HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-3-15, Page 7At, a recent meeting of the Aiontreal Scon`tmasecrs Association, Sir Arthur Carrie, who, asani the guest of liquor; announced that he, had aece•pted elec- tto>.i:'as a ine:ml.sur of the Quebec Pro- vincial Council of the • Boy Scouts. Tho let Tavistock Troop !loses a fine Scoutmaster' through the zeinovai, of Mr. Walter II. Gibson to '. illsonbui . �lr..Gib ma's last meeting with the Troop took the form of-asleighing party, following which the boys en- joyed a social evening act the hone of I)r. and ail .s, Cawth orpe. Alter games and a general good time a dainty re- past was served.' iitc,ilowing this the boys presented Mr. --Gibson with. a 1Nlystiic Shriner'si pin, set with rubies end diamonds, as ,a token• --of their a - preciation of Inci:leadership of the rir0op• Tour girls, organizations, two of Girl Guides and two -of C.G.I.T., and all foul of Fort William, headed the list -of winners o1 the annual Wallace Nes- bitt Junior First Aidgompe'titions, con: ducted by the -St. John Ambulance As- sociation. --The 2nd Sarnia Troop,.Boy Scouts, took the fifth prize, and other troops well up in the list were the,'lst Madoc, 37th Ottawa, 24th OttLwa,-16th Hamilton, lst Fort 1Z',lliain; (ith Otta- wa,;3rd Fort William and 15th Ottawa. A troop of senior - Scouts Iran been. formed at West Hamiltonwith Mr. John Cameron as'Scoutmaster. Windsor now boasts a fine- Scout Troop composed entirely. of Chinese boys.' The troop is officered' Iiy a Chinese Scoutmaster and Assistant Stroutnnasters. Clarence °hon,,, who has had considerableexperience in Scouting as a nnemb;er of the 4th and later of the 11th Border Cities Troops has been .-chosen ,: ae Troop Leader. Yee Gordon and Lee Sen.are ,the first two Patrol.' I eader-s, A feature of the recent'°Provincial Scout Leaders' Conference in Hanul- rtbn winieli attracted wide attention and con - anent was" tiro display of handi- crafts' of the Hamilton. Scouts. aucl Cubs -at the new armories."""Exhibits included --models of all 'kinds. Minia- ru.re catnps, bats; airships, houses' and. bridges '=-were placed before `, the judges. Some excellent mapps and :'free . hand drawings were also shown. The. first prize four the troop •di.splay -went to the 3rd Hamilton Troop.. The lst -Dundee Troop carried oh; the second --,_.pree n d tee 33id'H amiiton. Troop got e. est Galt Troop.' -celebrated the birbh'e y' of'..Sii Robert- Baden-Powell, the "founder 01 the Boy 'Scouts., on February 22nd, with a big banquet, to which they invited many of their friends, . including the-inembersn of their "Supporters-:C•lub." - President Moog of the Supporters Club acted• as toast -master and the speakers includ- ed Rev: R, D. Knowles, of Toronto, As - .s Proyincia,l Commissioner Frank C. Irwin,,.of..T-o.ro•nto, and General'Sec- retary 'fowler, of the Galt Y.M.C.rl. Various, Scout badges, earned by . the -various- Scouts were presented and the: various troop prizes awarded ..or -the ,past year Were announced. Scoutmas- ter Leonard . A. Wheeler bas• a. troop here of which the citizens of Galt have: every reason to :feel proud. A lerdlt Cub Pack 'has. also .been )started and there is a good patrol of Rover Scoutsr' An; Eastern Ontario. Scout, Leaders' Conference will beheld in the Chateau Laurier Hotel, Ottawa, .on Tuesday and Iaredd-esday, March 27-th. and 28th. In- vitations have been sent ,to Sir Robert / Baden-Powell,. the founder ef^iScoutir.:gg, His Excellency Lord, Byng of Vim -y, C -nilt Scout' for Canada, and Captain "-diiinie1, Chief of the Gilllyell Park Training School, to at -tend and Partici- pate- in the splendid programme ;which has' been prepared. Be ides, -Eastern] Ontario officers, it is expected .that a considerable number will attend from ' loutreal and Quebec points between there and Ottawa. A Matter of Aim. His -master asked a Negro servant to get hint a goad turltey. "Arid muni you, Sa.m,.1 don't want a wildhe said. The turkey arrived a and : Sam 're- ceived les ' money. But when the colonel ' began to carve, the knife a,trucit something hard, 'which, on in- vestigation, provedto be bird shot; -The master was wrathfuls 1'he neat day be touud Saiz and be -r gal to read the:Iliot ,Act. to 'bdm 1-! ':Didn't I toll you not to bring ane,1 wit cl turkey?" 'he flemaatdetl. "Dat was 'tam© tiir1iey-. boss.'" "But,I found,,tlie shot bee with which. you killed him." ".Doan worry, sir, dein 'tended for inc." ono The Fall of Man. Aii Irish laborer itta3ristory>off-Ty12a.S had been: wa,rn'd to be eel -et -el oi! : `e; quarry pit in the neighbor sed 111-. fore -main saw : hurl entddenly' staged nd, ciissa.ppear; aV4I the dt-08e. oC fbe open'ing. Al • once Ise "Alaa to tthi you demi, Piutiiaia?' "Sure, du' len ]Ctli, e itieele. " ran, yon d'on't 'sous& dsad.' "Vrell, if t're scat ideatl,•11a,: wtait npit ciieriv .',' s' TH.'s HEALTH NEEDS GREAT CARE; Care Of HOMO and Chlicken Oftiea Causes a Brea. down. The wwnan tit:hsome deep in"Louse-. hold duties and ' •the cares of mother- hood, needs occasional help to .kee,jj Ite-r in good health. Tbe';demands up- on a mother's health are many and severo. Her own health 'ta•ials,ai 1 leer children's wvelf ke exact heavy tolls,. while hurried meals, broken rest and much indoor living tend to -weaken her constitution. No wander, that the wo- man at home is often indisposed through weakness, headaches, ; back- aches and nervousness. Too many women have grown to accept these. visitations as a part of the lot of niotherhood. But many and varied as her health troubles are, the cause is simple and, relief at -hand. 'When well, it is the woinan'sgood blood that keeps, her well,, when ill sho-mut make her blood rich to renew her health. The nursing ,mother more than any other woman, in: the' world needs rich blood and plenty of it. There is ono way to get this good blood so necessary to perfect health, and that is through the use of Dr.-SVllliams' l=ink Pills. Mrs, W. T. Riley, R.R. No. 1,° Apple Hill;. Out:, hasproveci ;the greatvalue of Dr. - Pink Pills to mothers, and'. tells bier story as -follows: -'Two years ago, atter the birth of -my buy,I be came very weak and run clown. Grad-' ually I lost weiglit- and energy until I was- unable to do my .housework. 1 could' not sleep, ` my nerveswould' twitch and jump so that,I arose ,in the morning with heavy aching limbs and head. Indigestion helped •to make the misery worse, and -my heart would pal- pitate terribly. I doctored, steadily for a year without getting better, but' just cl•ragged ;along feeling that I would Rover be 'well again. But one lucky day, on the advice 61 a friend,'I began treatment with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I have taken only six boxes, but I wish you Could -see the difference. I am now able to do my work, go about; and: enjoy myself. I feel so entirely like a'new woman, that I -advise every weak or ailing woman to try Dr. Wil- Iliad/is' ilIlia /is' Pink Pills and I know theywill tge-t beneficial results." If you aro ailing, easily tired or de- Pressed, it is a duty you owe yourself and your family to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial. What this. mbclicine has done for others it.. w.ili surely do for you. You can get Dr: Williams' Pink Pills through any ,deal - main in nmedicine or by mail at 50'cents aOnt.box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr:. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville; ' .. The ERTIOt14311al. Cabbage. DU plants, and vegetable -s exp-erien:ce tire same eaioations that arefelt by human beings? Scientists are begin- ning to think that they do. ' Some extraordn•ary, discoveries have been macre, and it has been proved that even the humble cabbage has feel- 1 ng i It is alsb- known,. that. roses ea- p2rience a rise -in temperature after) -they- have -been pruned. Experts declare < that there is no. emotion, however delicate, which can- not be felt"by-plantrs. The Japan:es•e have always recog- 'sized this -feature in plants. 'May be- lieve that loye and hatred are both ex- perienced. by flowers. D-zery plant and ve-getable has its owe eharacter; we are told. Science has still much to learn in this direction, but it may be that be- fore long we .shall know everYthing that goes 011 In the plant "mind," The British has a total population. of 445,388,500, people: . A ,savings account is an antidote :for debt, def.eat and most disasters. 1\10:v040f Mental Tele atby. • not many years ago gince there was doubt as. to whether it Was VA' sible for the mind to transmit tthoughts to another need, without 'the ala af ep.eech or other mode of communica- "Thought-readers" have 'appeared -on the musiceiall, bUt there has al- ways been a feeling that the constant flow of talk invariably ceutainee a code which enabled the. man in the audience to give Instructions to his l'here really is such! a thing as men- tal telegra.phy, anti- it is possible for thoughts ' te be transmitted and re- ceived when when the two. perSonall- ties are "in tune." A well-known business man pro- vided the writer with .many instances of communication„between himself and Ns, wife. On one occasion he felt strongly impelled to enter a confec- tioner's shop and buy a chocolate cake. He d.id so, remarking to the assistant that he really didn t know why he was making the purchases. """ He took it home expecting to be laughed at for his pains, but found his wife entertainieg friends. There was a -roar of laughter when he . entered with the cake, Tho whole •compane were witnesses. to the fact that his N'vlfe had hoPed he would return with a chocolate- cake, she having forgotten, to purchase one when out shopping. The writer ones asked thaa daughter to make a journey to the bank to pay le some money. The fact that a cheque had also to hercaShed escaped his mdmory until she was well on. her way. However, a strfffig-mental effort was made to in -duce her to return.— and she did so. Deepest Gold Mine. The Saint John Del Ray mine, 150 miles. west of the Rio, follows, a vein ,gold until the workings axe 1A miles below the earth's surfa.co. The tempetature rises one degree for every 120 feet in the depths, -and at the, low- est level, 6,426 feet, the temperature of the surrounding rock is 118 degrees Fahrenheit. • If you leave only ambition and no energy, you will get about as f aa- as a locomotive without steam. a silent wood Like, a deer) black P0,01, Arise and astound My quiet mind' As white leire.le teeee And darkened pines Point to Ole evening The 'lonely, star Reflected . In the,peacefni'lalee While the StilaSet died, The loons awake „With a silver laugh ,,, And the Crescent moon rides high... MAN OF LETTfRS , Bui/ding .One 'Up. "T iS fa,itliful old friend that ,Quee neednelY. Mr. Drain Is one of Toronto's best 1(110W/1 citizens, and in addition to being a successful latain.ess- irran; has written many poctinil- -and WINTER' 11.11ID ON BABY right new, 1 feel Hite coula bohl Iteeps me in fine condition. Why, - The Winter season ie a hard oao on my ag'°. Call'a(11-1' tine babY. more'or less oonfined "Befare talthig 1- was 'all run -1 to st-utfy, badly. ventilated rooms-. It: is d°w11' -1-va's snit- s°, often, stpriny that the 'mother does r-ering fr°1-11 indigesti°1-1- was11-1- leening we,Il and wa- often. so weak ten as sine should. H'e catches colds1aa" nerv&us eouldn't attend tti busi- acli and boTo.ea get out order and,' • "Well, sir, all these ailnients diseP- epearecl with my firs,t treatment of Tall. he beeorae.se Peevish, eed cress, guard agalust this.,ther ..u.bethei should! lac, and to this .goocl day I've been eat- ing, sleeping. end feeling fine. In all keep a.box of Baby's Own' Tablets. in my seventy yea.rs, lire never seen the the house, „ They regulate tiles -to -mach' equal of Taaalac, and. I just wouldn't be and bowels, and break a -Theo -Ids. - They i without it." are Sold, by medicine de.alers .Or by Talllac ia for sale by goo.d drug - mail at 25 cents. box'frora Tao Dr, - gists.. Over 35 million. bottles sold. NIrillianns' Medicine Co., Brockville One— The lady of the house was waiting for the milltnaan, and when he appear- ed she went out to the baok door. "The milk' You lett this morning was sour, Mr. Jones," she said. "I'llere you ere, mum!" cried the ag- grieved milkman. "It there's any com- plaint, the peer milkman soon hears of it; belt you neve/. tell 'inn when. the ruillr. ain't soar, do yer?" MONEY ORDERS. Dominion Express. Money Orders are on sale in five thousand offices throughout Canada. No man has a thorough- taste of prosperity to whom adversity never minarclis Liniment for sate everywhere DucAT. I BY DF. MIDDLETON Provincial Seliard' of Health, Ontario Dr, Middleton will be gla.d to. answer questione.on Public, Health mat- ters through this column_ • Address.hini.at Spadina House, Spatlina Crescent, Toronto. autinoritiee.lthink"it' does, but- Mrs': -.E.. the Industrial Fatigue Research - Board, are inclined to doubt it. These observers claim that- the controlling factors in causing accidents are speed of production and the -psychical state of the workers. This latter fector is sugges.ted. by the numbecof accidents that occuTeed in a shell factory just after the?"workers had begun' their night -shift. They- were then for the most part in a lively and excited state, but as they calmed down in the course bf the night, accidents gradually fell to half the original number. The un- importance of modern if atigue as a Sector in the cau.sation of ateidenta is suggested by laboratory experiments. When a test involviug modern musc- ular activity' Was carried out continu- ously for a period et theee and one- haref hours" --the accuracy attained im- proved throughout, though mucli more slowly in the latter half .of the experi- ment than in the first half. There was no indication of toss of manual skill, such as might ender industrial conditions have led. to increased acci- Temperature of the workshop >or factorY woeld -seem to have spine bearing on the number of ineas nal I accidents. It was found that the least nuraber of accidents occurred at 67 deg. Ire' 'at lower 'temperature their 152 deg. F. they were 35 per cent. more numerous than- ..67 deg. F. At a still, lower temperature (47 deg. F.) they fell oir slightly, perhaps because the workers were too cold to work with, their usual speed-, so that there was a consequent dimlnuition of acci- dent risk. At temperatures above 67 deg. F. the ateidente"--shOwed a slight rise among wornen workers, hut the men suffered 38 per cent. more acci- dents at 77 dege-,elean at 67 deg. F., their greater liability liefne ,prdleaTily due to the heavier and mote trym g nature of their evork It has been obserVed in some in- dustrial plants that a large number of accidents occur withirr ten min.utes after starting in -the morning and within. ten minutes before closing time at night. Lack of concentration would seem to be the principle cause of -the mishans in these cases. Bat as the morning's and afternoon's, week progresses, it hos been found that aCcidents increase. What is the cause? 'Fatigue may have some part in it, but the speed of productipn and the psy- chical state of the workers would ap- pear to he the chief iactore. ,r PottUl lopvl rifishvg VII limns tur part of the iiirliendici irutrlment 'whieh st,ofes in the field - grains for ifi)v[ri,s.hifig andyitalizing - grape -Nuts tnade from wheat oppplied vitamin Other el Oft' n'ecessory for feet antt'kP ra ititoPP There's a crisPness and flavor Or eoinr tete Food—ancl won Gptpe-Nuts is truly (3011onnield eg 1111Y PIMPLES ALL OVER FAriE And Shoulders. Burned Bad y, Cuticura Hea s. "My trouble started witle pimples' breaking out all over my' face and shoulders. The pimples wem large and red and so badly that 1 could not sleep. They were very sone and my clothIngaggmvated "/ read an advertisement for Cuticura Soap and Ointment and sent for a free sample which helped me. I pUrchased more, and after tieing four cakes of Cuticura Soap - and three boxes of Cuticura,Oenment I was healed." (Signed) William.O. Steen, 39 Peabody Se, Buffalo, N. Y. Use Cuticura for alltoilet purposes. Sample Each PrCeby Mall. Address: "Lyrrian5,71121. F STOMACH IS TiROUBLI NG YOU Instantly! End Indigestion oT Stomach Misery wtth As s-oon as you eat a table.t or. two of "Pa,pe's Diapensin" -your indigestion is gone! Heavy pain, , heartburn., Rath-- lence, gases, palPitation, or any misery from a eons, Acid ston-Tach ends: Cor- ' reet 'your' stomach, and digestion far Book on DOG DISEASES and How to l'eed Mailed Free to any Ad - 188 Weet 24th Street On.e of the most practical avocations is music. In the welter of modern business life, the business man who can rest this mind and glorify his. sog.). by a few mieules Of musical expres- /nen Like Lloyd -George and Arthur Balfour have found , lf there is. the slightest manifestation of musical talent in boY in year family teach him toeplay some instru- ment, give him a. chance, it may be' priceless to him some day. ' Men enu.st ,begin to realize how elosely mesic is bound. up with the social and industrial life of the coun- try. The old day when it wes thonght that -the betsineiss man should take no time fen 1111151 0,1; teat thesennsician could J10 t; OSS be a successful business man Inas fortunately passed into oblivion. Many of our 'best musicians have preved remarkable busineas mea, not 'merely in the, publishing field, where there are some startling secceesee, bet. also lin the great world of businese. 500 Days Without Wafer. teretin eXperlinente of great im- portance to areas • liable .to s.c.vere nvere carried out 3'e ontly by ' the. Crooifoetein School of -Agriculture 14riotts roe aeration' of. pricirly near loaves. alone, , theugh they oll,off in condition, could for.28,0 tlayS steely on o. diet or prieklk Pear, ilea "'when a small •allewe aerie of lincern.o eel eciditem tia•at period eiine•cip were able eater. depereling on the moiettt re freall ti.10 meekly' pear. ISSUE No. fr itto Ell oil 9r grefe Ile, Otp,4 ottier 1)i C4214,11 anima et/here pities Began. , The City , of Landon' i)egtim. ott- sides 'exeept the river by a Irdlwii•rk Paris rose on an island of the with a protecting, Of water- #11- Minard's Liniment used by PhYsiele Women and music should never .eeezone on an aching torn, Inatant- t444,444*.4-4,rd. ly that 'corn &tope hurting, then short. ly you: lift it. right off With fingers. rilreezene" for a few cents, sufficient • to remove every bard corn, soft corn, - or corn between the toes, and tha lues, without soeeness r one ascarets" 10c Best Bowel Laxative When Bilious, • I Td clean out your bowels without cramping or overacting, take Cas•car. ets. Sick hea.dache, biliousness, gases, indigestion,• sour, upset stomach, ank acaillidsyuc, h distress gone by morning. and children. 10e a box. Taste like Nicest phy-sies 011 earth for etrown-ups m. D. advises: "Persons who suffer from severe indigestion o and constipation should Lake after each meal and at bedtime, fifteen e'ke. to deity drops of the Extract of '- Roots known to tine Drug Trade as "Mother Seigers Curative Syrap." bottles. 5) presoribe it in their practice. ' proscribe, it* in' tilefir pracitise: write ter -testimony of mecli-- cal men. Liniment The Family Medicine Chest • 1,9 te Whether you have suffefed for years or are expericnc.ing ° rheumatic pain for the first time-7Sloan's Liniment will bring you quick, sure relief. Apply Sloan's to those Its tin gliing, penetratingwarrnth brings ceinfort inunedietelle, Be- fore you realize it the pain- hate - Sloan' s -Liniment will malce you realize how unnecessary. it is to suffer from rheumatic pain today. The most stubborn and chronic eases, yield to Sloan's. Moans ispand Fot rheum etism, bruises, strain s, chest colds Mrs. McMahon Tells How ne Found Relief by Taking Lydia- 17,: Chatharen, Ont. --"I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for a run-down coneition after the bieth of my baby boy. I had teirible paina backache, and was tired and wealcnot - fit to do my workand care for my three little children. One day I received your little book and read it,- and gave up tak- ing the me dice-, e I -heel end began taking the Vegetable Compolund.'Iateelenuch better now and am not ashamed to 1.7 -e -IF what it has done for me. I recommend it to any woman I think‘feels as I dot" --Mrs. J. R. mcMAnorr, 153 Iiarvey St., Chatham, Ont. E. Pirecharn's Vegetable Com- pound, made from roots and herbs, has ailing women to health and strength. It relieves the troubles which cause such symptoms as backache, painful erieds, irregularities, tired, worn-out eelings and nerveusness. This shown again and writes, a‘eiegell as by one -Wo- t -e mg another. These women know, and are willing to tell others, what it did for them; therefore, it is surely worth "Wurotmrieani.who suff'er should write to the Lydia E.Pinkharti Medicine Co., Cohourg, Ontario, for a free copy of Lydia E. "Ailments Peculiar to Women.' Pinkham's Private `I'eet-Boolo, Ivor" eeenreeteeren -ou see the narne '"Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all Aspirin," which, contains directions and, dose Wbrked out try Toothache 1\leuralgia Neuritis Earache ,u.ribago Pain, P,',-Iiii nandy "illeiyer" boxes of -12 tilblets--ti a bottle, of 21 awl 50-- i/rueeds Ili .1111iit '11 11 Whether you have suffefed for years or are expericnc.ing ° rheumatic pain for the first time-7Sloan's Liniment will bring you quick, sure relief. Apply Sloan's to those Its tin gliing, penetratingwarrnth brings ceinfort inunedietelle, Be- fore you realize it the pain- hate - Sloan' s -Liniment will malce you realize how unnecessary. it is to suffer from rheumatic pain today. The most stubborn and chronic eases, yield to Sloan's. Moans ispand Fot rheum etism, bruises, strain s, chest colds Mrs. McMahon Tells How ne Found Relief by Taking Lydia- 17,: Chatharen, Ont. --"I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for a run-down coneition after the bieth of my baby boy. I had teirible paina backache, and was tired and wealcnot - fit to do my workand care for my three little children. One day I received your little book and read it,- and gave up tak- ing the me dice-, e I -heel end began taking the Vegetable Compolund.'Iateelenuch better now and am not ashamed to 1.7 -e -IF what it has done for me. I recommend it to any woman I think‘feels as I dot" --Mrs. J. R. mcMAnorr, 153 Iiarvey St., Chatham, Ont. E. Pirecharn's Vegetable Com- pound, made from roots and herbs, has ailing women to health and strength. It relieves the troubles which cause such symptoms as backache, painful erieds, irregularities, tired, worn-out eelings and nerveusness. This shown again and writes, a‘eiegell as by one -Wo- t -e mg another. These women know, and are willing to tell others, what it did for them; therefore, it is surely worth "Wurotmrieani.who suff'er should write to the Lydia E.Pinkharti Medicine Co., Cohourg, Ontario, for a free copy of Lydia E. "Ailments Peculiar to Women.' Pinkham's Private `I'eet-Boolo, Ivor" eeenreeteeren -ou see the narne '"Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all Aspirin," which, contains directions and, dose Wbrked out try Toothache 1\leuralgia Neuritis Earache ,u.ribago Pain, P,',-Iiii nandy "illeiyer" boxes of -12 tilblets--ti a bottle, of 21 awl 50-- i/rueeds