HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-4-12, Page 5PION THE ,EX,ET1ER TIME •�11111i11111111M(11111i111�iilllil(�i�lllll1i111111111(111(������l1i11UI111�IIIIIIIIiillll(IIIl111111111�i11(IIIIIf1iIIII1111i11111111II111111111lIIi111111�II11111111f1111111111f111111111111(I(1111I11i II iocasila 1.3.11 Illllllllllllll I IIII I I 111111 ( 1_ 1111111111(I��IIII 1191111�11(Illllllllll Illi VIII !111111 IIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllllllll(IIIIIIIIII1111111,111illllill 111111 t . ,, .i111111111111111!(IIIII. I 1 I _ I IIIL(I 11111111,1111111111111➢1111 fIENSALI j TO TO !et lw • • 0 • • e • r • 0 4111111000011100111810400 Farmmg Extensions probably felt at times' .es', drat a frank dxscussioii Of your Earful 'with some outside „business man-unr,r*udiced,•trustworthy and With a broad Vision -would he of great benefit The local Manager of the Sterling Bank is just such a man. He will gladly help you in many ways. His varied is at your disposal. Have a talk with him -especially if you require funds for. sound farming =tension& OF CANADA SAYE `> cau, e ; =•••i. • 0 • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • 0 i • • • • • • 1<Iis. T. W. Pailmer visited :friends : 'IL isn't the man who smiles tli:at in Clinton on 1Vlonday, counts,.• When evertling,goes dead wrong; Don't forget flee SI>rizzg Show on Nor is it the roan who meets defeat, Friday after iooi next• Singing a gay little song; songa 1VIr. A. Whitesideside was in Go'dericln' The . and t he smile are well the forepart of t1he •weok, worth while, Provided e • v ed ,til y aren't a bluff, Mrs. . A. Coxworth • visited with But here's to the pian vhn friends in•Exeter on. Monday. and singso smiles , IVIr. Ernest Pepper has hired with And then -PRODUCES THE 's'lU 'F, Mr. Wm, Green for the summer. Ilenrietta Heron.•, Miss Jean Maxwell returned to Whitby, on Tuesday evening last. s. S NO. 2 3-LAY Miss Green, of London visited Mrs. T. Peart,' of the village recently. • The following is the report of S,S. Miss Irina Rennie, of Detroit spent I No. 2, Hay, for the month of Marcl. the week -end with her parents in Honors 75% Pass 60'% V Cl. -Lilly Greb 50, town. Sr, ,IV -Alice Willard 77, 'Velma Mrs. Jas. Bonthron is at present Caldwell 67. in in Waterloo, owing to the illness of Sr. IIT Isabel Russell 79, Norman Mier father, 1V[r'. Youngblut. Stanlake 70,,George Tinney 67, Rus- Dr." G. 'L. Smith wishes - to an- -sell Caldwell 59, Iliram Bieber 48, uounce that he, will ne' out of town Ben "'Pinney 42x. ou WednesdaYof each week. Jr. III-Be nice .Caldwell '68, ,, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Drysdale pleas- Grace Tinney. 67, Elizabeth Murray antler entertained a number „of 5S, Isabel Stanlake 49; friends on Tuesday evening last. Sr. II -Fred Triebner 60, Margar- Statile Green of St. Mars et Russell 58, David Triebiner 50, Mildred Northcott 44. Jr. II -Roberta Tinney 46, Chas. OBrien -38, f Sr. I -Gordon Greb 81, Ilarold Rowe 70. Jr. I -Dorene Caldwell 82, Leon Triebner 74, Horner Tinney. 70, Per- ,Cantelon: cy Gould 68. Number on ro11-25, aver. atten 22. A. L. Dow, teacher Mr.. Y Marys, imeemaromommcatorirgr M= spent the week -end visiting Mr, and. Mrs. J.' Young it the Commercial Hotel: • Miss Ruby Churchill, of Clinton, has accepted a position as bookkeep- er' ,and stenographer for. Mr. 13. A. You Cannot Attend a Better School. SO` WHY NOT, COMIVIEN CE 'THE 'SPRING TERM WTTF;N SCHOOL RE-OPENS'TIJES. APRIL 10, 1933; AT .THE School Of r. Commerce Miss M. Hoggarth returned to her: home ou Queen St. on Monday (s11-17,..-.1.-- , Ontario - •- after spending a week or so with her Stenographic, Ccninn ralal, Secretarial, Special Courses brother, Mr. Wm. Hoggarth of Croni- arty. FOR, PULL Pt�.RTIbC:ITLARS :APPLY TO A. STONE,-CO1VI. SPECIALIST, - B. F. WARD, B, ,Phe dance held in flee Toivn Hall on Friday'' evening, last was very well Vice Principal. attended and proved to be a decided Phone -198 ,Success. '.; Miss Eleanor Lindenfield of Lon- don, visited her grandparents, randparents Mr. WICEN THE SAP BEGINS TO FLO1'V and Mrs. J". Lindenfield, iii town last + week, 'returning • home on Monday When nights are clear and frosts are • •morning. last. - r keen,Miss Nettie Pe er. `returned to And, the day is warm in the sun, (' 1 p' " The snow.wreaths vanish like a Stratford on 11'Ionday last after.spen- ding a week's vacation with .her par, breath, The,entsMr. and Mrs. Wm. Pepper, east • sap be in ; g sto , run. � of the "villa e.. g P$i& Student's -may enter at any, tune; Physician and Surgeon Phone 70, HENSALli DR. G. 'L. SMITH DENTIST Two doors east, of the-' Molsons • Ilan., • Hensall 'Ont. PROUDFOOT, K'ILLORAN' I-IOLM.ES Barristers; etc:' Office on the Square,.. 2nd door frons. Hamilton St:,-•Godexich. And thrr oglr the 'blush with .shout and song: The Ladies Aid of • Carmel. Church The merry toilers go; I have undertaken the job of renovat- ing•For• the boys are' out for work and file church cuhsions and all the fun, • p the ladies of .the congregation are • When•the sap begins to run, i asked to lend a hand. When the trees are tapered, and the Mr- Geo. A. Stanley, of Luc:is•,y will pails are hu:ig• a : pr -each 'missionary sernzoiis , in the ;s,For ,the nectar of,the spring, ' _ Methodist Church next Sunday, both .Then over 'the blazing -maple logs morning and evening. The liastoi The giant kettles swing;. will conduct the services. . And the dipper that -stirs the bubbl Mfrs. Ellis and Miss M. Ellis were _ ing spoil - in Goderich over the week -end at -- Private funds to Ioan at lowest rates. From lip to lip doth go; tending the • funeral of Mrs. Ellis' W. Proudfopt, Ii,0. 3. L. Killoran, for there's nothing so sweet as the brother -in -lave, Tur. Million, whose D. E.' ITolnzes syrup•,:' that's'.nnade death occurred on Thursday last, • Mr. Holmes Will be in Hensel]. When the sap begins to flow. Mr, Mervyn: Coxwoz•th,lert on Mon - every Friday from. 9 -until 6, -But it's best at dusk •by the light of day last for .London where he has ___ the f1a� ze, secured a Position on the police force --: Tom'''-"`-''''----------='-'------ y - f. In. the bon ire's smoky breath, f•„that city. • The good wishes .of. a ,,V' DR. ., PECK ':,where ei•e shadows weird by 1the ,cauld- iicst of friends fcllovi hiri in his new roil.; crouch' •vocation,"" - Like the witches . in -"Macb'ath" - Shadows that gibbed. and cintch and Gi'aduate•..of Faculty of Medicine, iMcGill'university, Montreal; lblenibei• of College of Physicians and Surgeons writhe, of Ontario; Licentiate of 1Vfedica1 ;With laughterechoing full; Council of Canada; Post Graduate., .t'oi• it's work to Carry.. the'. amber, Member of Resident 1\Mdical-staff of juice, ^eneral Hospital, Montreal, 1914-15; But it's fun at the Taffy -pull, 4 * tar -3 , door, east of Post Office,. When night is clear and the frosts drone 56, r-iensall, Ontario, are keen, And the' sap has ceased to run, AUCTIONEER 0S(AR' TJ OPP SCHOOL REPORT OF THE SEN 4 STEPHEN, for the month of 1.VIar•cI1 Sr. 4 -Erma. rahaer 92, hon.; Irene" Mariano 77, ho,ii..; SelmaRadar 72 Kathleen VIorlock 67,:RuthW--giber, .66- Ray Sclftvartz 60.'Sr. 3 �7 14-tia 1Vla+r' tease 73, Arnold Becker 71, Laran,nce. Wein 62; Lloyd Wein 60; Charter Mar •tens 52. ' Jr. 3 -Eldon Smith' 96, nen.; Edna Mtartene 91, hon.; Greta/ Becker 67, 'Thelma Weber 56. Jr. 2,a ---Gor- don Becker' 90,, hon.;, Olga Marten:‘ 8S hon. Jr. 2 b -Lloyd Eglesori 80, Edith Weber 70.. Jr:, 1 -Carrie :h3.arteue 90. SI-. Pr, -Marguerite Amy -100, Greta, Becker 90, Edgar Rader 100; Walter Weber 85. Number ,ori roll 24; average �attend- ance 23;-Lavina V. Smith. :teacher. J - CENTRAALIA IVIrs, 11[ollard, of Exeter, gage a most excellent address' here in the church Sunday icor nil„ :�in the in- terest of the w, M. S. 11r. Thos. ' Carling and family,,• of Loudon„ visited in the village for a few days. ` Miss Pe isvarden and 'friend,' of Elinnville' visna 1\'1T': anti ' .Fr Y. e<1 Mrs. Penwarden Sunda Mr. W. Colwili shipped: cattle to. Toronto or Saturday. 111r. and Mrs. Gordon Wilson re- turned Thursday froze a pleasant vis- it to New Hamburg'. Mz^, Byron: Hicks was in London on Wednesday. The Mission Circle held their an- nual meeting Tuesday at the home of Miss -.Bella' Brooks, a • pleasant and profitable hour was enjoyed by all. The Woman's Missionary Society held their annual- meeting in the school room of .the, church Wednes- day .,after -noon. ZURICH Messrs. Thos, Wagner and Lloyd Kalbfleisch, who are attending. the Waterloo Seminary wore visitors at their homes here, Mr; David. Schnell who visited with friends and relatives here the past few' months' bus returned. to his honne at Aberdeen, Sask. Mr. Norman Eckstein, of Pigeon hIiclt., wito'spent several months with relatives here hash returned to . his' home.• Messrs: Clayton and Clarance mare, of Galt. spent the week at their parental, home, , !land 1VIrs. Ritdy Schwartzeu- truber, Mr.- and Mrs. John Gerber, "Ver. and Mrs. John Erb and Mrs. Ja- cob - Schwartzentruber, all of ,• the. Bronson Line attended the funeralof the fornner's :uncle, the late Jacob Sclrwartzentruber, at Baden. On Tuesday, April 3rd there .pas sed away at the house of her daugh- ter, ,Mrs. Herb. Smith, Goshen Line, Stanley Tp, Mrs. Emily Stogdill. re lest of the late Wm. Stogdill, at the age :of 69 years. 1VIrs. Stogdill ,had, been in failing' health for about four years; Mr. Milton Heyrock, of -Detroit, is visiting his mother Mrs. C. Heyrock. Mrs. Berry, of Chicago and Mrs. Miller, of Detroit, are visiting ,their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob' Howald. De world owes you a divin,'son; `but.you's got to do: some •work to<get yolnself identified as de feller it's coming to. -Uncle Eben. FR 2NCI S -SE INN'E•�+ Ii• A quiet wedding took place at• the hone of Mr, and Mrs.. Josia Skinner, of Fullarton, Tp., when their eldest, daughter, Marie, was ,married to Mr. D. Frances, of Tofield, Alta. The ceremony was conducted by the Rev, Mr. Coiling in the presencerloi the immediate relati"yes. Mr. and Mrs: Frances left on the: afternoon train of the sarne day • for, Tofield, where they- will reside. DE.AIL`I'i Or JAMES 0. -BALFOU:R. James 0. -Balfour died at his home, in Mitchell,- on Monday, ,April ,`2nd, after an illness of several months. Bios 3>o;it church - ordered their duration: Deceased was. Yan old set- n. tier'!raving lived 'near. Russeldale Financial Statements for 1922, or for many years and only last Sail did Church . Envelopes ' for 1923. yet? lie.aind Mrs. Balfour purchasea home Bland your order into the Observer in Mitchell, and moved there to re Job Printing Office and be sure of. a side. ; Some years ago he tried town flint class job. -Life 'for a. time, but was not content- ', A Radio'Den onstration was ;given ed andreturned to the .farm. hie the !nearid. up-to-date iceecre'ana was tw ce'inarried and is survived by parlor in' w the hasenrent of the `Coin r kis wife. The funeral was held Loin And „the sugar is caking clear and morcial•hotel, on"Saturday and Mon- I his late home, internment in Roy s day evenings last by Mr,, S. Green, cemetery, near Russeldade. . o1 St. Marys. Those present heard some very good music from various' ponies in the United States- and en 9,,).bDEi''T wimp -LNG joyed listening to this new. and won- derful invention. The Sacred Easter Contata, . "The Living Christ," which was to have been given.in the Carmel church by A national United Temperancethe,clroir on Sunday, April lst, was given on Sunday evening last` to a campaign of the churches has been ,large audience. ;..The choir , space wasfilled to .capacity with the best vocal musicians of the congregation. who did thennselves and their 'leader, Mr. M. 11. Ronnie full justice.' Solo Barts were taken 'by Mr. W. O. Good - subjection of file supply of intoxicat-win, Mr.. M°: R. Rainnie, ,Mr, McLaren» g clubs to the- rant of an Mass Ola Cool;, $Miss Fioreneo Weis a nib liquor u, u s g and others, which interspersed With h local justices. annual licensebyte 1 tate, rousing and voluinous choruses The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. made a very interesting and much. Randall Davidson, who celebrated cz i reciatecl ervic f: on the 20th anniversary of his archie- 1l S e a song. piscopate by presiding at the opening ineeting of the campaign.,` said the churches did not propose to advocate prohibition or the ownership of 11\- cense igcense houses by public authorities. The archbishop added that when he recently headed a temperance depu- tation. to Lloyd George,' the former premier said: "If the cliur0hes. of England aro united 'on this• or* any other subject. The work of the day is"done, And through the bush with -shout and Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Au- 'song -01011 'SC11001, Special course -taken in The weary toilers go; Registered Live Stock (all Breeds,) 1 Dut they'il-do it again on the mor - ;Merchandise, Real Estate, Darin row- morn Sales, 'etc. Rates in keeping with Nerhezr the sap liegins to flow, jrrevailing .prices. Satisfaction "as- j sui•ed, write Oscar Klapp, Zurich, or wire .1.5-03; Zurich. launched in Great Britain, the legis - EVERY sows OR JOB PRINTING dative program of which is: No sale W1- MINT -posters, Dodgers, Eii- of intoxicating liquor to persons ':un- velopes; -Letterheads, Visiting Cards, der 18 years of age; local option for Zhipping Tags; and anything at . all England and Wales, no sale or supply at of intoxicating liquor.. on Sundays, 'The Observer Printing Office, Hensall.W Y ensall. t �t3rder•s taken-. for Maly and cekl , i�r11 s er•s, Toronto and Londo papers 4. �.75.:Irl,alub with the );xetr Tirzzo a 40.25, Leave your order at4the Ob- c,5. u r Office. ,1`.1ni' ."1111xa Who W0�1 Has ' Ono � "I have a terrible rumbling in 1113r }»toznacll. It is lilce a wagon going fiver a bridge." "It's most, probably that truck ,;yo,i had for dinner." 1.13E PACE CD4+' FORTUNE t'vf at 11ialces Yon think that flashy they are practically irrestible.'' wi.dw....:;;zs-se Finish money?'.' :a Cai'dival Bourne, wild was, also "Sire surely is the best dressed present; at the meeting,» said' proirt- vsetan at Pair" Beach!" Knition was the antithesis of temper-, "1111 right,, but don't forget that aide. It was a confession of failtir; rYir of the utast brilliant floWerS , eeiuiivaleni:t to the action, of a schoolu ti't got a 0ez1t: ' 1n;:ister;,.wilo' employed ce-eroion when he could not. control. his .boys,; t1-.• �'elyal, the ,7.6 year "old daughter cardinal asserted. ad itl:r's. Jol ni McC,•ar,liey, °of "\'i,eenni, Astor ' :pressed r jri. z.iou. wait,and, g111.11)ddai'.1 t,i,te• of airet 1,11.e°:iigt1ror trade was the 100,» Mu :tlabt. Goforth, of T+1LI bighly-orgnnizecl fore pol`;ilical ntrx- ieti in ' Mitchell recently. - leo; es' 1n Groat Britain 'The thing that goes the farthest Towards malting life worth while; That' costs the least and dons' the most, Is just a pleasant smile, It's full of worth and goodness. too, With' genial kindness blent; It' worth a million dollars, Arid' it doesn't cost a cent, COSTLY LOVE, Flora': "I '1111 Bever going to, speak to that. awful. 1)1'. •Tiniter,again!"- 'Dora: '''h»V 'sa inatfe1•,; honey, did theinsult- you? Flora: <`I)icl he 101011 mei Well, 010 HIBBEET :COUPLE. About CO neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Angus 1VIcDonald, Stb con•, Ribbert, visited the McDonald home to assist in the celebration of the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. _McDonald. During the evening an impromptu program of songs aiid readings was carried out, while nu- merous addresses of congratulatie.ns wore given in,honor of the bride and groom: The evening' was 'made ex- ceptionally enjoyable .by the presen- tation of two rocking chairs' to Mr. and Mrs. McDonald, The presenta- tion address was read by W, Davis and the presentation made by Robt: Coleman. and 'Win. Patrick, Mi•, Mc- Donald on behalf of the bride and himself, spoke a few wall-dhosen word of appreciation. Two large wodding cakes were also 'presented the happy couple from neighbors' and relatives. Mr, and Mrs; McDon married �d irr Seaf rt.h i alr), were era a� a 1873 and for the past 32 years have been residents 01 the 8131 ceneesslon, !dile bele, Only two children of the 0011, role were able to be present, but th.e entire' day broughl, a continuous stream of roes gages of congi`attila- t7on, The couple are the grandpar- ents of 21 children, HOL'i'i U1 910 DATE 5110, pleasantly: `• letivo You, ever been. -in New Yolk before?" Ila:• "N0, but ;T wa0 in ,n, train hold alter he. had been, cetii:ti,ng 1ne for 1111 tit.•�5.1'i0or10, once and beaten by about a year, 110 proposed and 7 nae bannd!ts in llexitao 1 vic,e_. I rVzis eau -1 Ansi 1lien i gt:L in a stnmli°tick in, '1oxas and 1 was I Vhat (lid he do but send,•ine a bill for -'? "s00 dei 'P1 1 t1 0 cv0i•, 80 you see sivlsy 0•15110!" I'.Ceel Suite at ltoiiie," FI{V RS» , A t1!W$ 0 Heightlefeight 0 You can final just the rightheight of fence - you require from ^I -D e nt o Peerless Poultry Fence.', It keeps hens and k eggs right -where you'�tr�nt°them all the tune. Lasts five .times. as long as netting and its strength protects your flock from intruders. BURLINGTON STEEL POST,: BARB <WIRE, BRACE WIRE AND STAPLES. GET OUR PRICES. THEY WILD SURPRISE YOU. ` B. M. FRANCIS' �- N,'%$S1< Y -HARRIS ,SLIOW' ROOMS 11�1�111__11,di iol�-_„ wort' 400.1 \.•w. f.... mac....;, 10.•••••-.A. Zr r i g4 !WC uuttlr rn 5 nurrlrrs . aro,!{�+_as, lu sima a -.11.9 - l +,M dNCfTJi�iA 151 ltt--skI uzszu-4=====soanara -Money Advanced To jay part purchase money or existing morcgage; To erect buildings or improve present buildings; To buy stock; To pay off Batik d,cans, etc. Farm !Mortgages Pazrohased or Loaned Up Det uaIl, our' -eon • ,�h-term m ' borrowing from an oId established mortgage' loaning Company. `Yourbusiness will beconfd`ential. You will always know where to find your lender and your desires will receive prompt' and business -like consideration. Write or Call upon The Ohtano oan Debenture Company Dundas Street and MYiarket'x.ane LONDON, ,,... , ONTARIO k'O RD MO 0R COM AN't Tn d e rno circumstances do we use any but Genuine Ford Parts in our repair work. Repair - work performed by us is guaranteed to be /free from defective work- .manship and to be first class in every particular. Our work is h n le o ,, a� at rate system. " `i` it know cu:���c� will advance the exact the labor. Always look for the blue and White Ford ' sign- ��. the ' .:of .satisfac- tion. � �.�,� . tion. MILO SNEL: COOK BROS. OF CAIOTA13A L1M Dg 'Exeter, Ontario Hensall Ontario 1 '1 ,d