HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-6-28, Page 1'`FIFTYyFIRST, YEAR No. 2556 E ETaER,:OOT. THURSDAY ..,..:14:01WINO JUKE 28th. ax � s;rl;t ,r l.r 1 , _ - .,Sl[7Y+'CLI?u�,]I� 1'AtItAL�C7CY;C fi .liOl ..�..• ,,.,�,.ala,a„i�,,la.>a,ldilf,fillifililllfltt1111091 lllllllllillf illlflllilllllllllllllllllll l lll$111lIIIN 11� YiIIi 11 Illllllllllll�lllllll,.�. 1� I �i ! Tuesgi day ? ue . , Y oflast week, Mr. J. N. ® Howard suffered a_ paralytic stroke ,'.• and d 1con- i'-'4 _ d h s since been in, a critical con 001..- caring ..�. aye � �, i,tion: Ii. Ho id . a .�.. wd w s. i the e and Y —, at the time. The lett side of the = body_ is paralized as a'result, At the iy y time of writingwe, understand ,.��- at ��.. r. I�a�.x�� Voile l�u� ._. Howard is holding his own. AUTO' ACCIDENT On Thursday last 'while W, Etl ier- ington, of Usborne, was returning from Stratford, accompanied by his mother and sister Hattie and Mr, and Mrs. Wes. Armstrong, -the auto he was driving struck some gravel on the Thames Road and overturned in the ditch. The occupants escaped with a few bruises. IT PAYS TO ADVEI, TISJ y amain. CIMINNO Five Doz. Ladies' beautiful quality Voile Blouses, sizes 36 to 44, formerly sold as high as $2;75; slightly soiled, to clear at only 9$,9, each. Cotton Wash Dress Gods We have a beautiful range of Cotton Wash Dress Goods. in Crepes, Voiles, Ra: tines, etc. in all popular colors many lines at greatly reducedprices. Large Butigaloivir Aprons at 79c. Only a few left of these large roomy Aprons, so we offer the balance of thein at one price 79c each. Clearing __ , Kim nas and of Lade� Dre'ssing Sac ues' Extra Special this week Ladies' short Japanese patterned Dressing sa9ue s, regularly 1.75, `clearing at 98c; also the same materials in long Kinionas, regular- ly $2,75,'clearing„at $1,59 Silk Poplin Skirts at2•35. 7 only Ladies' 'Silk Poplin Ski3 s, colors navy, grey and brown. These are odd lines. Formerly sold at :$7:50 each; to, clear this week at only $2.95 each. • r or Men• s Summer Drawers -at' � at 3�ep r. pairs for 01.00 -77 3 Doz. onlyMens short summer. Drawers in porosknit material.: As the shirts to match are all sold we offer the drawers; regularly sold for .75c, fox 35c pair or three 'pairs for $1,00. Summer Sweaters for Ladies We have just received .another • shipment of beautiful slimmer Sweaters in the new Jacquette style in silk and wool inat erials: Call. and inspect these beautiful garments - S' — ears nice range of st les`. and colors $1.00 BOYS' WASP( SUBS sizes 2 to..:6 Y g y to $1.40 a suit. GIRLS' WASH DRESSES -2 to 14 years, clearing at greatly reduced prices: Clearing of Ladies' and Misses'. >• Summer Dresses All oitr summer Wash Dresses including Ratines, etc., must be cleared out at once so we are offering greatly reduced p rices' on these lines _to clear them'out, -en's Furnishings Cool athletic Underwear, Straw Hats, Belts, Invisible` braces,; Wash Ties, Gar- ters, Arm Bands, etc. at attractive prices. Shipment of• new Ties in the very popular polka. dots tweeds, stripes, etc:`: MONARCH KNITTING YARNS IN. STOCK THIS STORE WILL CLOSE AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON, EACH: WEDNES . DAY DURING JUNE JULY AND AUGUST. PHONE 32 Mae seam ammo ammo Malmo Imicema Semmes swum tummy • The diamond ring advertised for in last week's. Tunes; was found by Mr. John' Kydd Jr, and has been re- turned to its owners; . The ring was valued at'$750. It contained a'clus- ter of seven diamonds and was found. on the road near the cemetery hav- ing been run over by -a wagon. The gold band Was bent but the stones were not injured,, Tkt.e ring belong- ed to a party from Detroit. Mr- Kydd received $50• as. a reward, GIRLS' BASEBALL' sionm mil ® The return game of, baseball be- 01.07115 lita tween the girls of the Crediton pub - - lie schooland the girls of the Exeter • public school was played in 'Exeter - on Wednesday evening last, The ▪ Exeter girls were winners' by the - score of 36 to 12. This makes the - teams even as Exeter lost in their .= recent game At ,Crediton•, The Exe- - ter line up was• as follows'. M: How- aid c; M. Clarke p. E. Walter 1 b. ; G. Bloomfield, 2 b; W. Nelson ,3•-•b.; E. Russell s s; W. Bishop r G. =i -Wells 1f; low TIM LATE MRS. Ii-EI/NICK moss elan PHONE 32 =11-5- ,„ sa,r�ra -. •441'Fdl6 S. — The death took place in ' Exeter North, on June 20th, of Ellen Gibson beloved wife. of Thos. T. Kernick, aged 65 years: The deceased, who had been ailing. for some time, was seriously ill only about ten days. Be- sides her husband she is survived by an adopted daughter,` Annie, and one brother, Andrew Gibson, At time the deceased taught school at Grand Bend. She was a member of James St, Methodist' chtarel`”- The funeral was held on`,Frrday, June 22nd, in tement in the Exeter cemetery. RETIRES AFTER 42 YEARS On Sunday last Rev. W. G. 11. Mc- Alister concluded his pastorate in. Main St. Methodist church, and is superannuating . from the Methodist ministry, after a faithful service of 42 years. This was Mr. McAlister's second term. in Exeter, he having been pastor of James St. church sev- eral years ago., Mr. McAlister is the hi re- ® tiring to the McAlister homestead on �Illllllllflfflllilfl � A= highway between Galt and Preslll1l11flflllllflllfllllllffillllfllllfllllllllflllflllllfllli�flli�IIIIIIIiIfI1I1111111111I111111111fIIIIIIIIiIiIIIIIIIIIINIfIlli g w X10 ton. He and Mrs. McAlister i leave behind them many warm friends ORANGEMEN ATTENTION throughout the community who will Hot -Weather Hardware Screen Doors All Sizes; From, $2.45 com- plete up to $4,00' Screen Wire @ 20c yd, up. Screen Windows' 50c ;New 13..erfection sl NEW PERFECTION OIL STOVES 3 and 4 burner $26,00 and $34,00 OVENS &- WICKS }Idyll : .oc s from '3.50 3.5 0 il: LawnMowers From $9:75 to $13.50 C Fw Ease I. een flies off °horses, cattle $1,00 and $1.25 per can Sprayers 65c. and 75c. Fis�nae�e, and Supplies a • PLUMBBTNG AND TINSAII1kiiNCi" sr Special County Orange Service wish for them every happiness `for the future. next Sunday afternoon at 8 o'clock in:th'e Trivitt Memorial Church, Rev- TO COMMAND' SCOUT CAMP' A. A. Tramper, County Chaplin, will preach. Brethern are 'requested to •meet at the lodge room at.2.30. Mr. Stuart Stanbury returned home on Friday evening from Otta- wa, where he had been taing a spe- cial Scoutmaster's course an the Gil_ DIED IN MANITOBA well Camp on the Rideau River. Mr. C. T. Brooks received word This was a. Scholarship awarded to of the death of his brother, Samuel, twenty Boy Scout leaders in Ontario Brooks, which took place in the gen-' with all transportation and other ex- eral hospital at •Morden, Man;, on-penses paid and Stuart was. fortun- June 17th, due to cancer. The des ,ate in being one of those chosen. On ceasod was 72 year of age. Ile left Saturday he left for Bigwin Inn, Exeter about forty years ago. Speaking of alcohol, a ' conter- Dory says there are only two kinds as; `far as he knows. They are de- natured and ill-natured and the only lyfuskoka, where he has i eceived the appointment as commandant of a camp of Boy Scouts from Toronto for the summer months. A NAJIRoW ESCAPE. Lightning played a peculiar freak difference is that the' i11-naturd. on the farm of Mr. Wm. Johns dur- 1923 DROPPED C O Y'Y;D DEA�9 AT 'lT�1;uN'A LOCALS 1V Ir, John Sparrow, a well-known miss Verna. "hent Sstiresident of Stanley, about t tle zn Lo'Mdgi., resident of Varna dropped dead on Wednesday night June 25, Mi', Spar- row was a very enthusiastic Conser- vative, and had spent the day in drawing voters to the polls: He went to his home troin here about 10 o'cock that night and shortly af- ter complained " to his wife.that he was not feeling well, and in a very short time thereafter he collapsed and died without a struggle. Ile vas about 65 years of age a?id`is survived only by his wife,; HYDRO POLE BROKEN WHEN STRUCK: BY AUTO On Thursday of last week while Mr. Percy Passmore and his two. children were motoring tp town they met with an accident - which might have resulted more seriously, Mr. Passmore had- just driven up the hill on the south side of the river when in some way his car left .tire road and struck a hydro pole. The pole was broken in two and about two feet of it was knocked out, - The upper pert of the pole was suspended by the wires. The occupants of the car escaped with a shaking up and some bruises. The radiator and axle of the car were badly damaged. DECOEATON DAY, Sunday was Decoration' Day at the Exeter cemetery. "While the day is primarily' set apart by the 1.0.0.F. to pay a tribute of respect to their departed brethren, it being gener- ally recognized by the coininunity, and many persons take the occasion to place flowers and plants on the graves of their loved ones. As one wandered among the tombstones of this city of the dead and mingled with. those who " had gathered for the occasion, many remarks were passed as to the beautiful appear- ance of the cemetery. The lay out, the beautiful arbor vitae trees that Mill natal 1/0 A 1) relay Don't fail to taltc in Elie Thaine Road Garden Darty on Friday even- mi„.i3r tc 5 'ullcGtr, of Torozito Col- ! ing, L'ltis 1x111 be ono of the treat,? holida 5 s.' Mr. Cecil Walt,' , 'of ll;tchell, is holidt'yiz'i�. iia t(r,t a, for a few clans, Bliss Elva Harvey soent the week- end visiting her sister in Strathrev. Ibis Verne .Walker, of Lonrloi1, spent the sock,-cnd.'in .Exeter North. Mr, and Mrs. s. 'E 0, Soutlicott mo- tored to 13 aritteed. and spent, the week -end. Mr. A. A. Nil, of London,l-isited his slate r,, Mrs, J. Hebert. Toxics, for se1,er ai ccs_ r this week. Miss Dais ;iitchell , Daisy Of London )$ spending a few. days with 51r, tired 1121.3. 111. 1!�. C.l a r:diner. 11I ss L aPe1re Kay, who has been, Visiting with her father and ;,sister in Detroit, has returned home," Mr, C. Ia, ll.a ;yard was called ft inn,. from 1',ew 5 ort' owingto the illness :of lila father. Mr, J. N -' Howard. Mra• Boy :., of London, visited her sort F,1`.2 Boyle in Exeter and friends at Centralia the forepart of the ,"eek lIr. and Mrs. J. Green, of Hills: - green, spent t1b; week -end with Mr. and Mrs. F. Vt';twor, of Exetei, Nortlr. 1VIt and Mrs. W. Ross and Tam-. ily, of C.'c:der itapids, Iowa, motored here and v red for several days in thi cell] niunt". Mrs, •Willa l Campbell, of Regina, arrived in ;r,• .dcr Monday and vis- iting her unelo and aunt,Ivlr., and llrs D. C. SIeSunic and'ether relatives in this comniunity. A. gust o; ,wind blew the screen door of Mr. W. S. Howey's drugstore shut Tuesday morning and the large. pane of glass in the door was broken and knocked out., • The Thames Road Garen Party Friday ever,ing evening promises to be one of the c7reiils of the 'season.. Straw- berries and cream followed • by a high-class .entertainment. adorn the pathways, the shrubs and flowers and the well -kept, appear- ance leave a most favorable impres- sion on the visitors- The members of the LO.O-F, lined up at the so.uth- east corner and paraded around the grounds, stopping here and there to place a flowering geranium on the grave of some -deceased brother. Mr. c E.' acted as niashall. The tivound up a,aout the cen- te • of. - the cemetery and after ' the I members had seated themselves be- neath the shady trees Rev. A. ' A. S Trumper and Rev. Jas. Foote deliv- ered two very able discourses. There was a good turnout considering the h very excessive heat. BLANSHARD FAEA ER 'DM 'S w Mr. David Roger, a prominent far t .vier of the 3rd: line Blanshard, died s suddenly on Saturday morning last. f The deceased had been about his or t dinary duties oil the farm. having cut hay on Thursday and attended a political meeting Thursday evening A On, Friday -night he underwent an op- A eration for internal trouble and he, passed away Saturday morning.: He B had not lot been well:for a couple of years. He was 57 years old. In re- a- ligion he was a Presbyterian and in C politics a Conservative. He was a o director of the Agricultural Society i and took a deep interest in the fair. 1 He was held in the highest esteem t in the community. Besides his wi- dow, three sons and three 'daughters 1aa all at home, survive. Mrs. John Ur- quhart, of Blanshard, is a sister,, and Dr. John Roger, of Cotler, Ont, is i it a brother, ,The funeral• was held on"Monday conclucted by Rev. G: M. Chidley, assisted by Dr. Fletcher; in- terment in the Iiirkton cemetery. Mr.and, Mrs. I-4arvey Perkins and children were in Lou don on Tb;irs- day. Mrs,. Wm. Butler, returned to London with them after visiting her sister, Mrs. Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Ford and two hildren, of Flint, Mich., who have been Holidaying with the former's parents,,; returned to, their home the atter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Grieve spent unday in Strathroy with their son, L: Grieve. They were accompanied by their granddaughter, Helen who as been visiting them for a few weeks. . Mrs, W. H. Johnston spent la:it eek visiting in Toronto and.Hanril- on. Her daughter, Dr. Mary John - ton, and Dr. iVXary Bray ,motared up rom Hamilton with her and,: spent he week -end, Mrs. Motherwell, wife of Hon, Mr. 4otherwell, Dominion Minister of gricultt';re and Miss Alma Mother- well, visited at the home of Mr. John ell, Sr, the guest of Airs- Ketchea- Str. and Mrs. V. C. French., of We- askiwin, Alta., who were with the anad.ian Weekly Newspaper part n their trip to Halifax and the Mar - time Provinces are visiting with the atter's sister, Airs- W. Martin, in own. Mr. Leavitt of the Donne Rink, has curiosity in the shape ' of a rose ush, that last year yielded a small umber of red roses,- and this year i5 w f s s J t .LEAVES: EXETER .AFTER FOUR YEARS PASTORATE Rev. M. .I. Wilson, B.A., closed a makes you talk all the tine and theing the storm on Monday afternoon: very successful pastorate of the denatured will stop you forever.James Street Methodist church on What appeared like fire was seeno' come from one of the eve conctu.ctors...ot weather. on Sunday good congre- Sunday last. In spite of the very h The conductor passed down close to an underwater pipe which seems to rot turned out both morning and i11J[N—TRUEIVINER—At the Evanhave conducted it to a small supplyd evening to hear his farewell dis= gelical church, Dashwood, on Sat- tank inside with the result • that the coarses, - Four years ago Mr. Wilson unday, June 23rd, Miss Cora Roc- cement bottom was torn up. Mr; came to James" St. from Hamilton.m- andhis so happened toDaring those years a number of int inn Trueniner; daughter of Mr. Johns s n standing on a water pipe in the stable', Wein, 'of Crediton, -by Rev: Mr. leading from the supply tank and Yaeger. received a considerable shock. KERNICK-In Exeter North, on June 20th, Ellen Gibson, beloved 'wife of Thomas 7. Kernick, aged 65 years. DIED, TOM= -In Medicine Hat, Alberta:, Exeter Wm. H. Tom, formerly of Exeter, Usbarive, eldest son of the late Charles and 5tenlyhen [-1a Aiargaret Tom, in his 64th year'• Hen,sall --" ""------- Bayfield Tuckersmath G 1clerich Tp MARRIED Daniel Truemner, to Mr. Aaron TREWARTRA EMOTED B".5' OVER 400` ll.A,TOR,ITY . Tele Mc )vartha Gregor AIeci.d 465 160 2.09 303 107 388 472 298 351; 294 300 492 157 187 43 142 38 24 160 411 359 507 116 220 • 2500 1617, 2093 Stanley repor•'f as missing -but it `with make: lilftb,e d44fezienc,o hz tlie'•, gem,era;I result. O1';TICTAL COUNT As the .official count takes place on Thursday of 'this week we will Tuve the official returns for next tv<cek'i iiS11O. ' IN MEMORIAM EIICKS—Iia affectionate memory of our dlea;i• mother, ll2't's. S. Iliclts, who died June 24, 192?': "Not dead to t111ose who loved her, Not lost, but gone before; She lives with, Its in memory still, And Will forever more." The Family covered with hundreds of almost hite roses. Mr- J. J. White, of Outlook, Sask. ornier ,editor of the Exeter Times, pent 'a couple of days visiting his isters in town. 'Mrs. White and son ack are visiting in Windsor and De- roit. of the' season, Sport, of all itIn<ls, children's races. strawberry su > l • er zl from 6 to 8 on the manse lawn. James Bioko h'iddes,of Toronto, Can- ada's leading Scottish tenor until &Iiss Jean Walker, of London, talented elocutionist will lake part in the Iprag 'ani, kiveryliocl r come. A.dinis sign 50c and: 25e. One .half the world doesn't know how their better halves live Mr. Frank Tom, of Toledo, Bion motored here and visited • tis 1 sisters, the Misses Toin one clay last vvoek. 1 -Ie left here to visit his Broiler, In ,speetor Toni, of Codcrich. When some men" do stay hola(a at night they stretch out in viii easy chair and slep until bed ti*tte. On Friday night, -June 22itc1, Mrs. W. D. Yeo received ilio sad news of the death of her eldest brother, Wm.. 11. Tord;-e-.1Viedieine Ifat, Alberta, in his 04th year, Further particu- lars later. hiss I-Iettie S'iveet'returne� dhoine: Monday evening from 'a very enjoy- able trip to Halifax, N. S. through the Maritime Provinces and-:1'>rince Edward Island with the Canadian Weekly Newspaper party. Mr. E. H. Senior, of Toronto vis- ited over the week -end with his par- ents, Mr. and .airs. Jos. Senior, and was •accompanied home by his two; children who have been visiting here for the past two weeks. Mr. J. M. Harvey is to be con- gratulated on the standing Ile took in, his second year Arts course at •Tor- onto University. In the Biology and Med wine course he stood well np in; his class, coming fifth. Rev. Mr. Clydesdale, the new, pas- tor of Main St. Methodist church and Rev. 1VIr, Donnelly, the new 'pastor of Jaiiies St.. church; have .arrived anti will conduct the services in these churches next Sabbath. The winners in the local bowling tourney on Friday evening last were E. J. Wethey, IV, J. ITeaman, and Thos.•Pryde with 3 wins phis 5. J. Pryde, N. J. Dore and Campbell Wares were second with 2 wins phis ' Mrs: Ro•bt. Tapp, of London, 'has been visiting for several days with her sisters, Mrs. Wm. Armstrong; and Mrs. Gordon Heywood, One day last week she had the misfortune to run a crochet needle in her hand which was 'removed by Dr. Mynd- man. Mrs, Thos, Harvey was:nfit; -r„ Thomas last week attending the Commencement exercises at Aima: College. Miss Mildred Harvey, Who her fine arts certificate with honors, for first year's course, Her friend, Miss Bessie Maclntyre accord i tnied them Home and visited here for a few days, returning to her hone Alonday. Capt. T. Bobbins, of the Salvation Army, comrnander of the local carps has this week received has marching, orders and is being transferred to Goderich. He will take over his new command on July 5th, He will 'be succeeded in Exeter by Ensign and Airs. Stevens, of Goderich. Don't refuse to• marry a girl be- cause she can't cook. She may have money enough to pay your board. ORANGEMEN ATTENTION A meeting of the Orangemen will' be held .in the I.O.O.P. Hall on :Fri. - day, July 6th' at 3 o'clock. Very ixii•- portant business to attend to; Wan. Lutnran, W.M. k2=1=1,717:70117MEMS=75.17=17.,. 77.17.71:4 prpvements have been made.. A new verandah has been added to the parsonage. A fine new organ has been installed in the church. Dur- ing those years 100 new members, Ihave been received into the, church. They Have been y6 deaths.113x. Wilson's diseotu•sos from Sabbath to Sabbath have-, been very helpful and l inspiring, 14e is i forcful apeakei i and holds the interest and attention i of .his hearers. Mr, Wilson has been untiring in his efforts among the voting people and the different or-, gariizations ar9 iiia very flourishing' condition. During "their stay here both Air, and Airs. Wilson Have won many: waren friends. Inreferring to his pastorate Bore on Sunday Mr, Wilson said that he and Mrs, Wilson I, had spent; four of the happiest years of their lives in Exeter. They leave this iv'eek for their new eliargd at Ainlierstburg and tho,,besi wishes of many friends '' ill fellow E.:-_:•1, Se vice Grocery Main Phone 102 TWO STORES North Phone 47 AWBERR'G S Indications' are there will be a, fair crap of very fine quality, and we trust you iv'ill let us have Your order early so we can de- liver yotir, berries in best condition possible, AVe stock for sale, berry Ilexes for the cony and pay market • price for local itikerAies, C . T ience pi: 4 r;ixx>t'r5a 'Haire Sou tried 0511100? Mother Nature's year-round Jell' 'l11ager. Nov" that fresh fruits r 1 eaI r.uits a e hero, why not inalse t�p i.ii;stt delicious Jams and Jellies you even:; tasted? t , ti u, We supply with everyliottlo of Certo, a, boost of xccotti„;,. 1317 'd •ytbiii4• is cle11110 explained ---,k' e'11P aN; ,„r s��