HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-6-21, Page 4(T,iY.M1 2 HAMES ROAD 111r, and iilrs» Ed. ani Mr, and Vdx,, Arthur Campbell lel1 rto'o an St. t. Marys last weekattending tenll a" 0 flitter- ' lr n ar- 'n1 of their aunt, Mrs, Thos, Woods, Mrs. Win,Hedgert �Iodg"xt slid Mrs, Will 1''aearnoa'e Of Exeter,, 'were visitors Thursday 10,S t With Mrs„ Wm. ellen; Word was received on Saturday morning of the death of; Mr, '1'Vaa, Stewart, of Toronto, Mr as s, Jas, was tea host- ess on Saturday afternoon. The guests were Da', Fletcher and Miss Agar, Dr. and Mrs. GraceY, of Tor - ant and Tor- onto, Rev.G. 7, M. and Mrs,1 , Cb.id� ley, problem ay t ..rta- tibring IS Ford or a . a n of a F,. for every COOK9 .e sa1l MILO SNE' L, Exeter 3523 TOM) MoTort CoMPAIdY ' 07 .'C.SNADA; METED ?ORD, OiITARIO On Saturday last our boys suffered defeat on the ball field, Cheer up. boys. Mr, and S Douglas, Mrs, D l t?las, of Granton, and little daughter Cora, were vial - tors with, Mrs. Luc I aziewood o Lucy n Sunday, One of our prominent rez'tyorngfor for- mers, Mr. John Hodgert, has taken unto himself a wife, Mr, J. A. Turnbull has purchased a fare near Woodstock and takes. possession immediately, Sunday School anniversary' servi- ces will be held next Sabbath. Rev. Chas. E. Evans, B.A,, of St,Mar•ys;. will preach at 11 a.m. Special musio by Ce tralarMethodist choir .Grand garden party on the manse grounds Friday,; June 29. Sports of all kinds children's races,, SfrasvberrY .supper from 6 to 8. The committee in charge. have decided to give the pubile a wholesome treat and have secured James Elcho Fiddes,of Toronto, Can- ada's leading Scottish tenor,and Miss Jean Walker, of Loudon, talented elocutionist. Admission 50 and 25c, CROMARTY The Cromarty Presbyterian church intend holding their annnal picnic ,.0:11,"the first of July .at the grpve on, the mountain. Full arrangements have been made to make it a success. .Master Carl Walker, Who w.aS=-ser- iously injured last week, is slowly improving. Carl was driving the team attached to theroller when the horses ,became frightened and r•au away, throwing Carl from the roller which passed over his body. Be was picked up in an unconscious condi- tion and remained so for some hours 'Ve are glad to say he is recovering nicely. •iVlrs. Samuel Speare returned home last week after spending a few weeks in Brampton 'visiting friends. McGillivray Knowles, a New York artist, made a sketching tour in this vicinity lately. - He took o number of sketches around and about our mountain. There were many ,pots in this locality that appealed to the artist's eye. l[ Aj • • c- • • OIVN 120 The suffering and loss caused byforest fires are commonknowledge and, yet, carelessness with fire in the forest con- tinues. These forest fires are practically, all preventable. r3rat s rest r They're ours Every individual who steps inside the woods 'should remember he is in the midst of highly inflammable property, for the upper layer of ground in the forest consists of partially rotted wood, which will burn. Lack of consideration for this gave rise to the strenuous situation in Ontario the last week of May and the anxiety for days in some settlements. Thoughtlessness or bad judgment or care- lessness cause practically all forest fires» Your co-operation, as a citizen, is needed to prevent these fires by taking the same care in the woods as in your own home. Ontario Forestry Branch Parliament Buildings Toronto, Ont. -'1 IIr an d'ls . C. G u0 nthca Spent ' rn Sunda. London, Y Mr, and Mrs. Fred Rinker and family of Thedfor'd were �, , v er e Sunday visitor's in town. Miss Rose S Zimmer andfriends f xie ncis of Detroit, are visiting her parents; Mr, and Mrs. Wxn,<Zimmer, Mr. Ernest Miller, of Fort Wayne, and Miss Nora Miller, of Windsor, are visiting their parents, Mr, .and MrS, Otto Miller. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Zimmer attend- ed the funeral; of the latter's father at Formosa, Mr. and Mrs . J. Eidt and family, Y, of Ailsa Craig, and Mr. and Mrs: Herman Eidt and family, of Forest` , were Sunday visitors Y i with Mr. and Mrs, C. Stade. Mrs. L. Kleinstiver had the mis- fortune r tune to fall at her home one day, last' week breaking several, ribs., CREDITON Mr. L. W. Brown, B. A. who is in charge .. of the circuit at Creighton Mines, spent a Sew days at -his home here last week , He had as his guest )7r. E.'Long,of Londesboro. ~t^.:>T11e girls of the Sr. and Jr. Fourth gasses of the publie school played a game of baseball with the girls of lire Exeter public -school last Wed- `nesday night, which resulted in a score of 32 to 20 in favor of the Crediton girls. Mr. C. ZWicker has piuchaseci a new McLaughlin sedan. The Philathea club' of the :Metho- dist cliurch held a picnic to Spring bank Saturday afternoon: . All re- port a splendid tire. Mrs. T. A. Girvin, of' 'Saskatoon, spent a few days last week with her sister -.in-law, Mrs.,, H., K. Eilber. _ The Women's Institute entertained the Hurondale• and Farquhar insti- tutes at the home of Mrs. Chris. Haist last Tuesday afternoon. A very interesting and pleasing time was spent, Mr. Jos. Woodall is remodelling his._house. The Ladies Aid of the Methodist church intend holding' their annual strawberry festival on the church grounds on -June 29th. A splendid program consisting of solos, 'instru- mentals and readings, will be given. Admission '40 and zee. The service Sunday night in the Methodist church was in charge of the Philathea Club., Rev. Williams bf the Greenway circuit was the. speaker. The chair was occupied by the President, Mi•. Edward Chambers and an address ofd welcome was giv- enon. by ,Mr. Jas.i >Mawhinney. Miss Ethel McRay read .the:.scripture les- s `Neit'Thursdahas,•leeii declared Civic Holiday ,for this village. The Evangelical and Methodist Sunday schdols _will hold .their.' picnics at Grand Bend on that day: Miss Vera Holtzmann, 'nurse in - training'" at Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, is holidaying with her,;4iarents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Holtzmann. Mr. Eli Lawson' bought a concert grand 'Star ,phonograph last week from Mr. Harmon, of London; local agent, Miss ',Hartleib, of Dashwood. Mr. Garnet. Sims returned home from Toronto Friday -after a week's visit. Mr. Waghorn made a business trip to Seaforth Monday: Wedding bells will:be ringing soon Miss Gladys Hedden, of Exeter, spent the week end with Mrs. Harry Lewis. On Sunday next the W. M. S. and Aid Society of the Evangelical church will celebrate their 25th an- niversary. On Monday evening, the 25th, a strawberry social will be .held 'on the spacious lawn of the church. Refreshments will be served; straw- berries and cream, also cake and ice cream and sandwiches, while an en- joyable program is being rendered. Election "reports, will be announced from the 'platform.°' The Crediton band will be in attendance and will intersperse the addresses, dialogues, readings, recitations, vocal and in- strumental numbers, 'with the ,hest of music. Everybody is going with bells on. CREDITON PUBLIC SCHOOL LOWER SCHOOL RESULTS Note—(1) denotes first honors 75 to 100%; (2) denotes second honors 66 to 74; (8) denotes third honors 60 to 65; (0) a pass 50 to 59%. Where marks are given the pupil failed in that. subject. FORM IJ Ari. Gsa. Platy. Zoo. Alvin Ffrikbeiner 1 1 I Milton Fin'kbefrrer I- IT I I beatrioe Ra'zet S;I C III I Dorothy IBIriizel II" 11 I ' Thelma Law port 33 0 _ III III Phyllis Winer C 0 0 0 FOR ;II 1 l Ipry a, d .3s. Esther i iib=:.r. kx'ed: pt. Clava (httsrer,r, .orae GaJ.beer 0;,,r"irtadl i;2 f„t Sttaaxt Ku hp. Gordon Lamport Thelma Laxaaport Jack Loehn01 lrestici Mcfnai.,. Leonard Wein Alma Laura England Alert W, r ad cf I1ot. Geo, Art, C.Ltis 1 1 1 0 I1T I III 1I 1 1 1 1 IIT it ITT 0 1:C 37 n n I 11 11 Z II li 1 1 III II I 1 I III 0 0 r, I'I III I Principal, 1I I I Men who lice by their wits seldom d anything'to the worlds iluppiy t 31 U11101%, CENTpALIA Mr.a Wlker s I iAr la ke has put a u new CO Ment foundation f undatioai ;under his house and has built a broad walk fr•oni the garage to the street, Cement walks were placed around the church lxr h lastwe k ©. ' . There were no preaching services here last Sunday as Rev. Sinclair and the choir wore at the anniver- sary services at Whalen. A garden party will be held on the parsonage lawn Wednesday, June 2'1 commencing at five o'clock p.m. The usualfirst of July festival will not be held this year. Itis reported that Wedding g bell s will l xin 'out got merrily on Wednesday. The Times corres- pondent wishes the young couple a happy ppy and prosperous life. Mr. Fred Fairhall and wife spent the week -end with Mr. Fairhall's par- ents Mr. and Mr's. Chas. Fairhall. (Too late for last week.) Mr. Geo. .Hicks .who received a bad fall when loading grain on the car about two weeks ago, ismuch better: Mr. W. R. Parsons, who has been confined, to the house for some time is around again, • Mr. and Mrs. John Essery return- ed home Monday after having visit- ed friends at Sarnia; Pt. Huron and; Lexington. The young people are organizing a tennis club and are preparing grounds on the parsonage a ge lawn. The Zurich Junior bai=l team have entered group three' in the N. W. League. The revised schedule is as follows: June 29 -Exeter at Zurich. July 5—Zurich at Lucan. July 10—Zurich at Exeter July. 12—Lucan at Zurich July 14—Exeter at "Lucan July 17—Exeter at Zurich July ,19—Zurich . at Lucan July 23—Zurich at Exeter July 26—Lucan at Zurich. Aug. 2— Lucan at Exeter. WM. STEWART .DIEL) IN TORONTO The death occurred at the Gene' al Hospital, Toronto, on June 16t of William Stewart, formerly of .:Us borne Tp.,• in his 76th year. Th deceased was born in Manvis town ship, Durham County. He carte t the north-east boundary of Usborn at the age of ten years, where he liv ed until moving to Exefer in 1912. In 1872 he was married to Mary Vance. who predeceased him two years ago last January.. He always enjoyed good health until two months ago when he was taken with an illness and last week lie under- went an operation at the hospital. On Saturday morning last he suc- cunrbed ,to heart trouble.'', He leaves to mourn four' daughters and three sons:: Mrs. A. Campbell, of Usborne; Mrs. C. A. Houze, ofNewYork and Misses Gertrude and Nettie, of Tor- onto; Fred C. and John W., 'of Us- borne, s borne,'and J. A. of Toronto. In re- ligion he rias a Methodist and in politics a Conservative. The re- mains were brought to Exeter and on Tuesday the funeral service was held in Main St. church, interment .in the Exeter cemetery. h e 0 e EVERETT—ANDERSON At high noon yesterday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Ander- son,' 738 Wellington St. east, and in the presence of aboutthirty guests the marriage was solemnized of their only daughter, Miss Hazel Mary, and Mr. C. D. Everett, son. of Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. D. Everett, of San Diego, California. Rev. W. B. Smith clIl- ciated. The bride entered on the arm of her father, to the strains of the Lohengrin wedding march played on the piano by. Mrs. Roland Barber. In her wedding dress of white geor- -gette, simply made, the young bride looked winsome and girlish,, and her veil was .prettily arranged with orange blossoms. She wore,'the groom's gift,. a rope of pearlsand carried a beautiful shower bouquet of roses, ordhids and lily -of -the -val- ley. Miss Zetta Coulter, who was attired in a frock of sand crepe with hat to match, and carrying a bouquet of roses, attended the' bride, and Mr. Gordon McLeod, was best man. The groom's gift to Mrs. Barber was a bar pin with aquamarine setting; to Miss Coulter, coral and gold ear- rings, and to Mr. McLeod gold cuff links. The bride's another wore a gown of navy canton crepe with em- broidery and boney dew trimmings and of the same shades, and Mrs. Everett, the groom's mother wore brown satin heavily embroidered, With hat to match. Immediately fol- lowing the ceremony the bridalpartyand guests motored to the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, on the Carp River, wher'e luncheon was served at; prettily appointed tables, Centered With sweet peas, on the vel'- andah. The bride's table was cen- tered with a beautiful wedding cake. hater in the afternoon Mr. artd iV1rs, Everett, left On a meter trip to Chi- Gage, Cleveland and other 'eastern point, the bride travelling in a lien. ha velette gown, and hat of the salmi shade. On their foterrx they will re- side in Sault, Mic1r., where Mr, 7Ever- ett is manager of the Everett IVlautt-' factoring C:oltipany,_. Tile Sault Star. On their wedrllntt trip Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Everott (nee Miss Ha- zel Anderson) of Sault Ste Marie, pent the week --end with the br'icle's. graxidrnotater, Mrs. 11. .Delbridgo, of own and ,1r. and Mrs, W, 11. Wood rf Miranda] e, AUCTION SALE --- of --- HORSES, SCOTCH SHORTHORN CATTLE AND HOGS. W. E. Nairn, Auctioneer, has reg c(ived instructions to Sell by Public Auction t pn on Lot 12, Concession 13, Fuikarton, half -mile West of Moth- erwell cliurch, on , VIUDA :, JUNE 29, 1923 Commencing at one. o'clock sharp the following:— HORSES — Imported Clydesdale Mare, 11 years, old; Draft Mare, 10 years old; Agricultural Mare .8 years old; Agricultural' Mare 6 yars Old; matched Team; Mare 2 years old; General Purpose Mare 4 years old; good single or double driving horse, 10 years old, quiet and reliable. CATTLE — 34 head of registered Scotch Shorthorn rt rorx r Ca tle t belonging g g to the following families: Bucking- ham, Matchless Dairy Maid, Wimple, )'Tina, Buchan Lassie and the Im=' ported Broadhook stock Bull Pioneer In the above list are: 10 Cows with calves ,by their side; '2 2 -year-old heifers due in August; 2 2 -year-old heifers due in September; * 2 -year- old heifers due iii January; 4 year- ling heifers; 2 Bulls, 9 ,months old; Bull calf seven months ld. HOGS—=3,0 pigs ten 'weeks old; brood' sows. TERMS — .Cash or eight months' 'creditwill be given 'on furnishing; approved joint notes, with interest at 6 per cent. per annum. CHAS.: HACKNEY; Proprietor. W. E. NAIRN, Auctioner. TBIi ONTARIO RAILWAY : AND 1%1tTNICAPMI TOTED (P. F. 7986.) IN THE MATTER 01 the Application of H. K: Ilyndman, M.D., trading as The Hyndnian Telephone Sys- tem, for authority .to increase the charges for' telephone service from $13.00 to $15.00 per annum. APPOINTMENT FOR .1-11 °.I1ING. The Ontario Railway and Muni- cipal Board having directed Francis Dagger, Esquire, Supervisor of Tel- ephone Systems, to enquire and re- port upon the above matter, doth ap- point Friday, the Twenty-second day of June, A.D. 1923, at the hour of half -past ten o'clock in the forenoon' (Railway Time) in the Town Hall, Exeter, for the holding of such en- quiry, at which time and place all persons having an interest in the matter and desiring to lie heard are directed to attend. Dated at Toronto this i'.rrst 'day of June, A.D. 1923. (SEAL.) ' (€gd.) H. C. -Small Secretary. FfLIS SNC AGAIN Dragged to the, Verge Pf Despair b , Twelve Years unbroken anisery_,,... lsfrs, Garuett's cage a most re-- markable.. e- :xatarkable. reconuneindation .tor Dreca-Also helps her Husband,..;:' Facture the joy 'of Mrs. L. L, oar -- nett, of 715 Maitland St., London, oa finding. in Dreco quick and ,perman-• ent relief from twelve long Years off' suffering that were rapidly wreek- ing her life. • Picture how,* in her new found ha p riness Ik and faith in,the wonderful properties of Dreco, she, recommended it• to her hus d band" ani.. saw it quickly overcome for hint, a particularly.• distressing case of ca- tarrh and rheumatism. Then you, may have some appreciation of -then. great gratitude of this .woman to; Dreco, the greatest ;of all herb and.. root remedies. Says/ Mrs, Garnett: "For twelveT. - years 1' suffered from chronic consti— pation 'and: 2or'dlt'e pmt t1i ee ,yeaa's^ the cruel torture of, rheumatism ad ded to my misery. Ist}ffered agon- ies of pain.;h ougrx ht ' sllo ttl - der and was hardly able to lift MT arm. My limbs ached and I had se-- vere pains through my back. My stomach was in a terrible condition.. Gas would bloat me, up and press against my heart. 1 got very little sleep and would get up in the morn-- ing, dead 'tired. Every ' medicine I tried was Ta failure, until in the depth - of My discouragement, I tried Dreco. I have only taken two bottles, but the result is simply .marvellous. 1 can eat anything, have no pains or gastric 'formations after meals and. the pains in my shoulder and limbs. are almost gone. My constipation is fully relieved and I wake up fn, the mornings refreshed and bright. and happy as a young gii i. "Dreco also , brought immediate' relief to my husband, who had suf- fered severely from rheumatism and. catarrh. It has aided his digestion and helped him in every way; "Dreco is the greatest medicine we have ever heard of and we can- not thank it enough for rescuing us. from our years of distress." • No suffering from kidney, stom- s i e 1 e c d Ar„..,.., ,. , ach, liver or intestinal disorder is. too severe or too deep rooted for, Dreco to overcome. It acts qui' Iv, , and gently, toning and regulat ng. the whole system. ThiS natural h rb and root remedy is bringing new ife- and hope to the most despond nt sufferers. Dreco is' being specially introdu edf; in Exeter by W. S. HO WEY, anis- sold by a good druggist everywhere,- You can use sweet milk, sour ilk or water with X1 FROM YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD GROCER!' wagnaustemair 1,. ,:.,..... Incorporated 1855 Capital and Reserve '$9,000,000 Over 125` Branches THE E L z :a FARMERS WILL , SECURE SYMPATHETIC BANKING SERVICE AT ANY OF OUR BRANCHES. Careful attention to the needs of Canada's Agricultural interests has always been a feature of The Molsons Bank. Savings Departments at every Branch. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards invited. EXPTER BRANCH -- T. S. WOODS, .Mauagat- Centralia branch open for business daily. ELM ROV R HERD q - policy is to assist farmers ink in. nk: their life stock holdings, and to' secure a B'tter Grade ,«f Stock tai Call and .talk the matter overm THE CANADIAN BAN OF COMMERCE Capital Paid up '$15#060,00 Reserve Fund S 15,000,0`00 Exeter Branch a M. R. Cornplien, Manager Credlten Branch G. G, Maynard, Manager. DashwaodBrandt a G. G. Maynard, Manager