HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1923-1-18, Page 4eft:tons arz 04' Real Estial t eertiela one 60 504 xith Ot glit $crtiOn. MtUaiou aienot line% Fr Salo) To a.iated, each 'llitstel'as-M 1(1 tonna locals LomiTeskin,g 00tthes itc. iOo pal .fusertion. No note les* Uli 250. Gard,of Than 600. saleS or one insertio and :for eacli subsoquent rtion f. nide2 Ave inches, la length• . Legal atiNertiaing 10c and 6sa e BING LIST. Eoter Times $1,50 2.00 the 13 'ted States, Imes and, Toronto Globe $6,25 Times and Mail & Empire... , Times and London .A,dvertiser 6.25 • Times and London Free Press 6.25 Tinaes and Toronto Star .. .,.....6.25 and Farmer's Ativocate • Times eic Family HerOJd & W.S. 3.25 • 'lanes and idoatleal Tirnas tind Faimers bun . .. .. .„....0 .40 Times and Christian Guardian 3.40 Times and Presbyteria-n 3.90 The above publications may be obLlited by Times subscribers in any combination, the pine for any pub- lication tieing tlie figure given, less' .50, reuresenting the price of The .t7r,:cDf TER TERNE•FROM esielttn4.4,13,Y 2,11-d• CIFINTIIAL BUSINESS COL - 'LEGE, STRATFORD, ONT.': The leading practical trainin school in Wcisterri. Ontario. The, scilool where you, get a .thorough course under competent instructors Commercial, • Shorthand and Telegraphy .Depart-. nients. We assist graduates to position. Write for free "• catalogue. • lefiafilaleiest, Principal T E DOTSI3LE TRACK ,ROUTE Between MONTREAL TORONTO: DETROIT ' and •• • CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car service. Sleeping cars on night traliaS and . parlor ears on principal • day train.s. ...edTufl information .from any Grand unk tTieltet Agent or C. E. Hor- ning, District Passenger. Agent Toronto, etterittit5 e agent Exeter.' Phone 46w. , 1 :Ts ; pecrage is • .tliat of wliclx".•was .....11s011: • 4.u'rtn SOXOn tin-0§.•ltd 5 Q5wia \i5 •11;•-s' •co•ntr'ol.,•la,rgs.s (Lst co of . t.hiss• • Q.P11.4st.IS'..,r,,.,..• '0,4d .th'08 to Euglisi as Oarle,,41••ves tbon coi deret as n. ti.tla rc0Ce •,roa1?4; lIc J., eoiuiag',..neizt to: •nitt.riattesttes.,...:apd.. the' title• becatab .••• ".• .• • .•••• •• . 1he . ingbsst Lttlo"..ta'..' ,•the Britisb ,pee.i'atis;e-Le,..11.ttniel:Y, -.that ,of4 •• 1 „was .1 • • : ',(.21,t'4*.t •ntro0ucod to agiendhy••• 1!4, wbo nictis ins ••siin,,, stile Which stios by.i• e.acti Priceeo1: V/ales '1"sl'eitt•-iii. Order Of • •iiii.&iedetiCe. tbs.a duke • 'conies'," a,.•itisitalfteSsis',,",";Tlte-' tt"t's.'s '1.1.1.ebat'd.••1;,',•••,wh;o inade Ole •ft.bbert,•;disa.;*,ore,,',..ihe .51.tir Of. Dahlia,: just teir creati.on • ...• ....... • ••'••• ranIts,• ttlitei,. that 01: earl, ywaS.".iii.tai„,s;" d'oced"frain. France tlie first vitifectint, ;being •'•Created. in • 1446,....The title sigoibect .one•.W0b.retireSentied.„ an'eart 'br-connt;.but ..beda.iliesa. tttle u4 nobility.• .1iie tilte ot•si•liaroin."•'•••.wns ute.d-ia "Britain •after • the: ,•Noinuitn-.0ifitOtieSt, •bat". the • first • actriali .baron to be. cre- ateb by . letters .patent,...was• s.o • ap- pointed.by Richard 41., in 14387, •two.. years- .atter the • in trod.uction. • 04 Ili?tiste "marquess'' , •• • •••••‘" •. . • -..• :Barb:tit:its hot d... the lowest ' Of:. here- ditary • •'1".b.e...firat...barenets" were, I61.1.••1y James L, Wlien• the ...titl'eS,..:Were granted on the pay- inent o2 one..thousandP.otteds. This. easy mei:lied" Of 'Obtaining. 'attitl'e-", nate tirt'illyletl'"th..large.satimbers of. ••,apiari.i-•• cants...coining' „.f.orwa,rd,,-"Initthe. king. .11Mied."..., the nurnber ef....bartinets:to two. btindred,-...... • . . . . . . Tb7day.there,„are-„ttliettt...:50..baree• ",•• iietsa; and s ,thetoirMliein•Cbbds COntiee• tially.to increas�. T fir.ateheider. Oft .the title was Nich�1 Bacbn. 04 Red - • .During•• the 7t•Middlet: Ages e knights. • were..enif••created fort.-deedst-oftvalore' "tan& tiie stitIeel",theiilriatefts•IniiCli'...-nier is ro.,sclay:•°' •••"" .Henry AV.'S Chinfoiinder,_ Henry,the.-V:f.H.is gunfounder at the tfme of, laiS' alceesSion uras one iluni- plirey iVlatese name appears English. enough.' 71. -le is cleacrih,ea as ono of a Erni, of brass foundersof .(be 'parish. 'of St. Margaret's, „Lothbury. Bishopsgate Without, and was ap- ppinte:d guhiiers in the Tower in :„ItutO„ 15 0 9. An. InYent,bry, of gun a tire -1 Tower of London,' drawri,n_p-sru 1514, its entioned-z cu iv.e i 11.11 ,SerP eptines, and faweens•01 HiimpitneY .Walker's,makinge ora - bards, 'c.urtovv-s,„'serp-entinesaudtsilawe eons ,cif 'malting; 'and eel,- veriirs, demicartows, Serpentine,s, and faivcons' of Symond's making. The double curtow fired a shot of_ 68 pound's, the.curtOw ef 25 pounds, the-. ctdRedin.17 pounds, dernictilverin .pounds, „and- the bombard "Of 80 pounds and Over. The inventory, teerefore,, 'shows that 'sortie Pr'ngress was already being made in the -Mane-, faottireof the • large typeS efi ord- nance in Britain. Walker carried:on his work, at ' the ';`1-3elle, Hous in Houndsditch beside London," in the _oarish 'of St. Botolphe Without, .41d-: 'gate, and there. in 1514 be caSt the king's Great Basiliscus, a gun firing Si,let 04 15 pounds. _ Stationery - &stationer originally meant a man who 'had g regular station or stall at - a inai-ket, and as in days gone by suoh a.stall was often placed outside a.ciatircli„, the word in time acquired - the distinct meaning of a, man who sold religious articles, often nianuTI1011 e scrintae the 8taLioner becanie, roga.rcl- .e.d.,as a man who copied naanuscripts, whether religioes or not and so he becarrie definitely identified with the book trade.. " (Laclually, however, menspecializecj itt ciliferent branches, the bookseller. ,soing one.waysamd the Man wh6.u.4o1d •.,papers,cpens artdi the odds and -.ends f, literature, anti then The lettei).kent ;tires old name ;and sold.l'stationerY,"- • aword 'which became .of6cially1 lircrv7ed with the .opening, nearly a • century and a-haii' ago, of "H. M. N. Lumbe 1 Ply R.611 Roofing-, $2,00 " , 2 PlyARoll 18 Ply- Asphalt Roll Roofing, eithey) s , Red or („troen $4.00,^ , , Asp a t „ Shingles , 6.7 White Pine 1x6 Dre,ssed and. iVlatche •'at $45 0Cs Per 1000 feet. , Also Matched Luniber Perfectly Clear at $55.00. Phone 11o. 12 ATWO V ' .12 rit,,tc ,bstnataU bott 7 Y ° )V OA s,2la lip I )haS4ts4A, ..rthle softn flu '',`. ,0 tmy' D4 oX0bppthilon 4 licsinty o»pr hair, bdsid rll'i0 ti OcrY tl. r, /id hav.41, Stationery Office.' Flashes. The best ago to inarry is later on, Perhaps somebody will tell us what used to encourage all the crime in the rays before the cinema. Just wlien we are beginning to poke fun at women's hats along comes that new style i11 nien's bowlers. • • The wase than never worries. I dm daytime ho is to lnis-Y, and at night he is too tired. Get that habil.. ----From "Flashlights," by T. Jays.' by, Rusknm • 'I, -lei, the- ,;•rea-t, artist, by way ot - rico picture to f' a., ;to 0 , e-xilibitioto So ctinningle' executed as to occasion soroe doubt is,rhion side ahould be hung upperre.ost. The coal- riiittee hung the Painting ltPeide down, but, having a doubt abetri it, , Wrote to Ttielier, stating what they d• done, reqtmGiiitg hninodate. Ie due tilite ii, see olisisted naerely ' els." TU • 0. 1 • who ,;) k bii rreenic bairies ,ta.lr-q''i care to. -prevent poistmed. They , 0 er their etooes• ft4tay ova A PERTINENT QUERY An inspector had made , a special visit to a certain elementary school in a big provincial town, and froin his point a view good ;results had been obtained. "Well," he said, "is there any lad Nvho would like to ask me something?" "Yes, sir," cried a voice. "whot time does your train leave?"—Londen Tit -Bits. ' THE EXETER TIMES siN NAL tNUC1O A journal that for over fifty yeare has grown it public esteem until it has acquired- the largest number 04 reaclers of any journal in tile country n which it is published may wilieut exaggeration be, Said to halie grOWil into a national institution. By the testimony of its readers, by the testimeny of the press of Canada, bY the testimony of a vast nuntber of the thinking population and by the admission of caDablo Journalist's and other onlookers in. °tiler colln- ries-, The Family Herald of Montreal, based on its enormous army of read - ors,. on ite independence and on its devotion to the welfare of the coun- try, ha -a came to be regarded as one of the National, assets of the Domin- •, Keen Practioe. "Have you had ariy, experience in salesmanship?" asked- a sales manager of a college., graduate applying or ,a - job. "O4 yes," repliecl. the other Confident- ly. "1 assisted for two years in sell- ing the seats for' the Yale -Harvard football game." -- American Legion Weekly. • • 'Polite but Inquisitive. Host—Those, my dear, are my great- aunt and uncle. t'hnall Guest—I suppose they dead? Host—Yes. Small "Guest (after a pause)-18Thy I . , ask whether they died of illness or old- ness?—London Punch. are The Worst Ever. "Well," said the landlord of the Soakem hotel, as the guest was paying his bill, "What do you think of our place as a summer resort?" "I'd hate to tell you," answered the stranger as he picked' Sp his grill. "Even what 1. think of it as a last .1. resort would not look well in print." , Cook's Consolation. The mistress, slao\Ving' the new cook round the kitchen, excused the ab- sence of silver entree dishes with the remark that burglars had recently ran- sacked ,'the.'place: • - • "Oltwell, mum," said the cook, "tair-' glars' must live, mustn't they?" , Sutter That Lasts. 'The 'Grocer—Yetfm, butter Would be cheap -at twice the nioneY., "• •' ' ' Mrs.' tIordon1Lodge—Yes 'I know it would:, 'I've: Used it 'before 'and, my ,boardeiS eh, t hardly. 'any 1a' it -i --Lon- don, Answers. ; IMPROVING FAST ' "Good morning, Mr. Smith! Is your wife better?" , "Oh yes, She's able to sit up and criticize everything i do now." You D,on't Sei hi 'd like, to marry. you," , said Mab& "keigh, • kor'you have such a. pleasant weigh; But you, I fear, get Very little peigh, •And so I'll have to tell y,ou, neigh." Margery's Help. 1. ,q.‘ze,'-, darling, 'I can't let You help Ime wiPe , the dishes, you break too many of them," . "'But, mainitria, that's, a help, for you don't ,haVe se many.-4ont•tvash next 'time."' 'to 7, . • ' •.'''' ''i''' ' '-'''' ' .1 .i..1S.t. . •,-.'• ,- ',„ ,?s,ot,ExPendnie Favor ;ruSov,edilee.els`VII have to , gi•,'a re- frigerator; it Will save us,;:nOney. Mr. Justwedd,--How so, 'dear? . justwedd-7-1 notice that every time „ you cool a .waternielon in Mrs'. "Nes - door's ice, chest you give her; half. •' The Better Way.' , • He-7-Tilat young, one -with ',its cry- ing will drive me Crazy yeti Can't you get Istra quiet? ' Sime—TII• trysinging to hini.. , never mmei.; Better let him cry!--elondon Answers. . • 2oth . 13 m e leas. , "If time operation, hurts .you, don't blaine ine;, but blame your' itervest;"1, "And if ,°,1 hit ,yets. on the in.'tee whet/ It .is over, don't Iriatate me, but blame iny Meggencloeffer 131atter. • .„ • Good M:isinese. 0,11 can soul • more ram th ando you -employ eat , • 01 ev bright young tomers •wbo are Staridi Would Changc Ths ig " great (fake of Guise teas to be hisOn'n 'as "ielte Scarred.' " -"Rattier risiu ,"How So?" • "Any „printer ;I -nig -lit drop elle 'r• ,•1'"" , Veranda Chat. "Ile got 1118 wife out of a clepartmcnl tOpe." "She looies its le she came 4rotn ties tensuppt cOmiter„.'",„' .. 11 ion. li'or the year 1923 the 'Publishers of The Family Herald and' Weekly Star, promise their readers better val- ue ,titan ever in. the Pastawith more caolilltiatieibn)afio..trner sianitTie d6.morelrepsolatili;s- involve heavy outlay for pew feat- ures, but the subscription price will remain at." $2.00 per year," the extra expendittire beingnundertaken in ab- solute faith, upheld by the confid- ence and practical co-operation of more than half a million readers. The New Year has opened with a rush of subscriptions.that has smash- ed all previous records. Judging by the stacks of subscription orders that watoutlidtsme,lialni.ve 'threlitened to choke the great Meutreal Post Office, it t half of Canada had sel- ected The Faraily Herald. arid Weekly Star as the best all round joUrnal Cor 1923. 'AUTO OWNER TO HELP PAY GREAT BRITAIN'S WAR DEBT • (Toronto Globe) Washington, Jan. 12.—By reason of its crude rubber ihesburces Great Britain will " be enabled to pay its $'4„.8.0.0,0 0,000 war debt to the United States in a decade' at the expense of 1 -American. automobile owners and I other rtibber cdifs'Ifiners, according to Senator 1VIeclill, McCormick (Re publican, Illinois.) ' • The Senator submitted to the Sen- ate, the Oew 'British, export du- , , ate, a Cominerce ,Ilepartment ruling ties 011 crude 'rubber grown in the Malaysian States. The duties,it tstated, rise frerne8c a pound on ex- ports bet*een, 60 and 65 per cent. of the 1920 Volume of producfion to 24c lifi''exports in excess of 100 per cent. Discharge Debt in Eighlt Years. • The 'eost" ef crude rubber already. has nearly doubled as a result ipf, the Britislippjart duties and.. the price 6f aufoinobile tires has advanc- ed sharply witliirc . timelast month. Tires and other: i.nb.ber -articles are going to cost the United, States con- sumers, Senator 1V1cCormick:estimat- ed,„ from a30Q,000,0002to :600,000, 00 a year more than hitherto..., At ,the latter figuyesth6sBritish, said the _ , - .Senator,- would take ,a,t911 from the United States.consumers alone suf- ficient to discharge, their debt in a- bout eight years.. s Ienry Ford'and, HaVveY S. Fire- stone, tire manufacturer; are • so a- larmed over the prospects -of the oPer- ationit of 'the 'British" Monopoly that they are going to ethe 'Philippines to see what can be ,dene to develop rubber Produttion' in , these. islands. Mr. Firestotfe' has been here several days arranging.' for the expedition. They also intend -to survey the equa- torial regionofSouth America; in the • , hope t'llat a source a preairctin nan be established' within the `next five years which vi1j release consumers in 4this" conntry from dependence on the British. • The New Postal regulation by which maileorder ;parcels can be sent- , C.O.D. and paid by the purchaser at. the'leCal. PoSt Office wicket, Is anoth= er b1oto thesital1 toWn merchant and's'ail'other truilding up the city af the exPens'e of the small town and country. it adds work to the task of'•the Postmaster, whose salary 18 based on thO aincrunt of stamps he sells and not en the amount of par- cels he distributes, and, we presume he sells his stamps fo Our local People and not to tile' iVlail order honse. To the Post °facie as well at all other local institutions the business wel- fare 'of the town -is vital, 1The more business done necessitating ,the Awl -n- ine', of lettelithe more pay, and still, „this new regulation maltes the Post Office in the small town a sort Of an- nex to ,Toronto' Departmental Stores. --Parkhill Gazette, The 'Bureau olonization dnd 1:umtnigration expectr, a large number of st class fliOfl from 1110 010 Coun- try c1unimg the la,tter „part, of; Marc and ,siteceacling. months. 1,0'1110 expel lanced, some ttnd sonie inex- perienced 301111 g ,M em, and exPerielle- ed married 010i1 witli and wi-111°ut fa,mtlies. Farmers with V a 01.eS will kindly wri4,,s H. A. idel)onell, Director of Colonization, Parliament TOronto, or to their Agri- cultural. Represealtttive for informa- tion tilid application forffis. Applica- wili be dealt -with as far as nos- , • , sible Nil the order zia tiley are received, 1)re1e1'mice Tieing g,iireit. engagements. 5, 13. 21'09. Agnic'ultumutl ]et)m'eseIil a till - ons war Dram water from your radia tor use Pyridine Alcohol to prevent freezing l'ut on your Tire Chains It may save a life or your ta from being wrecked et us take care of your r • Storage 'Battery 11' you are going tO" use it, test it every week. If not, let us store it over winter at 50e per month. LI. Bee AUCTION SALE OF PASTURE FARM and HARDWOOD Busa tn the Township of Tucker- - smith. The undersigned has, been instruc- ted to sell at the Commercial Hotel, • HENSALL, on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd, 1923 at 2 o'clock pana that excellent past- ure farm and bush and described as Lot 13, Concession 2, L.R.S., Tucker - smith Township, containing one hundred acres more or less. On the property. are 40 acres of bush, mostly maple, with ;some rock elm. .This property is only a short distance from Kippen station so the timber can be readily shitiPed.- AL, ail -year stream passes through the property and makes it an ideal past- • ure farm. t. • TERMS OF SALE: 10 per cent. cash and balance in 30 daysewithout interest. For further particular2. appty to, FRANK TAYLOR, .Auction- eer; PETER kILPATR.ICK and MAR- GARET J. HAY, Executors 3°,anies C. McLean, Estate, GLADM.A.N.8.e`STAN- BURY, Iiensall and Exeter, Solicitors for the'Esiate. ' HURON'S' DEBENTURE DEBT The folloWing was, issued a,s an 'Official statement of Huron!s, Debent- ure Debt:— , • In 1909 bridge debentures 'were issued arnonnting to $20,000, pay- able 'in 20 years 'at.4 percent. These will fall due in 1929. . In 1915 war or ,patmobc debent- tires were issued amounting to $60,- 000 for 5 and 10 year's at 5 per cent., Of these $38,000 liave been ,paid, leaVing $22,000 payabletin 1925. , In 1916 another issue of $60,000 was rna,de for 5 and 10 years at .5 per cent. Of this issue $36,500 have been paid, leaving $23,560, due in 1926: ' In 1917 the „issue was doubled, making $120,000 for 5 and 10 year at 5 per cent. Of these 74,5O0have. been paid leaving $45,500'due in 1927. •. •••' In 1918 an issue of ,$96,000' was made for 5, 10 and ,15 years at 51/2 per cent. Of this issue $5;060 have been paid, leaving $91,000 to be paid in the years 1923; 1928 and 1933. So that'of the $356,000 issued, 4,15,4,000. haVe.tbeen .paido leaving $'202,000 still to be, paid atethe Per- . iOcis aboateinientioned. 010 u; Yr/ • Ofathei$15.4o0,0.6'paid; 13340,00 Was paid,, before,. due, as thereelvasian un- derstanding with,the purchaSere that so. long as ,there was money in the Sinking Fund, debentures presented would be paid. Summarizing tile foregoing the County according to the. by-laws un- der which they were issued, has com- ing due debentures ,as follows: 1923 the snip of $33,000 1925 the sum of $22,000 1926 the cern 011 $23,000 '1927 the sum of $45,,500 1928 the sum of $39,500 • 1929 the sum of $20,000 1933 tlie sum of $18,500 In paying- the •$34,000 indicated, above the sinking fund was la,rgelY drawn on but there remains invested n mortgages, etc., the suni of about $27,000. In addition , to this the County will need to levy from 1/,,3 to" 1 mill on the dollar each year until" 1933 to liquidate these debentures with interest.—Clinton New Era. • The' forty-eighth' annual financial statements of the flay Township Fire Insitrance Co. haS been prinetdd and is in Ole bands of the Secretary-trea..z.. urer, for distribution to the various polic,y-holders. We find that • the company lias a casii balance on hand of $3846.91. I -raving suffered dur- ing the year 1922 to the amount of $7107.31 of losses. The contpawt has 2072 pelicies Imi foree, covering an in - sentence of $7,195,480.00. Miring the past, year 601 polieles' have beel tisitled and, no assessments made. Tho aninual meetieg wilt be held at "Zur- ToWn Hall, on 'Monday, jait'y You butte u sweet xrt ter 'fpth ou 1),ER Rom YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD GROCE 45 PLAN TO DISCUSS SALE OF CATTLE Plans for marketing Canadian cat- tle under the new conditions follow- ing the removal of the British em- bargo against the importation of Ca- nadian nonbreeding be disMISSod ata confereoce whiclinis to be held between officials of the fed - oral, department of agriculture and live stock men from all parts of the Dominion. The conference is expect- ed to take place toward the end of the month. The Proposals to be dis- cussed will, it is understood, likely include steps for the development of union stock yards at Montreal and central gatherig points, the establish- , ply. Plans are:, also under way for' the development by tile department. of a system by which the exporters., in this country would be kept con. tinuously informed as to the market contlitions\in Great 13ritain, ports to- whieh cattle 'shOuld be shipped and the classes of live stock • fejt' which. tliere is a ,dentancl at -any's-time. JAMES CHESNEY of TORONTO. Seafortii, Jan 13th,—The death oc- duri•ed in Toronto on Thursday ov last week of James Chesney, formerly' of Tueltersinith, in his 73rd year. The funeral will talte place from the - residence of his brOther, Mr. H, M. ChesneY, on Tuesday to Egniendvillea rtALSA_MEA gnic.Itly relieves even tbe most stubborucases of chronic or acute bronchitis. A few doses a1. ieviate the hacking bronchial coughs' and enable the sufferer to sleep natu. cally-atnight. YOUr 11:14ALSA.A4EA is a syrup containing J-, the extract from the root of a rare plao.t, and is free from Itcutstbe"phlegniandclears the lungs. ICeep.,,it.in,yourehome. 'Reliefguaranteedortnodeyrefunded. Druggists s 2411 13rownin s Drug Store„ Exeter, Grit TF E MOLq BANK INCORPORATED 1855 Capital Paid Up $4,000,600, P.eserve Fund $5,0(10,000 Over' 125 Branches • 1;U:1'1: KEEP SURpLUS MONEY IN TIES HOTJSE? It is dangerous Better to take .this money to the nearest Branch of,The 1Vrolsdn's Bank' and deposit it in,a Savings'account 'where it will be,absolutely safe. (Money'may be 'deposited or withdrawn by mail.) EXETER BRANCH T. S: WOODS, Manager Centralia branch open for busineesdaily. , e Trend of Busines 0 ,forecast correctly trade develop- • ments is of vital importance to the man of business. yr Monthly Commercial. Letters, • ;„which will be sent oia requeit, con- tain analyses Of agOcultioral and trade conditions of great asiistance - reaching sound Conclusions. • THE CANADIAN OF COMM .ERC 4512 Capital Paid Up $15,900,000 • Reserve Fund; $14p00,00,0, cetef'sz4PF EX Es '1 fit' r - n R. ConaprM, Manager., s , s , , Crclic_933- I EiaS-Ewood " R. $.' Viriltiat - Manager. , ; toss s; • THE 'IUSBORNE AND HERBERT litiUtETAL "FERE INSI,TR7 A_NCE COMTANY. Head Office, . • Farquhar, Ont. President,Wm. I3ROCK Vice -President, • JOHN ALLISON ' -DIRECTORS THOS. RYAN ; JOHN G. ROY ROBT. NORRIS JAMBS McKENZIE A.GIONTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for • Uaborne and Iliddalph. , OLIVER' HARRIS; Munro, Agent for Ertiblbert: Pullarton And Logan., W:•s4;isT154.NBULL, Secretary -Treasurer R. A. No, 1, Woodham. • GLAD.MAN STANBTIRY Elolleitore, Exeter. DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT • Veterinary Surgeon Oftlee—Baker's Livery on .Tames St Calls promptly attended to day or night, hone e. DR. A. R. KIITSiltAN, „Ii.D., 7nn°7 Grail -nate p4 Toroato ti,L's'` 8117. DE/QUIST Office over Gladnian &- ofilce, Main Street, tixe an our Advor lidc)NEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of prives at funds to loan on farm -and village properties, at lowest rates of -in- terest. OLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Main St, Exeter, Ontario • PERRY.F..DOUTE, Licensed A6?, tiomeer. 'Ebtlee conducted In any Ioc- allty. ',Terine,:moderate, 'Orders left at Times ()Mee will' be spro!Optly at- tended' to. Phone 1116, Ririzton, Addreses'.1tirktonoPe" DR. G. r:.itObtso:Vt L.D.S., D..0 a DiiINTICIST Office over 4, It. , Carling's Law ()face. ' ' ose everY 1,V0diaosl'70$' ,, • ,USE "E)IAMOND DYES'' • Dy's risk , :your 141.01.1 pack- age of '").)itinioliti Dyes" con - tibia directitolis so simpl.,t,. that woman 0111 diainotul-ilya a now, ritib. color into' 01(1 gal :rsu draperies, cOverings, v -bot" I --iih. cc, „,, GO lintel, co L t011. orrctixwl,ir.C.0c)(1,N, .13-n31 "DiarhofidisAte.s."---sit"i' other kind'e-tlibitiptIct Ye' 011110 510 guar:fnit4,. 4;vet: it 310)1 1 Ire 11 ts, ver tlYetl'berate, J)rci'liel ltas "Disitionti Dyte. ole Clard."---' 1 r1cis tsoloraa