HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-3-15, Page 8BEFORE. Spring Goods We Are Dis iaying Spring Coats and .Wraps A specially selected stock of Ladies' and Girls' Spring gar n,ents is ready for your inspeetio n. We will appeciate an oppor- tunity to show you mese new garmezits, Yon will finclathe prices very attractive, ANDERSON'S SCOTCH GINGI-IAMS WOOL FLANNELS S and°: -IOMESPUNS TRICOTINES. RATINES POIRET TWILLS. CREPES VOILES CANTON 'CREPE CI-IAMBRA;YS House -Dresses and Aprons NICI+aLY FI1vSHED DRESSES' AND APRONS IN'%ATTRACT- IVE STYLES. SEE THE NEW COLOR COMBINATIONS, THEY ARE UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE, WALL PAPERS MARQUISETTE CURTAINS RUGS LINOLEUMS SCRIMS & NETS QUALITY GOCIT}7S PRICED TO SAVE YOU 114ONEY nvmisiam February Sale -- Our . and Most Up -to -Date Conductor of Funeral Service Motor -Hearse and Horse Epuipment ARDIN OPERA HOUSE BLOCK PHONE, 743; Night call 74W v 'a TIPP, EXETER TIMES Subscription rate $1.60 a year. ADVERTISING R.B,'TESr Display Advertising.Made .:known ,on. application. Stray Animals -One insertion 50c rw. 'three insertions for $1.00 Farm or Real Estate: for sale 50e insertion. Miscellaneous articles of not mord thea five lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost sod Li, Po' a d locals n 25c. Localreading notices etc., 1Oc per iine per Insertion. No notice lest than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Auction sales $3 for one insertion and $1.50 for each subsequent e nen a t in• sertion if under five inches in length, Legal advertising 10c and 6c tine. 1181188818121.88 CLUBBING LIST. Exeter Times $1.50 a year; $2.00 to the Unit edt S ales Times: and Toronto Globe ..,.....$6.25 Times and' Mail &, Empire 6.25 Times and London Advertiser 6.25 Times and London Free Presa,4;25 Times and Torn' '"A 6.25 Times, '; a.mly Herald & W.S. 3.25 ,,hies' and Montreal`Wi'tness 3.05 Times and Farmers Sun 3.40 Times and Christian Guardian 3.40 Times- and Presbyterian ........,,,,3,90 The above publications may he obtained by Times subscribers crzbers\z an y combination, the pirce for. any pub- lication being the figure given, less $1.50, representing.the price of Tho Times, One trouble with this generation is too match cyliinder oil and not enough elbow grease. o j THE E WER' Market report ---The 'following is the report of . the- Esetar Market corxreoted er err Wednesday. Wheat $.1,10 Manitoba Flour $3.95 Pastry Flour $3.40. Model Flour $3.70 Feel Flour $2.00 Oats 50c Barley 60c Bran $1.50 Shorts $1.60 Dairy Butter 45c to 48c. Creamery Butter 57C Eggs 26e Lard 0,7 to 20c Hogs $9.00 LOCAL Don't, forget the St. Particle Cafe- teria supper in Main' St. Church, Friday, March 16_, A shbrt program of Irish songs.„ -and. readings will be given. The Horticultural Society ` meets to -night (Wednesday,) Mr. Geo. Coleman, 'of London, vis- ited in town on Saturday last. •Stirs, F. R. Hamilto;i visited with' her sons at Cromarty on Tuesday. Clinton' town council has granted. $75.0.0 to the Horticultural Society. Dr, Roulston is still confined to the house from au attack of la grippe. Good Friday comes on March 30Th. Easter is two weeks from next Sun- day. Mrs. Geo. Van Horn visited her mother; Mrs. Ryckman over the. week -end. "Well,", said the snow to the sun in a, melting voice, "Just tell them that you thaw me." Mrs. (Dr.) 1Vood; of Blyth, vis- ited for several days with Mr. and Mrs. Frank -Wood. If a Inan is prosperous he has no use for his friends. If he isn't they have no use for him. Ik Mr. G. A. Pollock, of the Bank of Commerce staff is holidaying at his hone at Grand Bend. The maple syrup season is not fai away. Farmers are beginning to get things into shape for tapping. ,. Mrs. Peter Frayne is in Toronto this week attending the funeral of her brother;,Mr. W H. Johnston. Miss Geraldine' Harness„ of Mt., Carmel, visited during the past week at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Har- ness, of town. The Misses Alice and Flossie Vin- cent have gone to Pontiac, 'Mich., where they will spend a couple of weeks visiting. March has been upholding her rep- utation as the windy month. Strong winds and gales have visited this dise. trict frequently. Miss Gladys Ward, of London, spent a couple of days last week at the home of her brother, Dr. John Ward, of town. Mrs. Prebble and, son Frank, of Ilderton, visited the formers mother , - Mrs. F. R. Hamilton for Teveral clays during the„1.^� %"week, Mr. E. J. Christie, agent for the Canada Life Assurance Co. is in Tor- onto this week attending a course of lectures for the agents. IL Ir. W. L. "Hughes, of Brantford, visited for a few days with his broth- er-in-law, Rev. W. G. H. McAllister, at the Main St. parsonage. Mrs, Elmer Oesch, ch s of Zurich, ),,,anti Miss Greta hIar ess, of town spent Monday in London;` the former, re- maining in town on their return to visit for a few days. The average than who does not own a car can testify that friend wife and family were' working this auto- suggestion stuff long before Coue as ever heard of. Mr. Geo, Volland, of Detroit, Mrs. . Hasey, of Little;, Falls, N. Y. and lYIr. John Houlden of London, attend - d the funeral of the late. Mrs. John o11 an in Exeter on Sunday. Mr: and Mrs. Win. Rycl;man who have spent the past three' month visiting relatives and friends here w eS5, p V d AT • GGold c® er' i\ ROLLED OATS 1' d 5, �s :4 is SPECIAL yes\ ROYAL YEAST, Special SPANISH ONION S ....3 lbs 25e %\ GILLETTS LYE ......2 Tins 29c' 7\ GROUP 0 PEAS 2 Tins 25c `c:IIOlCE CORN2 Tins 25c h 5c. a box 1, L77A I'I:ETS 4 lbs. 25c GRAN ,, .. lIIEAL.,....4 lbs 25c „.ROLLED , a3LTJE ROSE RICE,... 3 lbs 25e ICING SUGAIL. ....2 lbs 25c STIELLFD,'WALNTUTS ....ib. 45c 9TJIRRII+ I+ S JELLIES, 3 pks 25 CAMEL DATES 25c TOMA-TPES 2 Tins 30c" WAX BiliAisT,S.: 2` Tins 38c Fl REFTYGE BEANS. <2 Tins 38c 4 STRING BROOMS 9 l s left Thursday morning for their home near Moose Jaw, Sask. Mrs. J Ward entertained a numn ber of young people from town and Saintsbury on Friday evening of last week. A very pleasant time' was spent in card playing and dancing. Mr. J. Harding moved to town on Tuesday from his farm in Usborne to the residence herecently `purchas- ed from Mr. Wesley Jones >on 'Main St. The latter has moved back to his farm near Crediton, About 500 residents of Western Ontario are on the "blaelt list" of the federal income tax department at the present' time -and are now being haul- ed into court for failure to file the return demanded by the Government: Mr. M. E. Gardiner received word, on Wednesday of Iast week of a sad fatality which occurred at Essex, his old home town, when Mr. H. N. John- ston was, fatally injured when struck V\ by a ,board in a sash and window .factory. The board penetrated the lungs and Mr, Johnston died shortly: afterwards: Mr. and Mrs. Johnstone and their, two children visited with, Mr, and Mrs. Gardiner last summer'; and made a numberoffriends ,ink. town, : iV,r. Wall ,Gardiner attended Mie funert;i iu Essex on rriday. LL1� .SODASMI,C11; j I7 CANINE S �A\ a pound 23c, a .pound 7ELIVL1, 09 ST0EtS WATCH SG 0'V Ti With the ITt.rtSDAY, I%1 Churche s oavEN PDESEYTERIAN CmTR(7H' Rey. James Foote„ l3, A., Minister 10 a.m.-Sunday School and' Bible Classes l l a.m.-- "The Jpy of the Lord is Thy Strength." The Minister 7 p.m: --"Luther Defended by the Sword of Princes." The Minister. Boy Scouts will meet Monday evening JMIllES STREET METHODIST CHURCH Rev. M. 7. Wilson, B.A., p'a.ator, 11 a,nz,-".A.-Friend Who Will Never. Be Untrue," 3 p.m. --Sabbath School and Bible Classes„ all invited, 7 p, in. -"Slow Down or, Break Down" Helpfuk'''• congregational singing with a good choir lead. ;MAIN ST. METHODIST OHURC}I Rev. Geo. McAlister, M. A., • (Phone 21. r3:) 11 a.ni,-Fiev. W. G II, McAlister, 3 p,m.-Sabbath School and Bible Classes 7 p.m. ---Rev. W. G. H. McAlister, BETHANY 2:30 p.m. -Service will be .li,eld in the Presbyterian Church. SALVATION ARMY SERVICES. Services as usual next Sunday; Capt. T. Robbins NEW 1SE LIi DEALER We have started a new milk route, in Exeter and solicit your patronage., Our herd has; been tested and milk is guarant ,.i pure. Sanitary prem- ises and sanitary methods of handl- ing. Price per ;-quart :10c; Sweet Crean sold. P. J. SPARLING. 3JILLINElly Spring and pretty new hats seen,- to harmonize. We are ready with a fine assortment of trimmed and un- trimmed' hats. A number of charm ing patterns hats from leading hous- es also await your inspection. We in- vite the ladies,of Exeter and vicinity) to, visit our parlors. MISS A. YELLANI).' • .A.ny farmer who has eed grain to sell, 'either a large or a sinail quan= thy, would do well to 'advertise in The Ti'm,es. A than often sends away for seed grain that he sees advertised not knowing he can get as good close at home. ' Do_rne Theatre Friday and Saturday MAE MURRAY IN.. `Fascination" A drama of a girl who danced with danger. Scenes are laid iu` Old Mad- rid, Spain. Wonderful Spanish dan- ces. A real Bull Fight. After the figli tlaeMtrr ay, as Dlo es dances es for ,the guests at the ball ,reproduc- ing in pantomine her bull fight) sen- sations. Wonderful gowns and . gor- eons scenery. ADi MISSION "435c CHILDREN WILL• NOT BE AD- MITTED ACCEPT ACCOMPANIED BY PARENTS. CHILDREN 2;.tic -' irthda >gestio uns A DIVERSIFIED RSI ED LIST- FINE WATCHES SIGNET RINGS BIRTH STONE RINGS GENUINE FRENCH 'IVORY IMPORTED r. P E D PEARLS I3E..LL 4s L , SILVER MOUNTED 00MB & I3RUSII, :ETC. COME IN AND SEE OULt LARGE STOCK OF APPROPRIATE GIFTS. "WATCH OUR WINDOW" J. Lawson s e,V clot, Exeter 'AIRIN4. "75A'?RMERS,=-1 you got hold of a rubber bloat and found that it wore twice as tong as any rubber boot you had had before. WHAT WOULD YOU DO? You ivouid insist upon having the sw 0 ,make of boot nextyear and 'reach: succeeding year, would you not? That s Just what thousands of farmers are doing after having bought their first pair Miner's Inwincibles . WHY? Because the Pira pair wore so long they will not take a chance `with any other make. ,,This is why we need to advertise only to those who have not 'yet worn Invincibles 20 80U-THOOTT BFO . l.f i.•ie :{ "1�.1/T' .c� Fi': ^i3r L�i�q'1'.1`� .1:> FOR,'SALE-Brahamas; Rocks, Wy andottes; Reds,: Minorcas, Leghorns; Anconas, • Hamburgs. Satisfaction guaranteed. G. BENTLEY, Blyth P.O., Ont. FISH - FISH FISH WHITE FISH, HADDIE, SALMON+ HALIBUT. -C. L. WILSON. HOUSE FOR SALE On Huron Street, block and a half east of Main ' zn Street, frame me house in good condition. ' Apply to LOUISE SWEET, II>IIiOL14i FARM BABY CHICKS, from bred -to -lay Barred Rocks, .$16.00 `for 100. Place. your order at once. L. V. Hogarth, Exeter,' Ont.' -Phone Crediton 18r31. FOR SALE -Brick dwelling with three lots on. Main Street, nearly op- posite Presbyterian church;,a Apply on premises to MRS. R. POPPLE STONE,- Exeter, Ont. WANTED =A ' probationer for Clinton Public Hospital. Apply at, once to Bliss Grainger, Superintend- ent,. Clinton, Ont. FARi'r)ERS We have a car load of •feeding Mo_ lasses for sale; • Maple Lea. , Brand, at 25c a gallon. Centralia - Farmer's ''Co -Operative Co„ Ltd. GRASS FARM FOR SALE -Being E.•half lot 5, concession 4,,Bay TO., consisting of• 50 acres more or less; spring water. Apply to J. N. Per- kins, Exeter".- („ 2-22 2tp. FARM FOR 'SALLA -'-100 acres; being .lot' 17,''con. 4, Usborne. On the property is a 2 -storey stone house. bank ba'" rn, horse stable and; _,drive - she drive - shed combined; .,good spring water; good cultivated, land. Apply to J. N. PERKINS, Exeter, WANTED --Middle aged lady tp. act as housekeeper and companion for aged lady in Exeter. ' Apply. Stating wages' to Times office or Mrs.. R. POPLESTONE, Exeter. A. E. TENNANT Veterinary. Surgeon Office-14IclDonnel's 'Salessra. i trY�s ori Sohn St, Phone •.calls receive prompt attention.. Phone 26w ANDiY .ASTON Licensed Anctionecr for the Coria,- ty of Irnron. COrre;zl➢oizdenre arrange ants fore alcs cani be niatle t° by calll- Ing tap, the Central Hotel, Exeter, - Charges ano berate,: pai.i sf aeefoia guaranteed, • tlitS Commencing at $18 00 New Suit1ngs. �' JiLst Arrived s r You will f nd_it to your advan- tage s!�� glace Your � order A .d selection of Pantings i3 HONE 81 FARMS FOR SALE -A few choice farms in the ,Townships ps of Usborne, Tuck e rs ' mzth and Ribbert.' Good buildings and well located as to Mar- kets. Priced right. Apply to Thos. Cameron, Auct., Box 154, Exeter. Dr. OIIIHOpluiCTOIi, OPTOMETRIST` Has removed to Main St, Exeter. South of Y.M,C,A. PHONE 70 Disc HORSES AT ALL Phcne.5 V T cry. zTVIEs: CARLING "Barrister, zSolicitor, "8sc., Loans, Investments, Insurance Office C atling)Blacic, Main St. Exeter LET ELLIOTT IO.I .T & JOHNS Knew when you want your Suit of ,Overcoat -Cleaned :and, Pressed dr Dyed or Dry Cleaned and we will pall for them and deliver them.. We are out for Business. ViTlzetx ' you want a New Suit call in and sea - our Samples. OUR MOTTO -Service to he Pub lc Itle41,CI;J 55 . Tei37I'S1 ecou i�q CoI` I cC4r€1 ^insta ranao Y7It11171,99' lEri IOTT ()Also. Iir;dcz Stx,'e,' r•', ;,