HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-2-22, Page 1'FIFTY-FIRST, YEAR qv 2556 ON E IMIlllllrlllililiflffinI(ilIL11(11(N. O. M1((11I1M1(IIIIIC1, 111111111,L� T34z zti SUCC A LONG SNOWSDOE TRAMP Q FEBRUARY 22nd, 1923 riliohog Lfflodool mow. oo. oinevid alovROO j vtroogoVe • dowel Arevom eloosodo vloosot sses The Spring Snits .and Coats for Misses and Ladies are nowhere ready for your inspection. We handle the celebrated Northway brand garments-, noted for theirtv S , le, fit said; Bice tianallY good wearing qual- ities o, : n'r torials, • We have as large::a i•'arige to seleot from S rn I z a�,1y of the city stores. -Prices are Very reasonable this `_ C' •, F • zs season. . We will e p}easod--,, � i0 sz1ov you these ga lo ntra. 1 We specialize i,1 Ladies' Cor -Sets g e • , llavlzl„ th local selling a • e s 1 g gentles for most of the best Canadian makes; including a Nemo, Gossard, D & A, and Grace La Clom ton s A e brand. Tile new anuueis ton spring are now Here and we have dozens of different styles e to any style of;,figtire. A Bargain n p We e ria e I t on sale this week 5 dozen Ladies house -dresses ii1 heavy Percales, Prints, Gingllams.in all sizes, regularly up. 3:00 each ' 1 `<at • to $ , l one price to clear only $1,45 each., New Summer Wash Dress Goods We have a beautiful' range of. wash ogress -goods for the coming sea-. son, including Ratifies, Voiles, Sponge Crepe -cloths, CTingha,m.s, Silks, Crepes, etc. - Dozens of patterns- and colors in Anderson's- Scotch Ging_ g hangs, guaranteed fast colors.: en sShirt. $1 29 each 4 Dozen Men's fine -negligee Shirts in good woven cloths size %r , es 14 /2 to' 161/2 to .clear at $1:29 each. Mona Now 'is the time to knit your summer ' sweaters. • We have the new ' Monarch yarns in stook in dozens of different plain colors also two-tone effects. Ask to see the new StarliteSxlk and Wool yarn. Clearing e n ,Furs u`'qs 'e}<I"r 'r'.vti r;• x J .r r, - ee-4. Aswe do not wish to pack away any furs we will offer oiu entire stock 'ofet pi S saad nodd Muffs at real bargain. prices.. --•-'�'`" ':�--�" PHONE PHONE 32 • One of the busiest spots in town • on Saturday afternoon. /aet was the store north of 13e t'y •l.takeryr when the • 'VI , n ISS'Oi tr � i C el o,. ,J<1a ilrc.s St, c1111atlz held a bazaar Girl sale of home-made cooking and candy. They liod on • sale a splendid lot of fancy world and • (mast of it found re'aady buyers, In • the -home-made cooiking, they were not able to supply the demand and most :of it was bought up as quickly • as it carne viii, Afternoon tea was 1also served. The proceeds amounted Ito over $68:00. °- �2J.1D$DEN 1)31 i1Tlii. 01' ' 0TI bT'I'ON PHYS1C.gx1N Death cirtme vvlth startling' sudden- ness on. Sunday morning, when Dr. Thompson passed away at his • home in Clinton. ' 1)0rilig',the past few weeks, when 0 manypeople 1 ollc re, quired' niedia-] attention, the doctor was at the service ofthe communi. tY, _ 1 working long hours and often taking extensive drives in the country to 1=is.. i= 1t patients. He is survived by Itis E ,widow, two song' ' and o110 daughter, I Fred, of 'Western`UUniv rsitLon- az-a.' - � y; z, o n 1 don,' Charles, of London, tn.d Marion. 3 at home. He served as• mayar of the ...a t etr 'town for the years 1910-17' and 1S, .~ • and was a member of the Ttiethodist church. TELEPHONE: SUBSCRIBERS • PROTEST Subscribers of the`Kirkton, Gran- ton and Medina Telephone Company are ftp in arms over the proposed in- er crease in rates. The `Railway Board q • have granted an increase of from..""m=r $15.0 0 to $18.0 0 on the Kil kton and Granton exchanges and.$16,50 on ▪ the Medina e Change; The reason 1i through the head by his best chum, 11Tessz's, !J, Davis and D A. Pollock, of the Canadian Bang,. of: Commerce, enjoyed a long Snowshoe tramp ir1. the• invigorating a .nios1D71ere of Iaat- urYloy last whenr they, made a".trip oyer the Sx10W to the latter''s 1io11ie at Grand Bend, where they spent the week -end. The :sixteen miles . were covered in a little over four hours. 11 4MALI, BLAZE Y II Bert Clarke's Iidauae had a par - row escape from fire on Thursday of last weer;:. Soft coal was being burn- ed. in the furna.co x1111 the fire be- caine so riot that 11re"floOrinc; In Clio i eeoond storey Were. the 11100 111)1 t11r0ug11 1aee0:nie ignited and started. to blaze. Airs. Clarke's ' mother, z.oher, 11zs.~ 4 . Brack was there at the time and put. tlie fire out „with a pall of water, .q. clancipxkl) Mrs, 'W/. PI. Passmore has just re 6012 011 n letter from. her youngest daughter, g er, IpI1s. A., A. Byers, of Ove - g101, 111 tivhieh elle tells her that she will soon be able to leave the IiOspitai E.. after an operation for appeadtteltis, 1. This lady has - had 'a checkered car- }} If eer, When Mr, Paul Madge and We family, went West, she, went ',with LOCM Trains are again running 0130111 poi ural. Owing i la to the heavy roads slid l itchholes teariiiog is not very easy', Mies Annie Rist ce<isen --af lu'nio, is spending a woolt iz;aud town, Miss Inez Tuckey, Loncloor pal the week -end with has eerents, 11Sr aild ilIrs, 0, Tuckey. Mrs„ 10, Clarl,:e and daughter Jus 05 Windsor, are -visiting the former' father, 112r. A. Bowey The yours gsters in some parts of the to have been. having° great fu, tunnelling in the snow bar11153.' ;About the time you. think. Hake both e3zds meet, C��t. 1 you, 1, SaznobCrtlS moye5 111e ends,---''f'+�xc1?ahge; Some of the brethren front n to .,,;. n attending Scottish Rite 21012031 re -union in London this Week. Mr. 2Vrn. Westlake, Remi ,.,. of A l'1• D. is .'F isiti,ag Mrs Westlake, ,. John Iv Nstlake Sanders St. and other friends. Miss Flossie Hunter- leaves this (Thursday) morning,' for To ento where she will" visit for i week,. Mrs. E. Christie, ,Sr,, had the mi - ortune to fall recently and severely s t sprained her wrist. It has been very them, z 1 1' ' 1 living' vn 5 with i:h nl a 'short time ant : len going on to Calgary to lie 'r brother's hone. Soon after arriving his wife died of influenza. She re- mained with him beeping house for a tame and then went to Vancouver to visit her sister, Mrs. Duguid, who also died soon alter, of influenza, leaving an S -clays old baby. This child she reared for two years. On the tenth of May last, she married Air, A.. A. Byers, who died on. 1)000 1- er 3rd, being accirientall3 , shot l t i g g Y h i ., for the difference Mille rates is that • :� Medina subscribers have to pay an _ extra charge 'to converse with sub =' scribers outside their own exchange, 1 �') while the other. = an •interchange of conversation with -if out extra charge. A meeting in pro_ f• s while out hunting, Mrs. Byers had. rust reached Exeter for a visit with ler `mother when the news of his death reached her. She left at once, or Oregon and it is thought that the ' Bock and the two weeks travelling ainful. • The brick, has arrived for Mr, ( Delbridge's new red . prick house 1.be erected on Andrew street south ]xis presentr dwellizlg. Mrs. Trios. Creech had the 11,31210 c,guhar. ',tune to sprain her foot, Monday, 100 W _ _ � result of a fall on the kitchen' floor'. Mrs. Creech fell with her foot under f 7a',. sl , 11er acrd received a bat; sprain. <' o Mr. Jos. Davis returned to Merli lMleeks , after spendia)g a couple o k here owing to the serious > illness o 1, his wife, who is improving nicely. P e two oung People's Bibl to of a WQ Messrs, J, Kellerzlzaia rrrid ;Geo. I el le nl3an and 'Mrs. G. 0c,_; i t.b r af.Isrr) ded t ci funeral of thanr' brother, ac late Henry Hellel'1na11 at ,3010.toiky '. 1,,11r^ .Clarence 'Yager has z`etuz'n•ed. ..jxru ai visit 'n,.1 rtt,ls1:.1101. Last.Tuesday evening ,thet1111sadl ki _+r+cliey te'' 211 171�ayecl elf/ 1011)31) I azzae ith Dashwood rink 1•t3:;u,Iti)1„ in a acme of 3 11 ni favor of the 001130 te.afll. Mrs. 5 C. lr � 111 Iteit)er '41111 dgn+;irter Cathern, hare rottirnecl alter visiting in Sarnz3a fo1' Soule Line. DIToN JSliss Clarissa IIJI] 111 !e, of )' i.td stir, is ill at the home :of her parents 111 and llfre. August i•1iil -with 1,0e0- I.lt atis n, 'eat. : snort• 1S beingo0 ai;1ecl on theelide 1'rvently „• _ ct,r.LFyi to 'ili,�, 101'11-' 1etic field bat 1;110 peo1xle 0' 1 1 t.ne silage and vicinity, MissT .• Y lvs.Ns t.aass 131+evvzx `>;'. ' • - S' },Gtil7nt,d i3O L`Lit- ellener Tuesday: 'Word 'camz:e trona Toronto last week. that lIrs, W. A. Sambrook underwent a serious operation in Wellesley Ilos- pi.tal. We are sure her many friends will be pleased t hear she is progres- singfavorably. g o1alJly. Mr Thos. Snlale is able to be out again. after ',eing ill tor several weeks at the home of his , son, ,ikon; at a ti n < ;x TAKE A TIP FROM US AND GET . YOUR HARNESS RE- cl f PAIRED BEFORE TFJ3O SPRING R USH e vvee s in town having been cane voodoo omowoo voodoo ro'ovovoov test of the increased>rates was held in Aberdeen Hall, Kirktan, on Satur- day last. The 'hall' was packed and b a committee was appointed to meet the directors. '...A; number of the. lines in Usborne Towsirip have been can- vassed with .petitions and largely sned, signifying' their intention to have the teleplr'bnes taken out shold the proposed rates be 'enforced. to the Re D of IlI1ss C s t W •+ ednes in the Main St. Methodist< Church, ° day eveiiiug •o£'iaist xveelr was past ' was too much for her and she was' aken i11 with appendicitis, followed y an operation at Marshfield', Ore- gon. She is recovering nicely, ..ped to relieve ars shortage in toxon. Three more cars are expected any clay. Fuer has A PviP4 1il'G' JI II 'ATION been pretty scarse. The following was talren from the z 1201=so''t t'. t•_y a:u ^rizr to be Itidgetoxvn Pllaiude,aler and refers put on at Eliinville by the I Rey 1. Medd' `w110 was past' lora litre of Tanle S Classes together with the League o James St, Chiircli'held a` social even ing Tuesday. C'Tanies and a nose nzents f,oIlowecl an excellent pr gran;. .4. tai of coal arrived in town on iVlonday and he ti LT, S e `'v�i ce r t a = �. S''TORMY DRDTW • There is some satisfaction in be ing able to snuggle a fire during a cold stormy spell suchh as was ; experienced in this 'section iast week. When the winds are )vhistling and the snow drifting it is not, very inviting to take a trip for many miles in the open. It is bad enough in the daytime; But after the :majority of Us are tucked away tinder the comfortable , covers at night we little realize that possibly some of the cosi physicians S1Ci I Y ans are pick- ing their way over the alnros impas- sable lnpas- sable roads, at night. Such was the experience of Dr. Hyndman, of town, during the storm last week when lie was. ailed to Chiselhurst. He took - a a- long with him his team and driver and after being stalled'in the drifts several times he finally came within sight of the house, when the horses were again stalled and the doctor went on alone on foot. In the morn - and a small 'army of farmers dug out the. roads thus easier. Ooloodt Ovomov l000mov tomato Omilogo odorant Ovioolddi oNIOIVO oem000 9I IIIi IIliIIIi�illlllllll1111111illliil(II III (II lI all I i i II . IIII I I I Illi !!lllill�(Illlli � . ;: ��„ Illsllll(�IIIIIIIi . 1i91111(I(119�II�N111111111111 ........:._._.._ � • ..�,�. IIillilllllillAll( 5 • A THREE ACT ?DRAMA a int.') ntiti ' , ed He- r Houor, The o • a 1 MY will be given under the auspices of the Wolnen?‘s Institute, in Aberdeen Hall,' Kirkton, on. Friday evening( March 2nd, 1923, Admission 35e and 20 c. Proceeds to be donated to. the beautifying of Kirkton Union ,Cem- etery. - Play to commence at 8 pan sharp. • .For One Week ' j�. •Y'. s.i a... u+w—�axwnracwrnlaweermserabrisu .. ........... 11 Q. a�iti•Cy . BALANCE OF STOCK, ANY I0IN] 1J; 1)-r cent off'` . tectric Light Iii s One WEEK Only 25, 40 and 60 Watt a for $1000 llr3 ��� SHOES 2 PAIRS; AT COST' Give heat by the i.00infli TIOGI'laY;' . Si.NF. 7, 011, SHIN PADS 9 00 Rog- c. '' qi f' $ .•id .� 90� for fbc;''T1e > g ,h2,a0•.for $2.00 9 2 GOLD MEDAL WASHERSREG. 2' $ ,2.00 SPECIAL 1+01;. , 17.00 1 `t#-I�YI7 n CAP IILE0`i RIC Reg. $1.15.00 SPECIAL FGR $1.00,00 W71INGBR�S l:o PER, CENT OFF UL:P 1TR x.rPbO1Y1 SAL. � � ___.� ., q`� SALT IETRE.: f 5th Z I 6t, 5 lbs, 25c 15c Triple 1b. 1' .3 C.ca r r. d Oyster :Shell CLEANED GRIT $2,00 Pei` .L3ag F1,76 Poi I3a.g J ;r"ifactio lff:ers TINSMITHIN( AND PLIlMI ING ACCEpTS CALL TO ilLITCHELL Rev, P. E. Clysdale, Methodist mlriister of ..twood has accepted a call, subject to the approval of the standing committee, to the pastorate of the Methodist church, cI1, ltlitcllell, at the close of thexesent A co nfer once year. Rev. Mr. Clysdale was, moved to Atwood Iast year " from the •Iibad_: wic11 circuit. • Dr. 'Wilbert Hall rias been confined to .his. home, through illness `during the past week,.--Mltcliell•Advoca :Charles Garro" K. C., of Godei'e ioh, has been appointed tothe pose;., tion as local piaster' of Stipr'e e Count of Ontario. 3y 6 13011. STONE -I -In 1TSber ie to -1t1.. an1d. IV1rs. Percy -Stone, a r sa Ol I z LL --At Di•. F-Iynrnan's ZroSl)ai Li on. Feb'3' Ot1, i:o' }lir. and Sirs. Garnet 11111of t;rediton, a /laughs • ter. 13RIDAL-111 Exeter, on Tela 19th, to Mr. and Mrs., Clifford ' Pi ide,l (nee Lula Fleddril)a son. MOUIJTON Ai Dasnwood, on Feb. 18th, to Mr. and Mrs, Geo, ;Moulton a daughter. Exeter, a few years ago. Dr. Medd pored until Wednesday of this week has been stationed in Ridgetown for ; The `storm which ra.geci for several the many friends her `sec le ewil l be pleased to Some of the trains: were c•� dear of his success. e �-neelaed a2- • "That Rev. Dr. Medd has beenthrongh a' day. < On'many one rain f h _ past three years and the Doctor's days last week demoralized traffic. 00 A around a cosy ng the telephones were soon busy 1 making the return. Will 1171533 TEIO SONG OF THE OLID DING DONG .In times. past the old town bell has come in for not a few jokes ;and perhaps a few blessings mingled with a Lew eussings, but after all we learii to appreciate the Bally thingewhen it doesn't rine' at all. Citizen d s who l" ,.. tive; been.unconsciously IJe tine ,1 onscint sl' i 1 in the -habit . Y t e1za,J1t of rising with the bell at seven o'clock' in the morning field it diffi- cult to arise et the proper time, The housewife who• tizzies her meals by the town hell is also thrown into con- sternation, and those who set their tiniepieecs daily liy the bell grave been at a loss the pont 'couple of weeks 031 account '01 the 'town not. ` having secured someone to bolt at-) for the ringing of it. There are some of us who wouldn't care niicl i i if it didn't ring at seven and 0120 WedOCk, se long a5 it wwcu13 301' 115' knowi When V1C twelve n1 wC and l .,1. �r. 0'11 n o k conies around. BY tho way did' YOU! Iver ztotfcethe difference in tlno tortef ofI. )-+, ;. 1 the belt at twelve sea 0110 o 1,l0.1�. l ' t , • t tt.. kh jj 311r, and Mrs Sid 3zzzder2 1d son A.ljoe, had a dose 0011 Iron ] efe,° asp1iystia,te3 or gn.esc ly ,fight. .rh° S't,ndtiz5 had grist �aoceive,ci Sofr1u chestnut coat on 'Monday and during ) the night 1333 pipes 11 the- furnaco aitteapal't Incl, L11e 1louse v, n2 filltcd l r 103113 gas, but it wail noticed in tithe to prevent any serious effects. Mrs., Sander; and Aijoe were quite sick. though they managed to ea t worthily honored with an invitation -roads i o o e ' to remain for a fourth -ea., n the community -the lle srioYt' is 5 i of pas- higher than the fences. tonal service in his present charge f " is most pleasing to his large circler The Main St. Epworth • League 1 of friends' and admirers in the vari- drove to 1Hensail Mondays •evening, ous churches and in the community 3111ere they were '1•oyally entertained in which from the' day of his settle-" by the Hensali Methodist League, ment he Inas manifested a deep and Main St. furnished the program after which FI genuine Hensall a in aIL' interest. League s. e Pr se, bbably the g served refresh- churches of Riclgetown and vicinitymeats and a social hour was enjoyed: yed I were never favored with better min--; Rein. G. V.r• Rivers, r ister•ial service than they enjoy atoil ,e . S �tle 2 Fri a3 p_ d the Jams ,,,t. pulpit on Friday the present time, And the .cordial ' conducting Tvan� beixsin and Snci� • age B tte 'ie CANNOT BE SURPASSED TRY US AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELF WILLd1 » SERVICE Beer e. �'. n &,:r FE .- 3ow;O,pen ,ne Door South of 7 and kindly c0 -operation of.,the ?pin- Service anniversary. He gave an ex LaWSO!"1 l It q. tore the ch • R �' ��� ��1' �...,�+'�.!'� churches with ti h onean- c morning address 00 the work at the Z j, y � 4r and Night `a r. other" is one of the most encouraging iuorning service and preached a rr pUht:„ features of the present clay. What splendid sermon in the evening. ever ;tends to secure the stable and tribution g• Con 1 .. -� �• y s were taken in aid of the �vYb1.���,��? �� ,� '� ��^ increasing influence 01 the men who -fund, Rev. Mr. Wilson � ,114, .� ,t Wilson was at Ren - are doing so much for ,the welfare of sail and Chiselhurst. %E � _� _� y --. ��•� the town and the community well"�' deserves the most favorable notice,,' o""""°n'rA"'"'"'"�� """n °'^'^= .v -c ; .,/ 'WOULD FORCE THIRD, EiiECTION SII l i1i11111(111 11(1111((I111I111111111((1111III(1(111°11111(111111I11111�1�n ltIc fte Nh4LL I...m. i Citizens Apply '9 o Courts `o. flame Reeve Geiger Unseatedl . The following despatch trorn Tor- -.< nOiook �rmovrioa opts, appeared'in donne of the daily papers. f . f� 1.4.141114. From the Village of Ileneall, Hui , on County, conies an extracrdinary : "M record of anon . tar a rese ( p 1 politica, as Lia; ' 1 stilt of which George Cooper Petty; Hacks to unseat Owen Geiger, vvho;! has twice this year been elected i eeve` of the village. ('he quo wa rranto I ( proceedings have reached ' OsgoodeI� Hall and the master -in -chambers, 1. } 1 A, C. Cameron, 111. C., 2225 granted a fiat allowing notice of the motion to r,: hayed being served 12(:).0,1111:51.6 t 1 .:.• s_t 222742 > l oxr tilt z C., t e. It appears that GeIge ... been elected trustee a year ,.,U,», vatslosoons nominated last December fOr the ofli ce Of reeve, and on Deeombc t 23rd, , . resigned from the school board. d. It " "'" Was alleged that his reeign _1..`.t was te el to, �T t stood for election, how �' over, and 1'600ivr.d a ln0 joritse of the: a3. -;rtes, and was declared "1e eta;a.. It 331 1101' of the question as to the validity d o�1i 1S OIC. he disclaimed ilts seat t as 'reeve ori ,}'anuarY 8th• 00 ,Ta m ry 1501 nominations were 2(0111 held for 1110 0flioe of reeve, t) rieizsos and ithes. 33 041013 were 3;1,', t, 11'15, 0'l 3 130vk !) y 2t iii, the 1' (r3lt niabC Ti,ar l roeeived 'til r 1 euinbc'' oI '6otc;. "]�e lie ;;e 2 1,y tile. ao• of 1'ir v iII. ago '' :, vets for Geiger '01 0. et • ie 310" attackecl,..,_.,on the It cer'tailt voters (•er0 dii4- V'i pl, ovrVorove roVTOO hOdvot 44 u o! .1' d.. l((1(11111. J WE FIND BY STUDYING THE BULLETINS IS- SUED 13Y THE DKpERIMET.AL FARM Ti , S 9Y TI -IE VALUE OF THE VARIOUS HOG :FEEDS IJD,S' PRO- PORTION IS IN... RC- PORTION TO THE AMOLIN7` OF PROTEIN- THEY CON- TAIN. A FEET) R10II IN Pr.oli .L. N AND LOW IN FII3120 PILLS THE BILL, AFTER GIVING THIS ' M.A.T'r.E%i CONSIDER 11PL]ii THOUGHT, ,r T.3, WZ+ BhLIDC 1WE HAVE:EVOLVED AN IDEAL PEED, WE, TIA'VE N "ti6iT+:D I!I' 13AGOId BUILD Er. AND W2 7IAITTI HEARD ry' PAT>,D liIAb•,Y. Ct'DOlt,r Tt1;,T'Oi1l,� ,' FIe.01GS' IISER•5, 1TCONTAINS,T .. P.kIO tElN, :19.00'. PER CENT; FAT, 3.7 9 AND VIE RAKI, . ,,G. II . �."O 1 �,'lI T , JDY THE ,111_0LYSIS WTh 1310Lalv10 YOU;) �"t7i7: L i.,l., ClON- V1N0f0D '1110133• , 13I IS 1`711: .f,,.Ta.,ti"E ,lsT tis .} FEED IJlyl . t N Ut. 1' x �* NOTE r 1 3., 7ILIa 1 s �, ', O1TI`` 1T .tI;, Oz l , C �. I,Iti r 131N3) OUT WHA St13733 , 3 'FEEDS COST: 111! Qi R1. Yi t 1.VM a ,rL kftbor