HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-3-1, Page 8Ste ark N Cotton. Goods The market reports in our daily papers have shown a steady "ndva11QC on ,all Cottons .'luring • the last fete months- , . These higher i>riced Cottons bare, Xsow it acltecl the wholesales and they are quote nssill Coitfrom; 20 per` cent to 30 per cent Weber than " ,4prices. goods .Y �k last axioxitlt , : 4,a C are -most fortunate inb ea"ln; a s;ooel;;atc clt Of many lines of Cotton mid- at the old prices and trill give our. .eustoni ers the advantage of the low prices as long as Qur supply Eatstst A Feecials Apron Prints, 'good patterns, worth 25c, our price per ,yard 20c Indigo Blue Prints, fast colors, 35c values atper yard 30c Dark Prints: for House -dresses a"tact aprons at the old price, 25e a yard Striped Shirting Prints for men's fine shirts, real value at 30e a yard 18 inch Towelling for rollers, Linen Jute, 2 yards for 25c Pure White Turkish Towelling, fills a variety of needs, '2 yards 25c 36 inch -Factory Cotton, medium weight, 20e value'lfor 15e a yard A good weight Factory Cotton, in 5 and 10 yard lengths 40 in, wide, special at '23e' a yard 3 very special values in 36 in. White Cotton it 20c, 25.e, and 30c yd: C'an'adian Ginghalns, 32 in, wide, these will wash, per yard '35c Ginghams, for Girl's Dresses, good patterns @ 25c per yard Ask to see the hit and miss Ginghanxs for House -dresses, only $Oc yd AI�I7 YOiJ PAYING ?fOO 10,UGU FOR. YOUR, G11OC.'El •IIES? CO11YY'ARE OUR PRICES .2.11129,119 • Market retort -The following, Is`P. thereport of the "Exeter Mar•ket!'. corrected e'i ery Wednesday. Wheat 31.10 Manitoba Flour 33.95 Pastry Flour 33.45 Modes Flour $3.70 Feed FIour $2,00 Oats 50c Barley 60e Bran 31.45 Shorts 31.50 Dairy Butter 41e Creamery Butter 44c, 46c, 53,0 Eggs 380 Lard 17 to 20c Hogs •s 39.75 anuary ebr ary Sale Our Stock is the Largest and Most Up -to -Dae 01 -ERA HOUSE BLOCK Conductor of Funeral Service Motor Hearse and Morse Epuipment 4 • , IN PHONE, 743; Night call 74W s:. R. TIMES th the Chul�rche C.AVEN' PRESIZYTERIAS CHURCH Rev. James Foote, ' B. A., Minister 10 a.m.-Sunday School and Bible Classes • a.m,-"Whom the World cannot Forget" LOCAL e co4Ce04s@i9 ifi.t9@f@eo@ Mr. F. Boyle spent Monday in Lon- don. Mr. Frank Taylor spent the week- end in London, Mr. Walter Dearing, of London, en in town. It d.- spent the week -end -in Mrs. Fish is again confined to her bed with illness. ' Mr. Albert Geddes was in London over the week -end visiting his moth- er who is ill., A lot of snow left this community for parts unknown Monday and Tues - TFC EXETER ' TIMES Subseriptian rate $1.50 ,a ,year. ADVERTISING RATE& Display Advertising -Made ktaowa cn application. Stray Animals -One -insertion 5Oa three insertions for 31,00 Farm. ,or Real Estate for sale 50c emit insertion for one month' of four' _rnierti.on Miscellaneous artielies 'of not more.. �ttan• five lines„ Fors Sale; To' Rent,4�'anted, ' each,' insertion, 50c. Lost and found locals 25e. , Local reading, notices etc.,: lOc per line per insertion. No nott,oe lesr than 25c. Card of Thanks 56e. Auction sales $3 for one insertion 'and 31.50 for each subsequent in• sertion if under five inches in length, Legal advertising 10c and 5c n line. tel a clay. Mrs. R. G. Seldon is' visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. Newman, of;Kings- ton. Mr. AeReeder who has been confin- ed to his; home, the, result of an'acci' dent, is able to be around again: Miss Ida Warubold, of London, spent the week,=enc1 with friends in town. lir. Roger Northcott sold a fine team of young horses to Mr. Dougall, Of Hensall. Mrs. Clark, of Crediton spent Sun ataa$Ti313ING LIST. Exeter Times $1.50�'a-''O1' $2.00 to the United States.`` i Times and Toronto Globe 36.251 11 7 • day with her daughter, Mrs. A, E. p.tn.-"Tlte Luther" Boy Scouts t The Minister Ex-canxmunication of The Ivliuister. 11 meet Monday evening Kuhn,' ' of town. - Mr. C. Aldworth returned home on Friday after visiting with his daugh- ter at Stratford. Mr. Elmore Harness,: of Clinton, spent the week -encs with his mother,' Mrs. 3. Harness. Mrs. Rousom, of North Bay, is vis- iting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bissett. Mr. Geo. Willis, of Loudon; spent a few days this week tfe guest of his mother, Mrs. Jas. Willis, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Irwin, of Lon- don, is visiting with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Bissett. Mr. Thos. Jones was in Toronto Monday with a load of cattle for the U.F.O. and struck a fairly good Mar- ket. Mr. W. W. Taman last week pur ciased: from W. J. Beer, the local dealer, a handsome McLaughlin Se dan. The Ridgetown Dominion and Ridgetown Plaindealer have amalga- mated, the Dominion taking over the latter. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Tuckey, of Lon- don .spent the week -end with the for - 1 ,pier's parents,; Mr. and Mrs. C. ,.E. JAMES STREET MI6TIB(ODIST OBATR II Rev. M. J. Wilson, B.A.. Pastor. 11 ani, -"Launch Out Deeper With God ' 3 p.m. -Sabbath School and Classes, all invited. T.11fuW OAY, JAW/Hi. t, 1023 ' VIII 01111111111111111111111111111N111111111111111III[II'illlllllililllll111111IIIllli11111IIIloti I[[lililllilllllillllllllll1l111010l0III 0 WINO Bible 7 p.m. -"Treacherous Grounds" A study of a Book. Thursday nights are devoted to special Bible Study and Prayer, Cotte Music of helpful character on Stin days, -Come, Enjoy and _Help. Times and Mail & Empire 6.25 Times and London Advertiser 6.25 Times and London Free Press 6.25 Times and Toronto •Star 6.25 Tithes & Family Herald & W.S. 3.25 Tithes and Montreal Witness ,3.05 Times and Farmers Sun 3.40 Tines and Christian Guardian 3.40 ,Tim.os and Presbyterian .. 3.90 The, above publications may be obtained lay Times subscribers in any combination, the pirce for any pub- lication being the figure given; less 31.50, 'representing the price of The -Tim es.. Mrs. Dan Ross, of Brucefield, re- cently suffered a stroke and adcord- ing to last reports she was improving. Ertl. res S �.r LET THE RED FRONT SUPPLY YOUR GROCERIES, WE WILL ,SAVE YOU DOLLARS. EVERY ARTICLE' MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. FREE 1 7c. package old Dust W 3 CAKES OF T Fairy . Soap 23c SEEDLESS RAISINS. a. d WHY PAY MORE BREAKFAST AS 7[' BACON 35c. •� pound TRY A POUND CANDIES V�I ' xuD.,.,Ri1lER1; CHOCOLATES '35c ib T - = ,. i',' 45cM. 10 Y-I31'al�a7.E. S NIBS 3EILLY BEANS ' 23c Ib. ........23c tii CE AMS n 14 23c lb. ,.2 c .2 Ibs �5G•O`i',,I3 MINTS5c {I 'M GS .. 23c IJ BUGS L ASSES Lae ib: lain, Drops, :19clb. : , f`a O LATIN BARS ,:,6 for 25c SOAPS COMFORT ........ 14 bars: $ 1.00 PEARL WHITE ..14 bars 31,00 G & G SOAP •10 bare '750 GOLD SOAP .. .:10 bars 750 N P SOAP ...,,..:::...2 bars 42c, 25,' CASTILE SOAP .:.,..7 cakes vac: CASTILE SOAP, Long Bar 18c PALMOLIVE .. ..:.3 cakes 24c INFANTS DELIGHT 3 cakes• 23 I'ELS NAP7.'II.A. .,:.10 bars 75e MOUNTAIN CREST ` tins for25c. LARGE VALENCIA CL E r?i}i1tC�?�'i 21c; a ou.111:d Miss V-erda Leav`tt,,,- "' ticervilie aet is recuperating from a recent illnct.te, at the home :of her father, Mr. Win, Leavitt. Mr. P. Hein has material on the ground •e tion of a house • ' the erection for on the corner of .Carling and Well- ington streets Mr. Ed; Anderson who a trona the undertaking :.parlors; of E. C •Killingswortli .to St.'P•etet s;.Citurch, small' bone in ,his ankle some timeMcGillivray Township. . Interment ago`.is able to be around, again with rvi1L be made in the R.C..cei?letery-in the aid, elf` crutches,` Miss Flossie Ford and girl "friend, Miss Cox of London are spending a MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH iiev. Geo. McAlister, M. A. (Phone 21; ,r3.) Rev. W. G. H. McAlister at both Services. BETHANY SALVATION AIt11 SERVICES. Services as usual, next Sunday.. , Capt.' T. Hobbins HOUSE FOR SALE On Intron Street, Block and a half east of Main Street, frame house in good condition. Apply to LOUISE SWEET. FOR SALE- A good violin, a bar- gain at $'8.50.'Apply :,at Times Office. FOR SALE -Good young cow, due to freshen middle of March. ` Apply 'to JOHN BELL, Sr. Andrew St. WANTED-1VIiddle aged lady to act as -:housekeeper and companion for aged lady' in Exeter. Apply stating wages to Times office or Mrs. R. Poplestone, 'Blyth.,; worms Tlie auditor's report ,for Fullarton•. Tp. showing the total expenditure for, 1922 to be 351,699.01; total receipts, $53,S79.31; balance on hand, $2,180- .30. Norma A 'very interesting wedding took place at` the Presbyterian manse, Mitchell, Feb. 15th, when MissaTariet McLeod Nichols, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ' Nichols, of Fiillarton, was united in marriage to Mr. Alex- ander W. Martin, of Disley, Sask. After a short honeymoon ,,Mr. and Mrs. Martin will return for a week or two before going to their home in the West. The ceremony was per- formed by er•-fornied,by Rev. J. W. Gordon, pastor of the' church. PHONP) 144. SOUTIJCOTT BRCS. .PHONE 134,, Vie -Opening Sade Thursday, Friday, Saturday March 1st. to ' 3ord inclusive During the past three weeks we have been decorating and reModel in our store, ,We have just coni Meted it and are having a three dayre- . •1 ,opening Sale. V e will have many specials :.hiring ;the three 'days. We mention only a few below. LADIES' AND MISSES' NEW SPRING COATS You will find a very slnart range .of Coats on our racks. We, invite you to call any and look thetas over. Factory Cotton 40 inches wide . splendid Cotton,• fine even weave. Sale Price, 10 yds $2.30 Coates 200 yd Spools, Sale Price 4 for 25c Ladies' Rubbers, regular $1.00' Sale Price per pair , 9 0 c Ladies' Heather, regular 31.25 and 31.50. Sale Price per pair. 980 Stanfield's Red Label Under- wear, regular $2.00. Sale Price 31.5.0 ALL LINEN TOWELING Regular 30cline,: an all linen Toweling. Sale Price 25e Men's Sox, nied.iutnweight' regular )50c. 'Sale Price '3 pairs for 31,25 Men's fine Rubbers, Regular $1.40. Sale Price 31.25 White Flannelette, regular 30c yd. Sale Price per yard' 22c S'tanfield's Blue Label . Under- wears, .regular, 32.25 Sale Price' $1.75 WALL PAPERS WALL PAPERS Don',t fail;to see. our new range of ,WALL PAPERS for �ypring. ,'We are offering four patterns of bedroom panel's; enough Pape? and Border for aroom Special sale price 31.25 With every pair of Men's shoes sold on Thurs. Fri. and Saturday, we will give a pair of best quality fine Robbers, FREE OF CHARGE. MANION COPINVir venom 1111111111111111i111111lillll{II[IlIllillll�lill[l�lifilli[illElll!!IIlilllllllllll Jla[1111111111l11111111lI11lillll _ IIIl�lailllll[lillllYlil[illlllll� E. J. CHRISTIE LIFE, ACCIDENT, FIRE AND AUTOMOBILE. INSURANC10 EXETER, ONT. Phone 119 ,,,,'Edward- Glavin; ;57 . years of 'age, died am a yae anesday of:last week in St. Joseph's. Hospital, 'London. De- ceased formerly resided in Mount 1 Carmel, but tier the past few- .years had been a resident by London. Tlie funeral was held Ft•idaY morningrning week with the farmer's -parents; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ford. of Exeter North. Mr. Edward. Taylor who has been holidaying with his mother and sis- ter intown returned to Delhi, Ont.,. where he will : resume his duties in the Molsons Bank. • Mrs. C. F. Hooper underwent an Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, on Thursday of 'last week and from latest reports she is getting a- long as well as can he expected. • The final game of hockey between the two local teams, _Midgets and High. School, will be played ;off on Thursday evening at 7.15. This de- cides the " winners ee the six ".teams that were organized some time agb. The Willing Workers Mission Cir - „ numbering de of James street chu , about thirty drove out to Elimville in sleighs onWednesday -evening g of last, week and put on an Old Time concert. ' There was a good turn -out. After the program, the -Circle were entertained to luncheon by the Elim- ville ladies. Rev, A. A. Trumpei• went to Lon- don Thursday evening of last' week to hear the Winnipegt!Male Chgir. Some of then being members of Holy Trinity Church, where Mr. Tramper preached as a supply for five weeks last summer, and who had o him"to, meet. ion for sent an irivitation them there. Tlie death of 'Mr. Walter. Whyte ocCi rred recently in Iia miota Man., after a long illness. Mr. Whyte was 71 years and, 8 months old, and had ltvcd toFamti,a, abo t 42 ears He is survived by one daughter and four, sons. The funeral •wag conducted by Rev. Geo,TJockhart, of the Presby- terian church, interment being made the Iiaijilota cemetery.Mr.' Har - grandson. nl� *Vhyte c, tc ;1"n, is a, ,S Two months of 192.3 have already slipped bye Many of;pur subscribers have paid their subseriptions rias 'ad- vance, for which we 'express our thanks. A few have'asked. us -/when is the, price ;of paper,' coming /down. Last week we renewed our; contract for paper at the highest rate we have ever paid. A few -clays' previous when a farmer was' in renewing his ppve bought gim. • � t ht a chrek enhim i a and received a small amount or silver in addition. A few years befo`re'the war When the price'of the paper was on1 = 31,00 we- would have` securec-1 two chickens' and more money for a year's .subscription. I8 you; have not already renewed your subscription, let us have it at your earliest conven- ienee.. DIED IN `SEAFORTIr The he funera1 of Mrs.Geo. Grigg esteemed resident of Seaforth, who passed away on Wednesday afternoon following a short illness, took place Sunday, interment being made in the Brussels cemetery. Deceased , was born in England in .1847 and was married there in 1867. Slie came with her husband•to. Canada in .1871 and settled on a farm near Staffa, where they remained' for eight years, when they removed' to the, county of Grey, where they spent a number of . Years'in NicTaillop, later returning to Seaforth eight years ago, where her husband predeceased her. ' Out of a family of 12 children, six. soils all of whom are in the vicinity. 'of 'Moose Jaw, Sask., and five daughters, Mrs. W. Grawford, of 'Weyburn, Saslc.; ni�on o eaforth• Mrs. Mrs: J. Den rb f S , D. Dennison, of Seafortlr; Mrs. 1).• Hudson, of Moode Jaw; Mrs. -G. Bor- row, Of; Milk River, Alta.; and Mrs._ I7. Consi•a•hle, of Texford Sask, sur- vive_ PROPERTY FOR SALE ,Consisting of house, . stable and 8 lots of land,situated in Exeter North, on Main St: . Apply to -' H.. Bierling, Hay P.O. FOR SALE -Yorkshire hogs ready for service. Hogs 5 months old. Sows bred and some ready to breed; pedigrees furnished. Breed for the select type. Chas. Harvey, phone 78 MARCH CHICKS -Anyone want_ ing 'March chickens should place their order this coming week. -Win. Abbott. FOR SALE-Brahamas, Rocks, Wye. andottes, Reds, Minorcas, Leghorns, Anconas, `Hamburgs. • Satisfaction guaranteed. G. BENTLEY, Blyth P.O., Ont.' Theodore R. Gray Organist of James St. Church • Teacher of. Violin, Singing and Piano Special rates of •$1:00 a lesson for pupils commencing before March 1st. Regular rate $1.25. FISH" FISH FISH ,WHITE.FISH,•13ADDIE; SALMON, HALIBUT. -C. L. WILSON. NOTICE A public meeting will be .held, in the .Town Hall, Zurich,, on Manch •i and at 'clock pant n 9tli, at 1.30 0 p Hensall Town Hall, at 8 p.m. in the. interest of discussing Live Stock h 'Problems., Spealtiers:- Jo n Martin, Paris, Ont.; R. J. McMillian,-Seaforth and W. D: Sanders, Exeter. Every- bod invited, �ll find d � t t®your advan- tage dvan- tage...to place your order early good selection O it Pant w S v. :PHONE' a ANDY EASTON sed Auctioneer fion�„ Clic Conn - ton. Correspondence arrange - or sales cast be mule by call: he Central Hotel, Exeter. Charges moderate, satisfaction Y guaranteed.' x. Licensed ty of Hu` merits f ing up t FARMERS f feeding Mo_ We have akar load o w g lasses for said;. Maple Leaf Brand, at 26c a gallon. Centralia Farmer's Co -Operative Co., Ltd. GRASS FARM` POlt SALE -Being E. •half lot 5, concession 4, Hay •Tp., consisting "of 50 acres es more or less; spring water. Apply to 3, N.Per- kins;Exeter.- 2-222tp. NEW AiILI DxJA.1LY;R FOR EXETER We expect on or about March let to start a milk route in Exeter. Milk will be delivered by the bottle. 1Itrs i milk is frfroma, tested herd, r S , tl e cows being guaranteed pure from tuber- cular trouble and the premises strict- ly sanitary. Sanitary methods of handling Price perq I uarel0c. Zile will also sell sweet create 'A canvass of the town' will be made on Satur- day. P.: J. SPARLING FARMS FOR SALE -A few choice farms in the Townhip'sof Unborn e , Tucicerslnith and Hibbert. Good and located s Well oca g ted as to mar- kets. Priced right. Apply to Thos. Cameron,.`Auct., Box 154, Exeter. Dr. John.. % prd CHIROPRACTOR & OPTOMETRIST IIas removed 'to Main azn St. Exeter. South of Y.M.C.A. PHONE 70 _orse LivelC: OISDS Al 1 A L L IMES.T i t P-toy•e I s.Iy n ,_ �� Sia 1.R. CARLING B. Barrister, Solicitor, &c., Loans, Investments, esttnelit s, Insurance, Office` Carling Bl > oclr, Matra St. Exeter. A. L. TENI+1 ANT Veterinary Surgeon Office -McDonnell's '0raies xftaUYOs tits°: John St. Phone calls receive" prompt attention. Phone 26w LET LLIO 1 T & JOHNS Know when you ,want your Suit of Overcoat Cleaned and Pressed,: or: Il yed or Dry Cleaned and we will call for them and deliver thein.. Wo are out for business. ' Wheat Yeu want a, New Suit, call in'and see our Sanipli;s Y OUOUR.MOTTO----Sorviceto the Public, ; INVESTMENTS .count iss Collected acted Insiixarxct�° ER I' T N ,S rdLL xaTT Office */gain Stree�etll,,t�, y, W. Nicht q Exeter ... i Order your counter check hoolts Tho r.Elnies.