HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-1-25, Page 4•
"t".: i•
9-1PLIBSDAY) 4ANUArtY 2C4tii, 1023
. • i" .1:". 4 ',hi, k!,
, I -
37" k 52.211 • ' ,
, ,:
"EVERY.130D'i 'S Ct'.el"
'262 C01:1P•11,1k-,0
411.4.. c 01,11,101)1Ttrit,-
90-4 1914
Q •
8.67 HietR
N GH ' HOUSING Hlot4E.Rr. 19
hn in APti 12t RMNT than
'1914 • „!914-
• 42 71
' PRICE, IN, 1,04 $650- ZO.
than in -.10k:*; PRICE TEITAY.$44)5
L.tti't4"-' ‹." ""'"'•o
o_WI-ule other conirhodares have done up 37 to 16
- .20
.AO over 1914 prices, the FoRD ToUR1NG CAR has dropped40 bLMW
aL c'lo BELOW
irerybody's Business
,"-111E Ford Motor Comily has made a genuine attempt to, give the public automobile trans,-
ortation at a price wfehin the reach of all% it has carried out the ideals of the inventor of the
Ford Car, I-Ienry 'Ford, and has placed tlie Ford Motor Company in the position of per-
forming a public sei vice`to thepeople of Caaacia,
It has defildtely,made Ford products a ,national institution -being such, the Ford Motor
c..!•ompan3r laelleves„ft4s justiRed in telling tlie pfiblic it seives, how the present low price of Ford
Cars can be maintained in 1923, "
}kw the Present Low Price of Ford Cars Can Be ,Maintained in 1923
We are absolutely frank -with the pnblic when we say that the present low prices are not
insti,fied by present production but fully by the production it is hoped will result from them. .--
The present lew prices for Ford Cars are based on maximum production only. „To-day'ts
market Go steel and other raw material ht- goes into the 'manufacture Of FOrd Cars Will not
warrant these prices except at peak „pretinction. Ford Prices must go up unless theY are
iturtd by inoreasee production./
Everybody's Business You Can Set the Price!
Fill in the inenioranduni below and mail
The For Car is everybod3r's Car -the Ford to the Ford dealer whose nameappears below
business everybody's business. You and .
ur This d.e ely signifies your Intention to buy
neignbor, and his neighbor are all vitally a ora Car and obligates you m no manner
affected by theorise of Ferd Cars.
to bitv.
If you are at all concerned about buying a The Ford .Companymust know how rnan'y
Ford.tliis year make it your business to let cars are wanted in 1923 in order t maintain
the Ford Ci:enpany know about it. the prises. You cart help if you act at once.
Milo SnelL Exeter Ontario .
--- I understand' that Mr. Ford -and the Ford.14otOr, Company^have-reduced the price of Ford
t." -a‘ -s
• ,
. - ':
to 0 point , never before conceived to be pOssible,,and that these prices are not 'justified by
the prcsaut volume of business, but that they have to bring about a larger volume of business ,
'1.0 '12S;i:y thi'..Se prices. • -/-• • '
‘Vi..1.11c I am not immediately prepared to bliy a car. I will want a ‘.
abaci. and as 1 desire to get it at these Teduced prices, this will
, aut„hori.,:o you, to inform the Ford 1\ lotor Company that I intend to buy a Ford unless something
mat ore,,ett hap7-0s, and run advancing this information so that the Ford Motor Company may pro-
ceed and manufacture this car during the winter months,.•sb that I may have prompt delivery at
t-- the time .1-'-e5irc it. . -
' 123
, -
.„1.. If you have gracious words to
. say
Oh,, give them,to our hearts I
' • I '
if your words will cause us 1
sorrow _ • I
Keep them to tIxe ast,ttinaoy-•, I
Tile Junior. Farmer Is Much to
- the Fore l‘ca-day.
'Badly Handled In the Past ,- Too
Mitch Book atid.Not;Paiottgli Bey
,-Ile Is 'a, Bora Club- 1Tau-RiiraJ
• .
Scheel Fairs tuid Boys' Clubs Are
• '
_ Making Active, •Yetuigr.,Patriots,
ontriblited onLario. Departnien t 01
•Agriculture, Toro,nto )'
agrie,Alture the
He was a long time coming. His
,wgraaypehvt-illsa grapevineand
aast tlottrutonso lhilassi.jela
,feet lugged distressingly: rt.• • ,
'Re Did Not Get a Fair Show at
. To •bring• the.' boy 'into general
agricultural work and study, all mafir
ner ,of efforts had „been made.
was bullied and, bribed, cuffed, „find
coaxed, pinched and petted, whipped
and wheedled; yet scarcely a, foo't
• ,
had he voluntary gone forward until
very recentlY:
Tite 0,1d ,Castor .91.1f•Policy..
,At one time, 'figuratively speaking,
he was held by the nese while naus-
eous' closes'itrom "text-booksof for-
bidding •termidologies were forced'
down his unWillhag throat, in order
to give him", 'a taste aiid enthusiasm
for 'farming!
But to -day .-We, have the boy gen-
uinely interested in a.gricul,ture; Open--
eyed,- • 'open' -minded, open-handed.
Open-eyed; for be lpoking at farm -
lag in a new light; open-minded, be -
Cause , he is now regarding agricul-
tural instruction with a sympathetic,
understanding; open-lianded, for he•
is ready; evea eager, to seize the
hoe -,handle and wield it as'proudly,as
if it were aAeldniarsliaps baton.
Too Mach Booltand Not Enough Boy.
Early methods • to bring agricul-
tural knoWledge,axid the,boy together
failed because, they lackecl that niost
'important, thing. in teaching known
as "point of contact." There was
too lunch Book and not enough Boy •
in the minds of the pedagogues. The
lad gagged and choked mentally at
a too early tneinoizat,ion of leai•ned.
and (to hina) meaningless. phrases.
It was like a Chinese dinner course,
'reverse action,starting with the•deS-
sort and ending with' the soup; but
, in this case the nuts were 'ustiallytoo ,
STANLEY TP. OFFICERS •hard -for-the youngster , to crack.
• At the; meetingof the Stanley The .Boy Is a Gangste,r--a, Club Man-
Councilnnthe following officers were ,Boys are gregariouc;. they flock.'
appointed: , The boy, whether he lives in thepity,-
- Clerk -G. E. HarnWell' or the country is, by nature' a gang-
Tn,eastiter-,-Geo. Beatty, '„ • 'ster.. Butcall• ,thegang a
•'AsseSSO'r-'red Watson'• 2, and 'it. gives an 'air to the affair,
o Auditors -Alex McEWan:, W. Jo•although tire -latter 'word has not al-
Tough „ •20-• Ways' had an attractive meaning to
Medical, Health .',(1f4, cer-Dr. Shaw the , The , collective is
••-; . always more 'at-trast,vethati, the club
Board •-,of Healtli=-
22Reeye„ Clersi, • corrective: . ,
Thos -‘ ,13roWneft` and M 0 H The J3oy Wants to 4-5,
"Astlarna, - • sto, n..!„ Tbugh. ' There' fa. a'no'ht'hei''''pOwe'tful tin
nig4t useR*z„, , Sa itary- , Inspectois--To n JohnL • ' • •
• • -- Caretaker of Hall -Mrs.- Pilgrim. :r • s' et
-.L ply R,o34'..:..roo‘ttt,t-g,'„ p;cz,t.l.F1 has lardlig• nitTeacefulfifin the boy •
"John.ny,,,," enquired- the Sunday
•'• ii.Ta7379.-u-lite_, to go'
2" Ply' Poll o • .
• . tp heaven?" " •
18 Ply As:Plait Roll'Hoofing, cont n. 1341'cotics' 0? The Annual meeting of the Kirk- `'What?s doing, there, teacher? '
--•aed or Greeri- • ogler kabit-fDriniag drugs. lf it in, was the eager respOnse.. • • '
:• "d{3.9's not giVa'reP-4i we guarantee your ton Agricnitural SeeietY, was held'
Asphalt- Twin -shingles, $6_75- dra51.'gist will yeini-e. YOur nionelr, 1.00 Aberdeen Hall, on saturday after-. ' There'S tt[pcase a nutshell.
-' swallow two capsules." noon. -There was•a good attendance. Youiie•-bOY -Wants t•o • be d he where
, thin s anant
WM:Lei-Pine 1xt6 pross.nd and lyieztelled-' Free' Trial freinTe.papleton Co.,l'oronta. The Treasurer's report showed ththey aredoine - g g , • .7 a
• • , to do them in comPany with "some
at -$45-00- Per 1000'1eet:- • - Sold at "1-Iowey's' Drugstore - receipts. for the year to. be $32.715.13(L of the other' fellers."
Also.matoned.Lop000r pet„..teti7., Clear the -largest in. the history, of the SOO- sehoo" F4rs
atety. There were 2.00 naPre' entries
• • • ii3;1°Ciraktrt4l'i'l81: " than -last Year: The membership for.
Phone 12 • • '•• past year payear WaS, 343. The Fall Fair
•' * • - ' "• Rubber Roads Will Mfake Ceylon- .11 b -held on Tuesday and Wednes-
•-••• ' A_ tj-;'•• • More PoPidar; " daY, SePt. 26th and •-.26th. A • Prize
Eacperiments,in Colombo•the chief for,a pen of lour bacon hogswill be
• • seaport -of CCeylomr_twtioithu, wrojads ad.h a bark e add,aa P'
, of rubber conju
t •
to th,e• prize list tlais year. The
Field Ci op Competition will again lie
tlJler attraet widespread attention . • .
'RANTON • • .„ because „of the posslblllt3 Lhat.„
"' • 'Derior , SPISaeing 'material has been A•
.. • 41. -the rubber, roa,ds, 9f„ Ceylon On Wednesday . evening of last'
-, should ,prove-,Pradtical tbe island, a week a verY on.J,0Yab1e -skating party
crown. &filo/1Y' of the EraPiFe was held in the DOine• rink, with Mr.
. .
nowadays, .w.hich, eonie archaeologists Howard- Dignan and Igiss Helen Dig
believe the '-'Scefae of the 0-arden, of
• . Ede. nan as host and hostess. •, After skat-
Eden, could be Made in 4 -he es of . second
ing till 'about, ten -o'clock the young
co'vered, and the total entries of ',ex-
,Fp0B2B,LE„..TE/Acx 4.0uTE N- ' -,t t.f than people, all repaired to the home of
, • - counolY• .11;aole eau 1, u. . .„, • hibits"-reacheil:abont 200,00g.
at -Wien, • . Ceylon has, • been -discevered.. Mr.,"„ aridodyfts.•744,nur: ,a 1.,
,!-Iloine' Garden; 'Acre', Profit,' Baby-
, , „Heber's chara,cterixation of the spicy sumptuous sal-3nel' was served, aftei
-Beef, and Hog raising contests have
,ile as a land n hei e every p1 ospectwhink music and games Were 'indulg- also stirred the to action
was no ,,mggeratio±.1. eyening and study. ;•'.:
holda every attraction that -spent all., •'•• • junior Farmer Iznproveixient Assecia,.'
• a rugged. terrain and a tropical-cli-
• mate „can 'provide. Its English -built
CHICAGO,- , „ • macadam roads have been for inahY
•' • ' years' 'a great enhaneement of the
Unexcelled dining car service. . attractions Of the island:" 'It it should
Sleepaug cars„ on night, trains any, surface any considerable thilage „of
parlor 'cars :on principal. day trains, its- roads with -rubber,
'•• Full, InfOrmation from Grand' that is produced in larg-etuantitieS
•,,,Vruitill Ticket Agent or C. a H,02-. . , Ceylon, inteanationalfing , mooa
D" t ' 't A.
Passenger P'ent, would give the new sua ,ac
o. terial the acid testi and would bring
' to Ceylon" added revenues. • ',
'LOBE, Agent, Exeter. Canada'S niacadarn tind concrete
. Phone 4.6W. ' roads are. worth $2,0001000;(.100,'"upon
' htists of the money spent id Canada
• • by tourists and aside from. their -Value
to Canadians', Oey•lons ,rubber roads„
-plus CeYlon"s troPical jungles and
lflooliiain scenery, would
S jewel 110 (he pearl that •-,she encotintered the •gardener'. "Don -
hangs fr a n riti-lia's ilfow"--a newly „ • • _ .•
'- valuable 'possession,• ' aid sal(' • she I • nape you e
kep't well all winter." "Na sae weel,
1 What,' ,a,Lier4g pl '1st .
• e` Ile- rine leddy- Na that weel. While I
• could inatch, in the. view, el „he al, at
Rural School Fairs laaie done
much to •interest junco's' in agricul-
ture. To 'be an exhibitor, and per-
haps a winner, at a fair has awakened
the ambition of. many a boy. To be
able to show and wanimplies knowl-.
edge of growing things. To know
how to grow things ;Mean observ-
ation, study and industry.
The first Rural Schoel Pair was
held in 1909, three Schools uniting,
and had an attendance of 250. In
1921 there were 449 fairs, eiubrac-
ing 3,847 `schools, with an attend-
ance of 345,259, over half of whom
were jimiors. At; these fairs practi-
cally every braneh of agriculture was
young men; -wank' -of whom have
• • • -• These -associations are niade up of
„Those 4orrid Microbes. • been trained through- the '',2Sc000l
MX. John AYscongh; who recently Fairs, and sonae of, whom have taken
wrote ,a; witty book bon Cardinal Man- short courses under the Agricultural
ning, has, twn, „storiea on microbes. Reoresentattve. • They are local lead -
One was of the vicar's wife w -ho in- ers in educational,- business, and So-
..sistecl.• to the sextenoss that the win-- cial endeavor, as: wellas being foie-
dows shonicl be 'open, adding, "Or we most in taking up new ,methods 'of
,shall have those horrid , microbes."agriculture. They have been active
The sextoness, .at a." loss to :Under- ha organizing' and- conducting Inter -
stand the .ecclesiastical la,dy'S un- Association Dehates,, County Judging
charitable ,fratne of Mind, said; "And Competitions, • Ploughing Competi-
aren't. "tliey'commainicants?" The oth- tiens, Banquets, public Speaking
er' was Of- a 'Certain great English Contests, ..,• Baseball' Leagues, , and
lady -who had just arrived from Len- Field Days.• ' • -
den at her country tonne in Scotland, These Junior Ploughing Matches
She hastened to, the 'gardens, -Where litive rc-Vived a long .neglected phase
of agricultural endeavor, and old
ploughmen. have expressed great' sat-
isfaction.wvith the work of the lads.
Live Stock.,Sudg,ing. Contests tooh
place in thirty-three. counties last
year, and there have been many
Inter -County competitions.' Tile win-
ners had ,a 'tree,. trip to the Chicago
Ilitermationai 'Live Stoek Show, and
came back witha big.ger viSiorf of
Boys' atial Girls' Live Stock Chiba.
The I3oys ancl O.iris' Live Stock
'Clubs are, doing lunch to develop' tile
breeding of .aiiperior cattle, hogs, etc,
About fifty 'of • these iCtubtt • are In
existence.i, .
Other activities of it useful and
elevating Char aei Or "are engaged .,in
by boys eri: • Ontario, fa.innei,li;22ailf
wb ic d
tura, its literd• 'irkgekice-;t
lit 'a'r rl eV I t ure
1V1cOilliettd •y4: S afis,ticr; .tuid
trIbbea,tions Bi each, foronto,
3 ill im0tralfflil --e'ae. et 6'1- ILI r aido :" 06'111 ''cthrogh l::11c-'1-1:1.:1; '• 16c1 '• 1aly .11111 ic'ctit113:11Y11:1-Eb:1111:1''s '11;C:110e8:' • :Ci:t1I. think1:1°1i atroG1111 .1:1L-tV1:°e: • 11(di,laL)1:1:1:ttell' • °Ihi. 6:11:11:1aeo°S.Sti
of thc 31(1 .0a to a Iioin
'hand; La `L't- 0.1,-th''t • to tile
ti 11Ji11)5 p0t0t1 11
nchooi 10 Ivestern • e• aJo;0: :111.1* 11°L;Aeti
o tog.
y .17 u oot. 71. r ut 101 ov: )11 re10 '11.%°11r';'*: ttl a 1U2 is p9,7/..t.tittr. Io
1,00,(r 4IiSL1 ,
4 pt
8,,t3,Ortla n 1 "'"'oet't.tor,-;)-Ijov,,,,,',
lop:3 =40 ';'1",",: 'Cit"
‘0,1 (1. , hhr 't•E1r4.1rt- •;,,,itiTnelli•••;41;0144,"÷
or f,v
iopt Vi'
onlY °, •
ie a • to roc
, a 114,prevoa'ktotpa'Y 1,,nc.•;)301d "'he
t t•1'
•;44 1b,
Mrs. Wilbur Milson,,forneY MiSS
We can sell, you a long distance
set,' on which you can get Chicago,
Detroit, etc., for as low az $50.00.
Ask someone 'who owns a set h
Tires Are Going Up
Tires are going, to take another
jump in price in the ,nOar„ future,
better, protect yourself .fox.',spYing. , •
• Let us look- after yoni• Strkage -bat-
ter) for you.
, „
Mina Qreenwood, died very euddenly
at het home in Frillarton Tp. early
lolnt tThleinoargsedaoYf morning yneinaig,s.of Tla;ot
age she gate 'pith to a child, and was,
thought to be progressing- faverably.
1)eceased was the daughter of ,Mr,
and Mrs?, ,Henry R. GreenWood,- Of
Munro in Fullarton, abbut thur miles
from Mitchell -and, besfcleS lie- hus-
band, s leaves fi na 11 childien
to mourn their loss. Oae , brother,
Melbourne also survives.
Exeter Times $1.50 a •rear; $2.00
to the 1Tnited States.
Times and Toronto Globen:.....$6.25
Times and Mail & Empire-. . .....6.26
l'imes and London Advertiser 65
J. Beer: '1'imeS and London Free Pres ' 6.26
Tithes and ,Toronto ,Star .........;..6.25
' andFarmer's Advocate ....3.40,
"'Imes W.S. 3.25
cENtitAL/A l alines aind lgontreal Witness --3-05
•Times and Farmers Sun .... 3 40
........ .
Mrs. Boslaugh who has .been ill for
some weeks is getting around again
nicely.• -
Mr. Norman Johns, of Blanshard,
spent Sunday at Centralia '
• .
Andrew I-Iick,s, M.P.P. did not at-
tend the opening ceremonies at
Queens Park, Toronto, Tuesday af-
teriloon but went to his duties as
'Whip, later.
The posponed social function of,
the Ladies' Aid will take place Thurs-
day, evening Jan'y 25th. •
• Byron Hicks shipped two loads of
cattle froni here Saturday.
Mr. John Thompson delivered a I
steer at the sock yards here Satur-
day that tipped the beem at 1,900
lbs„ Byron Hicks took the steer to
his own stable to continue the finish-
ing process. Byron did not say
whether for Eastei• or for the Royal
next November: -
The young people of the neighbor- '
hood gathered at the home of Mr.
Thos. Neil last 'Phuraday night to
spend a social hour with and do hon-‘
or to the young married conple, Mr:
and Mrs. Fred F'enwarden. During
the evening the visitors presented to
Mr. and Mrs. Penwa,rden a wick-er,
window and garden basket. A splen-
did time was enjoyed b -Y all.
The ,Epworth League's social even--;
ing last Wednesday, owing to the ex-
treme cold weather was not largely
attended, but those who were ptesent
enjoyed a good program and spent a
Pleasant hear.
Sinicoe, Jan. 19. -Farmers froth
different parts of the county in at-
tendance at the annual meeting of
the Agricultural Society yesterday
reported that rabbits, especially the
n*giant variety, have become a-
larmingly numerous and are working
havoc, rooting through the .snow..and
getting at the f3,11 wheat, cropping it
off close in a wholesale fashion
Rabbit hunting, therefore, will be-
come, not a pastime, but a necessity
of farm work One farmerh
paren ly has technical knowledge of
the -new species of hare, holds that
it does not multiply as rapidly \is,
the ordinary rabbit, but lbreeds- two
litters, of, at most, three -young each,
in a year. •
.Here's Where
Battery Prices
If you want ullirithe value 2
you can get at the lowest -
price you can 'safely pay
-=:,igste.rx!-, We've got the:
battery that beats the
, wor14-at the price, or
anywhere near it! • It's r
the CW Battery (Weed
Separator). 1VIa.terial is A-1;
• workmanship is the very
best that can be put into a.
battery. Service is built
. into it! Sizes to fit all cars.
- for 6 -volt,,
11 -plate,, 23
,For , the- cool evenings
save," ccial by using fL1), .
trie .1.1"eater, Price $7.50,
W. de Beer
Times and Christian Guardian 3.40
Times and Presbyterian ..........3.90
The above publications may be
Obtained by Times subscribers in any
combination, the pirce for any pub-
lication being the figure given, Jess
$1.50, representing the price of The
BUSH in the Township of Tucker--
The undersigned has been instrue,,
ted to sell at the conintercial ,Hotel,
ure thrm a
at 2 o'Olooknjd)abni2t,sitzhaant dexdceelsiceri;bteidiasat;
Lot 13, Conceesion 2, L,R.S., Tacker --
smith Township, containing ono. -
hundred acres iii -ore or lesS.
On the property aye 40 acres of,
bush, 'mostly maple, with some rock.
°bal. This property onlYna short. •
distance from KiPpen station. so the,
timber rcan",be readily shiPped. An
„all -year • stream passea throtigh tha,„
propeity and Makes it an ideal past.,
ureT,EfRahill/S. : 10 Per cent.. -
cash and balance' iri 30 days without-
intereSt. For further" particulare-
appty to, FRANK TAYLOR, Auction-
eer, PETER KILPATRICK and 1/1..,11,-
GA.RET J. HAY, Executors Jaiaes C. •
IVIcl,ean, Estate, GLAD1VIAN 86- STAN..
BURY, liensall and Exeter, Solicitor*,
for the Estate.
If your oven is slow to heat youwill find Egg -0
• just as slow to act -its double action insures
leavQning with a slow or hot oven. -
' "
t '
Capital Paid Up $4,000,000
4.1.eserve Fund $5,000,000
Over 125 Branches -
horses, fa,rnrimplements, etc., cheaply are conetantly
• :2Pwtulhac
Place your crop earnings in a Savings Account with
. the nearest branch of The MdlSon's Bank where, -
while earning interest --land:. being '.-.absoluteY*Safe,
your money is ava,ilabe 'at any minute. Deposits
,can be niade by mail. -
• EXETER 131IANCII --- T. S. WOODS, Manager
Centralia branch open for businessdallY.
IF you wish to buy or sell Victory , .
Ji. Lpan or otlierbon, w� wouldents ,iree.s. -,
valid you that our b . ikerpionie
• nd Kontreil
• .peciauy,orkanized r 'purpose,. ,
, , . ..
Call -at our Ik Man.
ager will be gIdtoPanfbJ.3for
so ,
capital pod :..p $15,00,0,000 1,
, Reserve Fund $15 000 000
EclseetdhtinoEnc:d71,,ettc1,111 • 3/1.'11" C6-111."P'ifin;.TV-ianager:',
R. S. Wilsbn,1 Manager. ---
Head Farquhar, Ont.
President, 13ROCK
Vice -President, JOHN ALLISON
TOHMESSERY, Centralia Agent for
• IJsborne and Bidtlulpti:
or,rilaR 'HARE'S, Munro. Agent for
• Eibbert, Irtallartoa and LOgaa.
R. R. No. 1, Woo limn; -
"Sallaitors, ,Exeter.
We have a large tinuOunt of, Pr/vat'
fundsto loan on „fariia'and village
'`NpropertiE3S, tit loivect 'rates' of Ind
"' Barristers,
'•Main St,- Exeter, (:infarip
PERRY:P.' ,DOTIPE, Licentited •
. ,
TerieS,•saoderate, Orders ',Isf11: • • , •
at -4T1itheii--, Office- will be PreinPtlY" 'ate- '
tended "to. -•", Phone' Icirktom.-
W.;24.,,T114NPUT.-, s s
..`0ffide river L R» CE,tilitig's- -gr,
Office-13alteri Livery on' James St
CaIle pro*iptly atfezatled to clay Or'
Closed every Wednesday t)tfternooak.
on A la r sitrarirot,1,0 0,• .
Tonor 11±16
e`) 11151onica611-1i7,11-00 01111tri.° ungt ean'1,11vn,
Gradttate of oronto t1lver -b
-2,- ce tt tree ,
nifli M f ' (iraPerieg, roveriti9, everY-
whether -wool, 8111c,.
cati,on, or afilxed gooag.
,Oillee OverSta,ttbirry';-
AEIVE)rttnt3 Ip tilt) 'Ilt‘aos It pave
'•,11-iiy,'Ilianiond Byes' • ,
other' per
cia1ts,ati,'61tara-oteed even if,'"
heyer.died b'efori!, „
DrutggiSt „ .• ,
Color, Card" -1 1eit colora..
• t