HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-2-22, Page 5:•tno "0,..1 • , •!. • .• lev43144.T.a.trv ' , III I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 11 II I I I 1111101 I I I I 111 I I I I I I I I I III I I I I I III III I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I NI IIIIIIII,111111.11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I ill I I 1,1 I I I I I I I I I I 1,1 I 1 I III I I I 1‘11.1 I I 111'11 I I 1q111 I I III •ZION , . R. owe h ire lea. elle( ...?0 you- even•iet tennOnr l'nn, WIWI* •dgeldil :tenee • • . aaa, , • , • a, ''" ' ;•;;. - • '• " < • '; • ; • ; • • '" •' -•.' = Mra R Pooley has been. visithig' t 1 Ti' f' th• t 1 ti T • , ; , • non parents at Munro She was stornt 'bitsiri(ss,stetion• ',rue ' in its ori -in' • • „ • ' Mr Tilos Brocit visited his sist'e,r 'ostiinnted at()OP too ,lts only too, easy to scold an t() I I $tayeA sevelal days. • • ' flamens nn, blizzat'd, ..Loss is When kindne.ss .needed .instead, 1.31.1t,, that only puts, 111m, far (rat Ott.' ' ensa= Mrs, Win, Rewcliffe, who has been • — indisposed . tl 1 a cold.. 7 .41r. john Mcillwen, of l3ruce..totcl, = A committee. haS been appointed is laid UP with an at'44101 1)11Q1.1111°1- roach byby the Sunday School to get tip a way lo. iliztny friends will lie glad to , • , to be put on at a future .date. lipar that is, a fair way to re- Qui,' reach. • s00000stoo • • • • • • • • • • • 4 SAVE 'tsi 13 (LA c -a s If you •need money. to -buy seed or feed or make sound extensions to your _equipment you see, invited to discuss the matter with our local Manager. He takes a personal, sconfidential interest in your farming operations. OF CANAZA.a, 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111illt • coor,v .ft•Ii. brother, lnr. 1VIcEweli, there s ilENSA.LL Mr. Peter 7Ste-Wart is confined t Llie house through illness. Dn. Smith was in Toronto over the weelt-end: Mr. Jas. Priest was in Goclerich Tuesday on business. , 1V1is, Elva Shadclock i thiS Week Visiting relatives in Loudon. • Mr. Carl 'Passmore visited with his grdhdparents in Exeter on Sunday. Dr. E. S. Hardie visited our town on Thursday and Friday of last week. Mr. Andrew Boa, of Petrolea, is visiting at his _home on the London Road souths always set e way that 21 o • CENTRALIA days, • - • To 0111 ways of thinking how things •Leave your order for check books at the Hensall Observer Oilice, HOCKEY . lielisall'ioses to Zurich in ,f?.,4) minutes overtime by a score of 4-3. A very fast anal strenuous game of hoekey was exhibited on lVfondaY night at the Zurich rink 'when Hen- son and Zurich played for the second time this Season. The.first game re- sulted in a tie, score 3-3 after 10 .Mrs. John Coulter who hae been ill minutes overtime. As both ,teams for the past feW weeks is now able to entered the rink on Monday night , be about again. ---. with the intentions of winning at oll Miss Hattie McQueen, of London, costs it looked as if Referee Lee Hof - 'is this week visiting friends, and'rel- email' was going to have his -hands „atives Remain full keeping the ganie ,clean. The Mr. Robt. I-Iiegins, county auditor,; boys of 'both teams, however, showed 'is in Goderich tills week going over themselves to be true sportsmen, the county books. •probably owing to the fact that they Mr. Geo. Brown who has been iii- knew Hoffman was onto his job. The first period was very fast both teams disposed for some time past is now .able to be about again. plaYing their best and trying to get ' .the first goal which was scored by Mr: J. incDonell has been ill in • E. Shaddock for Hensall. Howeverel Lonon for the past few days, but we • Hess, of Zurich was not far behind hope for a speedy recovery. • . - t scoring on ,a -pass ,from the We are pleaed to report that Mi.'s. comae. 'There was onl one penalty,, , T. W. Parlmer who lias been quite ill it going to Bell, of Hensall for trip_ Yon CannO" t Attend a Better School for some time is now steadily lin- ping, scare 1.1. SO WHY NOT "dOMMENOE tHE AVINilER T' Eilivi r proving. ` • Second -Period. •'' • Mr. Ross, of Toronto who former- In the second period liensall seem- . . - WITEIN SCHOOL RE -OPENS TUES. JAN. 2ND. 1923, AX THE a , ly owned the jewellry store non/ own- ed to slbw down 'considerably and did ' S c h 0 o 1 of Cothinerce - , .. .. ad by Mr. BroNvn, was in town on' 'not grfOiv`16;ieehOdedbd 1 foiiin aa"'"ina. the • a Tuesday. „ fnst pentad. Both Hey and Young- , • - ' ein n tT.,77 771,-. blut finding the net for Zurich. 0', Clinton. •Ontario , Lir. J. W. ortw i - Stenographic, Commercial, Secretarial,Special Courses- ' having ,the living rooms ',above the Brien was the sole owner of the pen- ' store. FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY TO M. A.° STONE, COM. SPECIALIST, B. F. WARD, B. A., Prin. • Vice Principal. ` . . Phone 198 Students may enter at any time. gr. A. Uutr, 1IX T. Physician and)Surgeon Phone 70. ° HENSALT; Pr. g. , . • DENTIST • ` Opp8site "OBSERVER" Office Phone 5, Hensall. . ' Away\ Weanguay aniu PROUDFOOT, KILLOR&N & • Bayristers, &c. Office on the -'.ointre 2nci door from Hamilton St., Gotlericb. Privatefunds'to loan at lowest rates. Pn`onnyooT, KILT.011.A1 I); E. HOLMES' Mr. Holmes will be in Hensall every Friday from 9 until]. 6. DR. J:)+11.. PECK Graduate of Faculty of Medicine BleGill University, Iron treal; Member of (Jo -liege of' ichysicians aiid Surgeons of Ontario; Licentiate of Medical Cou-' rieil 6T -Canada; Poet- Gaadnate- Mem- ber of Resident INfedicafl staff of Gen- eral Hospital, • Montreal, 1914-15: Office, 8 doors cast of • Po- t Offlo. Phone 50, Henson, Ontario. , 11.1:TCT/ONEEfit' n, OSCAR ,Ilnit„Qy or Graduate Jones' An- ction School, Speeial course taken in - Registered' Live Stock (all Breeds,) aterehaadise, Real Estate, Farm - Sales, etc. Rates in keeping with prevailing :prices. Satisfaction ' as- sured, write Oscar 'Klapp, Zurich, or • -wire 18-9 3, Zurich_ ' Mr. A. Whiteside was in Goderich on Tuesday of this week. • , 6 • SUCCESSFUL CONCERT .A. concert given under the auspices of St. Paul's Anglican Choir Society on Feb. 9th, was well attended by the town and country people. Alhoughe the roads and weather were not very! ,favorable the TOwn Hall was filled almost to capacitye the receipts total-', ling $9 8.0 0. Everyone aaresent spoke highly of the pfaY, "The New Minis -1 ter," • the caste . taking the different parts in an exceptionally pleasing manner. The following is the caste of characters: The New Minister, Mr. Roy White; Mr. Heath, Mr. W. 0. Goodwin; The , School Boy, Mr. H Smith Jr.; Tom Sparrow, Mr. A. Sherry; The Deacon, Mr. Ben Elder; Tom Redd, Mr. Joe. Burnie; Officer of the Law; Mr. L. • Clark; Helen, Mrs. Roy White; Roxie Miss Gladys Petty; Grannie Grim- I mea; Miss Sadie Clark; jerusa Jane, Miss Phylis, Young; The ,Maid, Miss May Cloak. •", ..- • • • , Mr. ,JosaBurnie gave a number of selections on his accordion, between the second and third acts, which is always -aceeptable. Miss Margaret Drummond ;rendered some \ nice mouth organ piepes between the first and second acts and Mrs. Bradshaw also rendered some. piano selections., METI-IODIST LEAGUE ENTERTALN - EXE'TER YOUNG PEOPLIr., The Young People's League, of Main St., Exeter, visited the league of the Methodist church on Tuesday venioe and tiiis gathering of young people proved a most delightful afe,' fair. ' P en - did icrograin consisting of readings, ; duetts and piano selections. Mr, C. Ford, of Exeter conducted this part , of the program in a veryuble manner The program was followed by a so - occupied by T."Wat•Parlmer alty box in this period -getting 1 min- i nte for trps, scOre, Zurich 3 Henson • Son re-finisitedn' • •• Mrs:- Richardson •who has spent • - . Third Period. the lastefew,months with her son in The third period was fast and ex - St. Thomas, returned home the lat- citing form start to finish, the Hea- ter part, of last week. ,, A - salt -team forcing every ounne of en - We are pleased to see Mr. Geo'. ergy to.recover the 2 -goal lead and .Smale able -'2 to be about again after Zurich doing their best to inaintaia being confined to 'ills home for aome it. ' 'rhe play was•froni end to enk time' with a brolten ankle. - ,.. • - • . • . during the whole .of the Period and, Mrs. Bell, milliner, has returned both • teams did some wonderful after spending a -few -weeks at the work. 1-loweirer, Henson boys ;showed millineay Openings of the leading a little better form, both Busch and , .wholesales- and. is once more ready E. Shaddock broke through Ond scor- fbr buSiiiess. -.--------------.' ' ed for Henson inaking the score 3 all. Mr. alit]. Mrs.Eldon ennie,' of..Ar- Zurich boys tlidn spruced' up ,from gus,,Incl.., who ,have been visiting Mr, 'thattime to .tbe, end and in- the 20 2Und Mrs, E. ,Rennien of 'town, are at minutes overtinie it was anybody's present visiting the, former's mother keine. At the 1 9tli•minut.e of over - in Znrich. --------- ',. '• • time Rag broks „thr,ough and • found • • Mr. and iVirs. Thos. (n.de Miss Myrtle Ryckman) havo--re- ... , -J. Sherritt, a:11°1e ',71lieh -the' 'Herman gaOlfe for- got to cover making final. scores 4-3 turned from, their honeymoon ,and for Zurich. , . are. for the present living at the " li •th C Both teams showed ,ti h better home. of the groom2s mother an town. form than hi the loSt game and it .. kr.. Ting.h McDonald, ,aformer em.. promises to be very close and exciting ployee of the Obse • • , .ng ; when they meet again in Hensall. ' The line -up: •• , . - .- . for a newspaper. in Wingham is at ', Zurich, c, O'Brien; .r.wo Rau; I.w:. present confined to his home here suffering from a bad attack ' of La Hey; 1.d. Hess; r;Preeter; goal, iWal- r per. Sub. Youngblut: Gril)Pe' • a - ,, Iiensall, c. E. Shaddock; r.w. Busch At a meeting of the Quarterly Of- 1.w: Bell; 1.d. Brown;., r.d. Parlmer; ficial Board of the Methodist church, • • • , _ W. goal, C. Shaddock. Sub. Hoggarth. the. Pastor, Key. G. W. Rivers, was Referee, D. Hoffman. inVited- to return fort..a fouKth year. . 'veisas had a .vely successful • . . pastorate an, Hensall- and has many • - him return. ' to see , SAVED BY HIS LOOKS • friendb• who would be glad • - Rev. Cannon II. J. J Cod, y rector of , Mrs. Wm. Welsh, a,•foriner well-, St. Paul's church, Toronto recently known 'and highly respected .resideit I visited New York, city. The scene of Hensall, died in Toronto 'on Wed- was Fifth avenue. "As hard as you 1 nesclay of last week. The' -funeral 't can, , pleaded Dr. Cody, as he jumped was held on Friday but owing to the„? hitt) one of tb.ose • battered yellow N 1)10Cy; on the railroad. 1),...ea brothers in i.taxis, thinking only' of the appoint- , , I-Iensall were unable to a,ttend the ment for which he was late.' •There funeral . was a roar, wiacl whistling by as from • . . . . . • A jolly•bunch of young people held an areoplane propeller, eerie' tilting ,•: a skating. Party on the riak Tuesday , at -perilous angles, then a confused evening followed by a' sleigh nide i3O•) hubbub, shrill whistle, and a loud the home of Mr' and Mrs. -Geo. Glenn' Irish voice—"Hi, there, you're pinch- ( "leer Kippen where the festivities, ea for speeding.” Out of the were continued i11 games and cland- dol, appeared -Cannon Cody's clean ' ing after which the Y partook of, a Shaven face, sUffused with one of his very. sumptuous repast: , r blandest smiles. The thunderstorm The entertainment given in • the cleared from the big Irish face of Methodist church onThursday even- ' the traffic cop Graciousness appear - la . . - ng last by the Peerless jub' ilee Sing- fead as if by miracle. Go ahead, ' he whispereAi "I beg pardon,; rs was well attended despite the un- - . avorablea weather. The olcl time hornsea render6d by the entire troop ncl."The male quartettes were greatly njc&ed by' all who availed them- - ,•:. IVir. and Mrs, Fred Fairhall who have been in Ottawa for some time have left there. Mr, Fairliall has gone to Winnipeg and Mrs. Fairhall to visit her people in Nebraska. At an Official Board meeting last week, Rev. •A/Sinclair was unani- mouslyinvited to inviteto remain for the fifth r Centralia' is quite ai busy place !since the storm, with customers com- ing to get their grain ground at, the chopping mill and some buying and others selling grain at the Co-opera- tive. Byron Hicks shipped four loads of cattle this week two to Toronto and twb to Liverpool. (Too late for last week.) Mrs. 'Wes. Hodgins, of Lrendon, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wil- lis last week. Mrs. Fred of Ottawa, is visiting Mr. Fairliall'a parents. s Mr. Harold Dempsey, of- Nepawa, Man., and Master Jas. Dempsey, of Toron.to, University, visited over the week -end with their grancl_parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Denipsey. ZURICH Mrs. A. Rose, Babylon Line, has, returned home after sPending two weeks with her uncle, Mr. J. D. Web- ster, Preston, owing to the 'death of his only daughter, Mrs. H. Hindson. Messrs, Milton Johnston and Ify. Howard, of the Town Line who spent some time visiting at Toledo and De- troit have returned Mr. Louis Kraft spent, the week at Kitchenar. • ' Miss V. Seibert is attending the , millinery openings at London this week. - • ' Mr. Eldon Rennie, of Indiana is 'visiting with his mother,- Mrs. S. Rennie.,- --------------- • Mr. R. F. Stade attended the n- tario Hardware 'Convention at --Tor- onto, last week. - STAFFA A tiny little boy has arrived at Mr. George Tuffin's and lie has come to stay. Much regret was felt and expres- sed when it. became knoWn that Rev. Mr. Roulston had sent in his resig- nation. He had been invited to re- main the fourth year. , 1 The Ladies' Aid. of the Methodist ' church and some of the ladies' of the neighborhood met at -the home of Mrs. J. Warden and quilted four quilts for Mrs. Norris. clad hour and refreshments served by the Henson league. The occasion was a very great success. . • : Vat-drallyi',tilese.Who see7-this head- expeet: 'to read about some "baby ,lipir",bfaii American inniiii-million4ire, ; 2nd 'they siiiprihed- to learn that such dilesOintion-applica aSeientiflh npy6iirliesi preventative, tooth and meet • • Prolja.ratitm, and they,. doubtless' wonder how stich.'aqiiroduct .ever came " • to be spdhert of, as 0 "million dollar i„litacty. • So ar,.; story must -be told. 'Over ,•tittree 'years ago, the Depart:non t the Rexall Cotnpany, in coniiicitiat t oh erai cal spoci al is ts, be,rait cii7latoki-vo. kat(' ,the dieteaso und .,117.3 proper ireatm'ent, anti in their characturidtii- . way spen o-1,-er two befcro they pertoetexi a coin p onn d Unswered eveit. test, according lo 1221' high stanilardS. SuCh reMarle- dortant dill as been' created that they f• Llita'y1i'.natned it "the Milikni 7 -Probably 116 preparation that tievised for uSe as a norm conii;;atter Waa found so efficiaeiOna in preventing 11 Contagtous diseases that enter the •syStena throng:la the mouth and uhse AntlsePtie. 111Sinaiially was ft proVed that users Of it eafei6et-ella , :escaped all attaclh of the fin NOl•aa 02 'prevalent last near, This Rexall prod- nct Can beeptirehased 35,ng• and .60c. toilet bottles "at' " ' "but be careful; there's a ProIedfant cop at the hext corner." . The Forest Council has instructed the town clerk not to issue any licens- es without the sanction of ,the council - As he is nhe only person in town who can issue. marriage licenses, couples who. are contenipla Ling marriage will have to wait till council meets, or get the mayor to call a special meet- C01111VIUNIC/4.7:'101c • a , e Dear Sir: • . ,s On .M.onday and Tuesday of this week teams' were busily engaged in taking the large drifts •of snow off t our -Main St., , whieln in some- places" u reached the height of about 8 feet. 'II Althouhlr we lieartily approve of the c elves of the, oppoatunity of, hearing , ;An entertaimnent will be held. in he Town Hall on Friday, Feb. 23rd, nder the auspices of the TJ.F.O. and .F.W.O. 'Mr. Owen A. Smily, Elo- utionist, of Toronto, will be the o•-• town fathers, actions in i.itid[Its, our chief entertainer, assisted by-- local niain thoroughfare of tilis eiiicessive talent.- Mr. SalilY ree- saow ive do not inaa see ti o 1)asc,.. c ,d and this concert ounscs ball diamond cold storage, -which to be a rare treat for ail Who avail.' BEAlfirlY EVEERId secnns to be their noble idea in tite-rinc11:0, lite oPhortunitY of there's beauty everywhere; , _ - Lug the stuff in the centio of lite boll bearing hiin, If we, have the bye to spe, , Tho oasoball enthusiasts of Rey. M. J. "Wilson, of Samos St. Deep in :the dale, on motIntallt 1011, orr wt -111't laze to Intern tl,e Cinirch Exehar cccunied the pulpit fleauty in i'lower. and. tree. ,t• , , , villtico. council that, by their finan- 111e MothOdist church hero Suns:. ; • cial aid we are contemplating. the, day last and delivered excellent ad- E tho sunset's glow organiaing or a janio'r INT/D;,;th dros,•es morning. and evening. in the deol3 greell of tile ;sea, lington letim this year, but tn. the moriiing he spoke along edit- e`I•111--"Y 111 tile Pliint and Pill9 this will ho made impossible if our- co tional lines and took tip a special ) Sheol) browsin,g• on the loa. clit-dtiond is tarn:Q(1,514o a rico planta- offer;ong for Editeataonal work His tio'n by imiring 10 ttinrIAllantJY irrigat- 'wafs4 PrinciPa.11l' ad, ft quay 1)e, however, Hie th0 Y:Itillg", people. At the ciao° of fio,11 of 1 110 001111011 to crolt10 the toWn. the 0e110011 a bc-antiftil solo Ntia$ ren-:• lll' --I ee 1 proportty to the oputla of our inn,•Seni. _01 eci -by la, 1. San:, Ilennic diond with a new end It(110b. 0,P,In'eCiat al by Lb co-agre- There's beatItY in ihe home fire 1011t010 ball park, in which case We Pni,tion.. Thie is probably ibc laht burning Will be agreeably surpriSed aS well time dal"r. ViTilson praocil lin- --ffho".1 15010 L's.'"3: i's;';11rnii3nin` aa; devoutly tbardtfui and lona 1)ael. i.er Some hano as Leinn tientn:+-, beataty flint rtn,21 tree 1211 our foriner insinuating reinarke„ 11,i0 VO(1 P'''"Eq C.1 10 • ,^ "'v., 4 f „,,„ 1.1 , ,• , , ,r1 .0100,0,1 \Vjk1an , •, • CHISELHURST,- . Mrs. G. W. Wren, who has been ill • is improving. Mrs. N. Horton, of Ilenaa,11,, is assisting the nurse to wait on her. Mrs. X. Parker is nursing -Mrs.-L. McNaughton. ' Mrs. M. Dunn of Exeter, visited , , her aunt, Mrs. Roy McDonald last Sunday. Mr. Wm. Kinsman shipped a load of choice cattle last week for which he received a good price.. Mr. Cecil and Miss Pearl Harris visited friends at Exeter Mon.da,a- and Tuesday. There was no league last week on account of the weather. Rev. M. J. Wilson, of Exeter, -111'eached a splendid sermon in the interests oi education to a good con- gregation on Sunday.-- A collection was taken in the interest of tlie edu- cational fund and met with a good to EseveeroYhdrasiblialcrainlieresiclpalyv.ay, we like • No el -Lurch ever had to stop in the middle of a collection' to go anci,l, empty the plate. • • iilyer. imagine that only facts .• matter. Sentiment .is a fact, too, and 011 ' important • one.—Edward Goldbeck.. fs Mato to " Got " o o o intloStoliv)r T pains ere easy. 0!0Lc ,or. f KNOW C, Ls 9. A8 UTIR31,570 R).7tliMIV cs- 44 " Franz T'ain lo Ease laith HOCSANDS Caiiiiitiaits have tided T.R.(n.s and 1040-i:c1 Choy do drive out told all similar painS. T.),Z.C.'s reach the Seat of litain, for their raatlicinal par,-- det carried in the blood. ,411„,e6 your druggist's. rree satmple ton Co,, TorouttL for ai 1)1'11.'2's Loro, Si":2 •atla,,i,:a1"na • V. remains of David Hugh Mc- If To Kay, son of Isaac IVIcKay., a ctitact resident of Seaforth, who passed a - Way .on February 11,th, at hoine in"Fort Huron,at the age of 42 years, Were bui•led in the Maitland bank cemetery, Seaforth. The funei•al took place from the residence of hit', broth- er-in-law, E. .T, Box, Rev. Dr. Larkin officiating. ' Deceased is survived by his widow, formerly Miss Allan, of Seaforth;• his father and one sister, ,Mrs. of. LucknoNY. The funeral of William Colquhoun, who died at his home, on. the Planar ton road, just south of Mttcliell, 011 Friday night, took place Monday af- ternoon to the Presbyterian cemetery Mitchell. Then late Mr. Colqulloun was born iu Lanark county about 78 years ago and moved to Fullerton Township when quite young. He was a noted iniporter of heavy draught Clydesdale horses and cros- sed tile ocean to Scotland more than . . . -GO tinies. He was twice married, his second -wife predeceasing him less than two years ago. Hp leaves three sons and three daughters. , • - TO ANY 1)AD How much of your time do you give to yotir•son, , At the end of the day when your work is done? , Have you ever eildea,vorecl` toPlooit in his heart— ' In his everyday life, just what is When into his mincl, you happen to , , , • shall but show hint 526 live as 520 talk, He'll ,soon. want, to it)llow the paths that we walkNo .. duty- we lia-ve, deserves more of Alicl yes, I. would say it's deserving a prayer, , 01 course he's a problem, „because lie's a boy— . But what are the means you try to employ , To find the solution—the road to his heart, ' . , Arid what are _the lessons your ae,-- tiOns impart? 'Iliiire's no one more wanting to come ., And italealyseteaulili,aiiidc)haedr• , pal will you -„• i•t- you understand. • ever ' Than Son, who's waiting the clasp of your hand ---- That says you are ,with him—that be fair,' , i. He'llshaatar'eays reward us by doing his And. let's not -expect ;them to think as a man— 6. And let thein be boys just as long as If we will but show him we viant to , they can. _•-'''-":— The glad days of boyhoacl --------------soottoftu4n, ter away, . • So let them be playful and romp ` - while they may, ,, a - , n. ,,,,,e. And if we deal fairly we'll find we have won That priceless possession—the- faith come, . • —C. S. laIl\-INISON. • .. 1,111r1,11115:111ill'ilullitlIIIIIiIIIIIIIII. II” ill' IIii„11:1„II1,1,1111111'11:11';1',1111,,,111.111,11p,"'V'' , . 0 01, 0 g $„ , 1 i m 1 1 i 1 1 i tffll il i 1 1 I I I II :I III 111111 111111111 1 i,111,11111',It '1111111`..• - liter' : I ill 11111111 1-• •i•ff• j„.• Usif)the hori. e --- FORD Salesmen have been instructed to call upon every family in the Dominion. Everyone who wants to own a Ford ,this year must be given the chance to buy at the low figure, whether for immediate or future delivery. This is a duty the Ford organization owes ,to the public. For the tendency is toward increased prices. , But if a Ford Salesman does not reach you. at once so that you may buy a Ford at these low prices, we suggest„that you protect yourself. . - Don't wait for,the salesman. Phone! Make sure of getting your Ford at the $445 figure. Order your Ford Today Milo Snell Exeter. Ont, FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF- CANADA, LIMITED FORD 'ONTARIO. ----------- ^' • '• 011 And Divide Your Dollar with Your Neighbor Everybody has ' a certain amount of Civic Pride—that , solIl of pride which ,heaps malte, a village a townand ti team' nietropolita.n city. The; growth of any community- is dependent 'upon the - support given ,its citizens. If we fail in our co-operation the' town eitlicir stands still or retrogrades. If we uphold the toWil by suataining it wlibleheartedly We bell) ourselves and the, coanmunity. The tboine of this •adareriisement is"Help our town, buy at home." , Let lie divide; our dollars. 010005 our merchants and - felloweitizens who liave the interests of the community at . heart. Help .1110111 Mad they vUl liCip 113 to greater vallic.,8-- fmincreased volume 'aeons decreasetl costs. The eity 110ed5 'o'er ,,,,npr.ort and wa need, the support of the town. l-et's get tegetlie-c and share °Air f.ortrines, 11 1 ',I. I k. ' • .. • '• 12