HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-3-8, Page 6The. aday Sch
MARCH 11 1923
Gt.-1 se:Inane, Luke 22. Golden Text --Christ also
Inth once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that
he might bring us to oa.-1 Peter 3: 13.
Lesson Settircr---Thie opening part to drink it Was come t his d' . ' :lea.
Tacubation and Brooding. grade of 014 should he used and ilia of the 't-WenLY-.s'000lici obapter, finds 111 Maisthew' and Mai"k owellealls'netithet
ti t sornpulonelY Jesus and his disci )1e- io the vi 'per Jesus cam b.-- .• ` • ' 1 `
It' success. or failure of your whole wick and inarnor ,.ep „, , , 1 s - - p , , 0 e„a, to the the e dircip es
e mg le rein orce-
Whether you hatch by incubator or by egg chamber in. the mast co-ovenient the Pass'oveao And now the
(ebrealde lsi,t'lle'ungtTl°ef. Flio'Llilinuldanthenirn,sPl'oi teliliYingi.nEa.ncihs
hen, April is the naolith that giv es manner, by the use of moist saavi in a ell.Te,'
ro d 1-,:;rti 7-111bVed
ng alg . jacl!1"isi- lfit-iltle'ede;ialPrCed on time he came he found them asilee11':
best results, tray 'ander the eggs. It can be W't-- h -
For the hen, use a neat that can be
y,ear,a, work may dopetial upon your clean. . 1 -ant, de:ate- institutes idle thiee times in the -coaa-sc.-•of..his-araony,
worts in the inenhatian season. A little l05 111.0 is supplied to 'the Lord's Super after the observance of as if he were se k° ti 'f -
e oe giea ou;,n Jesus had asked them to
is mission of Is t c 1 11 • - t th
drawn if the /1101s -tun ex-ne`l-siva au( crisis of Jesus' soul has come and Ito watch. 1 he first' time Jesus s le;
It -41A closed except when the hen 15 011 eon in the egg allows signs of too Father. The appioaching ordeal is far thou watch one tour?" At the same
to feeca Test out the eggs on th.e rapid evaPoration. is safe to say more than one of physical and mental time he says, 'the spirir truly is reaoy
eel/let-Imes makes it Peastlhle to Pat 8-11-1 lack of rooisture than otherwise, hat, to understand the experience of the that their nleeping does not indicate
the fertile eggs of two setting's under it is posisib- le to err in either direct -len.. :it,eisra-islaiv,„hSee'lni hele NG:4 acatrrthylin'tgSUuPtpreonirr Cbut all°11Stiltlesr 1-roaI;Ilti3.11-1101r-ke,,;,'I'"nendlmj-pesouses„
sins in his body to the tree; and In •his own present experience Jesus
where understanding fails, it be- "knew how there was a real conflict be-
comes us -t,o refrain Oillr .111S an
d be
clean and spray and., when (try, place silent."
a moist sod, that has been shaped to ,surpass the colony stove, as it is (semi- T. The Agonizing Master, 39-44.
At and hollowed a little in the centre, emical wh,ether used to capacity or Vs. 89, 40. He clime . , to the
in the 'bottom of the nest box. Cover not, and 'will take care of 500 ebicks Mount of Olives. Matthew says, "Unito
with a layer of fine hay. Dust the at one Urne, It is if 'used with a place called Gethsemane!, The word
ben with flowers of sulphur or other g-ence and good fueb absolritely reli- Gethsemane means "oil -press." It
rellithle lice killer, and Set on egge able and safe. It is most conveniently was an enelosed"plot of ground, be -
s, mg -s
returned to the maciiiiie if the air seoas :),-,ononiunion with his heavenly out Peter for reproach, "Couldest not
thatonore hatches are spoiled through suffering. "It is impossible for us but the fic-sh, is Weak." Jesus knows
seorentrn cbay, In the ,early seas'on this
one hen and reset the other, thus sav-
ing valuable time.
Prepa.re the setting net with care,
Ability to recognize moisture condi-
tions and requirements Will be attain-
ed only :With experience,
For artifieial brooding, nothing can
longing to some friend., to which Jesus
h breed. Keep whole corn, grit and) had often resorted. Matthew also Judas. He was the leader and had
n to deliver Jesus into their
are normal in, size and- shape for run M a colony house, about x
clean water within easy- reach, and- see, may be utilized'. Providing it is kept
or an einpty pen of the laying house'
tells us that his soul was exceeding undertake
!hands for thirty ;pieces of silver. One
so.rrowful even unto death. His dis-
, of the twelve; a tragic Phrase. It was
bhat She is off once a day and returns supplied with hard nut coal, no great'
ienliciles talso followed him. The less
to her nest promptly in coal weather. anxiety need be felt as to the temper-
tween body and spirit. In his case the
spirit .has, triumphed. over , the' flesh,
but the stritg,gle"enablechhim syni-
pathize with those whom the flesh
had triumphed.'
Vs. 47, 48. While lie yet' spoke • . a
muititude;. &imposed- of the 'chief
priests, elders-,, soldiers and the
oring ono)1). And he that was 'called
e disciples stood in the back -done of those Who had.'been With Jesus
. At the first sigrx .of PIPP-lalig, close •ature, except that, it )must not be al- ground -while he took Nvith him as' his :that betrayed him'. 'Drew neart
-un o
111) 0 Si e ei James est.'s to kiss him This was the s-
e henahas a full crop ana a drink ten days,. If it happens to run 10 or ,,and John, Who were with his'also on tonlarY gre-eting .of the- d' 'pl Cfli r
Motnnt of Transfiguration. Pray fils master. In this case, it lwsca'sH :or'oe
and leave her alone till 'the batch is 2'0 'degrees above this point, the chic s the
that ye enter not into temptation. arranged identification of Jesus. The
complete. Remove shells and unhateh_ merely move to a rriore con-iforbable They also have an ordeal to pass whole conduct of' Judas .is deliberete
,ed e eggs and. allow ,her to r. ernain . on distance, and get the. advantage. of through and it is Jesus' desire that and calculated. In the ,case of Peter's
tit nest with the chic,ks unta showing more air and more sanitary conditions they ,find strength through prayer to denial of the Master, the temptation
signs Of uneasines.s. Remove to a than when crowded, in a narrow space God for their trial, - fifids P.eter off his guard but the be -
clean well. disinfeetc-cl coop with -clean under a liover. V: 41. He was withdrawn ; from traYal of Jesus by- Judas 'was not sod-
1.tp the -nest after making sure that lowed ;below 100 degrees for the first ifnmed,iate con ani P t J •
den- but p • d'tat 1 B t
sanded floOr. I '
It can be removed from the quarters them. He must even_ Withdraw him- , /erne i . ec . e rayest thou
when the heat is no longer desired, self from the companionship of the the Son of 'roan with a kiss. :Matthew
If you are using an incubator, '4,4
r „ They cannot enter into the tells that Jesus' used the word "friend"
,onlY eggs that you would consider the and tho house may be drawn away to three.
meaning of his agony. Kneeled down. in addressing Judas. Might not the
best; shape ,and sire for the breed, the orchard or field and the chicks Matthew adds that he fell down on hm
is reorse of Judas begin here?
carefully -follow the instructiallowed free range.
ons of face, the attitude of utter stresis of V. 54. They ,took him, and led him.
the manufacturer, and use only a ma- in the ration for the little chicks, soul. Hebrews 5: 7 makes mention of Jesus offers no resistance. He r I) 1
chine that has a good re-Patation; usu- for the first three or four days, make his strong crying -and tears. ed the vaolence done to the servant of
aitly is chettp machine is dear at any sure to include a good supply of sue- Vs. 42, 43. Father, if 'thou be will- the high priest. Peter follOwed afar
ing. all his prayer he recognizes off- Peter 'ha& begun to fail already.
culent green feed, sprouted oats, c11013-
.11, do the will of God as the supreme thing. -He had said he was ready to go with
The best place to run an incubator ed, dandelion or plantain leaf wif . It ils not a prayer to bend the will Je.s,u-sato prison and death.
1 111 the cellar, whecre there is fairly Green feed' is essential in some orm of God to his It is a prayer 'that -
_good ventilation. A. little moisture in for Inc -welfare of the young-sters, as the will of God, if possible, IY1try be APijleatioll.
the atmosphere is an advantage and well as the old stock. Give only fine carried ont somo other way. But One is constious of a certain rever-
cation far more desirahae than a room shorts and ground' oats, and feed a carried out, even if El Messialaship unique sorrovir and exPeriencein Geth-
in the house.
the steady-temperatin-e 'Makes the lo -
ifl grains such, as cornmeal, middlings, the work of redemption must Still be .eat 11-es'it5tneY in applying our Lord's
little about five times a day. About Wi
d t• semene to °ourselves- or to alters. It
[1,10 CHUM
Pains In Back
HadTo Quit 'Work
When you find. your kidneys out of
order; when. your back aches and -pains;
when you have to -rise often daring the
night. and endure torture during the
day—take our advidc) and get a box' of
, • .
Mr. Jos, Guertin, NesterVille, Ont.,
writes':---J'I Was troubled with my.kid4
neys and bladder- for ,about ten years.
Seed, use that. Do not tell the child
what will happen, but let, him watch
for ,the changes that will come. Brdng
pussy willow stalk& and branches from
other bushes into a warm, sunny
room, and observe -the budding of the
flowers and leia.yes.
Lead yoUr children to think of
-the April r.e.i.ns GS kind helpers, and
repeat to them "come listen -to the
pitter patter of. the April shOwera."
In these verses, we have the thought
of the April showers.' bringing out the
sweet Mak flowers.
up four aoelf- friavse ,stoinile'eskevIerywansigghettt.ingi , seed: 'oats. A 'fanning m
had pains in.my back, and mauy a daY rean-oires chaff,y seed, and trash th
will dog the Arial.
the fifth day, substitute two small out sacrifice, are impossible. Remove stand -s so apart from us, and is so k,ad t° quit wi°Tk -my hack -was s°
this cup., I 'tried. many doctor's and differ -
E ef a relliatble make, feeds of fine cracked, chick :feed, scat- Jesus speaks of his suffer- a'ssoe'iated 'in our -thought with his weall.
and good -fertile eggs are used, w,ith .tored a litter of h,„ chrff I- oh_, ing a,s a cup of bitterness,. The temp- great redeeming pity and sacrifice ent, medicines, but never got auy bet -
an accurate thermometer registering coo rn . ' tation the wilderness we's a test -eollsuainnt,at.ed On Calvary that we eau ter until' one day '1 met one oa-
of how Jesus would bo' -in and carry scarnelY ourselves to )61 -link of it friends who adVised lue to use Doaalii
g.e exercise by scratching.
1021/2 to 103 clegrees a.t the level f
0 When the chicks can do without tlie on hiS Messiatiship., experienc-e as having the. value of example
ney s. 00 'OUT; oxes, an
and K'd Pill I • f b d
100 a much .1 t ow le inspiration in our experience's' of life.
variation throughout the incubating troll full I 1 t 1 ,
lea of the mother hen, or the brood- in the Garden is a test as to h I
period of 21 ,days, you should secure er, Which will be in from four to eight
weeka apcording to season and wea-
a hatch, equal in number and condition
of chicks, to any hat you might get
--ultdaaa 'xi -at -oral toAlitions, with hens
incubating a like number of eggs,
the top of the eimgs without too
will complete his- Messiahship. Is a and yet, we are definitely encouraged c.ali Y say was cipmP °
sacrificial death? Not my win, but this waY• "Looking. unto Jesus, the your P
eved ea my trouble. I canaot praise
life of -service to be completed by' a )1)31-- the' seriPtures- to think of -him h
&mei again the note of loving an.a author and finisher of Phi" faith; who' Price` 50e .a box, at an dealers or
su.brrassion to the will of God, for, the, joy that was set before him', mailed dit'eat on receipt of price by
The longing, natural to liumania3a endured the emss., despising • the The- T4, Milburn Co: L' 'ted Toronto
When oil lams are burned without
cessation:for long periods, as they are
a:4th incubators, there is always an
ther condations, they may safely e
left to help themselves to both grain
and dry mash from a convenient hop-
per, that should be kept suplpilied at
all times. If given sour skimmed
milk it will greatly assist growth and
development, anti if available this
alement of danger, unless- proper pre- should be kept always before the
cautions are taken. Only the best young stock.
Start Your Garden Seals Early
This Can Be Done in Horn e, greenhouse or Hotbed.
For earliest -and best results with wen tramped. 'Put it in in layers
vegetables and flowers in the g'airden,
seeds of same of the varieties and
species must be started weeks in ad-
vance in a greenhouse a ILYt..becl or a
roan in the-heme itself. As a green --
blouse is seldorri part of the '.'equipment
of, the geineral farm, only hotbeds and
the home, for starting seeds vrill be of the manure and the e.s.rth from the
.00nsidered in thisi „article. The old- bottom of the pit banked up outside, of
fashioned hotbetcY is the 'best mode of the frame to keep out the -cold. The
about three inches deep , and tread
each in turn until the pit has been
filled slig)ht,ly higher than the level of
the ground. If the manure is very
dry, sprinkle it lightly with -1,vatet. as
it is spread in the bed.
The hotbed. frame is then set on top
seed raising the steady ;and moist tem-
perature of several weeks'. duration
that rutty be mainta,ined therein sat-
ing as the b.est-, Mcentive to the germ- sunny aspect sheltered from the north
/nation of the highest percentage of and ,open to the south and 1.1-41d up the
seed. manure to two andis hall feet OT more
in depth. Build tb.e manure up hi thin
Layers and tramp it will with the feet,
finishing the job neatly, firmly and
level. Always bake the bed) about
1.We-1w) inches larger all around the
frame, whateVer size it may be. Lift
the frame on -and bank up the sides
with more manure. Place on the sash
and. tilt up one end for is couple of
days to allow the superfluous mois-
ture to
The bed will heat for several days.
At fins•t it be very hob and, after
about three days, will gradually cooln
No seed's should) be sown until the
temperature of the Soil 1112$ fallen be- "conjuction with the hotbed 111 any
1,0.-o,r 85 degrees. -Use a thermometer, garden where there is rootnancl) where
the bulb of which is buried about the gardener has the inclimation to
three ITICheS ill the soil, Feeling the make 'the best or his in)aterial. A
1fed -with the band, which. often is
north aide of the frame shoul.ol be six
inches higher .then the .south
Where a pit is not iiaed,, select a
Preparing the uotb.....-a.
The standard hotbed sash is 3xii ft.,
and. one, two Or, more of these are
used, according to the size of bed. For
very small gardens, one or two stashes
should be sufficient. If a pit was not
dug last fail, Select, a Well--prepareci
and thoroug)hly drained spot and dig a
pit .18 to 24 inches deep and a little
larger than the bed i,a to be made.
When digging the pit, throw the
good, soil to one side and the: bottom
soil to the other side, so that ;the good
soil may be available for special use,
if desired. If is pit has not been dug
or can not be dug convenie,ntly, the
manure may be placod on the surface
of the ground.
Hotbed material omelets of good,
clean stable marntre. A mixture of
straw and horse -droppings a month
ffr two old is roost satisfactory., It
aiWs--Rat,,,Matter how new the, ma-
to:Hal; old iili-Wirtb-0-T..heaY5 manure is
10 escape pain and ,sol.row, yields at once .shame, and is, set down at the right! . Out.
It is the will of Inc Father. !minds." Heb. 12: 2, 3: "Though he dition to their seed letives---other,
be wearied and faint in, your il have forrne.d about two leaves i.ii. ad -
, ,.
will." Jesus believes 'utterly in the, sider hirn that endure ------------------------1
lovingness and WIS4Ont of the divine tion of airmera against 'himself, last enou,gh to handle—that is, when they
will. It is more than the will of God, , ye
_more earnestly. His clinging to God ,
he prayed 'were a Son, Yet learned he obed-iecei boxes' of sal -should be provided and'
which lie suffered," and the seedlings, 'transplanted frSia. the
V.' 44. Being in an agony
increased with the increasing agony. ,bwa,--e-tihneaythileiaigran, 01 him . . .
. „ - original boxes ,05 Calli , EiberfU't two
His sweat was as it were great drops There are so many people to-daY inches apazt oanh . After. trans, -
of -blood. This does not mean the who .have bitter .cups ta drink, ao' ' - I
sweat was of blood, but rather that many men and women who must go Planting.' Place liii4se see°m1 hexee in
it was so profuse that it dropped from forward on, some via ddlorosa to some ,tlie 1.;v1m.liow 01. in (.4 -hex win -dews' where I
wound, But it is not the less striking - sacrificial and vicarious. There are precautions as to watering and turn -i,
drops of.. mood drop from .a, great suffering and sorrow, sometimes 71-nere_ is 1:10 0111. Conlinue `the same
him as
physical manifestation of his mental cups that may not be taken from the „Ing. When the plants. have tgrown to
and spiritual agony, and the reality lips until they are ,drained. It is is fair size, the boxes may be placed! Out;
of Inc temptation. IIairkess is not a g•lorious truth that countless thou- of dicers o warm day to accust in
fence amn.d temptation. e plantsnto outdoor 5condition's-, °so
defence from temptation. It is a de- Sands have heeu insPhied to say,"Thy t1"1
II. The Sleeping Disciples, 45-48, 54.
Va. 45, 46. When he rose up from
prayer. It was a victorious rising.
From this point onward we see Jesus
tethe- superior' Claim of the ,Divirse) hand of, the thrnnia•.°1 God) For, con- , • .,-
willtbe 'done," because...Christ trusted •
that they..vatill not feel the chtmge
11,1mself to the Iatilter. Though dark
the path. and sad- the lot, thouth in when the time. emitel°i'' Planting in
waste aiira t the life in premature de- '
lonely grief, though pining sic newt the open ga•rden.
spirit. It was not an' unanswered will be done," ' wlaat'ever the exPer- Le" Children t9 Nature.
posessed by a. great cannness of cay, Jesus as taught us to say, Ih.y
prayer because he received strength iencei of our life may he. ", ' ' Now come,s spring with her helpers,
. the March winds, the April showers,
laalcapur, lupine•, ,lnerguerite,, c.a,,a.tia- Smola` ca -h' a may be „ct-,,,,d for start_ and the warm sunshine. The children
tio,-ai; Pn1)0x, PYretluturn, sw-ees wilnam. • ta d , A , ,-,-. a • , can he- outdoors more at this time, and
violet and Wallflower. - ing e ''-'ea s' ••---iln 3' easl Y lv4lr)11- t ' the strong March, ,
ed tihroug,h, is _readily transferred from, -ove„ to rutilP with -
It the top -soil used- in the pit hot- place. to place aifcl, ,sllou'id...von chance wina, which is sweeping a„ad alowia,g I
bed, oa .the kind of soil available for .to..n,pset one, e',o.,...ytning is not lost. the clLead leaves about. Watoli for the
the sur' -face hotbed a ds -not as fine a,s To .pinp,are ,00r„,,, mane a few holes first wee green sheo.its as they Peeio
nillght be d'asiradt it ';lia-urid i's sited in the botkora, paper thoni,eitlier with thra'n)gll'tle ground' fe'llewed! cill by
if possible and perli,aiis have some Imlay. 'p nip or or load foil, to cover ti,o crocuses, neffedils, 1)loodeoot and tilie
sand added for making' the best kind „tint... Putin a-bont ono inah of char.., tiny woods flowers. It is a great joy
of seed 'bed.- The seeds may lie sowii ' . ,'` ii- - ' • • to be able to inac.e children for walks
cowl or brokoo flower pots and fill the -
in -patches or iii drill clirect,ly on this • • • ill the woods at this season. 'Try this
rein, 'ride • 'Wit roi -tore of ono ha f - '
soil, but a: Jarit.ter scheme is to soty lino aea'ntai- aril' ,c'arle_bali).- leaf rool-d oir int e,res ting experiment. a '
the 'seeds in Pats er 'tat 1}°xes• alld' well -rotted inaterlartfroin the bottom' Give "ati'll .dhild a 81-jallie' and. have
Corrugated (Aphlrazed
Steel oofitlig
, Direct from Manufacturers to Cori-,
' Wrir.e for Prices
Spacial Terms to Forma s
:rho Fektaligc Roofing Co.
Limited 306E
1194 lartg St. W., Toronto '
safe," dependable arid
er.feetire remedy for
• Couaatis, Colas, Distend-
er, Iptlueusan., Heaves and Worms
among horses tmd, mules, Abscatitoly
as:rimless -and as safe for colts as It
Is for Stalliona, raares or geldings.
Gic Braags pocasiontaly as a pre-
Trizttlre: o sizes, 'at all drugattor,os.
Ofl NaMPillC4-V C45.0. E
place- these on. top..of soil, Thus of .a stack or 01. -her place where the him moisten and place it ilia saucer
010 the seedlings -will be more' convenient soil., is 1!•iteity to'be sinullao niaiteriah4 srun,,t7i.wif,cliovv. 'Then sPrinkle it
to transplant or inove -as their growth press annirys,„ into the can hut do iiot, o.,_ oianicary. mixed ,grass seed or,
ly On the surface of the Soil and press • - ) •
demands. Sow very fine seeids mere- pack tigoaay.. SLOW' ,de'd Yo'°' keel3 e4naTY, '014 'have bird
log one o a
the. in. Gover other •seeds. aecorcling 'ornothuig over tise un et •
-5 Lan. YV0005 to their Size but never too deeplY. can't°. keep in-. the' nioistnre. A iiiece, /AnNsTipAtioN
F0001111000 telt R. -
• A told frame should be used 111 of
ocovy woolen "DO -toe
, , ti
'best.' At 11-ost; plaice the .cans „..
• • .
. eold fl•-ime 19 sarrilar to a hot,lieci
done, is not a reliable method of tak- '' '' '' ' - -' ' '
frame without bottom heat, It COMBS,
ing temperature. iri 'useful for hardening off seedlings
Sowing the Seod. from the hotbed. .See that both -the
Arno/1g the vog'etables that may be
ocfot!''inronnsi MILBURN'S LAXA-L1VER
iii`a warin place near the stove, never LLS
batotaiing' ulT us Late iare not to Coniipattois 11 en° of the aite1t pro.
flood tile Ae 6"11 1-111e Ptiallts ject to and is 5±0great0sL StraSe of
valcut tioubles the hunian race it i;u1)--
befain to. aPifiesn, c2n8 'la a many ;I' oirr ailments, for if the bowels
This Fnons.IVII)ter Operates' et 1 1.05 Cast.
1,-,eva -sternly douele-aotien ,arantlord
o Concrete 13,4caoria civilly loaded and un-
loaded.• Is discharges dlreotly late
laurel"' Or !arm. Ueon.oznIcal to%onerate,
values concrete or I:Wank/1110i, etc. liana
#fseP;voig, o14°uWU ;sitigitio0nor014711c1 T'tyyter'Vt
- ,heocsene engine. '
Oar neeicet ts tree.
GeoidShagley &Niel?
„Company, Limited
200' WellIngten,, Wreet
Brantford, : ()Made
irrigated Farmshi
Southern Alberta
ze the efOnoutairarutlian Disirlot
Bow litiver Irrigation Projoot
capeciany goedlocation for mixed
iarrains• and dairying,. ;30en5dd op-
•,orttititty for Young men noNir 11ring
in districts Whero good .land cannot
be bought at rea4ono,b1e orIces.
fret 10,000 acroo.aro fully Settled and
another 10,000 acres now Toady for
soitloment; maximum distance front
railroa,d, seven , iaCtuy roads,
tetepaorias and schools. Doty pay,
meats, axtenaina- over la years.
xs, the -.I; eirt-, Maud TrEW ialberkS
Wrtta for further information to:
(SAITAPg. 1.,,kairD MR,ICIAT,X0Iff
,Weatoine, .
• NA,apusgosaverstrnArtm.rarAnAmAntscrenarmo.wevA.raza
<if. a rbcnn'iltnt- fainlY cease to periorni the. peeper functions '
all the other organs -will become derarig.
Tiotbed and 'cold "'seine aye watered w
alnlest illselless `).r this nill'Illile''''''.--i'lle a(`)al.bad i"silie are: 13-14-'s'el'i' eProuts, and "Ventilated "rognillanly and protected ,, , _
real worth of a liothed is the le 110e cabbage, caniifio,wer, ,niet,y, oggplaiik, on top
alg-a111-'11 l'' e'Zin S .,'',1; 11 i ght. "" ji et''''''r ''' seed''c!' era fAal!'Leci iii -(11..citep your bowels working g‘intly and
of firje that it wil.fi give off wat''',',ii riutaskinelobsa peppers and tomatoes, Where a liothe,d is not available Or boxr`" " in •rinn'."'' sP01;401 labieliki°11
lind that should! he six. to •ttligh_t weeks, Altiong the annual flowers are: ages.- -where only a few plants- are to be 11141 be 'be givell It' wael'in'si`v- if ,,,t.),o,o, In.,aiyt ell; ail -411Y1 Yptil.)Cle {,L112teng0td 01\1 aUlit'•allyrilF1‘fIi'laX(J'ai. -0
if 'the ProPer kind or nituntre is uited. atutu; asters, balsams, . calenAlulas, grown tb0 FOod Erialr 4)0 start:ed. 'in- illucjil i'vat61. is al>Pri'led.' "Ile Ill'alits '"''''' Il' d 11 't1 . t . hi
' About one good ')Aregorilload of frosh 1 candy-tuf 1, caster bean, cciekseoniii the hoi'r,e For 0 11117 'IL feNN: lite a 5, 1150 cleeav' at 4lie '11" 'e' f 1.' soil00 11 e°11''IVa'laa' aiL a a )al ;tall a3 CaLlr3*
litot_ se manure wl11 'be required f or a claritia, four-o'clock, gainard la laric: or thr.:(2, '•oilpraa. 1.), 'As' am,,i '-it) • °1 • • ''' 11. ton e 1 •
./vcro-bed The manure shoul,d be sour, lobelia, marigold, inign'onetlo oitcl itelacod --in :i c'x'S[1,"\-11.;' wciii'tl'''O 1 E'Qi1111 1/31et'bisIulv;u4:d'eriills'lx:''12''"13;1311/".(''11 't.11(:e'rji'i`El'i'll:r1".1'8cew°11'11 ' 'IVI:tr3::: !\'`. `11. l''' P'c'e'°11'3°11:'''.:P)r.'cLn. (1°11'74' N01Ja8.0
'thrown in a fiat 1 ' '" • • - - ' ' • - ' - w w , , • • ai: :, ,--- ;a : ,L,io .,01 :,
._ pilo, under cover, it; itas,turtittin, -moot:atm, pansy, petunia, ful'iliii a seed d'iecl• liar •filirirot ara the w'abein salc'uilli'd not 'he allowed to tire) from. constipation, •-nd v -as
• P"5111)1e$ a'htl' n11° Pill) l'1,131-11,eti- eVerVo. phl-oSa Pinks, salpi.glic)sals, scalii)-osa, olv, flat boxes i-:,13014, til,roo in'ah`e) c -lo -"e` -p- clrY nib 'arat l'h0:1-11',1-11-ts •-`)1101aLl be given by a i'rie'rul to L'ry .11.E.lintL:,m igla'a-Li'Tor
,..- , . , acarae, saga tea via , snap Talton aro or a convenient. shhe to fit in a .' ' - Pills. After taking ri vial or them 1
-inotie (-1117 for ,,,,„ wool- or ton Jaya , I I-, , i 1 ' ) - a .1 • - ;List o.nou2m. water to keep theiii gr'O\V- '
it is tay4ed, the aub,n, poraiali ,,f. t-tonny'eoi,a, ,aboen, ...,neet 1 ' '•• .-1,, 1,,, . • :" L'ii i` ' hoe, oi-operly, bave found tvoilderi,u1 relief, and would
., , - . a ,, a , • , s . a yssura we _alit) Ito( -:,/littow s loll d ;be used, -
Among the pereirnizas tlutt nitty be as those from ,--,ceds atm:tea in ,a liot_ ,,girt, to turn „their heads tooVai'ds the rwl'111a15° 'n'nnt'''s the ittalan 11nnofitt 1
Started, front aend di) this ',uittniiar liet boa, because the: I, n ' t Y ' I IIP"nit whorl In -"ed in 'tin' 'i I T .---'
e .1Pel-a ti 0 al'i ' ' '' -bbs' '"' 11( a W' ' o Pri e 2-. a vial e '
at all deal .1 s or
the 1111-r-'h'xild thralVa to sultan, vax`11000: wallflower -1-11d RA:stars with seeds- ataited in 't -he As plants' axe clepeDd,eut upon light advise all those arlio ale coastipated. to
a,n,d t -he inner poillon te• the outside
iyo. older ,to get uniform heating
When p itttina inanity° int° pit,
abs oaall fork tt to break ft apart
Ppread, it 'only, ft; s'nould untbine, forget -ono -riot, roit
45051 51511 la. ho -ase are not itsutilIy as aaiisfaeto-rv. ror grow -Lit, iintned'iately giv3 then' a trial 'for T 5'001 10u-0
aster (Vtglish conditionti °an of, I - hirnrrome thiS al bOK or con sit, 1-1 au
, 11 n, inaildri direct on receipt of pro o by
bleeding heart., earitei'lliury cols. trolled but di /ittle epeciol. 55I0 1) 1)e torned aretin(1. each clay • r, • - • • '
.1. Mill)ura Co, fairaitea oroato
000, I help to a, recane the dl 11105. When th6 ytii.ing'' seedlinirs
A cold, hon -ever slight, should never
be neglected, for if it is not treated •
time it will, without (Twilit, lead' to
bronchitis, or some other serious lung' ,
nOt really clan,c),Aorotis
but the eomplications which are
to follow makes it occessary to get rid
of it on tlao first sign.
Bronchitis starts with a Bhort, pain-
ful, dry cough, accompanied with, rapid
wheoxing and a tightness through t'oe
chest. At ibist the oxpectoration is of
a light -color but as tho trouble' pro-
gresseS the o'hlegm, which is raised.
from the bronchial becomes of e
yellowish .or greenish color, is of a:
stringisli naturo and -sometimes streidtocl.
with. blood,
In Dr...Wood's Norway Pine Syrup
you Will find a remedy that will stimu-
late tire wenlioned bronchial organsa,
seethe tho irritated parts, loosen that,'
. phlegm and mucous, eta]. dislodge
'morbid accumulation.
Mrs. C. R. Slater, Sydney, N. S
write:—' 'Fall, 'I was trouble
with a very bad cold which tunied•to`
bronchitis. I tried .soveral kiads- of
mediciuos, but without -relief. A friend.
told tile alioniaDr. Wood's Norway 'Pine
8yrup. I used two bottlee', and my eold
aud cough were completely goat, mid
I was as well as ever. Now ion 110507'
Witb.01.1t 'Dr. Wood''s in. the- ouse.''
La.) sure and' get
•Prite 35c and 60c a bottle; pot up by
The T. kiiibura Co,, To-roato,-
Ont. • .
Buying Nursery Stock.
There are several oonsicltratioris to_
be: token into 'act:knit nurchalia
Ing -nursery ,stook. ',T•thore are tintruga,'"
varieties --1111-1llint as a rule ,sell
for less ,t1.Sall-fOrther sortS''Whioh are 110
, ,
ainare4clifficult to grow, The Cania.clian
Horticultural Council advises also that
it is ',generally advantageous to secure
stock from as near home hs is prattle -
able, and :to give aurae 'attention to the
adaptation of the kind 'of trees to be
mfirchasscli to 'the- soil and- general ton-
. .
clitions Of 'the fainn. Th.e
relisebility --
of dealers la :also worthy -of 'considera-
tion because Many years are lost it
.yrhen f-rulting time arrives it is
covered .that the wry/1g variety hats
been planted. The best trees for
planting. are those of avoraa.e .size for'
their age and, tyPical of the variety
desired. ' A sliorf,. stocky res is gen-
;orally preferable to one that is -tall
and. sPintdilY."
'Varieties whioh aro a ci ve-rtised as
new and Supicrior to all other varieties
should be looked upon with -
and planted, only from an ,experirnent-
al, and not commercial, viewpoint-
W-idel,yraead,yeTtiSed-ixtey, ,shom)
titsuaillY be a voided unt
been t ested and reconiane,a
Horycilltural Council. The n
frUits,groWer :cannot, afford to ,fiiite a
chancea:an untried varieties, butlawliere
he ide.Strk-O to do so,, lie is, adviseci te-
purchaseNfaom the originator or the
.recognized pi,romagatoa of the original
stock. By o doing he is assured of
sec.ttring trees true to name.
The mosiftorthy of the new fruita
surpass the EttlICIOZEd SOTU in but one
or a few resPects only, and it is tioxe-
fore advisable to sectire an opinion
from the Canadian Horticultural;
Couneil, Ottawa," regarding thosci ad-
vertised before'purehasing iroquan'ataa' "
Of the thonsands of ,neW,seeduillgr
tested, at the Experimental.Farm, only
a very few have been found to kave
sufficient merit to -warrant a place in
the orchard.
c). to likforliit
Spay;o Treatment.will gat that
lame 110:::33 back on the fah agahl: For
rnofo Wan fnrty yearn at Kendall's Spavio
Cu ro it hac beeii rcnioving spavinc,
rindborie, thorour;hicin and all Made of
body 14w/db. '
gel it lit gout dn.:wiles iodao: alsollnirec •
eock A Ttcotisc011 Iltc llorea and 114
Di5e,oce", or write direct to
DR. D. ,V. OiENDA1,1„ COMPt1N, ,
Encolmrg Falls, 112.4
,Avin Treatment
of a .Kick.
A writer in Wallaee's Fariner -calls
attention to some very expensive kicks
by the farmers. An e -x -amination of
the 'meat from lioga „showed -a very
large per cent. of ;bruises du'ea.),-o-lit-le.kq,,..
to market. --'1111-6 'figures 'Show that it....
costs about 75 cents a on a 20-'
pound ham
Jn warmirg up the hit:tit:at:it- Jlcr
the first -time, start, with 8- 1110d012000],y •
lanip flame, taking c,tare that it is
not so low that there will be an offen•
sive to•dor from the lamp. Ler the nia.,
chine heat up 'very arraienalia.
COULD '1314T
A, II. Lee, e,
writes :—' ' I sou delicirlitecit to lei, ±00
know .wlia,t I hoye to say ii.,garditY n.1.,h,e
good • Ili] bui a. 's Heart mad I'IC.r7O -',I-'ill,4'
(11(11110. A short Unit) i,igo I aili.lfei:(1
with. icarf and nerve tterib3(.., E.11-45'8',
so liad 1c,ould only (,4114 ., tchenta;aw
houi•s cacli nialit. .1-, haa i 17
when driving on tite-,.,
very often faint,,eita;
hors troulil earry.,,ili.4"ii
I alt' -topic 1184, ,
(1bil a.,tily,9., my cltiv,,, 1,vea tato
also ta,y; aervos asmo 5,
jump vat' of. -hod, ' aud
/to wal,lc. the "floor before', .
do)vri awl ..e.o back tia beill
, taking a tow boxes of 3.1',i11)ai,
mid. Nerve I'llia 1 tan..thon.
' ' in .•miler I 'an a '
best of health, ir, fact',
110011 in for tbrec years;
dose of werk with pies,'
Toro Luirbig your pills lif
1-) 1110,
icto r50p a bek'..•
taafied direct °a
The 'Pi' Tv1.1.11>nru C,,o'.',jilt