HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-5-24, Page 4T• 4111(1114711)1V", MA tb 1923 "Mr. W, R. Gouldiag, foe the past 747;r:. THE EXETER TIIV,IES OW* imiOnotiiiimitap i*iritiiiirirrew*Nrwlrg141mil0 0101.11 WrOmirrfrowaotorrigtitwiroW 100 •DASHWOOD You know BOWMUCH Iti6 Worth .? w ;•';',, '71..t'' ii ' o have your crops ripen 2 w8 ear ler EXPERIBNCE Over the sahole continent ev. ahles us to make thoronglity reliable:high grade piontfood ' that gets you results. , SWIFT'S RED STEER BRAND FERTILI ZERS Increaso yield* , e viI 'i coRm (I) "The e rs en the Ki fertilized field! were, in much better condition for silage. would say that nearly 100% were prime. Hasten Ripening . Improve Quality to 10 days earlier ripening. . ., (2) "These two (fertilized) Plots *ere 8 PP Place your order to -day with our Ant or The gin on the fertilized field was quite eneso us. , noticeably plumper than the unfertilized-'' Agents wanted where we are not repre ", WHEAT Results of fertilizer are 4 to 1 an favor it irmaistoirom See our Local. Agent of fertilizers." QUOTATIONS FROM 4:ONTA1UO FERTILIZER TESTS SWIFrCANADIAN CO., I LT WestTORONTO 1111011111111,411MIMINEW &PM ALWYN DAYMAN for your requirements. J Jae ,•111t • kg .„ eleasse SAW. .ittieSiMeteses3'"" 'rdson Salina eneeteej -1,Pril 6,.--Farrri labor '%,i.e' vete TA' Vita. locality' And farmers 4ena„, it irnpoesabie :t.O.', Seeure teen •who o•ra work. on tile farm, In or to orareoir,e this difficulty imany „are per- ei,besins- tractors,as taey claim since, ilea prieee 'have beetslowered they eari purcbase one as cheaply as a gooe team of horees. and it is possible to a.ccompase more voile with one' tractor' than with hr tessee of horses. • See Ord Price 31,s • Dearlont Mich - may Free 3323 ke, •;;,,‘ ; d ugYo rFordson Now "Sa.eaetee. and you will get your crops, in on time regardless of thelate- ness of the season,. . _ ‘MILO SNELL . Exeter, Ont. A NARROW ESCAPE Mr. Allan McDougall, of Hibbert, met with a serious accident on Fri- day last and escaped death by a very narrow margin. Mr. McDougall with others was in,„a ',bush Gutting down tree.e. Theenhad just felled a large tree -when a large dead"limb from an gdioining• ,,-tree/ fell and struck him on the side of the head. He was rendered unconscious and a large portion of the scalp was torn. He was rushed to Dr. Bvavaiing's of-- f fice in town where he received treat - silent but was very Weak from „loss' of blood. • He is at preCent able to, be around and is getting along fine.' COOK BROS. Hensall Ont. D. F. MCGREGOR _ 7, WORD MOTOR COM.P. NY' OF 4...NAVA iNNTVD LIBERAL CHOICE 170.0.0:ENTIOMMeOer*... FORD Nominee Is Clerk of Township of ONTARt, Tuckersmith Wrkytiolm • 16473, 18159. ' , This pure bred imported Clydesdale Stallinn, sired by Baron Kelvin 12462, 13991, the on of Baroxis Pride-, $067, ,9122, and Maud of High Borgue"` •1:59813. WYrrholm's dam was Nancy of P-13(.01Sn .18417. 14351, daughter of ' CILISad'er 9178 'and,- Spaewife 18577, 20136 . „ . ,WElastand this season as 1 ollows- Monday will leave R. Hedden's stable Ex"efer, 'east, ti • Wes. Arrostrons for ,niciorie east te Allen's for night. :Tuesday south and east to Louis Fletcher's Car noon; to Thos. Hack- , 71-1,sayfea.S., B: Hibbert, for night. Wednesday to P. Stone's, 7th of Us - .borne, 'for noon; vjest tOi insect's,' Tilekersmith, for night. ,-;Thurs,.010,y, *est 'and south to Wm. , for noon; ho -me far night. •Braday -to M. Russell's for neon, and 'Ifoaneiaatatil Monday. a•hispected and ,ennalled. . Terms -S.15.00. Other usual terms. , 1,101 -IN H. COLE, - Proprietor and Manager. _ , - seen Mrs. A. White finds relief in her first dose of Dreeo--This splendid body builder went to the root of her troubles ipomediately-"It is ,wonderful medicine," says .this MatlY)votten are suffering the ail- ments that made life a misery for Mrs. A.„ White, of 1063 IVfabel street, London, Ont., for over two years. Indigestion, gastritis, dizzy spells and. pains in' the body -how many do not know them? Suffice, it to say that the remedy is shnple as Mrs. White found ,when she took her first bottle of Dreco, the natural herb ton- ic and .regulator. Her is Mrs. White's story that every sufferer should read and profit by'. ' "I have never taken a medicine that did me as much good in so short 'a time as Dreco," declares Mrs. White. "1 snffered for two years fraqi gas bloating me up after meals. It was's° had sometimes, it Pressed against my heart, causing palPitation and shortness of breath. I could on- iy drink hot water. My liver was sluggish, cauSing dizzy spells and I had severe pains between my shoul- der blades. Constipation was else a . source of great annoya,itce. I surely - feel fine since .1 started to take Dreco and I gladly praise it for restoring my health. I have felt better in the past week than I have for maitY months. My appetite is improving. and the pains through my shoulders have been geeatly relieved. My bow - 015 are becoming regulated and I haven't had an attaele ea indigestion since I began taleing this remedy. Deece is a -Wonderful medicine. , Ali the symptoms described bY 11,1. WW1 0 are due only to one thing ion': down digestive system, to eoetect which, Dreco is especially compo untied from Nature's own herbs, roots, bark and leaves. Give 'tree° a isail 'fealties Yee will find in it the srme ce,rati,ro pvollortlea that 'Mrs. White ditecovereci. Dreco contains no mercuiese potaidi or habit forming drug. 1)reeo5 being epoch -Illy inteodoetsal in Exeter by 'eV. $a. HOWES.", and ewtel by a god deir“,ist everywhere. ' LOCALS At a meeting of- the Synod of the Diocese of Huron, in Loudon, last week four of the clergy were ap- pointed Canons by Bishop Williams, tWo of them being former Rectors of Trivitt Memorial church, Rev. D. W. Collins, of Sarnia, and. Rev. R. J. M. Perkins, of Chatham. Mr. J. M. Southcott, editor of the Exeter Times, was in town. on 'Mon- day. Although "J. M." is twice a father and in. addition has the re- sponsibility af the management of two printing establishments, he pos- itively refuses to look anything but a boy. May his youth anar irigor long remain with him.-ClintonNeWS-Re- cord- " The funeral of the late Irs. Will- iam Pym, who died at Kirkton, on Wednesday' of last week, was held Saturday afternoon conducted by Rev. Mr. Copeland. A large num- ber of friends were present. Mrs. Pym had been a resident of Kirkton for only a few years having moved from the townline 1"'u11arton. She had been ailing for several months. Her maiden name was Ester T. Wilds She was in her 56th year. She is survived by her husband and one son Herold, of Stratford, and one daugh- ter; Mrs. Stanley Batten, of Blau - shard. Four brothers and five sis- ters also survive. The Times net Ed. has just com- piled complete statistics to show that there are about 1,0 0 0,0 0 0 persons in. Cauatia who wish they were someone else. ' This section has been visited with heavy downpours of rain during the past week and in the low Iying places the water will do damage to the crops. On Wednesday of last week there was a perfect deluge of rain following a rather dry spell.• The creeks and rivers were filled to over- flowing. The creek thato passes threugh the towif between James and Iluron streets rose very high and was running across the road a foot or more deep on Andrew street. Many cellars were flooded with 'wa- ter. Much surface land was carried' through the fields. On Sunday we were again visited with a heavy rain. Large ponds of water dot the differ- ent farms and quite a bit of grain will be killed out in conSequence. When a man swells out his chest and sonorously declaims "Now I take issue with that," he does nothing of the kind. He just wants to talk.' The Annual District meeting of the Methodists of Exeter District met at Centralia, on Friday,' May 18th. There are thirteen charges with one 1 minister on each. There are three' superannuated men in the district, viz: Revs, J., D. Kestle, T. T. George and. Richard Redmond. Rey: L. W. Hill, of Parkhill, who has been in the work for 49 years, ,reettestecl, superaneuation. Revs, G. W. Rivers, of Hensel' and Arthur Sinelair, of Centralia, were appointed members of the Stationing Board. A large number of changes will be effected this year, among them the Exeter Churches. There was only one pro- bationer, Mr. R. E. Southeott, who ' was advanced on his probation, come reetolen for his Success at college and eturned to college for another ; Year, Mesere. WeeleY Cole, Milo I Snell and Ilicicard Mutter represent the Exeter alt inches at the Lon- don Conference. The reeolt fmein- berebip was an increase; that of Fin - ;lime, a slight deerease, aecottutable, hy ge.aeral business eonditions, D. F. McGregor, farmer and clerk of the Township of Tuctersmith, was the choice 91 the South Huron Liber- als ata largely attended convention held in Hensall on Friday aft- ernoon. Seven men in all' were nem- inated as possible standard bearers for the riding, but all withdrew with the exception of Ricluird Seldon, Ex- eter, P. G. Shillinglaw, Tuckersmith, and D. F. McGregor. 1VIr. Shillinglaw was retired in the first ballot and the 'candidate had a large majority over Richard Seldon in the second. , - The newly appointed pandidate gave a brief talk in which -he scored the Drury administration for its ex- treinagance, but commended it on the passing of the Mothers' Allowance Act. He pointed out that theUiber- als in the Legislature had suPported the Drury Government in ali the good measures. which were passed during the term. Major Tohnie, of Windsor, was the principal speaker for the occasion, and in his address reviewed the ad- ministration of the U. F. 0. Govern- ment and pointed out the necessity of a change in the -regime. The del- egates present at the convention pas- sed a vote of confidence in Premier MacKenzie King and pledged them- selves to support their chosen candi- date. The names of those nominated as prospected standard bearers included Harry Smith, Hay Tp.; RiCh'd Sel- don, Exeter; D. F. McGregor, Miss L. Jeckell, Exeter; Owen Geiger, IIensall; John Morgan and T. G. FULLARTON MEN HAVE CLOSE CAJJ, Near Drowning At Mitchell Witnes- sed By Many About 10.30, May 18th, two young men, Harold Harris and Thos. Fau- cett, from Fullarton, 'Came near being drowned while attempting to eross the River Thames, south of the C. N. R. tracks. Harris was bringing five live hogs to town for J. E. Walker, a butcher, and Faucett Was riding to town with him. In order to take n near cut they attempted to cross the river and come through the archway under the C. N. R. track, butgot in- to difficulties when, they got into the river, which had become very, high from the recent heavy rains and snow. When he found the water was deep, Harris attempted to turn and go back, but the current was so strong it upset the wagon, and hogs and men were thrown into the stream. Harris managed to hold on to the team with the lines, which saved him from being carried down stream. Fainett was carried down stream for, about 40 reds before be was, rescued in an alneost exhausted condition. Harris got one horee ott but the other one was drowned as well as four of the pigs. The acci., dent hapVened just as the 10.30 train, .froni Buffalo was in and was witoes- sed by a large number. Those who ebuld rushed to the unfortanate men and rendered assistaneee The village of Dublin had the ap- peatente of 'en usicbarterecl sea, through the sudden rise of the BaY- field, river, which through reshing flood water, overflowed its banks' for one-Oltarter of a mile. • Fields in the adjacent toWnships Were covered with Water and hi softie cases farmers lost their Spring sowing. While the fleed has subsided somewhat, eveter was flowing down Math Street on the seutit side of the village, completely flooding tlie sidevealke. e , Mr. and Mrs, J. waldloag hava shoVeti to their suairna hoine at Grand Bend., alre, Jane,Gueuther end Mr, Ezra Tieman are having their houseS wired for hydro. Mr. Preeter and Rea Litt, Of Zurich, were visitors in town 'Aunt day. Mr and Mrs Ottci Restameyer ahtl family spent the week -end in Lon- don. Miss Bertha Russell, oa Exeter, Plle4 Sunday with MisS Alice Hoff- man. Miss Pearl Kraft; daughter of Mr. H. L. )Craft, had the misfortune to fall and -breakher right arm last weele. • Mrs. D. Atkins, of Welland, for- merly Miss Hodder called on Mrs. J. H. Goetz on Monday. • Mr. and Mrs. S. Irelancl and son, Orlando; of Stratford, were week -end visitors in town. The pupils of( Miss E. Schroeder, will give a piano recital hi the base- ment of the Evangelical church on Tnesday, May 29th. They will' be assisted by Miss A. Treyethick, eop- rano, of Ailsa Craig, and MiseLeorta Kirkwood, reader, of London., CREDITON BATTERIES CHA.RGED----1have installed 'a battery charging outfit. 13ring in your battery and. let us leek after it fer you. Satisfaction guar- anteed:L./F. W, CLARK. • Thursday afternoon will be obser- ved, ad, a 'halt holiday, during the mouths Of 'Jim°, July and August, -by the people ot the 'village. Miss Vera Holtzman, of Landon, spent Monday with her parents,, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Holtzman. • Mr. Lorne Brown, B.A. left Tues- day for Northern Ontario, *hei• ?lie has taken a circuit for the slimmer months, Rev. Mr. _Rivers, of Hensel', oe- . cupied the pulpit ef the Methodist church on Sunday evening last, Rev. Mr. Brook taking his work at Hen- sel]. Mr.. and Mrs. Ed. Beaver motored to .London Sattirday. - • t Orme underwent an operation" in, Bethsaida Hospital, London;on Sa,tiirday last. We are glad to report'she is doing nicely. - , ' ''-;.GREENVITAY (Too late for last week.) 11/1r. and Mrs.;J 7hiting, of Park- hill, and M1 'Laura Foster, 7 of Var- na, visited,at,Laweenee Pollick's last vieek.,„ Weeregrettoereanat that Mr, Gee. Hartle, illaetaiieglie, home of his daughter, Mrsateka Gellen, Mr. -.I.Olart s'SteWardson, of Lucas', visited relatives here over Sunday. A choir doinnosed of mothers, gave , special mu'sic last Sunday in the -Methodist church, in honor of Moth- ers' Day. Gordon Ulens left for 'Windsor last • week where he will make his future home. .He willtbe. missed here_and his many friends wish Win success. Mo. John- H.-,McGeigor is re -mod- elling his house -Mr.' J. Binger has 'the contract. u, , • Arthur Mellin, of Detroit, visited with bi parents' ever the week -end, Miss Cora, "lVIollard visited her cousin, Miss Nellie Brophy over Sun- , ZION Prof. MeGilliVray , Rnowles and wife, of Toronto, are, guests at the home of Mr. Robt. Tayslor. Mr.' and Mrs. Ed. Avery, of St. Thoina,s, visited the lattea's sister during the past'Week. • „ 071r. Thos. Brock is adding anew kitchen and garage to the house on the farin he purchase.d from Wel- lington Batten. . Mr. Wellington Batten and wife, have moved to Grand Bend, wheee Mr. Batten will -conduct a barber shop for the summer. • A number of ladies attended the. W. M. S. Branch (ionvention in Lan- don Tuesday. - The S. S. anniversary will be held on June 10th. Rev, Mr. Hunter, of Granton, will be the preacher. Miss4Sparling, a returned missioe- ary from China, will essist at a gar- den party to be held in June, , CONSERVATIVES' CHOOSE N. W. TREWARTEA. Mr. N. W. Thewartha, of Clinton, was the Conservative choice to contest South Huron at a convention YPar orgalliet of the Presbyterian Church, of $t. Marys, Church Street, has handed in hie reeignation to ac- cept the position as organist in :lames Street Methodist Church, Ex- eter, Min Goulding since coining to St. 1VIarytT a year ago, has made a host of friends by his qiiiet, dignified and unassumieg manner, His hearty co-op,eaation in all the young people's t'Y'Ves of the church have been a great asset to the.corigregation. He takes up his duties in his new church the first Sunday in June." -St. Marys Journal Argue. ELECTION LAWS AMENDMENT - ACT, 1920. THE ONTARIO VOTERS' LISTS ' ACT 1922.' NOTICE OF SITTINGS OF REVISING OFFICERS ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF SOUTH 'HURON. • TAKE NOTICE THAT sittings, of the Revising Officers -for the purpose' of hearing ,appeals or complainte with regard to the voters' lists to be used at the e1e4ion of a member of the Assemblypetiding for the Elec- toral District of South Huron, will be held at the following times and plac- es, namely: At the Town Hall, Exeter, on the 4th day of June, 1923, to hear complaints as to the voters' Bets for polling subdivisions Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, for the village of Exeter, and than His Honor, Judge Lewis 11. Dickson, Goderich, will be the Revis- ing Officer and his Clerk *ill be Jos. Senior, whose address is Exeter; At the Town Hall, Zurich, on the 6th day of rune, 1923, ° to hear complaints as to the liAs of voters for polling subdivisions Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, for the town- ship of Hay, and that His Honor Judge Lewis H; Dickson will be the Revising4Ckaficer and his Clerk will be Andrew F. Hess, whose address is Zurich; At the Township Hall, Crediton, on the 8th day of june, 1923, to hear complaints as to the lists of voters for polling segbdivisions Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9, for the township ofaStephen, atid that His Minors Judge Lewis II. Dickson will be the Revising Officer and his Clerk will be H. Eilber, 'whose address is Crediton; • At the Township Hall, Elitnvillea on the 2nd day of June, 1923, t -o he-a,r- complaints as to the lists of voters for pelling subdivisions -Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, for the town- ship of Usborne, and that His Honor Judge Le*is II. Dickson will be the Revising Officer, and his Clerk will be ,Henry Strang, whose address is R. R. No. 1, 1-lerisall; At Ilolin,es' Hall, Ilohnesvilleaon the Gth day of Juno, 1923, to hear complaints as to the lists of voters for polling subdivisions Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, Sand 6, for the township of Goderich, and that R. G. Reynolds Goderich, will be the Revising Officer and his Clerk will be A. Cantelon, whose address is R. R. No. 3; Clinton At (the Township Hall, Varna,' On the „ 5th day, ioif June, 1923 ; ta hear complaintsas to the. voters"' lists for polling sUbdivisiOns 1, 2, 3,4, 5 6, and 7, for the Township -VI Stara Ley, and that' D. McDonald, Goderich will be the R,evisarig Officenand his Clerk will be J. S. Harnwell, whose 'address is Varna; At 'Walker's HaJI Brucefield, on ft- , 6th' day of June, 1923 to hear complaints as to the VO.tere 115tS for polling subdierisions Nos. I, 2 3, .4 5, and 6, for the Township of 'Tuckersnuth, and that D. IVIcIennald will be the Reviaing Officer and his Clerk' will be D. F. McGregor, whose address is R. R., NO. 3, Scaforth; 'held in FIensall on Thnrsday of leet week. There was a good representa- tion, the Hall being filled.: The nom- ination was'Contested' by three and Mr. Trewartha was eleeted on the. first ballot, receiving -a majority ef ten over the combined vote of W. R, 'Elliott of Stephen and Wm". Censitt, of Hillsgreen. The others who Were nominated but who withdrew were Heliry Eilber,'Crediton; Henry Hor- ton, Hensall; Fred Eiterington, can- didate in 1919; j. J. 1Vierner, 'Seaforth; W. Lobb, Goderich Tp, David Cantelon, ' Clintou and Alex Neeb, Stephen. The principal speaker of the after- noon was W. I-1, Daenarn, 14.0. of Ay -liner and he criticized some of the -work of the Drury' 'administration. Eilbee, J. S. mernor, W. 11, Ell- iott, Hy. Horten. ancl Mr. Trewerthe, also gave short addressee,. Mr. Tre- 'wartlin'e nomination was received with ruttell. enthusiasm. At the. Tjewn Hall, HenAsall, on the 7th da.y of June, 1923 to hear complaints' as to the voters' lasts for the Village of Hensel], and that I). McDonald will be Revising Officer, and his Clerk will be. A. Mur- dock, whose. addresS, is Hensel:I; At the 'Town •Hall, Bayfield, on the 8th day Jpf June, 1923, ' tear complaints' 'as to the voters' lists ,for; the Village of Bay:fieldand/ that D. McDonald will be the Reiris- ing OffIce,r and his Clerk will be H. W. Erwin, whose address is 'Bayfield. Each .sitting commence at ten o'clock ' Ill 'the toretnoonaiand will eon- lanue until twelve o'clock, noon, ar until the appeals have; b een disposed 01. " AND FURTHER TAKE, NOTICE that any voter who d.caines to.. icom- plain that his name 'or the netrne'ef any Derfsiofrt 'entitled to he Je,.nteretcl en the said ista hal's been omitted from the same, or that the names' of.% ena, Demeans who are not ,entitled to be votera have be,en, entered thereon, may, Jniot les,s than twa clear days and (nest more, than, five clear days (leen epee, tea days fid far holding the shove sittings, apply, complain, or ap- pe4 to have bio name or 'the name of any ,other person en',ec'reid on or re- moved from the lists. - AND FURTHER TAICE, NOTICE ihat aucb aPpe-al must be by ttotice, in writing in, the prescribed eerie, signed by the coniplainant in durej,- cate and given to the Clerk of; bho Re- vising' Officen, ,o,r left for him at his afiCir°8s• as StatellA T627: tWS4)DICKSON, seset, t Chairman of the Elec.,tiott Beard ro,r • the C,ettet.:''.r o C flu ren„ nelitCd thi'S 12th day ',of May, A. [D. '1923.Main Street Exeer 'Freight Tra.ffic, Breaking Many COURT OF REVISION Records," beadline, WiSh a Tow-Neu/isOFps.13011N string 4 bOY. Pars could be -Shunted into 'tke phonograph next door, (ow* *** **I( So live that your, tvife will uever choke 'back a sob 'while telling sthe reporters her faith in you is unehals- en. se* *** *4•4' Theechief difference' between the old -fashion dime novel and the mod- ern novel, is exactly $1.90. NOTICE NoTicE IS HER,EBY GIVEN that The Court of Revision to bear and determine appeals 'and complaihts ne specting assessmegts alil lrolcrits Ntst sitting for the yeaT an Monday, Juno 11th; 1923, at 7.30 p.m., at the Counell. Chambers, Lifbrary Building, Exeter. Date,d this 22nd day,of ;May, 1923. J. SENIOR, Mtmicipal, ClerIt • U. F. 0. MEETING, EXETER A meeting will be held in Senior's Hall, Exeter, on Tuesday evening, May 29th, at 8 o'clock. Delegates will be elected to attend the nomin- ating Convention at Hensall. Every c1tisen4•eeidiug in Exeter and in sYlliffath'Y ,awith 'the ;principles :,and. polieies of the U. 11, 0. is -cordially invited to attend.r WEEETINGS An invitation is extended te, all electors of the Township of Ifsborne, who are itt sympathy with and wil- ling to support the principles and the policy of the platform ,of the Uni- ted Farmers of Ontario, to meet on May 29th at 8 o'clock i11 the follow- ing placese- Polling Sub Division No. 1, at Eden School house No. 2, at Thames Road club rooms No, 3, at No. 1 School house No. 4, at Louis Fletcher's home No. 5, at Winchelsea School house No. 6, at Herman Kyle's hone No. 7, at Samuel Tuft's hOme for the purpose of electing delegates to attend the convention to be held at IIensall on May 31st. Doupe, tDirector , NOTICE is 110robY giveu that, n Court of Ilevisiou of the Assesement Roll of the Township of Ueboiete ties tor ,june 2nd, at 12 o'clock, noon in the l'ownehip 1-lall Henry Strang, Township Clei'ke AnatimiNo017. 39[uxiox , couNTY couNcuf' The Council of the Corporation of the'aCelilltY of Huron will Meet in the 6 oun.cil Charnhei; Goderich, at 2 o'cloclr in the afternoon of Tuesday,' "ilte 5th day of June, 1923;All ac4 , County, must ascii Clerk not later itonif:antiti-ittteiswolatnag4na:417;:sptolf,etlotleielee ding.the meetiug, of Council. ' 0E0. W. Hot:IAN, : Goderich, May 21a1 i9,23. . 'e County Clerks ' It's the bliint man who makes thal• cutting remarks. 11•0013.C11.1.11930101•41.2210,..10¢”.1,11.2 Cm.40.4.19011,3301..1.1.MT...¢210111.1•29, • Incorporated 1855 ' Capital and Reserve, $9,000,000 Over 125 Branches - This institution offers depositors safety for their savings, reasonable. interest compoun- ded every six ,months, and freedom front red tape in. case of wit,hdrawals. , Savings Departments at every Bratrch. " Deposits of $11.00 and uPwards invited. - EXETER BRANCH - T. S. WOODS, l'ilattagel Centralia branch, open for business daily. EIMIAMOMM.Ill61019•01 • nereeseet,el• tsr • a .I,t4;'!;00011:7‘7, Attiv<igs•.f, e, re' reed Tells! NlanowhAere does it tell more than in Live Stock. ET ,us know what you.wouldlike to do for the improvement of your stock, and we shall be glad to go into '7 the whole question. of financing the plan with. you. In TEM CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE t - Capital Paid up $1.5,000,000 ` Reserve Fund, $15,000,000 it t Exeter Branch - M. R. Complin, Manager Cre'diton Branch Dashwood Branch j T. L. Rutherford, Actit\g Manager TIDE USBORNE AND BEIBBERT PARKER'S MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE COMPANY Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. President, Wm. BROCK Vice -President, JOHN ALLISON DIRECTORS THOS, RYAN SIMON DOW ROBT. NORRIS, JAMES MCKENZIE AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for ' TJsborne and Biddulph. OLIVER HARRIS, 1VIunro, Agent for Hibbert, Fullarton and Logan. W. A. TURNBULL Secretary-Treasnrer Box 98 Exeter, Ontario. • GLADIVAN STANDI.TRY Solicitors, Exeter, DR. G. V, ROULSTON DENTIST °file° over L R. Carlittg's Las - Closed every Wedneeday attereerm DE. A, la. EINS1",.1.AN, Honor Graduat'a of Toronto tntiver- Office over (Rodman StanburY's ()files, MONEY TO LOAN We have a large, amount of privatd funds to loan on farm and villagel properties, at lowest rates of isle terest. GLADMAN STAl\TBURY /3tarristers, Solicitors, '1 Main St, Exeter, Ontario 1 PER,RY F. Do.I.JPE,-LIcensed Anet uoneer. sales conductedIn any 'loci city. Tereee moderate, Orderlefa atteudT,61int107,0ifidEiehwonilel .ble16p,rozexpitrlkytoante: Atidreas icirkton P:0. .1 ' • 'USE 'ibilAMOND DYES" Dye right! Don't lira: your material. Each pack- age 11.1 tainsof (17i?eicatilil:rin.(1 DsoYess'inc;11(; 7 4 .,f %1? colorthat i anyltlloliii."11g8aTirmeteda:,' .diainOnd-dyo a Mee rich. draperies, covorings, cvety,- thitig, whether a ec,I, Dalian linen, cotton or Ini.,7ted noodo., Buy afilamoad other kind -then pol fect re, euIte are glianteteeel even if ' you have never dyed before, Druggist lias "Diamond 13305 Color Card" --7) r",ch colersv