HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-2-1, Page 2said to eoniviett crd a wTh roonstruction inetaflat n in Prince ntiAlma1iu4 :boa L411Canada, Oonetraction work was cern- t 79,a 298 a.<tes emie tmenec,d on,Iy 1 Whir.11 1,1.'aT13 1922.ime On a;creage vas',tha six Inonthe betwe,en ",„9,rocitismi 5,237,050 boaskeelie of potatoe3: oommencemmit pon,truction and valtuel at $1,707,956; 11,4.77 490131141- 013.ratilea, of a two-nratirine DOWS bit .017tItS, W.1.1t.tth $4,91.,1t$`8;*492,40,5 rain, el spring wheat, worth $615,-1 Winne, Man.—A-,rt gn o 5814 and 34,383 bushels of barley, move than 4,000 rnemliere was, regis- vaned.. at $84i5-88, toyed' 117 .0%. uraea Farmers of Mani- raPort,"ed thatii'aba &ming.: the pra;st year, according t• fax- a sehoorior to t1,4e am i to a vtotement. taa<cie by tla secretary -,,..,,ioehtlea to the Labradlor at the annual eonvertkion here Tlie "do" earlyh Felbroary are behigl metnr„oefraiD, \L0 a4 tir3ptle9 to 0,-ahlet,e-ci. here an.aoent acting on111,402 a4 the, end of 1921, ,has risen of arnuY o Gie Bay to 15,701 4%1: the end of 192.2. Regina, Sa4L—Betrter prices ±or W00 1 were received by Snrs'<kateliewan woo l greirVtc'!1,'S during 1922, according to a repdtt isaned by the western manager of the Canadian Co-oper- ative Waal Grower' ...4..eociation, The average price pc.r pound for the yea. t t *rarned 8750 643 daring the year \was 18% eant<r, nearly fifty per cent. higher than, the 1921 ovenage sale. Cailoary, Alta.—The TrOCI130t4011 of coal in .ttabsarta daring October, Which renched• a. total, Yf 920,752 tons, estab- lisbed. a new high-water mark in the hfarboTy of the indiu,stry in tavi., prov. stTa-71461- ince, This is an inn -ream of 3.4,000 11"'ali bilvc'ar quctlit'It'Y tons OTer the figure's for October, 1921. sent into the United 'States in 1921, DA ;production Alberta up to the haliiing boon ex-P14'd t11°'r'e- year. end of October, hoWever, was 360,000 Quebec, Que.—Ta Donaccna Go. tons, less than for the corresponding baa sznounced an extension of its period a year ago. In 1921 a total of Plant to Provide for a Px0duction of 4,610,301 tons were produced asneorn- 60.000 tons': ta-ls con111,vred, with 30,000 pared- with 212.5%824 tons up to Oc- es prssent. Prominent -pulp andItcher, P4 er autavarities consider •thatft fs Vancouver, B.G.-4n additilon to, 14, - or -C-4" rnatber of s zrolorxit time unel 590,000 bushels of wheat shiPted, from Vancouver daring 1922, according to figures prepared by the Vancouver Merchants' Exchange, 484,037 barrels of flour were exported, ar four times the amount shipped ia the previous' ‘Syd-neY xnen are also era tx$OS to Stag Ray, fi-rat tbey, 'imaeo no intention of S.Jeflitilig out for the rock-yibbed coaist before July it. Th:tedericton, N.B.----Exports,±0 'the . . "f3ifited Stabes from, Fredericton a— jue;t'olosci, atecording to the .a.riferican. Oenisqc.,11, at thipert' The ,irtea..(t...il,ao aceoyntea for pr,:n143..pej1ly ,by tine liaxg- gr'ibilyna&act'es ittniber, .0.$79-eq1S1V , St -Pince, -an,c1 0±s. laths' and, pulpwood, A.nother proidnoti: which showed' a sub - the ppoductiion of newsprint in tins, ountry exceeds that of the United S'aathes. Fort William Ontn-L-The making of paper by the Fort Witiliern Paper Co. before the first of the iieW Y`eiaX i9 year. VE;473,-. U.S. TROOPS LEAVE T E OCCUPIE13 ZONE French General Weygand to be Dictator of United. Ruhr and Rhineland. A despatch from Bin sanossn--,Tlate IJnited States,. itrooPstieft Genanany on Thursday, l.eaving thethindi them a tare ,of feelings, With aximiration for the tcarredeness and kindliness of their thehavidr, and satisfaction that the Uritttd ,Sbatas has recognized that France is in the wrong, by with&-aw'- ing the troops, is in,etriningled ee L ing-of bitterness doe to Germany's hci'tpleasnosson account of the dis- arrne,rnent, which the United States had a hand. • There is' the,fact that '''ertnartar -ilitst the United -States 91hee- of' the The Divine Man ,revealed the great 7.4.7 _ DOMINION PARLIAM.F.NT OPENED THIS WEEK The interest of the country is now turning to Ottawa, where the parliament is comanencing work on the government 0± -Canada far another year. The opening wilt attended by social- festivities of pre-war brilliance. The ano.,ning was conducted by His Excellency,. Lord. 13yng of Vinay, representing 1-Iis Majesty the King. The Hon. W. L. McKenzie King, the Premier, and the loaders of the opposition parties are sten in_ the picture, Hon. Arthur Methen,,leader Of the Conservative party, and Robert rorke, the new leader ot -the Progressive party, In the ba-ckground is seen one of the stately corridors of the new parliament buildings. ' aster Week oronto BY WM. MORRIS. Ontieo is to enloy a great feast of. education Baster week, April 2nd ta .T•orante. The Ontario Educa- tional Association line met there re- gularly for the past sixty-one years, but promises to reach. a high-water mark this year. People over the province are taking a deeper interest ,eatnation. We read signs of -this renase-ence in the United States, Great Britatin France, Indllta, China, Japan and Germany, as well as in every pro - c e o e td Which it ica tits towkamd,r4 ''Germann secret of .soeia1, ecktioational and na- t escape bY talcineclown Coma." economy when Ile Placed the Talk' I rim ic-iratian- the flat-, alt krenbreliatein and going child fin, the midst Whererv-er the Premier Jo -ha. Oliver, of British Col, home. it" The tkespenger Neun-te NocItt,.. child ?aas been denied his rights of umbia. who is now- in Otta,ws to dis- exp. -eyes 14 .,,ommon German good breeding, health, education and • ,, cuss matters of Immigration with the rpm uy,t st n Int, spiritual development, 'humanity has . son men nk.e., eb, wt , Depa. ,rtment of the, 'Interior, nel' • trSn'ernittedt to 'Germany the -terms. of suffered accordingly. Tlive, most im- . W. de,w7i vindert ock it tale same not any portion of its- material wealth " , . • ont NI; DATorri.a. freight rates, at -they ef.fect the Coast , • innristues tEpion laid. portant factor in national greatness is Province. lo School rustees' and Being a 'Fiend. Ratepayers' Associe-ion. time •obligations whEch it caimot mar. but the innate abilitY of its youth.,We estCsape." . ,,, forest and "The T,eacher's Relation to the C, onn hear anti read a great ideal about then The population of -Cohlem took ea- c'onsierift"'°11 • inunity"—Prof, A. Dale, M.A., Uni-, , Fih- he; ligonce e- f .er,tmettt of (tbe' ',interior • ne!tit,TC,AC;t4Yry 'results his -re cbee,--n 'eepured in the trans- P-14-io..ting of 'spring g;atincti'fYom, Britils4 ocataihia to ,the ea,steirn wa tells erf; pA,altement mode by 'T,Tr. DePttY Min - later 'Marine and 'Fie.heriel D:vcii 'year etnce, 1919 the . De pant/b.-out 'legs -transf.erred -egos srnon.< from British aoiaanlitia to tli*, Donf11,$'04. Gb'i?"- ..orranent lilataltery ThurloW en' the Ray of ,Qninte; noar OnitaTio-,Thoso eggs ere thatatod ou during tho winter and in.tble, early' EfPrirg., 'each year v,ree distributed in Sui;babite, ti5butoriee, kd Lake Late in the .autrunin- of '.1922,'' four-ye..carjaki -salmon weigh-. ' ing fifteen, poundls<, :was e'aligrtit ill' the eeflzhern end 'of 'On- tario'.• Tit:Is is. one of 'tile •roationfa ''7,1-tich the Depattment hae, thlaif;' t.a-teto fish ba.ve thriven -in Lulaf Ontario and. tiliat. tho s'Peoles -thaY .F)GOIlt be found , GV er - t1.2,3 waterr- ways Trlom .Lal:e 01'.4-aric) to tiffs • A.t:rantic' cean. JI- FANTORAE),LE, BALANCE FOR FIVE MONTHS. o ' ' ,i.. Has Stepped Up.: I-147, rnme.nr*glinEtxtiptortfrlogiti\rtIlisa, ttiic.), inaie.0' On 't.11:0 4-01)'''.0"°. reports , f rota alit , o- 16iia of the Dera',aten of. -brisk Indus ti a1 aettviTy; w6;thtlitisy Initt5 a:r.:(d IA:0- 0.,rio,s worricrrz, for ;1,;1;!„ -rolattl:'pairt, , full capael.ty,-: opines taue trade, report for ilia niienth of Sept[ember, oomplet- blin rat:urns for the 1irst ,eix inariths -, of 'fbe' ilseal ear and d&,:c-1,06,,...lag, I gratiltying, 'expansion 0,f tra,do. in the i right tirio,(0,--1. -ncl a frivorth0e trifle I balance, The total Canadian. trati.G for ,•tife six. inotitstf'< tieriotd endinio' Septein- - "er 36th, 1922, 6,fic,Da at $799,394,88, or 1:2p$1307-n'd6t:;..6i4i;;;1,5;erlinolutiminUllY9'121.,:l'C'''Ivlqitell:il e ite,°i71,01,t'eal: II ,, ' 'bed 37i1,710,744. „ In tire ni,ontill nt Sep - . teniber alefier this year Canada's ,Lrade • tetanal $132,,G2,691, as againer, 3119,- 85,08I6 in/ Sertember, 1921, an lIncrease , •,,t „, 313,857,005. 'nee :KrAuine,0,,f , trade bor rho completed year will Inedtubt:etl.- , by be eonddierobliy in excess' of ift.at'of , , - , • • 71.,tn.IYa7,astr'rvey, o'/I3 ;:,;(..i, litaties 34 is on a s rinib.:.er,,Fiilds co:iragitig, to iebt. Gea.t: the eapibmii7; all ,; , ,. orete.:441.-eg• ,expoa•te, ',...c"4-11011 bbougbit about iii tho*-volarrne• 'of ,trade ie thio to im - ....ar ...e. an.....n...aa olis murame-rit,in , spite of rroducel un - M Ir . I A. ' ' ' ' ' -• ports. Tao Caned- ..5tattes., tariffInc 1.. A despatch front. Lon:Ilan ,.1,ciary,Sii:.--..-- oo.nisilderat,ly, J.es,slened ti.le.'"..sr,a..3.no nt, . Hon. J. A. R.cfab, ;Mind:Ea:ex of Trade Carnadlatv pursfaaSes- across the boil -der, anii. Qamineree, Irisdted riad!an..- acaost whilst th'e Republic -its: still,--001•;11pg,1;1„,,ed, cities on lies return from Ansitral'ia 'tio conlie 9-0 tho pc'in'411°'n to the F''''11110 and he describes India as a grestancl extent, LOT 'Certain •ociinhoditles, for growing market for • Canadian timber,, wititch ' she. is dependa,n,t upon ,that railway tiss, autiom.dbiles, • Ilion. d couniri, stiebt as. 11.1.MI:iCtr, pulp 'and . , tn1.1-e2,1eajl. ocIlliTlnen't and musiCal insurn= wheat. Tt.,"•?,.., 'Unite:A Staitosi' still im- EyeZrafting Operation Pronounced Successful • A despia.tteh from Nell/. York says:— , A third of &Pig's eye be gnafted on the •ey,eball , of, a 'Hindi T.4yndlinnst, N.J., Youth. in .the hope , may -1 be restored; Seven. yearsi..:ago.. Alfred; Leminia-ciritz—nnw 1.7-11cest 'the -sie•Iht.; 'Of:both-eyes in an exploseer. of inunf-1 steel product's paner, carbide, nice- dt.allier, wely.-as certn:at amount ot _9 oats ,g r eater 'V 0,1"anle of go olds troll' Canada than froni ally other country, Cana,da eon tina.es to b 911 TInt.ted States' liest market. Imports Decreasing, Exports. creasing. • Daring the six nionets' period under review goods to the value of $303.915,-, 736 veeria _imported. into Canada, as '689&119.1,51)144.r.eciEXI'71OttitIls' (13137-68a'Srii:es'2t5ic0 igc"ioadiSt111: same period in 192.1, derroc§e, al' 314,- - 899,544. ilbitaeleed $333,233,296, as against $336,677,131 in nue previous year. an inicrease of $52,556,165. For the month. ot SecI'ember a;3,one; exports totalled, 871,592;633, as against imports Of 360,318,430. A faverfabl,e trade bal. :ince of 311,274,218 compas,,,,,' v,/ith., adverse balance of ,31,662.305 „Ser, ember 1920. For the six- months' If 'You ca,n't be a ,genius, or a field vantage of tine withdirowal of tile Am- mineral wealth, all the while we marshal of big business, Or a catonvinedi artican troops by smashing the presses haY0 been wastettg,6A Ithe fac-• 11,rtee-il thS toc-Salli realm el- a Wizard of the «Separatist rienastpiper Dokten- tor without which these are of little "The Teaching of Music in the a fir:Lai-4e, ot;.: the admitted E;artt, which was publistted. ooibieliz. one of the learned profesions, you Can They '-were linable to touch it wilable be a fr:end. If you can't give the rich the Aimee -loans? 1,vere there but took .gifts- of tangible things, you, would N'ellgeSt/11213 the moment they departed 'T'u/ke to give, if you ca,n't aiflorcl to put and before the incoming French the feet of those yon love the best troops realized 'it needed protection, inoist be..-ttefnil things the worl,c1 The Gorman poIlea thalf-heartetny oppOsied the infuriated Rhinelianders. • .1 einal fireworks. - Dr. Edward Morgan, of PatersiSn, became interested in the; case., The operation will be made in the H,cetel Manhattan, Paterson, on ad- -vice of.Al.fred's lawyers. despatch from Paterson, N. , isays:-- Dr. Eciwand B. Morgan, who has grafted portions of a pig.",s, eye-itO the eye el Allfred Lernanowin in'an effort -to restore the 1.7-year-olIcli bny's sig'Irt, has pronounced the operation a success. , When the bandage was removed young Lernano-wacz declared he could. period, ending September 30,th,, ' there 'fa-Verabbs• trade 13..a"..aStee 0,, , . $942;317;t4ip;:..a§,- ;ag[yiairEt alvanse; bal- re ler afiNova„ s6, infirr‘iolesi210f,13.4;a3f...1.363:1-1,21.39:2!not.9heintaiion2soipoifileili , • . airing - /1.1024.., era , tia. ' f t her - . Chief of the'giCiVeriirrient .for 'twenty, inlica-e..,,tg,e-...id the expert, seven years, ill -health now 4 corn -pals trade 'of the otnintry is Exhibited in dastm,guith betw,een light and dark... Premier. George H. Murra,y o t relln` every lteamicf 0,1'06110e, It is partial- ness. quish the red..ns of ment, Ir.,111.3r -marked, in chemical. and ;lc 35 andasteel which each, increagedi about ' ' ' and -Other 'o,res,,. wfatich 144444,44.4.414*•44441•4.4.01•113.4.0•4141444/ 444. IVeilEly rket itegott asz;(1. nearly'. 100 , 00 _coat: ,• -Agri- - • , . ; etilturati produce- continues to- be .1..a -ecl • ill Toronto.. 85C; breakfavt haeon, .82 6. 85e; :el:ie.' order bp famst-prodricte; animal. pro - leading: item ,at, -"export, , ,eakf? hatCon '38 to. 40c; , .t: trnart an.d -Ebeei;-nnnnneno, 'al brand h • , Manitoba, wheat—No. 1 Northern, 1 • , b' 1 onelese 39 a daz novergiA ch.rnicegs 'and ,te,,xtti,s_. Tho naore people to de-velop her natural re- t11.25.' a c _ , , 4 value. It is claimed that Canada needs Schools" -- Duncan, McKenzie, M,A., Director of:Music, Toronto, The National Conference on Education It was the writer's privilege to be present at the First Na,tional Confer - IVIanitoba oabs--Nominal. 'Cured 'ineats--Long -clear;bacen, .00a7. theme ic,f.-tradte which Cantatia's. • Manitoba, barley.-=-Ntominal, - '70 Ibis.,•9,0'.:113-8,., $19'; •90 hot ay, ii.,n.:;ex„, quality that counts raose. 800%3, yelle4v, 87.c; barrels,, $88 ;, bniavyweight- ro la, $ o. . to us, reratember 1s, not quantity hut All the tab.ove track, Bay ports. taild; up, $18; lightweight trellsnin iTou and zteci alta 1.10.11,_metai sourc..es•, and perhaps she does. -Let es, .‘ -moral; educational and religious. pro,• tio-xrceis,';'' 1.6c; i-tobier; "P'n.erati , , The condition et ,Canadian o ence beld in Winnipeg, Qcniber,-1919, That was the most • comprehensive, socials elileati011ed. WW1 rellgtOILIS 0011-. ferel,1•0,4e. ever 11SICIL People of. all creeds and classes were among the 1,500'dolo,; ,0„1, ;store th, mill, Tillie mans reale that -tavry 11112kSt fight Institutes> Fairrnore Organizations, nations #011.1 aa, parts of oinidka, Tine b,agn • included: p ban,voa, „.eicp girt is above every other in your he -1, their ONVII1 batttieS. POI' feW day'S. Fra484.11a1 8°'cletiast Teachers/ °I.- Conference was a concerted attemPt shorts, iter 'Cony .$27; niddlingn", $5-.50;, clio,, com., $4 to $5; butcher decreasing, or tat 11Q-lkiing N : 2 :'-f35.1/lc , gress is made bY concentrating on the in:tief:yr_neig,ivihatsgt,i;ligti,s,i6dOe.to 62e/ t3c4ellt-l; ''' 16 '/e, Rtiineirlios,a„,„,-.1-,G.,i,4ictiopflrii,s3,;1.tu8eL.IstS,11.107,t•-i. ra,oit. xratity• ins ...al,t,i113J, pr,e.S, a n t: t. d' ./..1.C.,,L. 0 tilrakif, ' in the friv.kudi:" 52 reilaticYll's' i The delmaitilre of the Alueticani.-,- to- be la -stemmed by the quality of the Rye—No. 2, 83 to, 85c. to 171A'c•--: - - tr4de rstillit', halve sh0v,111 a fa''voial'ile B k' eat --No 2 77 to 7,9c to 15-c-- palls lo to 151/204 prl-ats .,7 F•sr tr.e• SrliOCeS'SIN" 0 nlontalis 1 -)0n --1110a, child. The future of -civilization will 7.ory day, in the. en" -cle of the fem. get:her vritk..... tine British expreSsiPA b hool Boarcia„ Churches Women's, t . • Peats—.No 2 $1,4o to $1.50.. Heavy steer,s choice $7 to 3: trade bat, TIC , n, a ...el -don, „ 70 show, 'you can make the: g,ift, in tnn rcan4d ta tbuebaces, and! the, continued, neutrality, snakes. the Ger- , , . , ga es iepiese Utz a I 1 f ,g Minfteed.--Del., l'iliontreal freights, butcher '5i ty--&-.ds, obloice,incipeaSo taco volunia of ' h Ib i'll- some hopes on. indigne.aon. 10 to rally tlie beet pill) lc opi i n 1) hind $28.50, opdt_feed.fla „ , $...... horf,e1, ,, di n_i , $ to ,t3,50, do, .ne ., s,i„,:dotiery,,tho extent 0 nnterte., en. 't f e lng tlelesate,s to this the schools of tit° Dordirsion; pro- Ontario -`,,v4lleat•-`-,,„N2' 2 v11 -'A''-`''' S-l'i 1 i $5 'UD $5'•5°; 63' CC;111" $4'25 t'C' S4'75; oign tariffs have drIven CylaaniatitEuce Ituortlaiige t $1 19 ccordfng 'to freights 0111- butcher COWS. ChOin., $4.50 to 5.2tliit.;r.,,„ tic„.....iLiable, step a 'hat -on, ey • *tow:al, and is the gift y '• raid " but they tun' Y 0 s ric n alone can give. lof file Angle-SaX07/ NVOt ., . t, i T t A . , d i 0, ,., a ,,,, EdueatIonal Conven ion n °ton o. n greasive educational 'measly -es nee o w„.,do; N• ,0'. 2, $1...,08 ,t„, $1,1.0. • 1 60, in.od.,., 83 to 84; oann.e.ts ann e„,is, .. .,..,.._ , e, an., .,.. -•.. Pone." Y• lak, ) ... Y /,,, i _ 6 , wiii, be grainme may be had front a considers,- tin -agent public 01:Allison, ,. „sOnititantiiitort No. 2 v.-hite,oats---44 to 44c, tegna 81_75. -ix 82,25: nutnneo.. nun,,,, lri-i,ctu.,,D,elirto-,1,1,ie,•ll•ri l);..„) A.a " aili'l 33 1 .1.1:),, 1, ..1 41, , . ..t, tl a .4,Tif inr. 9., 1 out nattle-110y-w'a'rinyul'el,,,P; if tori,$ae1°n,get-drLatim--; estimate' of the magnitutle'of the Pr°- be suPPorted by a oontifrucras and in_ un't 1 coina:4N,nroinal.... 1 good S4 to $4.50; dio,, com., $2,25 to s le i t 1. ly t„ t I r d J.?. 1 111 1;Ve aro 071(r or if <re ohloolsle to , are now p am 1 d 0-i' ' c',t tor of the Uirted Rialrrlw"•" 'j'. 1-' ''' ''' '6' lee Secon Gloat "\lational.Conf.9r- oitterio itour—Niffety. per c,er.t.„' $2.50'; fecticir ;^4,t).73, ge'G,;(19 $5'5° to $6; rk'a;.'ed ;'''''alt°'.. /141:,-,°'1v,pn 431 If.oes'''aLPI.... In- ter6 iG tee povci•ty of ti,a inner ma.- the F,rent:n. een.ra eyg, , Ii3ere-c'Etout: ‘',./IleIe3IltI'Ve;r9 1.71;0'1W3:131.eM111:arTai?1,'11:Cr:.liL,ne' {;;LiAnda.- ' "The Value' ef tile 8e11°C1 b° t.fie l'Ae ' once en 'Character Education. la to --be " ''' ' .• - - S.4, to $ti, • s to nicer A. good $4 ter -Empire pref enni c ,e, 4.a IAA qe pat - rn jute bags, llelontreal, pierant _do, fill', ', " .' - .4 50 • , ., , ' a a Nation"---I-lon• li• ‘T• (AdY, T°•' held in Toronto, Easter 'Week, corolleir sliipmen‘,, $5.10 to $5.20, `1,on ••.31 4. *32 be/ on. MOM ; , 1 D ,wic, • ''egater, to Manitoba flottr----liSt pots., in cotton ' ccms citcrice, • C., • I •• - come- -wileistvei" tlicy eamo, 14/116 eouRi ronto/ - • a,ting and sueeeedbng. the Ontario basis, $5,0fl'te $5.15; faiilk seaboard, calve's, io • - • , tie; 0411, • . •rdl women., distributiire, '•blesstingisi lit,tbe in the way of. things. Ana,' :I 4 11Go- b....tin-4,Ra far Wtilr, /ley% tt) lileTe"Ilig PTe- SC11001 ClitildP--ROV. illanson DoYIon railwaY tare wal 11/1 g sacks $'7 10 red' bh1 ' 211d Pats, • '''''''°111aarr'et4" woo! japan has imported ireotor noligions Education for both, The Conference Will be held in 70-• " track to g_ndn choice, a>, ac,„,u,„ , °I- foro•ottino- that tbint>2. matter 'Illetlpn / - h ge7IninG and' ewes from _kuriralia, anti name friem the 'methodist Church ef Canada Massey Hall and it IS elilecte t is to -IA to $1.4 50. FA? to culls: 00 to $4, hog -s. Tvo.o. df tale, da6st. , I "Canadian Literature in tona" - e what comet stpreinoly, -)rigli4•11x1' nculd nut tell them. When wei '111.A., Charter NJ erriber of he Az Progressive Japan. "The 11,eligious Education of the Educational Convention, The same $4.95 to' $5. - I $9 to $11•; do, corn, 85 te $8; inilch „ .Chougia Crala:a &that cholce, $50- to .$10,0 litave l'atequenly been,• (n t,ardiness'in duyeiopiag tinicen -Man ,ictuiters • " $70 t $90 Bd a large anditorrniri -will be taxp $1.8: °loner, $g „tn,. $12, . , .,,„„ i„ it Fines"' creaniery- pa-inte 43 .P1 icie - fee ‹, '41 , , on a elro and ahoas-OY bo knew the gOod• they did, t5182WS5L13 13011 tional L HutO,hison,i caria,ettY. 'aifords a ,1,,no.ignificchait; 9'itl(-)); I, „dill, I port4'ility for the teacher§ and. trus- , . . „.A•••• 1 1 ,s,enentts,,-iseildori, fiat !,,wilk; five ; hod comfort, we sought them out, nitariture club, tees, of Ont. -1.11,o, ,to• irear manY Plei miner_ ent Canadian speakers, icisi a.4 thre01<olaa,-ey ereainery grade(' ,)aS16', ' • ' • ' Ir t ion the gran- pa, --t 313 Trams iftepit o etimes the' medicine we teed 1 ,,,-phe modern, Trend in Bducation"-- ionowing vie; tore,, froTo- Groat, to ,,,Da.:1,ty,13/011_8b.fic.'00,ketilzargltille.:11el'blas1.3-,_-°,1:1-ili, cbrin'sg iv6m4.01,1/1 Pte:,F,'1 toortilurt;'10(24',A92,°;4114,,, Miss Helen C, Goodsinee(b DireOtbr of Britain. Die5soct 'y 0 .1 lc thi01,-:,su'11;,, of-theowlq, ost of all to sneak out at the ever- , 4•11?..ta,trtufr,itir,toLitcil.alitcctirsS•-al'S' I'.3§.2 of -Coo mind' and heart to -a er 'whase eit'it-nee Home Iiicononalos, Drexel Insti midttelobia_ael,E., Sadler, 14"..0.8.1., 01'7r 5 lbs., 23 to 31--c;• do, dn, 4 cent, vo• Otid ieoux t rie4 71) 16 to l'At,tedititk.tt 11.10'12' an iftliffer once 131,11 "PrimarY Ecbuc stioi1 111 New ''"3°a" varsity of Leeds, and onc of the great- Ito t'')'074; le 4„,,10n5 2561 trrt now, 9J. ,.Yice,•Chancellor of the uni. ;1- r, 2i rt,,, 2,7e; do, 5 lbs,, 21 hogs, • t.i.k.".11S., oval o yea ali..-eoraPlp,tiling safe ' 'iraaybor an McKenzie, Public S°11.°°1 est educationists, of the' In egliehrspakr' do,- 4 te 5 19' tio, to- tern, , . , Inspe,CA9r, fieW Zek,11•11T11, {",../0,, dOW '12" wor<Irl;r 1 w° 2- ' ' t 4 lbs 11 to -17c Roosit.-10/4. 64c. dr, 'No , • , 12 roftiv in our t1dtle .01 trouolle, een oasis: „after 'diesity inarebing 0 .... '"SecondarY Education in Now Zoo- Lieut,-Gen.eral i 8.1.1, Robert. 'Baden- 1ore,' 13 t 18 , Duckling,. oVer CI, rho' t Ne. • 1 'f ?d, 05 1444•iii'''-' e 2 loeal. InsPectcr, Now Zoialaniift• R11.03., 9-910 founder of the Boy 5003.19-iTuitze3,e, Young; 1-0 gills'. andlui-^4 28 1* Vihieat Tiats•:, 'firti4i67, 37,101 1:ic•CP,1-40,i liOl. tO land"—N, it , nTeKeilzie, :PlibliSchool PellK.C.B c ow, ., K.C.V•0,-, LLD-, 123 to 26-c; do, '4 to 5 lbs, 21 to 2,4c.,, wiiite, 53 96 54o • ,tillettlt......TvIin, ;Spill* SOT,..0 Probleins Of VocatiOliai Cilia,- find Girl' Gitide atovontell'ts, ' cirganiv•a- 38oi dot T °ICI' 18 to 28''• G"e4e/I'' 15 to $6,60; istbreng 1311 00- '3lit40.; r•'?:P., auce"----Prof, E. A, Boit Dapartmeitt titans which h,trire 'already e--snendorl,i11- 21(". _!.., ,,,,,, °2c ,, - Tr ' aits,; ollni:ec, $0.50. 1Ro:Itien ca'ts;,' " Psychology, University of l'orento, to More than f.orty cliff,erentcc., wat,r1 eisrli ,.{ .i , t'a''-'dedi,86. lic„, 3.7,(/., ,,,e,„, MotT„')'t;','' ti,;(1,•5 1.Z,..'",41,f115,,'„ - .1$3,11.1,1.,' I -11T4 "})ity,sicql Ethiet,irtioll" 4rtluir fi: , I-4,0;dY la'aell"P°Well' t'll° i'll'I'e- - loots< 41.,;rti?..!Lc..51.:,fe,‘,Y* iait.lks 50c° can.: , t ciu4a., ota. 1 ' ,3, Tieurir '-'±0v,11'011, , fo..A.- 1)-4.1t!'"•; '11B*iatA' 'iid=i.'li-aciT' liand-dl'iCkca':, ih•it N1131214e17'- -il:' 'c'001;j:i- 1 '' 11;419' 1 Lambe, IV,2.1.3., B.P.E,. McGill LTiri.vetrtity, '-'110' arittir/r, poet anti c.diicationitt. Ile Wats ric,:- „nrin,iii,Al/aci„ , - . II 4 „1,/1-‘;,,,, bi.,l.g' , , ','I'l'oNY Ileortiteli'ltiiral SioototiCs :MAY 0110,1ririall ,,().'1'. tiio Sp0017.it C2mmitteo 3,;'51-i.Ae - :Iiii*il'Uote---Sy,rup, 2 , • i IUD. 1 1,3 a 5i63'c, , .):§st§t bh .13eautif(,'.011 9011001 PriTer- cresfbeiliA•,0 the 13111)111i Beard of Edit- gal', $2•50;i 93l gal iiii, 'f2,,40 ,Per;,e0, IRL, ' --,, --a)r, Bennett, St, T•tionlas. ' • tiaii;*iiiicla ocently irtsited •1#.43-toport gal:. 'Maple Sugar; lb.', 28 to 2oe, '' I .•,Y '1, 9130 3)21.1109s 5119k OPP()H.t.13,itie,;,;, of a oe''''n ti.6 ,),1.10''',,a,611.11:gof. BitgliltS11,,,•;.- a: ''''•rin'il-iiVi` , It16-11`e6.'", °A-111' t-•1-'1-11 2 '1:.' N , " , t ( Ill,'7'5ot9o fk$4iilc,,l ctoimns'l),•l,h'o/n*/ 1. , t'V, id'ooz°.e6rt,,!de- o,at,i,l>ililyol,,, r So!)0(4 Attelldati400ileerA:11cC01tibItiOl tO 110 lrtiSkOf 01 tO1i/Poq tho 1ace11, VeedstcolOnt, caloit lr th0 Frgli;Ispeo1071g World. 1 1 150ey,pr s' loll- terbdance 0111 nor 41%--1.3eoit ",i3(;.01.11 c.,, ,otaboeia, Ontario ' 04 to VI, ' 5 the "The Slants and Qua 114 0ati,ois ADD 01awzt, Out 'ai', Britain' thero.,C kt ... ljO"Ot No,, 2, 85 Ix, 00c, 0 4 L11 r-Ct thO11Lrect; -,-A fr 3 A II -. '',...,i' t•,', ok 0,9 ,, lli1M,(4...x <31 "3 e3b11 n era1133 of ,I)'s. tt (' t 1 t3 11 111(1 Asia ±1a3t. .2!0,p;!1•1, e1 0919 2 Fie ; ec-ale.a 114,' • ; 4 --J-cinies (110410,09, ,S.'`.-,t,p ()116-, a,;0111 10301, ' I• 00116' 26 0 be, or rot. "139 1if2e. and 03.11 bit h.ii be the set -nail of 'a hvrtneta„go 01. (1 bnlni-21- iitErnanity. ; ve d 2109- 110±1051 they" F:4'1 e, the bon A ±9- 04193 Se31. ±1le15 li alt' poisitnA-SionS; 99 care abont, 317 0-13,391e2 931 911 0,719-i712c 7-101108 5493± sei and lt:Qatl" >130± 1331 ' ofolt., i 'H130001100t0 Thak,tn-Ruhrie, General Degentte, who, head1- enell array 'oll eriettpution• 311 , :Orr dIstriet:i.: 011111(09-09 wttlb a, /' ,a te lasid. I--; .% p p: l'AV± P b 1)1110 1 , 1 . i •:(.title k .!.53"1' fie.. at(d)" ' ' {lie {' bll ttOrtiO rati01:o2b- jeotK 15 yo .;;'-?J