HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-3-1, Page 6'
„ •
. '
o •
That ljVas unuram
von. are no doubt' well informed ,another urging School Boards to etuaY
tthills Matter, 1 want to ask your the School RogniatioSs, 'With a View"
• Sto sproviicling Secondary' Education tor itivi'ce about a areisolution . . ,ela ,
tha,03.-midiren, c
was al Dunanimous .
'in -4'n4 1'84in wth to be en- Some tW10 hillOrect such Conventions
kirsedi by the Convention do -day, W
e have been hadi, all,paris of Ontario
ad a meeting of the Board a few sinoo l„,st Egster saud.the above reso-
sght4 ago and OTL d tiNa melnhen ltion was the nearest approaeh to
lairought up this Adolescent Act; and! the 1-tbso,lii.lon sor suspension of thse
Ton know the farmers tire sprotty lo cent S,chool Attendance Act.
„'s411 Y°'111' "TIth Jo -wbatiowThe attendance at thseso meetings has
nave "ba• sea 'aria high PrIees "et ranged all the way from twenty peo-
trhat they have to buy; sioWO jA'S't 1210 ;la t'WO hunciged -people; such sub -
ought if this Act Is going to arid jeCtS as Seilro-I Attendance, Health
4,.3 our liasundlens, rl,ore can do •witallont it Rine -ration, Continuation Schools, Con-
Yet- He're bhe "1°'tI00. sal:dated Schools, the Curriculum of
In,‘R°1"3: that 'the a Rural School, The Status and Quali-
Ackar'eseernt Ssthcol Attendance Act is fications of the Teacher have all 'been
Itat practicable in rura1 schsosolS and discussed aw. motions of various
Will only saclils to the allaioady Irea11/7 kinds proposed, brut this 'mass the only
b•V13:sden. sof taxation a-nd should; there- oec.,,sion wbe.ix,e a resolution Was pro-
, hoPeot]ed.' Now T. have not posed to repeals tilos Asct an& A was
miach eY-Perkriee 1-e°- wail-due...von, It' is -bands do the credit
131CYas 'and bl=c'aeats w InIglit balk the of -the rural people sof Onliarisa that
insatter over before the Conventison they iho.ve h,eem an„kyouss
°penis!' The .alhove teonveasation took have {hop, eilritdirsen, e:ducisted,,;, That
Australia, at SYdney, 11Telbourne and Perth, and the fouola a Ottawa, the
beautiful building sho'vria. in the picture, It is under the direotion of a -deputy
inint master from Landon. Peithaps few Canadians realize ,that British gold
ssovereigns as wesil ass Canadian coins, are minted in Ottawa. Each coin has, a
There are only four branches of tale Royal Mint in the' Empire,. three in
small "0" on its reverse side. The r 0 tt aNTa mint was opened in 1909, e,
nine hundred years after. the first 13riti1h mint was establi-shed by
the Conqueror in London. Cetus were once isssued by any private individuals
-who -wanted to do so, hut IS now restricted to go-vernmentss, South,
s of a small Ontlarto town In in the •van of moral. proe-reseo is ovi- s vested in the Annapolis Valley, but connection viol the Grand Banks con- tInizItencticili of Jerusalem, may furnish
gales that morning, 'through a dren1111'- from rra-al atresas long before tno la-ae C ni\T AD 1%- CAN , ealin for scan siderable apita 7, op o ea ‘. on, a e a P. a' ou. m -
• AiL1/4 - - • • „ „ „ 1
'In aS' • tl f 992 I '.oll 1 t,f built on -the bean Peinkiti, •
trig rain, ta attend a Trustees' and, urban .conitres caultd, bo convinced of - PRO1‘14.155.1-D' CATTLL „Nei, is not likely to be f orthcoming Que.—The SOUlthern Can- steamer Theids. '
bon -Lissa anSi .to renton • arrananotoganan
4'13A/1410 .r"
anada Fr()In Coast to Coast will.. DIG FOR DAVID'S
st Joirav 4.14,:wasa.teth from toet .11v1 tok-A3 ,blvo-N. to-catia ,1-olvatrY ArChaelogists Se-,sr.:11. for
• the Empire Stoat 0(aq/drat-Ion west of Cardstein TVs proje•rt is of
1:oesadqrarisers 'pes.-•t'ed Borsj, Islarid 24,000'irrigas1-10 apres The inv'o pros- ittelnattl5,011 FtOral Palace
announces that the iron. mines there jects ihrinnt 130 000 acres of dand at Opliel Hill.
e--usp iimmel 'oast:el-sr in ful11( swing untlaar the'. or the equiValent of tIeOrIntst'll• fncoul London saY•s--1-7,kti
ana that full staff of two 'thoussan- almost six, township& hiternatisosnal group of archaeologista
men will, be taken on, The news has Port Alb'errii, 13.C.---Construntion begin excavotitiolis in the sprinT
given gcnotal satisfaction; especialty 111111(17er 'pant, 'which be the larg- 0,nihel GE,:e.LITC.1 0
'111'011,11d COTICOpti.011 Day, from which est lurnber prodo,cdnir, tnill on Van- the remains elf the palace and the
siection most of the ruiners came, • couver Island will: lose started here toirsb of David Insnired by the 'sue -
Charlottetown, P.E,I.--At a recent shortly by (./. J. V. _Spratt, prominent cc:es the Luxor. undertalting theSe
meeting of the Pasbata GrOWOre ASSIO- istimberir).111. is salsa pre.ildoent of men hope to demsaiistratc* that,' Ophel
elation it was announced that 90,000 the Vinioria 11asalchinery D,opiot. Trot, in the southeastern part of tlhe
bushels of Green Mountain trild'00,000 14,04 c sts,,hz.ioont:Saallitt"Cniutti7,,,
husslisclos of Lrissh Cobblere-, thes past Newfon,r1lancl Seat
mason, thcs
Prince Edward Island potato FL„,:hern.lovIL to P1*.,Tie southern ..enct of the 'Wents11-'11 hill as
arop h'ad been to Long' tra.tiMcsn, has ,
to the State of Virginia and A des t h f ' ' J I 'sr Nfid 1$ shalieved excavirution
Ira CI p - -
other southern United tats P°1111..s. ssaYSt—Thd Newifoundlnur't seals fish- 'reveal all the torahs (of the Kin's
All were certified seiesth'Imtatees, - -Mg season will open, March '7, it was Judea fei"--200 years (after Dtivid, in -
Halifax, N,S.---One of the lsorgest .announced on.Thargday.. An aeroplane eluding those ;of Sollonion and his
apple crops in the history of Nova wllis sbe taS'ecl, to "spot" the seal shards the ssite of an sold wall and' the
Scotia is n'°'‘'Y ilrAC"biaalflY m'aricete'd• on the ire. sreliteinss of the orig"Tinealile•ss'''':innedt,a1;11cY'r;,,pof
Thousgli acttral figures are, not avail- The sealing fleet .has no -w• been i.e. the Jews:, with their
alio, it is e‘i,tircated' by gov'enninent duced to eight vessels. 'Seven of thesa 'throwing' light 1.11Pcn pre-IlehrctWo
officials, that close to a and a wills olierato Or... the Grand 33anks -and and eadiT Hebre'w civiiizattorus. AS
• half barrels of sgsood commercial fruit one In the cum cyf Of Lawrence, inany scholl,i,s 'hold, this new
comglg Tecte in. the sitting riosern oif one of the
thy townsilips,ancli counties Save hecu countnies have their moneY made In the mints ei•Eurelle. have been slightly larger crops bur"- t t 11 b -, 1 d from 'the time of the
- ,s e.amer ues will e emp eye s •
It'atY,- TT' mon-41,24 aro'l eight dont by the exPlilsion eif the bam-loom urrist-y 13,-11 t The organi7ation would taking quality into consideration the tin*.•out of ve,ses wilq, -c-on.veyed, infccniration oil the brilliant .Marsia-
was proclucie-cl last season. There An aeito.pilia,ne used, by the Antavr,si•
ble gliven over Ibc, agiaculture and thickly
• 1
• •-basit:C...,,esaysonn Convental011 for the 'Inc .e,vils tue liquor !traffic. A very . -without 'definite assurance that the eda Power Co„ which -openatess 011 the • -speltitiess.,•nn!iir joitn.nti, the work oanitlnlit •
tIVO' 0" Men had rrven -escents in the coups ay are found in I-FID/no' IS Val a e Ti°s1Pec" Pa-„I'estme becn invited. l'sor the
S Sh. A .11 "With s, s the American undertake rti e develop/la ,nt of ano.tther'
t gt r P' Q b • about t More than 2 000 000 0,0.urids of honey A, A ,,b, , s, ,L
wet e produced in st e Province of an -
and hao bioroght a rous s arcqer loeleelitage 'of the aael- Cattnrcii.SSIOner siaf Agriculture b
trade Wall ,11 spermanen . . ilancas ue ec, iso mon can lc nea -og-ca ost, o
rtrarLO 810111,T, forty sipseaks at the regular •chtioda. service „than in the aYS - market again beconting a,vallable 30,000 horse -power in order to meet -iteba -aveccage °I ILI.' British, the Palcstm. Etepsloration
ifhe same Convention. A neituatha st0WILS .1141 II country parents tor tne rurpose.
.1 •
w. CmCF,11t10,11. Vat q
, Canadian breeders ere not in a posi-- the grorsving clemand for power from, Pounds Per colsoli7, tvocordsing, bia L. T. Inundt, of •%,,„,shich. Dr. IL R. }Inn, di„,„0„,... „
' 'ehtillig ne'eln "--)i 'a betel•is 4 Inc°t '9011- guard their addlescents, -rnora-lly and A despatch from London s,ays:— tion to gis-ve., tiny .1.1nli guarantee" manufacturingenterprises, This and Fl171,111.or;hoovl)x.iiatleiatil'tabritPaiaBrcisfots.‘2.e,4131VIere,./JbAtrs-, setrinb1,1 chatrman, fisiante ow ,
tor ofn.
Pyrotella i ti R .1ti• h Mn
,,, Seep icasni is einn eN.plessec in -tome Hon D. 1 ansgrail, Carreolan. Com- other work in prospect. wall mean sthe ••-.
..,,,,,. ,v,i11 elci-.°1'•ei5s theals'111hg,e"3. reasonahle to suppose they will nen.- 'quarters in England whether Canada rnisssioner of .kgriculture, dismissed increasing of the -capital of the cent- scoecnita.tcli_ounrisminsgcrtheaespelbtyy•-•:•alsuri,osItit.4e0A8,Psero: tv-inisrilocirnta; tiiintg.thaeur,lal,vtul;reex,g,oettnryTtsbisi,61r7.,81,pv,1-1..
lertital place for men to get est.:trivia:int- p .(I f th li/01 1 't is.
1-°117-1`37. and fr'ee-2•Y In '1' saliall 21.10(1-111 lect them ed.neatiornigilv. Has it not ‘,„,., 4,,,r_fil -,,,,,,,, embargo camplasign bhis -pessimistic prediction. wilstili. the pa/1y from $6,000,000 to $29,000,000. '
Vlaien theY 'hesitate 'be' sstooll'a And °di- al,WiasYS been the recin.rits from the \'`''''''' ---- ---
prainise to ship 200,000 'cattle annusag-, statement that the. Canadian Govern- .. St.. Catharines, Ont. ---A. 'signal eiatien began the Year with 46 'Tnesin- be en,trusted to Dr. R. A. M,cAlliste,r
. dress an
audlieueo, 7111-e- whole clues- oo,untry honie radii:At-inn- from our
ontloce Act and rural, educaf•icni was on,. gre,aft industrial een:ln-es with. good a, Lal
c innclation cannot be obtained to the Whole quota in tfIrr-ee trips. But thd.s city., . At the international expo-
.i,...rifed that jibe motion shookli be‘latid 301,,c, hi„.ve pressen-m-1i tate 1e of e-reat 1
'• tion et the -A-dole-scent School 'Attend- "
Vie es and unavermines coaning to • - - • •• • • ' • •
F . IY •t.e. Britain, and the assertion is be- merit Merchant Mesiine • with its 60 honor ha,s been wan by- Puccini
• - ,„ • „ Pi: e-.91 -c aeo cogy in Is a
hers, •and now 190 are enrolled. • •e • f C it' 'h. 1
'ee g Tiro. Ina cle that sufficient steamship ships: could • alone-- take over "almost, large Marmfacturer . itnecarorii, 'of • ' " University° D Pre' r. -h.
tisre-illeocl out by the four men and all consciences and hligh nraral :standards,
transport them during the season. Isesides. thiS thenWhite 'Star Donald; siticin hell& in. Ronre, Italy, the
known London proilincefirin,--i.n also proposed to ItandIe the trade. gold ,scross 'arid diploma, Sisgssedihy the -
will be represented by Rayinsond
who made an important ex•oatration' •
e cemrenitton, .‘„s,„a. real:, cities from decay? ,s. - Weddell iind. Company, th.e W'e311son and Canadian Pacific Companies' adieu :was' s' swain -led the ,6,colia mAcva
_in. the ssatibliern end "hilit :for
i the s
1 ized 'by al four -.that a meeting -held
under stare ' auspices of the Trustees' Another Resolution. -
1,,,d, Rateayara? A,sa,c,aisatiori4 eaukt . •,Dhere is anothea.- motion - re the
, 4tat have a better subject to discus,s Adolescent Scihool 'Attendance Act be -
*ban j1.1St Ssilich a ccesaution. They all 'fore the whole of Ontario just now. .
1)61d:eyed in the motto "Progress by A Bill has been laid before the Lops -
10 Discussismo,n,,, anrii bases& ,aqa asens,siont.41-ature to suspend the Act Until J.enu-
,4„•,,,—,- '-' .14m the fundiamental prind'plie. of con-1 ary, 1922, Every rural member of the
W ficlence, faith and. undierstandling. Leielislature would de well do oppose
It 'was time to, go to the' Conven- this retvesga'ade mea'sure• Deltl"racY
las 1 r a. 111-imh. ii--anidiand of education -
,tdoon and, -walking down the stneet, c‘ '"' -ei- ''''
tsixru.,,41. the min, one ,01.• theza raa„,,..Reld, for ell the people. It would be a
.. ,_, _ • , - crime against, the youth -of Ontario to
,, .t,0 -pus own minim Ilse wiona'is of- -Ainos,
. d.shain two walk toso•ep-},er e•K.,,e-pt they allow them to leave Scheel at foUrteen
and Aasce the keen competition of the
lave sagireed?" The bond of friend- ' - - ,
dris,p fisterionsibsidi in,- the shostei ,,,,retw. world u_rdue1Piaxed. , The Act as -wealt.-
. ' Ann- fairly smoothly sand effective:7 -
1 stronger until ,theice ' was a sincere .e ` . ' '. -
: utiallnorness en all sides to arrdve at "tat very iattle • lar'cle411111) bo rlirall
people, but stimulating us all to make
-be d'istover the
isilery best kind ot Is.:3-1uscetiton for rural t"r'°`1711's'I'D'I- 1°"f the •Pril•Per eancatI°" 01
- a•-loleseents. 1•Vo need a sclifferenit kind
children, The spdritd, -/rilitzali goods- '''' - • • .
- - , of sixgrool rather than. the abolition of
tne the Act and let us. studiy how to pro-
_ • will pervaded the Cornier:Alm; s
.A.daiescent School A-ttena-• s'azre Act „ ,„.„ ,
vide 1... may we hope for 'the with-
* ' was studiedl from • every sniie the
'--- ' ' -d.oas-wirsil or defeat of this.--motten be-
": •••"---------‘ilse, 3.11 pulled. 'tea:ether -to-, asz.:•:4,8t. .s ,re the .tie,..,...k„,-witsttii.61'.•rnh.g.,•eroces.,,,,q,
*r.„. Eve beet ways and means sof Igiving "--
s- . a t e's&c.re,..-tiabfilres •only well'comiarenced at
,,• square educaticmal deal to the -rural.. i.cal- Ite.on years of age,. A,a0Tealaanae
di is pre-ernsinently the criminal age
-abolish tle Act vitas withdrawn
• an .wh•en-mest , fitrist csornmitrment.s occur
Baron-Eldanoriti Rostgischild of Paris
just lierfcire the outbreak of -the war, I
view- of the frozen meat trade said:" Canada had sent almost...100,000 cat- Italian minister of foreign,atfairs and
and to Father Vincent of the Domini- -
"The maximinn mum of ce-btle the tie over before the enibargo, and Can-, the British consul at Rome, hiss, exhibit '
cans, whicsi is ilanli-ea .witas the to am„ •
. • . , ...
ir- - • i , - .
steamers Could c•arry, is about 1,000 ada and the United States ,liast -.year of macarosni winning the -.grand,sprize.
head each, which means 200 ,shiploads,,' sent together about 150,000. ,. w,imilipe,g.., mara:,____Las.ts year 2,1/2
t.,...i:,,:iii,:•:::::„., .
.and. as the trade is seasonal the yes- ___...,_...., men and 553 beats' were erartleved in
. ' Ise_la.-tIon. ,
. ts..,:,,,:',L,,st..,"
Dont look for trouble unless yon w.thiet.a3.ialnalieicitiutilii;imfernet!hva- iwitielteart fis$0s19574ile4s,..
reds woolid haVe_to.arrrve on an aver-
. •
rage eis one aveTY daY,. al?'cli 'elle rateel know -what to do with. it when, you _ It is-$ time tha_t the' soul, pent in the
would have to cover the return voyagelf d ..t ...- ____ , cOavuearlr't1,u12115.cie5r008op,nsolueristdijscs ielefenfisseli, wwhiersieci„.. body, ,s ,t,oni,entne - to s 0 ,..00n...: moss,
_ • ,,,.,. _
the -commercial fisheries realized over iiIii, . of '• the :tine erst11 mest 'of Ole' ',way- '
I sixteen sands a half million poun I ' ss ells tsany .confineinevent, is not al togs their
through the world. The. sentence to , •
. - Natural Resources 'Saskatoon, Ssask.rifty-nine creem-
.. , - . , , .'.'''
""'Zolsituelsii is a blessiziarg and. ii. necessity.
unfortunate. . A sitiertain arriall'att 0/
TislaS'e :‘1,11,0 cane roost, Tor Oa1'.11 C.thoan.•
child and -finail,y the reSolution to .
cries were operating. in the Province
ligence Servace of the Depart- sasikatche, • A .
The Natural 11, esources Intel,- the
of S ais:seltpantrelt:aeVon.niallt:111.eallis.,9ye2,12,r,etaaci:ysso:daoslifnatsgitoitivissioe.
aro so-rirers and not loseis oc-
- .
ntent of th,e Interior at Ottawa, They manufactured 8,001,105 ponn,ns 00(h•o11-2(3-trnaerantiiou-111101
-w-li Cal ithe COITtaCt iS-
says: ' of butter, an increasse of nearly 2, -
One of the fascinations of
liv,sing in -a new country is the , Lethbridge,- Alta.—T•wo slarke inri-
000,000 oundss over the ne
. .
"consstant revelation of previous-
gation unosertakings in Southern Al-
ly—unknown re.sources. It is
berta will be "brought under the ditch",
but a camPanatively,few years this year. The larger of these pro -
since Northern Ontario was on jects is the Lethbridge Northern Irri-
the inap inerely nas so -rim tion District cornprisinsg some 220 -
space. To -day from. out of that
I area are conasing minerals which,
. make Ontario, the langeet min-
- eral IproducingproVince ,in dart-•
begun • It the adolessoent yearst
=than the finest seven years that'
rwit. pa.t,cit4
... =Ms
This cartflt complete
1, School Case ',
Pencil Box
-Rubber Tipped Lead Peneilia
-j 1'615secle•I Dravring
Compai-.-ss • ,
Pen Holder
PC111., Points ,
1 'Box.„ -Of. Crayons •
Eragsm7 . •
E Packages "Union Jac.ist Plug
Stickens, so, that you; Can put the
flag on your school hooks, lettters,
• etc, _
1 "We will give,you this- .whoka School
.Ontfit tree of all change 11 you will sell
pet. ,$3 worth af lovely Embossed
ittlEaste'r Post Cards, at 1.0e a package.
Send un To& name and we *111 send
ou th.e cartis-tr..,soll. "When eold. send
-1:ne money and we will send you
w1ro10- outfit- ,A.ddress. '
'Dept ES, Toronto. ,
We must keep fully abresast .in,
educational •Stan.dards with the people,
with -whom we intermingle end trade.!
Now what ere the ,edueationel stands:,
ands of these people? Ontario is nicnie,
trnmecliately surrounded. by the :states
o•f New York, Pennsoylvania, Ohio and.
Ifichigan than any otlies.- territory.
The pe.ople of Ontarie will have to
compete with the people of those,
stast-es tall industrial, agriedlitural.
and. commercial pursuits. In. none -of
stile -se sstates is the age' of fual-time or
part:time scompulsory education below
sixteen yearss; in Michigan, New York
anti Illinois It is eighteen years and
in Wisconsin seventeen years. We
have -as 'bright minds and as' keen in-
tellect,s in the youth of Ontario as are
found anywhere, Let us give tliem a
square deal.,
The man, who- does what he pleases
is -seldom. pleased -with- what he awe.
Heads H ea th ,Carnpa.ign.
Dr- Gordon Bates, swho has just -
Dieted a tour Of New Brunswick, 1N.
conclucting .
tertssive Public health,. nernp'aign. o
half of the Carie.dia,n • S -al
Council. • . ,.• ••,.
ado. and from its • timbered
-areas millions of cords of pulp- 's
o a e heinin t.. I is re
ported' that flowing into James
Bay are seventy-four rivers,
c°111"1' eadh with its banks scovered
ch ,
vrith pulpwood species. Ontario
n be ,
n rtainly has -a proverbial "gold
mine." in her.northern areas..
giene I
For the Purpose of encouraging im-
migrants of the farmer and domestic
servant class, an.Ordser-in-Council has
been signed removing the continuous
journey restrict.ions, whereby immi-
grants of the ,40,--Q-6 classes who haioe
resided for a time in some country'
other than their own can emigrate
thence to Canada. A further Order-,
in -Council repeals the provision of al
$5 fee for vise of the passport in the`
eiragrant's own country. The pass- I
'ports of immigrants of -other than
British or United States origin are
dornanci,ed with a view to having a
CALL 'FOR DR, COU -t! , ,
• E...,e.ft,r12AY, ISVG/W,,,s( „
, AN? 'rlADL2C.N.
• -4.7.44;
0-3 ,
'000 -acres land of which 105,00
sacres are , irrigable. The. emailler . is
known sas the United Irrigati•on
.• g,osostit-ulimsro TOT erverv hum•an. being to
wItal.diraw, for a •'-vahila• front a busy,
Gets :Job. tholught-dis•turibini,g -round of • ,!CilsiSsills2.5.1.S s
S. J. Hunnerford, who has been rip -I 0;- 'of • -1.--1-ure that he n,sav
13thcrotepderaVtlineseg-Paineds'ildnefinteilnlalle:regge 041 hinirelif ncjii tirif tuhrien:1.4-1-1Q-L-Nns'ire'r'
f noan
Canadian NatiOnal Railways, in. the re- that he htts become. He may rise from
organization, has. assumed the biggest the ssesselon greatly sdlisittil'Utd7VI-dhlols(
job of its,. kind in the, world, lia-ving own character=and that: dlis:ontent is
charge of 22,262 miles- of railway, lie good for 'Ern, if it leads shim to do
Is a native-born• Canadian, better.
*7 Rut a-williehl and persistent separa--
,Weekly Ma
rket 11e1.3ort
Toronto. - to $'6-; do, com. $5 to- $5.50; butcher
Manitoba, wheat ---No. 1 Northern, heifers, -choice, $6.25 to $6.50; cla,
$1.25%. med. $5.50 to $6. dos corn- $5 to $5.50-
1VIanitoba' osts--Noininal. butcher cow's, cliesice, $4.50- to $5.25;
Manitoba barley—Torninal; ap, med., $3 to $4; canners -and cut -
All the above, track, Bay ports. tens, $2 to $2.50; butcher balls, sgosocl,
American corn—No. yellow, 91c; $4 to $5; do, scorn., $3 to $4; feederr
B - Maltinor 59 to 61c accord-
ing to freights outside.
Bnckwheat--No. 2, 78 to 80e. `
Rye—No. 2,• 84 to 86c. -
Peas—No. 2, $1.45 to $i.5�.
Montrea-1 freights,
bags included: Bran, per ton, $26;
shorts, per ton, $28; nildsdaings, $28.50;
good -Coed flour, $2. ,
Ontario whea.-t--Na. 2 white $1.14
to $1.16, according to freights outside.
Ontario No. 2 white oats -48 to 50e.
, Ontario corn—Nornintri. •
Ontario flour—Ninety per cent. pat..,
in jute bags; Montreal, proinpst ship.
steers, goods, ;5.50 to $6.50; do, lair,
$4 ta $5. rtoockers good $4 to $4 50.
do, fair, $2.50 to $3.50; calves, choice,
$13 to $13.50 do, med., $9 to $11.50;
do, corn., $5 to $8; flinch -COWS, cohoictI,
$70 to $90; springers, schoice, $80 to
$100; lambs, choice, $1.3 to $14; sheep,
choice, $7 to $7.50; •clos, culls, $3 to $4;
hogs, fed and watered,, $10.75 to $11;
dot f.o.b., $10 to $10.25; do, country
prants• $9.75 to $10.
Hogs quotations are based on the
prices of illicit, smooth hogs, sold on. a.
graded basis, or s,elecite sold on a flat
late. Bacon selects, solid, on the grad;
ed basus, bring a premium of 1.0 per
tion from one's own kind --the voloni- -
tory, habistual aloofness, of the'
-'ths rtuit is 11111,:11:11.1 -aa and
altogether rniabous -
pe .
We .were meant to join forces with
,o-thser liveg for the scorn -mon good. It/Isan
by iris Maker'S decree is, a sociable
being; 'for him to absent himself from
sconipany is to :deny his nature. The
scommari ,language of the street re-
ilects.that understanding. Haw often
we hear it asked:, as sone friendrineets
another; "What has become of Bill?
We never see him any more" The
one for whom the singulars' is made has
acquired the.bad habit of flocking by
himself. He avoieds his old friends;
he shunS the:places where he used to
,be found- Ssometimes those who recog-
riize the lamentable change enter into
a gentile%sconstniracy overcorne his
growing disinclination ta ;Mx with. the
rest EI.Z he did of old- Tann
thatrth e solution $ not gond f ar 13E1:
t trope e
. . s
merit, $5.1.0 to $o.20; 'Pronto, hastsr-cent.i -oveg the pnce thick, ;0jThy
$5.05 „sto $5.15; bulk, seaboard, $4.95 hogs. rn sore y
to• $5, , • Allontreal.. WilS 0 nontte weliorne- 111-0
, Mani-LC/113'a, flour--lst pats., in cotton C-orn—Am. No. 2 yelflaiAr, 94 to 95e. admireo. . • - •
$7.10 per bbl.; 2114 pats., $6.60. Oats'—Can. lives'tEca, No. 2., 64 to 65c; Tito anti -social ilaeing 'al -nays. an '-
1 -lay --Extra No. 2 per 'tan, traelc, do, ive. 3, 59: to 60c;.ertra No, 1 feed', ural:sstir.able phenomenons. OC•ien it is
1, 'Point:to, $14; fluxed, '$11;- clover, $8 56 to 57c; No. n w. 54 t 5 ,,.
$12 Filacur_ivfan wileact, pats isth w111 declines .into .
• -c's Straw—Car lots, spar • traOk, :Sa,1Ce.sile: tile ra'ce' lie le -LO manl'f111(1"-
.': Toronto, $9.50. ' $6.101. Whiter pats., choice, $0.50. 'eeeans,e, `I)es' nat meet
I Srnolced nieats--Hains, insect, 26 to Itolled oats, bag 90, !lbs., $$.15 to, $3.25. and olif.,,dren uhe ,give.,a,nd,t,aite os
128c; cooked, ham 38 to 40e; sniolteci Bram $26 to $28. Sherts, $28 tris $301 pleasaiA ttequairitanc-e ca- profourrnicir
!rolls, 26 to 28e, 'cottage rolls, 32 , Middllingss, -$33 to $85. ./Iary, Na, 2, friend,,ship. setteth the, sollita_r'y in
135c; breialcfast bacon, 32 to 35; spe-Ipeici hteo,ens,,ecia, firilleatsits,e!s1.14eitnes$, 1257.aA to, 28,.....frIstatia:Iii8eosn,"faisas)rstalisattl,ieaDreilialsoo.n ,Tfuhrsecriaenwiels. •
1.1 oi,,a01. vitY:eadncln:rarte.e.„_,.altf.Lasot-nr,bectlotell;t. 3;b8atoaco.i175c0; Eis.gs,, fresh; 48 to 50o, potastosal, co.,. or 1,,hatii,on to • JPuiai3.11 trho)t Tri,a1LLes
books, boneles's, 36 „to 42c. Duttel-, choicest' creanterY, 49 to 50-e.1,tal, to ,,cihe s etru to 01)511
to 70 lbs., $20'; 79 to'' 90 lbs., $19; 90 bag, car- late, 95c 'to $1.
and -up; $18;••,14-ghtweight -rolls, in Corn. quality, cows, $•3 to $4-;"" -do habitable land -life ''wort.•11, , "It is s ,
.• s barrels sas• beavywel.sgh,t roll'$35•, halls $3 to $3 50. do me"' ht 't -' not (rociol- that ' 'the 'mare • -should be '
. •1 . Heavy steers, -choice, $7 to 27 , $7.75 ; $5.50; 'canners, l-11.50 t o' $2; g,00ti'Vealis, nione,;" • says". Genesis, .11`Co- . war tils-5 are
• bust,ter sstev-S, Choice, $01.50 to $(3.75; $11 to .$12; hogs, selects and ,good as true -as. when, they' yirere
• s--Detrosit News do, good, $6 to -$6•50; diP, Med., $5•50 citlaTitY1Si-,12tchers, $11.25, to, $11.50, , 1,,pt ineant more than the family
record, t:f titiesir nationalities.
. _
, cut iiiinself DIT froin the world lie
tie. liey-•-nearit t let a man liras no41
lives in- Ile must fool and express, in „i•is•
11 14,1)UME-37t1::,!‘,/!
is izatign. Fest- the C.Trth is nou a de: ent
CAN'T rIND 1'4E,11
BOBB BUN- \.(00
OUT To 1--1...N\or UNTIL r'
G0-01)BfJTN !"
I'M 9'301\INP\ 1)0
-rriM M-AREE U CK51r1
• ..
TEN ,',To
. t,t,/,/1.V.,' •/1......' .,'
' . . . . . . .
• . 1";3 1 -
, •
. •! •
s ,
,4 1 sIOl„,
island. It i a °)'O11 .1 asren a, a •
theatre filled. with action,- a market- ,
piaco, -a workshop. It teems with life ",
and its people need help and' sym- • •••
tpatioY, We CallilOst -1.?0 r.:g3.111,S41 011(1,re-
! main aloof from the 'human scene and • .;y
lteep speace "with ,our sown-• Carr- ‘1ois
Excavations at Ophselsw ore begnin '
in '1870 sand in recent ,icsaint work ba3
been cloq.te by rather Vincent and the,
Frenchman V,rolisi that has achieved ,
restaNs wihich have led Prof; Garstang,
Rall eava arn.er Dritiqh arehaeot -
i5O04liebsellief that Oishel may n
prol ' „ensure rrra170 d relics o
xooictOnly to Luxor.