HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-6-21, Page 8PHONE Q+'o SQrvic oStewar Warmer Weather• demands Suitable Apparel Suggestions from our large Stock Summer Dress Materials aterials We are showing a big range of exclusive Dress Lengths and have new pieces coming in every day'. You may make a selection from, Paisley Voiles, Normandy Voiles, Paisley Crepes, Sponge Crepes, Pure Silk Egyptian Paisleys, Plain and Fancy Ratines. From our large range of designs, youwill be able to choose a mater- ial ,just suitedto your needs. ANDERSON'S SCOTCH;GINGHAMiS 1N THE POPULAR, SMALL Cf1ECg:S Summer ooea.r PHONE 16 For Service PATENT OXFORDS PATEN'.[ COLONIAL SLIPPERS OXFORDS COLONIAL SLIPPERS STRAP •SLIPPERS In cool comfottabie Dongola Kid leather. WHITE CANVAS SLIPPERS, . in one and two-tone ' combinations, WHITE SILK LISLE -Plain or with fancy black clocks. PURE WHITE SILK -Plain, Ribbed and Clocked SILK LISLE -With wide rib effect, in Dove Grey and Beige PURE SILT. RIBBED STOCKINGS in Black, White, Beige, Dove and Brown. Summer Stockings Special BLACK COTTON STOCKINGS Sizes 51/2 to 10-25c or 4 pr for 95e ;Ila Groceries at Wholesalerices Royal Yeast - 05c Choice. Seedless Raisins 15c lb 7 lbs. Quality Oatmeal ......25c 75c Salada Tea 65c Shredded Wheat .... 12c Heavy, (5 -string Broom) $1.00 Medium (5 -string) Brooin 750 Light Strong Broom .........50c 2 Large this choice Peas ,,.,25c 3 'Pkgs McLaren's Jelly Pow- der 25e Extra Quality Corn large tins` 10c 7 Bars Laundry Soap 48e Our Best Bulk Cocoa .... 15c Ib 1 T' tin Cascade Salmon 15c 1 lb tin Cascade Salmon 10c 1 Ib`.Ccoice Red Salmon 25c 9 lbs PURE CANE SUGAR for $1.00' WITH YOUR GROCERY ORDER St war ✓1a'••,.!*klgT. y ,..rr f D$: ,.NnB�^� 1Ni45R:':`e' w;';', , urniture De!eI Fltilordi Iire6tor WHEN YOU BUY FURNITURE HERE, OUR AIM IS TO GIVE YOU SERVICE AND SATISFACTION, AND A PRICE THAT SUITS YOU. WE STAND PREPARED TO CATER TO EVERY HOME'S FURNITURE WANT, HOWEVER LARGE, HOWEVER SMALL. LATEST DESIGN;; LARGEST STOCK, BETTER SERVICE, FAIR PRICES. THE HOME FURNISHER. T Conductor of Funeral Service Motor Hearse and Horse Equipment LONG DISTANCE CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE O1 -ERA HOUSE BLOCK PHONE, 743• Night call 74W We'll never attain the ultimate in effiiency, however, until we discov- er a substitute for rest. Money can't buy happiness be- cause happiness is not for sale. Hap- pinss is something which comes from doing good for which pay is not ex- pected; \1\ Miss Blanche Senior has returned home from Toronto. Three rinks of bowlers are in Lon- don attending the Scotch Doubles bowling tournament. They are R. N. Creech and W. J. Heaman; E. J. Christie and R:: Ferguson; E. J. Wethey and R. N. Rowe. 10 Y 5• M �F res ti Soap Chips, ",; Machine Sliced BACON1PICNIC HAMS 61 b: 33c° a pound 22c. a pound CARNATION MILK r\ 3 tins 19c. CAMEL DAT ES 5 pkgs. 25c. COMFORT AND PEARL WHITE Ir NEW CHEESE 2 pound Strawberry JAM 4� c. 4 lb. tin Raymond's rna ndys PICKI,ES 4 at botee Shirrlffp IA s Marmalade 69c 4 lb tin Main .Streit xeter, Ont. THE ;. L' " R1 TIM arket report -The following is the or t of tile Exeter t r Mar e t �.I Corrected eatery Wednesday, Wheat $1.15 Manitoba Flour •$3.85 Pastry' Fleur $3.40. Model Flour $3.70 Feed Flour $2,1Q Oats 57e Bran $1.70 Barley GOe Shorts $1.70 Dairy Butter 28e Oreanezy Butter 37c Eggs 22e Potatoes $1.00 Lard 17 to 20c Potatoes, 75c Hogs $8,25 *41o+. 449.4119.044)tAie.****0. LOCAL • DECORAfION DAY The I. 0. 0. F. will observe Decor- ation Ilay next Sunday afternoon. MVlembers are requested to meet at the lodge room at 2,45 and those with autos to bring thein. Rev' Jas. Foote and Rev, A. A. Trumper will give addresses at the cemetery. Sun- day schools holding service in the af- ternoon will meet at two o'clock. The black bass season „opened on Saturday. a coupleof weeks. He„ does not know as yet where he is being sent. Dr. Abbott, of Seattle, Wash., is the guest of his nephew, Mr. W. F. Abbott. Mrs. .1, G. Cochrane has returned home after visiting with her sister -at Windsor. Miss' Fern Sheere, of Lansing, Mich., is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. M. Sheere. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Peter, of At- wood, visited in Exeter and Centralia on Wednesday last. Mrs. Matthew Hall, of London,. late of England, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Johns. Miss Vina Fisher, of Hamilton, is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Coates and other relatives. wliss Florence Marchand has re- turned to her home at Watford af- ter attending the Exeter High School Capt. Robbins, of the Salivation Army, has received his marching or- ders and expects to leave Exeter in 1VIr. and Mrs. C. Evans and two children, of London, motored up and called on friends in Exeter on Sun- day. The middle- school examinations began on. Monday. The Entrance exams will begin on 'Wednesday of next week. Mr. Hollier, Miss Weeks, Miss, Burns, Miss E. Sweet, of Tillsonburg motored here and spent Sunday at the latter's home. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Fairhall and daughters, of Loudon, were in town Sunday, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Wares. Mr. W. Pomfret, of Hamilton, has taken over the duties as Express Agency at Exeter succeeding Mr. W. Sims who resigned. Mrs. Esli Heywood, who has been visiting in London the past ,week withher sister, Mrs. J. W. Mallett; has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. W -lie and Mr. and Mrs. Curtis,' of Toronto, spent the forepart of ,the 'week with' Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart. Rev. Jas. Foote,,, returned home last week from attending the Gen- eral -Assembly of the Presbyterian Church at Port Arthur. Confirmation was held in the Tri- vitt Memorial church on Tuesday evening to a class of ten by Bishop D. Williams, of. London`. Rev. Mr. Donelly, of Ahmerstburg the new pastor for James St. Meth- odist church is expected to arrive in Exeter on Tuesday next. Mr.n a d Mrs. i Jos. Pollich, and slaughter Pauline, of Hamilton, are holidaying for two weeks with, rela- tives here and at Graced Bend. Rev. M. J. Wilson, who leaves on Tuesday of next week for his new charge at Ahmerstburg, will .preach his farewell el sermons w 1 s mons on Sunday. Mrs.'Mollard and her mother, Mrs. Baines, of Andrew' street, intend leaving in a few weeks for a trip to Boston, New York and Washington. Among the successful students in the first year examinations at Tor- onto University we note the name of Mr. Stuart Stanbury with honors in Science. Next Monday, June 25th will be election day. As it is expected thae poll will be heavy, in South Huron voters are requested to vote as early as possible. Mr. J, J. Lamport and Mr, Robt. Henderson, of Detroit, spent a few dayswith - intown the former's bro- thel. Mr. Wes. Lamporte, and sister Mrs. Marshall: Mr. Andy' Easton was thrown from a horse on Tuesday and in falling to the ground injured his knee. ' I -le t Mr.` and Mrs. Win. McLaughlin, and daughter, of Brantford; motored up on. Saturday and,` Spent the week- end with the ,foriner's parents, Idr. and Mrs. John MoLaiighiin. m C;&WEki PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Itov. James Foote, R. 1.,, 1&Usiieter , 10 a,m,---Sunday Set ool and Bible Classes Services as usual next Sunday.. 34,31Es S r'roa3°T METUODfST darn Rev. M. J. Wilson, B..4., Pastor. Services as usual next Sunday, 2.30 -Sunday School and Bible Class, G. S. Atkin$oh, DENTAL SURGEON Graduate' of the Royal College of, Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Uni- .�.. versity of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mili- ..... tary District Number One, London, .= Out.; ,.. Main Office, Main .St. Exeter, Ont. Picone 34, Exeter; Hours 9.00 a,in. to 5.30, p.m. Of,ice'hours at ZURICH ONT., Tues. and Fri., 10.00 o'clock a,m, to 5.00 o'clock pan. Phone' 79, IIIIIiIIIIIIiIIIIIfBniwillllllllllllllllll11I1 11IlIlIIIIIl1111111I1i1IllIIIrRIIIIiIIIMII!ll Illlll'llfl! ! , . VIII p'� 11I111IIIIIIII1111lIIIIIIIl111NI1�9�1 Sawa 1.41.6 1.11010 11.411111 FOR QUICK SALE That up-to-date residence in the, 'Village of Staffa, 7th of Hibbert, County of Perth; composed --of 3 Vil- lage lots and 2 acnes of pastureland on adjoining farm. On Village lots there isa two storey 8 -roomed brick house, kitchen and wood shed, stable hen and drive house, hard and soft water. all iu first class: repair, Meth- odist and English church in Village, Presbyterian church, one ' mile; school, one mile. possession at once as the present owner, G. Tuffiu, has bought a faun and wants to move. I will sell this property at a bargain. For terns and particulars apply to Thos. Cameron, Auctioneer, on Thames Road, P.O., Box 154 Exeter. Phone Hyndman line, Exeter. Mrs: -Geo. French and two daugh- ters, Violet and' Doris, of London, visited at the home of her daughter Mrs. I. Sims over the week -end. Mrs. W. H. Ives, accompanied by her son, his wife and daughter, mo- tored over, from Stratford on Tues- day and visited with 'Mrs. Wm. G. Bissett. Next Sabbath will be Rev. Mr. McAllister's last Sunday. as Pastor of the Main St. Methodist church. His succiessor, Rev. Mr. Clydesdale, of .Atwood, will arrive next week to take charge. Mr. W. D. Sanders returned Sat- urday from the Algonio District where he spent the week addressing meetings in the, interest of =1VIr, Hig- giii`s the U. F. 0. candidate. Mr. Sanders is in Bruce county, this week assisting Mr. James Johnston. At the weekly tournamenton th local bowling green on Friday even ing last Messers. E. J. Wethey, R. N. Creech. and Geo. Anderson won first prize with 3 wins plus 11. Messrs. C. Wares, Rev. Trumper and' W. J. Heaman were second with 2 wins plus 20. e Mr..Stuart Stanbury is' attending_ .the Gillwell Camp for Scoutmasters near Ottawa. Stuart is one of the, twenty fortunate Scout leaders from Ontario who have been. awarded a ;scholarship of two weeks' in this lea- dership, camp with all...railway and other expenses' paid by Scout Head- quarters.., The musical entertainment put on in 'the Exeter Opera House on Tues- day evening on last week by, Miss Gretta Lammi ., of Hensall, _Miss C. Sells, of London and 'Miss • Gladys Slay, of • Sarnia, graduates of the Brantford school for the Blind, was of a very high order and greatly en- joyed by those present: Travellers to and from the Exeter, station are much impressed .with the rows of beautiful flowers 'and ever- greens planted on each side of the sidewalk opposite Mr. W. 'F. Abbot's park lot. Mr. Abbot is looking to- wards, permanency and is planting shrubs and perennial flowers 'along with some annuals. FIe is aiming a,t such a variety that he will have some all the season. There were big doin's in the ole town. on Saturday evening last. The large crowd thats u bellyP irides the Main street Saturday evening were well entertained. The Salvation Army, as usual, held their street ser- vice. A speaker representing the Plymouth Brethren attracted quite a crowd: A street pedlar -,weighing close to 400 pounds had a stand on the proposed postoffice site and sold corn cure, cement and other articles and did 'a thriving business, A. young man on crutches with one foot off accompanied the latter and made a tour of the business places selling lead pencils. BROWN-R.ICHARDSON The marriagetookplace 'in In Corun- naon Thursday, bur s a y, June 14th, of Miss Ruth Richardson, daughter ofthe late Mr. Geo. Richardson and. Mrs. Richardson, to Mr. Gordon F. Brown ofarni S agrandson of Mr. Charles Eacrett, formerly of Exeter, The as in the act of dismounting when ' l he `animal reared. ~ride's sister, Miss Margaret, Rich- ardson, was bridesmaid, while Mr. Harold Fuller supported the groom. A. few days previous to the wedding the bride was the guest of honor at a niiscellaneo,ils shower given by the members of :St. .Andrews choir, of of Which she wet a member,' mom mom madam 0611111310 C PracTIO 311/14, 01191. 184, ��a.��.rt Voile Refine I)r°�ssc� Every, week new numbers are being placd en our racks. They are not expensive,. It.•is, a .pleasure to show theni. Priced at $7.50 $9•.00 $10. 0.0 and $15.00 r Black Silks We carry a good range, of Black Silks in Crepes, Guaranteed Taffet- tas, Messaline, Duchess, Paillette, AllTyilie Crepes ranging In price from $1,50 .�a 'yard to $3.75. Fleetfoot Folear for: Summer Wear We are showing many newest styles for Y this season. wear is very moderately, priced. , This' popular foot.. Special ,Value in .Ladies' Vests This is an exceptionally good Vest, fine weave and medium weight. Special for this week only. Father's, Iia' �June 17th Buy Dad a Shirt, Tie, Belt, Sox, Hat, Collar, or a ,comfortable pair of Cushioned Soled Shoes. June forget Dad on J i 17th. ilLISMSO IMMO magas MOMS IMMO 00116111. swam , sommoto ^IIIIIlII1111imilIIIIIIIIIIIIa,161111111IIIlIl11I1 i IIlIIIlllllll91111111IIlIIIIIIIIIIIII�IIIIlIIIIlQlIIIIIIIIIIQIIIIIIIIIIIlIII1111111111111111111PlIIe IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHll . e Carry a Big Stock 'of GoOd Furniture at Prices that can't be Beat Satisfaction Guaranteed R. N. ROWE CONDUCTOR OF FUNERAL' SER- VICES Phone Bis. ` 20W House 20J. 0111111.111111111.111111111111111111111111111111111111 Lawn Mowers sharpened by mach- inery. -Satisfaction ; guaranteed. Price $1.00. Agent for case, Tractors, Fairbanks -Morris machinery. Weld- ing and. repair" work of all' kinds. J. 'G. ,Cochrane. FARMERS We have a car load of feeding Mo_ lasses for sale, 'Maple Leaf Brand, at 25c a gallon. Centralia Farmer's Co -Operative Co., Ltd. I will have a number of boxes of I Strawberries 'about the 27t1i of June. Phone or call. Thomas Smale, R. R. No. ,3, Exeter. LOST -A valuable diamond ring between 'Kirkton and Grand Bend _ euro ute Dieter. and' Dashwood . on June 17. Liberal reward. Finder I BICYCLE FOR SALE -In good please notify F. A. Taylor, F nlc on,) condition, . new tires. Price $15. Ap- Ont., Phone No. 4. 'Ply at. Times Office. Strawberries l8pt 8+, iNelVitetN.ti- raw fiats WILL. BE INTRODUCED WITHIN THE NEXT FEW DAYS. THE WEATHER HAS BEEN A LITTLE COOL, BUT THE WARM DAYS. WILL:, BE HERE SHORTLY. WE HAVE IN -.STOCK, A WIDE RANGE OF POPULAR STRAWS. Pries range fto. $1 to $2.50 ll..W 4'; c;a Shirts, •a.1id.. Ties WE HAVE A BIG ASSORTMENT' OF '`THE' POPULAR SHIRTS FOR SUMMER'WEAR. ALSO A WIDE SELECTION OF THE NEWEST TIES. SUMMER UITS AT a 4 n1' 1'.Rt4.Y ,4:'' I O N 1F.:iur.'v.1�AG;3�'�a�.r:'rS Fresh berries right off ' the vines delivered the day ordered. Popular prices; special 'rates P to socials in quantity orders. ' Phone- or write Geo. E. Hay, Phone 29-12 Crediton. Miss Edna Maxwell is 'visiting Mr. and":Mrs, Victor Snell. :Miss s C'"eorgina Taylor, of Chicago, is holidaying : with .her mother, Mrs. M. Taylor, of Exeter North for a few weeks. von. QUICK SALE That desirable Farm property, lot 5, Con. 12, Township of Hibbert in the County of Perth, 99.14 acres with School on corner, good brick dwelling and ,kitchen, first t cl' ass bank barn 36x96 'and lean 34x14, well fitted for horses,.: cattle anis hogs, water in stable, silo and drive house. This farm,is ,iIn the best of eondltioai and will be 'sold with or without the splendid' crop of fall wheat, peas and oats and mixed grain, lay and past- ure. Easy terms of payment and for quick •sale at a bargain. Possession' at any time. For terms and partic nears'. apply to Thos, Cameron, ,Aur- ionoer, Thames Road;, Box 154 Exe- er P,O, Phone Exeter t FARMS FOR SALE -A few choice farms in the Townships of Usborne, 'Tuckersmith and Hibbert. ' Good buildings and well located as to mar- kets. Priced right. 'Apply to Tilos Cameron A uct„ Box 154, Exote4, Dr. John Ward CHIROPRACTOR & OPTOMETRIST Has removed to Main St. Exeter. South of Y.M.C.A. PHONE 70 ANDY EAST'ON Licensed -Auctioneer for the Coun- ty' of Huron. Correspondence airange- lne to >1 n far sales can he mare b chill- y ing up the Central Hotel, Exeter. Charges moderate, satisfiactio guaranteed. orse Livery HORSES AT. ALL TIMES. Phone 58W Bagshaw Easton '1S°oo.. AMAN 'ess Jd.e R. CA LING.B. Barrister, Solicitor, &c,, Loans, Investments, Insurance, Carling Office marlin , g Block, Main St. Exeter A. b. TENNANT' Veterinary Surgeon Office --McDonnell's s sstables on John St. ,Phone calls receive prompt attention. Phone 26w LET ELLIOTT & JOHNS Know when you wantour y Suit of Overcoat Cleaned and Pressed, or Dyed or D e 3 Dry Cleaned and we will calf' for them ande ' d 11v31• them.. -We are out for business. When you want a New Suit call in and see' our Samples. pun MOT7r0-._Service'to the Public.. RIGH -CLASS INVESTMENTS Accountt Collected Insurance ERNEST Xi1LLIOT .' Office, Main St'rcei•,