HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-6-21, Page 1'I.` TY .FJRST, YEAR No. 2556. AMMO b• EXETER ONT., 3 IIt RSDA s 11�111111111111111IlllllllllllllUIIIIII11111111111r�111111�111111i1111�1ii!11111111111�IIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIiI ;,�,, COURT OF REVISION, MORNING EXETER COUNCIL THIS'' STORE •WILL CLOSE AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON, EACH '4VEDNES- 1D .:T? DURINGN?d1 U JULY AND AUGUST. J e r=4�. n and Let 1 , e YU r m Feet and ,vie You F If you_ are tired of ' being bothered by hurting, tender feet, here is your chance to get immediate relief and . permanent correc- tion. You are invited to constilt this foot specialist while he is here. e ' ere Don't wait until 'the last °minute and, l maybe, Jose lyour' chance to get' foot comfort. come in any time during business hours and talk, it over with the expert.. Iron is 1.1or ' There is no need tp su trouble, any Mork. 0 ever ` so serious member of 'the t1'iae noted foot n s way to iinm ie an o sig g leor who' is M. Sch wyen the to tag Foot ' htrn the\'pa : a i' cam r, improve Fqoet Appearance No 1, r sized or oddly shaped shams: needed. Wear the, kind you lilte kJ perfect comfort. 'bile. Scholl Applian actually' improve the ace -and beauty of the fwL if you'll s.p in a He tell just troube 16 and he ket 17 i Watch Your Feet' MOWN IMMO ISONOO MOM mire AMOY morn wane rooks MOO soma MEMO OMMOO IMMO COMM Oftlolp COOOMPlit JUNE 21st., The Court of Revision 'I:or 'the as- sessment roll for . the Village' of Ex- eter was held on; IIlouaday, June 11 tart the, council:' chambers. The members of 'the council took and subscri,be,d to the oith of office, Davits-E1leringt'on-That the, Reieve be chairman; of the, court. -Carried. The followed appeals we're read and considered: -Mise Anna Cowan, claim- ed that her assessment should be only $220, instead of., $900. After lex- planation as.'10 Til 'yearly assessment, the assessment was confirmed,, on mo- tion of Eller-ington find Hoaner. .Ir, „ hos. Powell considered his as- sessment wvs too high. The assess. - Merit 'rifts compared with others of siini•1ar construction' and the 'same was cohfirmed onmo-tion of Hooper and Davis, 1rs,_ Jane, Ryckr. co innsidered het asses sinent 'vas too hints. The as- sessment-beinlg comparedwith other similar ,'property, it. 'eves also confirm,. ecl on motion of Ejleriinigtori and Fran- cis. ''.The:re being noother, business b'efor'e the Court the .sarne;'vas duly closed, an •mation of Elleri i to;n 'and Davis. Jos. Senior, Clerk; B. W, F. Beavers, C1 airman: The TVIunic pal • Council met at the closes of the Court of Revision. Min- utes of the meeting held :May 28, were read' and approved A circular letter,. "Boost Exet- er," -froni the offzc of the Globe; Taranto, was read .,aiid .ordered filed. A letter and a ie it' of the Engi- neers from the Prohtiincial Board; of I-leal'th' Department, Toronto, as made dririiig the, season „of 1921, was read and ordered filed Jai reference. The ,Audito'r's report • far. the month of May was .read a,nd '•adopted, on mo- :.4.,z- - tiaru of E11erangtoa ,en,d 'Davis. The following accounts were read ,� • and ordered paid: :C. Z•wicker, ,iced for cemetery; .$4; J Rydd, labair do. $20; C. Ford, -do, ;25; H. Si,; Walters, ▪ leather, 75c. Clay 'Products Ag.,en,cy, pipe, •$609.13 E. Cornish; labor sew= er, $34.50 W.. Lat erty, do., $28.50; •A. Sanders, d'o,' 28.50, S3.0; F. K•aidin;o dp,., '$25.50; J. ?ar- sons, .do.. $25.50; T ,' ehster, da., $2.7.90; ' \V..Ta) or,;; da,, .$16.50; Thos. Clerke, i e -r and r 'vJ J. Bissett $.9; J. Parsons, 'do, $.19:5.Q, G. 1Iacl.riey, da., $$15; I rAppleia ,da., $1.50. : petition `tram ratepayers residi gg onGi:dley street, bl tWeeenl Wil�liana sand; Carling streiets; asking, that said por- tion of Gidley,street, ble watered. Af- ter considering the .4iiarne .sineit was re- turned to thepetitnaa rs for other rn, tures. Jl rt. Adjourned ,Jjy Davis. Jas, Senior, Clerk. ONION .1w orm IMMO U NMOOR • I SNOW OMMOIO tO▪ omio mamma 'EXETER }Eli SCHOOL PROMOTION I TO II: As some of these pupils were writ- ing on the Departmental Examina- tions' last week the publication was withheld until this issue. These pro- motions are conditional. upon these scholars having passed the four Low- er School subjects. (Not ha order of merit.) Marion Bissett, Lillian Ford,+Glad- ys Fulton, Mildred Jory, Irene Lam- port, Ella Morlock, Mildred Murphy, Violet Murray, Meta Salter, Marie Willis, Lloyd Foote, Gordon Fowler, Arthur Frayne, Robt. ' Gambrill, Jas. Penrice,John Pryde, Aljoe Sanders, Oscar Tuckey, Harry West, 'Harold White. The following are promoted simi; _ 'lerly but arerequired to take for an- other year the subject indicated. e. Nona Chambers, French Jerne Kieinfeldt, Alg.; Florence Marchand, French; Ada Mitchell,Frencia'and La- tin; Geo. Frayne, French and Latin; Harry Snell, French; Margaret Johns Alg, 1 1111111111111tIIDIII1111111114IH111111111Ii1lllll 011111111111111 IIIIII11111111111111111111111I 1 �t flIIIIIIII11111Nlilllll1111llllilllll II Illtll I I , Service ;Grocery Main Phone 102 TI/VO T -RES North Plione, 47 a-'AreJHe °e The Verandah -s � ,� From now on the greater portion of the day will bespent on the verandah, or a rhady nook in the garden. This brings the thought` of sparkling, bubbling ginger ale, or one of i,he ;many oth- er refreshing cooling drinks found in this store. Look' over the following list and phone for a case. GINGER ALE GRAPE JUICE RU RD FRUIT COCA-COLA CORDIALS CREAK SODA LIME JUICYD ,Ice Cream As a food is being used more extensively each year in place of preserves. Through. the warm summer months,phone and have a pint or quarts Sent iti time for your meal. We keep assorted bricks un hand a.11 the year round, .',Mrs. Newell, of Stratford, visited her parents,„ Mr' and "Mrs. .T. Bissett: during the week. BORN WEBBER=In .Usborne, on Saturday Tune 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley a daughter SNELL—In Victoria Hospital, Lon- don. on June 18, to Mr. and Ma•s. Clarise Snell, a daughter. WEIN—In Stephen, on June 16, to Mr. and ' Mrs., Wesley Wein, a daughter (Verna Christine) i?EDERSEN—At Dashwood, on June' 1S, to Mr. and Mrs. Oluf Pedersen a slaughter. Mr. Wm. R. COOYDI2 and Mrs„ W ''Cooper'Yish to announcethe birth of . a daughter at Dr. I3yndntan's' Hospital on 'June 46, (Gwendolyn DEED STD ART—In Toronto, on June 16 William Stewart, in his 76th year. FORD -In Exeter on, June 14, Al- bert K. Forte aged 83 years and 4 months; ENGAGEMENT Mr. -and Mrs: Godfrey Nicholson Wish to annonnee' the ting,tigement of their hilly daughter ,Muriel to Mr; Wilfred Mack, the marriage to take place shortly: PROMOTION II TO III See note above Form -I. Not in order of meant. Marguerite .Alclworth, Grace Turn - ,bull, Evelyn Whitlock, Olive Wood, Elsie Gardiner, Hazel Hackney, Mar- guerite Hackney, Elizabeth, Hamilton George Beavers, Grant Collingwood, Toni Pryde, Verne Roulston, Alvis Alexander, Charles Campbell, Cres- cent Dayman, John Gilfillan, Leon- ard Greb, Herman Hodgson, Howard Hunter, Percy McFalls, Harvey Pol- len, Garfield Thomson; Bruce Tuck- ey. B -Ella Kuntz, French; Ruth .Tory French; Francis Abbott, Frenoh. C --Promoted in certain subjects passed. H. TVethey, IV. VonWasciai.ski, Gar- net johns: - The name of Evelyn Whitlock was accidentally omitted, from the list of 2nd form candidates Who obtained the four subjects including English Graninaer. ANNUAL MEETING OF LIBERALS The. Liberals of South Huron held their annual meeting: at Hensel' on Tuesday afternoon last: There avis a representative attendance' from all parts of i,he riding. The election of officers resulted as follows: For Fed- erai' purposes Dr. Shaw was re-elect- ed president and T. 'Forsythe, Sec- retary. For the local House Mr. 3: T. Morgan was re-elected President and T. ShiliingltiW, Seely; with Sohn Procter treasurer for both. The sul- division chairmen were.'al2o elected 1923 APPOINTED POLICE MAGIS- TRATE OF LONDON ANP 1%I i)DLESEX The Ontario Gazette of June 9th contains `the notice of the .appoint - anent cf Mr, F. W. Gladman, of the firm of Gladman & Stanbury, as.. de- `puty Police' Magistrate of the City of London and Magistrate of the Coun- ty of Middlesex. Mr, Gladman will continue to practice as formerly, act- ing 'as magistrate only during the absence' of Police Magistrate Gray- don. We extendour congratulations to Mr. Gladman on the honor that has`been conferred on him within so short a :time after moving to the city. AUTO ACCIDENT On Tuesday afternoon while Miss Madeline Hoist and Miss Gladys Wolfe, of Crediton, were riding in an auto and were turning the corner at James and Andrew streets ' Exeter the car skidded in the ditch and in bringing it back onto the, 'road it struck a- hydro pole: Miss Wolfe was thrown against the windshield and received a nasty gash oat the right cheek from broken. glass. She was immediately taken into Dr. Hydman's office and it required six stitches to close the wound. Miss Haist who was driving the car es- caped with a shaking up. A spring of the car was' brolten and the fender la Idly bent. THE LATE ATIIRERT FORD On Thursday of last week Mr. Al- bert Ford passed away at his home on .Huron Street; aged 83' years and 4 months. The deceased had been ailing for ,several months. He had spent his entire life in this commu;:i- ty and was heldin the highest es- teem. He was a member of. the James Street Methodist church. His bereaveci widow, whose maiden name was Emily Snell, , and one son Her- bert, of town and one daughter, Mrs. Haas (Gladys) of 'Buffalo, who 'has been with him most of the time dur- ing his illness survive, 'Mr. John Ford, of Exeter North, is a brother and Mrs 'Sam'1 Stanlake, is a sister. The funeral was held Saturday after- noon interment in the Exeter ceme_. tery. SUCCESSFUL TOURNEY T1ie Scotch Doubles` "howling tour- nament on the local greens on Wed- nesday of last week was one ,of the largest and most successful tourna- ments_in the history of the club. ' 54. rinks were entered and there were no defaults. The weather was ideal The Hensall greens were used to ac- commodate the overflow.', Messrs. Aikenhead and Allan, of the London, carried Thistlesdoff the South Huron trophy and the first prize•by winning from H. Spackman and R. Ferguson in the finals, the latter rink winning. second prize, Thos.. Pryde and E. J. Christie won third prize winning the final game by the toss of a coin, from Ross and "Rath of the London Thistles. Kilbourne and Dr. Gifford won the fifth prize on the toss of a. coin' from Heamen and Creech, the latter winning sixth prize. POLITICAL btEETINGS On Friday afternoon of last week. the Liberals held a meeting m the Exeter Opera House. Addresses were given by the Candidate, D. F. McGregor, Dr. Rogers, of Ingersoll; and Mr. Thos. McMillan. , Mr. Wel- lington Hay ellingtonHay had consented to be pre- sent but was unavoidedly., detained. There was a good'. attendance.. On Monday afternoon` the Conservatives. .held a meeting in the sane building when addresses were delivered: by the Candidate, Mr: Trewartha, and Hon. George Henry, former Minister of Agriculture. The attendance was fair. All of the political`, meetings in Exeter Lave been ,held in the af- ternoon and many who would have otherwise gone, were prevented from ding so. PRESENTATION AND -ADDRESS The Young Ladies Bible Class and the :Comrades Bible Class of James St. church held a social evening on Monday evening in the basement of. the, church. There was an excellent trumout. A program wa8 given., in the course of which the retiring pas- tor, Rev, M. J. '(Wilson, " teacher of the Comrades class and Mrs. Wilson, asst teacher of the Yong Ladies' Bible class, were called to the front and prescna.ted' with an address and a beautiful electric floor ' lamp:, Mr. Wilson on behalf of himself {t' d Mrs. Wilson very warmly expressed their appreciation and spoke of the very pleasant associations that they have had with the young people of James Street church, Both Mr; and Mrs: Wilson have taken an active interest. in the work among the young people. and have Won a strong place intheir affections. Games and amnseanents were enjoyed at the close and lee cream and refreslainents were Served, amu e .d.'HRE1kCORNHREI) FIGHT) IN SOUTH. HI/RON LLai,.,c 'Cr'owd attends the N'anai0 i do� • n Meeting at ElLcaasall, Nominations for the Provincial election were Yield in Hensel' on Thursday afternoon of last week. A very large crowd were present from all parts of the: riding, `The Main St. was barred to traffic and two auto ti^u.cks were placed back to back and made a very excellent plat- form. Mr. Geo W. Layton, the re- turning officer, Was chairman.` Soon after the speaking commenced a light shower cause up and while Mr: McGregor was speaking the crowd -‘,Vere forced ,into the Town ITall where the speakingwas resumed. W. G. 21edd , VJ. G Medd, the U.F.Q. candidate, was the first :S.peakei• He paid a tribute to the two nien who were his opponents in the election. He said that he had gone carefully into the farmers platform and the • could find nothing; in it that was of a class mature. The Drury government had legislated for the good :of the whole province and not fpr any particular class. Maj. Tolntie' had intimated j that the Hon.'Manning Doherty was not a farmer. Mr. Doherty lives on a farm thathas been in possession. of the family for four generations. He spoke of the 'Stork of Mr. Doherty in connection with lifting tkve embar- go on Canadian cattle which meant from $15 to $18 a lieacl more to the farmers. He also spoke of the Ru- ral Credits bill which enabled farm- ers td" borrow money on .' long or short terms. Be also referred to the Crean- Purchase Act. There is a great deinand on the department for research work and this work has meant a great, deal to the dairymen and farmers of the province. The speaker stated his stand on the tem- peranxte question saving that nearly everyone knew where he stead on that question. He was for temper- ance and a strict enforcement of the act He referred to :Hon. Howard Ferguson's attitude towards temper ance. He stated at one time ,that he had a policy that would suit both wet and dry. ' Noone knows where he stands for he never stands in the same place twice. Mr. Medd refer- red to Mr Ferguson's administra-' tion of the timber 'limits while Min- ister in the Hearst government, par- ticularly the Shevlin-Clarke 'deal. If, Mr: Fergusson did not know what the timber limits were worth he should have known. for it was his place to know. The speaker said that he stood for that which would make for a prosperous and •content- ed people. In these days when -fai:- niers have to go carefully, when business men have to go carefully, the government should economize and spend money for only what is needed. ti (Continued on page 5) ()RANGEA) El A'1'LJa;10ri:1oN A meeting' of the Orangemu' be held in the IA.0. . Hail' on day, July 6th at 8 o'clock, Very portant business to attend to. V4'rn. Lutman, W.M. IiUIII1IH110U111111IIIIIIIIHIIl1111111111111 Do a e Theatre` Friday and Saturday LEIC IN HIS NEW COMEDY .,k. “Pay� is 99 Summer program at summer prices. Children 15c, adults, 25c including tax. Everybody come and enjoy an. evening's fun with Charlie. 111111111111111111111111111i11111111111111111W1111 ..'tial: i,, , ^l ,,,Y;; In-r3aT4t�hb r• N;nc eraeaen+ssus 4; 5a, Mr. E. Fowell, :of Windsor, motor- ed over and visited in ;Exeter.. 17e is staying: at lois cottage' at Grand Bend. fea her AV.1WSJ :4..t,'§4 ..?..:-,ii5:4ix .ik ;:: sv., $i+, a..., is PO ardware Screen Doors All Sizes; From $2.45 com- plete "'lip to $4:00 Screen Wire (C'D 20c yd. up. Screen Windows 50c New Perfectiou 011. Stoves NEW PERFECTION OIL STOVES 3 - and 4 burner... $26.00 and $8'4.00 OVENS & WICKS Hammocks fr w . Lawn Mowers Cow Ease From $9,755 to $13.50 Keep flies off horses, cattle $1:00 and $1„25 per can. Sprayers 65c. and c® Fishing Tackleland Baseball S �.e PLUMBI C AND "III�iSMITII