HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-2-15, Page 1I.F`TY-FIRST, 7 AR , IEro P:556 , TERM . 0 f I (I 11 III III (d ((� IIIA I Ilii II VIII II II II ILII Illllllllflll I IIIIIIiIUllll Irl flI�IIIIIIIlIIIIIIIl11i11_I#illi i it ! _l_I 111# 11.111.1 # l II ! #. ��I plflllllllll ffl l camel masa ocom mamma ' Jormem gnomon a ues We have just received our first shlp t of Northway Brand, Ladies'Suits and Coats for Spring p wn-Proof Sateens t- :Sa English `down -proof GVe havo • just received •a ,shipment of heavy gl e r offer- eons in a beautiful range of;colorn 's• and. atteriis: These w are g $ A li' A: ins,, <t the very low price of "85c yard. ^� � :---` : � We also have wool batting whichwehighly recommend for filling cog i'ortei's of those .materials. of Laces and Insertions LOT No. 1 -Hundreds of yards of wide laces. in 'very, fine nets, etc.; to clear this month at only 15c ycl, These were •va.lues regularly up to .40c a yard. yard T No. 2 -Several hundred yard of fine •lace insertions in eValenciene, etc, to clear at 3c yd Or 2 yds for 5c. A Cotton Hosiery r in 50 Dozen pair of the well known Triplex Cotton Stockings for Ladies in Black only, Sizes 9 9 &, 10. Very special value for Spring at 25c pair. , 1 �2 BlousesGeorgette and Crepe 2.95 each 2 Dozen only Ladies' Crepe and Georgette 13louses, odd lines and sizes, regularly sold as high as $10 each to clear this 'month at $2,95 ea, ew urtaiiis Nets, a -teens, etc We have our complete range of Curtain 'Nets, Cretonnes; Chintzes, Sateens, etc, for the conling.seasoli We will be pleased to show you these,.' Spring ,Dress Gods New Spring Dress Goodsin Crepes,. Serges, Poplins, Voiles; Ratines, etc. now ready for your inspection, also new Collars, pings etc, ews Patterns Wall Papers 65 BUY, YOUR WALL_PAPERS W,TIERE YOU GET THE BIG VARI- ETY, THE -FINEST SELECTION WE HAVE EVER SHOWN. REMEM- BER OUR WALL_PAPERS, CEILING AND BORDERS ARE READY TRIMMED. THIS MAKES PAPERING EASY. THIS IS THE ONLY OF READY -TRIMMED PAPERS YOU CAN BUY. ALL OTHER. MUST TRIM YOURSELF. - WE WISH' TO DRAW YOUR AT- a :1 E Gam. _ OUR '.. r � ..., ,o, ..T .FACT;THATPAPERS ARE �; - � , , 9,�. � THE PhtACTICALLY 50. arse an�l-�1�� NT1ESS TfiAN LAST YEAR. sz„ Smart New Slippers for Women THE NEW SLIPPERS ARE ARRIVING DAILY. OUR VARIETY OF STYLES WILL BE LARGE, COMPOSED OF FINE PATENTS, SUEDES, 'TWO -TONED EFFECTS, OXFORDS; ETC.' -PRICES WILL . BE VERY MODERATE. WE INVITE YOU TO, SEE OUR DISPLAY OF DEPEND- ABLE, HIGH GRADE SLIPPERS, PHONE 32 Jonos '1 UU R S D AA IN G., i EORY„JARY 15th,, 1.923 XE'TE1 COU CiL S•'xda- 1{'e Ioz y, .1„5, i2th, 1923 A regular ; meeting of the Municip- al Council. Absent,;:Conecillor Davis, The minutes of the meeting held Jan. 22nd, were read and appproved. A 7: ep1 esentative of the London Free Pre,.; was present and addressed the Council regards' a Municipal write up similar to other write ups of, Towns and Villages appearing in the 5 late Issues of the Free Press. No action was taken by the Council. The Auditor's roper; for; January m was, read'and accepted on.,motion of Francis, Hooper. Carried. The e. Clerk was-inc �,.ue,4ec1 to ask tenders for for a teamster with team for Municipal use. Also for tenders for a bell' ringer. Tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk, on or before Monday, February ;26th, '1923,. the = next meeting- e. of the Council. The following communications were reads Letter from E..D.'Smi h t R, Son, Winona, re ornamental trees. Filed. Letter; ,frons the R. 13e11• Engine and. Thresher Co. Ltd., :Seafortii, re road roller' and scarifier: Filed. Letter otter from W. G. Hess o: Son, Zurich, re repairs for town clock. Clerk 1.0 make answer and get quotations.' The follo-wing accounts were read and, pas'1 -1: De Russell, rep lawn' mower; Library acct, '$2.75; Mrs. Jas. Bi•intnell, tile $1:00 E. C. Vance & Co., Toronto, dog tags, ¢4,72; T. R. Patterson, civil engineer, $300.00; ,_"�Q= Frank, Sims snow to v = Kydd, snow plowing, 89.40; Rd. Quance, ® abor, 3.7,> Tl los. 1 $ . Ilo;ltldan, labor, $2.00; John Cornish, labor sewer,- $2.50; passed on motion of Ilool/er and Ellerington. "`Carried. Adjournment by Francis. JOS. SENIOR,; Clerk. 1..164 091.1594 convex mama loam mamma moscomBASIS 011 UNION REJECTED .A committee representing the Lon -1 `don Methodist conference; and a come' g mittee representing the'Iluron Pres- bytery met the local. committee in reference to union.ietween Main St, Methodist dist and 'Coven =Pre �,.,MEMOS OMEN Presbyterian, moms ommom Churches in Main St. church on Thursday of last week`'and `after con- sideration two_,of the clauses were re- jected by the committee representing the Methodist: church. The clauses' to which objection was taken were'that of stationing a` Presbyter Ian minister ;.iii`,ehkr e first;" anc raise'`-taeen..-q.za'�os of., the' property. No further action has as yet been taken by the local committeeto up the resew present. ACV 11.111 PHONE 32 ! II II[Iddl�li!(I!IlIIIIIIIIIIN1111 ! 1!!!11! I ! illllllll !I illlllllll _ IIIIIIIII IIINIL1111111lIII! I IIIi! lIIIlilIlllll IIIIIIIIlIIIIIiIIII !Il r k� nem BALAN'CE"OF STOCK, ANY KIND 10. per cent'off Electric Light Bulbs', One WEEK 'Only 25, 40 and 60 Watt 3 for $1.00 SNOW SI-10ES 2' PAIRS Al COST ertec: "1.011 eaters Give heat by the roomful I-IOCKEY; KNEE OR SHIN PADS Reg i 5 for ,�Q aria ` .. Re;, ^:Oef(ir 650, Reg ,32.a0 ,.01...$2.00 �o�'�.W �� �"LU3.11, 2 GOLD' 'MEDAL WASIIE!IS••REG, , 22.00 SPECIAL FOR .^ 17,00- 1; NVIIITE CA1 ELIo,CTF.TC Reg, $115,00 SPECIAL FOR ,,100,00 WRINGERS 10 PER CENT, OFF SULPHUR r PSOM SALTS 5 lbs 25c c 5_ lbs, 25e ialo , C.d'ad ed Oyster Shell $2.00 Per Bag SALT PETRE 15e lb. CLEANED GRIT $9.;75 Per'I3ag '13.2,731 I[3:o AND PLUMBING c re The James St, choir intend holding concert on Monday evening, February 26th. ?. n elocutionist will assist the choir. BAZAAR AND : SAE OF HOME- MADE COOKING On Saturday' next the Willing Workers Mission Circle, of James, St church will hold a -Bazaar, and Sale of Home -made -,Cooking; in the store north of Bett's bakery, at 3 clock. Afternoon; tea served from 4 tgi9 p.nl. . 'Mies Reta Rowe, school teacher near Leamington who was home for a few days recuperating Prolix a severe cold, returned to her deities Wednes_ day. ' Mr._ H.Harwood arrived Wednes- day to visit his: mother, Mrs. Jas. Pickard, whb 'is ill in Dr: Hyndinau's hospital suffering from a fractured hip. BORN PASSMORE- In ilsborhe,. on Satur_• day, Feby, 10th, to :Mr. and Mrs. Percy Passmore, a son.. EN D �N OMI;Y. At 14th con. Hay T is Y 1. , on Jan 31st, to Mr, and Mrs. Frank Denomoy, a, son. ,� ,, I� �4POR�CD At;Sauble Line, .I-Iriy TP. on Feb.` let, to: Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Laporte, a son, RAU-' At Sauble Line, on Feb. 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Rau, Jr, a son, BEDARD-----In Zurich, oil Fel), jsi:, to 17r. -and Mrs. Dennis Bedard, a. son, DIED !; ri TMACOMBE-In 7.,andort, oil;: Feb, i.3 th, Charles 13riniaco ,11 e, beloved. husband of 'l<ezia Brim:iamlie, illi his 71st year. Funeral Satlirday Exeter tnarntn{ g atT�xeter oil arrival of the train £rain Londort. � • S DR. BENNETT GAVE EXCELLENT ADDRESS Interest in the: Horticultural Soci- ety was evidenced last Wednesday evening by the' large crowd of citi_' zeas that packed the Town•Hall to hear Dr. F. E. Bennett, President of the•St. Thomas Horticultural Society. Dr. Bennett illustrated his address by many beautifully colored views, showing the results the - St. Thomas Horticultural Society have achieved in 'making "The' Flower City"'the" attractive place that it is to -day. He spoke of reclaiming many unsightly spots in this railway city and making. them attractive by planting shrubs and flowers. The spectators took a tripin imagination 1 g tion t u ough ,.the city, visiting the parks,. public places and private homes and',were greatly im- pressed with the ea. beauty of the scen- ery, showig what united effort and enthusiasm could accomplish. In ref- erence to the Exeter Society he sta- ted that the members last year had. received big value for' their 'member_ ship' fee, lout the object of the' Society is not to get ail you can' out of it, but to put all you ` can: into it speaking of the "Zinnia"as the town - flower, he spoke very highly' of the l newer varieties that aro now on the market. Tlie local society have re -1 cently liad a'canvaa for members and the membership has been increased, but where is still ' room for' others. Join now in time for the spring premiun1S. IIO.N.ES. VP .33.00 on Thai Ilirkton 'Andl3lansh;nd Ex changes; $1.50 On Medina Ex" change. • The Railway Board have rendered their decision. on the 'application of the T(iric.ton, Granton and Medina Telephone Company, for permission {:o raise their rates from ;1:5,00 to $18.00. They have given the Com.., pany permission to make a;: rate of $18:00 for the Granton a/ aX l,,ton, e exchangs and $15.50 for • tl e i� 'Medina exchange. The reason for .the differ" once in 'the rates /s that 1iedita 5111) - scribers have to pay an e)0ira charge 'e to collvefse with slthscribers outside; their 01*xl C 0h: ng0, ';Ihile is:e (abler two exchanges have 'an inter -c11 1 e 017 conversation Without t corm charge. Owing to the tremendous loss "suffer- ed by the company iliey were coin peyw led, in order to carry: 031 1)1153110,45, ' to Meet the clahiages to their lines in some form, and a..n increase in rates carts the only waythat,presented its-: stilt. . • mocm cm. T IJIs�1;i 33iI0YiEli During :hocI.ey practice on Thiers- day evening last Mr. Ed. Anderson had the misfortune to have his, lett leg', broken. During a rush he trip - 'ped an fell and went up `against' the hoard at the side with such force .as ;� 4, i. z<ot r� h u e a bone ill his log., IIe N,ai..Carried from the ice and was taken to Dr. Gra;<iam, where he re- ceived medical` attention. RUNAWAY" A. horse belonging, to Mr. Thos. ,Cameron attached to a cutter ran away Saturday afternoon. The horse was being driven by Master Jnznes '"Connor on'Andl•oiv street' and at the school corner it was frightened by some children. It ran. down Andrew St. and turned. at Dr. Sweet's corner. On.,turnin ' onto Main, street it ran into a couple of other, cutters and for a short piece took.to the sidewalk. It tuned again at Dignan's black- smith shop and came around to the ,Tames St. church shed which it en- tered. ' The ` cutter was minus, the cushions ancl, was somewhat broken, - �' R STP - 9a ci-'..1 l et9@4, AT fJOy�10E1Z'I. The ' Jubilee Singers, a colored troupe, consisting of three ladies and four men gave. a Iniisical.. entertain- ment in Jaynes St. Methodist church on Monday evening. There was a large attendance, the proceeds being over $175,00: The first,; part of the program consisted chiefly of South_ ern- choruses while -the second part -was of a varied character. The num- bers were well received and the per- formers were repeatedly encored.. 50 14A.. VE PERFECT RECORD At the James street Sunday School on: Sunday afternoon diplomas and seals were awarded"to those with a, perfect attendance during 1922, In all 50 were give out ranging from eight who received diplomas for the first' time to three who were • receiv- ng their twelfth year seal. Three received the gold seal filling .out the Robert Raikes• diploma and eight'er.e- ceived the Alumni diploma. • CREDITON I have installed a Battery Charging outfit, bring-us'your battery and let us look after it for you. Satisfaction aranteed, F. W:- -CLARK . .g?l IVIr.. and'lVirs. H �loltzmau �' a� Miss Pearl were called to London last week owing to the serious illness of Miss Lauretta Holtzman, nurse - in -training, at Victoria I3ospital, London, We are glad .to report site is now out of danger. and on, the road to recovery.;. Mr. Simon Morloek has bought the farm, -on the 8th. concession, belong- ing to Mr Mathew England, Mr, England is taking the lot of Mr. Moi - lock's in the village: Last Monday evening the Mountain Boys` Class of the Evangelical church Sundayschool meta h I t the loge of Mr. Irvin Finkbeiner, The evening was' spent in games and contests after which a dainty lunch was served. Mr, and Mrs. C. Zwicker and Mast er Gerald were in London Faiday, The Dorcas Band of the' Evangeli- cal church met at the parsnage, Wed- nesday evening for the annual elec- tion of officers. After business was dispensedv i. h with a social time was spent after which lunch was served, Mr Jos, Woodall has been ill with La Grippe. There passed away at the home,,of her sister, Mrs, Chris; Finkbeiner, Shipka, one' of our most respected cit- izens in the person of Miss Mary Gaiser, Tile, funeral was held from. the home of Mr. W. B. Geiser, Tues- day afternoon'to the Evangelical cemetery. 171iss Kathleen Flicks, of Centralia, gave' a splendid report of the Provin- cial Sunday School Convention, which was held in Toronto, to the methodist Sunday School last Sunday. Miss Crissy Brown has returned to her 'home here, having spent the past few weeks at Zurich. Rev. Mr. Hauch and Rev. Mr. Litt, `of Zurich, 'exchanged pupiits Sunday, it being the anniversary of the ,Evan belical'churcli here, Rev, Mr. Hauch is remainiirg in Zurich this week to assist Rev. Mr. Litt with special ser vices. The tneinbers of the Quarterly Board of :the Crediton -Ailsa Craig circuit of the :Methodist chi ieli, filet n at Brinsloy,' Moday afternoon. '.1.'110 Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church /net in the baseillert of the church for the annual election of offi- care whorl the following' -' were elected: e (ted: -;. ,e.ident, Mrs, 1. W. Clark; 1st .vice Pres., lUrs, G. Nicholson: grid Vice x" 5'res.; 111rs. Albert King; Sec., Mrs. �. Zwicker; nee't , sr r. 1,11's A. Baker; Treas., Mir,: Thos. 'frevetliick; Jilin- , aging' Com., Mrs, s. leant-, I1113, Airs. T-Iirt�,zec.l, Mrs Keel'', A!Irs, Morley,i4li•S. Eat ring. After IS-esii-Less :vas alis- ,yensctl ;0;,1 ;'1 dainty lunch; v; as sei<v- rrl. T1:s Members of the T'hilatll.ea crab '1 13XEITER Wi . , Il1.10311 I31E17,,S 1,3 Bind 012(1 wrells eaal',i_ Co- �" o ltiva. � (etez agui-11outse°red ISonsall by x of the gen na bole # tond 1 3, ine the second fixtureofoi1haano Wells, working lilzecc !`a 47 �n rafthin aloliigables in Iensal1 Fri- a close second. Of .1= fieri ,all play day ,night of last week; ars Lurch and Deli v�rere the ztlo$ The Exeter sextet were chew, ed to ;I:;'-.,;, but were, too closely via `t �. a, win by many fans fr0ln i;own "wilo c'-. 1 to 7;e ;effcetzve;, Ofthe hoxit were there in force to see the boys tean", 1.. `�suzz.,.:1i, '111'' Xg, lard_ ivin., Both teanxs scored,' one goal Y :oke eneckiug and genexul t.ann.- eaclx, in .the initial period, with T a- ai'e toy he iiz 'the way) and Se1..2.o a boring in tactics' iverc� titer• forcing theplay, ;, ;, • F,' . e t_a1 to an play, 1, hie., the sec_ q 1 0£ their orad ended with. Iwelisall on the long opponeitf °s at.ta; 1 5, whip': rl,rl? olid of the score 3-2. ,The last frame : Wells- acrd Davies on the fal•w1 -;; line However; saver Lxeter were more Blatt a -raid/ for the 'Flea_ again '(lemon- stratiu3' tllsir str e •-o •' soli guards. p 1 r 1 rty over their , , opponents and 2lic- inc up: L:(etei Coal 4 pl d winning with.. the score L• ,_i0t pain; 1' dotetieo 4 to 3 Which does o prove VV;: Lawson• 1 'a- . •'`. d not l laVO the egni- ; , �_ , ity. of the play.:'' Referee was fence, �I. Soldon, centre., G. hind; win `' C , • ,,. U. liroUably the of 1 man': . g, Davies; 1, wing, , k,. , ; ', Yen. the ice'who o vi .els, subs, really enjoyed t le game. Not once . s ls, N. Hardy an(1 N. Nor/'y: ��si•gy but many bines did was not used. y the puck find .10111 ; Part- of ilis::<�da1�,oziiy wliioli kept ` Hensall: Goal, 1t. 7'. Cook; 1' 'ct, �.'. p : Busch. I • 1i' move more d.'Pa''il , rn o xi ter c � , 1 n the ri ove ,__o -e h n. lie uc, P Iza s, otherwise have done,` including a ; diclt; i;wr, A: Bell; 1 vr, 13u(i-1 ,': subs, b F a,, Cantel °e , azx:a;id a =�., . beautiful black eJ e, a `largo 'volt on . I , IxoF,r �.l the Ills cheek, eeh . .: t. > 1 is legs cats hin � litail + Y wallops but otherwise was unhurt. That Hensall meant to redeem themselves .for their previous loss Was evident from the manner in which they opened up their attack, but which' proved ineffective against ate Exeter defence, who drove them havo been closed . own fo sF+ve back to their da x zal 1 own defence area and Ys• ,,Sonne of the jzi 1 Acs at• the b . � ch where except for an occasional break,:of the boiler in the lies,ting system the Irene brews held them. C. Dav- eaten out by the suet and. nd had ies opened" the scoring with a drive' to be replaced. The repair vi ox' was from right wing. Soon after.. how started Saturday and the men worked 1 y, Sunday night and. Monday with hard- ly a let up save 0 few minutes to snatch a bite to eat. ; Mr. T. Colling wood; the janitor, was also can the job. SSC I0OL CLOSED .':O 1»,41:1, ; Thet il• ,,. . 1?1P $ of the Esetei• �,,,•.Izc� pI had aholidar on 11donthay an�ct hitt for, the efforts ofMessrs..,l..(1, Cochrane and .Wnl. '11Telville the school would ever, he was given a minute renalt (without warning) for accidently tripping. It was during this minute that Hudson; unguarded and no de- fence to pass, poked in a ctunter which Statham had no` chance to save. With Davies back ori the iee again the locals again swept Hensall back to their defence when they drove in a regular bombardment, but Cook, with Ins goal packed with loaves of bread, proved equal to the occasion, stopping and clearing in rapid suc- cession and only for his steadiness in that capacity the Hensall squad were saved from an ignominous defeat, the period `ending `1-1. ' 2nd Frame Hensall opened this period with a rush in an endeavor to break through their opponent's defence, but they on- ly succeeded in forcing the,"Zinnia" boys to defeucive play, who waited for the opportunity to break away which soon came, Lawson scoringin ,• the, rush. From; the face ff, "' ,. o , Hensall again forced : the -play; 'giving; izdeo Notitze to , r + ' TARE A TIP FROM US AND, GET YOUR HARNESS RE- PAIRED BEFORE THE SPRING RUSH. a-Cb.aueaato-a ::.s xl-4i)0 '11 s second counter.. Play now went from end to end of the rink, which was not very brilliantly lighted, making it difficult to follow the pucka Shortly before the bell rank Hudson succeeded in flipping in his team's third and last count. Hensall's period,, 3to 2: 3.•d Frame The final stanza was well mixed, body checking poke checking with team work and speed. HeusalI was• played' to a.standstill and .as a Hen- sall fan was heard to observe ;that. only for : the phenomenal work of Cook in goal, Ilensall would have, been beaten not by 4 to 3, but by many times tree to four. Exeter's Custodian, L. Statham, al- though tgh not having the same number of shots to handle, filled his Position 1'.itli the ability of an "old timer." His coolness in'clearing being a.m ar vel to those who had not seen him perform before. A coming 0,II:A.er, was the verdict. Not only he, but the entire team, which was proven by the manner> In which they went after the two goals necessary for a win.. Service '- Service.e11 stor_ Lige flatteries. CANNOT BE SURPASSED TRY US AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELF 'i'!!ule CompokRVICE Beera p e {S Now Open Ciw C) One Door South of R awson's Jewelry � Stor~e Open Day and Nigh ]/ ea s.. -4 : _ Cent M IIIIMIIIl11111d 1 1 111111111111111111 1 . IiIIIIIIIIil1i1I11111111w�11I1111l111111111111111�1iIillllil! •. ...� nummo immmo cmccnoc of tie 1;1ei.i.lodist cb.urch hold 1 51el;,hi,a3 , 10 ':y to the home of 1111 1+Bink Tevlor I iiesct tY et -ening wl:en a moi;;, ' '„ tixno was spent b5 ,aerf �t11, Since we �. c e ®g` abolu lone h le A FARMER FROM USI3ORNE WAS IN ON :TIIE 2nd, INSTANT AND SAID: ' "I WANT SOME OF YOUR FLOUR. MY WIFE : IIAS BEEN TI3.YING TO USE OTHER FLOIJRS, BUT COULDN'T GET" ALONG WITI-I THEM WE,SOLD I -TIM A SACK OF OUR 3't+,i'E'11RN FLOUR.. A TRADEG HAS BEEN AVERTED. I:N TEAD, 113`+111S, IS ANOTHER HAPPY,',I-IOM7 IN 'PITTS ,FAIR TOWN- SHIP ' VIIT E.SblLIvG- IAV l CONTENTED HIJSBAN.D, our, wills-1'ER FL J W 3, 'L N I OLT13.: TS B1;C�Oztr_INCt tl101tiL' POPULAR EVERY r)A . THERE TI„ 40^, IT 3-; AT:TA 7'+E CLAIM FOR TT, 'MITE YOU,'Rt'IeJE1) OUR R./ 0°1 J, `,;3eDT3T13' SX t1l iilltii c� cY;', S