HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-1-25, Page 3777-�,
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1111'1'11��11 Al
C 11. E� OW
.1 t 'C E-01`("M�Zel
r� of truISL
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""A The
WN R, _1�auq
heThe ar 'w4 alle, to yllbod L Th, 2'. 1-1
-',1' 0 a D lY, u - - - - - -
,,In ny otlner trouble nheoboy �Sco6ts willir en11,O)VIng lo4er, othat e-foi,y, indans' r1lie to' addi lit Lou In the OUMM, a y troublle,- _i� s . nlatt (3 r, C -f hoy 11, fact, not (104a$ hiq d Ilty e.aC) and 11
I di I n't u ps e
lfor l"Sir'! You be ellollgh to ty to do -�%Jth the, Oil bit of th(� lsr"our Or towlth space in N 'Tis rerago niay day down tke 614� 0;i tiAo stear, , to rejl�,
ness Iddney hell)
'INTO griping- ana t,,Qt 0)out as ars many a Qj)� tha to iprovO 4, v -oil
tro.1 of the 21th� Trip t Yoi
1,14) j) 17 0
to ariA build. you aip, arid, that IT, �he;v_a 1, olyoun, con , box� wloffer Is years had no and child I I I i I 15 � M;
ard, average nitr. you tile, of eto any person Or P er- Psw i I d o Seine back6,ies'� tll� t z
IvIlo Of.- any ilatilre ;�t nothier U�Ied to with every
ly the Of existeace
Say -17
c vfll bTiri& Xmas iny body aahed., It is cf whi h cheer to ULICG6 the Of Such 11 in I wa bad 9,1 11F ITI- I , A
nLis to In e a I -an c4own and a li A iat Sooner t
later you Fo'0 MACH
on�tho hero, Of clrQ11,
c"r- haply r10as e 001ulnuilic-ato with Patrol I liver troubles, - in rhost Lead dJIm
NV6, k e "If I had laspring it woud or Prod R. Dly�th, 256 oprStreet, achw, 0 a S
Q., 482, regillarity of thd su nLin im.ent'for- i\Ie'uraig!zi
pply. To get,3, Cag-wo rfto
clue t qrs, without aii�
s Or Put who the T Y CHILDFUkI Myth!" rid of the tTo��,61e tic'e a, tonic Jilw D1,
" labors e
avris is lie- can, peak, of. But Tanlac the lac eis t D c, 2Q, 1921", �Avillianis' Plaik Pills to enricfi tho� aC the last 'with the nob- Pput Ille In flille, si'lea
rid bring strength to aching e, ara I D psi
11W, E, L L 17'ation. buiMer.'
dy it to the
p W- Th,�cunalnonp ace, average man.
A Ne�4 Tro backs arid is for'sale by ,Ill go011 d,T
ve 11 'g" Ont", tells N),bt tig
A Y.,,ew troop of B o S�douts bas,lic n. P�Iilcp, Lo San'gste
fo I in e d: in Y,-,7 Gio 0, st tion these Dils� did for hill). He and
in co The healthy child s-1 well glists, Over 35 minion buttles- sold. Vioncor nog� num ajes,
Catho I 'Do6k on
1 during its wllking h6urs is, nevT cvo��s
n I for bodt five happy ail(I laughig. It, is, I
C h r, I I Tlie s6oufnm_s�tcx 'is Cecil ybars,
Large Stretche of land are being
Bry�s,Oft and the it to�set,]Q ill lily which only the child ti is crsand, I ow to Frbd nt Scoutinastcr tlnI T
h iled'Freo t a cleared to,lio purpose, at Sue your chld:ron do 1� L&O teen oys join- Tatned badly tlmt-1 nuRl hardly may never becolner usefill. for -cul- dreri5 by thf� t or.':
well; it they are cros,§ and d.;, Mop Initial urn over n bcd., T1 not Sic M olky (410v� �d, ti b t at' t G� I L 1,11' 1 - . . ,
tivation. These methods are -alsoAn- 49 _Vvd"�t 241 tr ot c! (I ity to ned nil, eI Wa,5 c6ii ductead by., Mr_ Harry t or a wcelz� oi days. I t cry a %gleat dek, give thein Baby's
of witter,, Permitting Lltrilm&nt on Now yoric, S rkes, forin iDistrict Coillinis- i4raedies but th,ey did not. oriye 0 Table�t and they will, soon be
a decrease In source f supply'6nd a cotton, wool brings: qalcl�� re- v 3 on wathe r well and happy again. . The, Tabltp youl
t ouble.,"About twll'years for is�
consequent less -'in of ava f6
ago, froin o-ne 61 thos*6 e,ne gy. regulate the bowels. swetim the Stom-
Boy, ScoLit m.instreis. ucili thne s these matters are
ch',�'banislh cbristipstio,, colic and,in-
Dr..Williani8' Pinh Boy Sool trels. are Pills I fol,oNved Al 1 ri Taken lip inct' defmitely i6ted ul�on, a id's sgestio-A ad pr onao te. heal thful sleep, M V of re
'Lt tottlo or, till )ml ts as nada'Will, be fa�affd�
hegetting into. gre, !They Are, absolutely gua R_
of' th I trqub, seem that Ca'
have had hQ zittack mlltQcd free L le
and I fefl Tire that I� an -11 per- each year with� nay be given to 'th Ir effo, t will d:eellhing
Iapites�,Iqsnd i e
part of thoeffo,ft of the Boy forest reserve upon which her indus- .r with peirfect safety.
Scon't& bf'Drar"Lt Couin1 ` , -1 '. . manently I �� lie -b n The F m.1 I y Medicine Ci est.
L'Cry may call at�a future time.,
thr IIs They,are�sold :b7 medcine apailers, or
You can get ough any quaxter. of the ainonit. eiiig urged more and more, b
dol1or In 'rnadicine',or by inail y POO'l)" 'by mail at 25 cents a"box from This
an6o�' Sedut work in.' th;e_ County, to- I " 1' t ive study of' the
who have made, in. 6ns Medicine do., BmckvIl1e,:,
aboxes for D Summer callip E
the b, �tion, that more definite steps, be 0
gether w tr �Mediclne, Co nt.
Nol I �Thb 'i"The D, taken irrime(Katey towards forest con -
is isiccl y 'the Brockvia"e, Ont:
'of th� budget- b�airig ru b For 4he K i d
Won'deyful Fuwre for Pol dountty ScoutCounbil,'the Roary Club Minard's Llnirnent�for Rhcu,,timn. Ciub, the 'T'r�lvellcrrs' CRib Kidney troubled are frequently
Vilhjaliu'a� Stefansson, Arctic e-, igested food
arld. th a Coiuiribus.' all of caused by, badly d'
se ans o
bo which straingly. suilVortfri Plorer, recetly announced, abarldn.' which, overtaxes the org t'
ovenient. ment of his -career as an explorer to eliminate the irritant aciids formed
T -T de'vate his- efforts to prove to a Helu, your stom9ch to proper]
JL -d tical �7orld' that lin a deca'd digest the food bytahing 15 o
e or
30 drops of Extract of Roots� sold
two the North Pole ocean River De,
-st irreeth, b e
-A-t th e la of the Chp4hanl e
BY D. J. J. MIDDLETON crossed by a ntwork of' as blather'Seigel's Curitive Syrap, severe uiri inaily Sid d,
Boy S,cout Douncil, it, -was rel)ort�d commercial abl� t6 �an Out 9
P�6vinc'161 Board of Hepitti,,,Ontarlo aviation rOntes and the the Arctic re. and yo#. Iddney disbrder wiff
for any iength of thrie"to 0 -
the Boy Scout. DEve, for funds . 11. , v d
s coess In e"ry ilf be, to, ans e� �ucs�.on w 'as mysterbou
Dri kid 91011s. hitlidrto kno promptli disappear.r Get the
�W, uriclualified Mat-
as aa U. rwashing, but I Nvo d 'h
ninihabitable lilud, wdli be the genuine; 50c.,and,$ S., (16w2i to g�et reli I er fro I t e
Pariticula. Reports, were handed i tm% through, thiii colmn. Addresa hini at Spadina.l�ouse, Spaiiiiiii u '. . I , - I I I h
had th;,S for about of d msonrOes nallimited in Yeax%� Mal
nreurnr. are idrwoeat�. 1koranto.
magn friend to d me
itud. Council will have, the.
7h.e.popri,lar attitude toward na Arc�
h -d oodresultsi. 'I eum-, 0; whdch,is $50 tib:rlegions, Mr. Stefaussbri.. said: was
is. pro
Fri 'fe. I kneintained:by-no.bet- c, lfl�e 'the rs Irom'It
over the, bbjective for the drive Ut �,'tbo ,h air, is bli� breath, of 1i mted an, Mu nidiaeval attitu. e to. _7A
t , * -4 1)
had a'�sok6 side was1az�t,,M ild j'Zjj
aud ne in em ars. This "is con- here,
0 b T is litt'le. uein rying to koepjter- means,,than dee br6athfiig y
the unexplor--d -us beyond
in th ir, nd suitable: outdobt fk-., Th,dr, -was Weld, if we of, t L 71ot :had i� 'Sir I
m ' ' " ' " pr� fresh aii� to bbAthe. Ri breath- exeredse. If evexy man,- wornan an lip, hurizon—the terrorS:iu--.botl 0 S, A
�excedlezt we ve, T
havin� 'PILD on, bly tss en: who e,
an in 10 our' Ca
t s bluntiy c-ouqd' be
take oxyg\ lungis, young persion in thi', iarg'eiy iminagery'. Ei& it is yorir cant.-assd'the 0 er us ness en, an "Fe
as a in this tor tuncls,and mm- ftnd'e�zpel thb carbon. eelooddie, or waste per- [Ullj6d, ar alone stands, inth way of the TONQNTO SALT WORKS
M'Rtte�r 'in the form Of, expli-bl air. tine to Ri brDesert, j, c -
take a t aeveloping of: a.Jand area wf
y, ou suff-eririg rom'th�
r_1 I re all ze, OT Ali � indt u, U, L 0
:the, �fb �I ed' States�,?' Let,
t i the �bo�y -is to Set, en, wi
op �. troopLst, I ridibiv Ovary 9, 'Jlle, lus gre use '21 mornin of,a d.,sr.
tru sit
energy,,j resi a re -I neworl-L during; the Vas t in th' I e q �of a, ozen or s.
ir an mc're oxy"ge'n
the succes-S of cam' the foxin: of t�jaced, by d a' (Iii Dea-"-h 6f.-a':Tam y at
d thi, �ii s��ed Ili 'tliet body in
yeax P n a se
y6ii 'have hdar'd about iLe itq,61-th.
for funds is: a spil . on,did estiiiiony Of chgested,'6rid 'food, This supplied, 'for ffie 'ge,neraj,UPkeeP Daily, use of the 8 dap oT'the slhi&g ir. V
11; coal Azid &L�er, resources are CO a
d. power, to'b, dy.,. Tfie uncloidbteffly
1�qcty�'gzbs its warmt1i an skin smobtli and clear, wl�il
the apprecia�tin.of the. �c izens of thl., W. 'Climatic conditions are con' Venice off! :he Oin' ni�nt'n� d
a L d' E P h or -k from t. e� bu-miing cr� oxidation'be ben6f1c1ql to" everybody cialy po5,s,eGses 60,000 of 1 w, an Pr y �a, d, ca-ta, vent.:little skin bec' '4� e
-cod, substancels in the c6ll bring abouf�, a ble.,tPelo:ple are living an, oming
in the barediby Cutlev x Talcum is . .064
of these. f Onlent
rO v placei,"whpTe, there a-re'colder tiaris adore the r cats and frequently I
We know that the, builing.of wGDd health ''standar o -the entirel
men Y�i 1. 1�0_sent Rctarla' -in Guelptl Spo, :1 for powderin ns Entertia ti bT,ed-1 � a: stove 0 munity. : 4 �_' � ". - :11 ,cannot �take' P.14a;ce Winters than thoSe, at the Nortli'Polb. give them. an airing it'go ltd, for 1.
c m dola on the i Svlkpzsc.� OintmenUsanaSft. Talann25c. Sold
Overonerhindred Guelp.h. Bo,Scont3i�� vrithout`oxygen.: IT ybu Shut off Et For�examjjle_tlid lOwe,St temperature canls. Recent *statistic 'Medicine Co., Cobourg, -Sf
S collect . I �, bythroughouttlieDomixiion. Can�dianl)epot:
'Paul st�, W.,' rdoatn'
v.76re, the, guests'. of the dneiA'Ri5tar� Limiteg, 344 St. bo,A. contains va16b1,-'1nfbr
y the,: draqu hts and roalce 'the st6ve:, I A what the At the Pole is about 60, diegees. below tt,b ci auto-rities. reveled these' .a
r' &ald Christmas g )7,' ur
L.tizirkey dirte tight' te fiT' and, in vd,16 �y kgzF, ciatic 6 Soap 6 aNves, without muli. evej�yoman ihoul
e ill bur7f low s
b at, Ing young peole to zero, 70 below hais 13,een
regis- numbers.
arry' e- Y_ O le tered in Nori[6 Dak -the Wlu�' "Closed an''account 'of d-eath!' was i
d be co 4ctcd,,, t6m are ju Dta, where
Flaming or -.7'as', 'the th- T�
et as,,qev.,ere as'in the Are-
fo6d fuel� Of the,body, a,, shoul',ders' are, untloSir hung -up outsid-6 a tradcs-
speake - I t the -pro'gramine whch foj
tic. At Ver1rhoyeask, in Sibia-ria, the
`oxygen. rease ef icienc�, Condoling
air contains tlle�y da� look indn's shop the other day.
lowed the dinner he delighted,both nleziallry has dropped to 93 dlegreas be- friends learned that, the delpalted ,vealcen-,;'bdy and, show thit th' I so the Roarian,'��'v' h, his nnrot he boys LOW Zero.
ed"1k di, iliuch�phyadcal.or gymji.asti�,
b e r of. the famil wu th:e i)
alk' on Scouts and Scouting. T e O�Ijy to jcee,p couYS5 of�orn-pire, of civiliza- App'jy pi��s to Sore spot., it,increas-,
It may,ba the'result of an t.
ha een �One of S". crf inco rect post�. tion, must inevItzbly m S, ation. si�atters Ongestiom 7911�1§
�as --SUPY e ve: ab", heire may be a te -citizes of tili, �,natlons
)��j ��&rlcb oc.f fresh air F r� '11
the stl:onp f h, ridency to lung the North and a
and infl
A case miost itaust reilize this fact." I i a d, ii b f "i 1` 10: d li r I r, g t 11'e' past collpile h' enoug. 'to �ispend the: trouble, but- m -tion
Pay ymir out -6f, -town -,a ce bun ts by
is the al,,�w �cheste;d,,v4ilch r'e- -Ihepail� d4qpPearsf
�f y e: L!, r s, a:n todayMrh liable
ke, I a, kee# op�,_ e Doulln1oal Expresis 0 rder. ri 1�-e
ih�,oulll ba fre'81i air s-ults fro�in arrested development. Serbia 16sit 127,585.nie 1
n die world' Dollars costs three cents.
hours.. The Wmqrows, S be open,
a TI d lies in gymnastics an�j WaT.
Tilled One Farm for Nine
-the, N
or thelporch aVallable at all t, physical exercises I To
patient t3lie.1 tlh�e, tho Oent
to r
Poverty and even misery
11 air as,
ffi-, the ope Thuch as',pos- Occupa- Hundred Y cars. _!dllspainil
'Ev�cn fni t1re jg
b pato- Sible -apd faithfuilly th -, tioris Cu, Li's are frequently the'resilt f disabil- U�s, aidnients o� disease tl Snci' the instItu I tio of a Cross Of �s of physician 'bas '111' - gaoil,
uch I -Re prop.or rit
chlat'lice"Of �r&coVer'y_. plan is,,, to ide�elbp t1 �_!' ll�v-o been prevented by e Agricultural M6rif,for 'the homl at al
in,the e, Tor le, n arly intelli-
u the same
a lr6-
S amily which, has,c Itivated
tio� it C Io, gent action.� fa
'farm tor� m was an -
ore tha�n,a nounc�d' -by��the �Frencli 1\1inlister or
er w
scene, v0rl, dollo'by Agriculture, re Paris newsp apers.
A-eviewi the he 61az-s�
haw been earthuslstl
cally pnOil S_
iyince thev -last met' thd Boy, Sc
t 'lies. more: and, more t f
at,�goocf'tufns, they had
were cleat.
Now the
64e. of jyr of Padblan at -
heard a in a traR. ly certified, to have latrored. Over
got lip
took it cut of ihe
6 acreis � in Beay-i s"Ince 1023
to, our cat! te sam,
The papers, are lyric abtyut it.
hey had the
d h q front p�agq t
the� traditional
C *fic� r, in. general, as,
The,s� 'A of Savior of Filarioe" ol:
Of all 'the 'multitudes Of salmon.. naf.�
e sublini-ely res
Stjlg�soil watered
th ot-indornit- you, see run up wnturies by the sweat UNLESS Tic "Bay n i o let
aG, Xf YO
-wes On ever goes t
bl6 g families such as
the'sea., T'Ite not oetthIg Aspirm at.all
Poliblan -anc&: might be
-is d��
k he P ub
Jlhply do n& in the so that r, i
The head i Ian clan
wh ch egicaq pe, -are, on' t
T orlbed M-veirentlY bs a ball, intucte
way.� ill) an ivitli the slow gesturesi and steady
f the man w open ho ii
�sualy like perhaplj� ii tbe
wnv eral ' a k L� 6.'
or -be adquart ers,,
az&�dd`, to t , ;'he,
gad is , wi�dom� Antiler eillo�
ull o
gn do, no�i splr,�ll in Pwlak6s. F li'ublan be
U nor cup, of nor any otfik"�,harniful, t to
vth tho s stion ths
in re ent whatsocver.,
granted not only the,Croms di
rhe r,e,
turallMex1t, blif. al thofficial right
�Ycluxlg and �ld alike can safely to add tli&J RA6 of-hdz farm at Luc-
hot" 1,1nl?: wit d
said that' ha be.
0" �� �, , . � I . . I '� � o oy the
of honor,
n aw as a tille
flu"vor �md the lie onafmt Ing Poublan i
J,e if no policy of 'Putting all' Of t
W Pel
baske , :and therl aa this b in iant,
one Bot �: afthful c' and the pfonezr, Of h tie nd coffee, contatih -an'' e tdnt:, Po§turn,
a rUg), W J�; -1 U Lj�jj
in effecty 'what ET(411noli d�D' during the day or niglit. title f Ins y tim �,ly In:gAbAt oeriervotsnes's' 1 Other lisw
YOU119 4�,gi�eat, to tho-Tia- ju t try it r awhile ',this
d 1 :5 cep.
170111 em
the'latter: are s
"winter, in'stead of tea,�cir C to I,q�ablb to un take care t pilre and the tra.di
lon of -the '�-hd
Actept Itl L L4
Wiliblesbtne bevetAgo Mad6 ftorn a I o wanv, to nd notic, ent ai
ar impiove
the heA.
Jf health. lloAnd
-7y t C
'[510 C T
f) 9 ca-n gou to fresh
FOR H LT A I h ot,to nt 0S
aro ma U1 A EL ao-7
t d;re
thaTMePk is, o -nv -The
: A &Porowq oxeg of '12 tAb
ir`Q5��M Will to le jallim6ne alie ahfd�'to t6l �IFGII the ablip, rghj, R