HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-5-31, Page 7EASY TRICKS
The Endless Thread
Cycliste, Aiutti
Has your your posted up the
list of prizes;' to bo given for competi-
tion. amongst •the Cyclist Scouts 1n
your troop? :.?1',here' lire first, second
and third prizes for : each troop de
nated by the Canada Cycle and Motor
Co., Ltd., of Weston, Ont, Your Court
of 1Jonor and your Scoutmaster - will
he the judges, -and generel-proficieney
in Scouting as well as special profici
ency in Cyclist work counts. "Ask yctr
S. hi, for particulars now.
Brantford Makes Grant to scouts..
• Without a dissenting voice the
Erantford City Council passed a grant
of p300.00 to the Boy Scouts Council
for Brant County in order to assist it
in carrying on its excellent work.
Mare than 1200 boys in Brantford are
connected evitb. the .Scout. Movement.
Ginwell Catnps,..192$..
There will pe two, •,,Scout leaders'
training camps "conducted in accord-
' ance with the •Gitlwell plan in Ontario
this summer. :They *ill be aa follows:
No. 1—Near Ottawa, commencing on
Tuesday, Juice 12th, and continuing un-
"til Thursday, June 21st, Assistant
;Chief Commissioner John A. Stiles, as-
cisted by Assistant Provincial Com-
t anlissioner Frank C, Irwin, will be in
`charge • of this camp.
No. 2—At Luck's Grove, .on G -rand
e. River,: between Brantford :acid Paris,
:Commencing on Wednesday, July 4th,
and continuing 'until Friday, July '13th.
Assistant Provincial Cdnuatissioner
Prank C, Irwin, assisted by Scoutmas-
ter S . A,liacdonell, lst Stratford
"'Troop, in chaff
p � charge,
Attendance at both'these camps will
be free to all adult applicants approved
by the Acting Dominion Camp ChieF.
In addition, the Canadian General
Council will refund to each elan select-
• ed to attend the camps the amount of
allai full•ailway fare between his home
town and Ottawa or Brantford as the
case may be. The attendance at both
camps will be limited—probably to
twenty-four men each. ,
,, a
IIm selin••
ecting: froahongs�xc-r��-�,thell-
cants, those. •who are ' to attend the
courses' 'preference will be given, to
Scout leaders who will be in the best
position topasson to other men in
their own districts some of the train-
ing they will receive: in the camps:
Full partic:Aars regarding_the Train-
ing Camps are contained in a special
pamphlet- obtainable from Provincial
'Headquarters •.upon application. To
all sending foe it will also be sent
copies of the' application "tor•the allot-
!ment of places in the eanmps,
Because it is expected that the .July
,course will be 'crowded 1n any case,
it as hoped that all who can possibly;
arrange to attend the June camp near
Ottawa will mark it on their applica-
tion .form as •their preference.
Arrai%gemeno may be made later on.
to permit another Training Camp
which.will be in1VIanitoba.
Scout leaders who are at -all interest -
&d in this movement should write now
for thespecial pamphlet and applica-
tion form. These''forms will present
the only opportunities afforded to On
tario leaders tosecure the Gillwell•'
Training during 1923. - •
Be Merciful to the .Horse. --
Are the beasts of burden that strive
and groan
And writhe and crouch 'heath the piti-
les rod—
Are they never allowed to make their
And lay, their -wrongs at the feet of
AIL day 'I've watched from my window
nigh, .
The infamous • street where tiie horse-
whips hiss,
id I, ask myself, will the day e'er
ken man shall answer for all of .this?
For I saw a horse wi>;<e:startin.g eyes,
With straining nerves and a throbbing
I saw there strive till his strength gave
And. he on the murderous pavement.
- sank,
I heard a curse from a lower beast,
I' heardhis whiplash 'crack like -shot;
I watched and IIreard till my heart was
&oPe, n
And all' the blood `(n nay veins was flet.
Thou wretch with the whip, remember
,Remember, thou knight of the curse
and rod;
The voiceless, cry of a stricken beast
Is heard by the pitying ears of God.
R, K. Kernighanr
"The best way to keep milk from
turning sour is to leave it in the
sod," is the wise suggestion of a
modern schoolboy.
The love and care of l'ather's and
mothers, set in that 'most precious,
surrounding, a home, are the begIne
le inge of true education. --Sir Michael
e „
1 have been to exrEsiisively equipped
*chords, with fine playgrounds, labor-
torie5 and a' carpenter's shop and
'p 1 I
art i-ooms, . and yet with nothing
librarybut a Meagre, miijcellali•
eous assortment of ` unsuitable books
'Which nslght have 'been Acguireci et a
' $4,ineble rile, --Mx, H. A. t, Ploher.
U 7'
O• "
g2 tin/
l r you
ro11 -our
ask for
(,,„raon; label)
Provincial Board of Health, Ontario
Middleton will he, glad to answer Questions an Public Haan meta
ters threugh this holuna,n. Address hied at Breadline HOUR.% Seed*
Crescent, Toronto.
Is there any connection between
sleeping. sickness and influenza?
An interesting investigation is b.e-
ing'carried on a present by the Un-
ited States Public Health Service to
try and establish this point. The"..in-
vestigation was prompted by the fact
that a large percentage of the recent
cases 'of sleeping sickness followed
'""yrill,4y��,,peof sleeping sickness that
we reader much about on this con-
tinent app -to have a different
causative agent fztrtrn ,that of the
sleeping sickness of the ,tropic -s: ' >��•
Uganda, ,Central Africa, for instance,
there are large tracts of country now
practically deserted where =once there
was a teeming population, the ravages
being caused by anorganism in the
blood due to a bite .from - the tsetse
fly, which conveys the disease from
the sick to the healthy. No other bit-
ing flies, 'as far as- is known, convey
this disease, and the. tsetse not -being
found at' any rate in the -'temperate
regions of- this continent, cannot be
held -responsible for the disease, 'which
is comparatively prevalent here. This
Is why some confusion results from
the use of the term sleeping sickness,.
in both cases, due 'no doubt to the
similarity of the symptoms.
Officials of the Public Health Ser-
vice admit thatthere is little known
so far. concerning .this sleeping sick-
ness or encephalitis lethargica, as the
disease is called in medical circles,
but officials are of the 'opinion that.
reports concerning its prevalence have
been magnified. Surgeon General
Cumming in this regard points out
that the disease is rather easy to con-
fuse with some other diseases. In an
investigation made during the 1918-
``1919 epidemic, twenty-two per cent.
lof the supposed cases had to be ex -
!eluded as being really cerebro; spinal
'meningitis, brain abscess, acute alco-
&holism and other diseases.
I The disease appears to be only rare-
ly cothin tnicable, Not a single sec
ondary case is known to have occurred
in the immediate families of the pa-
tients ieported in 1918-1919, although
some nine hundred persons were ex-
posed. ` The fatality is rather high.
(31 ---tie one hundred and fifty-nine
4u•^• e -wwere forty-six
`cases ,studs'e'cT, �"�n��...,,
deaths. It is interesting o n99te,,;.that'
the peak of the outbreak of 1918-191
was reached in New York City in
January, in . Virginia in February,
and an Louisiana, Texas and f11inois
in March. Whether this progress was
related to the season of the year or
was merely` a result of the spread of
the disease, is not • known" The dis
-ease ,is slow,in, developing and long
in ,duration. the period of -Conval-
escence is variable; in some cases re-
covery is completed within two weeks
after the subsidence of the,` acute
seanptoms,' but in, others it is pro-
longed and leaves its record on the
1.mind, on certain muscles and on the
nerves of the cranium. -
There has been-niuch study given to
`this subject in recent months but so
far nothing has been found out as to
the relationship •; between 'influenza
and sleeping sickness. The most re -
1 cent investigation which is now under
1 way will, it is hoped, shed some light
on this very important problem.
Proof That the Stomach is Weak
and Needs Toning Up.
Generally sq Baking, a porson In good
health can digest ,most roods., If not,
and there is. pain after eating, " the
stomach has lost tone and is too weak
to do its work. In that case your stom-
ach needs strengthening and the way
to do this Is to build up your blood
with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
There cannot be good digestion with-
out a sufficient supply ',of good red
blood, and there is nothing better than
Dr. Williams', Pink Piids to'renew and
enrich the blood. That iso why tlfey
have proved.so successful in thousands
of cases , of indigestion. iMr. D. J.
Shaw,, Selkirk Road,P.E.L, has proved
the value of Dr. Wi1lialiisr Pink Pills
in a severe case of indigestion and re-
lates his experience for the benefit of
other sufferers,. He says:—"I suffered
from indigestion fora number of years.
My case was so bad that words fail to
describe it. My appetite was gone,.
constipation was present, and my
nerves were all on edge. I could not
sleep well at night, and the world Was
dark spat to me. I tried a number
of remedies,, but without any benefit.
Then Er. Williams' Pink Pills were re-
commended, but without" much faith,
after so many failures, 1 decided Id try
them. After taking three boxes T no-
ticed "a change for the better. Then
I got three boxes more, and, found r
had a•' genuine remedy. I " continued
the treatment, took moderate e:terciae,
could take good plain food without sut-
fering as Iortilerly, ,and Proved that
tlieee pills snake good blood, and that
this good blood will -restore the stom-
ach and nerves', • Anyone -.suffering
from stomach or nerve troubles will
malto no mistake in giving Dr, Win
name' Pink Pills a lair trial."
ten can get these pills • from any
medicine dealer or by mall el 50 cents
air from The or
a bD , Williams' Medicine
Co., Brookville,Ont,
The top rung g o,f.
,the ladder of filo
is the most dangerous—but it affords
the best view.
i The House of the Trees.
Ope your doors 'and take me
Spirit of the wood,
Wash me 'clean of dust and din,
Clothe me in your mood.
Take me from the noisy light
T'o'the sunless • place,
Where at; mid-day standeth`Nigtht
Singing Toil's release.
All your dusky twilight stores-
To'my senses give;
Take mein and lock the doors,
Show me flow to Iive.
Lift your leafy roof to me,
Part your yielding walls;
Let me wander lingeringly
Through your eceeted halls.
Ope your doors and take me in
Spirit of the wood;
Take me—make me next of kin
To your leafy brood.
• Ethelwynu Wetherald..
Forest Fire Fighting in
.. Sweden.
In Sweden every man 'knows how
disastrous forest -fires are to his coun-
try, and by reason of his great love for
ills Iroameland, it is;' not necessary to
compel any man by la}v to fight a fire.
Whenever there is a .report of a fire,
fortlevvith every farmer In the neigh-
borhood. leaves his, work and offers his
services to fight the plague, and if the
]ocal ranger finds that he is not able
to put out the fire with the men at his
disposal, he immnediately sends a tele-
gram to the Governor of the Province
(Lan) asking him to send aciclitiohal
Help, and as soon as possible i:her,eaf-
ter a rg s, or e imeiit of soldiermore,
sent 'by special train to extidguish the
fire, I ani of the opinion that the rea-
son why the Swedes arena successful
in their ;war on Sorest fires isthat
everyone has a veneration for the for-
eet; .they itnow their < forest resources
are .of supreme l importance ortance arid 'that
almost half the exports' ex n
1 t„ from Sl�wede
omelet of forest products,- . O, I'iehe
G.. plebe,
thiol of the Quebec ForestS ervice.
Nii.iard a t,tttitnetnt for salm everywhere
This Is a practical joke to play
on t lot meaning person • with is.
neve - 'happy when anyone In hie
presence .has a'; bit of lint onside
coat. It .has
superioe, to most prae- ,,
tidal jo res because it is harmless
and cannot give offense.
Thread a needle with one- end
of` a spool of white thread. ' "Put
the spool In an inside coat pocket
and run the needle from the in-
side of the coat between the lapel..
andthe shoulder. Remove the
needle, leaving an indh 'or two .of
the thread showing.
Some friend, will see what he
thinks is a bit of• lint on your
shoulder and will try, to remove
it. If he does not think that' it is
funny when he discovers that he
has one end of •. a vast amount of
thread he bas a sense of humor
entirely.tooehigpli for you to try to
(Cli) this.oltt and°pante it, with
others a •`'
of ttee a,ates, `tin' a 'scrap-
Once a mother has used Baby's Owu
Tahlets'for her Hide ones she .would,
net ,be without them. - They are the.
ideal home remedy for the baby; be-
ing guaranteed to be absolutely free.
from apiates'kor other harmful drugs.
They are a"gentle but thorough laxa
tive and have been proved of the great-
est: aid in cases of constipation,', indi-
gestion, colic, colds and simple fevers.
Concerning them Mrs: Ernest Gagne,
Beausejour,' Que., writes': "I have used
Baby's Own Tablets for constipation
and colic ancl have found them'so suc-
cessful that I would not be without
theta. I would strongly recommend'
every mother to keep a box in the
house." The Tablets are sold by medi
eine dealers- or :by mail at 25 cents a
boa -ceepiThe Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co. Brockvi`ll� l?:t
Hubby—"I was held up last night on
the way. home."
Wifey-"No wonder—after .drinking
all that bootleg stuff."
Pay your mit-of-town accounts .by
Dominion Express Money Order.` Five
Dollars costs three cents.
Good Neighbors,
"Have you good neighbors?"
"Very. The ones on : our left mind
their own business and the ones on
ott'r right have the loveliest recipes for
salad dressings.'
I don't know which is worse -to
inherit money, to make money, to have
money and notwant it, or to want
money and not, have it. -Lady Astor.
NOT Sr -7 IN
Mrs, Sitnnlh Declares Health
een .Perfect Since Tem-.
lac. Ended Stomach T mobile.
"For ten yeah heaelly a day, Passed
;that I didn't suffer• from stomach trout-
bio, but I took Taniac four years aeo
arid haven't had a sick day since," is
the reinarite ble stat erneet a"de re-
cently by Mrs, Thenar Smith, 85 'Tele -
Gee St, Toronto Ont.
The little 1 -managed to eat_simply
tortured me a-ith painsin thepit, of
Tay stoxnacb,, anil gas pleseed;arow
nay heart, courting it to skip beate un-
til I thdught it would ` atop altogether.
L.was as nervous as a: witch, and lost
so much sleep that I was•dark and
s�w`ollenunder nay -eyes, I was• so weak
and run down 1 could hardly walk a
block or do ray Housework, and was
almost in despair,
"Taniap ,certainly was, a godsend in
restoring me to such perfect health,
and I think it's the greatest medicine
ever made. Nearly'everybody else on
McGee Street seems to have need the
treatment, and are praising it too,"
Tanlac is for sale by all good drug-
-gists,; Accept no.substitute. Over ;37
million bottles sold,
ne''I''tte little tree l plea.+ed aut
And often muse up 'a
May he alive to grow :and t)lrlvo
And out into the sni,nligrt strive,
i When I nm dead and -gone. ;
So It atall be my legacy
To toilers in the Gun,
Se sweet its shade, eae'h man and mald
May be induced to take a spade
And; pleat (Leather 011e.
--Etirel.wynn Wotherald.
Minard's Llaiment ttsed by Physicians,
Another .Kind.
d The :teacher lrad been reading to biro
class about forests.
"And now, Boys," she asked,, "winch
one of you can tell me the pine that
has the longest and sharpest . -needles?
Up went a hand in the front row.
"Well, Tommy?'
"The porcupine."
The Afternoon ‘Tea Rite.
Mr. Gordon Selfridge, .the Chicago.
merchant who invaded and conquered
London, is revisiting the United States,
and touches on . some piquant con-
trasts .between his native and adopted
Countries. He has the advantage of a,
double standard of comparison, of see-
ing the British through American eyes. •
Tb an interviewer he lays amusing
emphasis on an English" social rite, af-
ternoon tea, which is the subject of
ni.ild derision on the part of, visitors
tonthe tight little island—until they
succumb to it. Mr.1f
Selfridge iid� e Chinks
that if Americans would similarly re-
lax in .the middle of the afternoon's
work' they wopld gain a poise and
calm they really need and lose none of
their famous "pep," When he opened
hels departmental store on Oxford
Street thirteen years ago it was the
custom of his salespeople to snatch
tea as best theycouid. instead of dis-
couraging it he accepted it as a na-
tional institution, and gave a tea Inter-
val to each of his 3,000 employees, and
"since everybody else in the country
does it, no time or business was lost."
Ile is quoted further:
"Tea is brought around at matinees
and movies; on railway trains and
boats. Lords .and commoners pause
for it in parliament. Yen .cannot en-
ter any office,,- editorial den, public.
library, factory or shop in Great Bre.
tain between four or five without
stumbling over cups and tea things.
lr. Selfridge confessed that, person-
ally, he ciii- 1'ti rcii,but he likes
what it stands for --a friend11"y`_ , ting
together, a relaxing pause in the day's•
work, a slowing down of the Ameri-
can's relentless push, not to ea point
of becoming Less active, but more bal-
anced. The American has' a break-
down at 50, he added, but the English-
man was swinging a wicked golf club
att G 5. u
Afternoon tea ha's become a social
function on tills".side of the Atlantic,
but it has not seriously penetrated the
market place. ..`after all, it is not the
tea hour that gives the Briton poise
and calm. It is. merely one expression
of his unhurried habits and ways of
living and of looking- at life. Before
work -slows down in offices, factories
and shops on .this continent • in the
presence of the teacups, there will
have to be a radical change in the
mental as Well as the physical habits
of the business community.
For Fascinating Eyes
viatica the use of Murine a
dailyhabit. Thisrefreshing
eye lotion soon makes eyes clear,
radiant, beautiful I Harmless..
Enjoyable. Sold by all druggists.
America's Pionoer Dog names -lies
Bool• on
and I3ow to Feed
Mailed Free to any Ad•
dress by the Author.
kr. Clay Clover Co., x'na.
129 west 21tn Street
New York. U.S,A.
A. cold roast hasan
appetizing zest
when served with
these delicious
Chopped up in a`
salad, they add a
neW piquant flavor.
Imported direct
;from Spain for the
Canadian People.
Every olive perfect.
Every variety
At all C rovers
insist on
lemiltoti and Winnipeg
xi `.
Cation Beautifies
i yah and s
Make Cuticulae Soap, Ointment and
Talcum your every -day toilet prepa-
rations and watch your skirl, hair
and hands improve. The Soap to
cleanse and purify, the Ointment to
soothe end hear and the Talcurn to
Soap 25e. Q3intmaat7,.,5auti50e. Takata 25c.aotd
throuahouttheDomit,ion. ConAdianDepott
� i �, Limited, 314 51, Paul St.,. PJ., Montreal.
ver CuticuraSoap, ol'aves without mug.
idsI.J No, 2i—'23,�^
No marl can learn to enjoy life
until he first learn to enjoy his work.
Our Free :oo let
of ng-rhvErngs
Is yours for the' eshios. It
glt•es particulars of how you
enn obtain
The Finest Instrument
The World.;Produeee
Casa or Credit.
10 'days' tree trial in your
own Hume.
impala! "Phonograph Corp.
Dent, M., OWan Sound, Cot„
Established, 20 years..
Galvanized Copper -bearing
Fire, Lightning, Rust and Storrs
Proof Metallic Roofs shed clean
Rain Water
Send Postal Card for Folder "E"
The Metairie Eleofing Co. "
Limited 404
1194 Kiang St. W.,Toronto
1ir�trl:+; �'Irs'7vi3�?
A1r. o --rets o nr,snra
rducxtton tq Pett.;,) :,t at7rt
rvtutn+. Apply wetteettra torr ptl.li, 3
g ip 1'x'4 A 1,".tu04
Qotezto, tije r"nrldia-pf t',4111144,.'tzfte'rnat{on anti' enr 1111 ixtY dur •,%
mare tate erns, the lee moues seep ,..,
baser, eon, Beene. ate„ In teldut9n te grnernl
tmrminv.. suevese )104 rut,. Bt,nbetm, ont,'
L1VI4it; men, mania s sign: Les erode
or thirty nef e. non A'Sventy Iktla1•S u1'.
Goat iiatteh, North ii4sa49tuwan: i n t•Y. Sound,
There is only ' one real failure
life ---and that is not to be trite to the
best ,one knows,
that cut wI : 'i razor
liS'tuaelk Howey wi?I keep
your lawns. "'*rirrsa.andateab
Thorevieiyre/iue$/n rrAra fn/y
gnaw feea: A-lyour hard-;
Wn. 0.catero.
seamy( I, -e:ONT':
.Use the -Old Reliable.
Keep Kendall's
always in the barn.
A strained muscle, a
sprung tendon, a jolt
or a knock demands immediate
attention.A few hours' delay will
result in a long lameness -perhaps
in the loss of the horse. Kendall's
Spavin' Treatment has saved more
horseflesh than all the other known
remedies.' Under the name of
Kendall's Spavin Cure, it is the
forty -year-old standby of horsemen,
farmers and veterinarians.
Get a bottle of Kendall'a toSay.
Ask, foo, for the Free Book or
thrlle for it to
Tells How Lydia E°Pinkhaasn'$
Vegetable Compound
Restored Her Health
River Desert, Que.--- I used to have a
severe pain in my side. I would be un-
able to walk fast and could not stand.
for any length of time to do my ironing
or washing, but I would have to lie
down to get relief from the pain. I
had this for about twoyears, then a
friend told me to try Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound as she had
had good results. i' certainly., got good
results from it, too, as the. last time I
had a sore side was last May and I have
not had it since. I am also glad of
having good nursing for my baby, and
I think it is your medicine that helped
me in this way."—Mrs. L. V. BUDGE,
River Desert, tauebec.
If you are suffering from the tortures
of a displacement, irregularities, back-
ache, headaches, nervousness, or a pain
in the side, you should lose no time in
trying Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Lydia E, Pinkham's Private Text
Rook upon " Ailments Peculiar to Wo-
men ' 'will
o-men"will be sent you free upon request. Pr T dry, Gen. Agent
Write for it to the Lydia E. Pinkham
Medicine Co., Cobourg, Ontario. Thin A. T.ww S. F. Ry.
book contains valuable information that 404 Free Press Bldg., Detroit, Mich..
every woman should know. t3Phone Main 6847
SAY B E . when you aou . nsis
sinless you sen the name "layer" ori neuralgia, lumbago, laeoumatlnm, neer°
1+•are iiot. get
-1 ackoge er on talllet., yell t; ; itis, and for pain in general, Accept
ting the genuine Bayer product pre -1 only "Bayer" pacitngo *Well ehntaiai
_• t ..
i t5 t -4 1
scribed by pliysici• n ever e i� , proper c]=.cecc.ow4., H(LnrxY ` boxes 01
three years and preetel e ;t'e by millions twelve tabicte sr rear cecrr. Drug,
''!'Che i;iL' .� e 4
t; ,
for iicadaolla,:�solds, that t ,� ra h q guts 'also a t taottlea 24 'olid 'ItlQ,