HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-4-12, Page 7-A• Geed Turn 1-ist from Chatham.
, :Boy SC011tS are expected to did at
tenet one -geed turn to emnebedaiOVCT
day. ,
Title is a law 'which is strictly fol-
lowed Oaf hy the boys of the let Chat;
, ham (Rotary (ilub) 'amen, and is
denced by aerepora wilad5h Seoutthaster
Ette.snell compiles at .the end Of every
month, During the month the boys
are askea to write- (Iowa • ay good
turns they rata. but they must do So
without putting down anrything, which
would identify 'the.in, .as the boYS who
performed the aetions reported. In
. this way the hoys• are not eiicouraged
to boast 'of the leinclnes.Ses they have
A perusal of some of the • "good
turns" clone loy 'the Scouts during a
recent four weeksloeilead as recorded.
by the boys themselvesis interesting,
A. few excerpts follow:
"While cerning along titre street
. •
caw a smell boy crying and. u.pon ask-
ing him the reason „found out that he
had dropped five cents and Pallid not
find it. After sifting the- snow far
seine (Instance around I found the
nickle and had'the pleasure of seeing
laim smileAgain and go off thappYl"
"Coming home. from Sunday eel -I -obi
I picked ui.) a Salvation ,Arniy: church
envelope containing twenty-five .cent.
l'took it to the I-Iostel on Monday."
"The man, living next doer to where
I live is 'very sick and so 1 chopped
the woad for )aim." ,
"Cooling boom frbm echo.ol , I saw
,ecime boys throwing snowballs at -a
little blaY 'about 'five years. I ran
aeross the street and slii•eitled h•im
from the snow loans."
"'Walking down_ the street I picked.
•up a bunch Of tickets for the Harpist
eoncert. I remembered that two girls
In our sebbol had Dome to sell, so 1
asked them if 'they hadlest them and
they s,aid they had; so I gave them the
bunch I found."
"Walking across the river I piaked
' up ra new; testament Bible. As •the
mime was inside I was able to return
it to the boy who owned it."
2, "I •saw a Dian -haying cliffibul•t'y in
putting chains,' oa his car. As there
,was nobody to help him 1 offered my
services and helped hint Put thend on."
• "I'aiicked up a daily paper on the
street - that had apparently - been
tarown on sotae verandah by.a news
bey, and had IploWn'away. I enquired
at.the houses , and found. the h.ouse
Where it belonged."'
, • "As mother had, a headia.olte•I cleared
'the supper dishes and washed them."
-.:-;.!-Lipiciced up a broom for. Mrs.
because'Slie Ts -a &ripple and ()Quid not
do it very'well."
I got up early this inornin.g• and
shovelled the snow' off the sidewalks
of the neighbors."
• "A littleboy was coming do -WO the
street crying. .•I•aelead. what he was
erykag, for, 'hitt I didn't seem to under-,
stand what he was saying. I found
out that he was 'lost; and that he liVed
on Grand Atenue east, so,/ took him
to Grand:Avenue' and found bis father
looking .fer hill.'
,Cither Languages.
is it that Wales has so mender -
fully• retained its ancient tengue,
whilst all the oth.er Celti37fringe liang-
nage.s haved,ecayed and almost &sap-
Peared? ". • ' '
But, new that Ireland is a nation, in
fact as well as in theory, and that the
new parliament of the Free State Is
riall.ect the Dail.' Erse, the Tried lang-
taiga may revive, But. it is remark-
able, that only „fouateen per .cent. of
the population of. `Ineland, and these
' residing in. doonaugh•t, can
eaarsh native tongue •
...-tano' may be s.aid to be almost a
/dead 'language. It is, of course, con-
fined to the Highlands of Scotland and
the Hebri•cles, Init of the w•hole p.opula-
ion of NortheBritain only five per
Cola. 'can, converse in Gaelic.
The anoi.ent,M•anx language ..st11.1 sur-
vives in the north-west and western
• eart:s. of the, Isle of Man. The last
par -
eon -who could speak Cornish driedto-
a•rds the end of the eighteenth cen-
tury, and it survives -only in place
names, and internis used by miners
and fishermen. . •
But in Wales the case is wholly alif-
ferent, although its connection with.
'Englanc1,11 as been closerover a longer
period of history than in most of the
ca es! q u o te a. The . Weishas.peaking
proportion el the population ot the
Principality is still about forty-four
per 'cent. and if Monm.ontliehirebe
left out of the reckoning it loorders, on
fifty per cont,
'.P1) a t. C110F., not mean that Welsh is
th,tr only .langtrageof half the people of
Wales., because Wales Is truly a in -lin-
gual cauntry, the great ma-jell-a:a of its
preachers, leeturers, politicians, and
bettereducated clasS,e.s being equal1,y
at home in Wels.b. and English
Provincial geard of Health, Ontario ,
Dr. Middleton will be glad toemsaver queations on Bubile Health mat-
ters through this column. Addresz hint at Spadini% House, Spadini%
Cres•eent, 'rot -onto.
If, the health of the people is to be
maintained, one of the first essentials
is for every 'worker to receive a living
wage, The Ontario Minimum Wage
Board is working towards .thie end,
arid has issued a arge caleridat foi
1923, which sets forth the aims and
objects of the Board, especially as re-
gards women in industry. Some of
the useful information it supplies is
as f 11 :
Old Man Ontario is determined that
none of his daughters shall lacic the
necessities of life—even the ii.sane
arid the criminals are to be fed,' cloth-
ed and housed. And Industry, which
takes the Iife's effort of thensands of
Working women, is commanded to -,do
as much.
The aver4ge income of the Can-
adian people is probably the highest
in the world, Thereels enough to give
everybody fresh air, • shelter, good
food decent clothing and simple com-
forts. The Minimum Wage Law- of
Ontario requires no more.
The right to live includes the right
to earn a living. A woman worker
should be able to pay her way.
If a father gives free board to his
daughter, her employer has no right
to put that gift in his pocket.
The "Pin Money" wage is socially
unhealthful. It robs working women
of their independence and makes some
industries parasitic upon others.
Many working vvoinen are support-
ing others besides themselves. They
cannot stand the competition of girls
who take "pin money" wages.
• Tommy's Definition.
WEIS Tommy's turn to road aloud. Hi
u.rne to tbci sentence, "Siienae reign-
ed in the h-oltse."
'Non'" • said tae teacher,' "can ypp
desicaib e satin Oe "
Toniin tlitiaght for .'a initiate, and
then said, ea,gerly: aYee, teaoher,' I
Yam: it's what you don't hear W,h`ell
you listen,"
You may eensure the 2 milts oi
you have ceased your
Every right-minded employer ap-
proves the minimum wage principle.I
He believes in paying living wages.
• An industrial group 'is an indus-
trial fatmly, The first charge on any
industry should be the snpport of itS
Men are what their mothers melee
them. • Working girls •of to -clay 'are
the mothers of to -morrow.
• Women, for various economic rea-
sons, are the most helpless plass of
workers. No community can afford
to stand aside arid see them exploited.
The business which pays good
wages is the natural enemy of the
business which pays low wages. The
one builds up society; the other de-
grades and destroys society.
• The decent empl°yer deserves pro-
tection against "shyster" competition.
I Minimum -1 wage-levls are hisainapart
Iagainst •unscrupulous wage-cuitting.
A good employee earns and should
get good wages. A good employer de-
serves and should -get loyal 'service.
• All the •better things of life are
built on income as • a house is built
an its foundation. Eealth, intelli-
gence, art, justice and wisdom can
prevail only after physical needs' are
met. Carlyle said "The heart of a
good citizen is -the job." .
To maintain a good standard of
living in a conniamity is to provide
customers for stores and markets for
factories., Too low wages means a
population too poor to }My much and
too iporant to buy wisely.
- Strength.
• My weakness boars before the strength.
sailng-ship withstanding stormy
• IN •111E SPFiNG io.f these:
• seas, •
Rocks withtheir breasts bared to the
breaker's sting,
Tall forests I'Vaiting patiently for
spring; • ,
And his old face that, while daylight
Watches with smiling lips and 'quiet
• --Dorothy C. Cochran.
The Spring Is a time of anxiety to
mothers who have little ones in the
home. Conditions make it necea.sary
to keep the baby indoors. He is often
confined to overheated, bacilY ven.ti-
hated rooms and catehes coade which
raele his whole 03;asitem. To guard
against this a box of Baby's Own Tab-
lets should be kept in the house and
an o-ccastional dose given the baby to
keep Iris atoma,ch and boatels working
regularly. This will prevent colds,
constipation or colic and keep baby
well. The Tablets are sold by medi-
cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a
box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.•
About half of the copper produced
in the World comes from less than a
score of mines. • •'
- •
Minard's Liniment used by Physicians.
• Half Believing., •
-Dra you belierearalt, of all yell hear?"
'No; only half believe all I hear."
• Summer Season,. 1923
A Series pf Attractive C,anadiart Tours
• Leaving June .and- July
The Medi erra•nean, France, Belgium, Holtand,"the Rhine, Switzerland
•and England.
Inclusive Fares providing Ocean Passage, Railway and Steamship
Travel in Europe, Hotels; Sightseeing Drives, Fees, Etc.
Write for Canadian Programme.
a • ,
Steamship Tickets, by All Lines and -Ever Y Facility
for Independent Travel:
— See H
w Easy It Is
sicT1sNe a
.VOU know how easY it is to
put •letters together •ivoct
form words, once' you
have , learned the alphabet.
llo,,ying.a,=inusical iiistrument
15 not very much different.
Cf you long tor e hobby, a
means of self-expression, let
robsic he the new Interest In
your life. If you wish to
• TiPeifl.iY—oc71?outv
citlstueent,• thro ,h
Once yOu learn •the notes, the wonderful home .study
playing melodies och the mandolin, piano .method Of the TJ. S. School .of. Music,
or yionn is shuply 0 matter of putting play in three.rnonths from to-da.V. ,
the notes together Correctly. a
The -first note ''sholv-ii above iS, r• haver:13'uccioanle3 cl0it, tatilclY:u3°nelgter
nitsosl'kctcl fas'if)(10"hetlalve5
-Whether you are ,singIng from Iletee, f%,phd new interest' and eniclyment in
playing the piano or banjo or any oilier
musical instrument, that, note in the ilriee,r41.111g17107 d' .otncl, tplialayvea 111.61'llicatelninwstlidule,
first space is always F. The four notes
indicated are F, ..,. o 3 asy t , others entertain arrl'c longer. You can be
ber, because they spen the NVOrd. "face." the centre 0, attlac Ion, • the talented
Certain strIngs on the mandolin
persOn who o'leiS the audience fascinated.
c •t '1 h ,..
keyq. on ,ttle piano reeresent theseH
same Free oak Paniains New la. ethod. '
notee--and cmce 'you learn tlieln, PlaY- 1,Dvery One who is interested, in 71.1.110i0
ing melodies on the instrument is targe-
ly a matter. of following tile .e notes. houlcr send, at once for our v.alucible
Anyone pan now,learn to pla,y a inns» i'll000mk,e,o.:1‘1,1t,i'liSp31(1,,' opirte-ss-e°..\n-Tslatinns t,:lh''e°uWrpnOdleVrn-
ical, instrument at ' home „without. a .1i , new ,4,„iniiriev Ti,echod 432 Narni-ng
teacher. A .new, simplified , method of
teaching reduces all music to -its .sivrIP" 'ornt. o. bffelt• Inol'iws. .bbe(ingt .nu721e,e °Itaol' , 9nh-ct;srti c -
lest possible :form. 'You can 'now master lovers.
singing, Piano ,1-1111_ey,ing 00 ,a," ,-.11'1112,20:1 Mail this coupon at once for Your
I n s tr u ni en t you Wish 1,-g 0 , ' 4., :io• - -4 . R, es aaber 11 obi ig'a les you 1 ti 1r0
ohicitly 'ea9,11'v- without endle,s:staay copy... . ! , ..ree ,..Thr net
and practice, . . Way whatever—it s 1 . isi t t IoWi
wl.ls'1..mottetv ecloill11)toult.iaTnetisiteo tok 130e -Tails Itioy e 'pill ,a) yoz 1:),..: ri:t.: : 11'1 txt111110,1, 0:f:LI-nP(1P I Ya (3' cir, c se Xs IT) illal itiei C.,....1 ' PO 1 PaSthate
Edt,'011-11,r1.1ili.l.illettavleri tit:5S tpritInIalyet1)11i.irtitilSc ,ildecnIvarnwta,o.y,;,e)..'cl.01._,I :Li'iraere'riBit,..,i'ertiresiviaocknoticidg.i.C.,ticNuletiv•i„, .yinor•-khooclictle:.
. II: S. School of ,M-aialc,
lar hours to regular eitts:As, . You mac- 5804 111. _, , . . .
1106 wheneyer 'you cal), learn as , ouicitly ,• _, _ •
as you please, All the 1 itricato 1MAYs-
method of Onazing •1•111r111(iitY-----"•°11 po ''m i s*1 1 Bid lgoW York City
teriese or music have bee, PecitlOed 15 a ,u, s. sorcaor or mt3.,±0.,
step is nlacle a.s"Cllear as AEC. Thousands 3 -I i tn. 0 i: g„ ,
PPING 11111PURI111ES A -Knight of To,day.
- , , • Sig Walter Instery
DUE TO POOR-BLOOL) tb•6'f'e91..• olf.,009•(1.Q11,0,11/3esS
• • '- contact ,•Wit4 the 'Mud..ciaa'grotind,
, , .
''•• - 'A ewn,his Qloalc' With 'reaainese
A T0,114,I Medicine a Necessity at
• ThiS Season, ,
• Dr, Williams' I1n1c pills are an all-
year-round, tonic tor ,the blood aad
nerves, 13u1. they are eepecially valu-
able in the. spring -when the system Is
loaded vvith- hnpuritles as. a Tesalta of
the indoor life Graeae Winter Months.
There is no, other season when the
blood is so much in need Of,,purifying
and enriching.; and, every dese of these
pills helps te. enrich the blood. In the
spring one feels, weak and. tired—Dr.
"Williams' Pink Pills give strength. In
the spring the appetite is often poor—
Dr. Williams' Pink Pihis develep the
appetite, tone the stomach' • and aid
weak digestion. „. It Is in the spring
that poisons in the blood find an 'out-
let- in disfiguring pimples, •eruptions
and bolls—Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
clear tee skin because they go to the
Toot -of the troUble in 'the blood. In the
spring anaernia,erhenniatism, indiges-
tion, neuralgia and •many other trou-
bles are most persistent because of
poor weak bloeil and it is at this time
Wren -all nature takes or new life that
the blood most serionsly-needs atten-
tion. Some people dose themselves
• with purgatives at' this season, but
these only further weaken themselves.
A purgative merely gallops through
the. system, emptYing the bowels, but
does not help the blood. On the other
hand Dre-Williams' •Pink ,Pills enrich
the blood which reaches every nerve
and every organ in the body, bring
new strength and vigor to weak, easily
tired men, women and children. Try
Dr. Wihiiams Pink Pills this .spring—
they will not disappoint you.
Sold by all medicine dealers or sent
by mail at 50' cents. a 'hex by The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
have already learned to flirty, their fay- •please send me your tree boolc,
orite musical.. thstraroent,,, this oplenii1(1 ' music Lessons in Your Own'T-T.emc,"
tleW, quick '
•, and nartioulars of ybur 130coial offer,
1 viin inferes1ecl, In the "'following
LWEA.R.17 .ro vLAY' Ain',
IVItuulolin , Saiapheue
tlrunis and Piano, ' ,'•
Trail?:• Organ
ErtirialOn3i mut Violin
ColnPeraition. Banjo •-
iiiight Singing' Clarinet
ISkatlelo , rirkto
riccolo . Mara)
Vrroutberie Cornet
Oratrelleat 1Ceilo
Steol. quAtn.t. (4a/ter
'vowel end Speech Otattro
Automatic Zinser Central
• Sr'o ti Can
.8 t 3115311 e n
. 14 0 70 tat a
..arom 'Today,
le YOIL are
„ilissatis 11 e 6
with .y'o u
r e 11 0 is t
me orb,Het
meSle act da
sloras 1111,6 a kb
new ciareet,
t..)117 lnetritment or Covoq20)
(I`luase 11 Il1,
.-A fe14,
Music Must `Be'Macle to Ap-
peal to Three Classes.
In all high s,clioels the students, both
boys and are divid.ed into three
general, groups: •
L•Thaise who poseese :distinct in-
terest 'and, capacity" in musical accom-
plishment. •
2. Those wile. possess distinct in-
terest and eapacity„ mu.sical appre-
,ciati•oe, but •ciailyea, Moderate. interest'
or capacity for musical accomplish-
3. Those wird possess no interest or
capacity for musical appreciation'.
" It is readily s,ee-n that there eau be
,no well 'defined line of demarkation
between. greups, two and one or two
and three, and that students may, and
.should; pass readily- from one ,group
lute the -next, ,Any mus•iic curriculum
-which even approaches the ideal Is one
.tharinakes"ade"afe: prov-isiOn for ad
three „groups' of,'studhts•
futilre frnist
find it Poisible'te- Carry' pa their inten-
sive ' "study of musie during ',the 'four
years of high school. •
Thi -larger group who, in tire future,
will .malte 'up the ranks, of amateur
nra,s:icici•ns,: and apprectative' listeners,
'the. /non and woMen who will so full)'
and _willingly support the symPhony
oraies,traS and.' (Ater worthy nnisical
"enterprise -s, must' have their intereet
sustained, their musical knowledge
'broadened and their musical tastes
and habits forMeicE during the.rnost
torma;tive years;vof their lives.: The
'third gronp who, tIP to the high Sphool
age, laaVe evinced Vie if any intereat
musie,' must lie led to ,realie.wha.t
a sociatlising forde music is, and what
an impoftant place- "opcupy; in
the worthy use of rleisure time.
- •
On a Calerialar.
On a desk tire calendar
With its figures set in rows, .
Prosy as all figures, are,
Not a sign of romance shows;
Yet who reads between the lines.
Sees,•all sorts of hopeful signe--
Sees arbutus trall•and twine
Through the trellised digits dun,
Sees the winter peak and pine'
When we get td
Leaving only on shine heads
Certain frosty looking threads,.
To the hopeful something more
• Are •the figures than they seem;
They'ria-the numbers on the dodr
That has screened a cherished
Knock and knopkagaine, �r ring—
"Is she. Yet at home,Misa!S,pringa"
--I-Ma,urice Morrie.
He Failed Again.
Mr. Jones was at a dinner party. 1 -le
eectremely shy an9 rervous, and
Pot her to step on—gone ter 0. -Ye
These dae of chivalry, we say.,
Oaths, , piteous ei'lesh A poor
., 1101'Se ,
Haa fallea in -,the icy street,.
And 'rant this , struggles to arise
good 'inan-,Pasesing .'t f t
Itts auto robe spread on the ground,
And quiel(Ilie.he.ast sure to 'othag found:,
No -bore this litnalole mail
, So swift to minister to. need, • •
But one, .ot nature's, noblemen,
Of gallant heart, he was ;indeed.
Say not the clays of .chivalry
Have Passed tvlien lilve uet,' knights
as he! •
Our Most Powerful Light. '
ahe die:a:very of keraysewas,a luckY
accident. ,Profesesor Rontgen, wh•o has
jus•t clied,, was certainly not searclaing
for them when in 1895 his eyes -forthe
first time b.elaeld a light Tnom 'power-
ful than any ever known b-efore.
He wa.s experimenting in a darken-
ed room with a Crookes' tube, stimu-
lated internally from an imluction coil,
and covered by a sihield or black tiara
board, when he became conscious of a
faint, greenish, fiicketing light on a
pager which he had painted with a
fluorescent chemical preparation. .
,The value of th•is, ray to medicine
has beeil incalculable. Prior to itsdis-
covery the poettion/of an internal in-
jury had to lietguess,ed. at, and (1. -
patient might eri/tin have had to be cut
open so that the surgeon might she
where the tais'ehief lay. .
Now the Rontgemaray can clis.clo.se
the exact position of the broken bone
or foreign matter in tire body.
The rays -have caused the ' death of
many , eine.rimen,ters since their dis-
covery by Rontgen, but, fortunately,
those days are passed, and the X-ray
Is doing ever increasing wenle for the
service of -nian:
A Safe Rule.
Pedestrians, keep to the left. When
the' traffic law requires that motor
driven and horsie-drawn -vehicles keep
on the right on:public highways, pe-
destrians slh.ould always walk on the
left side of the road. In this way the
pedestrian will always face ,the
vehicleswhich travel On his side of
the road. Safety fiTst and aia the time.
Pa Was a Corker.
Father—"Every time you are bad, I
get another gray hair,"
Son—"Well, you must have be,en
corker. Look at grandpa."
Lift Off with Fingers
Doesn't, hurt a bit! Drop a little
"Preezone" on an aching corn, instant-
ly that corn stops limiting, then shortly
you lift it right off with fingers. Truly!
Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of
"Freezone for a few cents, sufficient to
remove every hard corn, soft cern, or
coru between the toes, and the calluses,
without soreness or irritation. •
never coirld summon lip eeilia,e to
speak because he felt his inability torI •
say anything neat..
All tile evening he had been trying
to think of semothing 'nice to 'say -to
his. heat:ass. At last he t•houglat he saw
ili c lance.
"aVhat a small 'appetite yoi
aay, jaaeae 5115 rem arleea, wth a
"To sit next to you," lle l'elnarked
gallantly, "Would eairse any Ma.n to
lose his appetite."
tiow "Ue wenr1,(yro 17115 be wa
n ever asked to tiso 11 oils 0 a gal tr.
Send is Dominion Express Money
Oraer, They ale payable everywhere.
' earliest known alma:Mae eleven.-
ed'otressly to rale -year' of isSue was
priblished• by Rabelais in 1.5`,.1Y....1.
,..f.r.D.narti1s. Lenin -tont for alo ev.ary•are ree•
n short
\Vlie:never you feel that
• tightening -in the chest, 1
- deep-seated irritation 1. lat
is the sure -forerunner of a
chest cold --
Apply ,-;loan's to chest and
neck. 11 breaks up the Con-
estion and brings instant
relie. The penetrating
wavnitil of the, 1inin1<nt
slores normal circulaticna
and red uce8 inflammation.
Don' t let ytiur chest cold
develop.• WIlerevc'..i.:con
gCStit)11. (.011SOS pain ---L1Se' 51110.1' S.
1 'rate in Canaiirl -
Sloan's Linizoont-Ati. s 0117
Vorrborimahrun,braisra, 1(1101(110011'0155
ISSUE N '22.
Spent Lots of Mcney, But
Wife Got No Better Until
Tanlac Ended Stomach
lever San' sugh'a `change, as. Tan -
ias made in my wife and 'ehe says,
[she to teeing like a girl of. sixteen
11,•0AV dee aied Harold Williams a
well-knowa shoemaker of 23 Cornwall
Ste Toronto, Ont., reeently,
"For years, she was no weak:and ran-;
down I often_ thought she would all ii
her araeks. Nearly everything she ate
disagreed with her and at times she
was simply in agony. Her n.eryes
were so unstrima the least little thing
would Worry and upeet,her for hours
and 'she could scarcely get any sleep;
"Well, .after Spending hundreds of
dollars on different medicines, I didn't
have much hope that Taniac would'
help her, but, its a lant, when he
finished the t•reatmentr every ailment
was gone. That was several months
ago and since than her health has been
splendid. Hereafter we will alWays
pin eur faith, to Tertian."
• 'remise is for sale by all good drug;
gists. Over 35 million bottles sold.
Shark -Proof Basins at Aus-
tralian 'Beaches.
The prevalence,of man-eating sharks
i11 the bathing waters along Australia's
coast has stirred various munteripal
bodies aie.ar the infested reg.ons to
take active measures against thisrdan-
ger. Goag.eo, i11 particular; one of the.;
most popular beaches in New •South
Wales, has been the scene of a num-
ber of tragedies in which? sharks 'made
suecessful 'raids upon the bathe.rs. To
prevent a repetition of such disasters,
the towne council'at .that point is now
making a bold attempt to fence in the
.entire bay with steel nets, which will
be carried on hawsers.
An Indian" named, Man -Afraid -of -
Nothing married- a,- woman in Mon-
tana not long age. One 'week after
the -wedding he applied to his tribe to
have his name changed.
Place P, piece of cotton wool
saturated wl.th Minaret's imthe
',eaVit'-y. Acts as to'edunter ithi»
-tant. andgiyes cnti.olv relief.
Min At*
Goods c t1irke1.0,14
Popt, '1" 8 P0555
e beat -
Itoicc aepprOoted stool, To;
011111 tritwberry,
Stratliroy, Orit.
}ABP.8.1.1tS AXql.)
(111..A.T,r1 A, 51
V)• 0110liara Incuba I.V.14tripilmtatOra,
apply lIfalnaoa ("Jainpbell, Chpipapalikprat„.
IuxEma 8'TubrQs 1zA.ItEiRp
deS).gliel'S of flne7t.'ataine6 linag
,aludows. 102 • 'Parliament Street,g
• opeless.
"Wh 'your- hopes • for the
future?" asked the Selenip man.
• PI have none just now," replied the
youth,. "To-ni.orraw is rity girl's birth:
• day a.nd I am averryiagatidont the pre-
Pimples Disappear /
4'You don't need mercury, potash
ocru anypionithperesstcroaluVseminyooerapltor
blood. Take Extract of Roots—
dru ' 1 c II 't "Mother ,Seigel'
Curative Syrup—and your skin will
clear up as fresh as a baby's, It
• *ill sweeten your stomach and
• JgAeetgntiduiriauntg:: sr. yt5oo°ruecrs..ba no dw ;Ils :'°' ° BG: tt t It ehseS. .
Lt ' ..5 ' ' ' ' s
. WIGH;117,
1' IT
WRITE TOR FREE ETU CAP.! 0001C.1.1[111,11,1U 00-CIIICAG0.1/4).€-
Aiuorioa's Pioneer Inoi'nemedies
Booa. on
and How to Feed
maned Free to sow Ad-
dress by the Author.
t. Cla'y Glover Ota.,2ito.
129 West 24t11 Strest
New Tork.
Large and Red. Itched and
Burned. Cuticura Heals.
"My face was itchy and broke out
with large, red pimples. Thea Were
scattered all over my face and itched
and burned so that I scratched which
caused them to grow larger. I could
hardly sleep at night. They were a
seal torture and my face was a sight.
"The trouble lasted about three
months. I began using Cuticura
• Soap and Ointment and the first
treatment stopped the itching and
after using two cakes of Cuticura
Soap and one box of Cuticura Oint-
ment I was healed." (Signed) Miss
3OT:ariUalri rec. uste purposes. Goulette,e7xi el:c rivaastciRSvhd0. 20:1 :forD109 1.2042 t:er ayBee nor andd'8a6y,
Ample EachTreebY Mail. A ddresa: "Lymana,Liro-
lted, S1,# St. Paul St , W., Montreal." Sold every-
where. Soap 2.6e. Olnnnent2S and50c. Taletun2iic
Cutieura Soap shaves without mug.
WOPeSo Says Mrs. MacPherson of
Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vege-
•' table Compoul-A
Brantford, Ontario.—"I was always
tired and the least exertion would put
me out for a day 91' tV;70. 1 had a
pressing pain on the top of my head,
pain in the nape of my neck, and when,
I stooped over I could not get up with-
out help, beeanse of pain in my baela
did not sleepwell and was nervous
at the least noise. I keep house., but I
was such a wreck that I could not sweep
thefloor nor wash the dishes vidthouty-
ing down afterwards. A friend living -
near me told me what Lydia E. Pink-
ham'sVe ge tabl e Compound had done for
her so I began to take it. With the first
• bottle I felt brighter and got so I could
wash dishes and sweep without having
to lie down. Later I 'became regular
again in my monthly terms. I have
taken ten bottles all told and am now
all better. I can truly, say that your
wonderful medicine cannot be beaten
for putting health and vim into a wo.
309 Greenwich St., Brantford, Ont.
• If you are suffering from a displace-
ment, irregularities, backache, or any
other form of female weakness write
to the Lydia E. Pink -ham Medicine Go.,
Cobourg, Ontario, for Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Private Text -Book upon "Ail-
ments Peculiar to Women." • c
UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tabletsyou
are not getting Asiiirin at all
Accept• only an "unbroken packa?, of "Bayer Tablets
Aspirin," contains' directions p1111 dose worked out t)_.
p1ly5iciah1s dining 22 years and proved sfe hy nlillions for
Colds Rh2umidisni
rloothacile Neu ral curl Lis
Earache 1,1'1111r o'() Pain, Pain
.... .
Ilaudy 'Tioyer7 boxes of 12 tablets—Also 1/ottiek1; 61 24
Arrir in irs (1i,, 1 r rid '0, 'TO i,i. iii it. ' r of;lai,,r0,1 im (7,1v1i1.6"),•ait.,y,,Etyvt.: ,a4. ,I. .tac: tyre nf ,1,,1,n10 -
n r!Vtie,:101.ricq.ito.r er SVIIOXIIVr,ta!,,..i.. -W1111Q 1.. I:, W,v,11,..141400,Aliat- ••oi,,i',Oa. Vo
iv' •
nuanufaciace, a ll.,F,sisf,ila.,:•1011110 itgalsail linitA(1 :!ael' 41)04,,A. Pi 'el' own vant .
0.711,1 be staral,led, Wall th6h. 03111001 (rata, nen Siatrie •i'