HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-8-9, Page 5! 7 I 1 !! IIIIII� II! li !Il i If1! 11� I ff! f li ! ! fIl I l 111 i II �� ifl !! !!ilii i f ff f ff If fl I I I1 I i i f 1 fl 11111 f N� � 1 I II fill f f! f i .11 I iff i lfll 1 I l � 1 I N li I I ! . 1 �� 1 1 �� 1 � I f1 _ .. I MSI � . Il � r roe...: ,:,..... .1.4.11111 impIuluimpiumuiouunieuumimiimumuiiiiimiupmmnhpmiimuimiiEmmiaoimimivanumimimmmuiiuir ENSALL este time ,wishln you had a good business diication,• and MISS a splendid position, which is waiting to become YOUR OPPORTUNITY to a highl; lace in the "COMMERCIAL' world. MAKE: - ..r • TUESDAY, SEPT:SE?74 tl,.1023 ,. ` YOUR LUCKY DAY ` by beginninga COMMEItd1AL, S:'rENOGRAPIIIC or ,. • SECRETARIAL COURSE in The MOST SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS SCHOOL in the PROVINCE THE • SCHOOL OF COMMERCE c CLINTON, ONT. For information write or phone B. F. Plrard, B.A., M. Acc'ts.., Principal. • M. A. Stone, Com. Specialist, Vic e_Prineipal-,e Phone 198 DR. A.- MOIR, L. M. C. C. Physician 'and Surgeon Phone 70 HENSALL DR. J. W., PECK; f Facultyof M edicine Graduate o , McGill University, Montreal; Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario; Licentiate of Medical Connell of Canada; Post Graduate Member; of Resident Medical staff of. General Hospital; Montreal, 1,914-15; Office, 3 doors east of Post OMice. Phone 56, Hensall, Ontario. DR G. W. DUFFIN Graduate of Faculty of "Medicine, Western University, London; Mem- ber of College of Physicians and Sur- 'geons:, of Ontario; Post Graduate pneinber of Resident' Staffs, of. Re ceiving and Grace Hospitals, Detroit, -Icor eighteen months; also Post Grad- uate member ` of Resident° Staff in Midwifery; at Herman Kiefer Hospi- tal, Detroit, for, three months. Office, over Joynt'sBiock Phone 114 Eenealit Ont. • SCHOOL' FAIR DATES FOR 1923. Ford w.ic h, Sept. 6; Wroxeter, -Sept, 7; Ethel, Sept. 10; Belgrave Sept. 1.1; Bluevale, Sept, 12; St. Helens, Sept. 13; Ashfield, Sept.' 14; Carlow. Sept. 17; :Clinton, Sept. 18; Zurich; Sept. 19 ; °Dashwood, Sept.= 20; Win- chelsea, Sept. 21; Porter's Hill, Sept. 22;in h W g am, 24-25; Walton, 26 Dublin, Sept. 27; Blyth, Sept. 28; Varna, Oct. 1; Crediton, Oct. 2; Grand Bend, ,Oct. 3. IB NOW A �ItfENEhi So.: says ' retired Salvation Ar iny, Of- 'ficer, who regains•health after tee years "sutferrng--eleims eDreco; a •wonderful remedy. "For the past ten years I•have;suf- rered from• neuritis •and ' a general un; down condition of "'the system," states Mr. Philip Lewis, a; former Sal- vation . Army Major of the Junior Sunday School, `Maidstone,' Ie'ent, • England 'and no'w"a well lenown-•citi= zen,of Toronto, residing at 4'93 Reele DR. G. L. SMITH "After my ' arrival in ;Canada twelve 1, DENTIST year:s' ago I was taken ill with, prieu-, iuonia,' which resulted in a nervous, Two doors east of the Moisons weakened condition of,.my system. Bank, Hensall Ont. Away Wednesday afternoons. 3'ROUDFOOT, KILLORAN & HOLMES Barristors, &c. Office on the Square; 2nd door 'from Hamilton/St., Goderich. Private funds t� loan at lowest rates. W. Proudfoot, K.C. J. L. Killoran, D. E. Holmes Mr. Holmes will tie in Hensall every Friday from 9 until 6. 'AUCTIONEER OSCAR, KLOPP Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Au - 'lotion School, Special course takenin egistered Live Stock (all Breeds,) Merchandise, Real Estate, • Farm ` Sales, `ekeeping tc.- Rates in with prevailing prices. Satisfaction as- sured, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, or wire 18-93, Zurich. EVERY SORT OE JOB PRINTING WE PRINT—Posters, Dodgers, En- velopes, Letterheads, Visiting. Cards, Shipping Tags, and: anything at all, at The Observer -Printing Office, Hensall. Orders taken for Daily and Weekly Papers. Toronto and London papers 44.75, :.In club with the Exeter Times $6.25: Leave' your order at the Ob- server Office. uxber, has Advanced But we are still Selling White Pine �3ressed on both sides at $45.00 per thousand. lx6 dressed and . matched White pine $5.0.00 per M. B.C. No. 1 XXX Shingles B. C. No. 1 XXXXX Shingles Bird's Ashphalt Twin Shingles Bird's Ashpibalt Roll Roofing 18 in, wide, the heaviest made. Phone No. 12 Aa J. q' LATWO IIY GE,ANT0 Finally neutritis set inand the fol- lowing _four years I was i11 most 'of the time, gradually becoming worse, until it 'was almost impossible for nie• to dragone foot in front of the other.• This necessitated the use of a, carie when trying to walk. "I tried many medicines and silent hundreds of dollars without, getting results. Since June 1922, I had been unable to do my work, my entire. system being _ very'weak. I had just- •about given up all ,hope of re- covering when I happened to` read how much Dreco was doing for others so I decided to try it. , "After taking Dreco only one week, the results were so surprising that 1 decided to continue the complete treatment, .which I have done and I am now a' different man. "Dreco is a Godsend 'and I gladly recommend it to anyone. I am one hundred u od per cent better.,in every way and have started work again. • "I have no more terrible aches and paina through fey limbs and back; and the -use of the cane is no longer. necessary. This improvernent I feel is really -wonderful for a Iran of 60 years of age to receive in so short a time. My health in general is great- ly improved: and I feel .inyich strong- Dreco is a natural remedyprepar ed from roots, herbs, bark and leaves and tones and regulates all the or- gans, of digestion, up -building the general health. It contains no mer- cury, potash, to Y, l s l or habit drugs. Long standing, obstinate digestive complaints yield readily to this re- liable corrective. Dreco is being specially introduced in Exeter by W. , S. HOWEY, and is sold by a good druggist everywhere. CENTRAL vi If3,t CF,i )01:4, WINTER TERM FROI1 J'AN' i'ARY 2nd.' , CENTRAL BUSINESS COL- LEGE,:,STRATFORI), ONT. The leading practical trainin School in Western I e Ontario: • The ebnool .where you. get a thorough . course under competent instructors d Commercial, 'Shorthand b and Telegraphy Depart- ments. We assist gra_ deatee, 1 to positions, q4 catalogue, Miss Jessie Buchanan is visiting friends in. Galt at present. Mr. and Mre. Jas. l3onthron and family are calcining at. Grand Bend, Mr. and Mrs. Roy White,. of Lon- don, visited friends. in •town this. week. t , Mr. Wm. Stone, Jr., of Detroit, spent the week -end with his parents in town.:. e, Mrs. Alex. Buchanan spent a few days in London the` latter part of last, week. ' Miss Hattie Whiteside has been visiting inr Hamiltoin-: for the paste week or roe Grand Bend will. Bold their 10th annual Galla Day on Wednesday, August 15th, Civic ;holiday passed away very quietly in Hensall, many of the cit- izens taking in the sports and out- ings elsewhere, Mrs. 'Glenn, of London, is visiting her son, Mr. Geo. Glenn, of the Lon- don Road north. ' Mr. Garnet Smallacombe and little daughter of Guelph, 'visited. friends in town recently. • Mrs bell and Mrs: Hayton have -re- turned after spending two week's va- cation at Grand -Bend. Miss Mary McKaig, of Chiselhurst, has taken 'a position as operator in the telephone office in town. Mrs, W •Haskins and family of Mitchell, are ,visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs: D. McMartin. Mr. and Mrs. E. Lindenfield and family motored to Goderich on Mon- day and spent the day .there. Mr., and Mrs. ,Doug. Neelands and family, , of Chicago, are visiting' friends in Hensall and Sta£fa. Miss Is s Jessiee Bell, of Windsor, is visiting her parents, MVir. and. Mrs. Jas. A. Beli, of London Road eouth. 'A large number from Hensall and •vicinity attended, the Ford picnic on Wednesday, of last• week at Grand Bend. Mi. and Mrs. Geo. Richardson and little son Carman spent the holiday. in ,Hensall, .tile guest of Mrs. Wm. Richardson. Miss Grace Chapman returned home • on Monday from a pleasant visit with Rev. G. W. Rivers and family, of Parkhill. as Mrs. IWin. Richaruson spent last week camping at Bayfield, the ,guest of her daughter and sou -in-law, Mr. and Mrs: Darby, of Montreal. • Miss Florence Welsh retur=ned home last week after visiting in Lon- don. Miss Welsh sang a ✓solo in the First Methodist church while there. Mrs. Kimble who has been visit- ing her sister, Mrs: J. R. Patterson, for ' the past few: days returned to her home in Chicago on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Darby, of Mon- treal motored :to our village last week to spend a few days with. Mrs. Darby's mother, Mrs. Richardson and .other friends: Mr. and Mrs: Daley and Mr. and Mrs. Forest, 'of New .York, visited Mr. Robert Eacrett, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Munn, and Mr. and 'Mrs. A.ug- ustus Luker during the week. Rev. Arthur Sinclair, pastor of the Methodist church and family are en- joying their holidays. Mr. Sinclair occupied `the pulpit of Ridout St. Methodist church, London, on Sunday being a, London Old •Boy. W.M.S. will have charge of the ser- vices in .the Methodich, ciutrch.. The pulpit will be 'supplied morning and evening by Miss Edith' Sperling, a missionary recently returned from Chungking, /China. In the evening she will appear in Chinese- costume. There r will special ec al music• morning and evening. A real treat is 'in store for those who attend. - ANNUAL' PICNIC WAS BIG SUCCESS The annual picnic of the Hensall. churches was held at Grand Bend on Civic Holicfa`y, Monday. , The "weath- er proved to be ideal for the outing and a large number from alrthe churches • ` attended. Tlie younger folk andalso` many of the older peo- ple took advantage of the fine bath- ing beach and repaired to the cool- ing waves of old Lake Huron which became the scene of much sport dur- ing the afternoon. Supper was ser- ved ill the building made for ;that purpose down on the beach, when all present heartily partook of the .couilt- less dainties spread before them and verydne left the dining hall with the• `inner marl" satisfied. Tlie. ;sports Were then ran off up on the baseball ianzond and this feature in the day's uting, was very interesting and al- so .the cause of muni sport. The fol - owing is a report of the races: € irls—ii years and under, lst� Mary Hemphill, 2nd Kathryn iJ. ysdale, Boys-8,years and under, let Ev- aRannie, 2nd liarry 1=Iudson. �-' Bo3�s—1 years and undert lst x d- D. A. McLachlan, Principal: 1 Ex �rl�rt 'A 1M rtl gar Wu z , z2td •Harold Higgins. Qir14e" -$ years and ltzld i•, lis Alice Hig ins;2nd lTarion''Sinclair. Girls -10 years and under let Bal , yl Pfaff, 2nd Joyce: Scruton; Boys -10 and under. let Gordon Rennie, 2nd Lorne Chapixu n• Girls -12: and under, lst Dorothy kleffernzau, 2izd'Doz:ris Chaliman, Boys ---12 - and under, 1st ,Harold l '' 2 H ll and Harry Jo t ' H a Y Y Girl "--�14 and i i is a under, 1st Haw Gra sick '2nd 'Gi s t eta . Blackwell., )30)'S-.,-14 and under, 1st Raymond Rivers, 2nd Lorne " GVhitsino. e'Boys-.16 and under, let Fred Steacy,, 2nd:Foeter' Ingram, :Young Ladies' race -1st Jean El- der, 2nd: Helen Elder, Men's Race -100 yds, 1st F. Can- telon, 2nd E. Sfaddock. Married Meri's' Race --1st Rannie, 2nd W. A. MacLaren and A. W. B.: Heinpliili tie. 3: -Legged 'Race -1st Hudson. and' Rivers, 2nd Cantelon and floggartli. Fat. Man's Race—lst Rev. Rivers 2nd M. J, Drysdale.. At 'the couclnsion of the races s a baby show ' was held and Mr. and' Mrs. :Alvin Wttrin's baby (Harold Wurrn) took the prize for baby under 6 months and Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Higgins' baby (Wm. Robert) took the prize for a baby over 6 months old, Among those 'present at the outing were' Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Rivers and family, of Parkhill, -for- mer pastor of the Methodist 'church here and' the highly respected minis- ter and his family spent p, very pleas- ant day ,with "his former fellow citi- zens. At the close of the sports and baby show, a .large number betook themselves to the beach where they enjoyed the bracing breeze from the lake while others amused themselves with the numerous to rows other devices that` are to be seen at the stammer. resort. As the evening wore on the tired out happy picnicei•s returned home havingenjoyed a :good day's fun. LJ SDAY, AUGUST 9tii9 1D2 r'ltg cOnsiderable new 'i,i} 900 Per bushel. T1' cot l is nearly finished which yvill: be a, title convenience for loadin; ane unload- ing coal, Byron Nicks shipped one load of prime steers to Liverpool on Satiir- day and two to Glasgow on Monday. CENTR i i.IA Wire; ' A iter o who has been vis- iting sn sting her daughter, Mrs. Spencer; at St.:.Tlronras returned home, last week. She was accoinpairied by tier grand- daughteArs; the MissJd' w eivnderson who visitedes1wit1ieananher Jefor- several days. Mr, Moulton and family visited friends in ' f and around Centralia over ,the week -end. • Mies .,Baker and Miss Richards of London, spent Sunday with th their par- ents. a -ents. Miss Fox and her little neice^ are Miss Fox's sister Mrs.:VCi: R. Elliottvisiting, Our Ladies' Aid have a unique and well prepared bill posted up around the village, advertising a "New "Time Supper" ,to be provided on the parsonage lawn next Friday, from 6 to 8 p.m., followed by an interesting DASH%VQOD Dr. H. H. Ccv (n, L, D D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON' Hartleib's Block — Dashwood, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Graybeil and children, of Toronto, are visiting the €ormer's parents. Mr: Ira•' Tiernan, of Owen Sound, is spending his vacation at his honie- here. Mr_' and Mit! J. S. Reid and family spent the week-end`with friends in Port Elgin. Miss Hazel' Snell left on Monday for London. • Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gaiser and Mr. and Mrs. Art Haugh entertained the two adult Bible Classes of the Sunday school and the League to an -ice cream social on Friday evening. The evening was very pleasantly spent. Mrs. H. Kellerman, of Elkton, Mich., is visiting friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Eddighoffer and daughter Blanch are visiting in Kit- chener. Mr. Romer Guenther, of Crediton, is holidaying at his home' here. GOLDEN 3tBlg;FE Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church of Dashwood, Ont., will celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of its organ- ization next Sunday, August 12th.' The former pastors pr the church, Rev. R. Eifert, of Tavistock, Ont,, and Rev. G. Thumb, of Napoleon, Ohio, will occupy the, pulpit in the German services.at 10 a.m. and 2.30 p.m., and Rev. S. B. Eix, of Mitchell, Ont., will conduct the English ser- vice at 7 p.m. The local choir will will •be assisted in the musical part of the program by the children of the Sunday School and the choir of Mit- chell. The church will be specially decorated for the occasion. .' As a Thank -Offering special col- lection§ will be lifted in all the ser- vices for the benefit of the Mission Treasury and Church Extension Fund. Next ' Tuesday afternoon, August 14th, the congregation holds its an- nual picnic on the church lawn. To both the Jubilee services and the pic- nic a hearty invitation is extended to all. Zion Lutheran Church of 'Dash- wood (Rev. P. Grammer, pastor since 1913) is connectedwith the' "Evan- gelical Lutheran Synod of Missouri; Ohio and other States" which to- gether with other Synods officiated in the Synodical ;Conference, forms the largest 'Lutheran Church body in the world. In its more than 4000 pulpits,nothing is preached but the Gospel a Christ crucified; pot the issues of the day, but the issues of eternity and the hereafter. Its norm of teaching is not human reason, or the alleged results ofscience, but the Bible,• the 'Whole Bible 'and nothing but the' Bible, es' the inspired word of God. USE RAZ -M. � sa,.ws• Nnt Satokipp--10 Spraying—Ne, Sly Just Swallow a Capsule RAZ -MALI Is Guaranteed to restore normal breathing, stop midis gatherings in the bronchial tubes, give long nights of quiet sleep; contains no' haat-forxnittg orul+, $1.00at your drug-; ',Vs, Trial free cit our agencies orwrite wupletoiia, 14i1 King W., 'or'ostta., • prograan, Everybody weleonie, every- body come. Admission 25c and 15c. The Ladies' Aid held their regular meeting in the school room Thurs- day afternoon. A good lot of busi- ness was put through also a social; time was enjoyed. The Mission ;uircie Berg weir meet - Mg at the home of Miss Anderson on Tuceday evening and: Slieut a most profitable p • b hour. Sunday evening, in- stead of the regular. sermon ^ a song service was held. The pastpx' gave an account of the events leading up to the writing of the 'hymns sung as well as 'a slior nliistoty of the 'writ- ers. Tlie service was very interest- ing. Mrs. Byron Hicks and children and Mrs. John Essery are visiting at London for a few days and will take in the Old Boys reunion. Many oth- ers. from the village intend going.. The farmer'e Co-operative is tak- laying etor Malty r Ppea - t, ;ata Much so-called stomach trouble really chronic appendicitis. Thiscan often be relieved by,sirnpie,glycerine, buelktliorn, bark etc., as mixed in Ad- lerika. Most medicines act only on lower bowel but . Adlerika acts on 130TH upper and lower bowel and re- moves all gasses and poisons. Brings out matter you never thoughtwas bi your system. Excellent for obstinate constipation. W. S. Cole, Druggist. arvest "Fare Ging "-$15 to WINNIPEG. 3 cent per mild 'Winnipeg to destination. rs Wanted "fare Returning" --$20 from WINNIPEG. cent per mile starting point b Winoipeg. GOING DATES AUGUST 13 and AUGUST 22., AUGUST 15 and AUGUST 24. TERRITORY From Stations in Ontario, Smith's Fans to and including Toronto as Lake Ontario Shore Line and l:3gvelock-Petcrboro Line. From all Stations Kingston to Renfrew Junction, inclusive, From an Stations on Toronto -Sudbury direct line. From ell Stations 13r aaoel to Port McNicoll and Burketon, to Bobcaygepn, inclusive. From all Stations South and West of Toronto to and including Hamilton and Windsor, Ont. From all Stations on. Owen Sound, Walkerton, Orangeville,' eeswater, Mora, Listowel, Goderi St. Mary's, Poet Burwell, and St. Thomas Ara oh' 'F o Aches: 'From s tation Toroa n { to N l nd arth toBolton, O1tOIIefaeln47Ye. • SPECIAL TRAMS FROM TORONTO LUNCH COUtdr£R CARS;—Food and Ratrs hmeoh at rass,pnabls. prLeea. Shall particulars from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents. W. FULTON. District Passenger Agent, Toronto. Travel RO L�rI J)DII YIj 4 t� C✓11, OR twenty ears Ford cars have passed thrugh o every test required to prove eir - itya, The present car is the cul- mination io quality o goo lower than ever before. Let x the Thrift of ` purchase li:9l6/15 i Citi"\ MILO -SN[LL. Exetor 0111 6001( BROS, fidustill Out FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA LI I' FORD ONTARIO ' • 1 1 1 9