HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-6-21, Page 6Thirteenth Year Ti Camp
Major S, C. Piper, 'Nato IS
nup at Niagara Camea with the
Laidireand Rifles. This is his thirtieth
3 -ear in camp. He is one ot the oldest
t tag chaplains in Canada, and -served
atlth the C.E,F, overseas.
United States Bug Experts
Send insects to Assistance of
Dominion Entomologists.
A despatch from Winnipeg says:—
Derninion bug experts will inipOrt
li.an the. United States this summer
a horde of parasitic wasps which they
teill tarn loose in the Canadian corn
belt to destroy and fatten upon their
- hereditary enemy, the corn boring
The campaign will be waged along
lines drawn by W. R. Wilton, super-
inteedent of the insect division of the
•_'fitited States Bureau of Entomology,
who offeeed his aid IA a recent meet-
ing of grain growers.
'Wherever corn is grovm in America,
there livea the cern borer, taking his
toil of millions of dollars from the
robie of the crops each year. He
makes his home within the green husk
of the tender plant, and eats his way
over tbe Milky ear, completing his
1,-vor1.- of destruction long before the
crop matures. '
Until the United Ste.tes entomolo-
gists discovered in France the tiny
Wasp, there was no knote-n means of
destroying the borer without also de-
stroying the corn. This insect does
the trick, according to Mrs Walton.
Brought to America to a new hunt-
ing a,rreund, it was discovered he liked
the climate, reared larp,o families, and
had a predilection for corn borers,
making his home M the husk of the
ear within easy striking distance of
his game.
With the aid of this parasite con-
siderable progress has been made to-
ward extermina.ting the boxer from
. the corn fields of the United States,
Mr. Walton reported. It is now plan-
ned to bring several armies of the
insect from the Government nurseries
...across the border and liberate them,
in midsummer, in "Ontario and other
provinces of the clean belt -where the
borer has beeninot.s.t destructiVei
Wheat grown in Western Canada
has for several years been in demand
from all parts of the United States
and the Old World. That the reputa-
tion of this high grade wheat is in-
creasing is evident trona the fact that
a local seed company recently received
an order for 500,000 b,ushels of sed
wheat from the Argentine Republic.I
To Preside Over Delorrne Trial
Chief Justice Lemieux, of Quebec, IS
preside oyer the trlai of Abbe De-
lorme, who b.aS been released from an
4 asylum to stand trial fOr the murder
of .111S. half-brother,
With Standing in To Last Prevlo.os °uses at13issoltiftion.
(NoMititees Who Were Mem &etas of Last Legisiattlre Are Starred,)
(01W.v.uxe.pariiiiU, BY TUE VANADIAN
tADDINd`l'617 • . , .
13RAN1,' SOUTH.,
CARLI,,TON .• • .. '1i011.. R. R. Grant
COCHRANE .....I .• — • , • - • • • • • • • ^ - • • • •
1 *1' 'K. Slack • . „ , ., ..
H, t.'4.`,;$(..).znan ...
..-It.-ItRAM EAST. ,I*S.' S,
DURII,A,INI WEST. L. T. Chrtpman
ELGIN EAST ...;, \V. F, Smith , ..,.....
Et,GIN WEST ,..p,1*, 0, 1%tincrOn
United Partners,
, , „ ,,,,,, •
Thomas :Higgins • .• •
"kiOn. 1-I, 0, N ixokt,
W. 11.,Ii*enton
NI. „A. MeCallunl
,razues Sohnston
ESSEN NOR'1,‘II (1. 9.'isdelle
zroaT WIT,LIANT , • , • . •
GLENGARRY .'„ *., A, Ross
F'RONTENA(.,"0. A., B, Clarite
..... . .. . , , , , , • .
. .....
1)' 3 M, Robb .
• ...1. 1\1. Patterson.
3.t 51. aCB1cl1
• , , , . . , , •
...... 1.)r, 11, A. Clarke .....
Wm .Bro‘vii
.... • • • • • ..... , A., G. 'McIntyre
Ray O'Neill
Sohn. Vauler•
...... C. R. 'McKeown ...
. . Aaron Sweet .. . . .
. . . . , A. Van L1a.irtn . • • .. . .
••• ildichttel
11' 5,1"1)1a10113
0RENVILI41 W. Bizehaann • „.
GREY CENTRE zion D, Carmichael.
GREY NOR'1.‘H *11, .....
13D,111`,- SctiTer. Ci. NT. Leeson .......
.,,We.rren Stringer .„
*Hon, E. O. Drury
HUROls.,!, NORTH .
KENT EAST ".•...
t..4N4IDa' : sc.mTla
Liure-Ds . ..
LENNOX: .. ..
P.,..4.RRT SOUND..
PRESCOTT .,..,,.
TN; -
SilNI.C.0 0 CE3'..:'1'RE,
..'ll.1%,1(10E. EAST .
SiNtC0-171 SOUTH' .
1I5i.00111 W EST ..
T 1'8 'CANT I :Cr° .
9:0E.ON'TO N.1V. 13
TORONTO 8.E. `14,
TOR ON1'0 S, W. '13'
VT,CTOR A S. . . • •
Vc.,1.T15111100 S. ..
770LI.,..A51 •
WEL1.I5t.1'P0N 5,
-tv teNTWoRT 5. s..
11,,INDSOR .....
1-01-tE EAST
, . , ... ; . ..... . . ..
*Hot., 13. M1Ue ......
........ . " ' • '
..... . .....,...
'H. 14. Denies
McCafferY .• • •
IV in. Somerville
Sheldon Bricker
NV, (1. Medd ,
. ..... ....
*Hon. M. Doherty
13,r L. McCreary
*L. W, 3)1e*3". M. Webster
'Hiram. :McCreary .
••mr, I, Johnson ...
3ohn Beatty
Et, G. Kemp . .......
.......... ..... ,...,..,
*Hort. Bents... Bowman
*J. W. Freeborn ....,
Flz-trolel Curry ,........
J. 0, Lethbridge
. , . . . ...... .......
.. . ..... , ,
. . . ... . .... . ..
. • 1 • ................
. • . ...... , .. ......
*G. 0, Halcrow
4lien. 1V. Rollo .. .
.. . ..
..... .. . . . .
*Petet. rreenall (A cold
. . .... • .
AdolPh * Armztr000 ,
Frank Svence
*A, NI. Rankin
*Ron.0. R, Fergirson,
Dr, Angns Ego
Wm. Breese . ... .
k1On,, Dr. .1 '1
Dr, R. ,Nr. Berry
Ci'orge 511301, •
.Dr, Leemthg Corr
A. C. Garden
R. Cooke
*W. 1t, 1,relan'd
E, D, '\Vigle
eaolin .To.,ynt ..'. :.„
Nelson Trewartlla
• .. . ....
• $, ,Beaniish
W. ,R, Dawson
'W. S. .t1aney
T, et. Thompson
la. 01.Striaman
A. N'i7;„ Gray ...,
W., I -fallibly
Thomas ...4,11an
Sir Adaln Beck
Fred Smith ......
Erauk Doyes .•
Georgi. Elliott •
*0 W kleele,4tone
NV. G. Wilson ..; „,
Harry 'Morel
W. Soug•line•
B. F. -Belford
F.- D..P.tog.gs .
D. W.' Walls .
Dr. James 'Moore
....... .. . ....
11, A. Stevenson' ,
• ...... • • • .........
.. . ....
*Jos. Cridlaucl
*Wesley Montgomery.
.. . .. • .....
*J. W. Widdifield
H, P.Ichardson
C. F. Swayze ........
3. MeRvenna . ......
... . . . . . . . ... . . . ,
. . . ........ .... . .
. . . . . . . . . . ....
'D. NI, Ross
J. 3. Wright
S. 33, Purdon
E. E. Orr
*Hon. Pete. Smith
' 0 N MacDonald
. .. • . .. ....
J. Southern
• Nt Warren
*John Carty, „Tr. ...
1 & Larldry
, ...... ... . .
*G.11. Murdoch ....
'J. B. 'Johnston ....
*F,. 3. Evane . ....... .
R. Balzer•. .. _ .....
Nathan Conejo:1d ....
W. 3. Da.oust
Sohn Cameron ....
• • • ..... • • • ..........
..... .....
*13. . ... .
P. Villeneuve
Scott Callan -
Alec Lyon • ..
Arthur 101113
A: E. Honey N.vell
E. .A 1.tea,
W . 13. 't'llarobers
*113'." .5, Price
Dr. G. V. Harcourt
"'I'. L. Kennedy
1. J. D. atoateit
)rh .
lfcC1aus1and irville •
T. D. Johnston
W. El:. Bra, dbu rn .
8' Fr. Keefer
1-1. S. Colliver
. ,A.. Mat1iiI1 .....
kle, Stewart
T. 51, CO134'110 . . . .
George Oakley, Ir.
'F. H. Greonlow
',T. B.. Cunningham ..
. , . .. . . ... . .
. . . ..... . .. . .
.Tohn Sharpe
Dr. N. S. Coyne .(Pr.)
Mrs. W. Becker .(13:)
Mrs. W. E. Groves (P.:;1
;Edgar Watson
,P. 0. Sandy '.....,...
............. , ..
. .
W. S. Et. McDonagh..
*Hon. W. IL, Raney.,
T 3 Mahon •
'R. N.. McArthur
*Hon. F. C. Biggs
*W. A. Crockett
............ ..... „ .
Arthur Roobuck
:fames Cooper . . ...
... . ... . . . . . ..... .
.. . ..
. . . . .. ............
f, 0. 0' ............ e
.Jarnes '1'. Gunn
-11a.lcolm L. 13ruce
Tolin MacDonald ,
„..., ... . . ..... .
G. 3,ockllart .....
,........... ..... . ...
.. .. . ... . .. ..........
... . ......... .,.........
...... ........
• • ... . • • • • ... .. • •
A.. W. Strinig .....
..... . ...
" " • .......... " • •
E. 0. Graves .......:.
James Lyons
C. E. Wright ......
Cad Rowe
J. E. ala l7a0a
.r. C. Ntilligao
L. T. Bull ........
*Charles IlfcCroa.
A. 3. )(ennedy
C', 1.3>w1s ........
*J. E. 'Phompson .
Tho's. (Tawlo.c
A. Irt: Nesbitt .....
*3. A Currie ..
E. W. J Owens
j. A. Alc•Cousland
Fred G. McBrien
.3. R. Marl.; .,
3. Pail ersen
IV. CI Weichel
_A, W Nlercer
-.11eric Vaughan ...
Lincoln Goldie
W. C. Chambers
.A. D. Shover
CP, T. Mahony
Ir. w. .......
.Fton. G. 8. Henry ..
W. Keith
Dr, Forbes Godfrey ,
to IFTEE N'1'11 0EGI5LA2'L113.„15
(Ellecuon's Out. 20, 11119) '
.. „
(131ectIone Juno 29, 1914)
• ,
W. kI„
, S. itailies . .... ,
3, NV. ,`.„-lliepperson . ,
*,Doneld 31c.Alp1ne ....
51. _•N. .1.1.011jany
1orank Re0.0; , „
*A. 1', .)10.wiliruloy..,.
jot... 1F4, 001e ...,....,
431a1cohn Lang . - „ .
' • ..
, .,„, „..... • ..,,,..
,Bregg ...,..„
',r, (-.... .1.)axii.), ..,.....,.
10. A. Horton
L, ,P„ Tellier
13, Ciffoe
MrRO. Alin
. . ., ,.
,), A, s,t„vst,,,,. ,,,,,,,_
,...... . . .... • ..
... „ - .... , ... .... . ,
`Ai'. 11 lpielcir.
.,, . .....,
. • ... ... .... .
tt,, S. colter .,,,..,„
14e. Roy .1)511e
11', Ir. 1"rel'eavert. ........
'1'. 13. 11.1cQuesten • ....
E. 13. 6`.1.'lynn
,S, NT, Govenloclz •
Abner Cosens
11, F, 'MacGregor -
,,',.,., .. .. ... „.....
...., ...., „ • „
*11.. L. Bi•ackin ....
S.,..V. G. con...11y
T. 'H., Cool; .. . . . .'
„,,',, ..... ,„,...
. . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . ... .
Dr, -,r; p, irr"oornan , ..
*Thomas 3.1arsha11 .,.
Isob.1 , Armstrong .„
............., .. ..... ...
R W, Cliapple
..,.....:... .. . .. .......
11 E Rice
I Dr, G. 13. ' Snyder
r. 13:, ivarce,, .... ,
Sant Clarice .,......„
*NV, 1.1. N, Sinclair ...................\\r
*S. A, 1?inard
S. P11! ('51 Geuvreau -
J. 'II. F. Fisher ..... ,
. ..
G. P. -Mahon
.I. V. Buchanan ..... "
• .................
*R. R. 14all•
. •
... ....... .. . . ... ..........
*I!'..Wellingtou I -Toy
.......,... ,
, ,
3', W. k 10 3'("S .....
-A. 3. NIcCornber
'Gustavo EVanturel
'11-10.1-. N. Parlian-tent
, ,..,
F.. .1. Callar;Ilan..
, ,
50)13.'n 'McCann
Farrell ...,
Aurelian Belanger .
:r: 'NI., Mu s,,Zri .
J. .A."NIcPhaii• . : . . ...
_Dr. L, S. Simpson
. • ....... . . . ..
,.... .
,, ,,,,,„, _ _ ..... ,
14. ..:.{.2 cuhlo . , . „ . .. ,
155.'. VV. NIci,00d
*Z. tie u e Nlageau. . • .
1:)r. .I. R. TIortubfse
I.Tertr,• O'Grady ......'. ,
. W. El. Shatv '
, . , ... , ... _ ,..,:
l Capt. NIull.bwrii,•y -,„
. .3 11 -34. SI (7.'ooper
. 1Fredf ricic l'Iogg ...„
.10)111 Callahan.
• , , '
. *IS. C. Ramsdell
, Dr, 1-1. E. Graham ..-
, 5,,' 13, O'Connor
• '4'15Icholas Asmi..ssen
. *Robert Cooper .-.
...... . . ,. .
. .........„ .. .
. Frank. Howard .. ... . .
. Mr. 1.3. Howes ... • „. • .
. ..
. T. attoerat a ...,, ......
. *.T. C. l'Olin I E."
• TT. 'S• Ciatl`Y . ... .
. J. NI.
• 301llo
..,.... ..... ......_..,
. , . • . . .
.. . .. . .. ..... ..,,,,„
. , , , •
• - .. ... ...• ... • ,.....
.... .. .... .. , .. . . . ....
Lt.F.' Se),,tm>lir ....
.. . . . . . .. .. . .... .....
.,...... . ...........,
..... ...,....,.... .. ...
DI'. 17'attl POISSQ{1 ..
, 131 13:yea's
, , II •
. , .... , . ,„, ,,,,,„ „
.....,.... . , ... . ... ..
......... i . ..... . .'„..
......... . ... ' „..
• • • • .:
....,....... ..... ..„..
.. . ....... . .... - .:..
. ....... ........ • .,"
. ............. ,......
. .. .. . . . ......... . .
... . . ,............ ,
., ....,...., .., .....
• .• • •' .. . ..... - • • • • , •
' , , ,- .
....... ........ —
..., ,. ........ .......
. , ..... . . . . . . . . .". . .
. : . , .......... .
... .,. ... . . .,......
j. it. 15onallue
........ .. .... : ...
. ..... ...... •
... .. .... ......... , : •
.. . . ......
. ... . ... . . .. .......
3. Ff. Sproule.
Thomas c)larey
......... . .........
. .. .' ... ,A...T.
.1' .1. El.• aunter ,
........ . . . • . ,...T,
....... ............
„ • • • . • . • . • . • - - • - • • • •
H. :Bryan .. ... „
E. .f. 1•11acqvcier
A. Pronix ..... „
....... ... , .... .:.,
.,......, .....
.. , ..... . .. ,
• • • .. • • .
... ....... .. . .
Ole). PI Clia-nter ,
. , . ......... ... . . -
.... ......
... ... • ..... ,
..... ...-... .. : .....
W. Carla-lie...a& .....
.... . , . ..... . ..
.... ........ ....,
.............. . • . •
..... ..... .....,,,.,..,.
.. . ...._ . ...........
„Alfred E. Dui•gess .
. ... . .. .. . .. . .. . ... ..
*Fr. Ir. Dewart ...
Joseph. Singer .....
. _ . ..... .,... ...... ....Edgar
E. (3 tVobher — ...
,.... .. ...,...........
. - ..... ...-..........„
.. ....... .... ..... ... .
...... ......... ' ... . . .
.. ..... . ...... , ...... .
.3. Galbraith
'. L. 14, 111e.G•ttire ..
w, 1.„)., •Blabl:„ 'Con. ,A eel, . ,.. ... .,,.,
K. S. $10vori. Lib. 41 ,,,„.,..-„,
Eion, 1,1, -C., 55t011, 1,110. 1,024, • . '1:',
M 110 11.1.;1613.i•ide, Lab. (Ind.) 2,377.
Doual' Moiklpinel -Lib. 1,1113 .;....
W. El. 5'tnn, L.;".0. 551 ' ,
li',rank Rennie, Lib. 797' .. • , • . , • • •
A. P. Nlow1)11the',•,,, ;La, 101 •,....„
rl Qa, It. II... (-111111 t. I.J•Ii'.0. 1,032 •
ataiconli I,artg, Lib, 1,120,, „ .. , J).latoolin
'V le ` Slack L1.1'.0 536 •
I'3, :Ell. Cassel/nail. 1,1111)., 1.124 •
S. 5..` Staples, 11,1.0. 308"..,I,
W. J." Bragg, Lib,. 738 ..‘,...... . . . .r'.
m, MacVa.'ar, 0. [".0. .1,572 . .,.•
1,, 64, Cameron, 0.1' 0. 1,37.9'
,A, a . '.I.%Sdelle . 15.E.0, 3,818
NiFox, CIF°.l,... ,
Hon. I -I. BilliS, Lab; 1,G13 ,...... .. .
A.. Mr I0..1.1t' it,... COM,* 509 .. . .
I1...A, Itoss, ,0,T.1.3'.0. 1,7'15 . ... . . ..ilue,11
-ton, 0. 11. Fergosot.', ('on. 81 1,3.
XI an . D, C.',}ti:rn i.ella el, U.13'.C). '4.74
D. J. Taylor; U..E„.0•..1,198i.:•'...,..4
G„ 141. '1„otn-ou., 11,11%0. 963 , .- ... ,
I•Varren Stringer, .11.1.02 1,990 '
Hon. El', C. Drury, 55. ['.0, 2,308 ..,
G. G.. Haler. w, Lab (Inci.) 7,5)8, .
Elon. NValter 110110, Lab,. 1,6'13 . • .
(i,,, K., I)enyes,- 13.7.0:. 17.1 ....., -
R.„ coo'ic,o, Con, A.col, ..,„ ... . .
'5': 11. ire:aria,. COn 152' :: . - - „ ,„
.T. :114., Go:ye...leek,. Lib:, 163 '
Sohn Joynt, 'Con. 341 .. • .. ... .,
Andr.el,v,-:Hicks, 0.0.0. 771' • •
I''clor Ileonar., 'Lae, si'iti :„ ,,...:
don, M. Doli9rty„ 112•F'.0,, 41.col, ,,,
R., 1,. 1--I:raoltin•.'1,11), .2,928 .....",
W. Ir. Nielzi e,. Coll, 617,....„:,...,,-,:.,
L. NV, Cike, U.F.O. 2,414 ,
1--. M. .webster, 0. ['.0. 1,299.
E.; NicCi•eary, 1.1.18,0. 83 ...... ..,
Vir. I. 3-0101....,00, 5'.F.O. '803 .. :
A. "W. GraY, Con. 731, :..-....-„
XR. A. Fowler, Con. 314 (Died) . •
Phornas Niat•shall, Llb. 507 . , ., ...:.
EL, A. Stevepson, Lab 1.,901
Eon Beniah Bowtnan, 0.:11.0. 383
J NM' Freeborn, 13.13.0, 2,693 ,.... •loim
,F. C. Bro \v..: 'I.c.,1-0.0,•• 1,596 — , , ...
I. G. 'Lethbridge, U.F.O. 2,975 ....
Ll. W. Ecclestone, 'Con. 290. -......
C.• F. • Swayze, Lab. SGS .... . . ... ..
T. I-1. Marceau, .[„,ib. 931 ..',, - ......
"..,-. :D. Sewell, U.F.O. 1,877 ... .....
103. Cridl end, 01.1r.0.. 1,326 ...,....
NN',. Mori1gooler3'; C.T.T.0.0. 87•i.,'
Samuel (Ilai•ke, Lib. 654 ....,- . .. ....
f 'W. Widditield, 51.18.0. 6.33 ,....
35, N. Sinclitir, Lib. 3,435
.1, A. Pinard, Lib. 4,431
EI, P, Hill, Con, 1,097 .., ... . ..
D. NI. Iloss, -C.I.F.°. 1,303 ....
-Walker, 12.18.0, 512? ....:
W. 11. Pri.ce, Con, 6,090 • - .... ....•
Et a. lfiall. 1,lb. 761..... ... .. .
•L: Kennedy, (.1on. 105 ...„
ir "cv Hay, Lib 1,611 t.W
L-Ior.. Peter Smith. 18 18.0. 2,588.,..
-12. .N. McDonald, 13.13.0. 1,019 .....
1500153 '100/1.3. ].ab. 085 .. . ., .. ,.
D, NI. I•logarth, Con. 483 ... ..... .
Gustave 16vanturel, Lib, 1,298 -....
Rbn. N. 'Parlia.nienE, :Lib. 946 .....
J. A. Mathieu, Con, 352 ...........
R, N. \Varreri, I.T.F.O. 230 .,. . ,
. . .., • •
1. Cat•ty, .1r., U.E.O. 322
ros. INIoNamara, So:idler SInd.3,12588
A.Ifred- .Goulet, '4,11, 1,905 -.1),
l'..- 13.. Greenlaw, Dab:. 1,891 .."E,
J. 13, Cunninghani..*Lab.. 1;370
G.. 14, NTIrclooli. 1.1?„0. ' 1,426 '
S, B.. .Tohnston, I.I.F:O., 483
tef. a. Evans, 1515.0,. 400 . .. ' ...
1V, CV. Allan. Con. Sgo ..... .. . ..
James NV. McLeod, Lib. 1,59s .,
Zotlque Mageau , .1.1,1b. 1,798
C.I.as. 114:cCrea, Coll. 142
, "i!. 111ag1aderY, Con. *87 • • • ..• • • • • • • •
30, o 3,elvi8, Con. ----, , .... .. .. ..
3, E. Timnipson• COrt. 4,810 ......
flon. Thos. Crawford, Con. 2,711..
FL S., Cooper, Lib...1,125 ...... ... , .
S. A. Currie, Con. 2,392, ..... ..... .
,T, Mr. Curry, Lib. 5.313
a. tr. Do\ var t, Lil>. 7,186 .....
.f. C. Ran-isden, Lib. 1,800 . . .... ,
Watson, 51.18.0. 918
F. G. Sandy, 52.18.0. 1,349
Nicholas Asinussen, Lib. 2,1.41
IK, R.'. Hornuth, 1.,a1). 4,238 ........
Robert Cooper, Lib. 1,713 .........
Itoti. :(1. E. Raney, 1r.11‘.0. An ,
II. C. Buckland, Con. 120
R. N. lxiLcArthur, T.I.F.O. 569 .
Ron. V. C. Eigg-s, 3139'.O. 2„851 . :
w. A Crockett, I.T.F.O. 311 ..........1.
' C. Tolmle, Lib. 4,649 ,
Hon..0. S. Henry, con. 1,372
Dr. For': Sr (403 f-ey. Con. 2.1)5 .,
VV, .Q. ,E.,,naol," (.:;oil, 3,330
J', lvf. :Robb, c'on. Acct.
S. Davidson., Lil..), 40
l', II. liam, 1 -Sb, 318
A, E, 1,7oilovan, Con. 460
W. 1.40,c5100ad,d, Lib, "7
W• .E. 211'g111, Con, 317
C. M, Ilowiran, Lib, 017 '.
El, INI. Mcidiroy, con. 1,160 -
Lanw,, Lib. '28
61 12. Ivpc'KeoNvo., Con 515
1 ,‚J, 1.11.11iart1 Con ,62 ‘'
J. Preston, Cori, 516
T -I, .Devitt, Con. 223
C.' A Brbwer, Con:' 332
D'. (4, iNiacDiarailld. Con Accl
S. Ducharme, Lib, 640
WgleLib3 -
C. W. Ja.ryis, Con. 183,
A.. Rankin • Con • 313
„Munro, ,Lib. Acol„
H. Vergusbn, Con.' Awl,
I. B. Lricasc Con, 8l,7
C,',.. S. Canieron, L. 677
C)avid. Tamioson, Con. 1,017
W. Jacques, Con, 307
A, W. .i\rion, con, 31.9
xA. Sttidholnir, Lab, 987
Jolin Allen, 'Coll. 25
Stindy Grant, Con. 931.
J, Et. .Coolte, Coil,. 1,660
J. w. Sollason, Con, 948
W. Proutroot, Lib, 319 .,„
W. SI,- Fraser, Lib-, 1,527' ,
EL Ililher, Can. 585 ,
Li. .A... 'C.. Machin, Con. Acel.
1:1.r, ",E., ,Fc.rgILson, Lib, 371
0. AY, " Stilnian, Con,: 13' ..- H. .
A., ..-g.: Ross, con. 1„463
1.."13. Mazqyn, Con. 4 '
NV, .3. lianna, .e`on. 801
11. 30: Preston) Coo, 331
i!' W. I-Ial),' Son. 513 ,
J, R, Dat -gavel, Can. '. 118
R. A, Fc,,v.ler, Con. Ace..
1% IVIarsba.11, Lib, 281
sir A.ealei.aieeir, a..Joii, 1,496
B. Bow.train, -U,P.G. 240 .
McFarlane, Con, 108
f. Grieve, 1,L13, 120
3. C. 151111(1, 13)5. 710 .
(.1., W.,.1!loolestone, COD, Acol
C. .7. MuSgrove, Coll. 969, „
?-tarry ,NIorel, Con. • 58
`1.. 11. Atkinson, Lib.: 1,236 ,
A C. Pratt, C.f.. :168
G.. 111.- Nesbitt, Con. 933
S, Clarke, Lib. 139
T. W. Wieldifield, 11.17.0. 418
Cliaas. Ca.lder, Con. 52
j. A., Plnard, Lib. 885
• .
G. C.. Hurdrnan, 1.1.5. ,03
,T, A, Calder, Lib. Acct.
V. .A. Sinclair, Con,- 1
W. II. Price, Con. 637
Jos. Edgar, Coll. 83'3 .
TV, J: Lowe, Lib. 205
Hay, I,ib., 549'
3. Benneweiss, Con,' 210 :
r. Thompson. Con. 210 ,
G. A., (3illespie, I.,11). 163
D. Hogarth, Con. 739.
G-. Evan turel, Lib, 319
N. Parliament, Lib: 07
S. A. 51515110. Con. 103
N A, D),, 0)s eon GS5
, . , . , , . .
FIon. '1'. IV. IVIcOarry„ Con: Acel
los. R•ussell, Co". 1.;602 '
Racine, Llb. 2;451
R.. Parnell, -Con., 1:74
Sir •Wn.i. aie.arst, ' Con. 80
A. B. ThOrnpson, Cfm.
3, I. I-Tartt, Cou.' 899
A, 'Ferguson, Con: 7,22
NV. T. _Allan, COD. 635
rt. A.. 8-rtoarer. con. -IA
Z. Mager,u, T,i.b. 1,115
Chas. McCrea, Con, 357
l'-.Mag.lo•derY, Con. '791
)ion, 1•1, .3. `Cody, Con.. 5,292
-c.M. PE: Irish, C'Jon. 1,1.83
F.Ipn. T. Orawf Ord, CO:1„ 2.315
Hon. W„ D. SloPherson. .Co31. 1,6f,
E. W'J. (Dwell, Can. :3,S,'1e
". 'EL Hook, Con. 2,773
I-, T. H. . Dewart,. -Lib . '511
Si. H. Goodet•ho.m, Con 4..018
R.. NI. Mason, Con. 465
John Carew, Con. 511
:1. H. Mills, Con., 1,4:54
A. I-Iall, Con. 816
Donald Sharpe, Con 810
LT., Richardson, , Lib„ 357
5511) Carter, 1,11). 104
W. C.. Chanlbers, Con: 115
A. F.: Rylcert, Con.. 21
'P. 51. Aega.n. Can. 350
,r.' 0. Tolmie, Lib. 393
G. 'S. 'Henry, Con, 256
T'HLerlio)c, Con1
181,, Ii'. Godfrey'. Can. Anil.
N.—Vs can "at dissehr Con:
a rket Report
Man. wheat—No. 1 Northern, $1.25.
Man. oats—No. 2 CW, 551/4c; No. 3
CW, 52c; No. 1 feed 51c.
Man. barley—Nominal.
All the above, track, bay pork.
Am. corn=No. 3 yellow, $1.001A1
No. 2,9,100
Barley—Malting, 40 to 62c, accord-
ing to freights' outside.
Buckwheat—No. 2, 70 to 71e.
Rye—No. 2', 79 to 81c.
Peas—No. 2 $1.40' to $1.45.
Millfeed—Del, Montreal f ceights,
bags included: Bran, per ton, $28;
shorts, per ton, .$31; middling's, J.:35;
good feed flour, $2.15 to $2.25.
Ontario wheat—No. 2 white $123
to $1.25.
Ontario No: 2 white oats -50 to tile.
Ontario cora—Norninal.
Ontario flour—Ninety per cent. vat.,
in jute bags, Montreal, prompt ship-
ment, $5.10 to $5.20; Toronto basis,
$5 05 to $5.15; bulk seaboard, $4.05
to $5
Manitoba flour---lst pats., in cotton
sacks, $6.90 per barrel; 2nd pats.,
46 05
I-fay—Extra No. 2 timothy, pee ton,
track, Toronto, $15 to $15.50; No. 3
timothy, $14; rnixed, $12; lower
grades, $8.
Straw—Car lots, per ton, track, To-
ronto, $9.50.
Cheese—New, large, 20c; twins,
22c; triplets, 23c; Stiltons, 22c. Old,
large, 32c; twins, 32%c; triplets., 88c;
Stiltons, 33%c.
13utter—Finest creamery prints, 36
to 37c; ordinary creamery prints, 34
to 35c; dairy, 24 to 25c; cooking, '22c.
Eggs—New laids, loose, 30 to 31c;
TINV laids, in cartons, 34 to 35c.
Live poultry --Chickens, milk -fed,
over 5 lbs., 25c; do, 4 to 5 lbs., 22c;
do, 2 to 4 lbs., 20c; hens, over o lbs.,
26c; do, 4 to 5 lbs., 230; do, 3 to 4
lbs., 20c; roosters, 17c; duelalings,
over 5 lbs., 30c; do, 4 to 5 lbs., 28c;
turkeys, young, 10 lbs. and up 25c.
Dressed poultry—Chickens, milk -
fed, over 5.1bs., 35c; do, 4 to 5 lbs.,
80c; do, 2 to 4 lbs., 25c; hens, over 5
lbs., 29c -' do, 4 to 5 lbs., 20c; do, to
4 lbs., 220; roosters, 24c; ducklings,
over 5 lbs., 30c; do, 4 to 5 lbs., 29c;
turkeys, young, 10 lbs. and up, 30c.
Beans—Can., hand-picked, lb., 7c;
primes, 61/2c.
Maple products—Syrup, per imp.
gal., $2.50; per 5 -gal. tin, $„2.40 per
gal.; maple sugar, lb., 25c,
Honey --60-1b. tins, 101/z to 11c per
lb.; 3-21/2-15. tinS, 11 to 12%c per lb.;
Ontario comb honey, per doz., No. 1,
$4.50 to $5; No. 2, $3.75 to $4.25.
Potatoes, Ontario—No. 1, $1.25 to
$1.35; No. 2, $1.15 to $1.25. ,
Smoked naeats-a'Hams, med., 26 ,to
280; cooked hams, 39 to 42c; smoked
rolls, 26 to 28c; cottage rolls, 25 to
280; breakfast bacon, 30 to 343: spe-
cial brand breakfast bacon, 34 to 38e;
backs, boneless, 37 to 42c.
Cured ineats.--eLong clear bacon, 50
to 70 lbs., $18;' 70 to 90 lbs., 317.50;
90 lbs. And' hoe $16.50; lightweight
rolls, in' bartelS) $36; heavyweight
rells, $33. „
Lard ---Pure tierces, 1514 'to 151/2c;
tubs, 151/2, to 16c- pails, 16 to 161c;
prints, .18c, Shorlening, tierces, 1'4%
to 15e; tubs, 15 to 4151/2c; pails, 15%
to 16c; prints, -17 -fi;.17%c.
Choice heavy st1
e:ers $8 to $8.50;
butcher steers, choice, $7.25 to $7.75;
do, good, $6.75 to $71-25; do, med., $6.25
to $6.75; do,Com.. $6 to $6.25; butcher
heifers, choice, $.7 to $7.50; do, med.,
$6.50 to $7; do, corn., $6 to $6.50;
butcher cows, choice, $5 to $6; do,
med., $4 to $5; canners and cutters,
$1.50 to $2; butcher bulls, good, $5 to
$5.50; do, coni., $3 to $4; feeding
steers, good, $7 to $8.25; do, fair, $6
to $6.75; stockers, good, $5 to $6; do,
fair, $5 to $5.50; milkers, springers,
each, $70.50 to $100; calves, choice,
$9 to $10; de, med., $7 to $7.50; do,
coni., $5 to $6; lambs, spring, $18 to
$19- sheep, choice, light, $6 to $6.50;
do, choice, heavy, $4 to $4.50; do.
ABouT *yo0P. 505INE.s r),
THiNG 1 — IF THE 13055 DON'T
culls and bucks, $2.75 to $3.50; hogs,
led And watered, $8.85; do, f.o.b.,
$8.25; do, country points, $7.85.
Oats, Can. West., No. 2, 60% to 61c;
do, No. 3, 58 to 50c; extra Ne. 1 feed,
57% to 58c; No. 2 local white, 56c.
Flour, Man. spring wheat pats., Jests,
$6.90; 2nds, $6.40; strong bakers',
$6.20;winter pats., choice, $6.05 to
$6.15., Rolled.' oats, bag, 90 lbs., $3.05
to $3.15. Bran, $26; Shorts, $29; Mid-
dlings, $34. Hay, No. 2, per ton, car
lots, 9,15 to $17
Cheese, finest easterns, 16c. Butter,
choicest creamery, 31% to 314c•
Eggs, selected, 33c, Potatoes, per bag,
car lots, $1.85 to $1.40.
Light thin heifers and cutter COWS,
$3.50 and $3.75; better cows, $4.25
and up; fair pail -fed calves, $4.1
lambs, 14 and 15c per lb. Hogs, good
1 quality, $10.50 to $10.60.
- .3*
Canada's total exports (Ce.nadiet:
produce) in April, 1923, were valued
at $53,642,251, of which $25,044,331
went to the United States and $13,-
607,556 to the United Kingdom. This
is an increase in the total of more
than 9,20,000,000 over exports of Can-
adian produce last April. Impotts for
consumption during the month oe
April last 'Were valued: at $6,2,181,320,
compared with $47,695,454 for the
corresponding month a year ago.
Low Death Rate in England, '
and Fewer Births
A despatch front London says; -
'Ihe vital statistics of England and
Wales for the first quarter of 11123
show that nearly all records were
broken. There were fewer births
than in any similar period exeept, dur-
ing the war. The death rate was ,the
lowest ever recorded, as was also the
mortality rates for infants under one
The number of enaridages was, 26,-
640 below the number for the previous
quarter and 15,018 below the first
quarter of 1921. '
The excess in the number of wornen
over men as the result of the huge
war losses is beginning to right itself,
however, as :1,034 boys were born in
the -first quarter for every 1,000 girrs
Since the commencement of the
year to the end Of- the first week in
May, over 58,000 acres of homestead
lands have been filed on at the, Ed-
monton Land Office.. The total ntun-
ber of persons afiling, on their land8
numbered 365. Figures for the year
1922 show that 1,500'homesteads were
filed oil in the EdMonton registration
Sir Lamer Gouin
Canadian., Ministee of Justice, who
heacls a delegation to Washington
seeking for the restoration to Canada
of prope.rt,y owned by Germans resi-
derit in Canada, and seized by •the
United States during .the war. The
Property involved is said to .be titivo
million. dollars worth, of stock in Cana-
, , •
cliari corporations.
area, giving a total o±'254,400 acres
"Victory" to be Preserved in
Condition She Was in at
Battle of Trafalgar.
A despatch from London .says: --
Great Britain is striving to raise 280,-
000 whieh is needed to complete the
"Save the Victory Fund" to restore
Nelson's old flagship to, a state exact-
ly a'>. it yak in the. time of Britain's
greatest sea. saptairn
At the present moment the ship
which led the fight at Trafalgar rests
in drydock at Portsmouth where it is
intended she shall spend the rest cif
her days. Nelson's ship now reposes
on a line of blocks'entirely out of the
water, with ten strong steel frames
forming a cradle in whicill she is up-
But unfortunately the Victory as
she stands' does not present the ap-
pearance that she did when she took
part in the -battle of Trafalgar. It is
hoped eventually to refloat the Vic-
tory and restore her to her former
appearance. This means much work-,
because many modifications were made
in Lord Nelson's flagship since 'the,.
time of his last battle, Most of the
ship's guns, the rammers for loadieg
them, the magazines, storerooms,
cabins, `galley cooking stove, mess
tables, hammocks, boats and anchors
have dkappeared.
The present masts and rigging are
small and insignificant compared with
those the Victory carried at Trafalgar
and the original steering arrangement
virtually does not exist.
It is intended to restore all these
things and have at each porthole an
actual glen and carriage such as was
used in the ship at Trafalgar and
also to have the magazines in the hold
constructed and fitted as they were
when Nelson fought. In addition it
is intended to clear the decks for ac -
tier:" so as to show the fighting ar-
Duke and Duchess of York
Receive Canadian Rug
A despatch from_ Ottawa says: --
During his recent visit to England,
Major H. K. Hodgson, private sure-
tary to His Excellency the Governor-
General, presented toi Their Royal
Highnesses the Duke and Duchess.: of
York, the wedding gift' of Lord and
Lady Byng of ViniY. The wedding
present ,was a handsome eug made of
the hide of the largest Buffalo Lilted
at Wainwright Park last year. The
presentation was made at Bucking-
ham Palace, and Their Royal High-.
nes. es expressed their pleasure at re-
ceiving such a characteristicalty-----
adian gift.
Pope's Clift to Spanish Queen
The Golden, Beee, which. 331i3 Pro
Rented to the Queen of Spain Cala year,
'la the gift of 013.0 1, ,ce. to the Queen
' who has•done riot for her elnirell dos
3515 tlfc year. The Vase an4 roee, tree
are goiii, with tWolye 6o1den roses and
' eeveu buds: