HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-3-29, Page 7The Chief Scout's Visit. Sir Robert 13aden-Powe1l, founder of A eeueicb eriesse,ge recurbety, issued by the Boy Scout Movement,and "Chief t le Metropolitan' Liao Insurance Com.' Scout of Ln Wold," is expectea to a.r- puny is weft ameil whale repeating, It rive in Canaaa on March 24111, I -I will is repencluced as bu aemompanded by Lady Batten -Powell, On an. Enehanted Isfand of the' who is the heaa of the Girl Guides or- South Seas 'athlete the, eihaulne wetor ' g,anizatee a. Atter arrival, Sir Robert is ever the sky's blue loeLing-glies;s,,1 •"' and Leaf Baden-Powell Will proceed, to runs the Ala Lot° More, the Roacl of e Loving ITeart--a Read of Grata - Ottawa, where they will be the guethett ete te. of Load Dyne; of Vinay, Chief Scout for • a Canada, at Government House. The ivied was built by the Samoaai chiefs for their lagloved W,bille" in Ottawa, Sir Robert -will at - teed and address the Eastern Ontario Louis 'Stevenson, the beloved of every Scout Leaders' Conference, which is nation,. In thanking the old ehief's wlso built iUae read as an expreesion of gentile:1;de for his never failing kind - noes, Steven.sion eald:—"When a road is once- butt, every year as it goes oa, more and more pero,ple are found to Ss, 111-7A1 ED1JCATION• F BY DR, J J MIDDLETON Provincial Board of Health, Ontario lir, Middleton will be gand to answer muestions on Public Health mat- ters through (his column, Address bim at Spaddua House, •Spadifia Crescent, Toronto, ba held on. Tuesday and Weanes- . day, March 27.t1i, and 23th, and also the Annual -General Meeting of the Do- , a minion Boy.Scoat Council. Immediately after Easster Sir Robert aad Lady Baden-Poy-ell will go to To- , walk theme . . so perhaps even tees Tonto, where they are to participate in Ireata euro may be useful for bun - the programm,e of the National Con -1 deeds and hundreds- of years, And it feionce on Education and Citizenship, 15 my hulled -eat our far away tleacend- which lasts from Apriland to aphe may remember and 'Mem those who labored for them to -day." 7te. Lade Baden-Powell will spa,ak on Girl Guide work an Monday, April 2nd, Sir Robert Will address the'cOeferenee Stevenson's Roacl—paved with love and anatitudie—aecl to the Island! home be built in a world-wide quest foe on Scouting on Tuesday, APril 3ra, and 11 health. The road stila climbs up the both of them will again address the neeeataaesede to vamerese ands true conference on Saturday,uApril 7th. An yesely by hundreds who visit Steven: effort is also being made to provide son's former home because of th]: eir opportunities for Sir Robert to meet gratitude for the priceless heritage of Scout leaders and Scouts during his lafs life and writings. But a far great.er road is being built to-cliay--a road on which year after Owing to the condition of Sir , year mare and mare ,geeteetu people Robert's! health it will not be paseiblel shall walk, A road which shall not for him to visit aey centres in Ontario 1on1.y endure for hundreds of years, but outside of Ottawa and Toronto. Inafactl feu al111 time. A road for which far he win only visit five other Canadian , away clescencllants watt remember and cities -- Winnipeg, Regina Calgary, (beasts those who are fiaboring for them It is the Road of Health. Its Vancouver and Victoria—on his me in'ow• buillders are far-seeing physicians and sojourn in Tovonto. necesau to turn down a great many requests for him to visit various Scout centres. ."•••-• UV 4 cq" WriATp4f‘ • Our Canadian 'March weataer—one, day aright, but eleppy, the Fleet blus- tery and cold—is extremely hard on , eldidren, 'Conditions make it riocea• sarY for the mothere to Iteep the little onee indoors. 'Mies are oftdii con. publacf a led private 11 tle'llbli ageTvalae• fined to overli eated, badly veatildtea TbeY are working v/i'al 1,."o\41W; ,bs'a,°;11.,,a," roothe and catch oolds which rack tea the old. Seneoari. chiees areritea, vo te., . , en whole systein. ,To guard againet hasten a road that a that: ie "shaclll never lie thee() colds and to keep the baby well muelety"--a roaear o'f the Ptralles el 'gamest -lee ;and; that ia free tilt the- better, liriglitee 'days opine from the murderous Highwaymen of along, a leox of Baby's Own Tablets ,Oontaaloue Disiasu lea -oval be kept in the house and an oc- 1 The Iinad of Health it the only road caeioeal dose giveri the baby to keep I upon•whieh the s;un shines. It is .1,1:1,3 his, stomach arid bowels worlting re- to,r,elsy ioacl fcraostmliew:islieiJi.ehn. 6'1,11 ils:et;a1laebleI'01-1a'udi gt111101 11(:‘1,11Xea tricaeb11.°vItesi cahr navela'n.:11fldailljutot , giipotdwkYb Happreeee aria regulate Abe 'stomach and boweIe and cess. is the road \\iamb. ;ea 11,the deflectable mo,untains of fullfililed fevers t;411nadY4,1e•eelpietvhee bcoalbc1;atand sinp1d. hopee and ambitions. I-Icaetat is not the roorropoily of any, lets aro seal by Medicine dealers or by one group or &ass. And so the road mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. ; of Health es a great Public HighwaY, Willitims'Medicine Co., Brocleyille, open to allie-to all who keep -there-e On , • • •solves efhysicalay fit to travel it, 4.4 For however smooth a roadbed, ; IseWever free from dangers, avr'aca:'s A. certain s cho oamasiea a afe the habit cannot be avoided unlese the machine of talking to his boys in the first per; that travel:11e the road is in good con- sou Plural: We will translate this dation, Ancl, just as no locomotive or motor wateild 'Jae sent '<<Ieven on the Passego now," or "Wm will have Latin Had Dene His Share. thest roadie without occasional ex- coMposition after cbapea" ancl so on. =illation, so tele hsaman body—tee The other day he had occasion to ' greeted machine 1 the world—must iunish a member of his form, be thoroughly examined by your dee- I -le s,aid to him: "We will write five tor and xeguaaray overhauled, hundred lines for this, if you- please!" wrecks .sl'ong ths R°'sid02 1 -are are tc` The next day the boy appeared with Road of setaiii bodiee, cheerful minds a a„ice 711 °f 111„4111,1°TiPts• How s this? asked the master, af- and loving he,arts. 'be avoaded---if the Road is to be the Failarre to have the complex Menem ter counting. "Didn't I tell you to machine examined re.guliattly means evrite five hundred lines? There are that you are ever in danger of being only two hundred and fifty here!" El:diet-malted. to The Road of Sicknesis— "When you said. we'd write five hun- a read over which many thouslands tired lines—and I've clone my share— needilesallY straggle. 'Upon it are 1;4 I thought you meant them to be Has of 33iffina-Y• I 11 sl.-gm-Pas'Lec` divided between us equally, sir," re - earth Heartaches and Failures and a leads to Poverty, to Broken Hompried the boy.ee and to the Valley of the Shadow long before oree',s1 time. HY MANY WOIFFN Word has just been received at Pro- e SUFFER IN SILENcE vincial Scout Headquarters; in Toronto .._ that Captain Gidney, "Camp Chief" of Gillwell Park, the chief training centre ,for officers of the Boy Scouts Associa- tion in England, will attend the East- ern Ontario Scout Leaders Conferenee in Ottawa on March 27th and 28th, and will take personal oblarge of the ses- sion devoted to the dIscuseion of Camping and Out -door Scouting. The Eastern Ontario Conference. • Captain Gidney is known throug-hout the Boy Scout World—and that's; pret- • ty near the whole world—aa.one of the most outstanding leaders in- tbe Boy Scout Movement. Be has travelled ex- tensively in connection with his Scout , work, and at the present moment is '`reallrranaeriaran" from Imperial Head- quarters in Lcmclon, England, to the National Headquarters at, the Boy Scouts of America fora period of six months, during which he is to assist With the reorganization, of Scout Lead- er training work in the United States. It is also practically assured now that Sir Robert Badea-Powell, the Ghief Scout, will participate in the Ot- tawa Conference programme. A Scout's Prescription. We have heard of a crippled Scout who has adopted the feitowing poem as his prescription for happiness: "When a bit of sunshine hits ye, After passin' of a cloud, When a lit of laughter gits, ye, And your spine is feelin' proud, Don't fergit to up and fling It . At a soul that's feelin' blue, • Fon the minit that ye sling it Tta• a boomerang to you." "That poem and the Eighth Scout leaw," 'A Scout smiles, and. whistles,' are nry dope" he.saye. "When. the old peg begins to hurt and I can't get out witle the fellows, I say my dope twe' or' t'atee tidiesand it helps a lot."' Milking With An Axe. Oen von imagine • wbat it would be like if town people could go out with, an axe to procure a daily supply of milk --to be independent of the milk- man ---to enow that, whatever the sea- son the price of •inilk would never vary? In Brazil, where the milk -tree grows; nobody worries about the cost of milk per quart. When thenative women is ready for Iter daily supply, she takes; an axe and a coconut shell and makes a cut in the trunk of the nearest milk -tree. Then she eatches as much as she wants of. the .rich, creamy eap that aows out.and leaves the rest to dry romea the opening., • • - The Pap of the milk -tree is very much like thick cream, and in flavor scarcely distinguast able from fresh cow's' male though slightly coarser. As -a drinkmama with 'water, it is leiNous. When it, thickens, the sap becomes 'slightly elastic, alicl in this form it makes an excellent glue. he bark of the tl'eewhieh is very rough, 1.8` Ted in eolor, and the natives extract aarea dye from 11., which they use tb dye' their cloth. f, The wood, beitag hard, is very dur- able, and offersegreat•reeietance te the Weather . It is, therefere, used enor- mOuelY In Ube conetrqetion of native, hoe see. Not the least, important to the quan- tity of fruit yielded by the millearee. The fruit Is about the size of axi ap- ple aud, eeing rich and juicy, la a great favorite among, the people of lerstaill, Garnatmennasamsati. What a word! Translated it means "old people's party" ---an institution that is held once a year round Cheast- .... Three at a Time. A sportsman with a wonderful power of imagination was telling ho vt at d one shot ,he had bagged two part- ridges anda rabbit, His explanation was that, though; he had hit oialy one partridge, the bird in falling had mas in the little fisbing town of Isaf- clutched at another partridge and ..- jord, in Iceland, The party, which is brought that to earth entangled in its given by a union. of ninety young leo- claws, ple, is the one big event in the lives "But how about the rabbit?" he was of the old people of the place. They asked. egin to talk about it in March, and "Oh," was the calm reply, "My gust it is their chief topic' of conversation kicked and knocked -me over, and I until December. Early in the year too fell on the rabbit as it ran past." the ninety members of the union begin a to make preparations., fgr, as there are 1 to be between three hundred and four The Heat Blossom. An applq, bg and red and round.; IT'S WORTH $i,000 I No 'oreieera monarch ever ,feiand, MRS. LEWIN SAYS Do Not Realize That Their Trou- ble is Due to Impure Blood. A woman needs a blopd building medicine regularly just because she is a woman. From maturity to middle life the health of every woman de- pends upon her blood. If her blood'is poor she is weal, languid, pale' and nervous. If the blood supply is irregu- lar she suffers from headaches and backaches, and some women have grown to expect this suffering and to bear it in silence. They do not realize that if the blood supply is kept rich and pure, their troubles will disappear, but such is the case. In every womaa's life a tonic blood -enriching medicine Is needed and for this purpose nothing can help them so much as Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, which aet directly on 6the blood, furnishing the elements necessary to make it rich, and pure. Mrs. S. J. Watts, Kingston, Ont., gives her experience with this medielne as follows:—"My first experience with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills was while at- tending the Collegiate Institute at about the age of seventeen. I became very much run down, and could not go up stairs without resting half way. Finally I had to quit school and not- withstanding all that was done for mg there were no signs of improvement until after I had begun using Dr. WU- liarns' Pink Pills, under the use of this medicine I became well and strong. My next experience with this medicine was some year after I was married. After my baby boy was born I did not gain up as I should, so 1 at once start - huudred aid people; much -preliminary work is necessary. For example, the ' young men and womennaust see that good "party" clothes are provided for all the old people who need them; it I would not do for thein to go in shabby clothes. The party .maist have an air ' of prosperity as well asof good cheer. i The festival starts at five o'clock in; the evening and does not close until one the following morning. First there Is a big tea., Then when all are satis- fied and things bave been cleared away conies a play, which the old peo- ple dearly love; then there is- a con- cert during which all the old Icelandic and Danish songs are sung. After the concert the young men and women play games with the old people and then wind up with all the old-fa.shioned dances. And they must see that each ola-person has at least one dance with some member of the union. During the war the ola people would often, ask anxiously, "Will there be a party this year?" For they realized that it was almost impossible to get fruit of any kind or the sugar with which to make the great variety ef Mlle cakes of which the (aid people are so fond. "Oh, yes," was the •custoniary answer, "the party will take place at the isnal time." And it did, for the ed taking Dr. Williams' Iona Pills ninetyyoung members denied them - again. I took them all the time I was selves sugar and fruit so that the old nursing baby, and you should have people would not be disappointecl. seen what a, lovely, „fat, healthy -boy he was, and I was strong once more. Whenever I feel a bit run down Dr. Willia.rns' Pink Pills are my tonic and I strongly recommend them to grow- ing girls and all women." You can get these pills through any remote village, medicine dealer or by mall at 50 cents When she had described the sYMP- a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine toms, the doctor set about preparing Co, Brockville, Ont. the mixture, one in,gredient of which . was a poison which could be adminis- tered only in the smallest quantities. She watched him pouring it with the utmost care into the measuring glass. He poured a little from the bottle ;held tae glass up to the light, and then add- ed a few Marc drops. "Ah, doctor," ahe said, reproachfully, i you needna be sae stingy, aRemem- ., ber, it's for a puir wee orphan 'addle." • Even as a boy, Dr. Nansega the fa- mous Polar <explorer, was an expert in the use of snoWshoes. Ile Would go for journeys of fifty, miles by him- self, taking neither food nor &PIP- ment with him. MONEY, ORDERS. Pay your out-of-totivn accohnt,e by Dominion Express leibuey Order. Fire Dollars costs three cents. If I were asked what was most! characteristic of the good ;side of the modeen world, I should be tempted; to, reply: , "Its discovery of youth. '- 13isliop of Durham. Minard's Liniment usecaby P yelolans, A Itunelble,epinion of Our ability foe great things should only make us more faithful in tegaed to sniall things. Aftex all, the perspective of earth and heaven nee not alweys Wanted Good Measure. An old Scotswoman tramped Miles over the biles to get a bottle of medi- cine for a small boy who was- Ill in her to, Rubber Trees Yield ON An oil similar te linseed' oil is ex- tradtecl from the seed of rubber trees and the residue lased as fodder., A mill has been bet up in Malaya alai amall donsignments- 'Pavc. been sold in Europe at goad, prices. Under pre- sent conditions on the rubber planta tions seed for this- purpose is easily secured. acike. 'pa, 1 know why our dog tures, round an' round before he lies"down." "Why, my son ?" , "So he will sleep like a top." vastassiamsnmessems:seta.es•wessotonc.cassecknrewaiszsomeneme. FOr, YOilr is supplies and Sets, try the Old. EISta,13- lisbed Pim. Price lists anti' inf.orma_ don free. Become a 8a,t1sfied enetone, er. Mail brdees our Specialty, TIM VIMY SUPPLY CO., LTD. Dent, SILO., 867 College tate worento sommamstosissu 111611V ErntV2eg'S11:1 an.. ea thy Eyedi: If they 'rim, FOR Itch, Smart or Dip. OUR EYESflamed rGranuIated, useMurifte often. Soothe$,Refresltes.Safefor infantor Adult. At all Druggists, Write ktrree'2a01366liti Marina Syc mearCee Vilma 1 e'Cascarets 10C Best Bowel Laxative When Bilious,, - Constipated tesee-444-(asete-teteet To clean out yourebowels without cramping or overacting, take Cascar- ets. Sick headache, biliousness, gases, indigestion, sour', upset stomach, and all such distress gone by morning. Nicest physics ou earth for grown-ups and children. 10c a box. Taste like dy. 7.* Reducing the Profit. Always en the spot when business was to be done, Ikey Ikeatein went un- der the canopy with Rachel Geltber- ger, widow of old Judas Geltberger, the money -lender. After the ceremony, one of Ikey's friends congratulated him on his good fortune, "Why, 'key," he exclaimed, "you're going to handle about fifty thousand (Milan!" "Not as much as that," returned the bridegroom. "What do you mean—not as much' is that?" asked the friend. "Why, old Judas must ha' left that at ,the very least." "Yes; but the waddingisik•gey,som- brely.oingto costme a fiver," returned Lift Off .N.A/41-1•...Fingers Doesn't hurt a bit! ' Drop a little , ".Freezone" oneeag (ping. core, instant- f,i IS that cornA04,;.'rti rig, then shortly you lift4t,agliiffv1Ittfingera. ,Truly! Yenir- druggist sena 4V..tty bottle, of ,aFeeesone Inc a few cants,aufficient to Tereoge eatery haea corn,' edat,„coiqi, or torah etwe eh tae tq ,os and. the ealleaeek, without ateeenesS or irritatien., Surpeeeed in behuty, ttiste or smell, that from. peefeet ripeness fell. Midway 'twixt stem ana ni bloseeend My blade 1 made all haste te send— I lialved it. tbat apple'S'beart I saw Lae blosson'e counterpart. A seed, pod, where1eacle petal fair Had been, lay spread before me tiler°, A working model of the bloom Teat ,ance ilea lightened March's gloom, Through ell- ,the fortnights that had flown The whilo taut fruitage fine laacl grown, The blosteonee image liad remained To ;that great apple's heart enchainea. Deal-) down within eac,11 auman heart Lives -our Clreator's ceunterparcounterpart!'The God•thtiught out of which we came "Sant. lingers, ever more the n ---Sticitlaad Gillilan. Circumstantial Evidence. Sam had passed through a harrow- ing experience. He had peen no less a thing thane, ghost. jes' come outer de cow 'pen, whah Altd been milkin' de cows," te said, "an' Ah had a bucket o' mille in male. hand." "Lawd!" interrupted one of his midi - toes, .`"At suttinly must of been ter- rible! Dian' yo' shake wid fright, laam?" "Ala' gen' know what Ali shook wid. But when Ah -got home Ah foure all de milk gone, an' two poun's o' butter lef' in de bucket." MO" EI 9 C ILD'S B _ OVE " California Fig Syrup Child's 'Best Laxative —1 Even a sick child levee the "fruity" taste of "California Fig Syrup." If the little stomach is upset, tongue coated, or if your child is cross, feverish, full! of cold, or has, colic, a teaspo.onful will never fail to open tile bowels. In a few hours you can see for yourself how thoroughly it works all the celesta i Dation poison, sour bile and waste 1 from the tender, little bowels 'and gives you a well, playful child again. Millions of mothers keep "California Fig Syrup" handy. They know a tea- spoonful to -day saves a sick child to- morrow. Ask your druggist for genu- ine "California Fig Syrup" which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother! You must say "California" or you may get an imitation fig syrup. Proof! A Georgia politician was waiting for ,a train. One hour, two hours, three ,houre, pasSed, but no train. Just as he was about to inake arangements to daive to the next town,Itbe agent said: "I wouldn't go to that trouble, sir. That train will be along soon now." "Whet makes you think so?" said the agent, "I'm pretty certain it will. Here coxnes the con- ductor's dog." ' 1-0-1-44-4 44-0.1-11.44-0-14 .6 OUT STOIVIACH IN ORDER AT ONCE “Pape's Diapepsin" for 7 Gas, Indigestion- or Sour Stomacho , 4444*44*4#,t*t44+*4t4*4' Instantly! Stomach corrected! You never feel the slightest' distress from indigestion or a sour, acid, gassy stem- •aah, after you eat a tablet of "Pape's Diapepsite" The moment it reaehes th.e stomach all sourness, flatulence, heaetbdre, gases, palpitation and pain disappeer. Drugg'rets guarantee eace package to correct digestion at once, , End .your stomach trouble for a few cents, 1,110 witheat- aea,ding would be -itionere infieeaa-Sir liiirChaeA alike, Miaard's Liniment for sale everywh Greenland is , the largest islandin the world, its area. being 827,800 miles. 0.0,4• .,,bAsa.0341,,,r......h. .a.'oothe the SOT' e liganientS . rapidly 100050 luli uSe 11 ni b, by 1. ub tug in „Ili bat Li nim t, Ttr.RenatiAes,it At11ete',1!.11 u8.3 10 Minard's . Liniment The Femily Medicine Chest eargatesafaaarenereaszetternease ISSUE No. 12—'22. Toroutu Lady Values Tanlac Highly, Declaring It Ended Stomach Trouble -:---Gains Nine Lbs. follIth.we-°guoldo'ld'tfratanklaee ahatslicillosnaelidmed,°f11:rrs1 avould. have given, that inueli beforae took ibis wonderful treatment to feel to o way I do flow," was the positive etatement madc theothei day by Mr, Matilda Lewin, 12 Strange St., Toren- t'C'Y'"IOnsti,iffered with, stomach trouble, general run-down condition, and my nerves were so excited they nearly drove me wild. I ate scarcely enouge to Iteep going, was dreadfully thin and weak, and often had to give up my 1 housewOrk to avoid a breakdown. Gae on, my stomace bloated nee till I eould hardly breathe, I had to rash to tap ,niviignbdtoswsficoerpair, and seldom Sot a good "If I live to be a hundred years old will always teles;s the day I started the Tanlac treatment. I have gained nine pounds, anl 'f'ree of indigestion; nervousness and sleepleseness, and my, housework is like play, Taialac 10 simply grand.", „ Tareae is for sale by all good drug- gists. Over 35 million bottles sold. 4:0 "Hew Are the lViighty Fallen?" Not long ago a wonian who was play - ink a bugle in the Boulevard Mont- martre, in Paris, and deflecting Money; VMS recogaized, just as the police were taking her to the statioe, as the Prin- cess Poltcoucheof, a former lady ie waiting to tbe czarina. She was desti- tute and had been reduced to that means of getting food. A campatriot who. knew lier succeeded in obtaining her release. ' How to Drevent L Bili.OUSBOSS 1 Doctors warn against remedies containing powerful drugs and t- alcohol. "The Extract of Roots, long known as Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup, has no dope or strong ingredients; it chases away indigestion, biliousness and con- stipation Can be had at any - drug store." Get the genuine. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles. 3 — toi ,111 in I tr. ee it hand .1'0,i -braises -strains Sprains —bruises -- painful turned ankles --- stiff, sore muscle,s--no family can avoid them. That is ,.vhy millions keep Sloan's handy. You will soon find Sloan's is more iiseful than any other item in fpur medicine cabi- net: It breaks up the con- gestion that causes the pain. Use Sloan's to protect you from pain as you would use an antiseptic. fo prevent in- fection. At your druggist's. Made tit Canada„ 'Wads s paint For rheumatism, bruises, strains, dies t colas Classified Advertit;tt n a Vete', \YOGI. 1".•,'EatiTTFLIfas JI LY carded and /lofty. -,ll)ntirely rpm oil or geeass,, 1.,arge sample, enough Lor eofriforcer, one dollar. lateollers,, mills, Georgetown, Onterle. reasuot,ce TW 51 Catie 111-114 ellael.ate r aJL cttni erilL11,410. Wrtte for te21,...°ItIldnol‘rtot A BUSVITIISS T01(71% OWN, A Vs"flo FfAvit iapv opENiNos F011 anibitiou's iTiouvidup,h5----who etaed. for honesty und ty In their com- Owxi To thr P101101 abrii,getsyiney:eepe0,10.rf.ne,ttittribeteiriiii- fatulAtuetleeeps.ifoirtilav%seneileonesalaIiigo. earrroefotieisa, i(pa2a,,L114..: ci3coats, suits aud hosiery. We clirnIn- ate the middleman's profit by 'sellthg direct to the consuMar thronada repre- .sentatives in each locality. 17,Kperiencs og investuleur not, necessary -..—we teach you how. Tell us all about yourself. National: Mali 'Order House:, direct Cult - fitters of 'Ladies' read y -to ar TT 1 ty Buliding 48 01, Alexander *St7 Montreal - ••sosorscsatser.rtutz*.e.....mr-tezr.:ar.,. America's Pioneer Dog Deznealeao. 1:loolt on DOG D.ISEASES i -tow to, Feed Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author, 12, Clay 4.12o,:er Co„ Dam 129 West 24,th Street .New York. *U.S.A. lit RASH ON HANDS Fingers Cracked. Log Seep. Cuticura Heals. "Eczema began with a rash on my hands and I could not put my hands in water. It grew worse every day and my hands and fingers all cracked which made them covered with eruptions. I lost sleep with the itching. "Thetrcuhle lasted three tnAnths before rheard of Cuticura Soap and Ointment, ansi after using three cakes of Cuticura Soap and two and a half boxes of Cuticura Oiritment the eczema was healed." (Signed) Miss Eva E. Belliveau, 338 Bighfield St., Moncton, New Brunswick. For every purpose of the toilet and bath Cuticula Soap, Ointment and Talcum ate wonderfully good. Sample Eaob Free 1)y Men Address: "LYMan,414M. 8,14 St. Paul et, Vir., Montreal!' dold every wbere. Soap 2Se. Oltrtreent26 and 50e. Talcum Eigr'Cuticura Soap shave a without muss. BABY CAME 1 Was Greatly Benefited by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable compound Sydenham, Ont, —"I took your medicine before my baby was born, and it was a great help to me as levees very poorly until I had started to take it. I just felt as though I was tired out all the time and would have weak, faint spells. My nerves would bother me un- til I could get little rest, nigh or day. I was told by a friend to take Lydia E. Pinkhara's Vegetable Compound, and I only took a few bottles and it helped me wonderfully. would recommend it to any woman. I am doing what I can to recomme d this good medicine. I will lend that 'We book you sent me to any one I can help. You can with the great- est of pleasure use my name in regard to the Vegetable Compound if it -will help others take it."—Mrs: }LeiwEY MILLI - GAN, Sydenhana, Ont It is remarkable- how rnany cases have been reported similar to this one. Many women are poorly at such times and get into a weakened,. run-down condition, when it is essential to the mother, as well as the child, that her ,strength be kept up. Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable ,Com; pound is an excellent tonic for the mother at this time. It is prepared from medicinal roots and herbs, and does. not containany harmful drugs. It maybe taken in safety by the nursing mother. e LII\ILES you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all an "unbroken package" of "Zayer 'Tablets of 02112t years,eaCntli npsroavseidd, sdosaf:hWyo 11lilIioonust Colds , Headache Rileurnatisitl 'roothticlie 1\ieuralgia. 'Neurits Earache Lumbago , Rain, Pain 1Tandy "Bayer" boxes of 32 teblets,-Also bottleof 24 and 100,--Druggiets. Aspirin is, the tende ro ( c,g1M.,rt•t..1 In ceneeto or Iltt'er nnt:.-tetnr,: or ItIson rectleacidesteret 0ai1cii0tc1, WItile it ir wIll Inlown that ,\10,515 7110..).T11! )14Ver mann r rotnt e, to 01101 thy- 00t190, tli 1'n L'otIlparty will be strunped wlih thcfr gelt..101 mark, lila "liayor