HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-5-31, Page 1FIFTY-FIRST, YEAR No. 2556 EEZ'E COUNCIL ,41,111111filjii111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,11111111111111111111111111:(11111111i111111111111111111111111111111111111110 LocALs ' , „ • - • , " A .•• ; •,` 41)q,i'rek.„%, ,j ',4• EXETER- ONT., VEITYRSPAY MOliNINO, MAY, arist. 192&, • •• •A•••••••••• • • A. • • , •A • ' • A. • , . Monday, May 28th, 1923 Miss Jessie IVIailson, of zrofirl.oll, = Prepare "-.‘ , ea er ....., .... A regular ineetfug et the Munlei- spent the 24th in town. '' or o ....... pal Council wit -kr held 1 the office ot i..=•., , ' ',.:.-,"7„.: the. Clerk, Absent Councillor Davis. = The minutes of the meeting held , • • t.,,,,r44:t*.:7-1-1kdiitat, • L,`„, 'S.A j WEEKLY. 1,1A1.1.61 11,014DAY othe wednesday half the week -end with, her parents here 1109" and 'earresp°i1(Lau1s are re - Tile first f Miss LVL Weeks returned to CuelPt earlier thao osolaci I copy 11 01) 0 day = May "14th were read and co'nfirnied. , THIS S'I'ORE WILL CLOSE .4k.T 12 O'CLOCK NOON, EACH WE1131\11DS- Circular letter; from The Can- .....= aclian Good 1/eads Association, and DAY DUItING JUNE JULY AND AllaUST. = The 1",'rancis Haxikin Co, '-"""`""" Men's Straw Hats The new styles in Men's straw Hats` are now ready for your insPec- . tioin Rough- Stnaw ,Sailors in natural colors with )n -own bands and fine straws'with black bands, are the most popular styles being shown. We • have them at;very reasonable prices. CHILDREN'S HATS—A nice range in White 'Pique, Taus and Black .• Straws, also Boys' Eton Caps. •' Men's Furnishings for Summer New Belts, Athletic Underwear, Ties in the new Tweed effects, Neg ligee Shirts, Garters, Cliff Links, Arrow Collars, Fancy Sticks, in fact a complete range of the newest styles in Men's Furnishings, with a large stock to select from. Big B Brand Work Shirts , We are local Selling Agents for Big B. -Brand, Men's Work Shirts. These are the largest, best made Shirts.that we know of and cost no more than the ,small skimpy shirts. They Collie in different .materials at from $1.25 up. Remember the Special Feature of these shirts is their extra treal were read and Ordered filed. Miss Inez Tuckey of London spent On Tuesday afCer visiting in Exeter, Miss IlarWood, of, London, visited with Mrs, Pickard on Wednes Mr: A. E. Fulte interviewed the lVf.r. Won Sims lias resigned his N="*- Council en behalf'of himself and ,11j,s position as ON,11. express agent in neighbors, regarding water backing Exeter. = up in their cellars, rind asked that Mr. and Mrs. Pran.k Boyle and = the Council continue tho Sewer Mrs. Hoclrey and Mrs. Ross spen.t Drain from Victoria St. south to Monday in London. Laugliall. The Council will investi- Mrs (Bov,) Fear, of gate.; Per F\lanciSe-Elleringten, that is visiting at the ho' Lae of Mr. and in future all citizens doing draining 'qrs. W. S. Howey. for lots or dwellings and having to Messrs. Harold Runtz and Sim cross the road to connect into inam • Pollen motored. from Windsor and sewers, be Supplied with sufficient spent the 24th with their parents. tile "for the purpose of crossing; the treet Carried , Mrs. 0, E. Becker and Miss -E. Me. tdhoalitnesatotntieelrveeiii,oerategdain'tio,oatilnie_ holiday with Dr. and Mrs. Browning. Betger, of New Iiarnreurg, spent the ing over the -park lands at the river. The mechanical potato planter of Referred to cointaissioneer Bissett Mr. • Victor Hogarth is keptbusy The Reeve reported having been these days planting throug oh u 't the interviewed as tO'Ilroclaiming civic district. . ...- Holiday. Per Frahcis—I-Iooper, that Mr. ant1,111rs. R. McICerizie and Mr. the first Monday hi August be pro- and Mrs. Frank McKenzie spent the clad/Tried as Civic I-Ioliday. Carried. week -end with the former's daughter.' Report front the Property Corn- at' Bayfleld. mittee re Weigh Scales Building, the m K d MrS. .111:•501. ,1•811181. 0,47.6 , length and fullness of size. , • ft 011.31 LADIES' MISSES'and GIRLS SI.JVIMER DRESSES We ha,ve a beautiful -range of Ilatine, Gingharas and Canton Crepe Summer Dresses for Misses and Ladies; also a a nice range of Dresses -for Children, from 2 to 14 years. , HOTS4 WASH SUITS—For BOYS from 2 to 7 yetirs, nice styles and colors • •i„ at- reasonable prices. ••••• LADIES' and MISSES' SPRING st4Ts and COATS lat CLEARING PRICES We have a few nice styles in Ladies and Misses Spring Suits and Coats. As we do notiwish to carry'these over we offer thein at great reductions in Price. • ;, ' 3 -'sik-s.ikiN,Sfral • , DRESSIFABRICS, ; We have a beautiful range of Wash Dress Goods in Ratines, Voiles, , • Cotton Crepes etc., also' PaisleY silks for triminingEr amid blouses. LAI)IES'AWEAR. 73::1 New Silk Sweaters in Coat and Pullover styles, Silk and Lisle Hos- ie-t7y7-§unriiie-r1.1nderwgr; Gossard, Nemo, D & A and Crompton's Cop: e _ _ sets, Fancy Blouses, .Collars, ,New Colored lidkfs'. now in stock. ' ---g = same being- in a bad state of repair. Suggested that the same be taken - down and a proper. covering be made over the Weigh Scales. Report .ac- cepted and Committee instructed to ProAcePeediit'ion 'was r,eceive'd and- read froni ratepayers along Huron street west, asking that the portion of Hur- on street west of IVta.in be oiled rath- er than 'watered far the season. of = 1923. Petition • The following accounts were read = and. ordered paid:—Cecil Ford La- = hot. cemetery $14 25: John Kydd labor cemetery, 11.25; R. G. Seldoni coa Library , id. Treble, rep. • • = and cart, 15.55; Thos. Webster, la- = r sewer, 10.50;Arthur Sanders, label' sewer, '13,501, John Parsons, 1 = labor sewer' 13.50; Chas Sweitzer labor cemetery, 10.59; Fred Cornish nn. E ditto, 16.50; Nelson'Vale ditto, 11.- 10; Wm, Laverty ditto .17.10; Ern- = est Appleton ditto, $6; Jas. Parsons, • ditto, $9; Thos. Clarke, ditto, 7.50; =Mt. Fiank Mallett labor R.B. 1.8. , • ti; irnen a • kdjo Y a1f6IS' --------, Jos. Senior, Clerk. gimoNAlicii? KNITTING YARNS I iSTE,' HEN COUNCIL mom 'New Colors in Fine Wool, Silk and Wool etc., In the celebrated Mon- . arch Yarns, ?; kii!E er•MgElefilERWII,T..7. . :The :GotincA of the Township of .= Stephen goinvemield fa the Town Hall, CredalOn, oma Saturday May 76th, I -Y m 1 . al al All ,menriber2' were re;snet• ' nil:mites of the previous m;eeting semagammermsmaa.tmet 1 ..:--2:- PHONE 32 ., 1.11.11111. • a ' ' 9# . Siiin73;i117 S,e, lmve,urnie clieptalorty. ,g,,aviekinig roads were read and adiopted. ,, O , ti liie'S ,11‘„.::,.:, PHONE ,.... The following lerders were passed:-- Gravel contracts to yip. amount of . _ Fr, Ooreckran, use'of half at, Mount .1iiiilliMIMMIMMIMIIMMIMMIHMIMIMMEMMIMMIffilli 11111WHIMMIIIIIIMMIIIIIMIIWIRIIIIM." Wag. lax Carmrr el; 2.00; • AniSenient • Tax Branch IN.4 tickets 48.00; News-Reciard, ...a...1; • account 02.00; ,Muniiolipal World, supplies 2.13; Wm. Whit e& dragging, 2,00; James Clark, drawing g-ra-vel '43.20; Peter McKeever, drawing gray- ' 5 soirfa.ce arid tIcle • 10,3. sa-cie USE -Lowe Bros. High Standat°1 9 , Paints ke FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE.' PAINTING, IN TINS AT viZAINTING, IN TINS AT 40e, 7&, 451.40, 32.65 and $5.00. CHI-NAMEI, • . T1,4F1 9.(141-1-,ITYFINISH FOR EVERYTHING IN THE HOME .IN TINS AT 30c, 55c; $1.00 AND $1.85. ; CA11131EILL'S VARNISH STAINS ' FOR FLOORS FURNITURE AND INTERI0R SURFACES IN TINS 30c " 55e 95c AND $1.75. • FOR RENEWING AND FINISHING -LINOLEMVIS, SUN VAR- NISH, $1.60 PER Q. CHI-NAMEL VARNISI-I $1.85 PER QT. GATE VAR,NISH $1.50 PER QT. „ • ‘, ROOFING ROOFING . ROOFING. 'IT:WILL PAY YOU TO KNOW' ALL ,ABOUT PARIOD ROOFING., 13EFORE YOU BUY ROOFING GET OTJR .. PRICES. 2.00 PER., '-'.;SQUARE UP. ; POLARINE 95c per GAL. , CAItGOYT_,E, 'THE REAL OIL, $ 1.25 per, GAL. ' BRING TN YOUR CAN MAXWELL'S LAWN MOWERS ARE GUARANTEED. $9.75 up PLUMBING AND --TINSMITIIING Hardware , • en '1140;.?1•4' A Trio of Entertainers, gra4uates of the Institiffe" for the blind, will • give a concert in the Opera House, Exeter, Tuesday, June 12th, under the auspfces of "the Main St. League. Watch for bills. GARDEN FOR RENT—The gar- den property of Mrs. ias, Pickard on el17 .0 W Wh ; itesi;d e, co r., 8.00; A. Disjardin:e, conyr. 5.00; Sam Fled - den, noa,d, 5.00r17)/ea13ngton Haist, repairing road 5.00;, Austin Hay- ter, repairing road 34.50; .Jac. Schroa- der., tile for road, 6,00. .• Ther.Council adjourned to July 3rd. Henry .Eilber, Clerk. James St. Apply- -at Times Office. Rev. W. G. H. McAlister, Rev. M. 1Wils, Rev, Linden ,Harvey, 1VIes- "- ‘/Ir..a.leid Mrs. Ed. Bertram, Misses sers. W. S. Cole, Milo Snell and ,Rd. IVIa1/4deline and Mary Bertram, of De- Hunter are attending Conference in troit visited with gr. and Mrs. Wm, Sarnia this week. Kuntz on. the 24th. , BORN POOLEY—In Usborne, on May24th, to Mr. and. Mrs. R. E. F'ooley, a da,lighter. AUSTIN—In Hibbert, on Tuesday, to Mr. and Mrs. Wxn. Austin, a son. DEED HEIDEMAN—In TorcintO, on May 25th, Emma, Otelda, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. 'Edward Heideman, of Exeter, aged 32 years -and. 10 months. LAID OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Essery and fainily,,of Centralia, desire to extend to the many neighbors and friends their sincere appreciation for the tokens of sympathy and kindness ex- preSsed during their recent bereave- inent and also for the many beauti.- fill floral tributes. CARD OP THANKS : Wish to thank the many friends and neighbors for their kind- ness and sympathy, and also for the beautiful floral tributes during cnir reCent bereavement. - Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Heideman and C141.11'n OF TALINICS Mrs. Thos.' Raney desires to ex- pr,ess her sincere thanks to the many friends .for their' kindness and syni-' pathy during her recent bereave-,, Mont and also to the many friends. of .the I-Tairondale Woinen's' institute. kRi.Ft h'••• • t • EXEIER JRS. • GROUVED WITH LUCAN The North. WellingediVhaseball schedules are out. The Exeter 'June iors are grouped with Lucan, for ,group five. - Group four, is corn, posed of Goderich, Clinton andAlit- chell. Among the umpires reerfin- mended are W. 3. 'Hearnan, W. I-lar- ness, and' T. R. Ferguson, of town. W. Langford a.nd Carl O'Neil of Lu - can. The dates are as -follows:— Tune lst; Lucan at Exeter; .Tune 914: Exeter at Lucan; -June 2•8th,Inican at Exeter; July 12111, E'ieteiCi; Lu-' can. July 26th Lucan at Exeter* July 30th, Exeter atiaman, WIN. HONORS AT WESTERN U. The reports 'for Western Univers- ity, LondOn, were published- last week and arnong the successful stu- dents were several from,thiS district. Mr. Melville P. G-ladinitiv receives his B. A. degree and obtained' 2nd,cla,ss honors in .1-Iistory and Political Econ- omy. Miss 'Margaret Strang, received 1st cleSs honors in first year Getter - „al Science 13.A,., M.D., standing next to J. 14. Fox, who won the soliolt.- ship. Mise Joan WAker received 2nd clasS honors in English, I-Iishory .and „French. Mr. -Ross P. 1. Dougall, of Hensall, graduates as doctor of medicine, wilinidg the 3. B. Camp- bell scholarship in medicine. lqiss Winnifred Guinan, of ;Mt. Carmel, seeures her B.A. and Wins the Gov- ernor-general's general proLlicieneY medal. Miss Rietta Mary Cronan, of Centralia, seeures her 13. A. c ay an is, Claxton, o Detroit, who have been visiting their brotherMr. W. W. Taman have re- turned. home., Mr. and Mrs. Pook, and family, of London, motored up on Sunday- and )1.0.0.F. ELECT •OPFICE,ItS The semi-annual election or oiiii- cers of the I.O.O.F,"was held Tues- day evening when the following of- ficers were elected for the coming term: P. G. E. M. Quance; N. \Arm. Sims; V. G. Tho. Pryde; Rec. Sec., Re N. Creech; Fin. Sec.,Wel. Johns; Treas. E. M. Dignan. '111_,PAUTIVIIL DISPLAY' OP TULIPS Among the very beautiful displays Of tulips in various parts of the town special mention might be made of those at the home of Mr. David Row- eliffe. He has over one hundred ,hlootas of nine different varieties in pinks, reds, yellows and cinnamons, all so exquisitively beautiful. Mrs. Rowcliffe sent a fine bouquet to her daughter in Windsor on Monday. The flowers are well worthy of a vis- it PRESENI'ED WITH BOUQUET ee., -' The W.C.T.U. held a very succes- sful parlor meeting in the school- room of -the Main St. Methodist church_ on Friday evening last. Hen - visited with Mr. and Mrs. L. Day. sail Union came' by invitation and Mr." Day continues to improve al_ assisted in tile Program. together with two young ladies who have been though slowly. educated at the Brantford Blind fa- , Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blatchford, of stitute and whose Selections were Toronto, visited relatives in this much appreciated. Mrs. Wickwire, community labt wee. They are leaving shortly for a. trip to England the President, oectiPied the chair in, her most - pleasing manner. Miss where ,. they will visit ..for several Murray gave the address of welcome to the visiting 'Union in a few well chosen words, During her rema,rks she said she was safe in saying the W.0,T.U, was the greatest organixa- tion there is. The program was as folloNve:--7Iinstramental duets, illiese0 H. Dignan and N,;,, Medd; Edith and Janie liogari,b; vecal duets, 'Misses Huston and Follick; 1\-ir. and T. ; H. Shapton; Misses Slay, of Sarnia and Selv,es, of London; readings by, Misses Powe, Browderick, MTS, Manson and Ms s 0, Cook, of liensall; solos, • Misses Hamilton, Porter and Slay; instrumental, jahsa Selves cub wingug by Miso t3,\twordshA aicliut' Ruth lev et urgipg-t1ie ladies io' do their utmost in the coming election. After the program Mrs. •McAlister, Was called to the front, Mrs.- Fitton read her an address and Mrs. Follicle presenther with a large bouquet of 'roses. Daring Mrs. McAlistetr'e 6 yrs. stay in Exeter she has been, untiring in her efforts for the Tem - prance cause and Exeter Union very muchrefretterrenl°vtSrrllade a suitaberelyaudaoveixl outline of the temperanee situatiou in. Canada. Lunch was Served and over $14 collection was taken, Thc folloWing is the address:— Mrs. 1VIcAlister:-- A few of your ,friends have gath- ered this evening to express to you their appreciation of your work in connection with the Temperance cause, not only during the brief term of your stay in Exeter, but tin:okra-11 a whole lifetime of interest and ef- fort. It has been a privilege for us to be colleagues of a person of your pre- eminence in. this work, and it is our wish that you know of our cordial sympathy with your endeavors in spreadinr--k the gospel of "sweetness and light." It is not in our power to bestow a Distinguished Service Med- al, but we give you our loving ad- niration, and since flowers. have sweater breath than words, we them speak speak for us. We wish you every blessiu,g temporal and spiritual and it is our earnest hope that You may "carry on" for many useful anci happy years. d Signed on behalf of the W.C,.T.1). Mrs. F. J. 'Wickwire, Pres. months • Opening of the -junior N.W.B.A. at Exeter on Friday, June 1st, at 5.30 pan. Lucan vs. Exeter. Both teams .are stronger this -year and, are each looking rto go a long way rs. for the championship. This is the MBirk left Wednesday to visit with relatives in IVIichigan. first League game of the season so everybody come. It is reported that a big rum-run- ing Cadilac with a cargo of wet goods was overturned into the ditch near Whalen on Saturday last There 'was . some water:In-the ditch and a woman who was riding in the ear received a bad ducking. The occu- pants escaped unhurt hut the car was damaged 2,nd it was several' hours before repairs were made and they were able to 'proceed on their journey. • At the resumed inquest on Friday morning last, into the death of William, Mayling, Bell Tele- phone lineman, killed here a week ago the following unanimous verdict was returned by the jury: "That William' Mayling came to his death by electrocution through not taking the necessary precautions whilst working with electric wires.” A rep- resentative of the telephone company submitted evidence that employees are always cautioned to observe safety first rules at all timesaand H. -Doerr, manager of the local hydro commission, gave evidence that they were always readyto t the; current When requested to doso by telephone employees. SCHOOL FAIR DATES FOR 1923. Fordwich, Sept. 6; Wroxeter, Sept. 7. Ethel, Sept. 10• 13elgrave Sept. 11; Bluevale, Sept, 12; Si. Helens, Sept. 13; Ashfield--; Sept. 14; Carlow, Sept. 17; Clinton, Sept. 18; Zurich, Sept. 19; DasMood, Sept. 20.•,' Win- chelsea, Sept; Porter's Hill, Sept. 22; 24-25 ; Walton, 26; Dublin, Septn:27'; Blyth, Sept. 28; ,Varna, Oct. 1; Crediton, Oct. 2; Grand Bend, Oct. 3. THE LATE MISS HEIDEMAN The „remains of the late Miss Em- ma 'Heideman, who died in Toronto 00. ye last ivrelfh e berrntsopuagrhetto, mExr- erto llh. and Mrs. Edward Heideman, and the funeral was held Monday afternoon, interment in the Exeter cemetery. lVtiss Haidornan was taken ill last fall with trouble in her head and be- ) tween ChristniaS and New Years she \N. as considered in a very critical con- dition and her parents were sent for. She improVed somewhat, but slight hopeS were held out for her recov- ery. Miss Heideman was born in town and lived hero until about three years ago when she went to Toronto to reside with her brbther William, tier age was 32 yeare and 10 inouth8 She was a meniber Of the Trivitt 1Viemorial church and fdr a nrintber of years was a Sunday School teach- er. She had many friends among the young people aid was highly re- spected by all who knew her. 13G- side8 her parents she is survived by three, sisters and two brothers: Mre. J. C. Sill, of, Kitchener; Mrs. Win. Moe. of Toronto; Edith, at home and Louis and William, Of Toronto. A beautiful array of flowers paid a Silent tribute to the esteem of the deseaSod. THE STORE Tin ervice Groc Main Phone 102 TWO STORES A r North Phone 47 ove All, Keep in Health YOUR DIGESTIVE SY STEM CONTROLS' YOUR HEALTH DESTINY 100 per cent whote Wheat Bread WILL KEEP YOU FIT. GIVING AND BODY -BUILD WHEAT LEFT IN. A TRIAL WILL CONVINC WHEAT BREAD IS AS TA I.' HAS ALL THE QUALITIES' OF THE • E YOU NEAL'S. WHOLE STY AS BREAD CAN BE. ; 40.0,1t,Mrd,W 10451;WiRien tam.. .1rousrmaralia=vsmmarmsarrenairmapara,...ressmnumunamsrsumwa 1 We have a large stock of Specially Selected field seeds of high ger- mination and government standard quality for sale, Our\Stock Consists as follows:Le , • NO. 1 ;RED CLOVER, .ALSIF.E, WHITE AND YELLOW BLOSSOM SWEET CLOVER; I-IUBAN. ANNUAL SWEET CLOVER; ALSIKE AND TIMOTHY MIXED; KENTUCKY BLUE AND ORCHARD GRASS; MIL -1 LETT, ONTARIO'GROWN AND IMPORTED TIMOTHY SEED. j SEED BEANS SEED CORN SORGEUA1 MANGEL AND TURNIP SEED LAWN GRASS, 'GARDEN SEEDS,'ETC. We have a limited quantity of Ontario grown Variegated Alfalfa /.Seed, No. 1 Quality. This is °lie Of the most hardy varieties and is part of the production of a field that has.. grown seed for ten_consecutive years. This leaves it thoroughly climatized. Anyone intending to sow a field of this variety should pla,ce their order early. We have also a stock of No. 1, American grown Alfalfa, a hardy, Variety that in previous years has proven successful here. Our ptie $1.5.0,0 per bus. , WE ARE 131.1YERS OF BEANS, CLOVlThR AND TINOTHV SELD, DUTCH SET ONIONS AND ALL XINDS OF VA13,1‘1 PAODUC'f8 WE ITAVE A LARGE STOCK. OF sp-i-mqG AIERCHANDISE. QUALITY, STYLE AND PRICES 0 cal, VALUES cA2-1,10,T 1312 BEAT.E.N. A REAL GOOD SELECTION IN ALL LINES. A CALL SO1.ICIT103„ General Merchant,