HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-3-29, Page 5'TIME EXETER TIMES Illi 11111 I I IIit IIII1lllllIt1111I /1iII1 1111111 11111 111A111111I1ti1fIIIIf111fll1fllllllllllllflil�l111 Ill1l�iillllll illil it Iil1 Iflll111111! 11111111Illltilililtllllilll111111.11111111ii1111 Ill lll�i fill 111 ill corn Henna 0.110411. I II IIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllll 111i1111111fIIIlIiIiItlllifill�IIIIIf11111LI�lIl1il11111illilllil i1111i11illfllillliililliplllllllllllllllilllll11111i1I11111i1111JfIililll111111IiiI1111111iII1111111111111 i 0 • • • • • • i • • • • • • •• • •• •i • •1 011.00•.111•.••• !••!M. HENSALL Mr. Pepper, of Hen'sail spent the •S••.:•* OA ®,•,r• 0 Additional funds can prove a powerful aid ing lacin gyour farmingmethods p h s on a more pprofitable basis. The Yocal Manager of the SterlingBank will gladly discuss—in fullest confidence—your . bans and needs 'in this connection: h assaosmaamemer 107 E STEi OP CANADA SAVt `4`Because S!•• • • 0 •• •• • •• • • • • • 0 • • • • • •• • • • • You Cannot Attend a Better School SO , WHY NOT COMMENCE T.IIE SPRING TERM. WHEN SCHOOL RE -OPENS TUES. APRIL' 10, 1023, AT TIM' School of Commerce Clinton. Ontario Stenographic, Cosiamere1ah Secretarial, Special Courses FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY TO M. A. STONE, COM, SPECIALIST, 13. F. WARD, B. A.,,Prin. Vice Principal. Phone 198 Students may enter at any time. DR. A. MOIR L. M C. C. Papers. -Toronto•and London papers ' $4.75. In club with the Exeter. Times' Physician and Surgeon $6.25. Leave your order at the Ob- server Office. HENSALL Phone 70 DR. G. L. SMITH —DENTIST Two doors east of . the Molsons Bank, Hensall Ont. FROUDFOOT, KILLORAN & HOLMES Barristers, &c. Office on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton St„ Goderich. Private funds to loan at lowest rates. W. Proiidfoot, K.C.'J. L. Killoran, D E. Iiolrnes Mr. Holmes will be in Hensall. every Friday from 9 until 6. DR. T. W. PECK Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, Montreal; Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario; Licentiate of Medical Council of Canada; Post Graduate Member of Resident Medical staff of 'General' Hospital, Montreal, 1914-15; Office, 3 doors east of Post Office. Pond 56, Hensall, Ontario. R�6^^"�-'-'-.2]!•M-` `8��'A1.GFCR�Dri4l��SC�dA AUCTIONEER OSCAR KLOPP Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Au- ction School. Special, 'course taken in Registered Live Stock (all Breeds,)" Merchandise, Real Estate, Farm Sales, etc. Rates in keeping with 'prevailing prices.: Satisfaction as- zured, write Oscar 'Copp, Zurich, or wire 13-93, Zurich. EVERY SORT OF .JOB ritI TING WE PRINT --Posters, Dodgers, En- welopes, Letterheads, Visiting Cards, Shipping Tags,' and anything at all, at ;• 'The Observer Printing OIGce;Hensall. -Orders taken for. Daily and Weekly Auction l Sale OF LIVERY :STOCK, REAL ESTATE & FARM IMPLEMENTS. The uidersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auc- tion in Hensall on • SATURDAY, APRIL 7th, 1923, At 1,30 p. m, the 'following: LIVERY STOCK— 10 horses, 1 cow, 8 cutters, 6 buggies, Heavy wa- gon, gravel lox, hay rack, four dight wagons, feed boiler,' 2 • carriages, pleasure sleighs, clipping machines, tonplatform scales, new Brantford computing; scales, 3 sets double har- ness, several sets single harness, car- ryall wagon and sleighs, set of light livery sleighs, two automobiles, Ford and a Maxwell, and other numerous articles. FARM IMPLEMENTS—New one furrow riding ploW, walking plow, gang, plow, binder, harrows, seed. drill, hay rake, mower, cultivator, root pulper, Primrose cream separa- tor. POULTRY— Consisting of about. 75 hens. .. HEAL ESTATE—Livery barn on north side of Main St.; -7 -room white frame horse five doors east of post - office; 50 acre pasture farm east half lot 11, con. 5, Hay; also 50 -acre :'arni on London Road..2 miles south' borne. This farm is all seeded down: TERMS -All sums of $10 and un- der, cash; 5 per cent off for cash or 7 months' credit' on approved joint notes` on amounts above $10.00. Terns of Real Estate made known on day of sale. ' of Hensall; No. 1, south i/ 32, Us 1Vliss Craig is this week visiting 'Mossip,-St, .Marys Journal -Argus,' ,. Messrs. Young & Clark have en Mr: J. L. Kerr spent the week -end larged and- remodelled their ice - at his hone in Seaforth, cream parlor` at the Commercial ho- Mr. Bob: Warrener, of Clinton, tel and expect to re -open it this week week -end at the home of Mr. Win. friends in Toronto, was in town on Monday last. ' Miss 1VI. Hunter was in Exeter on business' the -forepart of this week. Mr. and Mrs, C. F, Dillard, of Stratford,. visited Wire. J. Carmichael recently: • Mrsa W. H. Johnston, of Exeter, visited Mr,`, and Mrs. W. Cr. Pearce recently • Mr. Gordon 'McConnell; of Detroit, visited !lis parents at the Manse, over the week -end, Mr. and Mrs. Jelin Zueffle and Master Clair,- visited in Brucefield on Sunday last. Mrs!. McCulley accompanied . by 1 her, daughters, Maud and Elizabeth, left for the West on. Tuesday, morn - Mrs. Joe.Hoggarth and Mr..Jim. Hudson visited their mother, Mrs. Win. Hudson, of tbwn, on Sunday last: Mr. Young, proprietor of the Com- mercial Hotel, was in London last woek undergoing an ex -Ray examin- ation. Miss Pearl Stevenson, Tett—trued—to, her home in Blake, after spending a couple of months With 1VIr. and Mrs: 1VI:•'J. Drysdale. Mrs. (Dr.) Walters, of Forrest, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. C. A. McDonell, returned to her home on Tuesday. evening last. Mr; N. P. Warrener is holding an Auction • Sale of Livery Stock and Real Estate on Saturday; April 7th. See.advt. in another column. Miss Gretta "Lai.ninie• was in Lon- don on Sunday, "assisting with the musical part of the King St. Presby- terian church anniversary. "How is your wife, Blinks?" asked Jinks. "Her; head troubles her a good deal" confessed Blinks. "Neuralgia?" queried Jinks. "No;": answered Blinks sadly, "She wants a 'new hat." Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Murdock were in. London on Saturday last attend ing., the funeral of the well-known Jockey, Dan McEwen, wlio died at his. l,ome‘in London on Friday last, Special Easter Services will be held in the Methodist church next Sunday. The Choir will render'Eas- ter music both morning and evening and the pastor will take for his morn ing subject "The Living Saviour."' The evening, subject wilt be "The Un- iversal Cross." Miss !Edith Maxwell who has been taking treatments at the London hospital ;for some time was 'removed to the horse Of her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Peck, of town, on Saturday evening last accompanied by her sisters, Miss jean and Miss N. of Whitby, and Miss Grace, of London. The Hensall Spring :Show will be held on Tuesday, April"3rd Special prizes are being donated by IVfr: Jos, Burnie, President of the .Society; Mr. J. Young, Proprietor of the Com- mercial' hotel and Dr.: J. W. Peck, S,Besides these special prizes a good ;list of other prizes will be given !which shrould call forth a good,show- ; The third nomination of the year Was held on 'Thlirscday evening last with 'the. following nominations for Reeve. Mr, Owen Geiger, Mr. Alex. Smith, Mr. eThos. Hudson, Mr. G. C. Petty: Mr.'. Geiger and Mr. Petty, were the only ' candidates to ,qualify1. , and an election is being held to -day (Thursday) inn the Town Hall from 9 °a.m. till 5 p.m. The birthday party held in the • Methodist church.Friday evening last ,was a grand snccess. 'Mi s. Mollard, N. P. WARRENER, Prop. of Exeter, and Miss McCley, of the 1 Italian "Mission, Toronto, both gave excellent addresses, .After the pro gram, everyone sought out the table bearing the: name' of their birthday Too many people run behind keep- month, after which a dainty lunch up a front. was served. FRANK TAYLOR,'Auct. ilJi�aloon goimillisoolomariii":Imallll lfllllllE InJIf llloml lull llll IIIoIN Ii miliI IiaE ,pgllmuratamlloll l((i IIIetit iICi~i`I'_. D.O.You know 'OW 'MUCH It Is Worth 1'. ° Y 1, 5111415.1111 1'I MIIIIMIll4;n I ii> IN1 (I ?mliilal([ii • WIFT'S RED STEER 71RAND FERTILIZERS) Incs'ea & yields Hasten il- �,Aliri Improve au a a.l-:� Place: your order te. day ws f ix oaue write us. Agents wanted eueted. EXPERIENCE Omer the whole continent en- ables us to nzalte thoroughly reliable high grade piantfood that gets you results., ;eat or Sec ons` hocal SIMON P: Cis: , for your Peau iliil4nl(144mi'lll I��L tlil� ., An91�'d %T i��k.i II L, Ri n CORN tt.) (1) "The ears on the 1" fertilized field were xnuci"better condit'iots for silage. 1 would so.y that nearly 100% were prime." (2) ` These Iwai (fertilized) plotr, ere 8 to ' 10 days earlier ripening.", - BARLEY The grain on the 5 tiliz ed field was giate' noticeably prl rnpey ,t am the unfertilized." WIlEAT "RecWtd of' 0er are4 to ,:1.. in cavo r of fe>i tali ser : " CvoTA'tION.S re' lt,4 • . ) iTAtalo . A e ,rtz'ro i rlvi `re s a s a r.Ca t4 a e+ V terry o Jest rr w(( 1 I Icy 17'3• •• I{' fi 7 11 fII;s. 11 tli Ir i�. bt IiU'..�II�M^k1�iLlvl�ml ill k Sua �I W+:I n 11., D. I1 x..W 11 ...Tri �It«ilil ...111 li�l6's'w �1 Wti.l -«frit....., i �-. n�� • 9 i1 Rev; ,Mr. Konkle, of the Leper Mls- sioli, addressed the Methodist and Presbyterian .Sunday School on Sun- day morning last and preached in the Presbyterian church at 11 a,ni. and in the Methodist church at 7 p.m. At 8 o'clock' he gave a moving picture lecture in the Presbyterian; church and showed numerous inter- esting and beneficial views of the work that he represents. At the close of the lecture a special collectioe was taken up in aid of the work. There was a large crowd in the Town Hall on Friday evening of last week to enjoy the play "Fifteen miles to Happytown," put on under the auspices .of Carmel Presbyterian choir. The first part of the program consisted of -two violin selections by Miss E. Murdock; solos by Miss Jes- sie Park, Mrs. J. W. 'Bontbron and W. A. McLaren; two readings by Miss Ola Cook and several quartettes, all of which were ably rendered and well received. The comedy was well put on and kept the large audience in excellent humor. The cast of characters -were- as follows: , Mrs. Della DeLong, County Chair- man, Miss J. Buchanan:; Mrs. Van Tassel, whose husband owns' an auto, Miss E. Morrison; 1VIrs. Bean, a'prom- inent delegate, Miss Ola Cook; Her six daughters, who are obedient chil- dren; Mrs. Patty Peacock, commit- tee on butter, Mrs, W. McLaren; Clementine Buttons, a medicine a- gent; Miss M. Ellis; Miss Venus Siii- gle, who will speak at convention, Miss E. Soldan; Adelina Warble, who will sing at convention, Miss H. El der;Aurora Sprankle, Pres. of Young Peoples Society, Miss E. Murdock; Dewberry Green, who uses his auto, Mr. W. E. Brown; Prof. Lake Trav- ers, an old choir leader who is seek- ing a cure for -,:hay fever, Mr. Wm. Soldan; Horace Hampton, Sunday School Supt.,•• Mr. Joe Burnie. Soldan: e.«..,_• TITURSD43t•, 1►1EIi; iu =iJtb, .19213, l�rx1lL O DER;' HOUSE; T OMBARD., WTNGIU M Seventh' sacks containing oni an av- erage of 16 Heavy mail order cato loguesor about 1150 copies in all have passed through the 'ilringliam Post Office this spring, Ordinarily each eatologue if mailed from Toron- to, would require postage of 15c, By making Winghain the dietributiini point of a 20 -mile zone the mail or- der house saves 9c postage on each gook when mailed. Reckoning oiiethe very conserva- tive average that each mail order shopper will but during six Months, at lea$t $3 worth of goods, this means that the sum of say, $3,500 will leave this district every half year I which will not come back, Or du wily everage from $7,000 to $10,000 a year, -. Not a cent .of this money goes to pay taxes, net a cent goes for local improvements, the upkeep of church es, hospitals and other institutions. Not a cent goes teethe pockets of the ratepayers. On the contary it goes to enrich the mail order house and impoverish the town. And this con- dition will grow worse instead of bet- ter unless the merchants of Wingham fight the mail order houses with the mail order houses' best weapon=ad- vertising. What local merchants need is not less newspaper advertising, but more newspaper advertising, not less sel- ling aggressiveness, but more selling aggressiveness, not, less sales but more sales. By sales is meant not the sulphur and molasses tonics of "red letter days nor yet the hypo- dermic of "special sales" but the real honest 'selling of sound goods that bring satisfaction to the custoner` and a fair and reasonable profit to the dealer. Any other form of retail- ing is bound,'!in the =long run to be ruinous to good will and prestige and that very confidence upon which all successful business is based. And there is no more economical or surer means of establishing confidence as between buyer and 'seller, merchant and customer, than newspaper adver- tiisng. All ether forms of appeal are secondary to it in general interest and'effectiyeness.-Winghain. Tines.. The melencholy days have come, the saddest of the year; we've 'eaten II all our 'canned preserves and fresh fruit isn't here. • Any farmer who has' seed grain, to. • sell, either a large or a small quan- tits, would do well to advertise in The Times. A man often sends away tor seed grain that he sees advertised notltnowing he can get asgood close at home. Pat went into the drugstore the other day to get an empty bottle. Selecting one that answered his pur- pose lie asked: "How much?" +WelI,' said George, the clerk, "if you want the empty bottle it will cost you o . nickel, but if you get somethig, put' it we won't charge you anything for the bottle." "Sure, that's fair e- nough," said Pat. "Put a cork in." ZURICH Mr. Henry Geiger. of Cavelier, N. Dat., is spending the week with friends here. Mr. Chas. Gassman who has rented the farni of Mr. Geo. Smith, Stanley, for a term of years has moved there- on. Mrs. Arun S'telck has .purchased the dwelling property from the Es- tate' of of the late Rud, Heideman. Iiir. W. G. Hess has purchased the two-storey brick business block, next to the Zurich Garage, from Mr. Thos, Johnson. Mr, Ed, Plaberer, of 'Hay Tp., has purchased 'frons Mr. Hy. Howalct,, his dwelling property including 10 acres of land; possession given • in October next. • Mr. W. S. Johnston ,has purchased the 100 -acre farm, being lot 22; S.E. Stanley, sold at the mortgage sale on. Monday. Mr. C. L. Smith has purchased from Mi'. A. P. Hess the business block now occupied by both parties as a printing office and conveyancing office respeci:iveiy. lVtr. .Tless will re- main in the offide as'foriiieily, with practically no changes. Mrs. Chas. Laframbroise, of the Sauble Line; underwent a serious operation at London Hospital one day last week, but is progressing favoralby. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert trurm, who spent the winter at 'Kitchener have returned. to Zurich. NOTED 'I'IORSEMA.N, 1)EdD Deal' reuias'cd cue of the leer>t •ol,ocl harness horse drivers and i`'lili1 C'rrl 1a 1 n'',01.'1 C.' ty`ii t~.i Ben Mc- :Owen c-1 t` e i se 000 iz ben, .£leumo 71t., fol- _ 0:1 le:ri ';. +' fin' Vito driving a t l oy0 iritclib to 14 Iter in Lon- rk. rl+'r i ,1'0..3't ^ i?'iC1lYi:;1 a:�x�. �s„1�2,,�.,,.lrlg a. ;tzt turn in the street,. il,hiclt was 1`vered with ice end snow he enconn- rcd a retreat (ear whim upset the cutter. The G;pi'riied horse tried to got away, but the late' expert noise: mail hung on ,and i:es'dragged' 'for neariy a block. Ho sufferers several' broken ribs and was 'confined to hle 1101+l0. 1.10 wes 10 'Yours of ,age. "S11 egt” De fl as Pc 'was known!, trails - ed many fast horses including The Mel 2.021/4; The Are, B. Jr„ and otliere. 'He was formerly of. Ailsa. Graig. ;nr , CH113 NiDAMPION �`,na �. RA AT LEAST SOME EACH YEAR Put in a certain amount of wire fencing every year until your whole farm is fitted with hog -tight, horse high, full strength Champion Brandd"CANADIA N Fence strung on American Steel Posts. This is true economy. We sell Champion Brand "CANADIAN" fence with the utmost confidence in its satisfaction on your farm; Right Prices—Right Quality, Right Service--- backed by the guarantee of , The Canadian Steel 85 Wire Go., Limited, Hamilton, Ontario. Sold by W. A. MacLaren HENSALL ONTARIO -206 MEW ASEWEIVIERMEgorantagaLMIZIEEMENEengrrz A slow oven will not spoil your baking when you use ORDER FROM YOUR NE GHEO HOOD GROCER 44 Mrs. Thos. E. Harrison of Bayfield announces the engagement of her. second daughter, R eta,• to Mr. Wm. Aitkenliead, of •Brucefield. The mar• - riage to take place early in April. .Mrs. Potter has returned home from Olandeboye, where she had been visiting her father, who was i11 foresome.tiine.,St. Marys Journal -Ar- gus.:' What we seem to need is an alarm clock that 'will put you to bed at night. The stingest tman we ever heard of bought his bride a nickle's worth of peppermint lozengers and took her on a trolley ride honeymoon. When they got off the car he said, "Honey, suppose we save the rest of this can- dy for the children?" {tai}s}S 63' 4 WALLA. , PAPL�, mean., everything to the successful decoration of the home. Make sure of having designs an colorings that accord with your own ideas as to what is cot,' rect and beautiful. Select your patterns from: the great variety produced by - Nasia These papers -widely known far their originality and charm—include a fine as- sortment of s so the p lain self toiled ai err� Pp well •suited to wall -panelling, This treat, ment has become a popular 'feature of' home decoration, You; will find the old type of Wall Paper exceeded in width by the new "Boxer" Papers, by `� y2' inches--,.: hich FOR SA not only makes possible greater charm. of design, but also means fewer seams and consequently improved appearance. Easir er hanin is another important featureof these wider papers—also economy, as a result of the fewer rolls required, The name BOXER on the selvage is your assurance of a qumd ty paper. .t�r 1 ;«ti, ;w 1-� . L I Tib 5 q l �, L .� ON - A