HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-3-8, Page 7, coutino TitreMP' a Mother '5 EYes.
One of the fineet ealdr,osares
at the ProValeta' .Scout Leaders', Con-
ference held in HefeiItori recentlY was
that of Mrs. George AgitroYel, Scout'
Alother of the G6t1i Toronto Troop, on
the 'subjeCt "The Relationship -of, •the
•lileorattnitste. to "'he Home." It. Wee 'a.
wenclerful testimony *of 'the value of
Scouting to the home • and coming
Iron' ale Mother ell a ri'oronto hoyeello
has pas -sed tlirongh all etages of Scout-
ing until lie is -"row, in, charge a
creep of liis own was all the neer& im-
preadve. '
Sin ee Mrs. Ayltroycl's address „ an-
otbee' another, lelre. 'E. Difff AV11liane,
sou/lies added her testimoitar as to the
110 of Scouting 1:o the home in the
Ipwing lotitele
It is in reality -but .ttv0;yedre, two
of the' bueiest a 'Se.611,t ,eiother ever
nut ith
"I have seen ray Scout rise teem
Tenderfoot to Setiond Cities,Second
Ciase to First Class and toePateol
Leafier in that titne.. I -have had a con-
tinual , procession' of boys ---would-be
Scouts -a -and 'Scants . In tho differeet
stages of progress -at Our doer, •Wlien
the backyard wasn't fullof fire build-
ers; knot • tiere "with eyes :open and
twee shift," classes, in flag history,
Scent Promise, Scout. Lagsre, First Aid;
Signalling "from, the 'porch roof and
the garage roof to neighboring fields."
When the back yard wasn't full the
house wasa-even _fire leindling in the
fireplace, •
, liege learn'ed, to "Size up" the boy
e 'kerne- as to his rank or
ass by his eiet.011S." The would-be
S'eaut hangs ae...ennte tlieoutsIde and
rat f 1 11 9 'into a iigeeaseepicuous
seat by the dein'. speaks onlYAgn-
11 EA LT1-I E IJCA'r I
Provincial Board of Health, Ontario
Dr, ., dleten will be glad to Answer questions on Public Health mat-
te through thie coluinn. Addrese him at Spa-dina House Spadina
Creacent, Toronto,
eve eating -Melte are.' springing: •deinorietra.tion afi'eoon as possible so
N h s
all around no. Seine base their claiins he asked, if, to linrry matters and -get
• on atite-suggas'ton,- some on faith the stone-1).1'6th. devOloPing, 00111'd be
healing seine / movou t ad' g' 're ' ne old scraps of meat ' This
ustment of .the spine, Deep below all was provided and the „little
'these, superficial requirementh one party anxittsIy - gazed at the contents.
great ect tide out supreme One .of the saucepan The water was ' be,
must live a natural, healthy life. All ginningto bubble and the tramp -was
the auto-suggeetions m. Chtseisenclam „quite pleased. If only he had a hand -
or out of it wild not cute a headache , ful or so' of barley be said he could
brought about by a 'stuffy aemosPbere , make the experiment go t,wice ae fast,
if the patient, owlet get fresh. air.!'so the 'barley was addtd.,. He e-ven
Coue and'all associates eaeni,ot ee-t managedisto beln- the wonderful stone
live one ease of constipation' if .the by putting,' some; scraps. of lettuce, on -
't 'srt- ' • t' cr. the foods ions and pofatc,s that had been left
or combinations of food that eartse the' ever into the sau'eepan and very soon
constimition: ' the mixture got' quite 'tasty ande the
e in tbey 1 In their a --ele6e0m'ed waLJArycts TELLS.,
pitehes and in soft -ton r
, • , 041 voices ci'3(bolt 100105 7
HARD0 -4..BA, Yi'lete, lovely vi'lete,"
Cirene eXplaiiied, "Trade's had; WiIte Ccontinilf,i'd St.if.
The stormy, blustery weather Which
wc. have during February and March
is sextremely bard on, Children. Condi"
times make it neceaeara for the moth-
er to. keep, thein in the house,
are often eon1Ined•te overheated, bad-
But tie je'laafeced mean in ' Declares He Spent Hundreds
people- haven t got tee money. ftere ler Until Te4rAnc Ende
ing'a worth. of eiolet.s three days.. It, .Stprilach Trotzble.
Nvat slxince bemre the war, ',lowers " ver saw such a clianf4e aR
lyelYentilated' rooms. and -catch colds
which, '.fack their whole system, To
guard 'against this a beet of 13aby's
OWe. Tablets should be kept in the
house and. au ocatielenal, dose', gegen
• . • • •
t -ca. baby to keep Its s °mac e. an, ,
bowels -working regularly: This will
'riot fail to break up. colds and keep
the health of the baby in good condi.:
HMI till.the brighter days come along.
The 'Tablets are sold by Medicine deal-
ers. ore bY -mail at:25 cents a box from
The Dr. Williams' alediclue Co., Brock -
15 only twopence te be made on a shell -
ie terrible desn". lee has mattf.e in nay wife and she says
• she is feeling, like a girl, of sixteen
Vo-u-nent -nd Tablet for In d 1 I II d 11 I
e ea <re ec owar 7 1 arn$,
• Fort Moncton.
sNste.,11-1.conlowli,nta!hoolltne?:,a.11.i.ee(rwlaltfly2,8 ertec
The historic site or Fort ivionotoo.
Yaeer.s she had suffered fr,o'm
at they motteuptai jot; the Gaspereaubrivere, •
digestioa and ,vsias so weal_
.ttiheeaimorr:1708g N.B.,' known afore al 1 1111 -
and ! down' I often theught she would, fall
ae Fort Gse.peneau,
one of the strougholds of French In her tracks. Nearly everything ahe
Aeacliv she .Was
tabiet e.::aeerttri,oe:age'buteil°a.len:lelado0elfi't°31.fert'l'i'otietntidsb'eflit':40e:1111:11:inbi°stylt)olatirivhlicliec" :ouwould olaii1,1:111rt5tiyt:ii.'ulasY74sa,iipi:etcalite13:leis:;:e.niugte:ao71.sti het er.,,,u.113.rni yft:tiz
intere,st of the site. The capture at aWOSO te :disagree:I, with, her, .'anti at timee
' al]d ole
British end Nees Illineltsted forces was I
the prelude to the fall of iecadia 'as a ' (1°Ilars on difleren't nielliefilesr I didn't'
• 'very forcibly that the reason for the 'der as the marvelllous tramp produced
corning into ,being of ail these cults I a pat full of very goc',.-1 soup. . Acradiab5. 1:363'orld it few ' T a in
It has hetui impre.esed onme of late honest farin people- leoked on in well-
s sieelledt
G sirurceeneeehd eed°1{:'bnyY
tahned twlisai5ierismitIllaodfiattehlYe
Lied! healers is because sve,sts a nation I ,• There is asnmral here that seekers
have not .felleweci nature's - laws or ' after health elogerell to -study.
practiced the 'tales of life that will It 1100 not the ittile that 'tirade the
bring -good health in their train, The soup, but the stone evaS 'needed -to at. -
catchword, the auto-sugge,steon, is tract and hold the attention. If we
merely, so inspiration, but firk of all could only get- the public imiereesed
we've get to pradttee -the, simple and- with the ithiportarice of right livang,
fundamental rules, otherwise eating -the right kinds of food and the
the autoesuggeStions or the aitust- eight combine:0one of food, sliese,ping in
111•QT)t,g \Vila 'taring no "permarient relief. well-yefitilated bedrooms, keeping the
There waa once a trareP Who .callIed body clear b 1, '
at a f 1
• - Y. reguen, -ablung, spend -
,arm louse, and tield-the resid,ents beg' ae much time as possible t '
he-co-ulld meke stone -broth Yes he -doors and taking healthful exercise,
could Make broth out of ‘a-steme. ,The and avoiding excesses of aill-kincle,
farmer and his wife 'were inteireseecl. there would be no need for new -etas.
They were inclined to he skeptiCal but Mothers would give their infants a
tali:eight they. would like -to seeaiola good' start in life by feeding them a+
the breast,. and as they gee* older,
having their health kept under :super-
vision at the baby clinics: If the health
rules are then practiced- and children
taught hygienic habits, 'there is every
hope that the coming generation will.
an anterestin,g thing. attempted "Slo
the tramp was Provaded wrth.a large
saucepan and into.„ this he put some
water and a large flat stone that he
carried in his pooket. The watchers
1;a -eve deeply interested, but as is usual
in such cases it took an unusually long
time for the water be come to the boil.
The tramp was anxious to finish his
he 'better Physically, "Mentally and
morally than. the presepe generation
or -those that -havesgo,ndlefore.e."
. . .
SPolten to. .The Tenderfoot ri.ngs ehe "1 AL ti fOr
deer bell; presente himself en
The Second Class Scout can'C'evatt to ESPONDENT PEOP
' full nniforne witheall Seout. equipment.
',.etate, what 110 must have signed un
, .
and 'what he already has passechto be
• a First Clae,s Scout- before the next
badge presentation night. 'He is too
busy getting his Tenderfoot into line,
beide e his Oyu requirements to
nottee much' else:
"To me these are the most strenuous
days • of a . Scout—and Isle mother,
'When the Tarsi Glass badge is Won
the Scout comes- proudly -in; his ByGS
shining and nearer a woad is said—juet
that satisfied, prolide, erect figure..telli
it all; and of 'these First Cla.ei Scents
have ,seen many froen'Tirdelisit7.f.e.•
'And then comes the disease known
Prefleiency ' Badge . fevers --•every
jest Case 'Scout's 'nether -will .agree -
it is en. 'epidenfie. 'agates -Cat -1110h
-as Sco1oLninsue.
eeii trot an y my Scout 'lout
ae,e,th . improve Step by it -el)
In self-...donfidence, courtesy, good.; fel-
• tewehiP'sand pride in their public re-'
sponsibility. 'gaiety kaeee treat the
; Scout nniforre nierite neepee'et from
theiras-soetates; they knoev that they'
• have.a standard to live utegto; they a.re
asi:eseponsible to every Scout for
the. honor Of the entire movement,
tri, to Jive --upJo it and try to
'Op others to live up to it.,
'I have learned - that in trying to
ish my Scout by keeping him from,
meetinge because of some duty
.ted at home, that I 1V6,S,P111,14$11.-
ing Yleelleenore; for each meeting.
, _
beld lessons teed leaser -es which should
be l'es.rned with his troop:
•"Leave watched friendships develop
bet,ween • my- Scouts and the other
'Scouts----eriendsatips. built on clean,
eeted foundation -- through Scout
neetings, hikes, camp and field deys--
eacli knowing the other's faults and
good points; 'friendships that in, later
!years -will bring-we:path to his, h,ea`U't
andemble.. e
'`.A ‘' (ter, bigger; busier boy haa' rier
.en made, through Scouting -a --
to ineemIng interestmanft
tfership of bee ScourniTtster and the\
Tribute to a Good and
VVise Mule.
„ JUde, a mule which gasine her
daily oats and. hay by pulling, back
empty team. ,ears In the quarey of the
eiltansas, Lithe (gimp -any, has heen
aVith the company sinee it started
'years age, and .shie.ltnows
Ire 'business. Tb,e cars etin down to
the ,ilitinia11„),Ir.,7f,rravity. A men dumps
00111110.CLS 01d jade' with it and
-' baftltsiL back.' tbetruaatry she
re.Hoved of bei.''loael and t e tur RS to
he dumnpile. She does this withoet
• eadrieer. In the morning ,she is let out
at . the lot and sire s t ki1u.
Wben the bell riuga atetetewerk she
et -aria the hill evith the ine-p. When
• tile bell ,".inge, for dinner 11411)10S
Ob.! (loan tlitrhill again. No one has to
tell ter to gel; Olit't)1 the 'W417 of a
' ettElien. they holler "Fire hi the
she wliat..e.ee--eeeane and
tone ,to ,Ooyee behind -a 'tree 61---ee big
e- after the exploeloe anidelett
,hor Job agaie. 'In Old Juole
tplified tho fundamental PrI4-
sitctiess---brains and 1,,t. (1(.1ggat
lation to 40 11.e'r best•
eat reel -Ice f eiend of a met"
aoyoneeteeld real*, to see rearriedi
Oarimpiefelle, it you had one.
'f' etlerageteene rieig, the
lvee 4Weethetkat
failk fat a watfn,
inat plaks tip th
ttew ett he think
Ip ;rout' the' houke'-,
From End -to End of Canada Dr.
VVilliams' Pink Pills Doing
Good Work. -
There is' not a ndolt or cornea in
Canada, ia...the .citiesc .towns, villages
arid Cu blie farrns, where Dr. 'Williams'
p.f.,‘k, pm§ have:net beeu used and froin
one end' of th:e dountlie to the ,Other
people ;sound t,heir 'praise.. _You! have
only , to asit" your neighbors. and they
,cen- tell you of some , down man,
suffering woman, --ailing yont
un --
happy anaemic .girl who Owes: their
present , health- tind. strength 'I:to „Dr.
William's,- The-succ'ese of
this - inedielne -e.g.- du a- tcretbelacts -that
la acts directly uponstli,e bloods making
it -rich -and Pere tend theta brings 'Ile*
strength te every. orga.neand heave iii
the bOdyee Mr: 'Andrew. F. Webb, Mel-
anson;N.S„ tells What Dr. Williaina'
have gene, for:him as foie
loWee—"I-was in a rundown condition.
froth overwork and, *hat the doetae
called a nervous breakdown. My sis:
ter urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills. After. taking-eseveral boxes.. I
improved woraleistullyg-cinclefeel dike a
different person. 1 sleep -Well, eat well,
and thy nerVes are, seronger and With
confidence I 'pan 'regom,niend -these
pillsto all Week, run down people.'
If you are suffering from any,' con-
dition due to Moor, watery blotitl, er
weak nerves; begin taking Dr. Wile
Haim? Pink Pills now, and note how
yourstrength andhealth improve.
.I'eu can get' these ,pills through any
dealer in medicine, or they, . will- be
sent bymail, poet paid, at 50 cent.% a
box or ,hoxes for, 12.50 frOre The
Dr. eVilliarns' Medicine. Co_ Brock-ville,
Canadian Seed Grain Best
on -the Continent.
Farmers living in the Prairie Pro;
Vinces hare for so many years carried
off the Hest prize.e,for. wheat and oats
at 'the great international ,seed grain
exhibition' held in Chicago; that Cana-,
diansc_have' conic to accept this as a
in'altet 'Of coiirs-e; without 'realizing
what it 'means as a testincony , to thie
natural resonice—the high quality of
our grain for seed purPoseS.
The results at the exibibition held
during the present --winter show that
Canada not c,nly Maintains 'but is
steadily in.cre\asimar her lead in this re-
Pilett- -Tile slit Of grains -in which!
Canada is, pre-eminent is no longer
confined to wheat and oats, but in-
elutlea barley, rye, pears, and .alfalfe.
seed.' The following figures from the
records of the Canadian peed Growers
Association slidev how 'western Canada.
farecl-r-iu .judging. -in -large eields..of
contestants represeeting Vie whole
continent: -Herd: red spring wlreat, 19
prize's out 'of 25; ,Wleife oats, 24 prizes
oue.of 35; field peas, 4 prizes out of 5.
All Canadian contestants won prizes
in barley and alfalfa- seed. The list of
top prizes. includes the following the
g-rancl championship •in'wheat and 'oats,
and first prizes in .two roWed barley,
fall rye, and field, peas, .,The ,eecdnd
eritte was obtained for alfalfa 'se'ed.
. These prize grains were not grown
in small garden Piet's but each s•ainple
ropeesents -hundreds or thousands of
bushels in the bands of the prize 'win-
ner, and in'atos-teenees thousands.' of
bushels mere of seed ahnoat as*good
in the hands of ueighbors of the prize
winners.• •
These results are causing alert farm-
ers all over the continent to see that,'
ag in Europe, so in Anierica, they must
leek. to northern ,grown seed to in-
crease the quantity and quality of, their
crops. Nalaerally,,-too, tarneees are
looking toward the provinces and the I
districts which produce such high
Banff -Windermere Road
Opens in June. ;
. :-
The Manie,t,er of the ,Inteeler ilea set
ethe date for the ';opening. of the Banff-
Windermeee motor highway threeeh
the Canadian Rockies! ,forteaffic foe
Saturday, June 30. The ..eiTteial 'cere-
mony' will lake place abopt noon at
Vermilion Crossing, a point Midway'
between Hanle -Alberta, and. aVind,e,r-
meee, British Cqiumbia. Is proposed
that Inotoriets, nein the beet or Banff
end of Ube 'road and from- the west or
.Wintlerineee end Should. leave thee.
respective points early eneugb ie the
morning of- that date to meet at . the
ceaseing-at rioon in time tor the -cere-
mony. •
-The new highevey; whickiicerme..the
conae.cting in the, 0,000. mile
"Grand' plied ta Tome'S. elieengla' Wes fe rn
Canada' ,and the UnItetr'Statea; was.
completed. last, ,Taikf.an, ttl el7,;.:111,ers
e-xperc that' by the .end, of June -eveey-
tei'ing Will be in r,e,ail hieses. fee. the Lopen-
ing end the enninier leaffie. •
' read is ',brills, Cermet!' tbe
1105.01ofSome of the fineet soenery.
tee :Reek e eV e ntg-thae'e, ee 'Of i
1) :enrol:el) , nieue teen an a
fareet.• cc -emery' where- many of • 'the
, ,
Peaks ae , yet ,beer po mom e. • 011 :or
0.a.e e e e foaturesiof the. ro that
11 eeeere es two m n p 50 500
mata range of, the:Rocky Mountaineale
0 -averse -Si via the Vermilion ease. et alt
altitua6 p ,6t/t1 feet end later the
eoact ie 051.01ed over the Brisoo ee.n.ge
through the Sinekir 1)1100atan 01 0)5 -
tion 4,950„ feet: eThe gredes, how,
are eaey, the avercteeeleeing 8 per
&elm A rade of 9 pee cent, le' the
maxiieure end (hie, occers Mily. at oae,
-point over.a safeteleof Arnie 400 "
d' Liniment for stile everywhere
. •
class seed as desirable plaees in which
to locate.
Altered Conditions Reduce the
Profits —Five Hundred..
Parade.at Funeral.
eno,ther of the picturesque features
Of tendon 'street lif Seems doomed to
pas. ...The flower girls are an eipira
Inge -rape and their ,total. extinction is
threatened by changed economic and
social':Conditions which have come
abeut in these post-war days:
This' was emphasized grirrily the
Othei.- day when a .mere remnant of
"the.liels" gathered in fashionable .St.
Clerfient Danes Church in the Strand'
to Pay funeral labnors to one of their
, .
number, "Fanny," a rare personality
who yor thrirty years had offered her
blooms daily under -the shaddav of St.
paurs Catlaedral. In the days -when
royalty went to St. Clement' s it was
alwaye -"Panny'y Who 'made the pre-
senta,tion. bouquets and the wife of the
preSent vicar of the church, who for
Years has been the patronees of the
iloWer girls, made all arrangenients
for ,her ftmera-1 and paid public tribute
to Fanny's. stannetrand helpful chime-
. IVlien the funeral ser.vice was con-
cluded the procession of '500 flower
girls followed , the coffin ,from the
church along Fleet , Street an -d "past
Fanny's Pitcla on Ludgate Hill. It VMS
the first time NVithill'inemofy of those
who looked tin that such a funeral had
been -seen. in bue thug Fleet Street and,
under a lireavy.I.rondon fog.itwas iikd
a- darkened -picture' 4, from, Aticeorian
thnee. ;see's- -
Visit BerrabniS.
The favorite pitches Of the• remain-
ing 'flower girls (they are, all called
girls,- although mast Of fliem are rather
aged' widows) are at Chating Cross
and Piccadilly Circus,' wh er e they offer
their blooms to the thousands Who
daily ease those thorOughfares,
casionaily they -leave their pitches to
"do -the pubs," where they dispose of
their. wares to bar patrons deep in set-
tling suchqu es tions as' tlie Frencho c-
cupation Of the Ruhr and.' the ultimate
place of Mr. Gladstone in the historg!
of British state,craft.
But these days alCtlic "girls" Com-
plain about hard -times.. in- black
shawls and black straw hats they 'are
at Covert 'Garden long before daylight
to 1111 their baskets - and it's a good
week - when their ettles total thirty
shillings. In all kincIS of -fog, wind ancl
"California Fig' Syrup" s
Child's Bestlaxative
"1 say„81111 Today I was forced,
to. jareatc_ New Year's re`soitition
• abaut. drinking," -
""Why yon don't mean' to tell Me.;
you, were ferised to drink?"
"Oh, 'no,' eol The Prohibltioe,
agents confiscated my private stook
ncI te.day misetd my first day's
-driek this 'year."
ea -a
Pa refuel -14)e, ehe capital of Dutch
1151; 0410 very. utmettal :feature
—itoetroete are lintel -with Mahogany
thecle treee. For the-iteeee 0116'b1001t,
loinher fi-rm offered 150.000, hut the
tetirn.‘fstits dee gned to sell,
"eVlien. ordering geode by mail send
Exeress Money ()tele
. if you live seventy yattits, you live
6113,2P0 boure, One hour day et-Attly'-
lug equal% 25,500 Itours. liow do You
spend epe hene
i-lurry 'Mother! A tettepoonful of 1.
"California Fig Hyrup" tioNv will thor-
ougiily the 110 15 bowels and in al
few hours! yen lieve a well, pi a Yr
eh liti again. Even it crose, feverish,
bilIcots couettpatecl or full of.' cold,
chilemen love 'Uri "fruity" ale, and
niothere can reel, easy hecanee it tever
fnile to 'erne ell the food, al cl
nasty bile right out of the etoineeb and
bowele with:mi. griping or tilisetting
the cbtld.
Tell "' I I11
yore lugals-, you wee . only ,
kl311111/1.0 "Calif °mile Fig S,erup" which
has directions for babies and children
'of all ages printed eit bottle. iNfofliee.
yon "rtalifornie," Refuee any
m ,:it On.
graves there is little now on the site • ng, eel? ng
and feeling fine, That was several
of Fort Moncton to :nark the Diemen -
menthe ago and -since. then her health
hae been splendid. Hereafter we will
always pin onr faith to 'Tanlac.."
is for sale by all good drug-
gisia„ Over 85 million bot-tles sold.
tous events of 1755. The Canadian
National Parks Branch!, on the re -com-
mendation of the , Historic.- Sites and
1VIonuments Board, has decided to take
immediate steps to place there on a
perinanent memorial of thts • ancient
battle ground..
Not Getting His Money's Worth.
Freddie canto out of the candy shop
with. a big lollipop • proudly displayed
in his fist.
"What ye got?" asked his friend
• *"An all -day sucker," replied Freddie.
"Aw, what's the. use? It's five o'clock
- Contentment may be, better than
.wealth, but they ought to -go together.
Onit of one hundred men, about orty
per cent. talk in their sleep. Among
women the -figure 3s thirty-five per
Roland is • a thoughtful little fellow
who likes to ask questions.. One 'day
.he was watching ,his father feeding
the chickens, when suddenly he' look -
ell -tip with a puzzled face, 'and. asked,
"Papa, doesn't the other end of a
feather hurt a chicken?"
Take half a teaspoon ot Min-
ard's Liniment internally in
molasses. Heat 'liniment and
rub*well into affected parts for
• exterhat treatnient. Soothes--
The Family Medicine Cheat
Instantly! "Pape'sDiapeps sin!'
i Corrects Stomach so
I Meals Digest
The moment you eat a tablet of
'Pape's Diepepsin" your indigestion is
gone. No more distress trona a,sour,
acid, upset stomach. No fletulence,
heartburn, palpitation, or misery -mak-
ing gases. Correct your digestion for
a few cents-. Each package gua:ranteed
by druggist to overcome stomach trou-
ble. /
Thilclustrotts Hair
Kept So 13y Cuticura
At night touch spots of dendraffs
end leching.with tuticura-Olntrnent.
Neeamorning shampoo with StICIS
of Cuticura Soap and hot Water.
Rinse with tepid water. ICeep your
scalp, clean and heahhy and -oat
hair will be itixttrittilt.
Snip 25c, Oletent25.44500. TeTaitheSc. Sole
las±,iia,1,1011leil, 244 Si, rcul St., W. Miciitrtal,
IWINIV-Cuticuslc toc,12 ehives without chug,
The word "alibi" is usually wrongly
used, as it means "eltewhere."
MInarti's Liniment used by Phyelcians.
Araerb129,'s Ploneer Dog Remedies
Book on
and How to Feed
Mailed Free to any AA,.
dress by the Author.
N. Clay Illovei" Cog Vic.
129 West 24th Street
New York, U.S.A.
. .
Lift Off with Fingers
eeretet; ent, e wee
roY-maii.ln..,- nue es se0ing WatK
9 Quality 'Prodl,ote, ).4,7orid'e ierg
etore to (toilet/mei. sales orgentzetleea
taeiteued, 14 years. S4re,te2.,,,F'0,C514,174,4i'
rit th`e. l'SratIc rt;
,), IramiltOrt:Qt
, .
,1171 A.RN $29 -,W19Ex.1..N, .lePeaRP1'1'174It'
r...1 bome, nedreesing, mailing Muto5
reulars. eend 100 eor :siesta, Tuforznae
eto. 11:no4. 4,460.
'roadway, 14, Y.
U13,4, M Till; '
airneal "IVrite for liitereetitig in-
formation. D. Pi•tieer, 11.11. 2, 11dortOrk
Ontario. ' ,
Much of the wroegdoing of the
world results Irom busying oneself
with things that don't matter.
6-N44'44444M H-4444-14-04,44+14.4-4-i-o-o-or.44-4-444-44
et' 1 c
For Sluggish Liver
or • Constipated,
• Clean your boarele! Peel lintel
When, you feel sick, 'dizzy, ttpeet,-
when your head is dull on aoliing, or.
your stomach is sour or gassy, 'just ,
take one or two Cascarets to relieve
constipation. No`griping—niceat
tire -cathartic . on earth. for grown-ups
and children... (le a box. 'taste like
050) '17.
rDcodeszonn'te,f_tiorat ai abeibtfing vDorronp„ianaltiatutlte.
ly that corn stops hurting, then short-
ly you lift it right Off with fingers.
Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of .
"Freezene" for a few cents, zufflaent
to "remove every hard corn, soft corn,
or coin between the toes, and tha cab
fusee, without so-2eness or irritation.
Mother Tells Hew Iler Daughter
Suffered and Was Made 'Well by
Lydia E. l'inldirmes Vegetable
Vancouver, B.C.—"lVfy daughter is a
young girl who has been having sever
pains and weale and dizzy feelings for
some time and ha.d lost her appetite.
Through an older 'daughter who had
heard of a vvoman who was taking it
for tile same trouble, we were told of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Come'
pound. My daughter has 'been
for several anontbs a.nd is quite all right
now. It has done all it was represenrea
to do and we have told a number of
friends about it. I am never without
a bottle Of it in. the house, for myself
take it for that weak, tired, worn-out
feeling which sometimes comes to us an.
I find it is building me up and I strongly
recomniend it to women who are suffer-
ing as and my daughter have."—Mr .
J. McDONAle), 2941 25th Ave. Ras
Vancouver, B. C.
From the age of twelve a girl needs all
the care a thou,e,rhtful inot an give.
Many a, woman bast's1.ifr
pain arid raisery—the victi thought-
lessness or ignorance of the mother who
should have guided her during this time.
If she complains of headaches, pains
in the back and lower limbs, or if you
notice a slowness of thought, nervoua-
ness or irritability on the,part of your
daughter, make life easier for her.
Lydia E. Pinkhaen's Vegetable Com-
pound. is especially adapted for such
Chest colds - broken!
Inflamed menbranes. congestion,
oppressive pain.Apply Sioan's to chest
and throat.it scatters congestion
—your cola Ligon&
S a.1 -1.9s
,_. „
Made in Canada• ' 711;1115 Aloalit/
you see the name "Bayer" on
are not getting Aspirin at all
Accept only an "'unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets 0
AFpirin," which eontain,s directions and dose worked out by
physicians during 2 years and proved safe . by nlillions for
Colds Headache
Tot.)thache Neuralgia 1 I IS
Eai'acslie Lumbago
Pain, 17,)alil
Bbody "Ileyei?'1.taltes of 12 tabkiits---Alao bottles of • int 100.--11Irugglist
Ao,pirin 15 Ibe trade "mark ete'tehtered In Canr,(3a) VIRWItat:'1,1;r6 ot Moro-
n cetionei,Iitter ,01,falfeylti'acirl,,. 'While, 11 171 *on 1.41)m),,r,„ 1101 5
.1111-1),ItfactIro, nc,P.111. 1b.fi T3tyk;.,
WM iiiiintP,sd \riot, ge'rierttt tratto Insri., "nz.yer ctrc*e..-