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.Shipping Tags, and anything at all,
••••••,-,..^7^1;; Tr.
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From Hensa
waste time wishieg you had a good business ducation, and
a splendid position, which is waiting to became
to a high place in the COMMERCIAL world.
k MAKE '
TUESDAY, SEPT. 4th, 1923,
by beginning a commEnciAt, STENOGRAPHIC or
• T11) soilooi. OF COMMERCE
For information write or phone
a B. P. Ward, B.A., M. ACc'ts., Printapal.
M. A. Stone, Com, Specialist, Vine_Principal.
Phone 198
DR. A. MOIR, L. M. C. C.
Physician and Surgeon
DR. j. W. PECK
Graduate of Faculty of Medicine,
University,'1VIontreal; Member
of College of Physicians and Surgeons
of Ontario; Licentiate of Medical
Council of Canada; Post Graduate
2•Iember of Resident Medical staff of
General Hospital, Montreal, 1914-15;
Office, 3 doors east of Post Office.
Phone 56, Hensall, Ontario.
DISIZINISOMIZILSGPIPME101011• -.211991Md.111.611.•1126..
Graduate of Faculty of Medicine,
Western University, London; Mem-
ber of College of Physicians and Sur-
geons, of Ontario; Post Graduate
eiaember of Resident Staffs, of Re-
veiving and Grace Hospitals, Detroit,
or eighteen months; also Post Grad-
uate menther of Resident Staff hi
aelead* evifery, at Herman Kiefer Hospi-
tal,- Detroit, for three months.
• Office over Joy.nt's Block
Phone 114, • '- Hensala Ont.
Mr. Ed. Deichert, of Detroit, is
spending a week at the Deichert
Miss Susaia Smith, of Detroit, is
visiting her parents, air. and Mrs.
Wendel Smith.
Miss Lillian Wesoloh is spending
her vacation in Detroit.
Mr. Win. Bender, of the Babylon
Line, was taken to London Hospital
the past week and was operated on
for appendicitis and is improving
Messrs Lee and Cht,yton Hoffman
Motored to Galt on Tuesday. The
latter will rethain there where he
has a position during the holiday
months, until he -will again' resume
his teaching. • „
Messrs. Ward Fritz, Lee O'Brien
and Nesbitt Woods left on Tuesday
evening for a two-week'scamp at
Fisher Island, Apar Oliphant. Mr.
Russelipreeter, who is now at Kit-
chener, will join them the latter part
of the week.
• The • Kawartha Laltes 600 feet
above the level of Lake Ontario and
Two doors east of the Molsons
Bank, Hensall Ont.
Away Wednesday afternoons.
Barristors, &c
Office on the Square, 2nd door
from Hamilton St., Goderich. -
Private funds to loan at lowest rates.
SN. Proudfoot, K.C. J. L. Killoran,
D. E. Holmes
Mr Holmes will be in. Hensall
every Friday from 9 until 6.
IMr. Roland Cudmore is at present
on the sick list. '
Miss Edna Gill is at present -visit-
ing friends at Chiselhurst.
Mr. Bill Heaton of Stratford, vis-
ited relatives here over the week-
Mr. T. C. Joynt is this week on a
business trip to New York and 'other
large centres. t
Miss Laura Sararas, of Toronto,
is visiting friends and relatives in
Hensall and vicinity,
Miss Dorris Essery, of Centralia,
has been a guest at the parsonage
during the past week,.
MisS Dorothy Welsh has returned
from a very pleasant week's vacation
with friends at Bayfield.
Mrs. R. Cudmore recently return-
ed froM Toronto, where.she spent a
week or -so with relatives. '
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Cantelon, son
Ferris and Mr. Ralph Hawkins visit-
ed relatives in Goderieh On Sunday.
A laege number from. Hensall and
vicinity_ attended the Ford. picnic
held' on Wednesday at Grand Bend
Having, procured the Agency,ealso
a gpvernment License to sell and
erect The Pure Copper Lightning
•Rod, made by the B.'Phillips Co., of
Toronto. It will be to your interest
to examine our goods before buying.
They stand and to noege and priced
away down. Territo0=Staney, Iiay
Stephen, Usborne and Tuckersmith.
Let me know your wants. John
Elder, Hensall, Phone 1.
We would like to inform those
who are in the habit of contributing
flows to this column'that all items
tnust be banded in at the Observer
-office' not, later than Tuesday even-
ing, if they aro intended for the cur-
t -4a issue of the paper. We are
obliged to all our news contributors
and 'clo'nbt wish them to be disap-
pointed at not seeingtheir itenis In
this column, which is frequently the
case when, items are handed in on
`Wedneaday or later. -
within 125 miles of Toronto are a -
/Ong the most popular of Ontario's!
summer playgrounds. . The Indian
name of the disteict means "Bright
Waters and Happy Lands.”
Here the vacationist will find un- S
limited opportunities for sailing, can-
oeing,' motor -boating, bathing and 1N•
fishing, together with excellent hotel
accommodation. The very, air per- c
umed with pine and balsam is a
tonic. I
The larger laites of the district
provide fine bass', anaskinonge and
salmon trout fishing, while the smal-
ler lakes abound with speckled trout.
Descriptive booklet with map of
the . district may be obtained free
from any agent Canadian.- National
Mr. Chas. Shaddock who .has been
n Trenton, Mich., for the past two
months returned home last week.
Mrs. G. Dick is having the .wood-
work on her fine 'reaidence on 'King.
t. nicely painted bY Mr: H. H., Little
Mr. J. Eisenhoffer, of'London, and
Ir. Jacob Eisenhoffer, of Listowel,
visited Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Price re_
— n LET'S GO!
AUCTIONEER He kissed her in the garden,
otion School, Special course taken in
Registered Live Stock (all Breeds,)
Alerthandise, Real Estate, Farm
E;ales, etc. Rates in keeping with
prevailing prices. Satisfaction as-
sured, write Oscar Ialopp, Zurich, or
'wire 18-93, Zurich.
When the moon was shining bright
But shed
was a marble statue, an
Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Au -
was drunk that night.
- WE .PRINT—Posters, Dodgers, En-
velopes, Letterheads, Visiting Cards,
The Observer Printing Office, Hensall.
-Orders taken for Daily and Weekly
• Papers. Toronto and London papers
e4.75. In club with the Exeter Times
$6.25. Leave your order at the
eerer Office.
has Advanced
But we are still selling White Pine
-dressedon bcith sides at $45.00 per
1x6 dressed and Matched white
pine $50.00 per M. •
33.0. No. 1 XXX shingle
33. C. No. 1 XXXXX Shingles
Bird's Ashphalt Twin Shingles
Bird's Ashplaalt, Roll Roofing 18 in,
wide, the heaviest made.
,Paexte No. 12
A. J.
The Moderation League of Ontar-
io, are sending out literature and t
soliciting subscriptions for the rime T
pose of launching a vigorous
paign againstthe Ontario Temprance d
Act. One circular states. "It is Y
now generally conceded that 'we are a
at last within. stricking distance of 9
securing a system of government 111
control, Funds are needed for use in el
work 'of forming branches; to a
auneh vigorons campaigns for an
ently. •
Mr. Glenn Broadfoot evho has been
relieving at the Sterling Bang, Varna
has returned to resume his 'duties as
teller in the Sterling Bank here.
Mrs. Wm. Buchanan,' Mrs. a., S.
McDonald and Miss Florence McDon-
ald returned home -this week from
Toronto, where they -have been visit-
ing during the past few weeks. •
air. and Mrs. John Bolton, of East
Nissouri, and Mr. tend Mrs. Living-
ston Bolton and daughter Miss Lena.
Bolton, of Toronto, visited at the
home of Mr. and ales. A. Bolton re-
Civic holiday for the vfflage ot
Hensall.will be observed oetalonday,
uly 6th, and all citizene are asked'
o govern themselves accordingly,
his is also the day set foe the Union
unclay School picnic and a real good,
ay's spate is anticipated by all the
oung folk, of the village. The cars
re toleave the churches at about
.30 a.m. Tor • Grand Bend _and all
embers and • adherent§ of the,
lurches are invited to l'attend this
initial 'outing. •
Rev. and Mrs. Sinclair and two
-iildrea left Tuesday morning for
rein holidays, The pulpit in the
lethodist church will be occupied on
unday next by Mr. Andrew Boa,
ivinity student of Belville, and on
e following Sunday Miss Edith
parling, Of St. Marys,,late of China
here she was engaged in missionary
orkewill give addresses both morn_
g and ev'ening. 1
_ The W.M.S. °teethe ' methodist
increased membership; for printing
and distributing educational propa-
ganda as enclosed; for mass meet-
ings; for competent ,public speakers
etc: If you feel, as we do, that it
fatal for -as to stand still—won't you
return this card to us :with checine,
thereby enrolling yourself as a mem-
ber. We need money now. The time
is ripe for progressive adtion."
gmougn.L-0, •
LEGE, simAtFont), ONT.
The aeadieg, practical
trainin school in Western
Ontario.. The •scnool where
you get a thorough course
under competent instructors
is Commercial, Shorthand'
and Telegraphy Depart -
meets, We assist graduates
to poeitions.- Write for free
church held their monthly meeting
on Thursday afterneon last with
the President, Mies A. Consitt, in
charge. A most interesting meeting
was held and arrangements were
completed for the, W.M.S. Smithey,
August 8th, When Miss Edith Sper-
ling from China will be here. Plane
were also made to hold a bazaar and
tea in October. The August meeting
will be held at 'the home of Mrs. W.
C. Pearce, with Miss Coulter in
charge the prograra.
The monthly meeting of the Mole
rel. Mission Circle' was held on Fri -
y evening hi the -Sunday Sehool
om. Mre. E, Childs, of London,
-each Secretary of Circles and
ands, addresSed the Circle in her
eat pleasing manner. Her addreSs
as, intereeting, instructive and up -
ting and Was well received by the
rile girls. Mrs, V. Moll -arc' of Ex,.
er, District Superintendent, also
' D. A. MeLachlan, Cl
gave a short addisses co in nlimeeting
„ .
' •
, .
the girls on tll'e name chosen for their
lnStrUgteatal and vocal nuM-,
bers were rendered lay Gladys Lama
and Helen Boyle, ,The' atteadance'
Wes got as large esvae.eipectSd let
those present- thoroughly enjoyed
the Meeting.
Tho Hensal bowlers were again
suecessful'in rgetting -ieside.the al -1011'e
ey at two of the laowling tournaments
on Wednesday `of last wdelc. A rink
composed of Alf, Claek, 0. L, IVfickle,
'Fred Simmons and Chas. McDonnell
won the silver trolly and handsome
casseroles at Vie Ailaa Craig tourna-
ment. They won out in the finals
against R. N. Rowe' s rink of Exeter
A rink composed of J. I-Iudson, W,
0. Goodin;M. R. Rennie and A. , _
ney and were winners of. the fourth
prize. They had four wins with a
large plus,
The Iiiatitate was well represented
spite of the busy earvest eeason
An Ice Cream Social wee held at
Zian ellurob on the EliinVille circuit
Tuesday evenieg' when aa enjoyable
time wa spent, and an interesting
program was given. Mise Sparlbug
1V1issionary on furlo-ugh, at St. Marye
gave a Splendid talk on missionary
work. Receipts were aleo sa,tisfae-
• , '
On Thursday afteriloon,.. July 26th
the Il_urolidale Women's Institute
met at the home of Mrs.. Joh e Selvee.
and a ntnnber of visitors were also
ereeent. Mrs. Gordon Bolton gave
two tippers on literature and mueic
in the home. Mrs. Bolton is to be
highly co(nmencled for the serious
thought and splendid ideas that went
into those papers. The demonstration
for the day' was in charge of Miss
Ada Case, who made the Institute
feel the heat of tbe day by her dis-
cussion of iced drinks. A short read-
ing WaS given by Miss Margaret
Strang and everybody joioed in com-
munity singing. A delicious lunch
was eerved and tbe members and Vis-
itors enjoyed a social half hour.
Sianele glycerine, buebahoeu bark,
etc, as mixed in Adlerika, heIp anY.,
case gas on the stomach In TEN rain,-
utes. Most medicines act only on
lower bowet but Adlerilta acts on
BOTH upper and lower bowel and re, ,
moves all gases and poisons, firings
out matter you never thought was jig -
your system, Exeellent for obstinate
conetipation. 'Guards agaiiiet appeu
dieitis. W. S. Cole, Druggiet Exeter.
Legislative Halls of Prince Edward Island
Whiteside attended tile Clinton tour -
The death occurred in London on
Thursday of last week ofan old res-
ident of Heiman in the person of Mr.
Frederich Busch,, at the age of 57
years and , 6 months. Mr, Busch
when in Hensall was a framer and
helpeda to raise a good many barns
in thiit vicinity. For the past few
years ,Mr. Busch had grown (leach
set onions for 3, A. Simmers & Co. of
Toronto, and also had a large garden
from which the town people procur-
ed fruit and vegetables of the finest
quality. He will be missed by a large
circle of friends as he was always in-
terested in sports and was.a member
of the bowling club here; and a well-
known and highly respected citizen.
Mr. Busch had been confined to his '
bed for several months, owing to a
eaneer, which eventually was the
cause of his death. The funeral was
head from the 10.30 train on Thurs-
day, July, 26th. Interment„ in the
Hensall Union cemetery.
PASSMORE—In Plensall on July 31
to Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore, a
H. H. Cowen, L. D
Hartleib's Bleck- I)aehwood, Ont.
Mr. and Mrs. Berenson and -daugh-
ter and Miss Ella Zimmer are iisit-
ing with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Zimmer.
A number from here attended the
funeral bf the late B. Pfile in Zurich
Mrs. .J. Preeter and son Lorne,- of
Detroit, are visiting relatives here
this week.
Mr. John Hoffman, of London, was
a week -end visitor.
Mr, 0. Pedersen, moved into his
new residence on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Pfaff, of Sarnia,
called on friends in town on Wednes-
Mrs. Ezra Bender of the 14th con.
underwent a very serious 'operation
in Ste Joseph's Hospital, London, on
Wednesday. We hope for a speedy
recovery. .
Miss Selena Eifert, of Toronto, and
Mrs. Weir, of Arkansas, spent the
Week -end with Mr., and Mrs. -J.
Mr: J. W. Ehlers, -son of Henry
Ehlers, Dashwood was the speaker
Sunday evening at the Dashwood
-Evangelical Church. Mr. Ehlers is
the Executive Secretary of the Stu-
dent Branch of the Y.M.C.A.; at In-
dianapolis, Ind. The Student Branch
consists of the High School Depart-
ment aiid the Collegiate and Profes-
sional School Department, Mr. Ehl-
ers is spending part of his vacation
in his home town 'with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ehlers.
Mrs. I -I. E. Rapley and Miss Nor_
ina are Spending a couple of weeks
at Algonguin Park, With the former's
brother, Mr. Will Lewis.
Mrs. Ed. Beaver and Miss Edna,
accomPanied by Mrs. H. F. Eilber
and Hazel WoOdell, are spending a
couple of weeks at Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wurin and dau-
ghter, of near Torente, motored here
and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Gaiser.
Dr, and Mrs..Trueinner, of Ches-
ley, spent the week -end with the lat-
ter's parents Mr. and Mrs. 'W. B.
Mi S Was. Finkbeiner, of Pittsburg
is visiting his mother, and his sister
Mrs. Harry Beaver.
Mise Pearl Drier has returned to
Hanover, after holidaying with her
parents at the Evangelical parson-
'Miss Carrie Kuhn, nurse, of Wind-
soe, is visiting her father, Mr. Conrad
Kuallile's Kate Zwicker, ' of London,
spent a few days at the lioine of Mr.
6. ZWicker.
mt. wild Airs, Chae. Brown and
children lia-re returned to their home
in Detroit.
eaegeaalagieesgiaN. •
The Garden Province of Prince
pdward laland,has for its capital
atarlottetown, a city of wide, treli.
,ghaded streets, beautiful park's,
Aplendid public buildings and fine
borne*. Beinesituated on the Cana-
dian National Railways and at the
Junction of three rivers and Hills -
borough Bay, it has fine facilities by
rail and water for the transportation
of the products oy• Its industries.
There is about the city a most home-
like, attractive apPearance. In front
of tliet Legislative Buildings, which
are grouped with admirable taste -in
the park -like heart of the city, there
is a large open sauare, which gives
to that portion of the city an old-
world atmosphere. Charlottetown
was included in the CanadiamWeekly
Press Association's itinerary over the
Canadian National Railways.. The
photograph shows the Parliament.
Buildings with a stretch of the beau-
tiful park in front of them.
Canada th, Future
Wit Con, ence
CANADIANS have always been
noted for courage, optimism
and faith in their country.
Canada was not built up by pes-
simists, nor will Canada continue to
develop if her people allow them-
selves to become croakers and
grouchers. 'Canada
is fundamentally
an agricultural
country. We have
a soil and climate
which can grow
the world's finest
agricultural pro-
Canadian farm-
.ers who have
earned the capital
invested, in their
farms out of profits
in farming are
numbered in thou-
- sands. These suc-
cessful farmers
have paid off their
mortgages, stocked
their barns and
stables, bought their
machinery, made a
good living and
brought up their fami-
lies. It meant hard
work, but today they
are independent.
Money in Mixed Farming
In recent years, at different points
ow the prairies, oats fed to steers have
brought from 70c to $1.07 as against the
Fort William price of 42c per bushel,
while barley used for the same purpose
has brought as high as 99c as against the
Fort William price of 57c per bushel.
Farmers marketing their coarse grains
in this way lower marketing cost, have
a sure market and make money on their
grain, while at the same time they market
their roughage, otherwise often wasted.
The cattle embargo is now off. Steers
are worth more money and certain to
make good money for the Canadian
farmer from now on.
for feed, labor, interest and depreciatiori.,
. the net profit per pig was still $4.63.
Profits from Sheep
As money-makers, sheep are hard to
beat. In every Province from Prince
Edward Island to British Columbia are
found many flocks returning generous
profits to their owners. •
We Must Cut
Production Costs
Canada is meeting with the
keenest competition in the mark-
eting of her products. To hold
her own and regain. her place on
the world's market, she must re-
duce cost of production.
The only Way to do this is to
increase production per acre. per
cow or per other unit.
But improved quality, also, is
essential to meet market de-
The quantity and the quality
of the products and the cost of
productien in competitive coun-
tries is beyond our control.
Prices of agricultural products
are regulated by world supply
and demand.
Hence, decreasing production
will not help the Canadian,
Money in Pigs
The Dominion Experimental Farms
have proved by actual test that there
is a profit in feeding pigs. Last year at
the Central Farth, Ottawa, after paying
Poultry Pays
Poultry makes
money for those who
adopt modern meth-
ods, whether East or
West. Little Prince
Edward Island mark-
ets co-operatively in
,carlots, shipping an-
nually upwards of one
million dozen eggs.
The British Columbia
Co-operative Poultry
Men's Exchange
markets in the same
way, thus saving
ruinous glut in their
local market.
There is a market
for good Canadian
horses, whether light
or draught.
Grow Seed
Canada's Northern
grown seed possesses
extra vitality. There
is a large market for
it to the south. Can-
ada exports seed potatoes, but imports
other seeds. She has the opportunity
to grow seeds far herself and for export.
The Future
Ten years from now the pessimists of
today will have been forgotten. Britain
has removed the embargo against our
cattle. She wants our beef and bacon,
our cheese, butter, eggs and apples, our
wheat and flour. As the population of
the United States increases, she will
less and los e against us on the
British market. Eventeally, she will
herself be an importer of` many other
food stuffs besides wheat from, this
- Canada has the men, the china Le, the
land, the stock and the potential mark-
ets necessary for agricultural Success.
I,et us farm with all the industry and
science we can muster. Let's getto work
and pay our debts. Canada is moving
forward with confidence in its future.
Let us keep going ahead.
Authorized for eablication by the
Dominion Department of Agticulture
w. n. eloraEXtwEate heinistor„ pr. J.111. GIUSDAnt, Deputy afinater,
1 )O
A/ 10M
• ' '