HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-2-1, Page 8T"HE EXtTER 'IM ES.° '>"1IURSPAY, RUAILY est • ewa PIIONIS.1t New SPR I G GOODS now IN STOCK AI�,IDE1 SON'S GINGRIAMS- IAST COLORS—NEW PATTERNS SCOTCH GINGHAMS 36 IN WIDE GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY CANADIAN GING .AMS,•• ---32 a?A. WIOE,-••-WALL STAND TILE 'TU:63. COTTON lilATINEES 36 its. wide Pd 'ULA"II VOR S i OBT siaRTS •ATi1.L WOOL 'FLANNELS 54 iz WI'LDE :IN A.11.11., TIIE NEW SHADES 1,1 0OL HOMESPUN'S IN T.I-IE :NEW ONE TONE COLORS ALSO TIIE TWO TONE EFFECTS O ANI) DtJVETYNE COATINGS FOR THAT NEW SPRING COAT I , ° `TERN AND STRII'ES 20c Ai�lt01'vT 3:RI1'7TS IN SMALL I'a9.k S T r r; 2,' D FOR 25c � , •'TvIISII TOWELLING, YEl 'err WIDE; �. YDS 't?IYII`'I1�� .!ICL , : LINEN AND JUTE TOWELLING FOR ROLLERS 1:44-'^, c PER YARD arrnalacle Time is Here PHONE US FOR iioi`�' ORANGES, (-RAPE FRUIT, LEMONS PURE CANE SUGAR USE CERTO AND AVOID FAILURE. A. M.y l�Iarket report •--The following ie the report. of the Exeter Market. corrected every Wednesday. Wheat $1.10. Manitoba Flour $3.95 Pastry Flour $3',45 Model Flour 83.70 Feed Flour $2.00 Oats 45e Barley 60c Bran $1.35 Shorts $1.50 Dairy butter 36 to 39c, Creamery Butter 43 to 45c New Laid Eggs 40e Lard 17 to 20c Hogs $10,00 r pec tal is -count r Stock is. the Largest and Most p -to -Date Conductor of Funeral Service Motor Hearse and Horse Epuipment RA HOUSE, BLOCK Send foe�h T U turers.r FortUnds:have Voi "'""•tea++ .. "Ment Prote•Ctitl' PHQ 74.7;' Night ca11,7-AW FARM FOR SALE—i00, acres, be- ing lot 25, Con. 2, Usborne Tp.. On the ` premises are a brick house ' in good condition; frame barn, over- flowing spring; 5 acres of orchard; land is well unclerdrained 10 acres of fall wheat, in; 35 . acres of fall ploughing done, balance seeded. Im- mediate possession. Apply on prem- ises or to Ed. Nestle, lot 13, con. 2, 'Osborne, R. R. 1, Centralia. Down 'in ' Washington it would ap- pear that the leg in:legation is boot_ Sanibo-"Say, Mr. Bayne, what is • the difference between a grasshopper and a grass' wbiclow?" "I don't know, Sambo." Sainbo—"Well, there ain't no, difference. They will both .jump at -the first chance. The' sick- man -had just come out of a long delirium: "Where am' .:I?" lie feebly said; as he felt the loving hands making him comfortable. "Where am I? In Heaven?" "No,. dear," cooed his de -voted wife, "I' ant'"stili with you. 41:00.004 0.0 30:*• iPWvo... **** LOCAL SPECIAL NOTICE—Read Mrs. W. D. Yeo's Advt. in another Column Call Early— Mr''s. Jas. Creech is quite seriously, ill, Winter is just one ton of coal after another. The annual epidemic of snuffles is upon us. Miss Ella Link is visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Kuntz. Mr. H. 0. Southcott:was in Toronto last week on business. Mr. Albert Etherington was in Woodstock last week on business. Mrs. W. D. Sanders is confined to her and is in a critical condition. Mr. Cecil Ford spent a couple of days this week: in Toronto orf busi-' ness. Every business in Exeter can be benefitted by advertising : in The Tines. Mrs. H. C. Wilken, of, Tledford,` visited her mother in town for a few days this week. A dance will be held in Farquhar Hall, .on Friday, Feb. 2nd, commenc- ing at 8.30 p.m. THE EXETER TIMES Subscription rate $1.50 a year. ADVERTISING, RATE& Display: Advertising -Made knows on application. Stray Animals—One insertion 50c three insertions for $1.00 Farm or Real Estate for sale 5Oc. each insertion for one Month of foul insertion. Miscellaneous articles of• not more: than five lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and found locals 25c.' Local readinnotices' etc., IOe per r g a _...,. line per insertion. No notice lest: than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c.` Auction sales $3 for one insertion and $ 1.50 for ' each subsequent in sertion if under five inches in length, Legal advertising 10c and 5c m; tine. Cutter for sale. Ileaman. Apply to W. T. FOR SALE—A pair of, young la- dies' hockey skates and shoes. Size 3. Apply at, Times Office. ': / \ / \M ice/ \ . \ rA \ 4 - - re S 11110 ALL OUR GOODS ARE OF THE • HIGHEST QUALITY - AND c SOLD ON AMONEY-BACK GUARANTEE.IF YOU ARE , ��� NOT SATISFIED TELL US AND WE WILL. GLADLY REFUND: YOUR MONEY,. OUR : . LARGE PRJNE S N }_bs 34c. `FAMOUS S'recial55c. l 1' - DAY: THIS HUNDREDS 0 OI'' THOUSANDS USING T IS TO -DAY. VALENCIA CAKE 21c. a pound EE one 7e. package ;Gold Dust with 3 bakes of S.y, aSOAP OAP fO$233.c, 1alp ✓ for 23 cents ELLE ALMONDS CAMEL DATES r, �.1 ? tlsda ,1•i.ay and Saturday i Peas,for ii C,r.:CCi of Corn, � , : °2 do7 r'r • th q, With the Churches CAVEN• PI1ESBY EUTAN CHURCH Rev. Janice Foote, B. A., "Minister 10 a.m.----Sunday School and Bible Classes 11 am, ----"The. Sympathy o1 Jesus". The Minister 7 p.m. --"To Understand. the Present, We must know the Past. Augustine and His Leadership.'' The Minister. Bo S4outs will -meet Mondayi y evening 11111110.1 r 161111111111111IIIIIIIaIIIIIIIII'IIII IIIIIIIIII III IIIIII I I IIII, Ir ( I II16IIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIl M I II II i i ISI I I L IIIiIIiIIIIIIIIIIIL Ill 111111 II N I �I INNIII,� SOUT}ICOTT BROS. Nowak , JA1%IES STREET li1E'')iIODIST CHUROPI Rev:: M: J. Wilson, B.A., .'actor. 11 a.m.—Baptismal- Service,. Recep- tion or members and "Our Lord's Supper." 3 pin;-- Sabbath School and Bible Classes. No. 1 "and .2 Classes. of Adults 'invite you. 7 p,in.---Sacrament of 'Our Lord's Supper" and sermon by -the - pastor. You are• all heartily invited to collie and to Fellowship ;and sing With. us, , Mrs. J. Dinsdale, of. Hensall, visit_ ed friends in Exeter 011 Thursday and Friday of last week. The snow-shovellers union appears to bethe busiest of the out -doors oc- cupations these days. The Band will be in attendance.,at the Dome rink, Friday night, also, Monday night, weather permitting,.. Mr. Harry Fuke was called -home from Toronto on Monday owing",to the very critical illness of hisbro-, ther Mr. R. W. Fuke. Mr. T. M,. Davis, and little "daugh- ter, - of Goderich, visited at the . home of Mr. arid, Mrs. F. A: May Sunday and Monday. Mr_ A. Towers who has been i11 for a cPa 'ou Ie:. of weeks. 'with. pneumonia took a :Lura;for the worse on Sunday and is not out ofdanger. One of the best ways -to •increase the prosperity of your town is 'to•. deal as much as possible with the,. ;business house of the town. • Mr. E. E. Hardy left on Saturday for his home. in McConnell, Mann., after visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Hardy for several days. One of Canada's ,successful •nien remarked the other day that success is just a matter of sound 'sense, com- mon decency and advertising space. Mr. • W. B. 'Rydall, of Usborne, ac- companied by his wife and family, left recently for Shallow Lake, where he has secured a position teaching school: • *e wish to thank the scores of sub- scribers who havealready renewed their subscriptions for the coming year, for their promptness in attend- ing to t1ii , matter. Mr. D. L. O'Brien, of St. Marys, formerly of Centralia has been reap; pointed- representative of the Separ- ate School Board to. the Library Board of that town. Fora sum of twenty or thirty mil- lion roubles, of which 1,250,000 would be expendecrnpon a cup of cof= fee, it is now uossible to dine toler- a y v✓ 1 be11 in Moscow. Miss A. Foote, who leas been visit- ing her brother, Rev. J. Foote, left Tuesday morning for London where site has secured an excellent position. at Victoria hospital. Colds have ve beennits q •, prevalent in the -c h` emu ity, Among those who haVe been confined to their home for severaldays are Messrs. W. W. Taman,, Jas. Dignan and John Dig-, nan. The Times editor is in receipt of an invitation to the annual At-IIome of. the Toronto I-Iuron Old Boys' As- sociation, which will be held in the Odd Fellows' .temple, College street, en February 16th: One editor and proprietor of a- \ weekly newspaper is said to make a profit'of 3216,026 per clay. Y He pub- lishes the ISearborn (Mich.) Inde enden' p t and his name •is IT. Ford, Besides editing his paper, he makes outos on the -side. Mr Morgan J. T, i organ and slaughter, Mrs. A. Stewart, were in London vis-' iting Mr. -Morgan who recently lin- derwent are operation for facial trou- ble in London Hospital, lIr. Mor- gan although, suffering quite a' lot, iso irnproving riirely, A.lj farmer's wives must be added' to the os.fes;.ainogt roil by the assessor y s d 11h7Vadtled wh.toi the v'oters' lists art, printed this 'year, Thi., amend. nieni (o the i-lunicipal Act, passed .rt the 1022 session of the 031tario Leg- isl ritrc cirinr?:'into roi,00 on --January. 7st'° j92ft, \2'i 1 MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH , Rev. Geo. McAlister, M. A. (Phone 21, r3.) 11 ' a.m.—The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper and class of Public Worship. 3 p, m.—Bible School Classes for. all. 7 p.m'. Rev W.• G. H. McAilster. .BETH. TY 2.30 p.m,—The Sacrament of the. Lord'"s Supper. SALVATION ARMY SERVICES. Services as usual 'next, Sunday. • Capt. T.,:Hobbins f, Feb. 13th, 1923 Keep this date open as arrange- ments are under way for a noted Band of -Singers to visit James street Exeter on that date. Mr: Theodore R. 'Gray, organist of James St. church, will accept violin.; vocal' and piano pupils on Fridays and. Saturdays. For further infor- mation call at IVIr. A. Camm, Main St. Exeter. • Mr, J. G. Dow, shipped a car load of,horses from Ailsa Craig on Friday last. Mr. Clyde -Heanian, who was on the staff , of the Molsons Bank at Ridgeway has been transferred to the branch at 'Kingsville and; entered up- on -leis new duties on„Tuesday of last Week. 'Mr. G. Mantle, last', week lost the -heavy, horse he -sed in : connection with'bis.coal business. Rev. J. W. Hedley, of Goderich, oc- cupied the pulpit in' James street church on Sunday. in the interests of the Educational fund, preaching two splendid sermons. Mr. Wilson was in Goderich,- • Mr. Clayton Hoffman, "Big Dodo” who : played hockey with Exeter_Zur- ieh last year and a61fo is:'signed, up with Galt this year made - his first, ap- pearance in the Galt line up against Stratford last week -and wasgreeted with great applause by the Galt fans. I Dr. Clair Wood, of :;YB1yth, son of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Wood; of town, who has been practising 'dentistry at Blyth, for the .pastjthree` years, has decided to dispose of his "practice and "rnbve to Sudbury, where, he will en- ter into partnership with his father - Dr. Frank. The Ministerial Association of Ex- eter and, South Huron Will hold their monthlysession on. Monday evening, Feb: 5th, at 8 o'clock, p.m. in the School room of Trivitl. Memorial• Church. The subject for 'discussion is the placing of ministers; This in an open session to whicli members of churches will be welcome.:, Word has been received here of the death of Mr. Benjamin- Swenerton at Los Angeles, Calif., on Christmas day, after a long and -serious illness. Mr. Swenerton was a former resident of Hay and was well known to many residents of •othis .:community. He leaves . a • widow and four •sons to mourn, his demises Owing to the high cost of Sunday School papers and the overlapping in the old method of • distribution, Mr. B. W. F. Beavers, superintendent of Main St. Sunday School a,4(1." Mr. J. Elston have'presen.ted to ;the school a pontoffiee to provide each family with their papers and prevent un- -necessary- waste, Mr. F. J, Wickwire is in charge. The W.C.T.U, held a' Very usccess= tui nesting at the Main St. Parson- age on Monday "• afternoon. There was a good attendance and a mem- orial program for the late Francis E Willard was given. 'Refreshments were served and a collection. anio,rnrt- 7 't .about, 7 tt n o.00 a.� taken up. the $ y members report a pleasant and pio fitable time. .BOCKItJE,UE The follo wing n:s the firs town hockey league; Midgets s High School ,,,iris ,i 5,(➢t'Gr' ammo layman PHONIC 18&., PHONE 1814.. pecials forFei:ruar uy Wall P'a ers This week : Why not set your papering done early before the paper Bangers get too busy. We have a number of papers in room lots that we are offering' at very low prices. 40 tn. Factory Cotton A splendid quality ' Factory Cot- ton,.fine even weave and good weight, Suitable for Pillow Cases and"' `Sheets., Special ' Price this month, 10 :yards for $2.30. 30 yrs. Women's Shoes $1.98 Sizes 334 to 41/2, 30 Pairs of La- dies' 'fine Shoes ` iii small sizes. These shoes sold at $4.00 and $5.00 a pair. "Reduced' for quick selling ' at per pair $1.98. Men's Fine Shirts Sizes 1414, 15 and 151/2 in good washing materials, good sized shirts \.. and ' well made. All Linen Striped T a' oW [�1n Regular 35c value in the old re- liable stripe all linen Towelling. Special at per yard 29c 25'pairs WQW 's Cloth.,:nbbe• rs Regular $1.75 values. These we are clearing this month at the low pride of Per Pair 75c. 30 pairs',13oy's Shoes Sizes .1 nto , 5 . a clean up of odd lines of 'Boys' Slides. These should move quickly at per pair $1.98. 1•' Special at $1.35 Men's Heavy Rubbers 10 Per cent discount is what weare giving off all Miner and-:Domin- ion Lumberman's Heavy Rubbers and , Socks during this month. SMIAM • . 1611 (IIII IIII IIII(AIiIIIIIIII!(IIIllllllii(illlll6fl �►illlli(tlhlllllllllpillll, I NIIIIiIB61111ihill(IIIIIIIIIIIIIII(Illllilllll(IIIIIIYIB11I111111(r E. 3: CHRISTIE LIFE, ACCIDENT, FIRE AND. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE, EXETER,ONT. Phone 11:9 FOR SALE -New High Back ,Cut- ter, in gobd condition. Apply to W. J. Statham. HOTJSE `180'R SALE r On dluron Street; bl'ock arida half; east of Main street, frame house in good condition. Apply to L-OUISE SWEET. PROPERTY FOR. SALE. Consisting of house, stable and 8 lots of land, .situated in Exeter North, on Main: St. Apply to. H, Bierling, Hay P.O. Persons wanting- March chicks should leave their order now. Best possible bred -to -lay Rocks. '" Wm. Abbot, Exeter: , , FOR SALE—Yorkshire hogs ready for service. Hogs 5 `• .months. old. Sows. bred and soiree ready to breed; pedigrees' furnished. Breed for the select type. CIias. Harvey, phone 78 ANNUAL MEETING USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY " Notice is hereby given that the. Annual meeting of the ` members of the Usborne „and Hibbert Mutual, Fire'Insurance Company will be held rh in "e hall, Farcuhar, Monday,` Feb-. ruary 5th,, "1923,': at 1 p. m. for the purpose of receiving the reports of Directors and Auditors for the';. past year, and for the,;election of two Di rectors and , two. Auditors and for any other business. - - The Directors; whose term of office expires, but who are eligible for re- election are. JasMcKenzie andJ oh n E. Roy. /_ W. A. TURNBULL Secretary, Farquhar. January 22, 1923. CLUBBING LIST. Exeter Times $1:.5e a rear; 32.00 to':tire United States. Times andToronto Globe Times and Mail. & Empire Time's and London Advertiser Times and- London Free Press Times and Toronto Star Times & F'aipfly •herald' & W.S. Times Dna Montreal Witness ,. Times and - Ai arrners Sun ` , ,•,. , Times and. Chl'ititian Guardian. Times and Presbyterian The abovepublications m )e a } 5 obtained t y Times subscribers in. any combination the ' '•r � . a pirce ..or a • p pub- lication lzc {ion being- the figure ,given, less 81,50, representing the price of The Times. 3625 6.25 6.25 6.25g kets. . Priced right. Apply ;to Thos. 6.25 ;Cameron,Aust.; Box 154, Exeter. 3.25 , rgains for t: ear SUITS FROM $15 ,TO, $40 -OVER COATS FROM. .$10 TO $35 SWEATERS FROM. $3:";r TO '.$7 UNDERWEAR FROM $1 TO $2 - COMBINATION UNDERWEAR FROM $4 -TO $7 MUFFLERS FROM $1.50 TO 2.50 • $ ^ SHIRTS FROM1 0�` $ To' :$2;50' TIES' FROM- 50c TO 31.50: BRACES FROM 500 TO $1.00 'GARTERS FROM 25c TO 50c • SLEEVE HOLDERS FROM 25c TO 50c, HDKFS : IN. SILK, LINEN AND .LAWN :SOCKS S IN SILK WOOL AND LISLE ter. • HATS FROM 2 TO $7 CAPS FROM 50c TO $2.50 P H 0 N a: ANDY .EASTON Licensed Auctioneer for the Colin.- r. tswof Huron.Correspoagticazr:oaY•ranige-, nnents-for sales call io made by call-, ing up the Central Hotel, Exeter. Charges moderate,satisfaction guaranteed, FARMS FOR SALE —A few.cholce. farms in the TownshiPs'of Usborne, Tuckersmith 'and Hibbert. Good buildings and well located as to "`mar - :,3.05 :3 .40 2.40 390, i .cis, dollar will not go, as far as • it . cid to, but it will go much faster. 1:u ,would not,. lie' so bad if pc >Ie b ; 1 1, 1, ave nothing to sa • ;would :le :11 0 v say t z it , r ) iii, -tflat. �.� it Motor cars have been 'pretty, well•. out',' oi'cotxinissioti�ior the pest two wee,its.• r. John. We L /tAI LING Barrister, Solicitor, &c., Loans, Investments, Insurance: Office Carling Bloch Main St. Exe er.'y A., E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon Of fice—Igcbonneil's &a•les:'stabi.,3s on John St. ' Phone calls receive prompt attention. Phone 26w LET ELLIOTT, Ovei•hall your Suits and O Coatlyd will take' those spots off of 'them, ,and. will make then, look like new - Tr 5 you 1iaCpyour clotheP 11Essed Y o rf , NHIOIIIA,C'iOkt J,dOh,TII�T, Will save irxoirey• Ii,: tis removed o lartSt,;Exeter.. > -- fel otri:t of Y,M,C.A. T'xl0iv%. 70 - .rs 1101 31 S ,AT ojre 5 S"t P• A t1'1.tfA �. I t, also do, and dz°y, eleanriib.. Always a i s ti ont ,ct• t vice. 5 y 1?rieeS to Suit :.tiro -customers, ITIGaI r. "r LA Ss, '. INVESTMENTS ER ZEST ELI.IO°tE'T., 43 ,, ifi 1d1Esn, ce xa1� Street,.. I,xeter. Order yuur'0ornzrtei' eheclr; books te'Tiniee. iF