HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-3-29, Page 8t" - io Dress. .p for a ONE iii We are displaying LADIES' COATS, SUITS and WRAPS HAND TAILORED GARMENTS FROM THE BEST MAKERS, SPORT MODELS ---BURBERRY 11ODELS-WR-AP MODELS SEE OUR R..r :NG•E BEFORE MAKING A SELECTION: PRICES START AT $15.00. NEW SWEATERS, HOSIERY; GLOVF;S, OXFORDS, SLIPPERS, BLOUSES, COLLAR. AND CUFF SETS. MEN'S FURNISHINGS SUITS, TOP COATS, HATS SHOES, OXFORDS, SILK TIES, KNITTED TIES. .NEW SHIRTS WITH SOFT COLLARS TO MATCH. DONEGAL TWEED CAPS -THE LARGEST RANGE IN TOWN GUARANTEED MADE -TO -MEASURE CLOTHES. WHY NOT CALL IN AND SEE WHAT WE ARE SHOWING? WHERE; SERVICE IS A PLEASURE AND YOUR PATRONAGE IS APPRECIATED. P1.'�"iNnY �. '1-tu ,.r:fi:T .CY1MIiaF THE EXt TER TIM Market report ---Thai. following is the report of the Exeter Market corrected e'er)* Wednesday., Wheat' $1,15 Manitoba Flour $3,95 Pastry Flour $3.40. Model Flour $3.70 Feed Flour $2.00 Oats 50c Barley 60c Bran $1,50, Shorts $1,60 Dairy Butter 45c tb 4Sc, Creamery Butter 57c Eggs 24o Lard 1? to 20c HOP $9,00. Jannary & February Sale urit Our Stock is the Largest and Most Up -to -Date Conductor of Funeral Service Motor Hearse and Horse Epuipment tGA � �.. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK PHONE, 74J; Night call 74W 1 1 1 TUE EXETER TINES Subscription rate $1.50 a year. ADVERTISING RATE& Display Advertising -Made known on application. Stray Animals --One insertion 50c three insertions for $1.00 Farm or Real Estate for sale 50c each inserticea for one month of four insertion. Miscellaneous articles of not more than eve lines, For Sale, To Ret, \anted, each insertion 50e. Lost and found locals 25c. •Local reading notices etc., .lOc per line per insertion. No - notice lest thap 25c. Card of Thanks 5Oc.' Auction sales $3 for one insertion and $.1:50 for each subsequent in- sertion if under five inches in length, Legal advertising 10e and 5c gi line. .2171".12. CLUBBING LIST. Exeter Times $1.50 a gear; $2.00 to the United States. Times and Toronto GIobe $6.25 Times and Mail & Empire 6.25 Times and London Advertiser 6.25 Times and London Free Press 6.25 Times and Toronto Star 6.25 Times Times Ti mes Times Times & Family Herald & W.S. 3.25 and Montreal Witness ....3.05 and Farmers Sun 3.40 and Christian Guardian 3.40 and Presbyterian 3.90 The above publications may be obtained by Times subscribers in any combination, the pirce for any pub- lication being the figure given, less $1.50, representing the price of The Times. Have you re-newed your subscrip- tion to the Times? 1 e' 0vl 1i/11011 Li ,, s ,rires Lt 6r f ATISFY ,; a:adian Canned Goods Week }1 CORN 2 Tins 25e STRA Y\ WBERRIES 35c Tin /) i�1 �tS; 2 Tins 25c RASPBERRIES ....35c Tin PEAS' :..... CHERRIES ............ 2 Tins 27c I:' 35c Tin •;;� PEAS, CFIOICE...,., 2 Tins 28c PEACHES 29c Tin #TOMATOES 2 Tins. 30c PORI. and BEANS 2 Tins 47c• PEARS 23e Tin p B iUNSWICa'' SARDINES • 4 Tins 25c PINEAPPLE 3,1c Tin . PA BLUE BERRIES .......15c Tin °� S MAPLE LEAF .. ..,.49c lb Tin ./ EAGLE .. 25c lb Tin CASCADE 1.9c; lb Tin r1\ !COLUMBIA 19 r, c Ib- Tin CASCADE 101/2c Ib Tin MA g SYRUP PINTS ..:......::: ........... 43c QUARTS. .. 75c, GALLONS . $2.09 WE GUARANTEE' . THE QTJAT- r- ITT. OF SYRUP WE SELL. SALMON y your Easter ryry'^^aa d to -day ;Ol1 L .11 35c 'lb 25c lb ..5c 'Har PEACOCK EGGS 1r, Each EASTER EGGS Se Eaeii /\ BIRD'S NESTS lc, Each �.•�icN *450-043.4,44.4•400-0004,0W40.4/0110•••• g LOCAL Baby Chicks and Eggs -!White and Buff Leghorns, White Wyandottes, Barred Rocks and Hamburgs. Chicks 16c each. Garnet Heywood, Exeter. Mrs. J. R. Hind spent Monday in London. Mr. Eber Redden spent the week - .end in London. To -morrow is Good Friday and a Public Holiday. The best substitute for coal •is coning in nicely -Spring. A monologue is a conversation between a roan and his wife. ! Mr. Jas. Dignan who has been quite ill Is improving nicely, Miss Taylor spent . the week -end with her parents near London. 'Wi tJx the hur hes First the world was flat, then it was round. and now it is crooked. Special Easter services will be held in the churches next Sunday. Mr. Thos. Carling, of London, vis- ited his parents in town onMouday. To -day is the to -morrow you wor- ried about yesterday, and all is well. Mr. H. T. Rowe has purchased. a new Federal truck •from Mr. Bert. Doyle. CAVEAT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Jianlnee Foote, B. A., Minister:, 10 a.m.-Sunday School and Bible Classes 11 a:n.---"`l.'lre Resurrection Morn- ing The Minister 7 P•111,7 -"The Power of the Risen Christ in moving the World in Lu- ther's time" The. Minister. Boy Scouts' will meet Monday evening JAMES STREET METBIOBIST CIIUi2CJ I Rev. M. J. Wilson, B.A.:, Pastor. EASTER SERVICES 11 a.m.-The Great Question, "If t. a ratan Die, Shall he Live again?'' 3 p.m, -Sabbath School, Special LOS sou acid muic-Last Monthly Mis sionary Offering. 7 p.m. -"A special. Easter Song Ser- vice" See Programme. Elsewhere. Come and enj'oy a hearty sing and hear Easter Messages. MAIN ST. METUODIST CHURCH Rev. Geo. McAlister, M. A.. (Phone 21, r3.) 11 a.m.-Anniversary W.M.S. Miss Edith Snarling, Mission on furlough, from China. Easter Thank Offering. 3 p.m. -Sabbath » School and Bible Classes. 7 p.m, -Rev, W. G-, H. McAlister, BETHANY 2.30 p.m. -Miss Edith Sperling, An- niversary W. M. S.. Choir assisted by Mrs. Geo. Williams and Miss Vera Essery, of Exeter. SALVATION ARMY SERVICES. Services is usual next Sunday. Capt. T. Hobbins BABY CHICKS will be ready next week. 1200 eggs per week hatching from now on. Custom hatching for March is giving us all kinds of anyone desiring same. Eggs for. in - weather and everyone ought to be cubator lots also supplied. Apply to satisfied. W. F; ABBOTT, Exeter' Misses Ann Day and Flory Dinney '.l:IUliSpf1.Y, AJ/hilt`( WII1111IIllllIIIIIIIIIIIlhI r@lllll ill I �. _._., " , I . I I Iilllllll�(1111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111111III1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II 11111111 I t... , , 1_ _ ._ L- I I ILII IIiIIIIIIIIIIILIIIiINIila,.., .1.11011. OPINION Onniumil POI aat'l1i es' enc. Misses' Spring uits :d 6A1,�.i1 Jt.�r l7 and Coats We have asplendid range of very smart Suits and Coats' for Easter' buyers. Our styles and prices should interest you. 'New Oxfords We are handling the Forsythe `We are showing several new styles,' for early spring. The pi ices range at $5.00' to $6.00,', New Silk Lisle close In Brown, Grey and Black. A sniart hose for spring wear, in the wide rib effect. Good Value per pair SSc.. Fine Tweed and Worsted Suits for Men Order your new spring Suit now so that we may have it ready for you for Easter. We are showing a good range of Stock Suits as well as a splendid, assortment of made -to -mea sure. Men's Fine Shirts We are handling the Forsyhe Shirts this Spring. They are made right, fit right'and are 'good wash- ing materials. Try One, New Crepe Ties Made of Silk and Wool and will not crease. Gut on the straight so they will not pull. Very Nifty -$1.50 New Caps and Felt Hats for Men We have always something now to show yon in Caps and Hats. Conte,, in Boys and see what's new. outhcotl ros. mamma NEM IIIIIIIillilllllllllllllllll l IlllllllllllllllisllllllllllllllHlllllllll(I(liillll!(illlli11111111lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillillllllllllllllllllllllllllt 11111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111101 spent a few days in London during i the week. If a man who. bewails how long it is NIr. Chas. McDonnell, of Hensali, until spring will put a thirty day is again visiting his brother,, Mr. Al. note in the bank, :he will find it wont McDonnell. be as long as it seems, School closes Thursday for the'. Messrs. Eli and Franklin Frayne, Easter holidays and will be closed all next week. Miss May Scott,. of Thedford, spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. F. Witwer Exeter North. The, pupils of the Exeter High School are busy this week with their Easter exams. Mr. A. S. Davis was confined to his bed for a few days last week through illness, Miss Mildred Harvey,. of Aline, Col- lege, St. Thomas, is home for the Easter holidays. Miss Margaret Penrice, of London visited for a few days with her Moth- er in town last week. Dr. Roulston is back in his office again after an absence of d' few weeks through illness. Mr. Sanr'l Poplestone, of Blyth, who spent the past week in Exeter, returned to his home Saturday. ' {, of Forest and Mr. Geo. Holman, of Goderich, attended the' funeral of the late John Delbridge on Tuesday. Mr. E. J. Wetliey; principal of the Exeter H. S. gave;a• very interesting address on Citizenship ,at the James St. Epworth Leagire,"Tuesday even - Mrs. J. L. Routledge, of Dutton, is visiting her parents,- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rivers. Mrs. ,Routledge also Spent , a few ` days .renewing acquain- tances in Centralia; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Jewell, who have been- visiting --for several weeks with their daughters in London and Mt. Brydges, returned. home .on Thursday evening last. Birt da Mr. Cliff. Davis' has resigned his • position at Heainan's Hardware and expects to leave shortly for. Windsor. Mr. Rich'd Welsh is 'this week moving into the residence he re- cently purchased from Mr. Hy. Rundle. Mr. Ern. Davis slipped on the ice last week and sprained his 'knee and will be confined- to his home for a week or two. "What will become of our young people?" wails a reformer. Oh, they will grow old and worry about the young people. Last year more than 1,000,000 marriages were performed in the Unitd. States, while -divorces num- bered 125,000. Miss' Edith Heideman who has spent the past three months in 'Tor- onto, is visiting for a few days at her home here. Miss Vina Fisher, of Hamilton, is visiting with relatives having come up to attend the funeral of the late John Delbridge.' 141E'lll IIII/..gIIII Notice Day by Day, in every way we are trying to serve you better 'and better. To show our appreciation of the splendid way you have stood by us in -past, years, we are going to sell our furniture at a bare living profit, FOR CASH,• During the so-called hard tunes buy here and save money. R. N. ROWE CONDUCTOR' OF FUNERAL SER- VICES Phone Bis. 20W House 20J. 11III111IIIIIIIII1I11II1I1111111111111I1111IlIi11111 SI{ osto FOR SALE -Brick dwelling with three lots on Main Street,' nearly op- posite Presbyterian church. Apply on premises to MRS. R. POPPLE- STONE, ''Exeter, Ont. A DIVERSIFIED L4,1" -- FINE FINE WATCHES SIGNET RINGS, BIRTH STONE RINGS GENUINE FRENCH IVORY IMPORTED PEARLS DE LUXE SILVER MOUNTED COMB & BRUSH,.; ETC. COME IN AND SEE OUR LARGE STOCK OF APPROPRIATE GIFTS "WATCH OUR, -ciaNDOW" J. Lawson Jeweler, Exeter EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING. FARMERS We have a car loadrof'feeding Mo_ lasses for sale, Maple Leaf Brand, at 25c a gallon. Centralia Farmer's. Co -Operative Co., Ltd. CANNING CORN: The Exeter Canning-. COQ ss rsady to cic.rtract truth farriers to grow corn. h. t r 11 yeaY. We wouldiaavisa thos; tv ah°nim to• grow corn 'to get contra,clt ,Ill .early 1s our 'outside cresg e be ,much `smaller this season,. EVIHOLMaFARM I3ABY,. CHICKS, from bred -to -lay Barred Rocks, $16.00 for 100. Place your order at once. L. V. Hogarth, Exeter, Ont. Phone Crediton 18.r31. III iiing.11gulloilii' till®IIII®11... liol®IIull lin '<III®ill oON,d0. E11111Ii1Illililli Ilig41111i1 Carefully coridu`cted tests prove that Swift's Red Steer Brand Fertilizers Produce PI Bigger Yields, Better Quality 2 Crops, Earlier Crops. I� Figure your •� up 'J u needs for 1923 NOW and see our i�. Dear Sir:- )' am enclosing my report on our Ensilage Corn Crop. The man undertaking the experiment put on nearly'. 30 tons per acre ofmanure in an adjoining field. Much to his surprise the two plots (fertilized) were considerably better than the one so heavily rnanured, and moreover thd,could he seen with the eye. He is d`Uitesatisfied that u a little manure' and .some II I• Illl6llllRlll®illsllllRlllil�II11MIIIIRIIIIIM1 FN= �rI �s.p il3 yr ' 5 ERS. w- October 7th, 1922 4' Agent or write us. ]i RIENC Agents waisted where we are T = riot repreneittcd. Seer our local Agent ALW YN I7AYIVi�N foyou, ,s11i;St lt�.•3i�I nl<1;"': I I I°I r�3.AIC �a Over t1f tkhole continent en., abler us` to make thoroughly reliable high 'grade plantfood that gets you results. cr,uir01. eat 'fertilizer is much better than a whole lot of manure and that hbernldose of fertilizer is egt.d1 [o or better than the helivt'e4E,' application of manure for enstldgc corn." Quoted tram report ors a i922, corn fertilizin] test. SWIFT CANADIAN Cay LIMITED West TORONTO ul�lllm,l..,t 35 I'im erli i f€'tufa'rmiraf1> Ilii itlgal;s; ilmiio Bill i Spring Suits Commencing at $i8OO ew Suitings Just Arrived You will find it to your advan- tag e < to place your order early. J A good selection of Pantings P •h 0' `N .. A N a GRASS FARM FOR SALE-I3ein g E. half lot 5, concession 4, Hay Tp., consisting of 50 acres more or Less; spring water. Apply to J. N. Per- kins, Exeter.- 2-22 2tp; A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon Office -McDonnell's &ares estab.js 'os John St. Phone .calls receive prompi. attention. Phone 26w ANDY EASTON Licensed c sed Auctioneer for the Coun- ty of Huron, Correspondence arrange- ments for sales can be made by call- ing up the Central •Hotel, Exeter. Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed, HDr. John ar CHIROPRACTOR R; OPTOMETRIST Has removed to Main St. Exeter. South of Y,M.C.A. PHONE, 70 Horse Livery HORSES AT A.LL TIMES. Phone 58W t�� `• „� �t, , :: , iLrfe' yr x• Y , d" �a1.t� L R. CA pd1Il 1. YT ,13 Ba A. Barrister, Solicitor, &c., , Loans, Investments, Insurance,, Office, Carling Block; Main St. Exeter' LET ELLIOTT- & ,JOHNS Know when youwant your Suit of"Overcoat Cleaned and Pressed, or Dyed or Dry y C lea Heel And we will call for them and deliver them,. • We are out for business. When. yott want: a New Suit call in and see our Samples: OUR 1l:LOTTO-Service to -the Pjtblic;' IHGI II -CLAS S INVEST11IENTS Accounts Collected -s. Insure ERNES71'len DLLIOTT Office,,l%1in Street, Exeter. 00 FARMS, FOR SALE -A few choice farms in the Townships-` of Usborne, Tnckersmith and Hibbert. Good: buildings and well located as to mar- kets„ Priced right, ,Apply lo Tbn'L atrioron tic, } v