HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-2-1, Page 1• t
.' .,:".5s•
Berl, ...01,34s13„, COUNTY COUNCIL NOTES thepoarn for 1923,
rrff.111111/11111111111111111111111111.111111111111111111111.111111111111i11111111111111111111111111111Pr:411111!IIIIIIIIiIIIIIIHIMI1111111111111111111111111 111-Y°Ij'.r-'*G 1 CIE.1:)JT
lt•oll) N 1 1T t FEBRUARY 1st 1923 2'
sAiNri,stulty As was stated in Tile r£'i/nes last , tilts Salaries iitigo schen/ 1a,3
The following grants ivere made,:
1 i ,„, n, iiirt :... .,. rtr.phreh,suer,sed'ieal.ygnee ioe, ..:Itid,,,- gof3y4.csilians.: P1:0e lel: apitemr.0 Ini•v.abe:rs 0:::"(10.terd:suliNt:acisdilelisa ' :0' ft the
1 Pi. . , , , •
11 11 ,i , ... ' . WM.: ..: .
- ,=,,,,j'''''" ' of the Trivi•tf, ;Menial:la' ,Churdli., en-
- . t - . ,-,, Co ty of Huron. The Wardeziship'
joyed a, sleighing,. pa-r1,y to Saintsbni-j,
•••••IOR , . ,
was decided -in. a caucus of the Liber-
• - , , • kr''
. , ., ......,
—,retniningthe V Sti, (1... the. SaIntsbui3;
, . ,. .-,...
. _. . • 9 for Mr Beavers and 8 for Mr
, — young people to ,bxetcr. lie Fraser -
• Douglas, of Wroxeter, on he final
jr.,c art se
v,(re eev t t
Presbyterian and tlio Saintabury
young people united in entertaining
the visitors at thehome of Mr, Free-
man Dobbs, Te; Saintsbury young
people rendered an excellent pro-
gram whiCh•was followeti by refreh-
ments and amusements. Altogether
over ninety were present and the
'spacious home of Mr:, and Mrs. Dobbs
was taxed to accomodate them. A
most enjoyable•lame was spent.
Cotton Staples 741
01.1r Stocl of Cotton,Staples for Spring is now complete. For those
= who wish to get their sewing done early we can give ,,vonderfull'Y a
ti-ve values in Prints, Cringliams, Skirtings, Gala,teas, Pillow Cottons Sheet-
ings, Flannelettes, Factory Cottons, Longclotlis,• Cainbrics etc. We have
t an enormous Stock to chose from.
„if' • t
Anderson's Ce e r•a ed
Scotch Ginghams
Gingham's will be more popular than ever for the coming season.,40'e
have over thirty patterns and colorings of the celebrated Anderson's
Scotcli,,Ginghanis in 32 in. and .36 in. width. These are 'particularly guar-
anteed fast colors. ,
The New MonarchYarns areHere.
We have the new Monarach Knitt`ing yarns in stock for spring. We
have two decidedly d.ifferent sweater and scarf yarns from any ever shown
befere. Starlight is a very fine silk and wool yarn in all' popular plain
colors and 1Vlohasyk in two tone -effects will be very popillar.-: Ask to see
these new lines': °
• -
ballot. On the first ballot Mr. Bea-
vers received 6 votes, Mr. Douglas
5, and Messrs. Armstrong and Tip -
lin 3 each. ttn council the motion
nominating Mr. Beavers was made by
= Mrs. Jas. Pickard, who lives oppos-
ite the- James Si. Church .had the
= -misfortune to slip and fall on the.icy
= pavenaent on Main St. ori Friday al-
= ternoo last week with the result
•••••• •
Lao+ :that one et her -hip- bones as
= •tnren. She :was:immediatcly taken
- to Hyndman"s Ziospital. Mrs.
Pickard in, her 136th. year and • has
vemaniltably smart and. active
for -age':
one of her ,.
Harwood: accOmpame
Dress silks
We have just received a shipment orDress Silks in the new bright •
colors suck as Poppy, Henna; Jade, Tangerine, Sand etc, These are ex-
ceptionally good values' at $2.50 yd. •
Clearing Sale of Dress Serges
We are rather over_Stocked with some lines of Dress. Serges, which
we are offering at greatly reduced prices. We can give you heavy all
wool Serge in popular colors 50 in. wide .at $1.00 yd.
NEIN. C.ANTON NETS and Draperies. Stocls. now complete for • Spring.
Dozens of deferent patterns and'prices. • •
, , , • •
, • .
, •
• . •
,D,o‘isivRA•09.K...t.„em,TESEINS. 'Beautiful Ile* patterns in English dowriProof
eor -67)1'n?"4ii.t.'reseetcr, at lower. Prices. ,
New Spring
• . .
Wall Papers
Our new Wall Papers are here. Come in and set them. Papers arta
already trimmed if you want them that way, or untrimmed if you pre -
Young Men's Overcoats at $10 00
^. See our window of Overcoats at •$10.
*Obd, of Toronto, came up on Satur-
day ,and. are 'at present visiting .with
Mr. and Mrs. W. May.
- The Adult Bible Class of .Tames.
St. Methodist Sunday School of which
= Mr. W. H.. Johnston is the teacher,
met in the church on Tuesday even_
ing for further organization:and. the
following are the officers appointed:
W. I -I. Ke'stle, President; Mrs. J.
.1-lorney, secy-trea.S.; 'Mrs. C. B. Snell,
Mrs. Wel. Johns and Mrs. Powd, sick
— • and flowe • committee. 'Co -Work -
ors' was selected as the name of the
claSs.. It was decided to have a con-
teSt: in the class to increase' the mem_
- bershipt to al. least 100 and Mrs. N.
Baker and Mrs. R. Skinner were
„chosen captains, Mrs. Skinner of, the
- Blues and Mr. Baker of ,the Reds.
...... The contest is 'to run until April 1st
and asocial evening will be arranged
at the close Of the contest.
Exeter won the first hockey inatch
with an outside team this season on
Tuesday night when they defeated
-the Hensall team,. 6_4. The game
was fast and exciting from start to
finish. Both teams are made up of
young players and they made good
showing. Hensall have played more
games this year tha,u the Exeter boys
who were a little stage struck at the
-start but they got .aver it. Tile
Messrs. Dougla'S and Armstrong.
The other aspirants who were con-
s\VidereediVi.byArtrinlestrnol:glan, boer•Es Hinullcealril;•
Douglas, of Wroxeter, and A. Tipling,
ofWhigham. .
, ,
' • The newly elected Wardell Was es-
' sorted to the chair and handed the
gavel by ex -Warden Trewartha.
Judge L. H. Dickson administered the
oa, h of office and in a brief, s h
congratulated Mr. Beavers upon be_
ing chbsen to fill the responSible and
worthy position as Warden of Hinron
n 'Warden's inaugural Address
At the very beginning of his in-
augural address Warden ,Beavers de-
clared that he'felt. that he had a• very
hard place to fill following the late
Warden, Mr. N. W. Trewartha, who,
he believed had discharged the duties
of his office' in an ideal manner. "I
will try to keep up the good work
that he has started, and if I do that
I will be satisfied, for he practised
economy, spent a great deal of time
and took considerable pains in caring
for the interests of the county. I can
but hope ec) fellow' in his footsteps,
and. thus maintain the enviable repu-
tation at present held by the County
of Huron, affirmed Mr. I3eavers.
Continuing the newly elected War-
den said that he would try to be fair
to all the members and at the same
I tithe, endeavor to conduct the coun-
Icills business in a straightforward
1:nianner since that was the policy that
Itoldsin the end.
"It is my intention,"asserted the
Warden, "to give ample time for en_
quiries; the right to ask for informa-
tion belongs to each and every mem-
ber. I hope that more time will be
given to a discussion of committee re-
ports, for, because they come in dur-
ing the latter part of the session
there is frequently a hurry to get
threngh and ' Often matters Slip
throng that the members do not Un-
derstand as they i should. That is
hardly right I 'think," affirmed the
In conclasion Warden Beavers ask_
ed for the hearty co-operation of the
members, at the same time offering
his own co-operation, so that the year'
1923 -would lie the best in the history
of the county, and an economic one
in which every dollar was.made to go
as far as possible. (Applause.)
teams are evenly matched and for the Standing Co3ninittees
first fifty minutes :was a see -saw • ,
ASO* 411•011111
= all the "way through , with Henson The following standing committees
g PHONE 32
--- one up until the last few minutes 'were appointed:
= when the Exeter boys run in three in Executive—F. J. McQuaid, Jas. F.
— a row and put tie game well, away: Collins, A. H. Neeb, J. H. Fear,
Ammaignpna'a: A CONCERT—In the Scb.00l house
of S. S. No. 1, "Osborne,- on Friday
evening, Feb. 9th, at 8 o'clock The
Bet Skaters and Hockey program will consist of Dialogues,
Pantomines, Readings and Music by
the Young People of the Hurondale
W. L Admission 25c ,and. 15c.
Players iisitonU Automobile
Ska es
Yukon. . . ......,. Klon.dke , • ..$1.00•
. • Yukon . $1...50‘
Falcon ... ... ... $2 50
• • • •!• t • Falcon . . . .
Ladies, Auto . . ...... $3.50 Men's Ante """" ..
Auto F., Alitifintirn ton; $5.00, 1305 Skates , 500`
teel. Ankle Supports
• ,
3 SIZES, $1.20 PER PAIR ,
-lockey Sticks liocke3, P 7 He S
FROM 35c. UP 1c 25c and 95
etrit's Tiardware
r cot s 7 ar
•;; ,,•; ••.'• 451".;
R J .1\11 ler.
If the boys 011 botb teanis continue to R. J. 1 •
improve the way they have we should Special—Frank Johnston, J. Taman,
have no trouble in rminding up a s OWen Geiger, John Jamiesons A.
good team for the for another . E. Irwin.
whiter. Nothing like getting a good . -
zit re F Klopp M. Ann-
tirt and we hope. that it will 4)e trong B. S. Naylor J. IVIcNab,
-s s ,
kept going. There is noreason why c. minnings.
some stars cannot be developed from
Ecination—Cha. A. Robertson D.
the material that nag be gotten a-
round here. ,Zurich is 'expected here
soon and Zurich have some good ma-
Exeter — goal, Harness; defence,
ITS'I'ARD----At Bruce/lel& on Jany LawSon and Hardy; centre, Hind;
loth, to Mr. and Mrs. 3• R. lvtgs- Wlls; 1.w. Tiernan; subs.. E.
TICKrcl'ason.ETT—I1 Goderich TP., jan'Y AIIdeRerfes°rene'—W.. Davis.FBoyle,
15th, to Mr. and -Mrs. Jas. Wm.
Pickett, a daughter.
coo pt, Tuckersmith, Jan y. DIED IN TORONTO
14th to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Coop- -Mr. Wm. Coultis, a former resi_
er, a son, (Alvin Edward.) dent of Exeter died at his home in
BOLAlsID—On Thuraday, Jan'y 11, Toronto on Thursday of last week
tO Mr and Mrs. John I3oland lIth following an illness of, dnly a few
Con of 1VIcGillivray a so clays,., 1 -le Was taken ill on the Situ-
. .
-.A1A-111-1IED • • • The 'doceaSed 'was aged 66 years and
LLE'R.--WILLERT---At Ddshwood. 11 months., He was beim in1.1ie Tp.
on January 2401 Lavina winert, of Pickering and lcaine to Ilsborne
• • • • .• day' previous With heart trouble
A. Lindsay, A. C. Baeker, J. L.
Road and Bridge—Geolge Hanley,
Amos A. Tupling, Robert Buchs-
. J. IVIcNaughton, W. r-f_rillilliiiiiiiiiiii11111111111111111111111111111111111111/11i1111/1111111111111111111111111110.1101
$1000 to each beep/tat in the co-un-
ty; $1500 to the Children s Shelter
at Goclei•ich; $4000 to tlio five 'taiga
schools in the county, to he divided
equally among- them; 100 to each
agricultural society' 25 to emcb.
School fair; $25 to each spring
stock show; $20 to each public lib_
raity„ The grant of $25 to each -I -for-
t, $
ticultUral society ,tvais cut off, $100
was granted for boys' judg'ing• com-
petition at Guelph. •
1.01 l‘ tele lie 14sseclip
ill- T 11'
1 ISs _re is 0 eineot ,
spent the week -end with
Air, and BIFS- -A. llosleilis •"'"4..".
tr, El c.'11.,tt, kiiiiiilei as (m,g.,
F. '51,:i•Vp e.o
W. 'qt.,lat'rlitr,
tyttaand a.liltt°eal.:1:1' a
stock taking Mr. Beaver wi,
been on the siclt list for
, •
weel- but is 1,.aprov1ng.-qt,
be Ql-iPealcit.leiii-ilYthee °111111.elltillilaildliasitCh
Siinday evening. , • •
• ' •• • • •• •
• Mr andMrs,13;"
• Salaries were: as folloWs: t."- •
familysPent Sunday in EXCitter`s)
Prey 'Mr. Bowen bi- Leaden'
resentattWe' of the Bible-, SacleV«
s ie91t in :the IVIethodist' charcli
Warden $100; treasurer $1650;
clerk $1600; engineer 0000 and nil -
keep of car; auditors $50 each; crim-
inal auditor $5 a day; jailor $800s
turnkey $800 with no extras.
A. deputation from the Goderich
I3oard of Educatioii waited on the
council and requested that the grant
to high schools be divided.'equally or
on the basis of a,ttentlance, but not
on, the basis of county plipils attend-
A motion was passed asking the
Good -.Roads Commission ancrthe Co.
engineer to keep the expenditures
on the roads so that they could be
covered by an assesment Of a mill
and a half which amounts to about
Iftwan County has Rest Roads
Mr. Irwin, of the Provincial de-
partment of :highways was present
and' addressed the council, com-
plimenting ilio county o11 having one
of the best road systems of any coun-
ty in Ontario and run at the cheanest
rate. He Made a comparisou of the
cos of maintaining, roads by statute
labor and by contract. In eleven
municipalities the cost per mile per
yard of gravel by stature labor was
$1.06 but in these- same municipal-.
• • •
day evening and will illtistra„,
lecture with lantern .slides..
Mr. Ted Mawhinney has ,go
Detrott. for the winter months..;„1-,-,
Mr. Alfred. -4V-tiertli , who Iiias'A)
clerk- foi,,Faist Pros). G -en.
has resigned and has accepted -a, Posit-,
tion- as clerk- with fl ZwhArit,
Mrs. Wm. Yearly who has: beeA.,"':
sick tile past two is slowly lin
proving'. ' • •
"Master•Roy.Lamport, SQ11 Of Ezra
Lamport who has been serionsly iH e",54
for three, weeks, ,we are pleased to •
report is 'recovering. •' st° • •
Mr. Godfried 'Nicholson •shipped.
a : car load of cattle to Toronto iast
.• Mr. Henry Either was in 'Zurich. ".
•on Monday •'in connection. "withthe t•
Hay Fire 1usura,n,ce C�.
Mrs. Walter Clark has retet-ned
honie from Eketer, where she has
been:spending the /last week with. her 4- •4
daughter, Mrs. A. E. Kuhn. • • s •
, • .• s
Mr. 0, Wares has moved his family • • ' et•
train London to Exeter into the resi-
dence he recently -rented on ,Ant St. se.
• •• • "
ities the cost by contract was cut to "
38 cents per yard. ,
The members of the council and •
the officials presented Engineer Pat-
terson and Mrs. Patterson with a pair
of beautiful chairs, they having been
recently married. ' • • •
Mr. Jason Bedford and Mr. Musser
of town. both continue in a very"
critical contlition.-„e
Mrs. -Burke has returnea-kine at
ter visiting in -
s .
-Detroit 'There se -ate,
tended the • frineraI,, of Mrs. Hewitt
who visited he last slimmer.
A horse attached to a caters eon -
INSTALLATION :- ' • .,, ''''.;., ,,, ..
. , . .
Oh Alon,day..Thigh•t•next, Feb Stb-•,',Iliitf,-',"
newly elect -ed ;officers of Ei-ixi-tte1- Lodge ; • „„ -,,,.
13?YD.o...,01.13.rd11:8)S11:.1.;,.h.1:-oC1:'..se:ae.,.:....'gcleVD;;c..:1Ys:...... IL,'''''''''''t
colsliocesIrns,Fpeallroti‘cytsu-l;avrtlitylt;:bpeietan:S",,failt, ale.:[;...,ri.t_c„,°\:.L.1,•:,..',,,,.,t,,,,,,,,1-'',,,I.;••-„-",,,,.i.,
Mrs.•John sin:ipso/1, 9:t '°'?i)3's,:Y'kea:t..,
,;,,..,..„.„7F---,.:- .n g ei, • aura..,.....selee ',en ..te„,. 7.-;..,:tt:1;,,i:
Mr. Milton Henry, of,•Glouchin, Aitti.
the marriage to take place early in
February iri Regina.
run for a couple of blocks on Main
street on Monday bat was stoppedes-ss-en-sssssssssisse-s-(ozsses-_-•.ssss.ssfz.etw-ssts•-„ssssssme
without any damage being done.
• The
'Dr. F. E. Bennett, President of
the St. Thomas Horticultural Society,
and a director of the Ontario As_
sociation will 'address a public meet-
ing in the ToWn Hall on Wednesday
evening, Feb. 7th, at 8 o'clock. His
address will be illustrated with sev-
eral hundred colored pictures which
have been highly spoken .bf in. the
press. Dr. Bennett is considereci one
of tha leading men in Ontario in con-
nection with flower growing. It is
hoped that there will be a large turn-
out by the people of Exeter and sur_
rounding country. There will be no
admission fee, the society bringing
Dr. Bennett here in the interests of
Is Novv Open
One Door South of
I...aemson's Jewelry Store
Open Day and Night
Ma1s45 Cents
Comity 15roperty—Thos.. Ingles, Dr, frre:
W. F. Clark, John. Douglas, Wm.
Coates, Dr. J. G-rieve.
County litonte :NT. Armstrong, B. S.
Naylor' R J Aliller J' IVIc-
Warden's Conmaittee•-•John Douglas,
Amos Tipling, W. J. Spotton,'A.
H. Neeb, 3. McNaughten.
Gootl (Roads Comnaissions-IVIessrs.
J. McNabb, E. F. l<410PP, Wm.
County Leviers By Schools
es This
• s township 'with. Iris' parents. About The levies on the cenntY 1-reasPrV = - LAsT •-
fliFE7 'WE RECEIVED A I 411,(.4t ortarra
to lheodore •
17 years ago lie retirect froin the bY tho vaeus Collegiate Institutes = -`
farin near :Elimville and int) v ed. to , - • see FOR FLOUR PROM 130TI-IWELL AND OUP.. CTISTOMEE.
- DAVIS—TUCKEY ---- In London :at • and Schools of the coutywere =
the Wellington St. Methodist pa,r at&-follo-w: Satortli, $9635.33; = , • :
whore be worked at the car-
dajiglii ter of Mr. and Mrs.
aana,ge on Jn 201;5, 33itss'i3ernie0 penter trade for -several years and top, 7677 40, Wrnghain 16931 14 ,essosED WITII TITE
Cpi,Tuckey, ago he -inovetl to Termite. to. where'. '58-• •A4elaini for a.gra,nt. of $501-95; =
• cey, to Mr Clifton Davis hen moved to Godn-03.i. Te„. years s)-1,4--LpAszs
Son of and Mrs. os. Davi, all , t on account of. the at,tendartec of TrIttr= - • •
two, sons tueroy Ches er aie - EVIDENTLY 01:511 FLOUR IS POPPLAP, IN :GIS
of Exeter on county pupils was sent in by 'Lire
1 t d TI forner is the propric
DJFt f, dri st d '11 Pitt 's Listblvel -81,001. 11,0so = TRY IT. NVE IcNO yr IT PLE,ASIti
• oniipitoyed. furssitus.0 iiincation N.ver, refer,i'e-d co educa- '
c 11 .10 c el
COTILTIS—In T01.°011t0, 011 January partractit, and these together 4t .
25th, William Coultis,.formerly of bre'ivcd wiclow, wh0c niaidenPc,' 1925
on rioil31nitte 10_
Eteter, aged 60 years and 11
--aaith':0, :was Linama, Survive.
'T'wo brothers and -five siters aleo On thOtion of 13,8, Naylor and John E
survive Henry, nd Eli, of Exeter ; DMIglaS, t' -Max, Porterfield Was =
BEZZO—In Clinton, .9n. • jan'y 19th, .s •
Mrs. Mary Anti -ezzo, widow Of
the late OttlaS. Bezzo, in her 84th
ANDREW—In Saliorth, oil Jan. 18th
Ca/hturiiie lielovecI wife of
Mrs, Jas -Kyle and MVP, J. It: a,ppoin te d as au ditor 1'. or 4623, hs
of Exeter; Mrs, W. Clarlto, ITs- was Mr, Robt, ITn, mn
igginS ootioof
borne; tankiii, EtnSlia,rd John ilaYa a' .11•71d AV111. re=',.. -
and 1\tir . 9, Othl'itS, ton d on. 1151tittittettc1D-10°,11, 9101)01011 by Wit). :77L.,74
makes the f5nk151 break the folt kation_ 3itcl Wm. JT. Coates that
i., hey 73rd year.. ,Ily, 1h033 Who prodscoased him: be, A ., -4t1, ,01e,1 1t,
t;Mis. I‘.1.111s 5, Toronto; Mrs, ClitIftitThthso 1t#40000d.to iitc; 1)) it 61
tArcbie who was called ftann and Mrs. k 1 AndrOWs, The GI ii1ii11rtm01.tott-,!**S carried, ast
honak owing to -Ole death at his slater "brothers alit stists -were present at gainst iho MoiOst; triode by D. E,
1ti1hY1 rotUrned to Toronto \V•ciies-; Cho funeral whirl( took, place In Tor.. Klopp ild C. A, bertson LIMA, Amo•
day''onto. Ttplinn and Cortitt, l5tirlcTiolnisn et'
"n'11 4 14 4'
•• .
• t
'"•• ' • , ,2J11,;:`,I,i'ilii,;LIZ,c!,,,Y,a't.'tkigLi:vi'LLA*S.,oJL