HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-8-9, Page 72,1 lar:ax4ded GEttew2ray's. /1„ 'o the garden's'":lfigh embed trel- lises , rf;halt- l'orin the. gateways to its wonder- ,., land, Is flung sue)i lovely riot of pink bloom, Like tinted ,fo trri 'upon it breaking waves Of rambler branches in their tangled graee, lest one can scaroe believe the gar- dnner taTho says, "I cut those roses ifecle'so far, I feared the winter might ha'? hurt the „etocks, At least to "keep them from rliuol� growth this yeah, het,;now, the next July, behold their wealth let radiant iflossoin, laughing at the ;: ulfe.r EIe-re where I write, entranced with their gay bowers gee one of the laden trellises Against a dietaut forest covered hill That,- tinged with -summer's tone of hazy. blue, Brings richer glowfrom atlas auroral wreath. 0 magic drift-ot color, beaui.iful Beyond nil words to •tell! .I think these= gates, With roseate glamour crowned lake clouds of 'dawn. Might hear the:. P•selm's great- cry, "Litt' up your heads I" And as• the temple dooms were lifted up With joy to let the King of Glory 'ea, These archways lovely in the summer morn B'e chosen for a Saviours eiterin in; And surely He loved 'garde -as, long: ago: Eliot White. What Pascal Couldn't' Do. Pascal could do anything! i an thin i' . He had sa:id'as much, and Mr. Ralph Stock did not •d•oubt it when he engaged ,he big Pa.unotan native to, dive for pearl shell l,n the Marguesaa Islands•, He could cook, sags Mr. Stock in the Cruise o•f the Dream Ship, and of course he could dive. He knew every island the Marquesas: like the palrn of his hand. He could remain under water three minutes, could discourse enter- tainingly in pidgin. Eeglish, French, a,.eesea,n, Ma:rquesan and ,Paumotan, and the conid 'd W a ship's';:provisaons without the anno.yaneee of paying` for then "But whom do we owe for all this;?" • I asked him, eying, the too and stuff he had' brought with.him—green ban- anas live chickens, a rabbit, firewood and a stoveniade of a kerosene tin. Pascal smiled and..waved his hand. '"Rabbit no money," he, replied;. • "Chicken' bananas' "all no inehey. - Me . get `um," ..., Dawn revealed Tahu'ata e1�ose, `abeanl —waterfalls pouring down three thous- and 'feet to the sea;, deep bays with coral beaches at" the heads of,them. „ease._ gut-,>tlzc-•tssauties et nature were not for us; we were after shell. • We took the dinghy' and explored the hoar of title ecean through water ,glasses.; This was, the Place, --so Pascal had inform- ed msi—and sure enough 'there wag shelf! What of a few samples,? Pascalgrinned and shook his, head. '"Shark," he muttered apologetically, which meant that he refused to dive. He pointed out that. in the Paumo- tos it was different. In the,Paumotus there was always a reef -surrounded la- goon that few sharks eateredL In the Paumotus In vain we pointed out: that we hap paned to be in the Marquesas, that we, had hired him to drive in thko Marques- as, that we were really very angry -in the Marquesas. He grinued; he could not dive -1.n the Marquesas. • In less than half an hour and to Pas eal'seutter amazemeiat we had put him and leis belongings, ashore, paid him hds wages and were under way for Tahiti. .. ' So -Called .. "Wisdom Teeth' ,..,.Survival of Older Time. The- lower orders of creatures are able „to produce an almost unlimited: number of teeth, fresh ones growing to replace those which }have been broken off in some way. No doubt at some early etage in the world's history, we, too, possessed this faculty. With the passing of the ages, how- ever, 'man, thanks to soft foods,, used his teeth less and less, till the neces- sity :for such frequent replacements vanished, axxd Nature ,gradually brought us down to our present two sets, We are born with the rudiments of our real set, of 32'`permanent teeth 'in our gums, but with h jaw too small to hold ,that number. Nature, therefore, provides the child with a temporary set of 20 "baby" teeth, just ,the' num- ber that the child's jaw can convent c,ntly ` hold, ` almiost • ready to break' through the gums. As the child grows up, its maw enlargers unttil it able to ]sold its real get, and the temporary teeth, haying` accornpIished their per- pose,. fall out, to be replaced by the 'permanent set. Phe so-called "Wisdom teeth" which some, people get are really only a per v thea3 vi al o of t e lex scheme of three : or mare successive series of teeth, Movable Fireplace. A , Seetchman Iias invented a -°yl Metrical concrete chimeey' far resi- dences, fitt.ud with a fireplace that can Ito 'xnta.ted to warm any one of four moris: An Indian sPi e s webonl y slx mashes in width Was found to contain over '•ill,600 meshes. EASY TRICKS. No. $S A Ring Trick. Lifebuoy May be safe- ly used on the tender- est skin, It is, wonderfully cleansing for little hands, faces and bod- ies.- Dessau od..iesrLifssrcov sae/as/ass hetet- • fw'l hthalthy skins, Lbea »riving Away the Vultures. "I can't serve; God wholeheartedly unless I ani sure, Miss Clemens," said Marion, "and --I keep thinking that per -I haps there is no God at all.' There are rnolv,ants when :I feel almost sure there is not,. How could any good God permit the terrible things te--happen that do happen? on the other hand, I sometimes think that•, these- dreadful' things are our own fault. But if there is a loving God, Miss Clemens, I want to know it definitely! "Aad you may knows" answered Miss Clemens. - "Do you remember that the Lord promised Abraham that his seed should be as the' stars of heaven in;,nuhiber? Abraham was like yau; he wanted to,abe sure, and he said, 'Whereby shallI know?' God said he should prepare a sacrifice, just -as if the were going 'to make a covenant • with 'a 'friend. "Abraham prepared the sacrifice' and divided itheto•halves ; accordingto the cestonr, the contracting parties "-would, pass between .the divided: sacrifice • in token of agreement; Abraham solemn- Ily'passed: between;:but God did not ap- pear to• seal the covenant on his. side. Abraham waited all ,day, 'and as' the vultures swooped, down he patiently drove them away. It was not till even- ing: that he saw the• smoking furnace, the .'s ,mbol .of•God';s presence, passing sy.. between the sacrifices and heard ;a voice'say, `Know of a surety ``Human; nature' hasn't: chant ed much. since Abraham; we still want to know. But '-if-we :expect to get the assurance that, Abraham got, we must do as he did,`faithfilly perform guff part -of the covenant and -Wei; tor God'ta perform •"It •seems, to m'e I. have tried," said Marmon, "Yes, but remember that all day Abraham stood and drove . awaytlie vultures. L It may seem to .youa long, dreamy time that you are forced to stand and drive away the mocking vultures of ' doubt, but that is your Part of the covenant. And perhaps in' the most unexpected manner and at the most unexpected time you will see God passing between the sacrifices. But be sure than I -le will! There can. be'no'shadow of doubt about it. Too many earnest souls have proved Him; too many patient waitere'have heard his voice out of the -darkness saying, 'Know of a surety.'''• "I knew you could- help me,'' said Marion' as she rose keep, driving away the, vultures," MONEY ORDERS. Send', a ; Dominion Express Money Order. •- They' are' payable everywhere. In Foulness ,Island off the marshy coast of Essex, fiifty"•miles from Lon- don, strangers are regarded almost with suspicion, and the butcher only has meat once a week. Ancient hieroglyphics discovered in a territory north of Matabeleland, Africa, are believed to point to e very old civilization which • has been lost for .centuries. MT rT THIS CATALOGUE Me Best Ever issued : Guns, Ries, Ammunition, Fishing, Tackle, Baseball, tennis, Lacrosse Camping Outfits, all Sumpter and WVinter Sports. 'V, e want.,' Every. 1/0„10 Husits, Frishes, or G9.aq efay Outdoor ame to et our large free Catalogue. Prices right, satisfaction gnxaranteed. Itnkiiense etock, prompt shipment You Rave money bygetting; Catalogue today. T. W. Body & bon. Notre Dame St. West. Montreal' Tie the endsof a piece of string, about two feet long. together ant place then over a friend's thumbs as in the first illustration. Borrow a linger ring. The trick is• to get the. *ring on the string withouttaking the loop off either , thumb. It is Mono in this manner • Pet the ring over a single loop of the string as in the second illus- ti•ation; Put this,. loop over one of the tliumbs. Take off the loop that I was on that thumb at the begin. ning. Ask your friend to separate his thumbs as fan as possible. When he does this,; place your hand ever the ring and pretend to rub .it'vigorously. The more myster- ious you can make this the less likely your audience is to see. just bow the trick ,was done. When you try the trick, however, you will sea that the ring went on the string When you putone loop on the thumb and took another off.' •, (Clip this vitt and paste it, with other of the series, in a scrapbook.) EALTH FOR WEAK BY DR. J. J. 1VMIDPLETON €srovinolal Board of Health, Ontario Dr. Middleton will be glad to anewer eueetiona ea Public Health mt)M` tees through this coluizz 1, li.ddrom hien at 13yadina House, Bpealiffa Oreeeent, ',reroute. Country lin: has iteadvantages and d'sadvantages.' The absence of tur- moil, ofthe'stress and strain assotiat ed with life in a busy city is one of the rich blessings, that the country has to offer, Then again there are the. natural healthy surroundings, the privilege of getting; close to •.nature and forming associations with the woods, the meadows, the trees and the quiet river: , These are all good associations. TheV, tend to raise the thoughts above the sordid°comxiion- 'place. of the work -a -clay world,' They bring us into contact with things worth' while and provide the occasion for retrospect. But life in the coun- try is• riot wholly one glad, sweet eft= istence.- It has .its disadvantages. There may be monotony after a while, an uninteresting sameness from day to day, and perhaps even a tendency to drudgery. Then, there may be the ilbsence:of .atty,actiens such as the city affords. There may be no reading rooms, no community hall, no organ- ized recreation centre, no place to go. In short, country" life may provide nothing that keeps one's thoughts oc cupied, and thus 'these thoughts are allowed to ' drift. Sometimes our thoughts drift, along the proper chan- nels and we take up some useful-hob- by, seful-hobby, or pastime, sometimes we meet nice people whose ' friendship means much to us -and does much in mould- ing our characters and our viewpoint on life. But again the opposite may be true. The ,monotonyof rural life may gen- erate in us a craving for excitement, for some new thrill. In our loneliness we associate with whoever can pro- vide some bit of bright color to the natural ` ra ness of our everyday ex- D T PEOPLE t 1 b D �' E From End to End of Canada Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Doing Good Work. There is not a nook ,or corner in Canada, in the cities, towns, villages and on'the farms, where Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have ,not been used and from one end of the country to .the other" people sound their praise: You have only to `'as:k your neighbors and they -can • tell you of souse run, down man, sufferingx woman, ailing > youth ok unhappy anaemic girl who owes their present healthand strength' to, Di•. Williams'• Pink Pills., The success: of this medicine is due to the fact that it Y upon directl u on the'blood . making it rich andP ure, and thus brings new - strength to every organ and nerve in the body. Mr. Andrew' F. Webb,, 1Viel- anson N.S. t•tells' what. Dr. Williams' . Pink Pills have done for him as fel- laws,:—"I wee, in a rundown condition from overwork and 'what the doctor called a nervous.breakdown. My sis- ter urged me to try . Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.. After taking several boxes I improved wonderfully and feel like a different person. I sleep weld, eat well, and•my nerves are stronger •and with confidence I can recommend these pills to all weak, run down people." If you are suffering from, ang condi- tion due to poor, watery bl•,00d, : or weak nerves, begin taking `Dr•�. Wil- liams' `Pink Pills, now,. `and note how your strength and health will improve. You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine, or they will be sent by mail, post 'paid, at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont; Tracing Life History of Fish lay' Marking. A certain percentage of the output "of the fish hatcheries of the Depart- ment of Marine and Fislueriesi Canada, is marked each year for the purpose of, gaining some definite information with regard to the life history of the fish and the number that come to maturity. This marking is. principally confined to the, anadramous species that: is those that ,ascend rivers to spawn, such as the Atlantic salmon of the eastern provinces and the sociceye salmon of: the Pacific. Every year a proportion of the par- ent Atlantic salmon, from which the eggs are .obtained'>for the hatcheries in the Mealtime Provinces, is a marked, after they are stripped of their eggs and milt aria before theyare liberated, by attaching a numbered silver tag to the dorsal fin. Sialnion kelt are: also marked when they are on;th,efr way to sea in the spring of the year, after they: have deposited their eggeon the natural :spawning :grounds during the preceding autumn. Sockeye a.nd Atlantic salmon finger- lings; that have been retained and fed 1naenclosures for several months are also nlarltecl each year by the reanoval. of 'their adipose' fin. A reward of $1 la paid efer the retilrn of silver .tags that are being attached to Atlantic salmon with some scales from the side of the fish and particulars regard- ing their Length and weight, and the date and place of. recapture. A great. deal of information regarding thie life history ot salmon and other fishhas' been gathered iii thin way in this and other countries.. Poetry and Prose. "What is so rare as a day in lune?" Quoted the emotional young girt 3'A ton of good anthracite when you need it," eai,d ,the man who barbered winter mental -les. Thus poetic' fancy and hard feet cocuided• head-on,:' Mlnard's Liniment used by Physi'c1RnI. istence. It is here the trouble lies, For often the frictxdsliips' we thus make are not the kind that will help us, riot the kind that will de us any; good, at all. In fact we may start to drift, and may indulge in excesses of one, kind or another:; , We may sink lower'in the social scale without' even realizing it. If excesses are allowed to develop, they may 'develop; into de -1 beechen', and disease will follow. ID' that condition we may become social, outcasts and degenerates. We need .a `helping hand. We need somebody who can warn us of the de- grading associations that we need to avoid. There are many rural districts in Ontarie that need such advice. Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst, the well known English suffragist, who'gave the greater part of her life to the cause of the political enfranchisement of women is" now resident in Toronto and is an official of the Toronto Social Hygiene Council, an organization whose 'aim is to raise the moral tone of the community, and in every way work towards the building up of a better' citizenship, <"Mrs. Pankhurst is going to visit rural' Ontario and talk about these things that interest every- body so much. • She is'going to try and help everyone.who needs help and friendly advice. Her meetings are to be public. •She is an excellent plat- form speaker and can deliver her mes- sage with clearness and force. First. of all,: Mrs.:_ Pankhurst is going to matte a tour of the northern part of the province. She will visit many im- portant centres and her work should bring valuable results. Detailed an- nouncements- of Mrs. Pankhurst's itinerary will no doubt be published at a later date. He: - No, I never could swim with my head ' under water. She: It bobs up like a cork, I sup- pose. Cha eye Oiuln: Crop. Among the many woes of China is a revival of thte •opium 'evil. Great Britain agreed to prevent opium from being sent into China if China would 'suppress the culture, of the poppy and desist from makingopium at home. For a time China did discourage and• greatly reduce the 'home production, but when Indian opiumceased to be a .competitor and anarchy spread over the country the lawn were relaxed, and many ,of the ,peovinciial govern - menthe 'actually enlcaurageda and in some provinces required, the cultiva- tion of the peppy for the revenue they derived from it. Now, it - le reported, the crop in Chine. is nearly as large as it wan before there were any re- strictions, and because of the official indifference the use of the drug has increased to an alarming extent. The production is reported to be"esnormous and the demand "Iimitless.". Washing machines which can cleanse 350 shirts at once are now being made. For turning leaves of sheet music quickly when'. on the stand, a device has been invented in England. BARI''S GREAT DANGER DLiRli%G HOT 1YEATIIER More Little ones die during the .hat weather than at any other time of the year. Diarrhoea, 'dysentry, chol- era infantuin and stomach troubles come without warning, and when a medicine is ` not at hand to give promptly the short delay too fre- quentiy means that the child has passed beyond ala. • Baby's Own Tab- letslYouid always be kept in the house -Wh , ere :there are 'young chil- dren. An occasional dose of the Tab- lets willP revent stomach and bowel troubles, or if the trouble comes' sud- denly the prompt use of the Tablets will relieve the baby. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25c a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co-, Brockville, Ont. Careful. The cake had beenassed to every- one x,y,, one at the table but Bobbie, 31/2 years old. Bobbie—I'll take a piece of cake, please. Mother—No, dear; ,banana cake is too heavy for little boys. Bobbie (alter several seconds of thought)—Well, I'll us.e both hands. A Hickory Stick. Teacher (to Tommy Smithson, who has just felt the ruler) : "Now, Smith- son, we have read of the, principal reigning monarchs of the world:. Which, ruler inspires the most respect and fear?" Smithson -"The one on your desk, , sir..,, it jOR VOUR EYES Refreshes Tired Eyes Write Murine Co.,Chicago, fo rEve CareBnok .UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all - onlyan "unbroken acka e'.' of "Bayer „Tablets of Accept p � 'ch' contains directions and: dose worked out b Aspirin,"will d o y plysicIansduring 22 years and proved safe �y1it Millions for Headaclie Rheumatism, •matism Cobs. R ;her 1 e ri'i tl ach Neuralgia N u ills Too �: e Earache Lumbago. ,a Pain,Pain "Bayer" ,.. . „ • — g Ba cr hove 0 12 tablets --Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists. rsts: Ilandp y s f bl; Aspirin Is the trade mht-It treaistered lzi Ct,nat'in,) of Bayer Manitmetut'e oC Mono- ateotleacldester of 4a.ilcyllcAhtcl, whIlo it is, Well known that 2',sptt-l0 moans Barer rnri•nufaeture, to assist the hublle agatnstimltatioon• the Tablets of )Sayor'Conipany ba stamped TViti their general trade znarlt, rho ".Gayer Cross." "ur OLD CHU, w 5008105 TODACGo �1 00'• Seventeen-Year Locust. The ti ada,orsaventat seventeen-year r locust will appear this year in many of the states east of the Mississippi. Far seventeen year• 11 terse in the,groound as a grab, then suddenly emerges, takes wing and begins to "sing" bi the tree taps. The female lays'e'ggs an a twig' and leaf; new grubs hatch, fall to the ground and dig in at once. •The insects • cause no permanentdamage to mature trees, but msa.y seriously in- jure nursery stock. This year',e swarm is one -of the largest and most widely distributed of all. Mll,lard'a Liniment for rsale everywhere The Crow was Lucky Too. A cattleman who was "riding range" near''-Roebourue, Australia, says Mr, W. D. Boyce in his book Illustrated Australia anti New Zealand, picked up a stone to throw at a crow'. At least he thought it was a stone, but the unusual weight of it made him stop and -look; to his amazement the -thing was a nugget of almost pure gold. 'When he reported his discovery to an official the fellow, who was incredu- lous, merely flaked. "And what became of the crow?" ti? . Persons "stone deaf" may now hear through the bones of the wrists and knuckles by using a mechanical ear. Fully Tipped. Jones: That we,s an arrogant waiter you had yesterday—did you tip hila' before you left? Brown (savagely) Yes --- right' off his feet. t...assitced:Adver* ,^ A\TED—ADIBITIOLS DIAN . OR WOMAN to distribute samples and take ordersfor highclass household specialty, No risk. Big money, Honest proposition. Lucus Products Cc., Dept.` T. itamilton, Ont,' JILIUM FO s -NOTES FROIf DIAR Y (Booklet). Nineyears' experience ranching . foxes, 25 cents, Dr, Randall. Truro. Nova Segue. WASHINGTON HAND PRESS. �E IIAVS AN ENQnIRY FOR A \VASIIINt3- TON Hand Press that will take 2 pages :of t columns, long. Wilson Publishing Co„ Ltd., 53 Adelaide St. W,. Toronto. America's Pioneer Dog I emodies Boo-- on • DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Maned Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. . Clay Glover Ca., Ino- • 129 Went 24th Street I New York. Back '~o Work Kendall's Spavin Treatment will get that lame horse back on the job again. For more than forty years as Kendall's Spavin Cure it has been removing spavins splint, ringbone, thoroughpin and all lands of body growths. Gel 0 a pour druggist's today alsoACfree book "A Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases", or write direct to DR. B. J. KaI' DALL COMPANY, Enosburg Falls, Vt., U.S.A. Keridairs Smtavit; Treatment TO EXPECTk MST ERs Attractive Pro ositian For man with all round weekly newspaper experience and $400 or $500. Apply Box 24, Wilson Publishing Co., Ltd., 73 Adelaide Street West. LISTERE FEET. IL" Bathe them with M inard's, It hears eases. A Letter from Mrs. Smith Tells How kit Lydia E. Pinkbai<n's Vegetable Compound Helped Her Trenton, Ont.—"I am writing to you in regard to Lydia 11. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound. I woulU- not be with- out it. I have taken it before each of my children was born and afterwards, and ,.Yid it a great help. Before my first baby was born 'had short- ness of breath and,. ringing•in my ears. I felt as if I would never pull through, One day a friend' of my husband told him what the Vegeta- ble Compound had done for his wife and advised him to take a bottle home for me. After the fourth bottle I wag a different woman. 'I have four children c , now, and I always 'find the Vegetable Compound a great help as it seems to make confinement eaeler. I reeoni end it to my friends.---Mrs.rFltkn SMITH, John St,, Trenton, Ont. LydiaE. Pinkham's Vegetable a g, Com- pound is an excellent medicine for ex- pectant mothers, and should be taken duringg the entire period. It has a gen- I eral effect to en strep thand tone u 1 i'the it g entire system, so that may work in 1. every respect effectually as nature it - tofhis fact. tonled, Thousands of women testify 7 CuLke f . Dom So Much For Hair d Skin For promoting and maintaining beauty of skin and hair Cuticiii'a Soap and Ointment are unexcelled. Guticura Talcum is an ideal powder,. refreshing and cooling to the most i delicate. Akins. Soap25e, Ointment25dn,150t, Talcurn25c. Sold througholttthafominion. CtlnadiatmDepott l'ymottt,, Limited, 344' St. Paul Si,, W., Nienlredt:, • rCuticurn Soap shaves without meg. ISSUE No,