HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-5-24, Page 5SII IIIIIIillll!!II !lIIiIII iii I II
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You Cannot Attend a Better School
W !i[EN
SCHOOL R f -OPENS TU +1923,°
.� IaS. APTi�TL 10, AT.'J.'IIE
stenographic, Conmcr
..ai, Secretarial Special Courses
13. A.; Prin.
,.Vice Principal.
Phone 198'
Students" may enter at any time.
,_DR. A COIR L. M.C.C.
Physician and •`Surgeon
Phone 70' HENSALL
' DR: J. W. PECK
'Graduate of Faculty of Medicine,
,McGill University, Montreal;. Member
of College of Physicians • and Surgeons
of Ontario; Licentiate of Medical
Council of Canada; ,Post Graduate
Member of Resides Medical staff of•
General Hospital, Montreal, 1914-15;
'Office, 3 doors east of Post Office.
Phone 56, •Hensall, Ontario.
Graduate of Faculty of Medicine,
Western University, London; Mem-
ber of College of Physicians and Sur-
geons, of Ontario; Post Graduate
member of Resident Staffs, of •Re-
Ceiving and Grace hospitals, Detroit,
for eighteen months; also Post Grad-
uate,. member, of :Resident Staff in
Midwifery, at Herman Kiefer Hospi-
tal, Detroit, for three months.
Office over.Joynt's Block
Phone 114 " Hensall, Ont.
Two doors east of the - Molsons
Bank, Hensall Ont;
Away Wednesday afternoons.
Office on the Square, 2nd door
from Hamilton St., Goderich;
Private funds to loan at lowest rates.
,• W. Proudfoot, K.C. J. L. Killoran,
D. E. Holmes
Mr. Holmes will be in. Hensall
every Friday from 9 until 6.
Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Au-
ction School, Special course taken in
Registered Live 'Stock (all Breeds,)
Merchandise, - Real Estate, Farm
Sales, " etc.- Rates in -"keeping; with
• prevailing `prices. Satisfaction - as-
sured, write Oscar Klopp,Zurich, or
wire 18-93, Zurich:
WE PRIN Ia—Posters, Dodgers, En-
�elopes,' Letterheads,. Visiting Cards,
Shipping Tags, and anything at =a11,
a at'
The Observer Printing Office, Hensall.
Orders'.taken for Daily • and Weekly
Papers. Toronto and -London papers
.;4.75. •In club with the Exeter Times
Leave your order at the Ob-
server Office..
oofing and Lumber
1 Ply Roll Roofing, $2.00 •
' 2 Ply Roll Roofing,` $2.75,
18 Ply Asphalt Roll Roofing, either
Red or Green $4:00.
Asphalt Twin Shingles $6.75
White Pine 1x6 Dressed and Matched
at $45.00 Per 1000 feet.
Also Matched Lumber Perfectly Clear
at $55.00.
Phone; No. 12 - -
A. J.
Tlie death occurred at the Bonne of
Iter son-in-law; Mr. E. J. Box; : en
Sunday morning following a stroke
of paralysis, of Louise Desjardiae,
widow of 'the late Frank Allen, in
her 63rd year, The deceased was
born in Montreal where she was mar -
Tied 40 years ago,. settling in Bad
Axe, Mich., locating 'later in Seaforth
Stratford and Port Huron. Her hus-
'band predeceased her 10 years ago,
A grown up family of four sons and
three daughters survive. . The fun-
oral took placeTuesday from Si:.
James Catholic Church to Stratford<
4k14,4 Iv°d'p
Sealed Tenders will be ,received by
the Council of the Township ,of Hay,
up to two o'clock, •p.m., of June .lst,
:19'23,.for the excavating ,andcement
work of the culvert to be constructed
apposite Lots numbers ten and eleven
fin Ithe : second concession -.. of, the
Township of 'Hay:
Plans _ and specifications '-may ; be
seen at 'the office of the Towziehip
Clerk, Zurich,. Oat.'
Dated this 14th clay of May, 1923.
A, F, Hess; Township Clerk, Hay.
The following' places of business
will "close as usual, Thursday after-
noon during the summer months, be-
ginning 1V1ay 3,1st and continuing un-
til the :end of, September:—A. W. E.
Hemphill, R. E; Cook, R. Donaldson,
T.. W . ' Parlmer, , Geo. Brock, Alf.
Clark, Wm. Sangster, Mrs. B., Bell,
Manna & Farquhar, Geo. Scott' Est.,
W. C. Davis, W. 'E. Brown, Thos.
Wren, R. " Dick; T. C. Joni, D. A.
Caiatelor ,. R. ;Webber, T..Drur thond
& Son, W. A. Maclaren, Robt: Pat-
terson, Bonthron & Drsdale, Obser-
ver Office. •
James Crawley, ; 11 -year-old son
of Michael Crowley,, of Mitchell, was
drowned•on Saturday. -Ii a` graves
pit near his-liome water to •ardepth
of between three and four -feet liad
accumulated from .the recent rains,
the boy went into ' this water' for a
swim. It is thought he was;.seized
with cramps as the water •was very
cold. It was some time beforethe
body was taken out of;the :water, a
the only' person who witnessed the
tragedy was a little 5 -year-old bro-
e ther.
A pretty wedding took p1'ace at 4
o'clock at the' home of Mr. and`Mrs.
Geo. Re -6, Mitchell; Wednesday May
16th, when their only 'daughter, Car:,
mina Mildred, was married. to Mr.
Frederick Seebach, of Fullerton. Tp.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
W. C. Roberts, rector of Trinity.
Church: One hundred guests weie
present, and the 'wedding march was
played by Mrs. E. G. Ratz, of HaTil-
ton. The bride was gowned in white
canton crepe •and her -.tulle veil was
caught with orange blossoms. She
-carried a shower of ophelia roses and
ferns. Miss ''Loretta- `Erchmeir, of
Hamilton was bridesmaid and Misses
Florence and Margaret "Herman niec-
es of
iec-es''of. the groom; Made., 'charming
little flower ,girls. Mr. Albert See-.
bach, brother of the' groom, acted as
best man. During the Signing of the
register, Mrs. F. W. Ratz sang"Be-
cause." Mr. and Mrs.''Seebach left
.by ,.motor for Hlamilton, Toronto and
Niagara Falls, and upon their re-
turn they will reside in Fullarton'
On Monday morning at half 'past
six o'clock, Mrs. Thomas-Mahaffy, of
Hibbert was found dead- on the edge
of -her bed by her son, Herbert. She
was apparently in the act of getting
up out of bed •to attend her house-
hold duties when she expired. She
was born in Usborne Tp., but had
been, a resident of • Hibbert since her
marriage to Mr. Mahaffy, forty years
ago. Her maiden name was Annie.
,Francis. In religion she was a Pres
byterian, and her age was 61 years.
Besides her husband she leaves four
sons and 011e daughter, Herbertand-
Wilbur at home; Frederick, of 'Sas-
katoon; Alexander, of Toronto,.' and
Mrs. Robert Hoggarth, of Hibbert.
Unexcelled dining car Service;
. Sleeping cars on night trains and
parlor cars on principal day trains.
Full information from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent or C. D. 11or-
ning, District Passenger': •Agent,
N. J, DORM._ Ii7rtetor.
?hone 411x9 y _+,a _�
'Mr H. C. Soldan. left on Monday
last for the West. •
Dr;' G. L. Smith visited with
friends -in Clinton on Sunday last.
Mrs. Pope, of London, visited with
friends -in Hensall on MozrdaY last.
Mr. Alf. Smith has taken a position
in the bake shop of Mr. R. E. Cook.
Uncle Tom's Cabin will be shown
in the Town. Ha11. on Tuesday, May
Mr. Charles Shaddock• left his old
home town on",Monday' last for De-
Miss A. E. Consitt attended the W.
M. S. convention held in Loridon this
Mr. Ed. Howalcl of Exeter, visited
with Mr. and Mrs: R. Welsh. on Sun-
Mr. Chas. .Wolfe' left for Forrest:
on Tuesday.:where lie has taken a`job
-as brick layer. •
Tli,e road froip the Main St. to the
station is' this week receiving a lib-
;eral coat of eruslieci stone.
: To -day (Thursday) 24th of May
is the day of the. Annual shoot put
on byethe 1ensall Gun Club.
Mr. Russell MacKay who has been
attending. Medical College . at Lon-
don, is home for 'the holidays.
Mr. Thos.' Shaddock, our worthy
section foreman, was in London on
Saturday attending a railway conven-
tion held there.
Quite a nniriber of young .people
of Hensall and vicinity motored, to
Kippen Monday evening and' enjoyed
a 'concert'given there by the young
people of St: Andre'w's church,
Mr "Louis' MacKay, of Toronto
University, ,=who won distinction
through his poen "Reconciliation,"
is home with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Win. MacKay for the' holidays.
Dr .Duffin wishes to announce
that -lie will be ou't of town on Tues-
day and Friday afternoons from 2
o'clock: until 5 p.m., he having open-
ed an office, at Brucefield on above
mentioned' days.
Mr. and' Mrs, P. Pooley and Miss
Annie ` who have been. residents of
our village for a nttynber of years,
left on Tuesday' last for Stratford,
where they will make- their- home
with 'their. daughter, Mrs. Leibold.
This being the -24th of May, the
stores will close at noon to (Thurs-
day) and every following' Thursday
during ` the ; months of; May, June,
July, August and' September except-
ing the weeks ; with . a public holiday..
Mr. and Mrs.. Wm. Sangster left
oil Tuesday evening -for Scotland
where they :intend to visit 'friends
and relatives for a few - months.
Their many friends wish them a
pleasant voyage and sojourn in the
"Old Land."
The concert given on Friday even-
ing last in the Town --Hall, proved to
be all that was predicted and expec-
ted of it. - The hall was filled to ca-
pacitymany attending from Zurich, 1
,.,Exeter, Brucefield and other neigh-
boring towns as well as a very large
showing from .,our- .::own town and
community. The play "What Hap-
pened to Jones," was enacted with
exceptionally good talent ley the St,
James Dramatic 'club of St. Marys.
The hearty and generous applause
given by the large audience 'several
times r throughout the evening, and
the 'hearty laughter and undivided
attention to the play were ample
proof of the satisfaction of those in
attendance. The specialties between
the acts 'Were :also rendered in true
artistic style, and the Sword Dance
and Sailors' Hornpipe were immense-
ly enjoyed as was also the whistling
duet and other numbers. • The pro-
ceeds of the evening amounted to
about $160. `
Mr. Chas. Alexander has purchas-
ed a new Ford. car.
Mr. John Fitzgerald, who has been
illwith an attack of pluerisy is im-
Mrs: McKay - who Intends •moving.
to Hensall shortly to reside'has sold
her house to Mr. Thos. Veinier and
the shop and stable to Mr. Geo, Par-
Mr. Charles who has been employ-
ed' with Mr. 'Roy McDonald, `returnecl
to Iiia home on Tuesday
Mr. Chas. Harris, of Lyndonville
visited his sister Mrs. Raney and
was accompanied home by his bro-
Some men could say what they.
think and still be quiet.
N1. �. dr c!, d 4, I: .5 . 4,
The" satisfaction of shopping by
telephone is •that you do not see how
little you get for your money;
:. 9::¢ 8v '' * "6 .4 8: ` 4 4 ..
Durnb : •waiters carry' everything
but gossip,
A brilliant individual play may
bring a lot of applause at the mom-'
crit, blit team, work is :what brings
the pennant in the end.
t?ne of ` IOxeter?s bataheloz s says,
t;taat pa'acticaliy ll. of last June's
bride gz oorki„s” , lcno'Iy'how to wasp
dishes' nova,
klrs, L. Jeffrey has left. for, Chat-
ham, where 'she will stay for some
r. C. F. Ka,lbfleiscli has cemplet-
ed sowing- the season's flax, which
consists; of. over 100 acres.
Mrs, (Dr) P. 3, O'Dwyer and lit-
tle Doreen, ' left on, Sunday to visit,
her parents and relatives in England'
where , she intends to remain sohae
When returning from the field a
team of horses attached to a fertili-
zer dr'i1l, andbelonging' to Mr. Wm.
Pfaff, Lake Road, ran away, and
dashing through the orchard, wreck-
ed the machine to a large ,extent.
Luckily the man and team were not.
Mrs. G, ...Pollock who had taken,
treatments- in Lo
Hospital osrit�l
1 a for a
few `weeks has returned home.
Miss Dorothy Traienlner; nurse,
who spent the winter at'"Florida,-se-
turned home Last week and reports
having, had -a wonderful southern
,trip which she enjoyed' immensely.
Mgs, Barrie, of Chicago,-, who had
been visiting her, parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Jacob: How ald, left for, London
where she will visit prior to, return-
ing 16 her home.
The regular meetingof me Coun-
cil of the Township of, stay, was held
in. the Town Hall, Zurich, on Wed-
nesday, May 9th,' All the members
were present. The minutes of 'the
previous meeting were , adopted 'as
read. s
A number of communications were
,read and ordered filed:,
. Wan.al
C dwll
e and Conrad'
Simon were authorized to make an
inspection n 1 ion of the Black Creek Drain:
and report' to the council at the next
meeting to be held on June 5th, on
the condition of the said Drain.
The following' orders were: passed;
John Pfaff, fence viewers fees .$2.00,
John Eckstein, ditto, $2.00; Hy..
St '
ean"bac:h, ditto $2.00; Municipal
World, blank forms, $10.50; ])avid
Gingerich, world Snow roads, $10.10;
S. Walker, ditto $9; J. Decker, Jr.,
ditto . $6.25. C. L. Smith, "printing
part III Votrs"List, etc., $89.50; L;
J'ialbfleiscla work, snow roads e ,
`g10.2,; Inspector of, Theatres, Town
TTall, slicenae, '$6; M. Webber".re J. A.
Meyers, $12 'Win. Mason, teaming
telephone poles, $4; 1\Torihern Elec-
lectric Co„ stzpl lies $100-81', ;13ell Tele-
phone ;,eo. ,tolls Feb. to March, 28.57;'
Bell 'l'el, toll. Marolt ro April, i iL
The council ,adjourned to meet z
gain on 1.'n6sday,,'June 5th,
o'clock, 0.111 for "Coii2't of Revislo
of the 1921 Assestijielat Roll and tlx
transaction of general business,,
Advanced nCCion
Improved over far
Toa purchase y partp ase moneyor existing g mortgage,
To • erect buildings or improve present buildings
To buy stock; ' „ To pay off Bank Loa g ,
ns, etc,
Farm Mortgages Purchased � �15id �or Loaned
ed' llipanh
Do all your long term borrowing from an old established
mortgage loaning Company. Your
business will be confidential,You will always
know where to finyour lender d and your
desires will
receive, prompt and business -like consideration,'
Write or Call upon
...Loan ,
Dundas Street 'and Market Lane
�" ,� ( Ila — •-.`��i......_�.. ,: '-
;,..d �..:.
t(lfl'4 r' rt lr� -Iasi
WY % dI p pd vii 4 a:
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SAF ,,f y(� : R: 1 I I Iutfrli HL,. ittU _ t.
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, {11f�
tl _
l i" ( L
.-� . i_:. ►vim— c �--rc : — . I ! 1 t,
charm is given
the modern
stucco dwelling
by a roof of
Asphalt Slates.
HE living story of the
Brantford Roofing
pany �
is �1
.written the ��®�1.'1
of Canada. Leaders in in-
troducing using halt Slates,
t • ey have held that leader-
a . r -ship ever since.
Four Unfeding Colors: Blue -Black, Red, Tile -Red and Green.
Brantford Asphalt Slates, in 4 -in -1 Slabs.
Tapered Slates with the heavy butt.
Arro-Lock Slates (red or green) for -diagonal effects.
Distributed under 'Brantford Roofing •Trade Marks, through Brantford Roor-
ing Dealers. Stock carried, information furnished, service rendered, by_ our
dealer in your district.
Write for descriptive literature, or advice on Roofing problems.
Brantford Roofing Co., Limited, Head Office and Factory: Brantford, Ont.
Branches at: Toronto, Montreal, Halifax and Winnipeg
o A10 b 7: .'V i t 1 °. 75 Via.. x