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The Exeter Times, 1923-4-19, Page 7
Chief Scout Gives Wireless Mesoage. When, the Chief Scout, Sir Robert Baden-Powell, was in Ottawa recently, he dellyereci -a special Message from the Government Radio Broadcasting Station and it was pricked up by many amateur radio, throughout Eastern Canada. • The message -was as follows. "T1i Speaker of the House of Com- mons at Ottawa said on March 28th, 'I should liketo see e'Very': Canadian', boy a Boy Scout, learn.i.ng,to'become a trite sportsman and oto lead a clean life.' "Now there's a suggestion from one of your leading Canadian statesmen for every one of you boys to follow. "If you join the Boy Scouts as he Suggests you become a member Of • a jolly, cheery brotherhood 'of young backwoodsmen --strong and. hefty,' able to turn their hands to any job, with the pluck and energy to carry it through. "They don't worry about themselves,- bat biemselves,bn't do their best to help other people in ,any way „they can. "They are the Lads who are going to make" Canada big and prosperous, and a .power among the nations. "This is the noble jab' in .which each of you, although you may be only a boy, can lend a hand. "Coins along._ y.., Bea s ortsman and > .p try' it by joining up with the nearest Scout' Troop. "if you have nb Troop near you you can .be registered as a Lone Scout, l that is, a fellow carrying out all the,' Scout ideas by himself and 'so being able to win the badges which a Scout `gets for doing well. "By being a. Scout you will give yo srsel+f a good time, but what is much more;,you will be doing your bit for this great Canada of yours,.", Three "Old Scouts" Decorated. During his visit •to Ontario, Sir Robert . Baden-Powell conferred upon three of the leaders of Canadian Scout- ing z>�out- g membership in the Boy Scout Or- der of the Silver' Wolf. They were Dr. Franklin H. Gisborne, Mr. Gilbert L. Fauqu'ier and,Dr. James W. Robert - 60i. The ,presentation of the insigna- to Dr. Gisborne and Mr. Fauquier 'took place at the Annual, Meeting of the Canadian General Council which was head : in the big • Railway Committee Rooni of the Parliament rho merit Buifidings, Ot- tawa, on March 28th. Dr. Gisborne is the Chairman of the Dominion Medal- Board, the special committee which passes on all appli- cations for awards for life saving and other meritorious actions by Scouts. In •accepting his clecoratio ; Tir. Gis- •.borne said, "Had this been recom nienrded in the ordinary way I would have felt duty bound to have rejected the recommendation.Howwever, com- ing this way I am not even; accorded that opportunity. , Mr. Gilbert E. Fauquier is a member of the Executive Committee . of the Provincial Council for Ontario and a former President of the Council itself. Ile is also a member of the Executive committee of the Canadian' General Council and devotes -his special atten- tion to the. work of the Committee -on Scout Supplies. Through his 'efforts Scouting in Canada bas now one of tele finest stores departments to be found anywhere, giving a service which has won for itthe praise of -Scouts and Scout leaders from; allover the Do-_ nlin.on! Dr, James V. Robertson is Canada's Chief Scout Coimnissioner. Sir Robert presented him with the Silver Wolf at an assemblyof Scouts inOttawa on Saturday, March 31st During, the pro- ceedings someone in the vast audience called for cheers for Dr. Robertson and. the- response was immediate and long and lusty, as ' only a thousand boyish voices can, make it. Before the applause had subsided, Sir Robert took off his. own Silver Wolf and placed it around: the doctor''s neck=* an action which was but a signal for ain even greater demonstration in re- cognition -of the wonderful • services the Chief Commissioner has given to Scouting in Canada, The Garden War. When Spring to garden b wa' slowly Y Y's . y came, It seemed a breath 'from off warm southern leas, Touching the tulips and their cups of flame, - With lovely ;languor nodded in the breeze. The blossoms drifted` from the or- chard trees, While crocus scarred the sward on sunny slopes,, And daffodils that topped the grassy seas Seemed heralds of the s'eason's splen- did 'hopes. 7:lzere came a cold wind from the northern :hills, Sullen at dispossession from his base, Railing at these new. tenants', he til- stills A vs,g,ae alarm about the flowered place. nlieard their pleas for fiirthei^ days of grace; `TIt, Sy, dope to r irculuvent hini by a ruse, deid so „,.to gailt a little •breathing space, n 4J i , . irce,:'Ringsits' ..,,tctlilGss fta,g. +?f truce. ham-' J1:orr,ac 3. S4lurra-y. • eese et..:5.•. ifyou roll your OWTL, asfor PL1 (gU7 Freon lobo:) EA LTH J A'IN BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON • Provincial Board of Health, Ontario Dr. 1liddlieton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health mat. tern' through this column, Address him at Spading House, Bpadina Crescent, Toronto. A striking statement --one that pro- subject of Child Welfare appears to vides food for thought—was made ,be much in evidence in high places. recently, by Rev. Dr. E. I. Hart, pastor Up till a very few year ago the of Sherbrooke Street Methodist Dominion Government had not voted Church,Montreal. In referringto anymoneyat all for the great work the hih rate of infant mortaliin 'of hild ygiene, and yet honey was Quebec e� breeds of cattle, b c as ' compared withNew York voted to improve the @, ! p o :Thou - said a• uevenchickens. T 0 o to and:other cities,Dr. 'Hart • sheep, pigs and said: that babies do not inerest some sands of dollars were spent annually types of politicians, because the babies have no votes. Can this be true? Is it a fact that there are to -day politicians in the public life of Canada who care not for the welfare of those who have not a best settler this or any country can vote to cast at an election? It is hard hope to have—tlienative-born child. to think that such a state of affairs All over this province at the present Could , exist, and yet indifference to the time there is a crying need for child welfare l - work. The infant mortalit vo Y in many sections of this province is deplorably high -in one or two places it has mounted up to over 200 deaths per 1,000 births. Just :think what this, means! Two babies out of every ten born never reach the first year of life, a b S, methinm must be done•.ta reduce 'this awful wastage of human life, for it can be reduced. It hasbeen•. reduced in othercountries, it can be reduced in Canada. Public Health Education is gradually forging its way .into the homes and hearts of the people, for it is only by education thatrthe people can know how to reduce the death rate among infants, how they can have thelarge percentage of physical de- fects corrected in young children, thus paving the way for a healthier man- hood andwomanhood in the genera- tions to come. The principles of hy- giene must be taught in 'the home, in the schools, .in the lecture hall—any- where that people can hear. The com- munity nurse, the public lecture, the inovhigpicture, the Child Welfare Clinic, the -health article in the news paper, the display poster in, pointing out the way to health—all must be commandeered and put into active service if a real effectivecam- paign for child welfare is to hope for success. in bringing emigrants to this coun- try from Central Europe, many of whom were not the most desirable e was and yet not a penny w s voted for the care and improvement of the everyi.,or Iraq habit to,shinewith Shoe Polls es TN hours of hard, hot toil- you are paying for it ---in health -in time stolen from pleasanter things— In the' Walker Electric. Dishwasher, an entire day's dishes are washed, :rinsed, sterilized and dried in less than ten minutes. Is it economy to spend hours doing what the Walker does in minutes and, does : better than -hands; "The machin© thet'o Can do it ?.. more, careful than honde." And., there's no breakage -- no muss' - no wet ' , hands --no shat- tered nerves: T h e Walker avoids all ofithat. See it demon- aerated-, today. • lel.-z'eFICnxe y. , DIS ASEEn Hurley Machine Co. 1-ImIt©d."• 66 Temperance St. w f pro to mI C. D. of Thornhill asks what is the, cause of shingles. There are many causes, some of which are tuberculosis of the lungs, the internal use of arsenic, cold, de- bility, and in women, pregnancy. Apart from,the conditions just named, the disease may.: be symptomatic of various affections of the nervous sys tem such as general paralysis of the. insane, tabes dorsalis, meningitis, etc. Oftentimes there is no apparent cause for this disease. - Early symptosis are shivering, slight fever and pain in •the area sup- plied by the nerve roots involved: Keep up the body ne@slstance to dis- ease, and 'the general b lth,good. As for .specific treatment the pa- tient should consult his doctor. , Our aim in this column is the prevention of . disease rather than its cure. Not Complaining, stood o Thea:boy ..toad o6. the burning deck, • Whence an but• he had fled; 'With coal and ,wood -so high, this suits Me pretty well,"',lie Baia. not e It she bshould l solely 9 o a .eft tolaW- yers to work with , a will. Promise is good; intention is bet- ter; performance is best.: tdinrord'a 'Liniment 'feed by Ph e lctatta.� EASY TRICKS The Sagacious Card The Shape of the Earth. A .French-s'aten,tist finds in tb,e great depths of the Arctic Ocean an area- a I meat tending to. show .that the• earth is ;'slightly . topshapod, the protuberance corresponding to the poizit of tt-e top being at the South Pole. This, he. thinks,' would explain _the- different re - salts ' arrived at by the various mea- surements of astronomers and geo- detists. The differences are very aurall in comparison with .the entire bulk of the globe, yet'' they are readily. appreciable, and op.0 of the ' explana- tions -that xplanations-that' has been suggested for them is that the, earth is tetrahedral in form. ;But the Frenchman thinks the topshlape theory ,is: preferable. The fact that to an eye lookiag•at the earth. from a point in space it would not sensibly d'iffei' in appearance from a true sphere shows chow refined; are the Methods of science which enable men livingn the surface -of the . lob to q u globe detect variations .. in its • general con- tour. Tell, your friends that in the play Ing cora World, the, jolter is a nate ural ,detective., Prove it in:.'this IN THE SPRINGTIME manner; Ask a5pectator to select any card from the Pack, 19 look at It and to place iton'the `op of the pack. Ask him to cut title`' cards wherever he likes and to' put.. the lower cut on the upper. Ask, him to do this sev- eral times Until he himself does 'not know where the card he select- ed istobeEotrnd:' ' Explain- that. you will ask the. joker, to disclose the identity of the selected card. Look through the pack,''fincl, the, joker and hold It to. yonr ear, pretendingthat the card is whispering to you. ` Ah!' Thea joker, says that you selected the ten of diamonds:'. That... is correct., The 'secret is simple. Observe the bottom card of the pack. The' spectator puts his card on the Cop,. When the cards are crit, the card youit observed will precede: the selected one. No mat- ter how many times the cards are cut the two cards will be in that relation to each other. When you. look through the pack for the joker, look card for the you observed. The following card will be the selected one and you are ready for: the finish of the trick. (Qiip;this out and paste it, with others 01 the series, in a scrap- book.) �WBLOOD Try Dr..Williams'Pink Pills as a -Blood-Improving, Health - Restoring Tonic. Every reran, woman and child needs new 'rich red blood thistime the ,00datoft e year. ' That is a scientific tact, All doctors know it. The b'l'ood grows thin and poor in the winter; there is not enough.; of it and spring shows the ef- fect. TaIte notice and see how 'many people are pale and sallow at this time of the year. Tlisy,'compitain of being easily tire -d, th'i-ir appetite is poor, and they are "'often -;depressed and loav- sp'irited.' That is mother nature urg- ing them to improve their blood sup- ply; but often their dngesttion is weak- ened so that they cannot turn food into blood without help. Here is where modern medical science comes to the rescue. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have a direct action on ,the blood. and enable you to get full us,e of the blood - making elements in your meals. You 600n.' feel their effect—your appetite improves, your nerves. are .steadier, color, returns' to the cheeks and lips, You : have more vim and energy and can work with less fatigue. The above. statements are borne out by the ex- perience:of Mr. J. P. Greschuk, Janos, Man., who says;:—"Very recently I found myself in a badly run down con- dition. My stomach wasquiteout of:. order; I. could eat but little and,. what I did, eat did not appear to nourish n1e.^ I did not .seem to have enough blood; my hands and legs were blue, and 'I had no strength to work. I tried sev- eral medicines but did not get good re- sults.. Then one day reading our news paper I read about Dr.,Williams' Pink Pills and decided ,to try them. I, used a half dozen boxes, and now I feel web alid..strong, have a good appetite., and can do my work with case. Naturally I have great faith hi this medicine as a blood -making tonic. Whether you: are seriously .ill, or merely feel easily tired' and out -of - sorts, you should try Dr. Williams Pink Pills this spring. They are sold by medicine dealers everywhere, or will be sent by mail at 50 cents a box by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. London Women Serve Writs: In London women are frequently', employed in serving writs. A >pi'etty young woman ' is said to find ddors open to her which to .nearly every other sheriff's officer are stilt .fast, of Ripon."' MONEY ,ORDERS. The safe way to••send money by mall is by Demiriioii Express Money Order, • Below a, tomperatu e of forty de-'', gres the clothes moth loses its vitality and Ceases to feed upon furs, woolens, and so forth. Unless some other safe method of storage is at hand during: the sunitner• months, cold storage for valuable winter wraps is a true economy. Mhiard'c L.tntrnent for sale everywhere Ofthe coast of Japan the sea as ,yellow, and to the west of the (tan ivies it is a"vivid green. So keen is i;he elephant, s sense of. he can scent a li rail sine::, that t i 111 Ue- trig at a distance of 1,000 yard. THANKFUL: MOT. Once a mother has used Baby's,Own Tablets for her little one she would use nothing else. The Tablets give such results that the mother has noth- ing but wards of praise and thankful- ness for theta. Among the thousands of mothers throughout Canada who praise the Tablets is Mrs. David A. -Anderson, New Glasgow, N.S., who writes: -"I have used Baby's „Own Tablets for my- children and from my experience I would not be without Liens,. I would urge every other moth- er x o the Tablets in the er to :deep a o f e >, house," The Tablets are .a mild but. thorougb,..laxative whichi regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach; drive out constipation and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers and make teething easy. They are sold by medicine dealers, or by mail at' 25c a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. The Children's Spring Song. Come with us, and we will lead you. Where the •'kingcup•.amps are gleam- ing. Come 'nwill eel you Com .Kith us,and we speed p theasrnin�': Tn o. silver re To wi dS veers. -d We know where the blackbird nested (We have heard the foolish chiding). We have seen: King -wren, gold-crestect, In his mosebuilt palace hiding. Come with us. for we can tell you• Where' the painted orchids grow. All spring's secrets we can spelt you, For we tracked her, and we know. Come with us, our footsteps follow Through the folded` nrea,dow!-lands, Powdered thiel,_ o'er swell and hollow With the dancing cowslip -bands; All their fragrant tassels shaking Down the sunwarm Selds they flock, Golden keys hung for our taking April's casket to unlock. • Come with us., and we will sha.w- u Where the misted bluebells spreadn Bluebell -seas to overflow you Bluebell -lakes to cool your tread. Where the wild bee sips her chalice, Swinging o'er, that;honeyed tide, To spring's azure-moated palace Let the children be your guide, —Eva Dobell. Adding Insult to 'Injury. . She (con:tenvptuously) — `'You don't know how to love!" He --"Won't you let me practice a bit?„ • e T h greatest of faults is to be con scions of none. . The reason why you don't get on may be because you don't getup. Girls This Ball Outfit and other' Pprizes, ,tor Boys and G1141s, given Tor selling' a few dollars': worth of Government Tested garden seeds at IOc it pkg. We paY.you' cash also, if you w±sh. aow.a.n33-QB.n COT> 1M.BY 6e Bon& Street, Toronto' Send me FREE 30 packages of seeds and booklet of prizes. If I don't sell seeds I will return thetn at your' expense, BOX _ No TOW11, I1re52! Thle F�yes :V are rbbte which arc bright and spnrl:ling. keep your cyan young and bcautiEul tlirouglt the Bailyuaeof Merine: It has,too'd the test of time. At ail dtuggists., foe yow, EYES. t;ica'aa Pioneer Dog,kenteflles Book on nOG DISEASES: and. Prow to Feed Mailed Free to anY Ad- dress by the Author. ST, tdf'y Glover" CO., X"aie. 129 West 24th Stresi New 7erit,, rr, lr+i:;ia.-.,�..w•.::.itt.:�.•Wz4hrN.zt;taW:ri">xie,. 5,. 3 i 98Ufw 4 MRS. J. GIL MARE . DISCUSSES` CASE Despaired of Ever Getting Well, But Tadao Entirely Ended Stomach Trouble, She Declares. . "i was just hopeless of being well again, when along came. Tanaae, pqd to -day I enjoy the best of health, :I wall praise this medicine as long as I I live." This .grateful statement :sus maderecently by Aire. Janet Gilmore, i73 DeGrass3 St, Toronto, Ont. "For seventeen m'ouths I led a miser- able existence with stomach trouble.. I My appetite left me and anyhow I was afraid to eat. Gas on my stomach pressed around my heart kill I thought T would snitother, and my nerves were so excited even the noise of the child- ren playing nearly 'drove :me frantic. I could get no restful sleep and it was next to imposs'ihle for me to do any housework. "Then I started en Tanlac and the, first bottle convinced me I 'had the right medicine, I"now feel like a new person, without a single ailment. Tan- lac has no. equal" Tanlac is' for sale by all good drug- gists. . Over 35 minion bottles sold. A Bohemian glass polisher has coin-. pleted a clock which, with the excep- tion of the spring, is made entirely of glass. H EUMATIS Minard's Liniment is: the old reliable relief for �. Rheumatism: Rub It in to the aching part and you'll see why two. generations have crown,ed"itRing of Pain. Bad vercom a Bade bz aril isi a sign n o$ decayed teeth, foul stomach or unclean bowels." if your teeth are good, look to your digestive organs at once. Get Seigel''s'Curative Syrup at druggists. tsts. 15toSQdro after go r vocals c P lean u your , passage t and sto. the up breath g ®` snip th odor. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles. Do not buy substitutes. genuine. 6 ov10000�.�o001.111111►1000cpa' Classified Adv prr c4TALOG OF P,I'3Qi ISSa Amateur Playa,; Siietcbe 2, instrel Jokes Ions,; Goods, etc. Fitzg'erci'1 ' g11 f$ Dent. W, l8 Vesey Str'cetr'' T Ayi'►3 `ki,RY KLAN i'' CATALO.. iT ;Pz•ee, All the best varieties, A choice eenrooted stock. Try the 'pl'gpe dorrul QdA,-.strawberry. W. 1. ISfW4t}+i, Icy, strath -Croy, Qnt., Y'' ADIEs WANTI✓`l�--TO tO F> 1 A and imelight sewth g at home, ep1}Alk 9F', spare t;.., good Pa r; work seriit ;,fitly distance; charges paid. "Send stamp�,'y�;' particulars.. National MarntractgritIt Co., Montreal. , Fresh water eels travel 'a distance, equal to a quarter of the earth's-,air- cumferencer about 6;000 males in their lives. heumatic pain. `less every year Sloan's is rapidly malt - g 1' in widespread suffer- - ing from rheumatism a thing' of the past. Millions can testify to the grateful relief it brings. The moment you feel the first twinge of pain -apply Sloan's. Its tingling, pene- trating warmth gives instant:: comfort. Before you'°realize it the pain disappears. Try it -you'll: find many- every, day uses for Sloan's. sn= Canada odeC e Liniment e e its t� m Cllr For rheumatism, bruiws,strains.chestcolds Lydia E.Pini haai's Vegetable pound Brought -Relief 'Whha;t, - ,r, Other Medicines Failed. - Port Mann, 13. C.--"ftool Lydia E. Pin ham'sVegetableCompoundbecause {II t tai I was tired and rune i down. I had head- ach..s and no P e» �..• urte'andwastroiYbe'd for two years with sleeplessness. I tried nd many medicines, but nothing did me any real good. .While I was living in Ws °'.z ington I was recom- mended byastranger to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta, ile Compound. I am stronger and feel" fine since then and am able to do my housework. I am willing for you to tine these facts as a testimonial. "=Mrs. J. C. GanAvns, Port Mann, B. C. Feels New Life and Strengths Keene,N. H.—"I was weak and run- down and had backache and all sorts•nf; troubles which women have. I. found .' great relief when taking Lydia E. Pinks ham's Vegetable Compound and I also used . Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash. I am able to do nay work and feel new life and strength from the Vegeta- ble Compound. I am doing all I van to advertise it."— Mrs. A. P. HAMMONO, 72 Carpenter Street, Keene, N.H. Sick and ailing women everywhere in the Dominion should try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. 0 Kelp Your Hands Soft and White With Cutieura The daily use of the Soap, with occasional touches of the Ointment, is very effective for, keeping the, hands soft and smooth. ` For red, rough or sore hands: On retiring bsthein hot writer and Cuticura Soap, dry, and rub in Cuticura Ointment. Soap 25e. Ointment 23 ana 50c. Talcum 23e. Sold throughout theDominion. CanadianDepot Lye,aaa, Limited, 344 St. Pant St., W., Montreal. �" *"Cul eura.Soap shaven without mug. UNLESS you see the name "Bayer"' on tablets, you i are not getting Aspirin 11 at all Accept only all "unbroken • package" of "Bayer 'i'abiets of r s . Aspirin,"which contains directions and dose worked otrt by j3 y h sidians during 22yearsp and roved safe lig millions for n.% -e Rheumatism Colds t-leaclach i Neuralgia . Neuritis Toothache e N g Earache Pain, Pain Hand.v . "Bayer" 'boxes of 12 teblet,s -• A.lse bottles of 24 clad 100— Drur isteo _i r x tf�K t r C4To As irin is^ttt undo nt sic (rCglsl. TIi. to is n'Y i.)., ,t. 3n.1.. „i. ,, t , v tr. o a p 2 n t,. _i yr ktv-50 iliac Avr i fl "Calfs it tt some sett tc 71:.. ea..tee e or : aiv .� a .11 - ! 1 r xn:tnut'ctt C, to :;:Saint Che »Itttc, :i.>`;att St Ii;tiT.tt to «G tee C �a,-u , s J3 ay`t=1 C`utn}i:':n} `will he stamped with thei44t rra,l trade 5rtasl�, t1;c 1 n; v `'?- r,s",.: