HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-3-1, Page 1ti FIFTY-FIRST, YEAR No. 2556, EXETER, O NT. THURSDAY MORNING,RCH OIE RTX Tittil�T�11 ]7R YID .. II L • o I IIIA IIII I III VIII VIII II II 111111 IIII 111111 IIII N �.., ...IIII VIII I 1 III 11111 I II Rich'd �_ 611111111111 rIIII III I 1 II IIII III II , 111 II II II 111 li 11111111 1 I III 1111111 I I I I I I ,..� e o to has W 1 f wrl chd � ..�.. purchased from Mr..IIy. Rundle, the .. - pu property north of the river, "-* Bawden• from y_ e T1 residence ies an4.,. consisting of a fine brick ro del c consls r atom ,, , �•, .. qp .'q� and: Sone twelve acres of land, the price paid'being in :the neighborhood MAYO A LIMON Atatwomm 414.4.4 and ��,ats for ring The Spring Suits and Coats for Misses and Ladies, are now here readyfor yourrnspec4i n., We handlethe celebrated Northway brand' t pionall garments, noted for thea Style, fit and excepyod wearing qual- ities o. ities oS materials.' We have as large a range to select from as many of the city stores. Prices are very reasonable this season. We_will be pleased to show you these garments. The New Corsets are Here We, specialize in Ladies' Corsets, having the local selling agencies for most of the best Canadian makes, including Nemo, Gossard,' D & , A, and Cromp ton's La Grace brand. The new models for spring are now here and we have •dozens of different styles to suiVany style of figure. A Bargain in House Dresses We place on sale this week 5 dozenLadies' house -dresses in heavy Percales, Prints 'hams in all sizes, regularly up to $3,00 each, all. at Ging one price to clear only '$1,45 eacli• ew Summer mash Dress. Goods We have a beautiful range of • wash dress -goods for the corning sea- son, including Ratines, Voiles, Sponge Crepe -cloths, Ginghams, Silks, Crepes, etc, Dozens -of patterns and colors in Anderson's Scotch Ging_ •' hams, guaranteed fast colors:.. a 1 each �s-Fir�e ��rts .029 4 Dozen Men's fine negligee Shirts in good woven cloths,, sizes 141 to 16 to clear at $1.29 each::. 'Monarch Yarns Now is the time"to,•Irnit your summer sweaters. We have " the new Monarch yarns in stock in dozens of different plain\, colors : also two-tone effects. Ask to see the new StarliteSilk and Wool yarn. Clearing. of Furs As we do, not wish to pack away any, furs we w•iIi offer our entire; stock of. Sets and odd Muffs at real bargain prices. rmotto PHONE 32 ot, PHONE 32 MIAOW 1141/14114 14043.. ettmou 741.891111 114.4.4 of $5,000, a IOA1 X DIVIDED Messrs, G-eo. and John Tones; of the .London ,Road south who have been working y.60 acres have divided the :property and t'he former intends erecting an •up-to-date- hip -roof steel barn this coming $umuter. Part of the Material is already on the ground,. TO' VISIT ' Ul`AIiTIsIIAME T'S , TOMB AT LUNOR Mrs: W. W. Taman received word. last week that; lier uncle, 1VIr. 'Ed. FoWell, is enjoying a Mediterranean, trip. He had been in conversation with the excavators cif the King Tut- ankhanien's tomb at Luxor, and ex- pected to visit the"tomb. ONE OF THE REST -In• reporting the 'Semi-final game of hockey between Kitchener and the St. Marys team, of Toronto, the Mail & Empire, says of "Babe Seibert, who played with't1io Exeter -Zurich team last year: "Seibert, the regular forward, is one of the best left wing- ers seen at Toronto arena this year, and in the last period when lie open- ed up; he skated away from everyone on the- ice," Slo ti'J TNG PARTY AND OYSTER SUPPER The :Lige Wires Sunday School class Of Main St,. Church- together with their lady friends enjoyed a skating panty at the rink on Monday evening followed. by an, oyster supper azul social eveuig at the hone of their teacher; Miss' Edna Follicle, The occassion was a farewell to Bert- ram Garnier, who left on Tuesday for London,' to take a short course at the London Technical,school prior to entering the G,• T. R. offices. • ▪ GIRLS' HOCKEY -TEAM TIE ZURICH The girls' hockey : team from the Exeter high school went to Zurich Saturday andplayed a game with. the Zurich gills resulting in a tie • 1=1. Exeter`scoied`their only goal a few minutes after the play began, the tally being made by Amelia Ache- son: They maintained the lead un- til near the . close of the game when the Zurich" girls tied the score. It was aa. strenuous game three periods being played. The Exeter line up was as follows: goal,,Flor•ence Har-, vey; defense, Mildred -.Rowe, Mary Elworthy; forwards, Amelia Acheson G-ertie Francis, Margaret Wethey; subs., • Helen Wethey and Helen El- der. Tt is expected that the return game will be played on Saturday. FIRE DESTROYED HOME NEA1I 11441.4411 10441.1141.14101.4 4.1.1141 ISOM 14▪ .444 114/14/44 ' 1414.44 IMMO 6111111111111111111i111.11111111111111111 l 1111111111i11111116111111111111111i11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 wi After Stock ., Taking • Sale WE ARE OVER LOADED WITH' HEATERS AND RANGES. TO REDUCE WE ARE CUTTING PRICES, W E ARE CHOPPING OFF `1`ki-f5-11, — FAIT FOR A QUICK SALE, THE FOLLOWING PRICES GO Doherty High Oven, reg $115 {:I an u1 ui ,4i ii j[58 ii: �,K� 051"'1116.5 ;I'll' Amid' for $95.00' Doherty Superb, reg., $110.0;0 ,for,.$89.00• 'Doherty Emblem, reg' $80.00 tor;i$69,00 Souvenir, with Reservoir, reg, $45,00 for $40,00 Arctic ,Jewell, reg $75.00 for $61,00 Brilhia11 Jewell, reg $110,00 for $95.00 Quebec,. with Oven, for $38,00 This' has large oven with 4-9in oven and 2-6. in covers,: Polish- ed top, nicely nickled,:etc. 3 Only Perfection Oil Heaters. Iteg. $8.00 to go at $6.15. 1 used Perfection Heater, $3.75 • 2 Quebec Beaters; Reg $23.00 for $19.00 Qtiobec Neater, Iteg. $25,50 for $21;50 13iatc11ford's English Calf Meal 1.1':oford'sEgg Mash for E-'oultrY atcliford s Milk Mash for Chicks al' Purple Calf Mea Tple Stock and Pottle oods 441 lC Mrs. S. G. Lamporte is visiting for a few days at Crediton: Miss Irene Lamport who has been i11 with quinsey is able to he, about again, Mr:' Newman Hardie left Wednes- day morning for a few days' "visit" in Detroit. Mrs. N. J. Dore is visiting for a couple of weeks with relatives at Welland. The Band will be hi attendance at at' the Dome rink on Saturday even- ing, weather permitting., Miss Ruby Wood, of Thedford, vis- ited her. parents; Mr. and Mrs. ' D. Wood over the •week -end. Five car loads of cattle were ship- ped from Exeter and Centralia to. the Old Country markets last week Mr. Writ: Melville •has been c onfin ed to his home for over a week with illness, but is able • to •be around • a- gain. • Mrs: W:' J. Statham who has been. indisposed for . the past couple of weeks- is- able to be up and around again r. Horace Harwood, of New 'York has been visiting his mother, Mrs: Jas: Pickard, left Tuesday morning for. Buffalo. The latter is somewhat, improved. A Moccasin. Dance and Skating party will be held on Friday evening, 1Vlarcli the 2nd, at the Dome rink.. The centre will be reserved for danc- ing, While the skater's will ;use the outside, BORN;. . 33ENNi]TT---Cn. Mitchell, on 'Feb. 16 to lir. and MTs. John Bennett•, a; son.- (3 ohn R95ert. ) ZtTEFLli--tn F] 'nsall, on February. 17th, to rift, and Mrs. .'Lente K Zuefle, a daughter., CHISE+ LI fURSI On Wednesday evening of last week, fire destroyed the residence of Mrs, Alf. Ross, near Cliiselhurst, Mrs. Ross was away at the time and when .the fire broke out a daughter and two small boys were at honie. The fire started in the second storey from overheated pipes. Neighbors were soon called and arrived be- fore the fire had gained much •head- way but owing to the lack of water and the dense smoke,.little could be done to fight' the 'flames. Nearly everything: downstairs, including the. piano were saved, but some of the things upstairs were lost in the fire. The house was completely destroyed. There - was $1500 insurrance, Mr. Ross died last summer from pneu- monia. T() ASK CONFERIENCE TO RE -CONSIDER UNION 1, A union meeting of the Quarterly Official and Trustee .Board of Main St. Methodist church was held Mon -i day evening when a full representa- tion was present. The report of the Committee on union between Cavell Presbyterian church and Main St. church. was 'the main item to come up for discussion and occupied a large portion of the evening. The action of the local committee was up- held 1).'at regret was expressed 3i,t, the action of the, London Conference Committee in turning down the pro- posed ,basis Of union and a inotion was passed to 'recommend to Confer- ence that tliey rc-consiclor the ques- tion.. A letter was received from the Sesssion of Cavell Church, expressing the kindly and Christian spirit mani- fested in the negotia,tions by the local committee. The rc,-presentatives on tnent Stated that they had intended to ceirry on until union with Cavell had been consurnated and that then they would unite with Thames Road ProSbyteriat. Main street „church re- ported that all " branches of the church are in an active and flourish- ing condition with, the exception of the Quarterly :Board funds -Which 4 were slightly In arrears. lst., 1923 e The many t r ends o£ 1VIisS Banana Heideman will be pleased to know that she is showing signs of improve - rhea and hopes are now .entertained for 11e1 recovery. Her eye sight which w lc had failed her is improving, she be- ing now able to see most of the time, Mr, A. E. • Pym, of. Carievale, Sask. and 'a former resident'oi' Exeter, has been ill in Brandon hospital where lie underwent an. several weeks ago. He has so far improved as to be able to be removed to his home, but is still confined to his beer. WRIST FRACTURED Mrs. Sail's Skinner had the mis- fortune to slip on •some ice on Friday of last week and in putting out her left hand to satire herself', the impact of the Falk fractured two bones in her wrist. RETURNING TO CHINA TO BE MARRIED Yi ig, the eldest soft, of Peng Kwong, who has been assisting his father `in the launch; business for several years, left Thursday morning last to return to China We under- stand Ying is going back home to be remarried and expects to return again to Canada in a, year or so, DROPPED DEAD AT HURON COUNTY IIO11.1E While, attending to his duties of removing the chairs to the large din- ing room for the Sunday afternoon service, Alex. Anderson dropped dead at the Huron County Home Sunday afternoon. He was a well known resident of Bluevale section and: the body was sent to that place the fol- lowing Tuesday and the funeral was held under the auspices of the L.O.L. hI SRACTIVF DISCOURSES • Cavell church was filled on Sunday evening with an appreciative congre- gation' to hear Rev, James Foote u' his •eloquent and inspiring address on Luther. This was one of a series of sermons on "Religious Movements of Earlier Days," and was perhaps his best so far. _ Next Sunday even- ing he will deal with Luther's trial at the Diet of Wurnls and doubtless this trriliing event will be handled in an interesting manner._ 'EXETER 11.—LUCA'N 0 the Lucan hockey sextette were badly beaten on the Dome rink Tues- day evening when the locals defeated them 11 to O. The home team were too fast for the visitors and while the game was better than the score would•, indicate, our boys kept piling up the count. Six goals were scored' the first 'innings. lieferee Boyle handled the game which was clean throughout. The crowd "'was not large. STEAM ENGINE RUNS AWAY DOING DAMAGE The 15 h.p. steam engine of Mr. S. J.' V ,Galin, opposite the Metropoi- iton hotel, ran away on Tu.esday and did considerable damage to his shop. Something went wrong withthe gov-• ernors and the. engine started to .run away. A 60 -foot shafting was brok- en from its hangers and 'badly twist- ed. .,,Some 'of tile pulleys were broken and ' thrown about. Mr, Cann was dustoutside the building when the accident occurred. A SUCCESSFUL ENTERTAINMENT Main street Methodist church held their postponed Valentine entertain- ment on ;Wednesday evening of last week when a splendid program was given. The decorations represented every month of the year and each table decorated to represent a certain month. The program was literary and music. Mr. W. II, Johnston gave an interesting address OD St. Valevtine, and IVIiss Medd gave a talk 'on the mission -work in Korea, which WaS bath interesting and instructive, also a reading by MIAS Ariel 13everley. Misical"numbers were given by Miss Edna Follick and Manrice Ford. The Misses Hogarth and the Misses Helen Dignan and N. Meda. At -the close DA H'.WOOD Mr. Ed. Nadige'r spent Thursday Dist in London. 11fr. Tack Licit, of Ailsa Craig, has sold his property' in 'town to Mr. Theodore Miller.. Mrs. McCann, of Stratford, is visit- ing her father, 1VIr. Jacob Zi11er, who continues to be quite' ill. Miss011 iv e Rader left last lveeiC for Detroit. Mr, Addison Tiernan spent the week -end t, A colleeniz1 willDetroibe given on Thurs- day evening,March 8th b y the 'Dash- wood Dramatic` Club. A four act comedy entitled "Farm Folks," will be the chief. attraction. If you want to enjoy a hearty laugh remember. this date. 1VIr. Rout, Hayter visited in Strat- ford this week.' DEATH OF HENRY HEL ERMAN Henry Kellernian, one of Elk,ton's well known business mendied sud- denly Monday evening at• 8 o'clock while in company with his wife at' the -.Methodist church, due to heart failure. Mr. Kellerman had been in good health and had not been :ailing, and his death was a shock to all. Who knew him. 112x. Kellerman was born in Hay Township, Ont,, San. 9th, 18.61, and lived on the farm with his Parents until Manhood, 'On May 6th, 1889 he, married Katie McCann and SIDE, in thespring of 1892 moved to Mich-, church worker and a in t er Of :Elkton Lodge; of Odcl xellaws a,zre% Rebeecas for many years. 1=te eras a member of ' the Elkton Board , c,i; Education._ and an active, so�,ial an+l welfare worker. • 11e ;has' held 11Tuny Public, offices with it distinction to be proud of. Besides his beloved wife, he leaveiS t0 mourn 111s l0SS five sons "Ileo. G. H. Kellerman, of 1zT ill 1 oe'Le z zl o a•'d ID..IKelierman, of Denver, Colo.; and 0„ Walter Blythe, and Ernest De- vine, at hone. He: also leaves three sisters and two brothers: Airs. Lingo, of Elkton; Mrs. Jn o. Grill afOwasso 'F Mrs. G. Oestriciler, Jacob;Kellerman aria COQ. Kellerman of l7ashwfod Ont., and one grandson. Moccasin and. Sk_atin Dane( Friday 1 -I N �-i 1 KT .6 C +,N,TRE` SPACE' I ESER xED FOR DANCING.. SKATING ON THE OUT igan. Mr, Kellel'nian's first business venture in Elkton was purchasing. and managing the flour inills.which later lie soler and engaged in the Mer- cantile business. After running a: general business for some. years he sold and entered into the shoe busi- ness which he has followed .since with signal success, `Until his death he was recognized as one of the county's most successful limen with numerous farms and choice village property, gained only through an individuality of strict *honesty and spirit of integrity that forces the general-. public to recognize his true worth as a citizen, business man and neighbor. His path was not devoid of thorns; shadows were m;in,gled with happiness; rough and stubborn knocks with smoothness, but -through it all with his good wife,. they strug glecleside by side; enduring every set back with a determination to -succeed. 'Air. Kellerman was, an active The p� 6 !, .Now Open One Door South Lawson's'lJevveIrV Store Open Day and Ni ht' Meals 45 Cess E‹ aMEMW-M WITrighanly Ontario Branch of Toronto Creamery Operated by the United Farmers Co Operative Co. Ltd "It is a hopeful sign when Co-op- erative organizations through such bad times are still .sticking to their work, helping to stabilize farming and trying to place it on a firm foun- -Hon. Manning Doherty' at Grimsby, Feb. 19th, 1923. Farmers, Send us your cream and help us to help you by getting you the highest price for your product - :Write for cans and particulars of shipping, terms of payment, etc. of the prograni. lunch was served. Mrs. Baines, preSident of the W.M.S. = filled the chair in a; very able man - CHOIR, CONCERT A STICalSS 'The Choir concert held in JallICS street church Monda,y evening dramatic reader, furneThed the great - Or part Of the program and gave the = 'very hitmorous and literary. selection = wortmato f`Keepitig up with ,Lizzie',"' which was greatly appreciated 1)y all, The choir' Sang four anthems', those talting the Selo' parts being Miss H. Snell, Mes- srs. Walter Cuthush and C. Goclbolt. Mrs. G, •WilliaMs and Miss V. EsSerY sang a duet, as clid also Misses Elva. Harvey and Stella SOuth.cott.; a trio , Ford and ..A.1131a. 1301 I; quartette by. Alesars. Eiford, Martin, 'Miners. =and Sanders. Tho prOceeds anniunted over $100, walskozt 44,444 top! oo!, n! WE FIND 'BY STUDYI T1 !! D 151,L7TINS IS- SUED BY THE EXPERIME F.leLMS TgArr THE VALVE OF THE 'VARIOUS 1.10 0 FEEDS IS IN PRO- PORTION TO THE' AMOUNT OP PROTEIN THEY CON- TAIN-. A FEED IN 'PROTEIN AND L 0 W IN FI13RE FILLS BILL. AFTER GIVING THIS eNIATTER CONS.IDERABIA3 THOUGHT, WE BELIEVE WE HAVE EVOLVED IDEAL FEED. WE 'I-LA,VE NAMED IT BAO-ON:13I.TILI)- - ER AND' WE 1-TAVD HEARD AIANY GOOD REPORTS , FROM USERS. IT 'CONTAINS PROTEIN, 19 .0 0 PER CENT; FAT, 6.79 AND FI13RE, 5.3 6. 1F YQI.T STODY THE ANA:LYSIS WE BELIEVE YOU NVILL DE CON- VINCED TII.A.T THIS IS' THE CI-IEA.PEST I -10G IOU eliav- BUy. NOTE TI -IE LOW FIBRE CONTIDNT,