HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-1-25, Page 8ONT N T1L 1.Bfl1Y N pecial Vaines .ADIES' FUR cot.T.44.44D AND 1,31.1B.BER4Y STYLEI,COATS 317.50 256. rt''RINTS'DAIK AND .LIGHT Co4ons FOR! 20c' A YARD r 20,a FACTORY COTTON 35,1n. WIDE, -FOIt 15c A -YARD ILANNELETTE GOOD 'QUALI'llY AND. WIDTH FOR 22c YARD 25c LINEN ,AND :HITE TQWELLING, PER YARD 1g14; ARGIEST SIZE IBEX FLANNELETTE: BLANKETS FOR 32,35' PR. $2.00 STANFIELZ'S RED ' LABEL UNDERWEAR- FOR $1.60 $2,60 STANFIELD'S BLUE, LABEL UNDEIZWEAR. FOR $2.15 $2.06 wiNTE4, ,cAPs, WITH EAR BAN,DS 1:POIt $1,00, r 1 0 0 0 130"'Y'S' SUIT'S, GOOD CLOTHS, ALLASI'ZES FOR:" $6;4.9, $2.25 r BOYS' • WOOLLEls$1 PITLOVER S.WEA.TERS,, FOR ;$'''1,39 rOCery.„,Jaitgains:-. THE „TOott: 0:1911. *Reg reporttiie 0 tbe ?Eetr aet correted e r NeeelleatiftY,. Wheat 1:E Manitoba Flaiir $3:9 Pastry Viotti. 'Model Flour ,,3.3.70.. Feed Fleur' 32,00, Oats 45c Barley 600 .Bran 41,35 Shorts11`.50 'Dairy butter 38 to. 39'c Creamery Butter ,43to. 45o, New Laid Eggs 40c Lard 17 .to '20c Hags $9.60 • • , .. . .1.6c (7 CAKES CASTILE SO A.P...... ROYAL 'YEAST ... . . . .. 3 OA1(E5, 2 CANS PEAS,,OR CORN .......25c .4 BOXES SARDINES011,...,., 25e- SeIREDITITID WHEAT ............12c Gee•BROOMS rori CORN FLAKES..... .. ,[ 7 LBS. OATMEAL FOite,........25c 5 TiAlleS CODIFORT SOAP $1.00.12 LBS. SEEDLES R.A.ISINS ,...35c • xe'tcr, Ont, eete epeteliese44-eneeeeeette******00 OCAL pc'to+.049. 4,9 *41 et SPECIAL NOTICE—Read Mrs. W. D. Yeo's Advt. in another Column Call Early-- ER 11MES rill' the Churches C/AYEN PRESBYTERIAN CITCROI Rev, Jeitriete Pewter IL A., lipnieter 10 a,m,—..Sunday Szhool and. -Bible Classes.. 11 i• rue Iiieoutrovertiblo ings," Mood" The Minister en and Worrier). of Italian The lvlinister. onda,y evening Boy Scouts 11 meet s'•• ,nuary & February Sale ecial Our Stock' is the Largest an 0' Most Upto-Date 0 Conductor of Funeral Service Motor Hearse arid Horse Epuipment Me. and Mrs. A. E. Kuhn were in 1„,onclori Tuesday, Miss Ila ,Johnston left last week for Rochester, N. Y., to visit with her uncle, / , Mrs. Ed. Harness spent the week- biid» with hee sister, •Mrs, E. Oeseli. —Zurich Herald. You can't tell by tlie size of the car howsmuch the owner may owe his groeer or his printer. There were 46,700 acres less of fall wheat sown in Ontario last fall than the previous fall. e Mr. W. R. Flake's many- friends are glad to see him out again after his recent serious illness. Mr. Archie Towers who has been very seriously ill with pneumonia, is sstill in a ceitical condition. Mrs. A. Walters left this ;(Wednes- day) morning for Bra-nefol.d, where she will be on an extended visit. A' rich meri is one who can reach into the drawer with his eyes shut and get a pair of socks without holes. Since 'the discovery of the Cobalt sieyee mines in 1903, Ontario has produced over 313,000,000 ounces of silver. Mrs. Win. H. Dearing is "visithag for a fele days with ,her sister, Mrs, P. Humble in Sarnia, also in Port Huron. Dr. Kinsielan and Harry Trick were in Stratford 'Tuesday night attending the , Ketcliener--Stratford hockey match. -- PHONE 74J; Night call 7eW Await& ARM FOR SALE -100 acres, be-- ieg lot 25; Con. .2, Usborne _Tp".. •On Jle premises are -brick house in goad.' condition; 'frame barn, over - lowing spring; "7 acres .of orchard; land is, well -underclrained -10, acres _ , of tall wheat in; 3.5 acres of fa,11 nionghing done, balance seeded. Ine-' mediate possession. Apply on,nrem- es or. -to Ed. I(estle„ lot 13, con. 2, seeene, R. R. 1, Centralia.. • Tos. It Cook, who is Sarnia's Mayor for 1923, and who on Nov. 16t 22, celebrated his,. 5'0 -years of res- idence in that city, -waS born at Var- na, and "completed JLis chool days ;It the old middle ward school, the ate Win. Sinclair' being' his last tea- , Tnc decision of the suit by Mr. Ted 111ittleliolL against the" Township of 1 -lay for damages suffered by flood- • ing •last summer, and which was heard liefore Judge Lewis, at the Div- ision Court, in the Town Hall, Zurich, , last fall has ,been received by tire Clerk.. Mr. W. L. Seibert. The of Hay is to pay Mr. Mittle- . holt& $60 and costs. Tior if..rertit, TIMES Subscription rate, $1..e0 a year. ADVERTISING. RATES Display Advertising—Made ketawe DU "application. • Stray Animals—One insertion 50e three ineertions for $1.00 Fe,ran or Real.Estate for sale etec each irisertion forone month ef foul insertion'. • ediseellanOoue articles of not or than -five lines, For Sale, To Rent. Wanted, -each, in"sertion 50e. Lost andiound locals 25e. * , Local readirig notices ete., 10c per line per inserti,e,n. No,. -nptlee- les° than 25e. Card Of'Tiattankfg*50e. Auction sales $3 for one inserteee and $1.50 fee each subsequent in- sertion if under fl,Ve inches -in length, _Legal advertising 100 and 5e s thee., Cutter fo Heaman. sale. Apply to W. J 'FOR SALE—A pair of young la- dies' hockey skates and shoes. Size 3. Apply at Times Office, MO „ es Olen MOTTO: 16 cmXcEs TO THE POUND. WE SELL TO ASE. OUR SUCCESS IS DUE TO THE HIGH QUALITY, OF e ' OUR G()ODS COMBINED WITH SERVICE AND CIVILITY, JAMES STREET AIIITITODIST CHURCH Rev. M. J. Wilson, ILA„ fleeter. EDUCATIONAL ANNIVERSARY James Street Methodis't. Church Rev. J. W, Hedley, WA.. Goderich, , at ' both ,services. Sabbath School at, 3 , ij; UMW. illi(UARY 2 000111110.011001111111010011ffillintutwitoonliffiffilitiOtplinitinwifiiiiililliquiuntilwiffil, . . PHoN,A PHONE 1.84. MAIN ST. METHODIST ,CHURCH Rev. GOo.,,MCAlister, M. X! (Phone 21, r3.) 11 a.m.—"The Palin and Cedar" • 3 p. m.—Bible Scheel Classes for all. p.m. --"They are not Church :Go- ers" BETHANY AV..G., H, McAllister. SALVATION Altefie SERVICES. Services -as usual next Sunday. Capt. T. IlObbins• own. etee Only 1g lett to choose from but every coat a good style, made from plendid cloths and exceptional value, at the price we ate °tiering theni, 10.()() $12.00. $15.4311).' •••1111k.. Ibex - Flannelette Blankets Largest size and best quality in grey- or " White with pink' or. blue borders at'Per pair $2.89, =WWI WON= .1•0111111S, ew Circular Pillow Cotton. 0 Thttoenrse‘p iws le vb-eer Yhigher indicationinitihcaet. Theseare good values at per yard 50c 55c and 60e AUCTION 'SALE. — Of Cutters, • . Sleighs, Robes,' Haeneese'etc., Tues- day, -Jany. 30th, 1923, at ehe,Centea,1 Hotel, Exeter, WM: I-Riegert, Prop. TO HYDRO USERS OF EXETER - The hydro power will be tiff from one- to five p.m. on Sunday, January, 28th. O Mrs. T. Eliott returned-hcime Sat- urda,y •evening after visiting for a month with relatives at'' Flint and Marlette.. ° Ileeek Moffat, of Ingersoll, visited Mr. W. C. Davis on Saturday and attended the funeral of Miss Davis. _ "Joy"ca're-eh in the'moining " sang the Psalmist. Batelle didn't live in these northern clime; -ned have to make the fires. - ' Mr. W. Greenley has puechased a lot of land. from Mr. John Hind and expects to erect a dwelling on it this corning summer. • t ". lefe. and Mrs. Richard Hill, of,Cred: iton, have returned home after a three week's visit withefriends end relatives M Michigan. ' e Mr. Gordon Wells returned to Wincleor Tuesday after being called/ home to attend- the funeral of his sis- ter-in-law, Miss Ruby Davis. T 1-leney,Forcl, who is termed as the richest man in :the world, is bein.g boosted for the Presidency of the United State inthe coming eleetian. Mr. J. T. Morgan was in London last week consulting a specialist with, reference to trenble in the cheek bone.' He went down Monday to un-, dergo an. operation. A thaw accompanied by a light • ram visited thie section. OR, Saturday last. •The weather ' turned cold on Sunday and the streets were quite slippery for, walking. O .Mr. ArehieDhvis, of Toronto, and Dlr.:and DIeen-Gerclon Wells, of Wind- a81)cla accountwere o f thliee'dd e'ha°tIlhleP flatshleaweek ' r sister, Ruby Ruby Deeds, and they are ,remaining far a few days. " *Miss Kathleen Heaman enterteined a hember -of hee,young friends to a sleighing party on Tuesday evening ',.f.olldwed by refreshments at her 7 home. A very jolly time was spent by the -boys and girls: • , On FrideY last while drawing iced at the river the team and loaof . Rd. Davis broke through into sev- eral feet of water:- yIt was neceseaey to unload befor the • horses and , sleighs .could be got att. Mr. Wm, Abbot's two pens of Ro k chicken have r,e,ac,hed 150 eggs n day averaging 11f1/2 doz. a day 'through the zero weather.These are Mr. Abbott's breeding pens for the com- ing seaSon in baby chicks. See advt. on_ page 3, ichiliello Tea 69c a 1.13 SOLD ONLY IN THE DOMID ION STORES QUALITY ANI.)ANI.)FLAVOR UNEQUALLED TRY IT aple Leaf Salmon half 27c, lb 49c. ACI -I SLICED acon 37c01b. 'PATTERSON'S SODAS 15c apound SPECIAL PICNIC ams 22c. I "R I 4 MOUNTAIN CREST V unes 2 lbs - gee ',fee.: et; The ice harvest ie .about completed. The ice this Year has been of an ex- cellent quality and it lies, been har- vested on sleighs, as the sleighing has been good at -times. Mr. Tlioe. Willis of Centralia,* who secures ice for the creamery, at Exeter was able this year to fill. his ice house with a out 100, loads, °- while last year, wr en the ice was teamed on wagons le required over 160 loads. WEINee•COLLTNG,W0()D Ladies' - Neck Vests All Wool Blankets E GoONIK. In,. Beautiful quality all wool blankets frorn one of the best mak- ers. Ib. size $9.50, 8 Ib.size $10,50 New Galateas Everyone kndws what a good wearing cloth this is. The new patterns are here. Per yard 35e Good'winterweies;he with V neck and short sleeves. Extra value at per garment 75c._ White Flannelette 35 inches 'wide. A good weight 'cloth and if -bought at te-days price would be 30e a yard, priced at per . WALL PAPERS yard 25 c:R S , It is a good time to buy your Wall Paper. We have a number of room lots' that we are clearing thismonth at very low prices: Ask to see them E. 3. CHRISTIE LIFE, ACCIDENT, FIRE AND AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE EXETER, ONT. e Phone 119 O A quiet wedding was solemnized at dames'St Wlethodist'-d parsotege , on ' • --- _ Wednesday efteenoonetIanne,ry 17th, evhen Miss Tillie'Collingeyood, dangle - of Mr., and Mrs'•Wen Colli.ngwood ;was united in marriaid toeMr. „Chris ,- tian Wein," of Stepheneethe ceremonY being perf,ormed by Rev. •Wil- son. The bride and gredin were Un- attended.' -clieSTRY MEETING The Annualz-VeetryAlteeting. of `the Teivitt Memorial Church was held ori Monday evening •of last 'week. Mr: , Wethey, financial Secretary, presented the •report, which showed the fenancial conditioned _the church to -he in a healthy state. -The church werdens, ,-Walter Cunningham andO . Winer; were reelected for an- other year. Repents presented by all the church orangizations. the Su11- day,8dhool Ladies' Guild 'Girl's Aux= iliare- and ,Junior_Auxiliery,, showed, a •very flourishing condition. The 0Rector -reported ;thee there were 83 families in the cengregetipn, with a total of 31' souls, and that he 'had made 503 visits during the year. A strong committeew , as appointed to raise a sufficient sumOf money to put the chiming aparates in the tower in thorongh worlting order, and -to Pp e - tect .the tower -frombirds nesting therein. R. Murphy was elected as Lay Delegate to the ,coming ses- sion' of the Synod, with Adam 'Case as substitute. • Messrs. 0. Ge Ward and W. R. Complin evere elected aucl- - itors. The department or 'agriculture 3 concluctmng %a short course in the management of sheep in :Parkhill on January 25 and 2e. Though ha -ailed to two days the course will include every operation in which the shep- • herd takes part, and also a' judging competition in judging live sheep, and carcases. The following speakers • will give addresses: Jae. A. Telfer, district sheep promoter' for ,Western Oiltexio; W. C.' McConnell, wool gra- der for the Dominion Live' Stock 13rancli; W. G. McMullen and W. J. Howard, both of 'the "Dominion, Live Stock Branch. A "siiiillar course Will be held at Clinton' January 30 and 'I lie embargo on soft coal and coke Shipments on a par,eibre of the Pen- nsylvania Railroads' " which was ie force for several clays last week, was Mr: E. Heideman u e he latter part of the '°Ille I lifted at midnight an. Monday. Coal week from Tor- will.,inow lie accepted ?rem the mines onto, where he and Mrs. Heideman ' , 1 1 , the area effeetect, which is -were caller' owing to the serious 1112 il , _ I far shipment to po' it. ' C • i ' daughter, MCS)-,DnInia,) „ i L. A an ,r-Lriatur. /fess of their Tile removal of this embargo will Heideman. Sire has been receiving _ , _ __,„, ,....L7_,...., treatment ,,,, ut .,.. nav-o tile effect of relcr'yin.8' tor <-1 '• ' er crade1,1111,1.1 au,' e!',,,lete-Y,„fue___eee'_'ee ' arient to Ontario many carloads of °11- i 1")ri .'"'' ''''-'1Y1 an'Y itill'i U 7 e"' soft coal and col- 1 ' li ..' ti O 1)..lit, Norman Wallace Wade, sort of 'Iong wny: Cowarie'll-weill,ilcig 'Ir,tol E. lita°3,ao (T.,4,..0-rri<33.0',,11,)dy,, l‘lrrse.•(. ll'oaicr,..ence..151-_, NV'acl„ °,< a 'up for the shortage or atithr act te '1 1 , 11 1 fltIllatlaY of Teel, The eirilittrgo or this 'oat' ' ag '''' - aolct aged 19 'Src1ars, 6 ra011,tha and i anfiliracite', Shipinlentswal 8 ria'isertn't3011it lays. The deceased was a tie,PteNv i e'e ' i , e • ic "t, 01:1 tAirri 4 t lotrielld ort. th.fpr ay such wa ol'' Mrs. O. C1'11 ' ' ' '''re' IlesallY l'ast, blIA' 'ot much c I retell. ...r.e, has y'r3i t.e(! '111 E.:: Le cour4irr Tstfr, J'aFt."'jec re • L1tt1 ei11lvoo had ,litt' , 'or!. Oriteei,e's DV se ,et to te, •e. Fur Coat for Sale—Raccoon Coat, good quality and in good repair. price $55.00.• Apply ate Times 0 ffiee " FOR SALE—New Elgin Bach, Cute " ter -in good condition Apply to W. J. Statheni. , , For Sale—Barn, square etinebee,• frame, 24x36. ' J: .8. Harvey: • " HOTISE FOR SALE, On Huron Street, block and a 'half east of. Main' etieet,_ frame house in good condition. - Apply to ,. LOUISE,SWEET. - Kindly notice that I carry a com- plete line of Die Murray's ,Stock and .Poultry FoOdeeencl Remedies. • Stock efid Ppultry, a"pure Mineral food,' net ordinary stock food. Special races given if cllledfor atthe house. .• R nance, Gidlev St. Eieter , R. B. O . •' PROPERTY FOR SALE Consisting of house, stable and. 'lots of land,esituated in Exeter North, on Main -Se. Apply to H. Bierling, Hay, P.O. HOUSE FOR SALE On Main Street, a brick house in good- conditionApply to Reginald Knight, Eleeter.: Persons wanting 31' .h chicks should leave- their order now. Best possible • bred -to -lay Rocks. Wm. Abbot, Exeter., TENDE,RS eVANTED , Tender for suppeying 2 ft. wood, beetle or maple' teethe Thaines Road Preebyterian'chueeli will be received -by the secretary,,tii to Monday, Jan'y 26th, at 7 o'clock pan.,.Woodto, be delivered on oi- before April else, Ed- gar Monteith, Sec'y, R.R. No. 3, Exe- ter. FOR SALE—Yorkshire, hogs neady or service. 'Togs 5 months old. Sows bred and some reedy to"breed; pedigrees furnished. Breed for the select type., , Chas, Harveer, 'phone 78 , , 1 SUITS FROM $.15: TO $io •OVER- 'SWEATERS FROM - $3 TO $7 UNDERWEAR FROM ' $1 To $2 COMBINATION UNDERWEAR FROM $4 TO $7 MUFFLERS ,FROM $1.50: TO: $2.50 . , FOM $1.00 TO $2.50 - TIES FROM, 50c - TO ,$‘1..5,() BRACES FROM 50c TO $1.00 • .:GARTERS FROM ,25c TO 50e SLEEVE' H.OLAERs. FRO1VI" e5c TO 50c , SILK, LINEN AND -.L:A.WN SOCKS IN SILK, WOOL AND LISLE HATS , FROM $2 TO $7 , O CAPS FR9,..1`-'. 50c TO e2.5'0 - PHONE 8 sneer. -- ANDY EASTON Licensed Auctioneer for the Come; ty of Huron Correspondence arrange - men& for"sales.ean beemaele by call- ing 'up the Central"Hatel, .Exeter. Charges moderate, satisfaction 'guaranteed. • ANNUAL MEETING ISSBORNE & ITIP,BERT muTITAT, FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Notieeis hereby given that the , Annual meeting of the thern.bers ot'1 the 1118borne and Ifilibert Mutual CIIIII,0PRACT011 & 0 re'Instrrance Company will he held mt 8 eovec o Ma hall, Farquhar, Monday, Feb, ruttry. 5th1 1923, at, 1 p. m.' for „the south of yem,c_A_ purpoee of roceiVing the reports of •. Directors and Auditors for i,ftlie past yerir and for the electii dr.ttivai DI- rootol a ncl ,i,NV 0 A 11„dittin llflcj f or any other business. • The leirecepre Wile,se te ot office xpires, brit, 0.4,p,11gthle for re - 1 loll are., lestie aite- jelata FARMS FOR SA*LEI —A. few' choice. farme. 'in the Townships' ef,' Usborne, Tuckerernieb. and ,builelings and well located 'aesto imar- kets.'" Priced right. ApPly to. Thos. 'Ca•mareet, Aube., Box 15-4, lexetern Dr. John Yard . TURNITTI'LL ecreteree • er, January 23, TQTAETR 11,,Sf.,Exe IONE 7 orse Liver 'HORSES ee • 1-t 1 L TIM1P 38 CARLINO _B. Barrister, Solicitor,, 86c., • Loans, Investments, Insurance,' Cele -ice, Carling Block, Mairi Se. Exeter • „A. L. TENN4ANT 'Veterinary Sttrgeon •, Office—IVIcDonnell's Saies Istab,.2s ore John St. Phone calla recCive pronepf attention. :Phone 26w LET IL ELLIOTT. °verbal'. your .Suits and'O'doat, will take those Spots off of them, and will 'make thein look like new:• .I.t1 you keep your clothes :pressed yotr„ vill save money, also do dying and dry cleaning, . Aiwa3r8 at, your servIce. Prices t� Suit,- the custorcer G .-CLA.SS INVESTMENTS RNEST ELLIOTT 931;(11'/Z.);teyso: e t I check books Main Street, ureter*. ffice, tkl „