HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-1-25, Page 7IP"
sroi t' arservani lbal€h that,
laimanity, is burdened, with lithe • loin
. .
disorders ot tine liver stOnlaCI, Or bow,
if you are feeling 01.11. of sOrts 11/4-110
pains' la the Stoitaach, esposiolly.. after
eating', sour °stomach, bilious. Spills,
. sick 'or bilious lierifiaeltes, heartburn,
water brasif,-etri,, you *11,011311 11111:e a -,f1-.11W
1d08OS Of 1\1111)111'4'8 La:x...1-Liver
'nay yi1l liven up the liver, regulate
the botyels, and tone up 1,lie sten-Latin
Mr: T. C. Millman iliglieate, Ont.;
/vritest--c liaVe had liver trouble arid
pains in tile •stoinach." :for, a lohg,' time -
Ito 1/so-your 111,1i1bu1n's Latta-
.iPills arsl, in a short time Itici
,a, they were Ifeliiing are, Now •I
would. not IA without them and can.
of, /,ecoinmerid. item 100
- •
Milbutah Lifxo-Liver Pill are 25e
a vial at all dealers OT niailed. clirect
on receipt of Price by Tito T. Alliburn
Co., i-draite.d, Toronto, 'Out. .
uNDU0.1" I3,Y PROF, BlErk1FiY G. BELL
The object of this dePal'tnientIs lo Plaoe at the ser:
vice or our farm readers tbe advice of an acknowledged
authority or all siMjects pertaining to soils and crops.
'Address all questions to Professor Fleury G, Bell, in
esre of The Wilson Pu1lishtio9 CarnParrY, Toroto and r:
etiyarvealrilecalipveead'i: thheins ovvorlivtiminrig orrryiieer
kndly n
Con thts PaPer. As spaceiS limited it is adv,isawe where
Immediate reply le necessary that a stPod arld ad-
dressed envelope be encleAeci with the; question, when
the answer will be niailed direct,
LoPYri by 'Wilson Publishing Co., Limited.
C, E. S.: ---Have no silo at
but plenty of good timothy hay, with young chickens consists of. a mash
t f
snail amount of clover in it corn foil -1 mixture ef two parts by 0
der and oat hay, with grain. I feed ground corn, three parts bran and one
eat hay mornings, corn stalks cut up part meat scrap. The mash is fed
at noon and timothy at night. Am also three tines daily until the chicks are
tee...Jug my mil cers beets; carrots, or rout weeks old and than the nan,dure
cabbage with their: grain, as long as is kept before the chicks in self-'
they 'last. My stock, young, ••stick 4n feeders.
present Ansivert-A satisfactory ration for
- Particular,- are, eonstipated. Can ,you
F1'0111 third day .until tbe.fourth
„ „ week the chicicS are given.conatant arT7
...Udder 6.11mont.- of caws 'mares sowS
nitetiites. riatieh preVentable,
is riot Orzpen'sive to'cle it. Fist and
niostirnportagt 'of all Single things is
• • r.
.In."'Order the udder clean; the
ltePt if a glean -,Plade:
,he .-should'nOt be allowed to live in
•own filth. Besides, the,. udder
should occasiOnally be .w,ashed: with
soap and water. The animal should
be lions•ed,in building that is Proper-
-v„entilated and tv,e1.11 supplied. with
would help this ,candition't I have oess to t of dry bi-an
iven rro di ft I d
g me o ne 0 i nY .
a roug .
Answer: ---The bes,t Suggestion that Dirring theqfirst two weeks -a
I Can make' is molasses to the extent' is fed -daily made from ecirm."'"Ps:rts'o'l
, ,
o ,ene iee ppm). s ,per ,ayi the mash- iiiiiture. and' infertile eggs.'
per head, molasses is cheap and you boiled for about minu .es
can save grain. Diliite with water and gund tbrcmkb food grinder. -
put it on the corn fodder and oat hay; aaclted corn is also scattered on
Yon anig-ht try cutthig up the corn paper twice daily during the first few
fodder' about 24 haul's ahead cind -wet- days of feeding but later it is given in!
fresh air: 1 -ler bowels should t2 kept
open. 'D•sily' exercise is a. siniple and have e..-qUan'tity:Of bran or spent -hops self-retaining milking. tube , in-- each
placed in and around the udder, the teat In case u•ppriration•takes place,
allow -the. e.P,, an would- seem: c e
trig it With 'inoil4sse'&.ancl'yiatei,;.- • It the jitter when ithe.-cl-ncks, learn to
will heat some lf , left in the warm scratch for hr. Grit and water ,are
Stable and this will soften -up the rod- provided at ,all tames.
der and make it niore palatable. This method of feeding is continued
E. E. 13.: -Please give nie a good until. the pullets reach Maturity., when
ration for young' chickens they should be given it laying ration.
sT:ally effective remedy for sluggish
howel diet is als_i a big
facto r: in pre.veriting /adder ailments.
In cows congestion of ' bile udder
, , .
(Garget) is very common in heavy
Hikers. Before rind just after calving
_it is
it rule' that the mammary gland
‘• is enlarged, hot, tenser:and tender, and;
that ,a swelling may extend forward
'from the gland on the lower•sUrface of
the alidonsen- viva 'or three days
the secretion of inilk has been
estabrished, the calf „•allowed fa suck,
or thraugh hand -rubbing, i,his Tr:yelling
Congestion -of the udtler may merge
t C), active inflain.rdation with. expos, -1
ure to, cold or wet with standing° .in.a
colcitlitrift, with blows to the Udder,
mmUlici.s; overfeedhigtion' rich' f o o'er,
.or tstith insufficient stripping of the
, ,
udder -in mil,kilig• In tile Period' of
the organ'is SO susceptible,
that any. •serious distrubance' of the
general health is liable to fall upon
The symptems, vary in ca. 'ere:at
mal :shivers, the surface of the body!
lid. legs 1)econiei cold,' alter which!
there is a flash, of heat, sonie' fever,
asoick 'bre-arliing. loss 'Or appetite, and
less inilk the_initit flow iray be
inive•ly sus,pended in the tiffeeted
t,r quartertd
.1\Ja!nntitis occuirS in two formis: In
ilie )1151.deS11 r0f11it is 4 to, the
iperfiCia structnres of -the gland, '
whilc in the -other-form the interior of
e-,rriant,• is a ected/
The treainient should be iirafrapt and
energetic, as the -longer the case is
h., h art..an Zartlf,$), 1 1931
- Ch..rge.ti!..ern that are rich in thi* preaen
t be not tilfriiininded, nor have their hope
n.11. ce':41h1t3t of riches, hut on God, who giveth
all things to enjoy, -1 Ti in. 6: 17 (Rev. Ver.).
1. Th f
ric144•;ed, et flito (121tei4or sr eon-re:110"7`ereidif:, u 1.1'2e)
, „
1,7, 1P‘,/t, e e rid, man „ fa aquersocat .80,0,Inthtehalitl snught bel.,tr ye. ypietvitse,only
s ribirriclantly satisfied. Ile l -as it ful suggest its'elf-to Dives when be
enlVb.C)1.t'f:42).tillleePtvsed;c:ii and y.ou
secure is- his. There is nothing to imply great gulf fixed. Tills is tbe reali'rea-
that the wealth has ,been. wrongly. son far refusal. This life is the .ti-oie
b 'd if '
'for • 1'1 '
s.r. rine future life
Vs. 20„ 21, A certain beggar named has no such opportunit,ies, Dives lias
Lazarnm This man is leprous, He is bad in grtat opportninty. I -Ie ignored
hungry. He is ronely. There -is a gulf it, -The ,consequences of a life
betiVeeli G..e.., expe,ien,e of the two are irrevocable. This is the y.,h4.),e
men, but the gulf r.riglit have been point of the parable. We reap as we
crossed by the rich man, bad be had sow. TJazara- was the -rich man's op -
love for lilit fellows It was not an imitunity on earth. He is its con -
impassable gulf. 'Laid at his, gate.: deinnation: in heaven,
The rich inan could not plead ignor- I Vs. 27, 28. Send him to niy father's
ance. He saw .Lazarlls every day.house'lave live brethren This
red with the crumbs. The Orientals request . of. the °
ch man seerns ono
used no knives or forks. T ey wipe that does him. ero,ult, Ile is solicitous
thecir fingers on Pieces of bread -which for the w_ellare of his brethren. He
were thrown (Mt 011 the street and seeks to save them from his fate. But
gelii)ured„;ebY, beggars or de,gs. The behind it there Hes fl subtle insirnia-, ‘•
dogs . .11 iced .his sores. The only tion that if he had had a clear and
ministr3.7' (YE kindness he received Was tinn,ostakable warning while on earrh
from' the dogs which were regarded as alb:Mt-the- .dangers of „selfish-AiVealcil,
unclean aninlaqs. t. The eastern deg -he Might have- lived 'a• different life
was the village. scavenger. The sin' and avoided his present.fate. •
of the -rich man' ts the sin of 'neglect ' V: 29., have Moses' and the
ne,flid not build a bridge between hini
prophets. Abraham's arisWer is that be
and. Lazarus while it waspossible to himself has had in the past, and his
do it.
4 brethren, have ;now in the present, ell
II. The Gulf That,Camiot Be Bridged, the warning and; teaching that iS„rfee-
' 22-31. essary for life. In the- law.- and th
' prophets the full duty ,of, Iife "laid
V. 22. Tlhe beggar died .. Abraham's
bosom. Abraham's bosom" was down. The...necessity a love for God
°fle and man, tbe-results of sin are clearly
of the Phrases by which the Sews de- set forth for him who is wining to
scribedtbe future state of blessedness.
Tpohviserbtlyes'rudtribesescal?ses bot ibli7,acuhs`ler.aofatheisr. Tgllvieeyilheead.:e :nth; fitivi; ee bpreeetil:raes1.1 have
r tehpe
law and the prophets to instruct them.
The' name Lazarus meant God is m
it 1
roen ounr
• ° e'Y
h d te „.h th portunity as he had his in Lazarus. Raising the Health Standard in 1
ly •moist 11-fy pouring upon them hot pus to escape freely. Belladonna oint - eharater of 'the ,beggar. had not
branor hops should -be kept co t t t t b et' t
, t xis ;an. - par s taus e open o
el V..30. If one went ; „ from the dead,
they. Willrepent Once again the rich.
. • .
man p.'deads, for himself, while plead-, Firs.t the Institutes can do much baked beans, custards., scalloped pa-
ing for his brethren,. Once again, in their, regular meetin,gs through -41,toes, etc., are all easily iirebared,
Abraham' says that not lack df knowl- their papers 'diseusisions and demon- and have as, their foundation ,thillt,
'edge, but lack e," f_wrillingness..lies 'at stnati'ons on foods and .their, ;vallues. which SO essential. There are moll,e
the root ,Of, 11,, If,Lazarus in 'life closts We- niust remember. that -very, ftW of children. suffering frork 'malnutrition
not awaken. pity, -Lazarus from the us are domestic 'science graduate; we than. we realize,' We've got to think
dead -cannot' swaleil fear. Must reinerniber, alto, that the large about this; •
majority did.riot have the. opportunitY A Hot 'School Lunch for Winter Days,
of attending ether than it „public The following is, a brief 'account of
school; so 11 is hoperl-that as members the methods employed iii earring d°
of the Woinen'.s Ins•tittritee this in,' Hot Schoti,1 Lynda in a riralhohool i
.foriniation will be brought tei: them in Renfrew _county, .-Tho °Hot Liubch was
feasts , with him. friends- be Parimer-s the sitnples.t but IITOStt ca way' tried Out for ,seven nienths in 1920 21
s - • .
himself with luxuries and deIleacies!'; Possible. ' ' • so fha,, winter -Ai -1,S kne.w
hau171y,::,eruttlYhellihsadbaitiboitbad.saiht'isof7erostilePeaas11: 'nit* atlo-n,s" ";..ro.pe.r" I -co' us- 'Th. e• te'ac: he'r d'ecided ''On
The Science.... of Eating, „ The Just -what to d,o ,and when to do it.
sion:n6 feeling of brother'ne°d",f°1-bis ing,T, :Sanitation ,a,n't1 Ventilation',' are the hoc dish Tor 71.".:xt Jay
hungry, n d - ' It. tl , • •
bright glory, of Jesus that lie not only all, subjects which concern' the home dren brought milk tam Their ,
',poke great things, but l.ived, them and, and those Vjititin the Thiii is luneh was 'different every ei•ay.,,that
died for thetn: be'liatli borne the woman's' resP-Onsfoility. -"It is also they never lis.,t1 the same thing on 't•Wo
f our grief,s,' and carried"trur „Sorra-Yrs." ,her' op•parbuniltY: cansectifive days: Rice Seatthiperl
"Christ pleased not 'himself." And, if Then, tvfe- fin& that -with a high- tatoes, baked beans, pea seup, vege-
t the study a this le.ss°n does noll'tiVke :er *alltdard of ,hea-Itli in the licanethaitt table soups; tomato Soup custards
all-m.ero tender: and Pitiful, ',more la higher. standard or were favorite To ri,„is 1,11d
t "s,en§:itrive tialother peoples trbubles, we '
the school. You will find ,again that .two boys vrere appointed. each week,
have somehow .cheatea cur -souls or the
the subject",of...1-1eariadu...th.t" ,40-.0-01 Is an'(1. each had his.and N
ce that CI -1:st prr/ one; .°
ontoe verye, in which.the. women aiefnic• Le .equired
tea i1 "Wthee.-e'l)lisrs terested than the "nen- That 1.§ -the opencl rnuch time fram-their,.7
and;,torment, for souls who litre in 'this reason we V,I1arpt women truste-e, and lessons. A littie experien.ce taught
life :selfish indiffeitenee to needs -of we didn't' went to disparage -the worit them just exactly the amount of heat
sufferingTeople about -us. Read Matt., of the .men tatstees; they look atter required M tlisistove, whieh -was a box "
25,.,specially the latter part o it. the material side , ei5r. There has stove The elrf e-ok- and t'le boy
Such wo:ds of Jeam_., ouid beer, ;se nrue.h s•aid, in previous conven- assist:a:11h% 'wore -aprons, the latter Simi.
into- thoirghtfulness. ' Now have we tios,s eiout .e„1-ro,0.1 Medical insp•action iiar ,style and .materi0 to a gr„,..
derialriinsgt ihat is.,ito,need of adding any- cer's aprorp. At 12 noon ,cack pupib
to; his. cern/nand,' 'and, theY .will thingfurther, except to urge the Die- pliaeed a square of -oil cloth his
all be pa,s,t, and cannel: be recalled. It, trieti to take the matter up and try desk, then went and wasked„his bands, .
is a eehe.ring thought,. - the School Nurse. There will not on..ly using ,towels„. While pupils
be improvement. in the /16afith of, the Were washing the boy waiters had°
ke • 11 - '1 •inorial
Ity. as, to resistance. standard •
bhn .bat 'eoflvthhet'll:onal ° ‘aviikdi
changed: every "d•aY It is economy to be I'll- '''s-e-aL
I want to say just" a word about the perlorniing this rite the beYs did
give" the ulcerated part abshlutie •:""rest.„
: 'llot tuneh in the sChaol. This has not object taking it as a mattel-
f.,,,rone,,boyond t.ho To stage. We ha-ve cours.e. After ail 'were through, one
The *itihing may yielit, tenipoiarny
totlie ;of 00,1, water„to-z,,,, 'tried ,it oat in sleve)ml- sehoeds in Piled the !di011es and:breught -them
lotion, containing; • eampher, °' tar° .or Soutti-Renfro'w'and it has Proved' very to the -table, one washed, ti.ne (11-16.,
-restore' a. go,00 eirevlation so, t"h„,i, s'arY .1t2tensilS at the start. -Soups, rice, of time for play,
the whofe barb,. brext. give. special a 1,0
artteniron to, the affected par,- Nutri- The ration; that blood .sow re-
ttion May' be encoirraged by daily tries- ceives in•the,winter .and.the last' half
sages. Improved reaCtion may he eh- of the ;period in which. she is carrying
'Ta clean the StrIliney,fu
tabled ra,v.hathing the parts twice daily her litter -will largely determine tht. '
in ,eoid water_ ancl. following this '1),,,,-,sri.m.gth of, the pigs lAi?n, the"are IA'3,;11:9ethe edrrirea, 7de
active: rubbing: , .1?roteh Hon/ slforild• .b -e born. and the sitecess that she will haVe
dry; do not put 111 a pia:0e hat enough
given by . special clothing;, as when farrowing. , A -1.0,meIt the solder. When thoroughly
iuxi gloves for the limris and woolen Sows need same 'legunie oy, take stiff ,b,rusrp,,, and brc„,s13"
stockings for the feet. Nothin,g, °these alf-alfa is Sat the -best, but,
be, Warr Li on.
That lucky felloW Who v4on the fir.st 'in a i•aciii° the :19t: This Pro-
prn-e tlie coin show asnst the ono vittes much of tile mineral requirementTLY
who went down ,the crib° to seleet the ration! 'Wheit'sniee this methed
4e Pare- heing exereised not to sca. , men "as a use u., appyti ion o, SU ue elosSt.t:Iiheis rstabil'?:111„11`ellulshP:dv,eir-tosYt ahnide,Itinig'ehTiY's '
• •
the patient. As. inuelt milk as pos-. pain.. Phytolacca ,and- lanolin is an-
... . .; wealth. :.The rich °Irian also died, and-
sible •sli-ould be drawn off from. the in-. other.,uSefAl..:external -remedy fot. gar- ., .buried. Rich and poor share jui
.flamed eland; and She ,shouldbe milked get,' s. If. theparts..;:lre indkfral-kd and' the saine.great experience: ' ‘'
evert] ;Aro :or three lMtirs., not Terget- hard,apii1.3;•,.eonipound iodine ointment ., .1,7-. 23 in hell '. ., lift 'up hiS eyes
. • , . , . , ,
tine the benefit: Of gentle hand -rubbing .11, gangrene OceurS, the unhealthy'tis- Paitd., in Hades," the Unseen world o
. V . . • •
. .
of the bag. In iny .practice 1 lessen site will need to be removed. and.: --the the dead.. These, expressions.- of de:.
,soriPtiOn are not to be taken literally.
Nevertheless, the figure§ must convey
spiritual -facts., ' The.; one outstanding
un amentai-al o tvithin itself, the seeds,of fliture mis-
fact is that,a.life Of..selfishness earriea
. ery- and unhaPpiness. The -rich man
,• , • ,,i,
0 ttative Mirket basorn,..and,frOnr, all the, bleasednes
had barred -himself -from kbr ham',
. that is the certain fruita.ge of true
. , „ .
. • life. ' eet1"-t Abraham ..i . , and Lazarus
. , , .
ette, 13.$,.A,.Professor of, Marl-e[.1he- 1PCOT1OMICS The conditions.of 'bin/Self arid Lazaru
„Ontario Agricultural College. ' ' I , ' d
..,. . . V. :24. Father. Abraham, . . send
. ,. r.9-z.r.ruf-,..D., Hi.: shoytagesaltes:nate, but, a÷'-.. -13°ilits 'cif LazarusThe. man Who, ignored Laz,
' linden competitive. methods . Of inar- consumption 'wherciass we ,have seen, .ains.now entreatS'hisygdod Offices/ The
keting a -farm product is dumped .on the demand is fairly uniform. The nianwho denied .1hazerus crumf:,,s, '0
th-e 'Market.- A splendid example is- price,received is =Re unifermi for as hread,,now [begs of him drops of water
fonfid .ii73.. the waY-Who'st is ;handled- every one knows, the •retail --price .1.0„E
Pally 75 per cent: of the wheat crow most_farm-iprtid.ucts is more uniform lIsi4Ps:lella.1(.);11:'':bel„-e'efileeaflitlualrie::gea-sorf'duiviieg)iciotilit\ev:laflitturii7are
• •.•
As sold by 'Llie, „,,(!ain_ than the price the .farmer, receiveri fOil 4,-t, a., ,
el-at,Y.' iti,'1,i-..,0''tia--,,i.s..Caftei- it/is lrarVesit-"' them. ' The net'-resitilt of coL'Operative '-'-fed...'",ce tel.' 'Pi el (3'•-•.41,r° v`r.ns. °Ing•it-- rne
od:".-f'D,arhig':titO°.! Salim -Peribct", 0111Y marketing, as. cbserveci, 'over many who -would 'not leek; at Latarns lying
abdiit 25 -,Per eent.'irse.,:d.o.--,,§trineck That Yeat's of successful operation, has been at his gate,,cannot.help 'seeing biro It.
. - r , • , _-
makes it nocesSaly for; speculativoin- to set up better, Shorter and thOt..0.• in,9; in Abraham's brisein. -
terests to-ste -' in and till-. coritr I f' econoinical-methods- Oi' diMaibution . to ,V.. 25. Abraham said, Son, reinem-
the temporarY surplus -and held it dver -shorten the'„distance between the pro-
erWbi' an aepapetalii. ttoe e'ic).illannr"w"`1,t1thiollsttvicae-
until stich time As:it can be taken care ' ucer and consumer and to .bring back ' .
blessed d iothmg . to al evia•te the
af by seons,iuni,pti-iiit Lddirrai./(1.,„ ,,,,, . , ,to'itlie,tii,n.d‘ice,i-thireut•lgh.the,,Se•niennis 4 'Misery of the other. Theit,Why should
Another , example. e ,eb,f,. -4,umping is lazger: proportion :o.t. the consumer's ",ti.ie,marl wlio,fs bries,,sed ii'l the future
fiirnished b,'" the parketing of.'011ta'rio 'd---,nliar,.- ''' • •, , . . " .., " ,,, ,,.. ;sta.te do. anything for the. misery of
'claec,„" ch-ee,,,e 'r6".itilt-ti,on .finetni:t-es ' Heraranirlisimg alSo -inci'tides an -eli- the, Other. „.,Lazarus ,reeetif-Tecl, nothing
tent a, a es . ng,
f - ' I 1 f nothing in Incthe mid -v -inter feiL 0 illeleats-e .. the ,consuniption of on„ earth from the rich man. , Nirl),y
thorths. to ,the.. ftiyi /ILIA, ofirrc,daetion the .prothuit handtl'ed by; the co_oper_ should he bestow° anYthing. now that
• „ . . .. ... .
in .6aird 37. •s-u.mmer. :. -A. large percentage ati_v, e marketing organization. The in .
is iproduced in the,two months' frorrt,e-re'ssed deinanci ila'S the ' ITe,qt..,pf .1;aig'e' sums allnu,..ally in this inetalirio;csiiadrf
late hi,May to the .entl' Of July.. Cheese etabill'zing and, l,niPT°F.ing. pricer-L...„iplie making the ,00ns,urning public f IF'
is °cOnsulued. at -a fairlY•even rate;'the extension '°±maikets -11'3'Y be el-tetl:ed l'Ivt-th ' their Pro•iiiiietr'and its'Ale'litz...,l-This
fluctuation -in Great 13ritain being "less- in 'many WaySi' A, I,arder..nuniber of 1 year one 'such organiaktiOni,,niirketing
tai.:1 .11;frel,..ce.nt .'.1,1„ n't ...,„ ' ty.'t tli. people inav be induced to Consume the ' rli.ins is spentli lg .$''' 5t4 000 in adi
cl.,4riok,,,,.,the. g,i,s„ .or sey.„ rn,„ths -i11,,•product. „ Those who.:nOw!consume it vertising. The California'fruit-organ-
ivi1iCiltGanada,supplies. that near,lket,. it, orily 'at interVals May be Persuaded. to izations.estimate that their adVertising
is a,lso 06,,,,,samed ".,,ali4n _ even' .rate iii consume it. I egillarlY.` Those who 'are has 'returns cl. them •abotit $'16 fAir every
Cana.da. during the --wliele year. - The lb.g!..illti noil:iiiinerS MaY. become lieavier dollar.,they have put into
• .
Marketing, °of" cheese l's..noti, ace0rding cOnsiltpers. .2%-11(1,'' ill'Ot inPartant of _ In. therelianclizing their products ,co_
to the rate of consuniption but accord: '':71-1; the 'ic-uPer-ati-ve association ean operative aSsociations at 2a-lers have
mg te the 1.:ate at, wt 'Lek it --i., prOcinced.". make sine tnat,:1,he consumer, wheii.he sintPlY 'applied to the, selling of failp-
rilo.st o-.,0, 2 . Inc facthries of Ontario' sell -.`-4.5'• for the trir0Olacti, is -alWayS sure .prociticts the same principles that aro
'their cheese. rCahlariv everv.week. In. of gettmg is, „. , . . , applied to the marketing of the pro -
,f t,her vv_01,ds they (iiimr,p. it. , Each ..f.ac, . 1.11._ ..ats_nsion markets is ,f,./..ost- nut i.cn years y ot im. Inc/1st-ries.
.t.o.ry thi°Ows its product, ohthe• inark,et P , e '!?).. "fin -t, of.ali•inakill, ,stite. that .hen methods are nett( 014,. in ili.
faragentzinT,syt. e..Th he i 1),Ir.,eos'ctutiletts . joi!veei.711-5.;nseta0blei re .-tthheacliv7a0etil.Illeatrea,iji,to:emilt;r1ghanad,c.v.ctill.,1::achqiatse,,dict) aSpeiptsbe ithluieltn' ithoeythleiamolieoefnelthtli;ltiordsttacttos
Prides. In -1922 cheese prides. m ,On-. once in, will ask 'for. li, ,agaln:' • II:e.inust .01, the; f.arni. '
tari"0 ',fluctuated. oVer 1.00 per cent. ir have sonleiWaY of .10 entifying- the pro -
(tact ,ttiiit,ii making , re.neat orders. and -
the five rithilths P1:02Y, jt0110- 1- -10 NO-
Vemb6r 1. 1)uring;the first.Ithr0"e ige.olcs this-inaltes a itrade ilia/it:or brand 'nee- Frostbite.
cent.oI,Tuntehp:sieceuf..tn' sflautc-ifnaacttood„"'',OVi701;".;(1.4i0tri,op,nesi° ..',,,eSsarYr-7 1.11e . hra- ric;ad..105- bir On gviletiLtios-' iiilis. hlyhe . f4 r,.. t trieatment of ifrostbite
attentiOn 11-•Y etiu ti na's ad . 'i •
ire resattia-g, an tie Tapia, eatinctio.n 1 9m,e of the big co4).per.,4tivei; par,, Tsd:olild. begin w :lein. the attack--occurs.-
ticularhy those. Of California, -,s.d,„„'d ,-. cons4s't,s -1-1 re's' &ring the eliculation
..-.. i''-.. .to the tissues Oy the gradual. Process
- -- of. rub:lung with snow or col;i water.,
-SHE.'. HAW' rather than fOreillg 11, bp...the hasty
"- • '"' • - „Process of artificial heat, ., in cases of
the work of milking inserting a paAs treated antiseptically.
By R. I). Colti
'Nothirig is said as to. the means by
which. this rich man accumulated his
wealth; he is not -charged with injus-
tice, but his sin was heartlessness. He
leglecter/,'.,1;11e, 'inure „difficult ft
. , •
conies, to effect a cure The trea-tment
should -cm:brace, the emplaymemi;
Idirti, bow -els are costi-ve •
rtirri::, land. d a ° t o rge t that,- tire ap-
°31icatiedi of,.a°_,,,../istnetalsibry 'bandage is '
brie 0,1°.the... roost iinportant requisites-
' e 1 :Of ".1:?;ar, ge:t. d
ii.r•being pinnesi isi position; • .
. ,
40 a coder or, cold; how-'
ett,do it er,n, Tnave' b,ut
1 3 threat: or
„.,' -•
,,i 14ect0f
20'si mui
oftile cheese. export trade',6-1 Canada,
whieli,is.now less thaii 50 per cent. of
wila't; it -wa.s 18 , yeers,„
The oo:operative,-,nietli•od, of Inai-kets
ing , substitutes Merchandising f,or '
dumping, •. The "Pi.-oduct , of a • eo-oper-
atia maritetirig ..association, is solti
latti accorrd.ing i , the rate tit which it
Ia.-Pre/Ince& hut at- Ith.e' rate at which
Carisumed.. ft -is fed to, the mar-
Orwa conStinptiVe'ilehrand arises.
'Consuiner tuarket 18 giveit, all it,
;.take- t;'-nPlAster ',than ; ; it' n"ilj-
'11111 3c rentieriid.ttarie,,c
(34Sitt,H1 operative iIoci
tedit, and field S;" it ';OV(i,lrr
: d-
-t . •
hit, '1 • tlnder.0,-Openatii,7#
fr. 01' (16 iiiiaf.;05.4ti*
of salt and bonemeal or raty rock'
phosphate. The raw rock ,phosphate
,should, he 'finely ground. This -minex-al
mixture should be kept 'in-,: v. seIff-
feeribr and' as dry as possible.
che 1,11 snoulohe,,p_As„,sted rnit-,t,. on the 1:10.110"W. IS tiled. It not discontinued. VY herr FORA ,F/DUR YEt.
'long as neeessam," to_ -SO-Sire-a ' fed in thiS inainter'sows will consume •
from two arid, oneshalf to three and 1
o'00(1' , e‘6).97: anti ti.o.ive eircul.ation. °mere aye -few larins uaye, not .r
it 111155 doing this !bite patieilt shoud e 301110 corriol5 cr ravines fer aid/ Peunc S 1-)1 ( aY'
WITH -----
-,, TR
ade-as c La b le is PPS•sible rand.: natillable• ,ground," h ere 'trees. In I • uOr'n • 4., „e" ' • .
id years heart ...filtrable:
' es/IS:sad:1Y,,only' crop': ,Sft: , :it; .S110.111{1. 1110s ea ' „omo•
1 11 I- t If 1:1
1 titer rsdil-1,40-A•likeAl..'4.0lio it-,F.ei,, li *-dr'and rev bat arifilications .. ,t; .-'t-i t, ' • ,-,,v, Y. , f , V.1..0 DAt 'I' QI , the fJOV, S WIE haV El. _not e ol , ,,,e,Thedy„ ti.fat .,,,i,hi ,r10., so . 3,, ai,„ ,
V(''' 1 1 ' ' ' ' 1'' ' 1 s ' ' ' . 1 sante way l - it it .tvere, evt.l.S. ' ' [less' 'trOtilile ar falni..07111.g, time and' t'le lierirt 'regain its at/Troth and
be g.a.tl'. ' 1' a 100-pour-it:I ration. .te
. D., pbill'iir '
01..,:t. ,p,ihn,,,i),).,..-,:ana. 171 A;iivily .c,ases om. ' the blood yesseis. , llasty restoration a tien,. ancl. pol„,iap,,,h c..c,,,..
tri6t 11,et*I'fit*Ilt.,11.,°,.. w,3-0110:gu' 1.1136s,a; g'°g:;coluri, nd'''' 1 Sollaetisla;ea -r,..eerirrit,y1' ,,,..t. ossL.,..__:.'4' 'j:Tritrqe'I''
liV aPPlYing ai'tificial• .he'ar ' breaks. tor than to plant a, tre,
+ Pounds; tat -II -cage, filtiS :pounds', il'idflitt-' 'Tiour',,,,..„,i,„ ,....itij
: Tkore'dS an'e.Efeetnal ' :remedy 'for. ..ilow,'1) bleed vesselS 0,1)6: causes,;death •
.: , „ . , toat-, -,-.
, „ed Antai, dt-e poitaids, ..kriother, is id' rk „p t ,'
these facial defect's, Mid filet' is ' • 'of tissue; ,SeVe,re oases ,s11.6uld. alivarYs .' ' • ' 'won- ,•,7vcia -,.as O,
tthat I.O. "feed, IniX.gcl. r,',..e: fe'114\Ar; .f.50.br rRe11.11(1,;":9;,T, he4i'Vottla heat vet
..,t,I.TD1?0C.4. ,B1,001). BITTE11. be gilren 'tire .iiii'Vriritage'.of a few (lays', -
.t,t,dri4cs' out v,11 the bitptiriries 'from,. resl'. in ro's,:d to (ionipletarestoration.
, ,
and. ;Ieityc•ii the' tiple*Ion ., ir if , - 0. f .. -ti 'Le the patient is
" 11111at't-: t does 11°'t J"tvelGn qP.kb tie belie7 .the littets '1° • ' • /v1. .
11 '1; be. l'5"" Pt.1.1:Yric! • ,e,
°r thc b°dY. ' Th' true n Other grain •iniXttires heaf-hy :Loaf. ,
''CN'St; restOration t., , 11115
r ciwculartoit, 1t.r Is. healthy, 'as le
t'e . be,ek 1.1e ,
. Trio,
, theli attvrtetliciOrilost, '' and' the
''d. Went, resteres vigor -withont in:14Y Ant-, :to ' 'do- doniethinr fez, „t4
,osSoesor of t ie; • io p; rice ler/ - , •
_ id ibii- sat elitis
value six oggs are eqtral to a pouildl F aelica 015 gtoun“ corn: thirty-IlVe
of beefateak, and 4 -re 1110T6 eaSily p unda of ground oats; twenty P.Otilld,
'Pile yolk cansis
atilt ther eCo n)so
:::{.:;:tatc.:.ii,ltf.:._,,, 1,iell ii oi ° lid, ling:it, ill:t five pounds !i tank,
9,1101.11d be fed, at the lq.AT
02 about
' ' • mi„,
I N0:4141,..;Sia..),:i„?,;':(1-lcin
.6„nd, 117.titity„,.. '' very ...se,risiive to c°iCi. 'F''''stbitter4
4 .a1iA
i r,or,•X eet get -c'ox1 ic.i y
erne .ntinib, and, tired, • AS. titer
, . . • • • -
, Vai,"ill Hithelirl- ' -1,1'-'015 i.A-birlitti:hlilyi.'
,i1lt, the lititriting ''and it.e.hf,. ' :Prom;
li u 't01lttslii.'.6f, Abe beil sitarcit §,,,
t h. 111 =0:ii, ses fsteeys,' cievelsip- altie.
0 -.11.1)...d'
kl- ACi, C 'hAlY,'ll'Y': ' ....,
2uhiuuto6, Teroatb, ,tre
05-5 1.11) 10 95 uvditfl 1fl
0s555jsI2% -'"18
ths-al) eh
foaiV1 casei
itteti oftbo granitt,
1hi5; w‘mount,
last half of th
r !I°11,-Tee(le
talte 3/1°,i31)1.
ke ttrOry t