HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-3-15, Page 41•+4,1!,+.
;^r2 • - • -2".2. 2a2e,}.22,41a22;22v2•222;a24,2.2,
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, e Clet i"-TA-Vrt-4.19- 'I- a ,, Q° rl Pa a
c.,.. E..
akay. aaa
:11X.'21a. eeee.
"when the Ford tOn truck was first
1f2L .22. .
4 1,2 el;ased"..a2.-nuanher of 'th'em. for use at.
Craig-a:TY, and this 'fleet: }vas rapidlir
4. added to until to -day we haye thirty.
two Ford Trucks in use throughout
Western Canada.
!If' These Trucks ttre used xnainlyna re-
tail deliveries, and for that purpOse we
find them very-sattsfactety.a
• - •
plECE trade -mark of P. Burns & Co.
IL _Limited, Calgary, Alberta, appears on
32 Ford Tracks.
The Popularity of the "Shrumock-
Brand" has been established, and is being
maintained throughout Western Canada by
rapid and dependable delivery through the
aid of Ford Trucks.
The Ford Truck has accomplished big
things for hundreds of large Canadian
The same economical and dependable
service can be applied with equal effective-
ness to smaller firms by the use of a
Ford. Truck,
Your order placed to -day 11 .ass_ure
you one .at the present low -record price.
The one -ton thick chassis sells for ,,,$495
f. o. b. Ford, Ont. Government
extra. Standard truck bodies are avail-
able at low prices.
You can buy on time.
See your 'Ford Dealer at once. ,
Aud Luili1P.er
1 Ply Roll Roofing, $2.00
2 Ply Roll. Roofing, $2.75 ,
18 Ply Asphalt.R61I Roofing,. either
Red or Green ,
Asphalt Twin Shingles $6.75
White Pine lx6 Dressed and ,alatchede
. at .$15.00 Pea.,„agineige feet.
Also .}Ited-Lillriber Perfectly Clear
at $55.00.'
Phone No. 1,e.,2
• G13,4.NTON
ALLISON—Ina.Usborne, on March
14th, to Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Allison'
(nee Ethel Case?) a daughter,
•........(alarga,ret Anna ,Belle.)
JOHNSTON—At Washingtan,
to Mr. and Mrs. lele„.Fmeboorn John-
etort, a danghaele (Mary Tessa.)
lidrE0D-t Bayfielcb, on IVIarch
3rd, to Mr. and MrseelV. J. McLeod
a daughter. •
race, Varna, on March '7th, by the
• Rev, J. L. Foster, Mabel Elsie, only
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lancelot
Clarke, to Ephriam A. Howes, of
Arthur, Ont.
SCHELL—ADST1N--At Varna, on
••• March ist, by the Rev. J. L. Foster
Alice Isabel Margaret, younger
daughter of Mi'. and Mrs. Alfred
Austin, to FlOyd Howard Schell,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Schell,
of Detroit.
WEI3BER—JOHNS--At the Method-
ist parsonage, Centralia, on Feb.
28th, by Rev. A. Sinclair, Mr. Roy
Webber, of Centralia, to Miss Ger-
trude Johns, daughter of Mr. and
Mts. Wm. Johns, of near Greaten.
BDDFORD—Iii Exeter, on Sunday,
March llth, Mr. Jason 13'. 13edford,
aged. 85 years and 7 'months.
VOLLAND-----In Exeter, on. March
9th, aars. John Volland in her 74th
Unexcelled dining ear service.
',Sleeping' cars on night trains and
parlor ears on principal day trains_
Full information from any 'Grand
,Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Hor-
• ning; District Passenger Agent,
IV. J. DORE, Agent, Exet,eir.
installed a batterY charging outfit.
,Briug+in your battery and let us look
atter it ,for you. Satisfaction guar
anteed.---; F. W. CLARK.
Mr. Ti. S. Wilson, of the Bank of
Commerce, has .been transferred to
Hamiltoa and left Tuesday evening
for his new position, Mrs. Wilson
will remain. in Exeter with friends
for a' few -Weeks. '
Mr. H. Rutherford, of Dashwood,
has' been transferred to the Crediton
branch of the Bank of, Commerce.
Mr. Dan Sweitzer wno haa been
visiting friends in and around Cred-
iton for the past week left' for Kit-
The yOung People 'of town are busy
practieing the play, , "An Old. Fasha
ioned Mother," to be given under the
auspices of the Women's :last ute,
ou March 23rd-,
•• Miss Merle Clark left foraToronto
on Monday last where she will spend
a week or -two,
• Quite a nutnber of young friends
of Miss Bernice Either gathered at
her home last- Friday in honor of
her birthday: , • \
Mr. H. K. Eilber was in Goclerich
Monday on business. • ,
On Sunday afternoon Mr. 'John
Steinackea departed , this ' life- after
an illness of a few. hours. On Sat-
urday'he was, around the village as
usual and every" person was 9-Li:prised.
op. Sunday maiming -to hears of his
death, which resulted from Periton
itis: He nievecte here about four
years ago from his farm near Seb-
ringvillet 'where he had resided the
greater portion .of his life and oper-
ated a farm of 240 acreDuring
.his life time he took a great interest
in horses,. cattle, and hogs and re-
ceived many prizea.at the local fairs.,
His ,fan was known as one of ;the
finest and best kept in theelocaliisa
On Wednesday evening the Rev. S.
Hauch preached. a funeral service
at his late residence and on Thurs-
day morning the remaine•will be re.
mo-Ved to his old- homestead at Seh-
ringville from whichplace hewill be
taken on Friday at 1 p.m. forainter-
ment -at the Evangelical cemetery.
'Aar. Steivacker left, live' sin% and
four daughters to survive Kiln, one
daughter having predeceased him a-
bout one year ago. ,, • *
In accordance wit the action' of
the re,cent•'Gteneral C'onferen,ce of 'the
Evan-gelical Chtirch, the local 'Young
Peoples• Society ' of Zion, Evangelical
Church bas re -organized under , the
new 'mane -and congtitution. Former-
ly the society went aurcm
ier the nae
of Y. P. A., en" Young :People's Alli-
ance, henceforth itt, will be known as
the E. L. C. E., toa.Evangelicaa League
of Christian ,Enaeavor. ' The Young
People's "sociietijea., Of ale- ENeangtelidal
Church' ai•a defittitely'linked up
with the" greatatitchenient of the 'Chi's-,
tiara Eadeaior Soaiet'y, organized by
Dr. Francis*: E. Clark, 42 years ago.
Under; his-leader-s,hajd aocieties have
been toriaiiiped in. Malnye landa of 'N.'
and S. Americas in Europe, etc, with
-representation in ailearly 100 denomi-
nations, 2nd a menrbetrship of over
4,000,000. Di.. D. Polingatha, Ass,ociate
president "of ;the C.- Ea as a rat -dater
a the Evangelical Church, and, was one
of the chief speakers at the recant
Gener-al. Conference. . • ,
The newly. elected officers -ef, the,
local society, are as afollow-e:-.Presi-a
dente Mise Adclileara Geiser ;svic,e-pres,,t
Miss Esther Hatch; Rea.-seCY, Miss
Alma Heist; co.r.-sec'y, Freeman
.Morlock; treas. Mr. Clinton afearlock;
Bible Study sec'y,••• Mise 'Clara Oes-
treicher Stewardship and Missiten sec.
Mass Ever Oestreidher; Christianship,
sec's'''. Mr. Emmery- Fahner; pianists,
Miss Beatricee4itit "and Mr, Le,onard
Heist ; Librarians., Messrs. Fr ed Cu nate
ingten. and -Royal Heist; Supt.. Jr. E..
L.C.E., "Vries Mabel' Feltner; ' Ass'a
Supt., Mise Loretta Heist. The Sem-
iety meets every Friday, evening ' and
for part of the. seSsion a 8ys'
isian; of the, Sf S. under the leadership
of Me.sers. C.TIVIawhinne,y and A. Amy,
meets in conjun,ction with the E.h.C.±.,
Preparations are under way for the
reception and entertainment of the
Annual Conference ..e.ssion which con-
venes in Zion chards on..„Aprtt, l8th.
About,.80 to- 100 delegates are expect-
ed to attend,
Mr.- Wni. Veal 'of ElimVille eaaifY
nounces the engageinebt of his
youngestedaargeffer, Minnie V. to
,A4Vin"E. Pym, eldest son of Mr.: and
Mrs.' Sam'l jaPym,..the marriage to
take place this month.
In loving memory of Carrie Lecor-
rie Sillery, (Carrie Copeland.)
Dear is the spot IVhere he is laid,
Sweet are the memories' that never
Will fade;
Fond is the hope, that again we shall
meet, 4
kneel'ing together at Jesus' feet.
DAVIS—In loving memory of ,our
dear mother, MrseWm. Davis, who
passed- away March 1.1ta, 1919,
four years ago to -day.
There's a- lonely spot in our hearts,
. For onearith whom we had to part.
Reg face so' dear, and 'her voice,,so
sweet, • s'
The kind words utteredethe advice
rill follow each of its te our rest- CENTkALIA
But some day„we'll meet and her lips
will part
And say, well done, each noble
Iler Lonely Children.
enders will be received by the
secretary for :rental of Fair Grounds,
Ser:43.0:1 OF 1923. T -enders to e in by
March 2 „ G Seicloa n_b
., eve;t
"• • a, aaa'ateeettaastassaa... •
ir — '1"---• •-••"----' -:.f:
a ‘,1;'
r. atateapie-aael,
, , • • ,
?Pr ' •
S. S. 'NO. 4, SIll?PHE;K. , 2.
wrzaawavarcanzgzier: intsmasatgam
iiafs eisatt„ s„,
LEGE, ST1121,TV0111), ONT.
The len{Ucg 12)2w:de0l
trainii3sellool in WooLerri
Ontario. '1 -Tie scriool where .7
YOU get a tilorong1a course
under coropeter4. instritetor
Coinmdocnil, horL1iud
TOlograi)ily 17)epart-
itler11s: gradilatcz
to position2t, Wvite fof free,
I). A. 7', tel,a, eli
The following is the report of S.S.
No. 4, Stephen for the month of Feb:
These marked a were absent for para
of tests and the per cent is only based
ora subjects they wrote.
Sr. IV -,-Honor s Erma Fainter,. 91+;
Selma Rader, 83. Pass, Ruth Weber
73; Roy Schwartz; 73; Irene Martens
03; *Kathleen Morlock, 8.
Sr. Ila—Martha Martene, 77, hon.
Arnol Decker; 74; Lloyd Vahi 17;,
Loranee aVein, 52; "'Charlie Martene,,
Sr. II ---(Promoted to Jr. III)—
I-Toitoes,-1111don Smith, 90; Edna Mar-
tetta, 87; 'Greta 13eelter, 81; Thelina
AVebca, 80.
Sr. 3t•-+IIcettees, Olga alartene, 87-
Gore:lee Becket 87. a •
'1.S1.---13otiors, lOditli Weber 75;
bytl Deglesore, 70.
aisatanite; 910.
Mare:notate Ants', • 11.00;
0-isoa• Taigler, 136; aeresat. 111celta;:tr.
ta,a221;t2):: ax,re; a • ., t
Nat. enrialeeel, it•t-ct.,e,tf,eaa i2
• ' LAVINA 8.1laITT1' Teacher
The people of this vicinity held a
surprise party Monday evening at
the home of Mr.. and aVIrs. Milton
Mitchell. An enjoyable lime " w,as
spent. ,
- Miss Kathleen Hicks has resigned
the position as pianist in the Meth-
odist church, as she is going to Vic-
toria Hospital, London, where she
will be in training fer a nurse. '
The Ladies' Aid are ha,ving a St.
Patrick's tea -and Literary and musi-
cal entertainment Thureda,y evening,
March 17th, No pains are being
spared to 'make that a unique and
splendidaasuccess. ',Every body wel-
come. Every body- come.
The Directoreof the Fanner's Co-
operative held a, meeting on Monday
afternoon in ;Lae office of the- Co. to
consider Ole advisability of giving
the inembers of the laarinei"s Club
some ,financial advantage in buying
grain etc., over those wile were not
menibere". lo ,actien was taken.
Thee. Smith, ef Fullatsion„ has re-
turned after serve:rat 'weolcs absence
in 'Sr:attend w-liet+e die had tone to
lari-ng a ClyCleadtite liorse hear% for
Fred- C,eigelt. cnn.' •
itar. and '14rfi••3. IN, W. Teeseartha
ai+e, moving into Clicton from
lIalniasrillc, and teletrea" 1)r3 ;,12'-4 Oil
of their tieeir li_Ottge oc latetaul))zier St:
Def.are leaviatt 111a)Imeatli1lle they were
• e --",- "0"' "11- - lOii1 1vii-
a•-21:2-21 f'reetley.' ."'
r orkr-',"rr "r•
M. Ezra Tiernan ha purchased
the bUtcher business from 111r. Edt
mund, Kraft, ••oa which Mi. Tieman
exchanged Ills residenee. Mr. Kraft
then purchased ',the 100 -acre farm'
of. Mas Fred Willert, west of town,
Mr. Willert purchasing Mr,,Tieman's
residence from Mr. Kraft. The deal-
ers take Postaesaion APt'll let,'
cip,ltsase.stDoe. kTioefmtautri nhitausreadtodehdisai•ifaill:st
ware business. '
Mrs. Chas. Fritz, of Zurich, is vis-
iting her sister, Mrs. J. Kellerman.
Miss Margaret Yeates, of Sarnia,
is visiting her sister, ..,Mrs. Harry
Mr. J. C. Reid had the misfortune
to fall and hurt his "knee which has
confined him to his ftOuse during the
last week.
Mn. and Mrs. Ed. Stelk and son,
Mervin. of Drysdale -spent Friday
with Mr`, and Mrs. P: Fassold.
Mr. L.T. Rutherford whoahas been
manager pf the bank of Commerce
here has been transferred to Credi-
ton. •.
InSpenter To:m, of Goderich, visited
ctur school on Thursday last. .
Miss Verda Fassold left on IVIontlay
or Gorrie to resume her position as
Mr. and Mrs. McCann -and Mr. L.-
Zellar, of Stratford, spent the week
end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Zellar: -
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Zellar, of Mich-
igan, are visiting the former's father
Mr. J. Zeller' who still continues to
be ill. "t 41'
The play "Farm Folks" 17111, on by
the young people in the sehoblaThure-
day night was a decided success. An
overflowing audience met the players
and as a result the play was repeated
Friday evening. Great credit is given
all the players who tooka their di tea
etit parts so
Mr, and Mrs. R Stade, of Zurich,
spent Thursday in toWn.
Miss Hanover visited in Exeter on
Tuesday. ' "
Miss ,Ada • Fassold has accepted a
position with J. C. Reid as milliner
highl-y- recommended as a milliner
of good taste. She shows a beauti-
ful display of hats and is always 'wil-
ling to satisfy ,her customers.
at the premises of the Owner:Mai-est
on SATURDAY, MARCH 24th, 1923
At' 1 o'clock sharp; the loilawing :-
2 bedroom /suites', stari,n2gs and, mat-
tresses, parlor suite, dining extension
table with chair.s, sideboard, 2 couches
Heintaman. piano- airst class 'condi-
tient, stove, Banner coal scuttle, music
rack centre table,2 floWer ta-bles
pantry table, gasoline stove with tes62a,
2 rocking chairs, copper boiler, hat
raCk, card receiver, cock, carpet
Sweeper; vac tturn cleaner, O'Ceciar
mop, ,flat irons, estreteher, • ,folding
clothes horse, sausage griadet, 2 rugs
101-2x12 feet; rug Salt) ft.; rug 6x88
ft.; 1-2 dozen. quilts and blankets, 2
carpets for bedrooms, curtains, rug'&
robe, stair carpe'a full set of dish-ese
pictures and paintings, silver knives
and aorks, spoons, ,5 don quart gems.
Rubber tire fan), buggy, first class
cutte.r, set single harness, wheethar-
raw,. two galvanized pig troughs, grain
bags, lawn mower, forks, shovels,
spade,. crowbar, potk barrel', and many
other articles. 20 bushels potatoes,
sunis el $10 and under
cash„ over that amount /6 months'.
credit on appaoved faint notes, or a
discount of 6 per cent, per annum off
Gar cash on credit amount&
• • Auct. Prop;
eye, 31ing trip and rope, cream s.epar--
ator water trough, 2 3-hotse even a
'scuffier, -hog set 1°daocluebrie e.11r6altesisg,1•1; aset taitaw°5-.'
gte barneSs, gravel box, hay rack, seed
dw.taildLera,or2ninajankltitaLnkstaa,,, gwohngel)lowbiairSTlioeP;
$haVe13, forkse, belts, shingles, pipingl,
window frames, brick, tile, arid other;
Farm Produc-e---,100 bus. ,)4,ts., , 200,
tittaryzw:j.utiaun;a121),itaytyClliltran,stdrare quantity long.
bus. masa, 2 tea hay, 5 ton clover
, Alao, subject to a resered -bid, and
trO, tile mortgage encumbrance,- the ,
farm consisting of 100 acres more, or
leas, „and being Lot.12,.Con,•3, Stephen,
Tp, Oa the- preniases is a good 2 stor-
ey house, with brick kittilten;
bank' +barn. 35x55 with good'
a frame barn- 30x50, brick hog pea.
and hen. house with cement foundatioa
artel frame. drive, ,shed; 9 acres in 'tall
Whea.t, 7, acres- in sweet clever, 20
acres ht. hay, 9 acres; pasture land arid-.
30 acres tall plaughed, There are
good veins 0:12. 'the property and ti, as„
iii good 'stake of cultlivatiOn. Only S
miles \front -either Exeter breC•rediton,..
, •
Real.Estate niiEa.dR'eMkStiewn °neck.; 'of,
s e, . Chattel -4i0 and un.aer cash
aver that " .raolith.?' credit,
o5ntpefrannisceohting. piafpipto'rovceaisdprij.oiret states, oil
-For •conditions, of sale and. 'furthers
Particulars, apply to ,
F. W. Raymoncl,'Alithorized"Trustee
itt Cireene-Swife Bldg., London, Ont.
Gia.dinari & Stanbury, 'Exeter, Ont.,.
His Solccitors. ' •
Anelr,ew Easter, Exeter Ontario.
Auctioneer. • • '
_ _ a
PFAF,F, fr., Estate
Under the authority of the Inspect -
ars of the above Estate, the; under-
signed Authorized Assignee .will •of-
fer the 'Farm, Farm Stock, Implements,
Etc., tof the said Henry Pfaff, jr., ;by
Public A.uction ginathe premises; Lot
12, Con, 3, Stephen, on
FRIDAY,- MARCH 23rd, 1.923
At 1 o'clock p. m.
Steck-4' cows, 5 two -yr -Old cata,
tie, 2 one -yr -old, 6 calves, 2 hors -es,
75 hens. ' , •
' Implements -Turnip 'dial, Jdhlabeere
manure epreacier; 3 -.ii -evenes
cultator; steel thaysatalcse• ditsa,t
-'-rue.ever, 2 wal Icing sl Plasmas e ales' ee. ' den
nronnOS harrows, 7 -ft. alassey-Harris
, Binder ,2 Wagons; 6 hp. It'airb.anks'
Mr. Bruce RiVers - is visiting -in
Mrs.T. S. Woods is visiting I
Mrs. D. Ross and Sonny, visited in
Ceataalia Tuesday.
A despatch from NeavaYork dated.
March- 12th, sayse," '
e In to -day's market there -were as
number of interestin.g moves in in--
dustrial specialties, all of them up- 11,--;• 't -
ward. Sugar- stocks reached new , ,
highs following a fresh advance in.
raw. sugar quotations, and the an-
nouncement that a large amount '
raw sugar had just been taken 'by- •
Europe ;at 51/2c a potina. •
-This price ifprarawaSftgar indicates,
an even- higher price' for refined su-
gar in ,Canada.
+In India you 'ean.telt a man's coistea.
by the way he dresses; oVer here you,
„asaal.ine engine and 'aeriadze, clia,taa can tell it by the- way his wife dress-'
fanning mll, hay: .11arka Fo•Pe. 'and • pall- es -"•7, ' • • ' •
; .
. .
. •
, 1 ,
Mr. Hubert Jones was' in Pt. Bur-
well the to -repeat of the week.
• MiseMabel Johns, of LondoneNor-
mal, -was home over the week -end..
Tlioan Harvey and +Mai. S. M.
Sanders are spending.a few days with
..relatives in Galt. • - -
Miss' Minnie-laestle.and Mrs, Beret
dan, of.. Ar,va, visited Mr. and Mrs.
N. '11. for several days during
the past week. •
Miss Verda Leavitt who has been
recuperating at her home here has
,sufficiently recovered as to be able
te return to Walkerville.
Mr. A. E. Almond; Eye Sight Spec-
ialist, of Toronto; will be at the Ceh-
tral I-Iotel, Exeter, on Friday and
Saturday, March 23rd and 24th.
Mr. Edgar Thonapson, who was in-
jured 'while experimenting in: chem-
istry at the Exeter High School, er-.
turned td' his studies on Monday.
Mrs, E. Irwin, of London, visited
her parents in town, the forepart of.
the' week. Mrs. Wm. Newell, of
Stratford, is at preientsvisiting here.
Mee. C. la Hooper, who recently
underwent 'an - operation in London
Hospital continues to improve. Mr.
Hooper expects to go to London on
Thursday to accmpany her home. '
FRIDAY, aVtARCH • 16th, '1923, ,
HORSES—General purpose horse
12 years old; matched team, agri-
cultural mares rising 3 and 4 years
eligible for registration.
CATTLE—One registered Short
Horn. Bull, 3 years old; 2 Hereford
cows, freshened lst of Jan; 1 Here-
ford cow, due in May; 1 Hereford
cow, due in June' 1 Hereford cow,
due in Sept; 1 Hereford cow, due ie
June; 1 Durham -cow, due in June;
1 Ilereford 'cow minting, not in 'calf;
2 two-year-old heifers; 4 ore -year-
old heifers; ,3 Baby 13eeves ready fat
Easter, ( if not 'gold before;) 2 Dabs-
13eeves, 8 months old; 1 Baby Deaf,
5 :months old; 3 young calves, 1
month old.
PIGS ---One young low, due last
April; 2 young sows; due last May;
2- Inge about 125
A quantity, of mixed bay, ;a quan-
tity •00 timothy hay, 175 bus, good
seed oats, .50 bus, gop.d barley; 1- set
Brass Mounted team harness; heariv
. Incorporated 185e+
Capital and Reserve $9,000,000
Over :125 Dranehea
This institution offers depositors safety for . „;
' theta savings, reasonable inaereat cola-pc-un-
dsed every Six months, and fr'eedona from
red tape in case of ;Withdrawals.
Savings ,I)eaarttnents at every Branch.
• Deposit -of $1..00 and upwards invited. .
X_ETElt DliANCII -- T. S. WOODS, afanager'
Centralia branch open for business daily.
. I
;-.11.14'7.84 :80' 48.44i
,;•• sticrit " f".•
aee aaas aleattaterea.a+T•-•se ",' -sae -
Loans for Seed Grai
IF you require a loan to purchase
seed grain, call upon this Bank.
We are desirous of assisting farmers
to the greatest extent possible. 903
Capital Paid
Exeter Branch
n ‘
Dashwood 3
up $15,000,000
'Reserve Fund $15,000,000
• M. R.Cornatlin, Manager.
• R. S. Wilson, Manager.
ANCE comi.Ayy
_Head Office, . • ',,.e Farquhar, -,Ont.
President, I Win. BROCK
Vice -President ' .JOHN ALLISON
We have a large amount of private •
funds to loan' on lariat and ,village,
• properties, at lowest rates of in-
Barristers, Solicitors,
THOS. RYAN SIMON' DOW Main ,St. Exeter. Ontario
taia,lia,Ageni for
Usborne and Biddttlpli.
OLIVER-,HARRIS, 'Maar°, Agent for
Hibbert, FaBarton and Logan.
• , • ,
. ,
PERLLr 17'..00,1113E, •LicenSed Anti- .2
tlomper. Saleii; Conducted in any leo- ••,-
all,ty. Terme taiod`drate, Orders- laftl
at Tiraes1pffice Will be • promptly at
tended ,to. Pilone' 116, ' '1(1ra-ton.
Addrees, lairkton' R. 0. '
Secretary -Treasurer 1 -
R. P. No. 1, wood.bn--n. tiSE "DIAMOND DYFS"
Solicitors, filxeter.
1 1 '
Oft. G. it0113LOTON, D.D.S
0Mce over ;1,. 10. Carling's •Lav
- Tufz.11+1S-LeAll sums of' $10 and un- Closed ever -y Wednesday afternool7
, •
del. cash, ever
Menthe, credit on
aOlj °i notes or
that anicrent ten • --
;lin., e 111-t, A; )K.INSItttA N. IAL.1)„,
5 per cent off for '
Gradtitaa 'Of Teronto taivars
. --TWraai'lL3T--
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