HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-8-9, Page 1°IFTY.FIRST, YEAR No. 2556 EXETER, ONT. THURSDAY llri111ilil{ri n11 111111. II ., s�rl E�i .,Ili,,, li[IIIII l I 11111!11111111(11111(111111{III(IIIIIIiil�111(HII(Ili(((�IIIIIIIIB ,...,, ..a.�l_ , �� A I �� 1NI[III{I (1(! IIlLhllllll( ( a ,111136104 r • .221111111* wilmoNS Amaral r MINIM .119110.1 rlfrrialu aieS'and X11' We have just received our first shipment of Northway Coats for the' coming fall and. winterseasons. Prices are considerably lower than last. o and for, early buyers. we are offering wonderful values. We season y have dozens of'beautiful coats to select from. Colne early and look theM Suits and Dresses We have dozens'of Stylish Suits and Dresses' to select from for the coming fall S g season: Suits in Ser es, .Tricotines and Gaberdines at reason- : ablePrices. Dresses in a great range of different materials and colors. We can give you an all Wool Fine Serge Dress : in either black or navy` very special at $9.85. Clearing of Summer Goods Girls Wash Dresses at 79c. and $1.00' L'ot. No. 1, -Girls''. Wash Dresses"in Ginghams, Percales etc., •ages 1 to 6 years sizes, a real bargain at 79c each, C 10to 14 year sizes regularly up to Lot No. 2, -Girls' Dresses, Y ,. $3.00 values, all at one price to clear at $1.00 each. Men's Straw and Panama Hats Fine Sailor Straw Hats, ,newest styles at $1.60 each. Fine Panama Sailor Hats, a wonderful bargain, only a few odd sizes left at only $1.00 each. Boys' Straws as low as•25c each. Silk Gloves -new Cliff Styles regularly marked from $2.25 to $3:00 .` pair, all" at one price to clear only $1.50 each. Boys' Cotton Jerseys at•49e each Boys' Wash Suits graatly reduced in price. Ladies' White'Wash Skirts at from' $1.00 to $1.95 7 only Ladies' Silk Poplin Skirts at $1.95 each. Ladies' Tricolet Blouses, popular colors at $2.95 each. Ladies' Voile Waists at 9Sc Big Reductiori; Outing, Shoes Women's White Canvas Slippers @ 98c. Children's ' White Rubber -Sole Running Shoes , @'d98c Women's Canvas, House Slippers. @ 98c Special for ,Young • er Black or Brown. .No..1, Calf, ,genuine, Goodyear Welt. Oxfords -Greatest Shoe 'values on sale at $5.00 a pair. Also light shade Men's outing Trousers @ $4 50,.and, $4.75. Monarch Knitting Yarns for Fall now in stock. THIS STORE , WILL CLOSE AT 12 -.O'CLOCK NOON, EACH WEDNES- DAY DURING -.AUGUST. :'611�1111111111111111111111111111(III(1111111M1111111(1111111111111111111[1111111111111 ... , Use Gold -..tidal Plymouth finder- Twine 650 feet to Ib,_131hc per lb. Hay Fork' Ropes 22c per lb.. Sling Ropes '$1.50 per pair Hay Fork Pulleys 85c PHONE 410001,11.1 stawans 41.081111 Malawi Priailda Oariralwer gonasoo VIAMI Mama IMMISO Maio bearraN icerarm MOROI Osume leimtar ilonO moan ormoraft use Ivo maws ammo 32 111111111111 11111i 11111 111I111kX I I New Perfetion Stoves for the;Hot Weather 3 Burner $26.00 4 Burner, $34.00 3 Burner, Superfix $50.00 Ovens. $6.00; Wicks, 40c su, Seasonable and , are Screen Door a, 42.45 Screen Windows, 45c Screen Wire p y, it per d 26. to 40c Screen Door Hinges etc; Spray- . ere,' 65c and 75c. Carborunduin Stones, 90c and $1.00 `' Scythe ,Stones, 15c and 35c Pure Paris Green 75e lb, Arsenate of Lime, 45c , Cowease $1.00 per can Paroidoof in per square' 'PLUMBING AND TINSMIT ING to ..s;"„`7•s; �=-° aMrd, ,a MOR TING, AUGUST 9th, 1923 EXETERBOWLING.TOURNEY X Ideal weather wp:s on 'tap for the annual rink bowU.ng Journey on Wed- nesday of last week,, ';11l) .number of entrees, twenty-two, was not as large as usual, so that thre games weme made of 15 :,ends rrathelr than tttvelve, as is usually •the case. The 'whaling of the Ileanien Trophy by R. N, Creecl's rink makes the third win of this trophy by Exeter bowlers, and It inidw :becomes the property .of 'tine Exeter Club. After all rinks had played their lour qualifying ,games it was found that the two high rinks were C. B. Snel1,'s'Ex- eter four and: N. R. Fcibig's Stratford rink, and in the finals the latter 'de- feated the .former, w nnirug the Lon- don Freie Press Trophy and first 'prize; and Si ell's rink was awarded second pet ze. The Finals for, the : Major- Ileaman. tropliy were splayed by, Parnell !Morris' London Rowing Club rink and R. N. Creecla's Exeter sink, the,,Exeter four winning the ''trophy ancl .third prize,'' while 'the loriner got fourth. The 'special prize ,donated by John- ston & Barbour of London. was won tri the funals. by, N. J. Dore's Exeter rink after a lieely battle with A. D. Het fernan`s London Rowing Club !Our Dore winning the game with his last bowl. There were a lot of picked bowlers :Ind the game and Exeter did well to, Evia, one of 'the }trophies and three ,out of five sets of prizes. The: Exeter rinks who were pr2e. winners were -E .J. Wsthey, W Hale loway, Taueman Elliott and, C. "B.Sne,.12t skip ;i 'W. E. Sanders,, Tr R. Ferguson,, W. J. Ileaman and R. N. Creech, skip; C. W Pe.v,ers G. E. Anderson, tsd. lIarxsess and, N. J. Dore, skip. The. tollowing were 'the •esults', of the four qualifying games. C. ,B .Snell, Exeter, won 4 Plus 11. •'N. Feibig Stratford, won 3 plus 25 P. Morris, LOU.. R,' C., won 3 plus:21 R. N. Creeel , Exeter, wore 3 plus 16 moved today ("Wednesday) to Tilson- N. J. Dore, . xe�ter, won 3 plus 4' A D. Hefferinaei LL.R.C., won3 plus?8 burg. Misses Ethel and Charlotte: E. J. Christie, e-xeter,won 3, mnnusiil . also leave to day while Miss Louise G. Sangleto;n.,, Ailsa Craig, won a, will remain' for another week.° minus 2. '3, Beattie, Seaforth, won 3 minus .3 R. E. Gregory, Loa. l.lmwoods, won 2plos14. R G. SeldOrb, Exeter, won 2 plus 1 , R. N. Rowe, Exeter,; won 2' plus 0. J. G. Cochrane, Exeter, won 2 minus 3. • F. Smmoans iHensa11 won 2 minus 5 C. A. Down, Stratford, won l plus 5 llr°'Burrows' Sealorth, a- on l plus 4 A. Whiteside, Hensall, won 1mrnus7 Dr. Berating Lucan; won 1 minus 15 F. Hunt Godenieh, won; 1 minus 20 S. Coxoa, Granton, won 1 minus 26 Dr .,Kennedy, Ailsa Craig; won none minus 20. LOCALS Miss Mary Barr, of Owen Sound visited her grandmother, Mrs. Allen on Saturday. Mr, Will Manson, of Toronto, sent Sunday and Monday with his parents, in town. Mrs. Mills, of Myth, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. E. Ciysdale, at the Main St° parsonage. Mrs. Janet Hamilton and daughter Miss Agnes took in the Old Boy's re- union at Mitchell, on Monday. • Mrs. (Dr.) • Wickett, of Hamilton, visited with Dr, and Mrs: Browning during the past week and is at pre- sent renewing old acquaintances at Crediton. iVlr. and• Mrs. Jos, Senior motored to Hamilton for Sunday and Mon- day, Mr. Maurice Senior, went on to Toronto and Mr. H. McArthur who accompanied then went to Muskoka , Mrs, J. J. White, who spent the past two weeks with Mrs. Wickwire and Miss White, also renewing old acquaintances in Exeter returned to her home in Outlook, Sask., last week, e.. Mr; Preston, Dearing' lost a valu- able horsethisweek. Two of "the ani- mals got into a bin of threshed wheat and overeat. One of the animals died and the other is in a serious condi- tion. " Mr. and Mrs. J. McMahon and. Mr. and Mrs. Ash'ly, of Toronto, motored up- and visited" with Mr. and Mrs. John Rowe. The men returned on Monday while the ladies are remain- u)-gxfor a few days. The, household effects of the Miss- es Sweet on Huron St., are being The summer carnival.held on the lawn of the Trivitt Memorial church on Friday evening of last- week un i der the auspices of the Girls' Guild, was a most successful affair. The grounds were beautifully decorated, and the Exeter band enlivened . thet proceedings with excellent music i; Several booths provided ice cream and'soft drinks. Tile proceeds were very __gratifying. DIED AT ELIMVILLE 1Vfr." William Henry Veal, of •Elini- ville, died on Friday last at the a`ge of 67 ; years, 7 months and 21 days. BURIED . IN . EXETER The . deceased was born in Devon - The funeral of the late Mrs. A. G. shire, Eng. 'and at the age of 13 Byers, (neo Florence Isabelle Pass- years came to Canada with.his par - more) who died at Moose Jaw, Sask., on July 28th, was held on Thursday of last week from the home of her mother, Mrs. W. H. Passmore,' inter- ment, in the Exeter cemetery. .The deceasedwas aged 30 years and 5 months. Among those who attend- ed •the funeral from a distance were Mrs. and Mrs. A. •11. Passmore and. two children, and Mr. Arthur Pass- more and child, of Sault Ste: Marie, Mich.; Mrs. Cluff, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. John McNaughton and daugh- ter and Mrs. Dennison; of London.' Mrs. A. Ryckman, sister of the de- ceased and Mrs. -Rohde, ,accompan accompan- ied the remains from Moose Jaw. BOR ents, settling at Elimville, where he has lived continuously ever since. He„, was united in marriage to the late. Anna Bell, who predeceased hint 'fifteen years ago. In 1917 the de- ceased suffered a paralytic stroke from which he recovered and was fairly well until about a month ago when he commenced to fail. He is survived by three daughters and one son, Mrs. Jean Jackson, of Toronto; Mrs. Philip Murch and Mrs. Alvin Pym, of-Usborne, and -William J., of Winchelsea. The funeral was held Sunday, afternoon interinent a Elim- ville• cemetery. . BIRTHDAY SURPRISE On Sunday last Mrs. Mary Anne O'Brien,` of Hay, who was celebrat- PARSONS -In T7sborne" on August ing her 94th birthday, had a delight- 4th to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parsons, a son.. -TAYLOR-In" Exeter, : on Friday, August 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Taylor, a son. (4;ohn Wilfred) =ful surprise when her brother from Sarnia, several neices and relatives droppedin on, her and held a sort of family reunien. Although suffer ing from the effects of a fall she re- SIMS- :In Exeter, . on July 3Oth, to ceived some :time ago Mrs. O'Brien Kir. and Mrs, Wm: Sims, a daugh- is very bright and cheerful and ter. a very happy time was spent Sunday, evening. Among those present were:. her brother,: Mr. Chas. Eacrett, of Sarnia;, Mr. and Mrs. P: Daley. and Mr. and Mrs. W. Forrest, of New York; Dr. and Mrs. Brown and Mr. Bea- trice ay Edwards, war s, a op e car- and Mrs. J. T. Fuller; of Sarnia, the ghter of A.Ilolas Stanlake, to Mr. four ladies being neices; Mr' Harold Norman. A. Ilorsburg, of Mt. For- Misses Lillian and ,Vera 'Fuller, of est. - Sarnia Nr. Roes and. Miss DDlcMahon of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Eac- rett, of Hensall; lir. Geo, Geddes, London; Mr. and Mrs. Rcl. Welsh, Exeter; _Mr. Will Northcott and Mrs. wind Miss Hazel Prouty, of Hay. Mrs. O'Brien has four brothers liv ing, Mr., Michael Eacrett, of Exeter;. CtIRID OI' TII IVIS Mr, John Thomas Eacrett, of New The family of_ the late Wm. H. York; Mr. Charles Eacrett, of, Sat - Veal, of ,'Usborne, desire to express nix, :nd Mr. Hubert Eacrett, o£ Lex. - their grateful appreciation to the( ington, Mich, Mr. and Mrs. Daley many neighbore and friende for their, and Mr.and Mrs. Forrest motored kindness and synipathy during their all the way from New York visiting recent bereavement. at Sarnia enroute. MAREIE]) 110 RSBURG-EDWARDS-At; • the Main St. Methodist parsonage, on Wednesday, August 8th, Miss Bea- t' 1VIay E1 d d td'1 ti YD 7ID ' VEAL ----In Usborne, on Friday, Aug. 3rd, 1923, William I-lenry, Veal, aged 67 years 7 months and 21 days. the-" Isaac •Dunsford and sister, Mrs. ,Gould' and two children motor- ed to Stratford on Sunday. Mrs. J. Amsbury, of Stratford and Mrs. E. Moore, of Edmonton, returned with them and spent a few days. Dr. MVI.` E. Jahnston, of ,Hamilton, ton, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hall, of Brantford, spent Sun - accompanied by Mr: and Mrs. W E. • Hall, of:Brantford, spent Sunday 'and Monday with W. H. and Mrs. Johns ton. Relatives and friends to the num- ber_ of thirty-three motored 'here from different places and visitedwith Mr. and Mrs. S. Hardy on Sunday. They came from Stratford, Tavistock New Hamburg, Milbank, Seaforth and -Dashwood_ Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Phillips left. Iast week to visit their son Wilbur in Saskatchewan and other relatives in the west: They went by boat from Sarnia, to`' Ft. William. Mrs. Hern accompanied them as far Sarnia. 'daughter; Thos: Elliott accompanied by her daughte •,"' Mrs. Norman Lloyd and son Norman, have returned to Exeter after spending several weeks in the West where Mrs. Lloyd was settling up the - estate following the death of her husband. Mr. H. W. Doerr, superintendent of Public Utilities, left Wednesday morning for a couple of weeks holi- days. .Accompanied by Mrs. Doerr and young son they left -by auto for Mitchell where they took in°the Old Boys Reunion. From there they are leaving for Kitchener, Toronto and: Niagara Falls. The Sr. Women's Bible. Class of Main St. 'Methodist church met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Spencer on Wednesday evening of last week as•a farewell to the Misses Charlotte and Louise; Sweet, who are leaving Exeter for Tilsonburg. In the course of the, evening the Misses Sweet were presented with an address and a cut glass salad bowl; salad fork and spoon. A very pleasant and sociable time was spent. CELEBRATE FIFTIETH . . ANNIVERSARY OF WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. John Coley of Russel dale, Fulla,rton Tp. celebrated the fiftieth anniversery of their marriage on Wednesday of 'last week. Over fifty .guests were present, 'and they carne from Winnipeg, Buffalo. Tona- wanda, N. Y., Stratford, Owen Sound and Mitchell. : John Cole was born on the faun on which he has lived all his life. Elis wife's maiden name was Erena Rice, and she was born in. Brant county. For the past` fifty years Mr. Cole and his .father, the late John Cole, have been the treas- urers for the tows of Fullarton. The table decorations were white and, gold, and after suppers the toast of rhe evening was proposed by W. J. Cole; of Toronto, `and leesponded to'. by Rev. Mr. Neatly, Baptist -minister of Fullerton, and Oliver 'Harris, Jas,, Dougherty. T. S. Ford and W. R. Coley The members of the family are Arthur Cole, 'elount Pleasant; John and Wilbur Cole, 'Winnipeg; Earl at home and Mrs, Lila Cole, of Toronto; Mrs. D. Hanson and Mrs. (leo. Ross, Mitchell. --c„ u FORD PICNIC AT BEND ' DRAWS BJG•;