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The Exeter Times, 1923-5-24, Page 1
u`S FIFTY.:FIRS ', YEAR No. 2556 irk ] `r�R,. ONT., Tff3 7 I3 A• 4.91313J-$0 MAY X161 Illlill I1 11 . ,13j iLiJi T ,,�. IIS Ia Mt1N 0 1 11 11111.III1I11lIfllllllilillllllllllllll111011111lllll(1II1I11110111111iIIlIIIIlI111 1111III111 III L, • � 1 GI11i111111fiiil1I611111rIN 111 I�EC3'RQOU'P SD ' lr T ,19112001. • aroaraff roamoom nerd YEIN•11 -.49106111 orrarKlir mer a ri Milan Knit Dress Silk We have just received a -shipment of the new Milan Knit dress tab ries, in tile very hest selling colors. This is the very latest in materials for dresses, and is of a" pure silk in a :beautiful weave. Ask .to see this new fabric.' i a Another Shipment of -I-louse-Dresses' We.have<us just received another shipment of beautiful house -dresses in a large range of different styles, including black sateen with chintz trimming, Prices from $1;25 to $2.25 a garment. Silk T;<ieotette Blouses $2.95 each Ladies' ' and Misses Tnicolette blouses in a beautiful • range of colors sizes lip to, 44, very special this week. at $2.95 each. DARNED W THEY'RE rlp TOC "AND ':HEEL. R eady-Trimmed all. -Papers URNfSHING New Ties in the very latest Tweed effects, "Sumner underwear, *Straw Hats, Caps, Braces, Gloves, Shirts, - Etc. now ready for the summer trade We are local Selling Agents for In te,rwoven socks for men, the best yenwearing sock on the market. A few rolls of Staunton's Wall -papers will brighten up your rooms. Good Kitchen papers,big variety at 121/2,,15 and 20e. Bedroom papers Floral or Stripe patterns, all colors, @ 12% to 25c per roll. Living- room • "apers in great variety, of Tapestries © • 25 to 50c a roll. Odd Lots Wall -Papers Bundles of Living -room papers, enough for a large room, Tapestry designs,. regular $1.50 a roll to clear , @•-$1.98 perroom lot:: $3.75. a: pair, THIS W K This is the price we will sell seVeraf lines of Ladies' and Grown Girls' Slippers, this week, all sizes, ° 23 to 7. Patent, BIack, kid and Brown, Low Heel or Cuban Heel, Button or Buckle strap Slippers. These: are all dependable Slippers, stamped with the maker's name and are the biggest value on the market. All these are worth regularly $4:50 to $5.00. PHONE 32 None, a ..... mama iasiso saarmarsr paytay IrMarleir Muer OMONi rmormrwr William T. IS,layling, a young pian from: St., Thomas, :was electrocuted in Exeter, on Friday nrol',ning last While making some•. repairs to the Bell t telephone lines. 1\Ir. Mayling was stringing a •wire at the corner of -Iuron and,' main streets, He was up the pole sitting on the crossbar When the wire he, .was stringing carne in contact with one of the hydro elec- tric high voltage wires. Iris head touched one of ,the other wires caus- ing a circuit and he tivas killed inst- antlyx.. 'Another workman who was with him went up the pole and With a hammer struck the' wire and young Mayling's lode fell to the ground. One side of his face was badly burn- ed. His cap.was half burnt up and the leather gloves on his hand were also burned: There wereseveral eye -witnesses to the scene and with- a very 'few Minutes a large num- ber,had gathered. After the arrival of .coroner, Dr. Browning, - the l)ody was.removed to R. N.:Rowe's under- taking parlors.. On,the instruction of, Crown Attorney ' Seager, air in.- quest will be held. The jury. uiaet the same evening and viewed the remains and then 'adjourned until Friday .of this week.. Relatives of the deceased came- tip and took the remains to London. Mr. Mayling has visited Exeter in connection with telephone'work on. numerous occasions' and those . who, knew him speak very highly. of Trim. He motored ' up from London in a Ford. coupe. The deceased had been married about six months, This is the second fatality of the - kind, that- has occurred in Exeter, .a Bell telehone' lines an having been killed. on -Huron street se{neral years ago while stringing :wires: In both ® 1 oases the mens were without rubber gloves. liOrt CENTRALIA GIRL DIES IN i3LOOM OF YOUTH 10,1.1 Deep gloom was; cast aver this community on Monday when it was learned that one of Centralia's .be loved young • :ladies, was taken away. in the bloom of youth in the person of Irene Mary,'youngest daughter,of Mr. and 1VIrs. Geo" G. Essery, aged 19 years, 3 emonthe and 21 days. The deceased had ,,'been." visiting- `r with her 'sisters' n London, ancl;about=tell days previous had •'' returnedhome 'and was npt feeling well 'She ;•, gradually grew worse and in spite :of ail that loving;: care could do ' passed away early Monday morning, the *cause of: death being peritonitis. The par ents and family are grief stricken a general favorite in the community. E..=- as a result. The deceased was of a bright, and happy disposition and was She was a member of the. Centralia PHONE 32,- =choir, and possessed a splendid voice = her singing being much appreciated. Besides her 'parents she is survived by four sisters: Miss Winnie, of Ben sail, Mrs. Thos. Carling .and Mrs. An - :dorsal, of London; Mrs. Turner, pf Philadelphia, and one brother Fred. 111111IfUllllitlllll11111111111IIIlIIlII111111111111111111111111111i111111111lNINIIiNIi6MI111119lI1l l1111111111111111lllll111111IIIIII111111llliE at "(ISE Lowe Bros. High Standard Fa• ints '1,R,.JNSIDE AND'0UTSIDE PAINTING, IN TINS AT PAIT�'ix G err TINS AT :400,75c, $1.44, .$2.65 and; $5.00.' 'UHI-NAMEL. THE QUALITY FINISH FOR EVERYTHING IN THE HOME' IN. TINS AT 30c, 55c, $1?00 AND $1.85. CAMI3ELL'S -VARNISH STAINS FOR FLOORS, FURNITURE -AND INTERIOR SURFACES, IN TINS, 30c,55c; 95c, AND $175• FOR RENEWING AND FINISHING. LINOLEUMS, • SUN _ VAR NISEI $1.50 PER '; QT, CHI-NAMEL 'VARNISH : $1.85 PER QT.' AGATE VARNISH $1.50 PER QT. ROOFING- ROOFING ROOFING PT WILL PAY YOU TO KNOW ALL ABOUT PARIc$D ROOFING' BEFORE YOU BUY ROOFING GET OUR PRICES,,, $2,00 PER SQUARE UP POLA,RIN13 950 per CAL. C.AItGOYI E,PH13 REAL OIL, $ .1,25 per G.A.L. BRING IN YOUR CAN MAXWELL'S LAWN MOWERS ARE GUARANTEED, $9.75 up.. PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING 5 an's rdware Mr. Morris Har'vey has returned from Toronto University where he has finished,his second. year in Arts. The Exeter Horticultural SocietY have distributed 'the spring Kern- iuma to the members, vvhich' has .reached the 200 mark. The prem- iums include 35 subscriptions to the Canadian Horticulturist; 1524 Glad- ioli bulbs, 104 rose bushes; 82 pack- ages of Zinnia seed; 35 grape vines and 57 Spireas..'. , BORN STANLAIcE—In "Stephen 'TP., on MaY' 13th, to Mr. ,and Mrs. Silas May- 5th, to Mr. and , Mrs: Frank RUPP-re-At Hey Tp., doshen,hinee en May, 14th, 'to „Mr. andiqrs., Saninel BItOWN----SKINNERAt ' the' Main St. MethodiSt• parsonage; on -Wed- , 171. McAlister, Mary Edith., Young- est daughter of Mrs. Samuel Skin- ner, of 'Exeter, to Mr. Eli BrONV11 son of 'Mr. B. BroWn, of Crediton. ESSERY—In Centralia, on .Monday, i ,., May 21.st, Irene Mary„, daughter of • 'Mr, 'and Mrs. Geo..ESsery, aged 19 yearS, 3 mptitlis and 21 days. '` ' 'Tuesday, 'May 22hd, Mary Jane Mitc'h.ell, beloved wife of Jeremiah Ilea,tnan, in her, 64th year. Margaret Arrnitage wife of Sam'l D. Hodgins, in her 68th year. On May 2,1st, Annie Francisrbelov- ed wile of Thomas Mahaffy, aged The' funeral was held Wednesday afternoon, conducted hy her pastor, Rev. A. Sinclair, interment in the Exeter cemetery. The bereaved have the sympathy of many friends. MED IN CALGARY Mrs. Wm. Passmore, of town, re- ceived the sad news on. Tuesday of the death of her mother, Mrs. Wm. Monteith, of Calgary, Alta., The ,cle- ceased had been ailing since.last fail with heart trouble. On Monday Mr. and Mre. Passmore received word that she was seriotisly 111. ,Th...ey were planning to leave Tuesday. for the west, when they reCeived the neWs -of her death. Her maiden name -was- Jennie Duncan, ,aged 61 years. She was borne On the 10th ,concession of Usborne Tp.,' and' after her marriage to Wm. Monteith, lived on the Thariites Road until moving te the West about 14 years ago. They first settled at High River, Alta., where they resided for • apotit two years and then 'moved to Calgary. Besides her husband- she is'survived by five daughters and two sonseMTs. R.. McCullough, of Hanna, Alta; Mrs. Passmore, of Exeter; Jennie, Solianna, and ROberta,, at home and Charles^ and Robert also of Calgary. Three brothers and three sisters' also survive: Sohn Inn:lean, of Usbornet; David, of Ilighltivers; Thos., of Win- nipeg; Mrs. Robb, of Allendale; Mrs. MoXenzie, of FL William; Mrs. Abe musser, of Regina. J3efoye ,leaving this Community Mrs. :Monteith was a member ot the Thames iload Pres- byterian church. The death toOlt place in Lucan Sunday, of 'Margaret Armitage, be- loved Wife of Mr, Sarail D. HodginS, ber 68th year. The decea,sed been ill for about a month. Besides her bereaved husband, she is ButVili- ed by one daughter and two sons: MI'S, NV -alter Cunningham, of Exeter, L. Ilodgins on the homestead, on the 4th of Diddalph, and Sidney, at home. The funeral was Jield on Wednesday to St. Jones cemetarY, 24th., 1.923 LOCALS Mrs, W'esley Snell was taken Aer- iousry ill an Monday night, but at pi"went writing is considerably ini- proved, iIr, C. Pirney was ii London On Saturday „attend ng a convention of the section foremen of the L. I-1. & 13. railway. Mr. P. Herrn held a brick bee on Monday hauling ;brick for his new residence, Some of the teams were stuck on one of the side -roads in Stephen, , one load upsetting and breaking the .harness. Mrs. E. J. Coombe who has spent the -winter at Kingsville visited, dur- ing the past week with• Mrs. T. and Miss. Shapton and other ,friends in town, leaving Wednesday morning for her hole in Bowmairville, The U. F. 0. Convention will lie. held in Hensall on Thursday of next week. Aiming thenames being prom inently mentioned to carry the U. F. 0. standard, are: W. G. Medd, W. D. ,Sanders and Andrew Nicks, the late. ,theniber. The W. 0_7% U. will hold a parlor meeting in the Ivlain street Sunday School on Friday, May 25th at i8 o'clock, Hensall will.furnish, the program., after which lunch will be served and -a, silver ,collection ','will be taken up. :Everybody 'welcome. "Reta Lindenleld, the little daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Lihdenfield, was badly bitten by a dog formerly' owned hj* Robt. Harvey, station agent but now- "homeless. The, dog -was shot and the head sent to Toronto for examination."—Parkhill Gazette. DIED SUDDENLY Mrs., Jeremiah Heaman died sud- denly on Tuesday morning at the home of her mother, Mrs. John Mit- chell, of town. The deceased was up and around as usual and about 1 nine o'clock,she felt faint and asked for a drink Of water. She sat dawn on the sofa. and expired in a few minutes. In the spring Mrs. Bea- man had been4ill with influenza but apparentty had recovered from the effects. Mr. and Mrs. Ilea:Man have been living in town for some time, the latter taking care of her another. The deceased was born Stephen township where she resided practic- allY-all her 41.fe, Her maiden. name was Mary Jane Mitchell. She was in her 64th year. Besides her hus- band she is survived by one son Nor- man, of Starbuck, Man. Her mother five sisters and three brothers also survive: Mrs. C. Rau and Mrs. Wil- son Anderson, of Crediton; Mrs, Herb Mitchell, of London; Mrs. J. Morley, Exeter and Mrs. Frank Sweet, of Sarnia; William 1Vrichell, of Exeter; Wes2,,,of Vancouver and Mark, of London.' The funeral will be held the latter part of the ,week awaiting the arrival of Norman from the West. ist church have just closed a very successful year. The monthly meet- ings all through the year have been well attended and, interest in the work at home and abroad has deep- ened. The Auxiliary reports 73 members, an increase of 6, while their givings amounted to $227. The Circle reports 45 merabefs; an in- crease of 17 and givings $115. The Band, numbers 21 and givings $33. This makes a total of $375 raised for the Woman's Missionary Society. The officers for the Auxiliary for the coming year are:—Pres,, Mrs. Banes; lst 'Vice Pres., Mrs. A. Ford; 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. Walker; Re - Cording Sec'y, Mrs. F. Wickwire; REMEMBERED IHS CHURCH -The Board of James Street Meth- odist church called'to grant `credent- ials to the delegates, Messrs. Wesley Cole and Milo Snell, to appear"befOre the Stationing Committee , of the London Conferen.ce if necessary, were most pleasa,ntly surprised when Mr. •Victor Snell, in a few well chosen words" presented the gift of his uncle, Mr, Frank. Snell, deceased, the sum of $500, to be used in the current expenses., The Board -by resolution expressed its appreciation of thanks for the generous gift. This places James Street in a very creditable position with abo-ut $500 balance on liana to begin the new year with the idcoming pastor. INDITOTION AT GRAND BEND inducted as pastor the Grand Bend and Corbett, Presbyterian chur- ches on Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock. Those who took part in the service Were Rev. Mr, Lundy, of Hip - pen, Moderator of Che Presbytery; Rev. Mr. MacDonald, of Egmondville R Jae. Foote, of EXeter; Rev. Dr. etcher, and Rev. Mr, Hogg, ot Clinton. The church was well filled and a very impressive service Wa held. Refreshments were sc,,rved a he cloSe. Sunshine will lrolct, their Sunday School anniversary next Sabbath. Itev. 1). ;D. Thompson, of Woodhamm. will be the preacher. Special music. The sacrament was served. in Ca - Ven .Presbyterian church Qat iaahbath nloriiiug last. Sixteen new mem- bers united with tine fellowship of. Llie chuich. ,Janies St, Methodist chttrelt held at the close' or 1110 'morning tier -- L. J. Penhale, Elford, Seffrey„ THIS HA P HOU AIL Only once a year 50 comes this glorious excursion to Detroit —this opportunity to visit the amusements there and do your shopping—and enjoy the balmr.lake ride, the d ing the meals, and thetcns. inusic Leaving Goderich 9:30 a. in, June 1Z the steamer Greyhound reaches Port Huron 1:30 A. and Detroit 5:30 p. m. Enjoy Detroit sights until Thursday, June J.4, at 1 /). jn„ when 'et,urll trip to Goderich is made. Last trip to etrolt Heaves Goderich ' on Friday, June 1Sth, 9:3 a. Round Trip ommicemaratmor NIGHT LMIOGOli 2 5 c Do not fail to enjoy the three houf moonlight trip out of Goderich, Mbnday evening. June 11, under the auspices of the 33rd Regiment Band, FinzePs Orchestra for dancing aboard. 'WHITE STA LINE ate Service Grocer3r Main Phone 102 TWO STORES North Phone 47 STJNNY MONDAY SURPRISE ,AND QUICK NAPTHA. SOAPS 15 for $ GOO NEILSON'S FRENCH CREAMS 50c. a pound PINAPPLES LARGE SIZE 4 for $1Q00 - -WATER GLASS FOR PRESERVING EGGS. SMOKED HERRING 30c. a pound AMMONIA POWDER CHLORIDE OF •11.3.01012•36161/ 4.96R6016.12411319.WARINIMMIRIUMr4 GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS 3 pkgs. 25c. CLEANSER 3 for 25c. 3 for 25c. We have a large stock of Specially Selected field seeds of high ger- mination and governm„ent standard quality for sale. Our Stock Consists as follows:— NO. 1 RED CLOVER, ALSIKE, WHITE ANI) (tELLOW BLOSSOM SWEET CLOVER; HUBAN ANNUAL SWEET CLOVER; ALSIRE AND TIMOTHY MIXED; KENTUCKY BLUE AND ORCIIARD GRASS; MIL - LETT, ONTARIO GROWN AND IMPORTED TIMOTHY SEED. SEED BEANS SEED CORN SORGHUM MANGEL AND TURNIP SEED LAWN GRASS, GARDEN SEEDS, ETc. We have a limited quantity of Ontario grown Variegated Alfalfa Seed, No. 1 Quality. This is one of the most hardy varieties and is part of the production of a field that liaa grown seed for ten consecuqve years. This leaves 11 thoroughly climatizecl. A-yorte intending to sow a field of this variety should place their order early. We have also a -stock of No. 1, American grown Alfalfa, a hardy, variety 'that in previous years has proven successful here. Oui $15.00 per bus. WE :ARE itt Ylilt8 OF BEANS, CLOVER AND TIMOTHY' SEED, DUTCH SET ONIONS AND ALL KINDS OF PARIM PRODUCTS ,AT, HIGHEST MARKET PRICES. WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OP SPRING MERCHANDISE, rott. QUALITY, STYLE AND PRICES OUR VALUES CANNOT 13E BEATEN. A 11,1lIAL GOOD 81:11.80TION IN ALL, LINES. A CALL SOLICITED. STOTN NMI- LARGE ST''