HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-4-19, Page 17dtkIrl,), Vfie„prnireig,7,,WrirkW,A, •,t: •••(••••.li(1., "tttt, FIFTY-FIRST, YEAR No, 2556 EXETER, 01.'C' T.; T. PULTSD„../Y V10 IINING, APRIL 19th., 1923 itt:eeirtiit.r.:r•rteat:'''-'',.astirtt'i'it'', • . • , • ' eter Qn Dt)llar Days a • ' rticipate in the Many Dollar Saving Opportunities,. This is youlchance to save Mony. ' .• 11,11111111111111111111111111111,1j1IIIIIII!,11111111illiiiiii111111116111111111111j111111111111i11111111111111,1111111111111,1111111i1.111.1111iiiiiiiiiiiiliiiii-....-117: • . , muse oaaa• {P.M, ,C01•••• CettonSpool, • ' ' ' 4 for 25c' ', •= 34 in. Factbry Cotton. 15c, 7 yards for $1.09 = 36 in. Factory Cotton, 19c yard';' • = 4.0 in. Factory, regularly 30c yard fol. 23c •= White Cotton and Cambric 36 in. wide 22c yard = 36 in. White Flannelette reg. 30c Ifor 23c yard' • Heavy Black Rockiest Shirting 32c yard; • • Anderson's 32 in. Scotch Ginghanas reg 45:e • for 39c yard • Light Colored Prints 22e yard = 40 and 42 in. Circular Pillow Cotton, 60e. , =• quality fOr 49c yard = Heavy Bleached Sheeting 59c yard Pure Linen Dish. Towelling, 35c quality for 29c yard - Pure Linen Crash Towelling 19c yard Pure Linen Table Cloths (6 only) $3.95 each' LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR 20th and 21st 2 Days of Real Bargains Read this 1)artia1 List Carefully here are Dozens more Bargains COTTON • " DRESS GOODS =Venus Silk Hosiery, all colors, rg. $1.75 pair at $1.49 pair • ' Burritt's Silk Hosiery, black only, reg $1.25 for 98c pair. = 25 doz. Ladies'. Black Cotton Hose at 25c pair - Ladies' Brassieres • 25c each - Corsets . •at $1.00 Pair = Ladies' Summer Vests, •reg 35c for • 29c • • Ladies' Bloomers • . • 42e pair •= Children's Summer Vests and Drawers 25c gar. Children's White Lisle Hose, sizes 4 to 10 at = 39c pa,ir Ladies' White and Black Silk Gloves, reg $1.25 • =1 • for 79c pair • Ladies' Silk Gloves, Sand, Grey, etc. in Cuff •Style, Regular $2.25 for $1.79 pair in. Homespuus •98c yard - - 54 in. Heavy Dress Flannel, all popular, olors, •$1.95 yard:„• Black Pailette Dress Silk, one web onlya„ • '• at $1.59 yard,•• • ':1 Bonnett's Black Taffeta Silk, guaran- teed for 1 year, reg $3.00 yd for $2.69 yd. . • = 1 Web Heav3r Black Duchess Silk, reg. $3.00 Yd. •• for $2.69 yard • . = Web each Navy and Black 54 in.- Serge, reg.. • $2.00 yard for $1.39 •yard 2 Webs beautiful quality Raw Silk, natural color reg $1.25 yard for 98c yard •= 1 Web each -Wine and Coen shades Wool Serge; 40 in. wide, reg $1.00 yard for 79c yard • 4 Webs Fancy Cotton Voile at 23c rad Odd Dress goods - ••25c- yard -. • Ladies Fancy Hdfs. reg up to 3.0c •to clear at •, 20c 2 for 35c Hundreds of 'Silk Remnants 'must go MEN'S WEAR Men's White Cambric Hdfs. 35e quality clearing • at 4for $1.00 • Ties up to $1.00, at • 65c, 2 for $1.25 85e Silk and Wool Socks at 65c pair, 2 for $1.25 $1.25 Work Shirts for 98c W s:WNW mama twoltiM &Isom team Seam', f.,.,••••• tam▪ s muraucaolkatm"'"T''''''''''''n..P.t=mzusrtanzwzrgx mrnamtrzite ,t7z2g,,,,,Aitpartststtit4.1pyami.,-,,t,watzt=svrAttremz: t., d %.gialaiaakato *AIMItft4 ,,2,,,V,ifF45M1420:11.7agYani • D ,‘ ay Merchants • THE FOLLOWING DOLLR-DAY IVIERCHANTS WILL GIVE •SPECIAL DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY “" OF THIS WEK, APRIL 20th AND 21st: A..41)01-ZDVER''THE'DIF- gERENT- ,,ADVTS.:' THAT. APPEAR. LOOT( FOR ,TILE STORES WITH TI -IE pAY PEN- ' NANTS.„ THEY WILL HAVE SPECIAL; DOLLAR' DAY- BARGAINS. Miss Armstrong • ‘ S. 'Martin & Son B. W. F. 13eaver3 • W.: J. Beer ' • 3. W. Powell Brow-ning'S-Drugstore R.: N. •Rowe W. 5., Cole • •, • Sontlicott Bros.: Grigg's Stationary Store J. A. Stewart arvey 86 HarvY, • Rivers' Meat 'Market Geti`ta, Hawkins -a.• •-W. W. Tainan • W.' J. Pleaman • - Mrs W I) Yeo W. S. I -Towey •Miss Yelland Jones & May- • • EXETER' COUNCIL • 1.1NS44. SPRING snow Monday, 'April 97 19••?.. Regular session of the, sumnicipal council, all the membeasi present.The wrais absent: ▪ • Correspondence, read as follows- ' Circular letter frOn, the chairman of the Northern OUturid Nrc. Relief Ciemmittee re sulscr1iption. H.‘.11,c1 over. Letter from tha Bn:111 Engine Ot/Y,i Seaferth, re Toad geadersi ,and Water and pit. • A petition wiats" •receivad anal read front the owiners of farmlands, to haVe same: detached froan the municipalty, and annex -ed tio the7ewasinps of Sue- phea and Hay. 1etitioi iLcd. _ Andrew Frackney complained of haingWater In his cellar. Cemnission- er l3issett reported having examined 111e, street drain and. foitad same arork - jng .satisfactortily. • •• Sey,aral, treks haviiig'41tfien.tut down, tiioin 'alerra •the strelet't-- witho(nt getting permisS•ion, eitaz,ens are warn, ed thatthis isagaiost the, :Village By - Law, and any persooldoing 'sib, is to be fined. • Ctizens• are also, wanded that here- after all dogs and chicken's are to ciDai securely housed ancg are tot to rtfa. at large. Owners of dos should see that 'their dlOg is weiring h 1923 dog t.g, the same to the, securely fastened t5 the, dog collar, and warn at times; a (dog found . without a 1923 clog tag the owtner is subject .to a suininiona before, a inagisitratle. The report at the chairman of •the •Board of Health, Mn C. 1-.I. Sande,rs, for 1922 was read and •acepteti,on mlotion .01 EllermIgtou and 1 rancts. •-The "following accounIts were order- ed paid --Cecil Ford; Work cemetery 3.0; Nlson. Vale„ ditto, 2.00; R. Mc- Kenzie & Son, slaplies, c•emetery 339 Tones & May, -supplies library L50 passed on motion.ofsHouioiodrperoltenirkdDavis Jos. Fine Print Shirts $1.15 or 2 for '$2.25 • 100 Boys' Work Shirts 65c, 2 for $1.25 Men's Balbriggan nnderwear 90c quality for 75c Stanfield's Fine 'Wool and Cotton underwear ••• $2.00 qualityfor $1.49 a garment. 13Iack Cashmere Socks, • • 49c pair • Woe). Skirts many less than half price Starched Collars, reg 25c for • 19c, - = Ladies' House Dresses Reg. • $2.00 for $1.49 Work Socks - • •25c pair All Dinner Sets 15 per cent off Ladies' Suits, Coats ,and Presses for Spring • 10 percent off • "--1 iiderful Values in Shoes • welt Shoes @ $4.50 -toe best Goodyear Boot. z Rubber work_Boot, 98 R1- Rubber Bootg,..@ $4.50; White Sole Men's 85 0.. Ladies, Ru e * $ 2.2755 mens fine round dhilaonmsews @ 8 Boots @' •s $3. bb r Boots @ $3.25; 15 -vvory_Boots $3,9 60 'Pin s if Shoes $3. Fine Two-tone Slippers @ $3.98 30 pair odd sizes reg $6.00 @ $2.50 • $5.00 I -Cil or Patent Slippers @ • $3.75 = Shoes a • You • Men's = Ca best = -•Wiqn'S @ welt 30 $ 5 . 00 Goodyear Also many lines of Childreri's Slippers and Shoes Brown; pair Canvass House Slippers @ • $1.25 ANDREW HICKS DENOUNCES PRENEBER DRURY Andrew Hicks, member for South Huron in the Provincial HouSe and U. F. 0. whip, created a sensation in the province on Wednesday,, when he declared that he could no longer follow Premier Drury and lie chrg- =- with the Liberal party for a fusion. = Mr. Hicks' speech sPrung the great- •-".'•-- est sensation that has been created = in the House or the province in polits ical circles in many years. Both =Premier Drury and Wellington Hay WAS GRAND SUCCESS • • The spring show held in Hensa,11 on Friday of last week was among the best that ,has beeu held by the •society. The different classes were • fairly well represented and the qual- ity of the animals shown were of ex- ceptional merit.' The rair was held on the Main Street and the thorough- fare was lined with interested spec- tators. The weather was a little chil- ly for standing around. One •df the special features was the boY's judg- ing competition and the boys gave a gciod account of themselves. Mr. J. Young's turaout, consisting of Eng- lish outfit and high steping hack- ney was admired by all. .• Following were the prize winner: •• HORSES Clydesdale salllon-Robt. Mur dock, John Miller. Pereheron sta11ion2-H. C. Soldan, ist and 2,fid. Standard bred. stallion.- J. Decker Jr ; T. Murdock; J. Decker Jr. Heavy draft team -7 -Fred Ellering- ton. 1-Ica,ivy draft 37year-old-WM. Mc- Alister & Son; Heavy draft 2 -year -old -Alex. Bu- chanan, lst and 2nd. Agricultural team -John Row- cliffe, Geo. Anslow. • Agricultural 3-year:old-- H. Soldan, Earl Sroat. • Agficultural • 2 -year-old- H. C. Soldan, Win. Alexander. Heavy draft or Agricultural colt -- Win. McAlister & Son. . • • General purpose team -Wm. Ded ker, Wm. Patrick. • Carriage team -A. Rowcliffe, 2nd. ingle ca,rriaKe horse -J. A. Man- son & Son, Wm. Hyde. Roadster team -Geo. Tlaquipson, •Decker. •• Single roaster-Robt. McLaren, A. B. Bell, Geo. ArkseY. • Jos. Burnie's special for bdst clyd- , esclale mare or gelding-Donacl d the- latter with having -dickered R111:13's' ,•••••• Do You Wear Empress Slippers „ 1.ader of the .Liberal.party, have de- -- ' . . ‘• = nied. ever having 'dickered for a fus7 = sop ijer .pair reduction off all our Stock of new Empreas Slippers for Spring. Don't 'Miss this • = ion. As a 'result Of the charges, the Chance.' Premier has decided to go . to the .•• • • - ktit23ZF4I10;EFIVILMV)Wrgl ' • • .• - • people and on hY), tine , lap • - • ben set as election day. !we. 10 per cent. on Clothing' 4•11....•04 • 10%discrint on all Men'Z and Boys' Suits andCoats on $ days• ta, Special Tweed Rain Coats @ 8750; Blue Overalls $1.85; Odd Tweed Hats @ $1.25 • • PHONE 82 Grocery Specials Palmolive Soap 3 for 23c; Jelly Powders 3 for 23c; Lemon; Opera, or Peroxide Toilet Soap 4 for 25c; Lennox Soap 5 bars for $1.00; Prunes 2 /1.)s, for 29e; Matches 3 boxes 35e; •Salmon Ib tins 2 for 25c. Roam olti Sunday, April 22nd, at 615 = bniAtyllatOredlinvtiFtee'llcoiw'Isa mdMotEtxue•tteitrhaeneittifodvdfico7- . , pin., for the patiPOsfei of att , ., dvine, worship in fames, St. 'Methodist ,...=.. hUrch. Caution No 1, Lonclon. wi I march With the lecal brethren. . ___-......----..., aa, room ma* The Premier Quartette of Victoria •= College, will give an stertainment = iu lames Stchurch iPridear, APO - 27th T1I6 Quartette is woll balan- • ced and are highly spoken of. They were at, Oshawa four times within = a year. The St. Marys Journal -Ar- gus says "The concert was a whirl- PHONE 32 111111111311111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111rN 'wind' from beginning to end." Dr, A new' became a favorite with the Audience in his lintnorous readingS. The monologues by 1VIr. Ca,yley 4io , . • „. „ . . - S. Young's special for lest light horse in harness -J. Young. Owen Geiger's.- special for best Clydesdale stallion-Robt. Murdock, a,nd for best" Percheron stallion -H. C. Soldan. Wm. Stone's special for best Stan- dard bred stallion -John Decker Jr. E. Rannie's special fo,,est Agri- cultural team ---John Rowcliffe. Judge -Dr. N. E. Baker, TorontO. Aged bull, Donald Park; Ahi-deen Angus Bull, .Robt. Mc- Laren. Shorthorn Bull, Donald. Park; Shorthorn Cow, lst and 2nd, N. Pepper, • • Shorthorn hefer, John Elder lst and 2nd,, • , , Butcher'S steer O?\•heifer, Geo. In- ,. A Silver Cup, donated by Dr. Peck fey best Shorthorn. Female, Wm. T. W. Parlmer & Son speCial for host Shorthorn bull. DOnald. Park, , • Hy, ,Smith, Hay, Judge. Boys' judging cOmpetitien- id Wm. • Taylor; 2nd, Gorden Elliott; 3r1, John Pepper; 4th, Allan Soldan 5th, Foster Ingrain; 6th, Casey Hud- son. I ' 25 CANS LOWE BROS. PAINT, ODD COLORS 55c per pint and $1.00 per quart. Oa I ct r Dav stA, pecihJ 0111117,1-ir or :Resg.1111a,1$r19P5ri5ce • IftfiDEMAlia AttimINuM FOR ONLY WEAR-EVEA' This handy Sauce Pan with cover can be used every day for stewing meats and vegetables. , i!•-• Alliminum utensils are NOT all the same. "WEAR -EVER" uteniz--r" sils save food and fuel. They give you years of faithful, enduring service long after other utensils are worn out and disca.rded. •"v•e: SEE. tlie difference -FEEL the clifferenoe-KNOW the differ- nce,. between ordinary utensils and "WEAR -EVER." Replace utensils that wear out, • 'With utensils that WEAR -EVER DOLLAR DAY'S • Low prices for DOLLAR DAYS prices on Ga,lva- Galvanized Pails, ized Tubs: No. 1, . •• Extra, good value, $1.35; 40c 45c 50c, 65e 1414._11 • No. g, $160. • . , „ 100iRolls of roofing at $1.90, $2.50, $2.75,$4. and $5. BIRD'S P.A.ROID ROOFING- LASTS LONGER. rface 11 t- ar=e1=1. LOWE BROS. HIGH STANDARD PAINT • covers more • 75c,' $1.40, $2.65 and $,00., TiONWE BROS. MELLOTONE Flat Finish Paint 75c, $146, $2.65 and $5.00. Johnston's Floor Wax 35 and 75e Colorite 25c anin's "..‘:•4; • '"'N'ettn,Wergi''' T.FiSt1".; ;41'44, re,t, .1".¢1,647.0.1Mralr11.51:_11SGRICNO,==.111AVE.Z. ,PESIMMIL We haire a large stock of Specially_Selected field seeds of high ger- mination and government standard quality for sale. Our Stock Consists as follows: - NO. 1' RED CLOVER, ALSIKE, WHITE AND YELLOW BLOSSOM • SWEET CLOVER; IIIJBAN ANNUAL SWEET CLOVER; ALSIICE AND TIMOTHY MIXED; KENTUCKY BLUE AND ORCHARD GRASS; MIL - LETT, ONTARIOGROWN AD IMPORTED TIMOTHY SETS.D. WIT agip.,SE)pl) BEANS SEED CORN soRoaum ••mANGEL AND TURNIP SEED • LAWN GRASS, • GARDEN SEEDS, ETC. We have a, limited quantity of Ontario grown Variegated Alfalfa Seed, No. 1 Quality". This is one of the Most hardy varieties and is part of the production of a field that has grown seed for ten consecutive years. This leaves it thoroughly climatized. Anyone intending to SOW a field of this variety should place their order early. We have also a stook of No. 1, American. grown Alfalfa a hardy variety that in previous years has proven successful here. Our price. $1.00 per bus. WE ARE 131.1XERS OF BEANS, CLOVER AND TEN/'1'1-1Y SEED, HIGHDST MARKET PRICES. • • DuToI-1 SET ONIONS AND ALL MINDS Or FARM PRODUCTS AT •• WE I-IAVD A LARGE STOuK OF SPRING- MERCI-JANDISE, FOR QUALITY, .A.ND PRIallS ()PR 'VALUES CANNOT BE BEATEN. A REAL GOOD SELECTION IN ALL LINES. A C A.I.t opiciTED, WI! 15 •'Mr. and Mrs. Claris. Teal°, Mrs, "680. Will€21botxml: -11r8- Mo- en' eral ere'latit TCreditoti .,„d 250. . , 4s6 sPecial teatur". TI -11:3 STO.PF, A' 1.;•",