HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-1-18, Page 8• ,•••••e•-•14.-... ,""'", • • ••••• 1,•• • •• 4,•4# • • • "tfl! HE EXtETER, TIMES . , Marlret. rePerl,---"-rile following' 1s III' Al Al '' Alt I- IT ilt LC "vtitIrclies' ,s the report of the' 'Exeter Markmt l • , .) “ 4 ,o'I'QQ:tetl' every .NVecilie4day. . . • . , , INA 0 01ll'111•21S11,''11.11ilItli&N CRITIICla -• LARGE .. MEATY CRQWN PERFECTION a. 1 Mathha • , $3.95 Veit. 341,0.10,A3 (31te, ;O. A., list 10 an.1.--Sunday Sellool and, Bible = Feed Plolir $2.00 ' • p,"4 • 43!„t405 ••• Classes •-741‘, a.m..'—CommunionService. Sub- ,• jet "Tho I,"•'.ower• of- Christ." = , runs 4 w1,.... ...., 2 It 19c ROLLEI) OATS ... ..... 5 lbs. 3tle. Ylri1l5-4.."tLETS ,.... ..... , ..,10 lbs, 77c ! GRAN. O.A."PMEAL -. ... 2 /ha 2.te 1 COIN MEAL, ......„„ 4,0 77" TInulispAY, JAN -v.410( "Asol, '1923' ..tic141011E111111111110111.111H11.101,1/111illIMUJIIMINIIIMMirillfilinirlq01111011110111ffilliiiHiltfili011illiinliiiiiii111411114 46e ••• Barley • Sh IA t0 1,50 • q Dairy butter 36• to 39c 6 tbs, 276 er°aIrierY Buttei' 45° ,4 lbs. New Laid Eggs 40c 25c Lard 20c ,4 25c 1,Iof,,'-s $9.00 6 tbs. 25o M ibs 48e 11OLL.L1) W1112A I" ....2 lbs. lac Ms. 29c CHOICE RICE „,..,.. 3 lba. 25e 24 lbs. WHITE SATIN 24 lb lotir 1 OS. S / •••I' rastry cr. 0 tip c) £L,Grieve is in Toronto this ••/) SPECIAL BLENI LARGE OLIVES .4 V. Tea a lb Pints - /15c. ( uarts - 69c. .11 — 4 - ,Fir‘ Contest 2 H 1.\./frs. FreCkletori 263 Nfr, Keddy 263 .H Mrs. Co(- 263 Mr, Wethey 263 Each One Gef-t ts alf a Pound Tea WE DELIVER T71,!•,,a, anuar ' 11-7.43707373! week on. business The ice har,vest started last .week, the quality being excellent: Mrs, Powell has returned home, after` an extended visit in Toronto, Woodstock and London. Mr, J. W. Powell has been India - posed with a cold, for a Week. Mr,• Chas, Ford has been in charge of the Bazaar. • Mr. J, Iiiihert•Jones is in Toronto on business and Mrs. Jones is visiting kor for a few days with her parents in London. Mrs. S. Fitton spent a few days last week with her son Gerald in London. Mr. Fitton was in London this week Lor a few days. Mrs. Wna. Garner, of Toronto, is visiting her sister Mrs. Ed. Treble. Mr, F. M. Boyle visited his mother in London on Monday. Mr, R. R. Hagerman, ,of Calgary, - Alta., spent the week -end here with his wife and family, -who are spend- ing. the winter 'with Mrs. Hagerman's mother, Mrs. Margaret Horton w "M' •• • . ar Sale tock is the Largest a itiost Up4o1)ate Conductor of Funeral Service Motor Hearse and Horse Epuipment 40 01.ERA HOUSE BLOCK ,P.A.0%"0-1,14`0.4iiiA:i.c,4143:1:;t:f-'14ptif.Z4.00..4304,. ,pv* PHONE, 745; Night eall 74W Mr. John Hackney, of the London Road South, who is ill and under the doctor's care, has been moved to the home of his brother, Thos. on the north boundary of 'Osborne. 7 P•111.---"ItalY and its Religion''si The 3V1inistei loridaY, 8 p.m., Preparatory service. Boy Scouts will meet Mondak evening —4 • ,-.14.1,1'WES STREET METHO.DIST CITUROBt Rev. M, .1, Wilson, ILA., eastor. IMSSIONARY TAY 11 a .111, --"The New Day ancl what -we Should make it Mean." 3 p.m.—Sabbath School and Bible Classes: 'A Membership Gonteat on in "The Comrades" 61ass. Mrs, Ross and Mrs.W.T. Snell, Captains. 7 Old Time Song Sem-lee, in which, all may have a part. owls. Hymns, 'Anthems, Quartettes, Duets and Solo. All are cordially invited, it will be a treat.. . • MAIW ST. MIT,THODIST CHURCH Rev. Geo. McAlister, M. A, (Phone 21, r3.) 11-a.m.—"A. pillar of Fire" 3 p. ni,—Bible School Classes for all. 7 p.m.—"No More Vessels" BETHANY 2.30—Rev. W. G. H. McAllister : - SALVATION AThHY SERVICE'S, • Services as usual next Sunday.. Capt. T. I-Iobbins HOUSE FOR SALE On Main Street, a brick house in good condition. Apply, to -Reginald Knight, Exeter. „ Thanies Road Presbyterian Church, PROPERTY FOR SALE Friday evening at 8 o'clock under the Consisting of house, stable and Iauspices. of the Y. P. Society, by Rev. 8 lots of land, Situated in Exeter W. It. McIntosh, M.A., F3.D,, subject:, North on Main St. Apply to H. "A Trip West, What struck in,e.' , , Bierling, Hay P.O. Mr. J. T. Wood, who about six weeks ago underwent an operation . at Victoria Hospital, London, has Kindly notice that I carry a corn - sufficiently recovered as to return plete line of Dr.- .Murray's Stock and home 013, Thursday of last week.- Al- Poultry Food and Remedies. Stock though still weak lie is improving and Poultry, a pure 1V1ineral food, not 81owis. like - ordinary stock food, Special - •This section has experienced SOV- prices given if called for at the house. eral snow -storms during the past. R. B. Quance. „Gridley St. Exeter. week. The storm on Thursday was I quite bad. The automobiles have • ' been ,practically tied up and sleighing Azio.,..-#44,,,,,,,,, -um ,,li'll ..,,,,y, 4, 1 daaarTigiNii.ir t ,te6A., is' general. he farmers are mak`- e.c...Trex.,-”,,,,evaes===.1=tassazummr, .., ..r..........,,,,,_,,..,,..,...........o...... ing good use of the sleighing to get' __, their teaming dOne. lUOFOOacres, b(--1 . in- iL,Ill.fr-enn, 2 7 • P- On the premises are a brick houi, in -- - . Dr. A. E. Almond, Eye -sight spe- ' In reporting the court case in. Ex- • 1.- EXETER 24.RAtiniNAn7.:.URACLeeUtNILinT:"LorfiNSthGOeCiEE'xreYie'.1' cialist, of -Toronio, will be at the • day, January 1.9 th -and -20th. Central Hotel, on -Friday and Sat,u •Airicultural Society will be held in -e..er--isst.-week.in, which -Mr.-Wilson IIOUSE FOR SALE • the- T°\vil Hall ''xe`ter' c'n Friday' Take' notice that from and after Black, of ITsborne -was awarded' $'5•1`r- , 1, good' condition; frame barn, over- 01-1 Huron Strjet, block and a ha,,if January 19111, 1923, at 1.30-o'ulook P.m. Lor tlie... purpose of, elcctmg President, this date 1, Richard Elston, of the and costs from Lloyd & Son, 04 strat- east-ofMain street, frame house in Vice -President and bisectors for the , Township, of Blanshard, in the conn- ford, the result of a suit for -damages good con.dititire.-- Apply to ' ell:suing year and transacting other flowing spring; 5 acrea of orchard; tY of Perth, farmer, will not be re- in an auto accident, The Times stated - LOUISE SWEET. imPortant business. land is well -underdrained, 10 aces of fall wheat in.; 35 acres of ;all plenglaing done, balance seeded. lIin•- PHONE 184, TrICOT BRC)S: l'iroigri 124', • 11 1 I (4311 S t (d ( • t ::;t" Only 12 left to choose from but every coat a good style, made from splendid cloths and excePtiontl value at the price we are offering thein. 1() $12()(11 S15. lex Flannelette All Wool Bla kets •Blankets • Largest size and best quality in In • l;eatitifu'i riiialit.y all' wool grey 01' white 'with pink or blue blankets fi.t)in. one of the beat nada - borders at pet- pair $2.89. •ors. 7 lb. size, $9.50, 8 lb. size t'3E.0•50 New Circular New Galateas • • Pillc)vv C-otton • There iS every indication that Cottons will be higher' •in price. • Thee are good values at rier yard r -50c • hole and 60c Ladies •V Neck 1Tests Good winter weight with V neck and shnrt sleeves. Extra value at per gannent 75c, Everyone' "lciiows what a good wearing cloth this is. The new patterns are here. Per yard 35c • White Flannelette 35 inches wide. A good weight cloth and if -bought at tO-clays price wOuld be 30e a yard, priced at per , Yard, 25e. • WALL PAPERS .-- It is a good time to buy your Wall Paper. We. have a number of room lots that we are clearing thismonth at• very low prices. Ask to see them. -.• • . • • „ , . • • „.= mow. trwarmot •Maitaf4 • 111111111111f 1111 1111111111111111111111111111111,161111111111111111111111111111ill111111111111111111111111111111111111111-&*= E. 3. CHRISTIE LIFE, ACCIDENT, FIRE AND AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE EXETER, ONT. • Phone 119 • STRAY DOG—Fox terrier, body white, ears dark. Owner please call -at Rey. J. Foote's. sponsible for anw debts contracted that Mr. J. G. Stanbury acted for the •- - - • • •' All. members and interested parties bY or on behalf of my wife Lenora,h defendant. This was in error,. as For' Sale—Barn, square timber, shnuld attend thi8 nTe'elting-• ,n'istnn• • . Mr. Stanbury acted for the Plaintiff. frame, 24x36. J., S. Harvey. •` ,... :The Directors ars particularly Tc- iediato possession. AnPlY on Prein-• annual I.Dated January 9th 1923 ' •' • ' - quested .abc''t'.*111.1Oe'ectlobckefosrheartphe ises or to Ed. IC'estle lot 13, con. 2, ' ' - •' lPur Coat -for Sale—Raccoon Coat, FOR SALE—NewHigh Back Cut- 1 ' ' Cs13orno, R. R. 1, Centralia, RICHARD ELSTON [good qiialfty and in good re - - ter, in good condition.Apply1 THOS. HLINITIN R.'G &ELDON! , 1 Price $55.00. Apply at Times Office 1 . .. J. Sta ham. President Secr,etasy. •• , • ,t-tr.,.....,..—.,,sso.,,, ,•m:m¢,:.:smacosto.....".1,._,.,e.t.............., sya...=64/7.1IY74,2.71MIZIS., . • •........•••••2313.1.....................p.......,•0101 OgiiiNliii111111111IlliiiiiIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIiill1111111111111111111111i11111111111111111111111111111111[11111111/11111111111111111/11111111111111111111/1H11111111111111111111111111111ffililliiiiiiigH11111111MiiiiiiiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Eu4 _ ••• • . — .4. . 9 t"I 4 - k ir •., .•,, '', e have taken stock We '-ave balai-iced our books. = Our outstanding accounts are two large WE MUST _RAISE MONEY Pir°: ICES T M OU 10 Day Sale, Japi-,ary- 18th to 27th 12 Day Sale, January 18th to 27th ur stock is too heavy • • argains Groceicry '13'2;17 dins' Bargairis• f()t)La.:., sli.A.NFIELD?s, PURE WOOL •\ iRAISINS ,• FUR, COT/LARED &• -.113uRBERRY.s.Th17.1C°11-T8 • $2.00 RED LABEL GARMENTS 170R sa.'.60 SDN-7-WAIB SEEDED 18c — Li. 530,00;COAT'S .. •. . . . . .'$17.-25 $2,60 f.BLITE LABEL GARMENTS FOR......$2.15 SEEDLESS RAISINS , 2 lbs. 35c $25.00 ;GOATS Yf'011, . ... . .... ... . . $14.50 • 75c 1-1ElAVY • WOOLLE11/4T,SOX,FOR................49c $1.50 AVooDen Shirts and Drawers for.... . 52,00 WINTER CAPS .WItEI.EAR-BANDS.51.00 50c LEATITER MITTS & GLOVES FOR 25c P11. 756 WARIll'I<NITTED MITTS . . Hem/y'Low•Ilitlitiers for $5..00 .HEAVY, TAN WORE. SfIall3S $1.25 NVORIst,SHIRTS, FULL SIZE FOR 980 • Overc_i• ats $25.00 11 -fen's Winter Overcoats for .$20.00 'Young Overcoats for 4450.00`l'aounlaiii Goat Fur Coats fol. .:....539,50 4 CROWN MUSCATELS ROYAL YEAST CORN FLARES GOLDEN SYRUP 7 LI3S., OATMEAL FOR, 20c lb. Good warm ContS.,for Ladies wad Girls @ $5.00 ,.5c PKG 25c PRINTS DARK and LIGHT COLORS 20c yd 90 ,20c FACTORY COTTON 36in WIDE yd 80 ib. 30c Flaainelette, Good Quality and Width, 22c yd 25,c 30c JUTE & LINEN TOWELLING- Per Y1) 121/2e • 3 JELLY POWDERS FOR 24c 60c,/13R00MS FOR,. ... . . . .. 4 BOXlilS SARDINES . 25e Soaps 3 CAKES PALMOLIVE SOAP FOR........ . . .. 23c 7 CAI -CES CASTILE SOAP POR....... .. .... ..25c 5 BARS COMFORT SOAP or P & G for $1.00 toleartal . t.tiKt.41.0 Ara.1:3410,,v1 1 SUITS FROM $15 TO $40 OVER COATS FROM $10 TO - • • SIVEATERS $7 UNDER -WEAR FRO1VI $1 TO. $2 COMBINATION UNDERWEAR FROM $4 TO $7 • BIUFFLERS FROM $1:50 TO $2.50 • SHIRTS FROM $1.00 TO $2.50 TIES FROM 500 TO $1.50 - - BRACES FROM 500 TO 51.00 - GARTERS FROM. 25c TO 50c • SLEEVE HOLDERS FROM 25c TO 50c- IIDICES. IN SILK, LINEN AND LAWN SOCKS IN SILK, WOOL AND LISLE I -TAI'S FROM $2 TO $7 CAPS F11().11/ 50c TO $2.50 AMAN P "0 N a „• WPoix.3•3.11.,...*••343,,1124 ' • 014.300.0ilsgasa , altiArtC113;„• 4•11.31&•"31424ift 1.1,,4**4101.ie,ixit • ANDY EAST(3N •--- Licensed Auctioneer for the Conan. ' •- -- -- ' ty of Iltutroii. Corresporiclierice arrange- rneuts for S 111C$ C813 bs3...ntatle by dzill =-- hto. up the Central Hotel, Exeter. = •Charges ntoderate, satisfactiol) • = eqicir.tinteed. • ,noe Shepherd's checic Dress Goods•—••••38c yd • f,a1.1P,m4:7,11:1118,.thle'0,11,raoSnwAcinT'shElinibAbeekf:tuv:s.ic)0101,1:-nloced6, • = Tucl-ersinith • 200 Yd. 'C(lates' C°i:tg31 SP°°k,1-;:-..,--.4 '1" 25e, • = buildings and well located to ' *2.5° SP'°•11; f.°1.ILIdies' a kets.' Priced right APply to 'rhos ih 4Y" Fhiliselette.,. 131ankets • Camer,on,• Aust., Box 154, , Exeter, • • • $3.50 LARGEST ,SIZE FOIL ..... . $.. • $3.00 11:-.4 FOR . • , • • . • I)r„ John VV ,,r11 TS • , , PURE 1;146. LAN7• -.1.".-S6.50 PAIR °III' !IC &•01.1T'O ?,IETRIST • ' • • Boy' Clothing Bargains •. • $10.50 SITS, Geed Sizes,'for $6,40 • Boys' Woolicii -,Titurp.;e •Han renl()Yed to Main St: Exetor.. ch)oti Wfirin Overcoats, Sizes 29-34 for 5 Sin ui Sizes $1.2.9--00440'11•-5'weaters '506 .eaciat• •• •:=• South:of PI-IONE 70 Sale Starts Thursday' ' Lasts for Ten Days • , Bazilai.ns Every Day . , • . , , • , ... • SUPEJTiTOpD WirkirE4T. 1..9,-.•••••2 LAIIGuE CbIlTS CASCAD6 Tanfl CANS PICAS (.14l: (.4013"•N'25e' ••Barrister, Solicitor, &c., Iioans, Investments, .Insurance,- .Office, Carling Block;Mahl St. Exeter' A. B. TENNANT, •- • • • .- • • • • • ,. Veterinriry Surged% • •••, • Officer---McDonnell'at ales Is,tablea•oa, • :• John St. Phone `Calls receive prompi. • • \ attention, Phone 26w • '• , , 0 0 ,•. LET ' T. IL Overhall your Suits and,O'Coai, ho • will talc° those spots off of them and will make them look like ne\v,ii,. „••'•;4:.•,,,';•••'• Tf you keep yOlir clothes preased You - Will save money. • • also do dying and dry cleaning, . Alivays at ytohne •tt.m.p.lotrt,.7.ant'43"t! ., r 'me • ••• ' ' ' • •• ''• .• - ' ... . • .., : • • , . „. • • -. ' • , • .....,, ' .nti,aft-tz,.,..t.m...-zrattts.•,...4..tsi,....-at..",..&7'Pamr.13.•-•-.tt..t...,.1.....,-,,ezt-,•-••,,V.cli.:t....'t-ttt'''.•.m:1..,..,1,-4,•..!..,z3-',17, ....zzr,,,,...,:cet-r4a. • • ,.• , ' -••••: ••••,. 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