HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-3-8, Page 5,T -IE EXETER TIMES IIIIIhlllllllllllll!li1111811l111IIILIIIIIIhlll1l 111111 .. h IIIIIII111111IIII111111111111111111111111 lIIIIIIIIIiI OIIIIIIIII11111111101111111111111111111111111111 .. 1111III11111III1111111111111111111lIt S. S. NO. 1, USI,3Qk i 1 The following is the report of S.S. N9. 1 Usborire, for the month of Feb. Y class- .MaylieIle Strang, Sr,. IV-4-Ionors'Mely n Moil; 83; Doreen Minn, 82; Norah Oke, 80; =;1 1?oarl • Wooci, 80; Harvey Hyde, 77; J Harold Horton --.• 76. Pass, Melville 1 l!I Dowu, 72; Mervyn Cudmore, 72; 11111111illllllllll .Helen.5 Howson I _ I IIILIIIIiIlI1111111111111111111illlll1111 1111pllllllllllllllll i llillllllll111111111111111111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi.11111111111 IIIIIIIIIIII111111i11i1 ,==Geo.ClarIt' OBJ' Howson Hill, 63; Illlliplllilllll Jr:• IV—Vera HENSALL OWEN GEIGER RESIGNS Boa 32 ...._._..__ _ 0811.111111110411.0 111000 -edit Advances The ' progressive • farmer recog- nines that Credit plays an impor- tant part in promoting a healthy growth in the business of farming. Applications for loans will be courteously ' received and your disc 'ssion8treated confiden- tially. lERLING OF CANADA 104 0011100 Ca snot Attend a Better School SO I'° NOT COMMENCE ' TT17+, WINTER TERM WVH174Q 'SCIIOOL ENS TUES. JAN."2ND. 1923, AT T.111,T.111,T.111,. , E -0I' School or-to>nnjce Clinton. Ontario" Stenographic,- Commercial, ,Secretarial, Special Courses • FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY TO M .: A. STONE, .-COM, ..SPECI'ALIST, B." ;F'. WARD, -B. A., Prinli Vice Principal. Phone •19 8 Students may enter at,any. time.. DR. A. MOIR, L. M. C. C. Pliy:sieia.n and Surgeon Phone 70. HENSALL DR. G. L. SMITH DENTIST o doors east of the I1Iolsons sail Ont; AUCTION" SALE 'OF REAL " ESTATE ; and HOUSEHOLD ' Furniture one. SATURDAY, MARCI3 17th, AT, 1.30. Real 'Estate consists: ,of lots 14 and 23, "Main St. • A two storey brick cottage 30x30, with 10 rooms and attic, -good' cellar, cistern in teller, cellar had cement floor. Big tarn. on remises, also good• hard water well. "Household. " Effects—in Bell organ, IDFOOT,.I.L 'OP>AN-i piano case;1 couch, ,1 lounge, Wild Rose ebolt'stove and heater''eoinbin- f & -HOLMES -1: ),...d .with . oven, . 2+ kitchen tables 1 Barristerstri{ •larva nrhwer; 2 cupboards, .1 dogcart, and .numerous other articles. • , Office on the Square-, 2nd ' door TERMS CASH, Real Estate '1'0'per from Hamilton St.,.God`'rich. •cent on. day of sale, balance in 30X Private funds to loan a lowest rates, days. Proudfoot, K.C. .J.'L, Killoran, MRS. ANDREW DOLTGALL, Proprie-y D. E. I ohnes tress, OSCAR ] I IPP,' Auctioneer. 1-Iolines" will be in Hensall ,,inlay from 9 until. 6. Mr. Jas. Grassic, 'of the 2nd !line, 14 m,1,,, «„SIS3 DR. J. W. PECK... Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, ;l6cGili University, Montreal Member r.•;of College of Physicians and Surgeons :mf Ontario; Licentiate of Medical °until of 'Canada; Post Graduate Member of Resident Medical staff .of, genera] FTosprtail lVtontreaj, 191,1-15; Office, 3 "-doors- east of Post Office. Phone 56,, llensall, Ontario. AUCTIONEER osCAji'I L-6PP *•Honor Graduate Carey,Jones'.Au etion School, Special•course taken iu• - Registered Live Stock (all Breeds•" Merchandise, Real Estate, Farn.n. Sales, etc. Rates ' in lteeling with prevailing prices. Satisfaction as- sured,write Oscar K lopp, Zurich, OD "wire 18-93, Zutichs„ i()11 A-' iD.,'i1i: J011 1. ti: f re" \IJiJ P1_4NT.-L-Postein, Do,4gers, En- Telone:s, Letterhe :ds, Visiting Cards, Shipping Tags, end anything at all, <.1 o"Obsrz'ver Printing Office, Bendall. ier•s taken for Daily and Weekly ?ers: To roe i o aficl•Le don papers 75 - la club with the•Lxeter Tiines, 25. Leave YOU!' -cider• at the Ob-" • c, you raw aewed your " subscrip- ;,ILO s-i112e:i? , / ntent "'town council in .6 try out 1,113 method_ of allo to nay taxes any time , et ,Tilly to the mid- o bt s, u half -per cent, per : - ut to be allowed for D tt r i of Geo Cc:bleigIi .,lc place Inat 'Fridayal.- :1i :his late ..ic residence to 8t, _czuetery, Deceased Who was „ 65itlr year, had been inoar :` c sorite ti e •> i i ni: .noi, ger- () 1111111 after a fall he sus- tabent three weeks ago Sur-- 11iinl are his widow; three solid • if Biddulph Tp,; , Lance, Of Loll- y, 01 C ilgitry;' and one dau- . Girl. Charles Conr•sey' of Sitz•= Dr. G. L. Smith wishes to announce that he lias opened an ,office for the. practice 1 trt,o of Dentistry, two doors east of Molsonis Bank;'Ilensall; Ont. .Mr. Niel Spades left on Saturday last for Detroit, "' Mr. Fred Busch, we are sorry to report continues quite ill. Mr. Wallace -Dick took the train for Detroit;, on Saturday evening last. Rev. Mi. Sinclair•, of •Centralia, visited at the parsonage on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs,,P. B. Buchanan, of Toronto,' are visiting relatives in town, . "._ Mr. Bill Horton of Stratford, spent the week -end with friends and rola- tives,here, •= Miss Hoffman', "of Dashwood vis- ited".;Miss• Hazel Coxwortli on Satur- day 'last. aturday'last, Mrs E. Rennie is •this 'vl*eek visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. D. C. Paisley, of Port Lambert." Mr. Bill Kyle, of London Road north, left on Monday last for Wind- sor and Detroit..., Mr Corbett, of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., 1 ondon, was in town' on Tuesday. ' 1Vfiss Essery was in Detroit over tlie week -end and returned home on Monday evening. . Mr. and Mrs. Roy White left on Tuesday evening, for Detroit and other border ,cities. • School' Inspector, Mr. J, Elgin Tom of Goderich, visited our schools on Monday of this week. Mr.' and Mrs. T. Hildebrandt,- of Goderich, visited the foriner's par- ents over the week -end. Mn. Fred Hatter, of Blenheim, has accepted a posil,ion ' as check baker for Mr. ,,R. E. Cook. Dr, `,A, Moir who has 'heen on' a short.visit to the west returned hone the latter part of last week. • Mr. Robt. Higgins left for Goder•- ich on Wednesday where lie is help- ing to audit the county books..: Mr. Wes. Nichols,who ..has been. for the past few months in Kitchener returned home on Saturday last. Mrs: Elston who spent the .winter in Clinton. 'returned, to town and is visiting her son, _Mi'. Robt, Higgins. Mrs, D. 11McHarg and 4little .son David, ,:;of .Loudon, visitecl ::4-ha,,for-- mor's mothez•,;Mrs. Peart, this week. Mr. Jack McDonald' returned it n London, on Saturday oflast week where -he has-been residing for sortie time." Mr. Harold Rathweli,. who has been employed. on the -local staff of. the Sterling Bank „left' on Saturday 'fol• Detroit, Mrs. Andrew' ,Dougall is holding au auction sale of real estate "and household effects on Saturday March 17th,, at 1.36-. ',Mrs. Robt. McLaren ' retu'rned" Stanley,, is:at present nursing ,a brok- home on Monday evening last :fioni en hand. In` "attempting to put a a visit with her .daughter, Mrs. .Stn - halter en".a cow his hand wan jainmed ;ant, of Rear Clinton. against the stall by her horn,- c'r'ush NTrs ..W. •R.' Dotiga1l who 'has " ing the bones-i<n'the bacl:of his land, bthe . , visiting Mrs. Andrew "Dougall for the past few menthe returned , to her home in Hamilton 011 Monday, Mrs. T. C. Joynt is ht present in. Brucefield nursing her sister, Mrs. C. D. Simpson who has been somewhat:. Litri,SAT1L I?UBtI0 SCHOOL REPORT 1?R1IIIARY• P.00M n. 3tiNIOP PRI1tTLR . indisposed for the hast'few days: An estate totaling $8,5024 l as left. Class A—Piola JllIdebrar?t 13 by Rev. Dr. William Briggs, former Jean Whiteside, 4. tt Mr. Glenn Broadfoot, of Shedden, _a former member ' of the Sterling l book steward of the Itilethoclist Book Johr ,Paz quhar "80 and Publishing` I-Touse, according to Mabel Fee 79 I Bankstaffhere is again "on the staff, Lorne Elder 30 holding the, position formerly oceu-,, pied by Mr. Ib. Rathweli. " Class 13—Harvey Hudson 271' Eleanor Dell 218 "-There ' will be a meeting ()Lithe U; Ivan Rennie "203 F. 0. in the To yu',Hall on Friday Grace Donaldson 202 evening,."March' 9th, for the purpose. Giay Rivers107` of -"discussing several important mat Alice Higgins 155 tees. All are urgently .asked" to at Jr. 1st.—Gordon Tonifgo 218 tend. Tommy Sinale,'1.73 • Mr. A. W. Anderton, of Goderich, Stewart Bell 121 was in town on 1Vioaday last attend Margaret Kennings 08 ing the meetingof the South Huron" Dorothy Dadson 64 Choral Society, which was held in Edith Wolff- 61 • the Town Hall. on Monday evening. Oke, 60; Maurice' 1'l1IIZil ELECTION NECESSARY: •Sr..; III ---Kathleen Strang 7 ` g, 5. Jr. TII—Honors, Pearl Moir, 76 Mr. Owen Geiger,' who has been Archie Ethez'ingtUn, 75. ' Pass. Geo. elected twice ase reeve' of Hensall for Boa; 69; Mervyn Dunn, 66; Reta Oke 1923, has resigned his Position land 55; Violet Hyde, 64; Joe MUYeart;' the third election will be necessary, 63; Eva Boa, 60, His resignation' came as a result of Sr. II—Honors, Pearl Moir 76. proceedings taken against him on Marie Squires, 75. Pass, Gordon the ground that certain voters were Block, 65. disqualified. The -last election was Jr., II—Honors, Bernice Horton betwee n Ml,- Geiger g and Thos, Hun_ 80; Alma Etherur dgtozr 76 son and restzlted'in a tie, Mr. Geiger let c1,—Elmore Dttrin, 66, receiving the casting vote. . Pr'.—Paul Boa 69; Harold Cud- Chiselhur•st rnore,66. . Number on roil 32, Aver atten, 25. THE LATE ;JAi'1Ji 5 13ONTH ON M. Horton, teacher. Mr, James Bonthron,-a former resident of Hensall, died at his Monne ne S. No. lei, STEI'I31<+;l T in Toronto on March 1st, aged 76 years.- The deceased had been ill With pneumonia., Fpr years Mr. Bon- th'on was a successful traveller for a large boot and shoe house, , His remains were brought to London on Saturday for interment' beside those of ' his wife ' IVIr. Jas. Bonthron, of town is a nephew and attended the funeral. tl. Do not be disappointed if your vis- itors are not mentioned in our news columns. We' cannot get all the news but you can help us by calling us by phone or handing your items in at the othee. .'We appreciate your news. The roads in .this locality are at present in very poor;,shape and are neither good fore wheeling or sleigh- ing. Sonie parts •of the roads are bare while others are ` drifted and' full of pitch holes, making it almost Impassible to transverse„them with a. heavy load. ' Mr. and • Mrs. Alfred Austin of Varna, announce the, engagenitent of their.youngest'daughter, Alice `Isabel Margaret, • - to Mr. , Floyd Howard Schell, 'oldest st ”" son of Mr. and "Mrs: Isaac Schell, of 2493 MaX well 'Ave., Detroit, the marriage to take place quietly the first week in March, Mr. and Mrs. ''Lancelot ' Clarke, of ,Varna, Ont., announce the engage- ment of their; only-dauglter,' Mabel Elsie, to Mr: Ephriam A. Howes, of Arthur, Ont., the wedding to take Place quietly in March. HAYFIELD TIie marriage of Irene, eldest daughter of the late Thos, E. Harii- son, and Mrs. Elizabeth Harrison, .of Bayfield to Leslie:Broolts Jones, son "Of Mr. and Mrs. Jones df Thorndale, took place at noon on Saturday, Feb. ,,24th, at St. Andrew's parsonage, London, the Rev. D. C. McGregor, of ficiating, - The bride, who was unat- tended, was smartly dressed in a' travelling suit of blue tricotine, with navy mohair `hat and wore a corsage bouquet of American beauty roses: ' Following the' ceremony, dinner was served tat the home of Mr -and Mrs. V. A. Burt, Garfield Ave., after which. the happy couple left, amid rhowers of 'confetti for Detroit, wvhL,e they will reside: 1EDi:;•will,'; R1G rEFr AN ESTATE OF 1385,024 ROOM II Missed"; Ekazns. Jr; III -Pass -200 Roy Smale _292 Pearl Elder 222 Scott'Welsh 280 Ge'trud'e Higgins ;.276, Ivan Geroliiette 275 Beryl Pfaff<.271 Albert Passmore 262 ' Bi11y Joyut::248 '.;; houiise Drummond. 28 8, Tiarold Munn' 2 ' aX31;' *Bertha Soldan 225 *Front: xeden 222 Olive Wolff; 207 **Margaret McLaren` 14.7 . Billy Smale 127 Sr-II—Pass 200 Gordon ,Rennie "323 Edward Little 314 Royce Welsh 276 Lula*Lindenfield. 260 Albert t Wolff 237 Edna: Wolff 233 *Clare Zueflb 225 Joyce Scruton 210 Grace Emelt 164 **Harold I-Iedden 157 a {`Pldrecl Sniith 151 - Lizzie i3ea.n 146 ***.May, Itetinii M. A, ELLIS, Teacher' 1' "Mrs. ":McDougal, of Hensall, lasµ been visiting'at' the ;home of her sis- ter, MI's..: J. D. A,tianson, being, called` hither' on account of the illness of Mrs. Atkinson, Clinton News -Re- cord. iVir. Alex. Murdock, accompanied by his daughter, Miss Lexie returned frorBran"tfor•d where the latter .has been in- training for a nurse but was •• forced to give it tipowing, to ill' health, : • The progressive euchre party auci dance held iri„the town Il ou F'ricla.y evening Mast was a decided'. success.. About 40 tablesworein use witlr two -Grenfell , Mission. A resolution of couple at each table and an enjoyahlo thanks was passed to TJaje-i Gordon and exciting time spent until `about., Ingrain, maiia g e' of Sm .lI1aoii In- 11,30 when the finals were played' gr•anr's London, for the useof their off with the 'honors ging to Mos, Jas.. rostaurant fertile. sale of hozlle-cook- A.`Pell and Mr. Alpine Iv[c:Ewen. The :ng, held by the',ins"titut"e iii London prize for the ladies was: a beautiful also Ler` itis offer for srutit31 hal t lin leather shopping b< g ci pP F `t„ donated by:Dr. the future. Peck, and the prise ; 1 for " gentlemen' • After tli e „msi,rc,. ; was T t r ; ,. orte7t,e T; was a safety ra?ordonated ,by Mrs, iunch was served c c6165 a'vcry nuc - BerthaDell. .After. the cards came ossful meetin .• lunch, at, the termivatien of which iVillisili Sii:k; t; , . , r , , unro,zci cant dane1ag was begun oiicl after enjoy- -Sionoi', ha„ opened the roo.11 bet's( 111, themselves for some: nein ill ., ' 7eci'CSv;lle a it° ' + ries -., way tine merry -matters retired t0,lii Mr,,": r, ai l 111a , ,,.,:naiaa;r carter their homes ceding that they i17(. ' tainod ..it la ge,?.:nup!be'r of..' e ro f , fri..it4S tfF' ,.. 0 16nt a,.v01'. e. ` .: oh" evening-, ... 0_,: .. .. . .ilii... .. +, _ , >;• 1.l ie .fin.,., -a <1a,2 e h , • home .1 o F tc 1i 1? : o.n.c, o > t,Ie: otllcr pa ty(ii VA is 1la111 )611 's`1 c2 2i.d eencess!.on, ii. ;UIC tby, 01 Tit(%- ii4"Irr Lteax'. future, the will just filed. A. W. Briggs, k K.C., a son, is left the -sole,benefici •try and executor; but insurance a- mounting to $ 4,500. was bequeathed LO the three grandchildren, CLANDEBOYE The Claadeboye -Women's Institute held the regular business meeting at the Home of Mrs. John McNaugton, Mooresville, the president, Mrs. Jas. Dixon, prsesiding. .Between twenty and thirty members were prereiit. It was .announced that the McGillivray. Women's Institutes had raised the $1,000 necessary to endow a cotin the War Memorial Children's Hos- pital, London. The cot will be a memorial to Mrs, Wilson and Miss Ilotson, Both of Parkhill, in recog- nition of their ser•vsces. 1n -securing ` medical, inspection in the rural schools. The money was raiSed by a small levy on each institute. A letter was read, acknowledging the receipt of the money that Clardeboye. Institute hadsent to the relief fund for the fire sufferers in Northern On- tario. It ",vas' decided to send , 2 to the Dominion Alliance, and $2 to, the ,day: The following • is the report of S.S. No. 11, Stephen for the month of. February.,' Sr. IV—Mina Wiil_ert, • 7 6; Herman Brenner, 65. Sr. II—Violet Willett, 78; Leslie, Adams, 70; Marjory Morenz,: 66. Jr. III—Norman Brenner, 67; EI gin Adams, 61. - Sr. II— Hazel •Morenz, 91,; Willie Dietrich, 78; Sidonia Dietrich, • 66. Jr. II—Earl Baker, 45; Mervyn Disjardine, 34. I ---Minerva Vincent, Charles Die- trich, LeMiard Disjardine, Earl Vin- cent. ' Sr- Pr;--13laizche Morenz, Bene- dict Dietrich, Anna Dietrich. Jr. Pr. Dorothy Vincent, Ervin De- vine, No. on roll 21, Aver. atten. 19. Susan E. Link, teacher, S. S. NO. 7, USBORNE • The following is, the report of S.S. No. 7, USborne, for the month of Feb, Sr: III AAngus Earl, 70; Harold Denham, 66; Hazel Earl, 37; Ray iiE,ropk v,24;'Deliver Skinner '(absent,) °Sr.`Ih=Moriis'Hern 79, (Honors;) Thos. Hein 78 ,(honors;) Norman Brock, 50; Norman Jaques (absent,) Jr'. II -Willie Earl, 71; Harvey Wright, 63; Melvin Wright (absent) I cl.—Myrtle Earl, '77 ho (honors;,) Garfield Cornish, 53; Clayton Cols- nish, 52. Pr.—Lloyd Hern, 86 (honors. No: enrolled 16, aver. atten. Me, McIntyre, teacher. Two great national forces are constantly in action to help you find a better market for pl your products. One of them is Herbert Hoover and his TJ'. S.Departaxlena t of Com- merce. The other is In' a crystal-clear interview on Prosperity, in next weeks issue, Mr. Hoover says--'-' defi- nitely: "Our job is to help flnd markets for farm products." And fanners everywhere are finding his department of vital help. If you are interested in better prices you' want to read notonly all that Mr. Hoover has to say, but of the success which the Federation of Fruit Growers is enjoying (the story is in the same issue). In this great weekly you will always find an article an marketing, to say nothing of the latest news on cropping, poultry, fruit and other sub- jects of interest to every mem- ber of the farm family. Onl.. 1.00 Year's . for a ea s Chas Doyle's Garage b F. Exeter, On An authorized subscription representative of N, The.CounliyGentleman The Saturday Evening' Post "the' l adtes Home Journal 52 issue: -$I.00 52 Lunen -52.00 (Canada -y°3 05)12 issues -•$1,50. Dr. Hern, of Blyth, has purchased the practice and residence of the late Dr: Thompson; of Clinton and is now in charge, Mr. Alfred McKClinton'sowii, Clirii;gn well known harness maker, died. last week in his 78th year: .'He had been seri- ously 'i11 for about two weeks. _ In every fifteenear- Y period since c incorporation in 1833, Toronto has: `. doubled in population. p Toronto iris- a population of 529,083, as shown' by the assessment returns for 1922; id twelfth the o - lar est ; g ,r the c.,r>t:inent and :stands sixty-first among cit- ies of the world. the Now is the time to freshen and beautify the home interior: Do . Y _ not let this Spring c b without that that re -decorating which every home requires. If you would hav y u.-- rc-., walldecorations in accord with the late 1 - latest of the best, out,;.: e8 insist on ootid: ttbear- ing illg the name C/►'1 Ste i alfa ea3 ° Wali Neu In their collection you will find just what you are looking for. The patternS are ap- plicable to -plicable':to any interior. These new patterns arc, 1 .2/ inches wider than the ofd type of ,Wall Paper which, besides enablingyou to paper a.• room ruith' pn fewer rolls, means' easier hanging More beau- tiful. designs and _ the improved appearance c wh ish results from fewer' seams. Look' for the Sithe Boxer on the selvage. FOR SALE -BY A; y,