HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-2-1, Page 3tit u:,:r, 2t qS J t,�:4t I reK �y 1m2. 1E111'0113 11USTION The Only ,Sure -It fief En. n ieh : and Up- :the !'Blood. Nervous exfiau;r,tfon. is ;the caw cit 1 eadaelree, aiud dlxzineee, and it iS dace, �8rd+�',,at nest always,' to, cotiditioas of im- paverirstied blood. 'Tablets and. pow- ders for headaelies'Should never be taken:, they cannot poe'eibly reach the root on the tro ib e and aro often: most ,... Itarnl.ful, - All tit is needed to bring relief +is a tonic that *Ill v eii'rxd:h and purify' the blood and the Very. est ? -s b. ionic for,tl i - r, . ` 7 1 i s.:puipos�a,` a Q,. v� f -hams,. i'inla 'Pills', 'These frills have a di'rec't action on the blood 'and in t way way the hec-adaciles,,diczlness add other bad sylantern s :rapidly dlsapear, Mr.` p Iyltsrk .r, Taylor •.Granby Que. teles 1, 1G what this' medicine -did or him, He lead ,severe headaches wh,ieb would be acco.rnnani9 d by,vomiting & spells. • These; would •last for ,two or three days at 'a time. 1 would take one of these,.spells 'every three or four weeitsi; and it is almost impassible to des4'.' r h e the h e miserY t causad cele he. y I tried a number of`rmdieines without getting relief, until one day my mother brought me six boxes `.of •Dr.Williams' Pink Pills. When they , wore, used I was feeling laugh better, and 1 got a fur tier;suplily,-and loader the continued' treatment every symptom of :the trou- bee disappeared • I cannot speak too. hig•aly of this niecleenie for it certainly has done wonders for me." You can get these pills through Kany medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. rock-ville,Ont. An Old Scoutmaster bays Something, ",` nly'self,'I had to use .the Scout lo. halt,dbark and axYthi ;g 1 ooui I get bold, of lin the •1 brery, to learn h'ow to. do thirst's so I could `teach nay boys. h �, 1 got hold of men who could show my sin linty to ` d afire 1n fr he ()Pen, u g t ktuil Arz more than' - a'tctarss; .. Y } ' two zn„ e same trail.` Scc;<utxnaster�c�aa follow t . ho l : in '. '. t was �I round it deli: l,giltfrll",�O �$ more fun' than a'h'ouse'cn lire, learning i i ._i, , twice as sroine of these irg3. And much Sizer as putting dont, a fire show- ing y my boys how to do; them, "But what r started out to say was it• that there are some of ihe.:�Gests ' Winter. For i�s hreat. to "pert through in the ieiadsifoot, take knotftying. knot—tying.And as freciuemt1y 'review- yScoutsupo n s iprettyd all the tests, lancet -tying le ._: Boo Winter snort for any -Scout, The cold chi the day the -better, the'spart. "Try him .an: hitching cue. Sled be- hind another to Make temporary -bobs. Fill .a duffel bag and baye him' lash it to a.si,`ed, Arctic exp:lo• atic,n fashion, Inathe woods have hila:'snare a good Iog to he hauled to camp -for fire -wood or the log caabin.. • If you ha egg] fa,diiities let him lade as many lags abaasd as the sled will carry and your Snouts can pull. `Simple things like. . mnndin,g , a broken skate-s(rrap, fasten- ing the tent poles together, and just merely tying knots far practice work are part'`'of the Winter tests. Any knot that is needed to be tied indoor:, send Jilin outdoors to tie. Tell him to do' it, of his own accord when ' o one -around. -'4T hat's Z'Vintar for? ., or r `Olass Scout, of � the , Se waeon�� course, tracking half a mile in 25 min- utes really' ough•t." to be done in Wing ter. Why litter the cou:nrtrysli,de, with torn papers? And just before Cha:is-t nnas, the test of deicribin, s.atisfac torily the eontenrta of one shop window out of four, observed for one minute each,' is . -a real teat. "Scouts sh-auald know their Scouting. this year. How about using the knife _and hat -civet in cold weather? The Scout who has pa,scsed the tent to build a fire in the open with not more than. two matches, in the Summer, can pass it over again in the Winter. At least, .teat's my idea of it. Why shouldn't he 'pass ' every test '1•11. both :kinds of. weather'? In ;rainy, weather, too, for that matter? Be.preparcdI I. "For the First Chas�s'i'•Sdout, how abowt .demonstrating artificial'respira- tier" 1f • he should 'fired a, child "almost frozen 'to death in the woode?; • Just as useful their, as- if he found the child drowned. Then how_about.preparing and 'cooking .in the open with carnp cooking, utensils the things inen;tioned • in math: test? They. certainly taste g bu or .,!'nLr). atitint-er'siedaY• f'feI had: nay ' way I Twouldn't pass a Scout through : who 'couldn't qualify on test number: six for:Fiist Class Scout,;in' Winter• ' as wood: as in.`Sumixer. (I - don't 'really say that. I hold to that in actual practice). "Of course, no Scoutmaster.iis going to hang' up' a boy until Spring who wants to pass_hts. te'sits •iii Winter. But. ?'cw manly Scoutmasters, -urge, . en- suis age, and make their Scouts: pass them.i.n. Winter? 1t is all the harder tor a boy to da, this iir'the Winter hlakeu him able to overcome difficul- ties.. The World is „a different world in Winvter'•from •what it is:in Summer: Scouts 'should know it,inall its moods," The Chief- Scout's`ldew Year's' Message May peace and, happiness . be with You all this' .comiiaig year.May' each due to -education We; had nothing ex-? all must be given attention before any oiie,ot you be able on tlia:,last night of„sept the sun and air. and, natures un -I great `hopes for the complete success the year ; to laoh ;back with clear sen - science to having at least done your beat every day since lash New Year's Day,.• and,: if you rlrou,ld'-be conscious of. any shortcomings, may it bean in- centive to -yen -to put. extra. effort into ' ' your work for the coming, year, s�o that, there shall' be no recurrence of the • High Speed.. 'Motion :pictures have been made up to a speed of 15,000th of a second With a camera. •'and lens` 'invented' by .:a French scientist: It has been estimated that there are always 1;000 ,thunderstorms in pro- press all over the world. • h1lnardas Linimerit for Neuralgia. The Hardy E4sD r t+. svhy tip 'tile• Eskimos never starter; from ecolilse?: The fact is that the l•is- h,imo belief,es 'hi having plenty' of frysh air about. h{. ,Body tend nrake,s a poirit of wearing tl loozi'ust g enaceii,e• . inna$ n•able and 'no tight -fitting under- •clothing .uthot+ties deals rc Haat; it is be caroti+e Eskimos• tailoW fresh „Or.' to tcir- culate oontln r a11y 'anti ovdr, the boa, that they are t;ii ,`, ;idie -t z n c iii; t;io: world. A:'i. l?Y�'�4.�10t1iey nric go lottiod;'' beteg' carzil;etlauabrn "lir ••the;' hoods' of tlaeir(rnotn'ers' furs' ; _ The Ipe skian :' feet ret;elve,g �, rc,at• care and chi. women' g c `e.it5d naristleorals'uelYfiaterp•writolfi; , , boot in existenot. ,It. is' trade, of seal••,', ai .. .Sltili,,. without the 'fir, "tanned" ;and kept `pliable by chewing.. - The, parts' are sewn togetlieri ' ith deer inews, r in "a;"loesrs•titch" whit:h oe pother raoe, underUootsta..c i /c r, itl.in tires nd, 4chou•ed s e{i skin a deerskin sock is archei,' the hair being e ug r,oat to th,, sicca. Solt and Moat• come off together,' and every night tthie , are dried n a fray" y. o nework" rigged above•an igloooil-lamp, and the Damn • is ltept burning day and might..for•this purpose and for the nit1ng of snow' for drinking water. In -the inor'nln.g the' first dui of Inc women m CA W. LI . E ;USED TO Grows 'Championship `Grain. • Jahn W. Lucan, of Ca.yiey, Alberta, is :one of;the Canadian fanciers who is bringing ,honor to Canada in interact-: ticnal grain exhibitions. was . i•e- �.• He ceiltly the.'wiiiirer of the sweepstakes in rye'at the International Grata, and. Hay Show in -Chicago. y c tie o nen is to chew th boots” • 0 oats" of bha znen , Owing 'to,=the pure `cold air ti breathe, an:d to the• constant exercise .irg :.' I�• aD whioli gums and Saw get;: .in clielviilg blubber, sea:lskln, and - so on, ,Eskimos have very"strong teeth'. Such a thing as a cavityt or any form of toothache' is unknown. l The Eskimo. is lsoalthy also because he drinks' a: large amount' of snow - water. Indeed, his avidity for 'melted snow as a beverage keeps the "wife busy melting snow or filling pails from holds in the ice. Interlocking' Blocks A Wiseonsin roan is the: designer .of bui!lddng 'blocks witch' herring bone grooves on .their upper and lower sur- faces to'make them interlock. • To guard"the bah,• against t Lancia • nothing cam '.ecjual Baby's Own, Tab- lets. The Tablets:are a inlet laxative that will keep the little one's stomach and bowels working regularly. It is a recognized.' fact that where the stom- ach and.bo;eels are in good order -that colds will not exist; that the health of the little one•"will be good. and that he will'thrive and be happy and good-na- tured. ' The.Tablets are sold bymedi- cine dealers '-or by mail at 25 dents a box from ;Tire.Dr. Williams' Medicine Co-, Brockville, Ont. In one section of Madras, out of,The PooY°'Man's �.1Ci18S. every 1;000 babies born in 1921, 522.6a or more than half, died, Flow, many people realie that sleep •is the Most important thing in,the TB EDUCATION. I3Y •DR ' J. J. MIDDLETON Provincial Board of Health, Ontario I i:'&Iiddl'oton will be glad' to answer questions on Public Health mat- ', tars through this. column. Addreas bin at Spadiiia House, Spading • scent, Toronto. ' Where- did the Jersey - cow of to- developed for the service. of the race. day come from? From human inter- The future'' prosperity of'Canada ligence'pius the initial, cow.': was'; dependent not upon her•iiatriral In this graphic way Mr. R. Seg- citizenshipresources but upon the development of worth, field secretary,.of the Ontario, her •• Trustees and Iiatepayes'.Associaticn What will Canada. in the future? tried to impress on his hearers .the What' part' wi11, she, take in the nioldl. value of education., ing and formation of the world's work, annual meet,-: of the is being settled to-dav in 't'he Public 4 the second g Schools. Th boys acrd girls: at school Lanark:: County Ediicathonal:`'Associa- to -day will be the statesmen;. the buss I tion helot ece itly,i'n Perth,,; Mr. Seg ness amen •and ' ai'l nation ibuilders' of worth was one of the pr"incipl speak to-niorroiy. I el.'s and.• lie hdridled: his subjec...'Peak- in a What is being taught in the school - masterly manlier. What education is of tremendous importance in shap-j can do, what avenues of possibility it ing their own and their nation's 'des - opens opens' up, and what responsilbility rests tiny. Emphasis was laid on the point' with the people in keeping the Public of health. If the child is not in good Schools, of this province up to a high, health physically, its mentality 'will standard, were some of the pointssuffer. It has beerr.triily said that one emphasized. "' can neither teach a' child who is suf The first -bread principle .we: should fering from cold feet; nor educate a' think about 'wag the value of'.educa- child with a`heaciache. To make an tion, he said'. S`onretiniies we --met peo-r,impression fax good:' on the mind, one pie who spoke disparagingly of echica-;i nrust'see'that the child's physical con - tion, and- while' we knew `their argil dition ,and wants have been given con= ments were unsound and their position sideration. A '1:ungry child is hard untenable we might not be in a posi to teach; the hot midday meals has tion -to answer them. We should ask! proved to be a Godsend in many rural these, persons to name one single pos schools. 'His teeth,' tonsils, adenoids, session they, had that was not directly' sight, hearing, his general 'condition, develoiled 'resources. -Ile spoke light- of his education -cam be looked for, ly of education proclaimed his- own Otherwise the child, is growing up be- jignorance: - i low par, physically unfit ,in one .way y�hen is a -person educated?` When or another and •not a.nornnal, healthy i• h failing and. tliat_,,the Werk ,be in th'e first place' for God and- the coinhnuniity. ROBERT BADEN-PO'W .+LL, Chief Scotia. Where,: She Went Wrong. Mrs: Grandways wasecalling upon. 'Mrs. Cassidy;.whose imsband was �vei1 tondo, a'nd: whose daughters•• had there- fore been sent away to College. • `By the, way,"' said Mr's. Gran.dways, when the two hail. been ;gossiping for, u While, "where is Clara? l Haven't seene.lier for an -age," sYlrs. Cassidy, swelled :idtln p•r�ide: "Clara is at college," she replied, With grandeur. And -then. added: '"Aad 1:a:n so worried about her. I.haven't-. had 'a• letter. from her for nearly two, "That is wllere;.you'. made 'the •nris- tl ke," was the • pi omp , rejoinder of . Mrs,. Oran'dways,`> Instead of letting I 'Midge to college, you oho ild have- sonic• Lei: to one of 'those cirries,pondenee ae ools." God has mixed ,a feeling- o.t content with everything `finished. A Freiich man of science says tha it is beyond .the power `of chemistry to'reprodi.ce sea; water. Although the Chemist may k-irow the sixty o�d cerxi- pencet parts Of sea water there. is solirethitig rh it that; defies rinitation. We have ttvelve l r itrslr;;5leldwniarsll a1s l hese', ti,ca tile. Duke of Connaught, Lord.Ct'eiiteIl, Lord l4letht`fen, Earl` of • 'YI7ros, Davi Ilaig, i;he -Emperor, of Jt-i'paii, Marshal `Foch, Lord P1Wilei; 'Viseount'Allotcby';: Sir 'William ;lio'bert;-' soft, Sir 1\ rthn-s ;Iitir'etrt, and tb IfS.•Eit' rrf'-i:t.0 13 el atl'1 is fix iei•ent faculties are unfolded and human' feeing: ` + world ? It is said that Napoleon,. Wellington, Frederick the Great and 'many, other famous' men slept on an, average no mare than four or ' five hours every day. tiviiiether this statement he 'true or not, its propagatilon has done an incal- culable amount of harm.;It has set us a false standard: .'`The fallacious inference has '}leen dx,amwn that 'to make the most of life we ought to sleep' as little as possible. It is' considered "clever" to be able' to situp late, and rise early. We.preten;d tose.off et -sleep isa a waste"of valuable time."Sleepy-head" is one., of the bit- terest Pornis of reproa:cb. We forget Boswell's accounts of the incomparable Dr. Johnston` lying abed till three in, the'afterrioon. We forget thatthlegsiat Darwin for all the mar- vePlu's' vQeill,, _Ire, d-1 , in . lids lifetime,. could not work inure than two or.Uhree' hours a clay ,Sleep js inore than the mere "sus. •pension of bodily ;activity" that the older•- soientists used to call it. A con- tinual process• of' reconstruction goes ona�l1 throuh the body while we sleep. It is only thein_ that food eaten in the daytime goes through 'the later stages' of ,transformation into bodily tissue,;1 repatring-tile ravages of yesterday and preparing ,For the ,labors of 'to -morrow. The nearest we can cone to a "gen er.al rule is: Sleep .until you feel` re- freshed. iron. in Malay- States, 2 an valuable'deposit A ,new d v i of iron ore ;has recently been discovered in the Malay States. ' The largest and only 'inhabited: is- land land in Tristan da Cunha is an extinct volcano 8,500 feet: high. Y�1 � r OUELM `<'1 r{r3nnnoils xatnple. tan ofXr,stan'2l S> hu mit. As :I,nt "tan tp, id;` for 4c rr, sfamils, W-,rifo7 :nnasiian I'otaii i at say "No" to the children when tea or_coffee is being' .�: passed;' but while explaining'that `little fonts should not risk health, dei you drin tea or coffee yourself? Your health is valuab„e, too -and. their need for hot drink with breakfast may, be as great as yours. There's complete satisfaction in Postuzn; and safety alike £or young and old. ' Postum is made froin clean, hard wheat and is free from -any element of harm,- It has'a pleasing arorna, de- lightful flavor—and thousands who have wisely stopped tea and coffee are finding satisfaction, comfort. and better health, in wholesome Instant Postural. At;yo nstan real Cos, Limited' roc ib in" Sealed, Air -tight Tins, 4t' there s a .Reaso,n„; FO;R HEALTI' I'ton: St., Toronto Facl.,zry. :if Ontario �ti«SG3s Q3r. ce ' tt)' ( tot. c Best ' Bowe Laxative W hen ran la. Ii nay ; little . t -i y �' i2 11 I IL1ti Ci'; u san� tti r so r:etaxdch•ilaIly I thought nziavbe the medicine - wau,ti Gt�n�ii ate het i•in ;;tot. and striee I've taken it I r> , said.x c rJohn on a 1J E m ,. , 4n . � s:ul4, J 5terlingii t., ikadeli Ontario. "l. cernc'acl•e:_la.Yeaa'.or so ngo from' Calgary, le biro i,as.#i niin.er, but pati to quit . `31. account 't asthma,": he• con.-' acro. nt c.f •; i5 g: zed. was badly ran tzc+vz n,1 y � then I got `a. touch of 'pneumonia that l nockeft Pa cut•eem itetcii . I couldn't 1 g `t-iiny strength hxalr lii'ad. no appetite, vas tin'sbl to n -art>' acid dikl 't knot 'hat it was to vet a gnoasi night's sleep, geb b "I3y 'tlie time I took three bottles Rf` Tanlao I` :•wa anything, � eating 3us�t y t .�, sie 7 n' like 'C on el 1 1 l o ,.and T, have h � log� the job ever since.' My'aathma doesn't bother ir.e so rnuuh'nbv� Fz d it's a rame- r, p. ,.,i.7 , 'r 12et V'•L' n -'s,1L 1- i e me ane. i_ry littia;•grancl d gl. ter at meal time, fax e otlb have h s, lend da. tiles,' p 3 R1}e Tarry i 1 - rug -1 at, -is fax sale ny -a11 good d U gists, Over35 million bottles solei..,'.. ♦i:�.f+i41 i1'4Oi++4b44+++4+te-+4-flirt/if ++t'* +t4't*4-4+4++ PUT STOMACH 6N ORDER AT ONCE -`-Pape's Diapepsin” for Gas, Indigestion or Sour ;Stomach 4,4i+*.+441bI-f++F a »111+�+M14f141 4f4-44+++ Ins taavtiy! Stomach corrected! You never feel tee slightest -'distress' from indigestion or a sour, acid, gassy stom ach, after you eat a tablet of "c'ape's Diapepsln,” The moment it reaches the stomach all `s�ourneae, flatulence, heartburn, gases, palpitation and pain disappear. Druggists guarantee each package to correct digestion at once. End your: stomach trouble for few cents, A Quick Relief for Headache A hearinche is frequently caused by badly digesteilfood; the gases and acidaresultingtherefromare absorbed by tho blood which in tuns arritatea the nerves and causes painful symptoms called headache. neuralgia rheuraa- timi etc. 15 to 30 drops. of Mother Seigel's Syrup will correct faultydigestion and afford relief. COARSE SALT LAND SALT Bulk- Carlots TORpNTO SALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF - TORONTO „'-fay4t•bii 8.1a-et,4-Daiw.. 011.1 .11,44, x4'we W1�•W�r*ea•+N¢ttr44 To " i le' as cut , your bowels 1, et•an ping or oreiacting, take Cascar ets,' Sick headache, bl1lous es ase:' lir s.ti Vie r , gin, ,,er t on ,tin ups et 'stomach,' and t11 sac;.; d .e .; gone b t.t , bra ; for ret Y n r q, .'Vieest h u'ice'. rn . ea�rtlii f.cii' grown-up' el• P 3 g 1?, . ,ei r • ,T and 1 ild aha '''10„ a boa, Taste like oandy. sato 141144 �. , m� for us nt it by .liaod envelope rPYzotesa,.aI s O it ' t t f i .nn , h . l P,ll71yX T.ER wC R:alal pa tent, :roaehlze s;The most trying man to ',deal with I•ae,rned ocot,mo tC>nat {•C5i the erre who do�ta,t knov what he, .:'. tivar kis and is' impatient ioecause h'€e f i p doesn't get it. ' T C 1cA ',.iobplxal Nurses '{Tteglsts.red; nurse urse ti tutu 5k`. d ,. . the't rzilarco's:°'3to4t?X ' eight-hour duty r enu.1.,16,r of 'High' School or`.lts',t ther information . up,ot''f, erieL 1-tospital„.1Tiigtu� • ianperinteadent nI ",AFI 1' 1 Off. Pain ? For iinniediate relierrub the atlieeted part with. Minard's Liniment. It penetrates faster and further than any other, soothing and stopping pain. Two generations have crowned it King of Pain. Minard's Lininaent The Family Medicine Chest, [BURNING...PIMPLE& Qver Face and Neck, Face "My trouble began' with a rash which later turned to pimples. The pimples ";vere quite large 41 and of a reddish color, and were scattered all over my ” face,' neck and forehead. The itching a.xid burning were so severe that I could not help scratching. My face Was disfigured for about a year. "The trouble lasted about a year and Oin'trneritera.7elia.ey afforded relief within'two weeks, aii-&-c,4-thges.d of Clarence 3. Burnell, 474 TyIer''''tit, Pittsfield, Mass., Jan. 4, 1921. Use Cuticura for all toilet ipurpo s es. ited, 344 St, Paul St., W., Montreal.u,Sold every- EM7° "Cuticurat Soap shaves without sous. America's Pioneer Doe Itentedieg Book on DOG DISEASES and HOW to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad. dress by the Author. 129 West 24th Street One hundred million sacks are made out of India's yearly jute crop. Cali- fernia, taltes twenty millions of these and China fifteen millions. 'The crop weighs a90,000 tons. MONEY 'ORDERS. It is, always safe to send a Dominion Express Money Order. Five dollars costs three' cents. ' A Critical Moment Mrs. John--"Odija, 11, I should Ole would John mairTy again?" Jelin (111.a very loW•whisper)---"For goodness sake, Ouija, have a heart!" The pest Preadher. Martin Luther in hie autobiography slate,: "I have one ,prea,cher that, I 'eve 'batter than any other' upon. earth; it is' window -sill, especially et night,' He hops to, the sill when lie wants supply,' and takes. ds much as lie de- sires to satisfy his need. From thence always.bups on to a little tree, close,' tucks hie' little- head .under his -wing,' goes fast, asleep,, and ,lorixes mmiroici teloOlt after itself. etille la the but they aft ull,editta 1W men: ELTING Or LL' Ic1NI 'i Cork, iron,' and even - experimented with: fdr• 1\41r -card's tetnirrient for .heurnatiartri;' The vic.tiri of the bent 'pin: kilo when it is time. to get up; Vanished After thin Compound to you for help my action was mob prompted by etnn I, too, would benefit by your medicirie. It 'was the most profit- - ,able action I have ever taken, I heart. through its results am relieved of most of filY sufferings. I have takens13aimtee.-- of ;Lydia Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound Tablets and a bottle of 'Lydia honestly say ',have never been sowell-, -ifiefore. Ihad suffered from pains an other troubles since was fifteen yearS, old, and duriatg the 'Great War ' perlod, I worked on munitions for two year's, and, in the heavy lifting which my work called for, :I strained; -myself; causing suffered untold ago-tv'Y bo -1 I often had your medicines. ”----Mrs. GOLDWIN MIS; ENER, Branchton, Ont. Write to the Lydia E. Pinkham eine Co.,Cobourg,Ontario,fOr`a free Cop, of Lydia E. Pinkharn's Private Text- Apply Sloaris. Restore healthy circu- lation of blood through congested tis— sues. Since congestion causes the pain - almost instant relief! Si. ansimm 414 UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all Accept only an "iiiibroken package" of "13a c Tabicts ( Aspirin," which contains directio-ris and dose, \ wiled out ,by Headache Rlialinit-tisiri NeLtralgia 0