reserve $9,000,000 Over 125 Branches 1-1-1E M O L S O E3A COURTESY TO ALL In all departments every effort is made to eliminate unnecessary formalities and to assure speedy and courteous service to.. customers: Savings Departments at every Branch. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards invited. EXETER BRANCH T. S. WOODS, Manager Centralia branch open for businessclaily. rAR'IER'S 1111JTUAI, P'llll1 INSUI:- AIVCL+s ,COMPANY fitted Office Farquhar, Ont. President, Wzn. 13I OCK Vice -President, JOHN ALLISON.. DIRECTORS TIIOS. RYAN SIMON DOW 'I ROBT. NOIRRIS, JAMES Mcl%EN%IE, AGENTS • JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent. for UJsbornc: and Biddxrlph. OLIVER HARRIS, elunro; Agent for Hibberte.Fullerton and 'Logan. ` . A.."TCIIN11111,1, Secretary-Trcasltrer Box 98 Exeter, Ontario. GLADI:IAN & SI1ANl.UUli'3c" Solicitors, Exeter. DA. G. F. ROULSTON, X,,D.Sn D.D.s DENTIST Office over I. R. Carling's tiny office. Closed every Wednesday afternoon I)R. A. R. Js-`Z11TSMA1' , Honer Gra dente of •Toronto helver- 1) 7'N'tIST Chace over elladMan & Stsaburs`'i oticc, Mien Street, Exeter. MONEY .TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and viiiege properties, a1 Jateit crates of tn• . tercet,,,;, (MADMAN, & ST:',NBUIte Bar-rieters, 9olic:(tere Male St 'Exeter, Oet.arlo 1'1L`it t) F. DO1'a'Tj, Licensed' A ito- tio;reei•. Selma toritl[;r,ed In esti• to>a: ality. Ter tee Odll (' i , r;ei s. I ail 't. ,i line' 051ce is t r.'-., 1 . t tendVd tip l'hit')e. !iii, Address T irixtoae .P' t7 "if?' t�,�r s r i S•-?" l �3 t1,2: (( T Will spoil your .sutra Iter argil nulla your company' til t1 ;shtg• to your friends unless yoir get relief, Get a box of 71 & t.i.,T t:x? :/. Most; people feel hotter :Cr s" li t'rr0 ,, •1. dose Your druggist; will ref;il1ca'y0r_.i. f.;cney if a $:1 box "does nob Lotti • , e)lo,, Ab- , solutoly h`alnilcs: Geneeno 1 l','0111)1('% for 4c in stana,ps., Tempt 1.,•,,, To- ronto. 1:-2